
How we Deal with Passive Learners

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#ELTchat on 07/05/2014 on How we deal with passive learners How we deal with passive learners.xlsx



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LizziePinard 5/7/2014 10:57 #eltchat I'm here for once in a blue moon!
teflgeek 5/7/2014 10:58 Morning all #eltchat! Glad I can make it today!
Ashowski 5/7/2014 10:59 @lizziepinard great to have you here Lizza! I like your blog #eltchat
Shaunwilden 5/7/2014 10:59 Gosh everyone is on the ball today not even 12 yet :-) #eltchat
Ashowski 5/7/2014 10:59 @teflgeek good to see you again David :-) welcome! #eltchat
Shaunwilden 5/7/2014 11:01 Good to see it’s the IHers who are on time :-) #eltchat
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:01 @Ashowski #eltchat Thanks! :-)
teflgeek 5/7/2014 11:02 @Shaunwilden well it's either #eltchat or finishing my slides for friday....
Shaunwilden 5/7/2014 11:02 Afternoon all, the topic for #eltchat is dealing with passive learners
Ashowski 5/7/2014 11:02 @shaunwilden would that be me and @LizziePinard ? #eltchat
Marisa_C 5/7/2014 11:02 Hi al and welcome - for the next hour I will be on #ELTchat talking about dealing with passive learners
Shaunwilden 5/7/2014 11:02 @teflgeek Bye then thanks for joining ;-) #eltchat
teflgeek 5/7/2014 11:02 @Shaunwilden shouldn't that be "the topic for #eltchat is how passive learners are dealt with"
GarethSears 5/7/2014 11:02 Hi all! #eltchat newbie here, looking forward to it :D
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:03 RT @teflgeek: @Shaunwilden shouldn't that be "the topic for #eltchat is how passive learners are dealt with"
Shaunwilden 5/7/2014 11:03 @teflgeek hang on let me get a needle and thread #eltchat
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:03 @GarethSears welcome #eltchat
Marisa_C 5/7/2014 11:03 @teflgeek @Shaunwilden sounds a bit more threatening than 'dealing with' - to me at least but hey what do i iknow #eltchat
Ashowski 5/7/2014 11:04 @shaunwilden which IH School do you work at @teflgeek ? I think @LizziePinard is at IH Palermo, right? Shaun obv with @IHWorld #eltchat
Marisa_C 5/7/2014 11:04 RT @Shaunwilden: @teflgeek hang on let me get a needle and thread #eltchat > Lol good one
BobK99 5/7/2014 11:04 @Marisa_C Here #eltchat. Given that I AM one, I should know! (But I don't)
Ashowski 5/7/2014 11:04 @garethsears welcome! hope you enjoy it! #eltchat
Marisa_C 5/7/2014 11:05 So how do we define a passive learner - what do they do or not do? #eltchat
Ashowski 5/7/2014 11:06 @marisa_c I think the most important thing is to highlight they do learn, just they are not active in class #eltchat
Ashowski 5/7/2014 11:06 @marisa_c as a result they might seem quieter, less ready to participate, but things are still going in #eltchat
teflgeek 5/7/2014 11:07 @Marisa_C learners who believe it is possible to learn by osmosis - proximity is enough? #eltchat
Marisa_C 5/7/2014 11:07 @Ashowski So passive does not always equal not learning or indifferent / unmotivated ? #eltchat
BobK99 5/7/2014 11:07 @Marisa_C Prefer working silently, on their own. No discussion. No group work. DEF no role play! #eltchat
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:07 @BobK99 @Marisa_C #eltchat are these not just introverted quiet learners, are they ness passive?
Ashowski 5/7/2014 11:08 @marisa_c exactly! #eltchat
OUPELTGlobal 5/7/2014 11:08 #eltchat I think we can tend to assume wrongly that passive = not learning
Marisa_C 5/7/2014 11:08 Like, on #ELTchat we have a lot of lurkers - are they not getting anything out of it ? :-)
BobK99 5/7/2014 11:09 @LizziePinard @Marisa_C Good question - we need a definition. #eltchat
teflgeek 5/7/2014 11:09 @LizziePinard good point - there's a difference between introverted and passive, but easy to confuse the two! #eltchat
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:09 #eltchat to me "passive" has negative connotations of disengagement and should be distinct from quiet/introverted
Shaunwilden 5/7/2014 11:09 RT @OUPELTGlobal: #eltchat I think we can tend to assume wrongly that passive = not learning
Ashowski 5/7/2014 11:09 RT @OUPELTGlobal: #eltchat I think we can tend to assume wrongly that passive = not learning
Shaunwilden 5/7/2014 11:09 RT @LizziePinard: #eltchat to me "passive" has negative connotations of disengagement and should be distinct from quiet/introverted
Shaunwilden 5/7/2014 11:09 @LizziePinard Very good point lizzie #eltchat
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:10 @Shaunwilden #eltchat …so my Q is, which are we tackling here? or both?
Ashowski 5/7/2014 11:10 @lizziepinard @bobk99 @marisa_c they are indeed and I think the topic is about them #eltchat
OUPELTGlobal 5/7/2014 11:10 #eltchat learning happens inside. Verbalising thoughts is an important step, too. Expression of learning is another step
teflgeek 5/7/2014 11:10 So is an introvert a passive learner who learns, but a disengaged learner is a passive learner who doesn't? #eltchat
Marisa_C 5/7/2014 11:10 So what is our focus - please decide: Indifferent, unmotivated Ss or 'bringing out' those who ARE learning but not evidently #eltchat
Shaunwilden 5/7/2014 11:10 @LizziePinard I suspect the topic setter meant the latter #eltchat
soullessLek 5/7/2014 11:11 RT @OUPELTGlobal: #eltchat learning happens inside. Verbalising thoughts is an important step, too. Expression of learning is another step
Ashowski 5/7/2014 11:11 @marisa_c I'd suspect one can get a lot of out of the #eltchat discussion by reading them alone and not participating
Ashowski 5/7/2014 11:11 @marisa_c of course I'd always encourage to participate in them cos one could get more out of them that way #eltchat
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:11 @teflgeek #eltchat disengaged learners may not necessarily be passive though ;-) (could be actively disruptive!)
BobK99 5/7/2014 11:11 @LizziePinard @Shaunwilden Well, however negative you see it, a passive learner is by defin. a learner; so they're learning. #eltchat
Ashowski 5/7/2014 11:12 @lizziepinard I'd rather be called a passive learner than introverted - for me 'introverted' has more negative connotations #eltchat
OUPELTGlobal 5/7/2014 11:12 #eltchat Don't we naturally read something, process it, then discuss it?
celiojss 5/7/2014 11:12 RT @OUPELTGlobal: #eltchat learning happens inside. Verbalising thoughts is an important step, too. Expression of learning is another step
Shaunwilden 5/7/2014 11:12 RT @BobK99: @LizziePinard @Shaunwilden Well, however negative you see it, a passive learner is by defin. a learner; so they're learning. #e…
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:12 #eltchat I think we need to pin down exactly what we are talking about! is topic setter here?
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:13 @Ashowski #eltchat What's wrong with being an introvert? I'm one!
Shaunwilden 5/7/2014 11:13 @LizziePinard I dont think so, well if they are they’re being passive :-) #eltchat
Ashowski 5/7/2014 11:13 @lizziepinard I am too, I still prefer 'passive' than introvert - brings back too many negative tones from school and learning #eltchat
Marisa_C 5/7/2014 11:14 @GarethSears @Ashowski good point though I have had ss and trainees  who were introverts but rose to the challenge if motivated #eltchat
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:14 #eltchat maybe we need to ditch the labels and describe the behaviour we are tackling?
Shaunwilden 5/7/2014 11:14 RT @LizziePinard: #eltchat maybe we need to ditch the labels and describe the behaviour we are tackling?
Ashowski 5/7/2014 11:14 RT @OUPELTGlobal: #eltchat Don't we naturally read something, process it, then discuss it?
Marisa_C 5/7/2014 11:14 RT @LizziePinard: #eltchat maybe we need to ditch the labels and describe the behaviour we are tackling? > I vote yes
OUPELTGlobal 5/7/2014 11:14 @LizziePinard #eltchat Definitely nothing wrong with being an introvert! :-)
Ashowski 5/7/2014 11:15 RT @LizziePinard: #eltchat maybe we need to ditch the labels and describe the behaviour we are tackling?
Kosjenka 5/7/2014 11:15 @Ashowski @Marisa_C from a passive one:) I learn a lot out here, you make me question my methods and strategies. Enough for me :) #eltchat
OUPELTGlobal 5/7/2014 11:15 RT @Marisa_C: RT @LizziePinard: #eltchat maybe we need to ditch the labels and describe the behaviour we are tackling? > I vote yes #eltchat
Marisa_C 5/7/2014 11:15 I presume then we want to talk abt Ss who do not respond/participate/interact ? #eltchat
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:16 #eltchat so what behaviour is it that we don't want here? We don't want ss to be quiet?
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:16 @Marisa_C beat me to it! :-) #eltchat
Marisa_C 5/7/2014 11:16 @Kosjenka @Ashowski thanks for 'coming out" :-) #eltchat
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:16 RT @Marisa_C: I presume then we want to talk abt Ss who do not respond/participate/interact ? #eltchat
Ashowski 5/7/2014 11:16 RT @Marisa_C: I presume then we want to talk abt Ss who do not respond/participate/interact ? #eltchat
OUPELTGlobal 5/7/2014 11:17 #eltchat This lack of response/ participation/ interaction would be not be good behaviour in a language class where the point is to...
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:17 #eltchat need to remember the quiet ones can still be learning, the loud ones aren't necessarily learning...
GarethSears 5/7/2014 11:18 @LizziePinard quietness is important at times... But when does 'quietness' disrupt a lesson or prevent learning? More questions! #eltchat
teflgeek 5/7/2014 11:18 Maybe a passive learner is one who takes more time to process the input and arrive at their own conclusions, thus seem less engaged #eltchat
robertmclarty 5/7/2014 11:18 @Shaunwilden  I'm being passive but I wouldn't say I wasn't enaged in this chat. #eltchat
OUPELTGlobal 5/7/2014 11:18 #eltchat.... where the point is to communicate
NewbieCELTA 5/7/2014 11:18 #Eltchat I think we try to push learners to THEIR line of challenge, not ours. also, I focus on 'result active motivation' rather than in/ex
teflgeek 5/7/2014 11:19 @LizziePinard I wish more of my YL classes would be "passive" #eltchat
Marisa_C 5/7/2014 11:19 @LizziePinard @OUPELTGlobal Still, point of language learning is language using not just exposure - so what would u do about it? #eltchat
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:19 #eltchat @OUPELTGlobal  can communicate by writing, comm isn't by def noisy
OUPELTGlobal 5/7/2014 11:19 #eltchat perhaps there is a time to reflect (e.g. be passive) and a time to be more active
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:19 @NewbieCELTA #eltchat can you explain more?
GarethSears 5/7/2014 11:19 @teflgeek so revisiting / reviewing those conclusions later is important to find out if something has stuck? #eltchat
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:19 RT @OUPELTGlobal: #eltchat perhaps there is a time to reflect (e.g. be passive) and a time to be more active
NewbieCELTA 5/7/2014 11:20 #eltchat but that said, u have indivs AND a group in classroom. They also function as 'one learner' in some sense/situations
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:20 #eltchat also depends when in the course, if early on could be initial shyness. Edmodo etc could help build confidence/rapport
Ashowski 5/7/2014 11:20 I have a learner who gets 100% and writes English like a native but she won't say a thing in class - learning is taking place #eltchat
OUPELTGlobal 5/7/2014 11:20 @LizziePinard #eltchat I wouldn't equate active with noisy.
Shaunwilden 5/7/2014 11:20 @OUPELTGlobal Agreed, i think sometimes in ELT lessons are too focused on being active  #eltchat
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:20 RT @Ashowski: I have a learner who gets 100% and writes English like a native but she won't say a thing in class - learning is taking place…
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:20 RT @Shaunwilden: @OUPELTGlobal Agreed, i think sometimes in ELT lessons are too focused on being active  #eltchat
Ashowski 5/7/2014 11:20 RT @NewbieCELTA: #Eltchat I think we try to push learners to THEIR line of challenge, not ours. also, I focus on 'result active motivation'…
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:20 RT @OUPELTGlobal: @LizziePinard #eltchat I wouldn't equate active with noisy.
celiojss 5/7/2014 11:20 RT @OUPELTGlobal: #eltchat perhaps there is a time to reflect (e.g. be passive) and a time to be more active
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:21 @OUPELTGlobal #eltchat but if ss aren't communicating when we think they should, then we often consider them passive
Ashowski 5/7/2014 11:21 @newbiecelta @LizziePinard we wouldn't a learner to feel uncomfortable by pushing them further than they want #eltchat
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:21 RT @Ashowski: @newbiecelta @LizziePinard we wouldn't a learner to feel uncomfortable by pushing them further than they want #eltchat
Marisa_C 5/7/2014 11:21 So if we allow our mind to see 'passive' as 'processing input' is that enough #ELTchat - Granted that learning IS taking place
Shaunwilden 5/7/2014 11:21 @Ashowski @newbiecelta @LizziePinard But isn’t our job to push them? #eltchat
teflgeek 5/7/2014 11:21 @GarethSears Ts often have expectations of conclusions where SS go off on other tangents, so what sticks not always what taught #eltchat
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:21 RT @teflgeek: @GarethSears Ts often have expectations of conclusions where SS go off on other tangents, so what sticks not always what taug…
Ashowski 5/7/2014 11:22 @marisa_c @lizziepinard @oupeltglobal I get the actives to speak and the passives to write :-) #eltchat
SalehiHosna 5/7/2014 11:22 @Marisa_C  I always start with intrapersonal activities w these kind of learners then move to interpersonal. #eltchat
teflgeek 5/7/2014 11:22 @GarethSears passivity maybe fear of revealing that or being accused of lack of attention? #eltchat
Ashowski 5/7/2014 11:23 RT @LizziePinard: #eltchat @OUPELTGlobal  can communicate by writing, comm isn't by def noisy
OUPELTGlobal 5/7/2014 11:23 @Shaunwilden #eltchat I agree. We need to offer challenge. That doesn't have to be scary.
NewbieCELTA 5/7/2014 11:23 @LizziePinard motivated by recent, felt success learning = desire for mo', implicated mo' metcog & knowing what/how L is happening #eltchat
Marisa_C 5/7/2014 11:23 To go back to our previous #ELTchat about team building & cohesion, some great ideas there to help Ss feel easier/less afraid to participate
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:23 #eltchat we can work on providing a conducive atmosphere, motivation, opportunities etc.
OUPELTGlobal 5/7/2014 11:24 @teflgeek #eltchat Could be fear. Our job is to help reduce it. Also could be cultural?
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:24 RT @OUPELTGlobal: @Shaunwilden #eltchat I agree. We need to offer challenge. That doesn't have to be scary.
Shaunwilden 5/7/2014 11:24 RT @NewbieCELTA: @LizziePinard @Ashowski Ls need a push, that's the Ts classroom function at least in many contexts IMO #eltchat
OUPELTGlobal 5/7/2014 11:24 RT @LizziePinard: #eltchat we can work on providing a conducive atmosphere, motivation, opportunities etc. #eltchat
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:25 #eltchat maybe less pushing and more enabling - but it's all labels again!
teflgeek 5/7/2014 11:25 @OUPELTGlobal fear of "getting it wrong"? Could be.  Some cultures more tolerant of ambiguity than others #eltchat
NewbieCELTA 5/7/2014 11:25 @Shaunwilden @Ashowski @LizziePinard think so..passive or not, there's push #eltchat maybe different flavor, but u think pass. Ls can't?..
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:25 RT @teflgeek: @OUPELTGlobal fear of "getting it wrong"? Could be.  Some cultures more tolerant of ambiguity than others #eltchat
Ashowski 5/7/2014 11:25 @oupeltglobal @teflgeek in Poland the culture is definitely to be a passive learner - teacher does all talking. Nightmare for #elt #eltchat
Marisa_C 5/7/2014 11:25 Sharing link to previous #ELTchat - loads of great activities to start right   keep building trust, rapport, etc http://t.co/WxPkeh09oN
Shaunwilden 5/7/2014 11:25 @OUPELTGlobal @teflgeek Yes culture has a big part to play in it I think, especially looking at previous learning of Sts #eltchat
SalehiHosna 5/7/2014 11:25 @Marisa_C The Ss are not always afraid of participating, sometimes it's cuz of their character. What should we do with them? #eltchat
GarethSears 5/7/2014 11:26 RT @Marisa_C: Sharing link to previous #ELTchat - loads of great activities to start right   keep building trust, rapport, etc http://t.co/…
Marisa_C 5/7/2014 11:26 RT @SalehiHosna: @Marisa_C The Ss are not always afraid of participating, sometimes it's cuz of their character. What should we do with the…
Ashowski 5/7/2014 11:26 RT @teflgeek: @OUPELTGlobal fear of "getting it wrong"? Could be.  Some cultures more tolerant of ambiguity than others #eltchat
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:26 #eltchat could look at role of mistakes in learning and raise awareness of value of making them n learning from them. in supportive atoms
Mroberts90Matt 5/7/2014 11:26 @Ashowski @NewbieCELTA @LizziePinard Are we not pushing learners when we enable them to learn? Obviously should not be too big... #eltchat
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:26 @LizziePinard #eltchat "atmosphere"
GarethSears 5/7/2014 11:27 RT @LizziePinard: #eltchat could look at role of mistakes in learning and raise awareness of value of making them n learning from them. in …
Ashowski 5/7/2014 11:27 @salehihosna @marisa_c there's not much we can do other than appreciate their character and encourage participation #eltchat
OUPELTGlobal 5/7/2014 11:27 #eltchat I remember the first lang lesson I had where I had to participate orally. Very scary at first, but then really fun. (this after...
GarethSears 5/7/2014 11:27 RT @Ashowski: @oupeltglobal @teflgeek in Poland the culture is definitely to be a passive learner - teacher does all talking. Nightmare for…
NewbieCELTA 5/7/2014 11:27 #eltchat I downplay Sts' diff. motivation - I can affect resultative kind by Ting well & facil. Sts' appreciation & awareness of progress
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:27 @Mroberts90Matt @Ashowski @NewbieCELTA #eltchat for me push indicates force, while enable indicates less forceful bt still providing ops etc
BobK99 5/7/2014 11:27 RT @teflgeek: @OUPELTGlobal ...  Some cultures more tolerant of ambiguity than others #eltchat > AND some more tolerant of ERROR ::-)
teflgeek 5/7/2014 11:27 @Shaunwilden @OUPELTGlobal but "getting it wrong" also includes "deviating from the plan" #eltchat
Shaunwilden 5/7/2014 11:27 RT @BobK99: RT @teflgeek: @OUPELTGlobal ...  Some cultures more tolerant of ambiguity than others #eltchat > AND some more tolerant of ERRO…
Marisa_C 5/7/2014 11:28 RT @Ashowski: @salehihosna @marisa_c there's not much we can do other than appreciate their character and encourage participation #eltchat
Ashowski 5/7/2014 11:28 RT @LizziePinard: @Mroberts90Matt @Ashowski @NewbieCELTA #eltchat for me push indicates force, while enable indicates less forceful bt stil…
teflgeek 5/7/2014 11:28 @BobK99 @OUPELTGlobal and divergence #eltchat
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:28 @BobK99 @teflgeek @OUPELTGlobal hence what i said about awareness-raising #eltchat
Ashowski 5/7/2014 11:28 @lizziepinard @mroberts90matt @newbiecelta I agree! #eltchat
Marisa_C 5/7/2014 11:29 @SalehiHosna It would very much depend on the age for me #Eltchat - more play and chances to shine for YL's show areas of strengh
OUPELTGlobal 5/7/2014 11:30 @SalehiHosna #eltchat Quite right. Maybe find ways to participate that fit their personality. EG if not groups, then 1:1, etc
NewbieCELTA 5/7/2014 11:30 #eltchat can we concretize? Think of a 'passive learner' of yours and report specific approach/events/results...?
Marisa_C 5/7/2014 11:30 @SalehiHosna with adults i usually end up talking abt L2 acquisition and how it works best #eltchat
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:30 @NewbieCELTA:  @Mroberts90Matt @Ashowski Stevick writes about 'control'(T has) vs'initiative'(Ss have) maybe push/enable-semantics#eltchat
BobK99 5/7/2014 11:30 RT @Ashowski: @salehihosna @marisa_c ...not much we can do other than appreciate ... + encourage ... #eltchat >Congratulate? (privately)
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:31 #eltchat extensive reading helped a quiet learner of mine to blossom - she much more confident now
patrickelt 5/7/2014 11:31 @NewbieCELTA #eltchat  I feel wary of characterising learners as passive.  Do we know what is going on internally?
Marisa_C 5/7/2014 11:31 @BobK99 @Ashowski @salehihosna  I like your (privately) contains the idea of 1-2-1 tutorial time which on occasion may be useful #eltchat
Ashowski 5/7/2014 11:31 @newbiecelta one of mine won't speak unless she feels comfortable/forced. I let her speak she wants but I do encourage it *no force #eltchat
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:31 RT @patrickelt: @NewbieCELTA #eltchat  I feel wary of characterising learners as passive.  Do we know what is going on internally?
OUPELTGlobal 5/7/2014 11:32 RT @LizziePinard: #eltchat extensive reading helped a quiet learner of mine to blossom - she much more confident now #eltchat
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:32 @patrickelt @NewbieCELTA #eltchat this why we've ditched the labels
AnthonyTeacher 5/7/2014 11:32 I'm working on a What is DDL blog post. What questions about #DDL do you want answered? #eltchat #tesol #corpus #esl
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:32 RT @Ashowski: @newbiecelta one of mine won't speak unless she feels comfortable/forced. I let her speak she wants but I do encourage it *no…
Ashowski 5/7/2014 11:32 @lizziepinard more comfortable in which way? participating in class? #speaking? #eltchat
NewbieCELTA 5/7/2014 11:32 #eltchat Stevick (1976 I think) writes a lot about Trust - are we thking passivity means less trust poss. Both ways? Passive = vulnerable??
Ashowski 5/7/2014 11:32 @patrickelt @newbiecelta I'd say learning is going on #eltchat
SalehiHosna 5/7/2014 11:33 @Marisa_C I usually use Tic tac toe choice board .Ss have the right to choose the activity first that fit their character #eltchat
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:33 @Ashowski #eltchat more self-belief - she's done well with the reading, done lots, never thought she could before
OUPELTGlobal 5/7/2014 11:33 @Ashowski #eltchat I had a student who barely said a word, but took a lot in. He barely said a word in his own lang, too. felt more...
teflgeek 5/7/2014 11:33 thing is, if a single learner in your class is passive, there might be a hundred reasons why and you can't generalise #eltchat
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:33 RT @teflgeek: thing is, if a single learner in your class is passive, there might be a hundred reasons why and you can't generalise #eltchat
Shaunwilden 5/7/2014 11:33 @SalehiHosna @Marisa_C Sounds interesting how does that work #eltchat
OUPELTGlobal 5/7/2014 11:34 @SalehiHosna #eltchat. yes, I like this idea. works well
Marisa_C 5/7/2014 11:34 @SalehiHosna Nice idea - giving Ss choice of activity #eltchat
teflgeek 5/7/2014 11:34 but if all the students in  your class are passive, then surely you have to re-examine your own teaching, no? #eltchat
Shaunwilden 5/7/2014 11:34 RT @SueAnnan: Hello everyone - I presume you meant to add the hashtag Sue? #eltchat
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:34 @teflgeek Exactly! Plus reasons may vary from moment to moment during the class and across classes #eltchat
angelos_bollas 5/7/2014 11:34 #eltchat Greetings! I ask SS to talk to themselves, record it, and self-correct. Confidence goes up and class participation improves!
OUPELTGlobal 5/7/2014 11:34 @OUPELTGlobal #eltchat.... felt more comfortable with online chat and discussion boards
Marisa_C 5/7/2014 11:34 @NewbieCELTA it may well be lack of trust or confidence - can't be sure - or received ideas about roles of Ts etc #eltchat
Shaunwilden 5/7/2014 11:35 @angelos_bollas Nice idea, how do you convince those that might feel embarrassed by it? #eltchat
teflgeek 5/7/2014 11:35 @LizziePinard bad hair day / not understanding / dog died / didn't do homework / big test tomorrow list goes on #eltchat
patrickelt 5/7/2014 11:35 @OUPELTGlobal @Ashowski #eltchat  I have known this in online courses too.  Some students just do activities on their own and do not seem...
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:35 @OUPELTGlobal #eltchat yup, that's why i suggested Edmodo etc earlier to help with it
NewbieCELTA 5/7/2014 11:35 #eltchat can position 'peer push' too, maybe less 'forceful' & ultimately more fruitful if we want passive L to take models for active ness
patrickelt 5/7/2014 11:35 @OUPELTGlobal @Ashowski ...to engage but actually write good assignment #eltchat
BobK99 5/7/2014 11:35 Idea for another #ELTchat: cultures that encourage by M but not F. Hornets nest, but an interesting one!
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:36 @BobK99 #eltchat M but not F?
patrickelt 5/7/2014 11:36 @Marisa_C @NewbieCELTA Or perhaps just need time to process reflect etc #eltchat
Marisa_C 5/7/2014 11:36 @teflgeek @LizziePinard Lol :-) except for some it lasts for years! #eltchat
Shaunwilden 5/7/2014 11:36 @LizziePinard @BobK99 meaning /form? #eltchat
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:37 RT @patrickelt: @Marisa_C @NewbieCELTA Or perhaps just need time to process reflect etc #eltchat
GarethSears 5/7/2014 11:37 @OUPELTGlobal I found one of my Pass Ss responded well to online platforms. Maybe it helps having a different online 'persona' #eltchat
teflgeek 5/7/2014 11:37 @Shaunwilden @LizziePinard @BobK99 gender roles in ELT no? #eltchat
angelos_bollas 5/7/2014 11:37 @Shaunwilden I bring in class audio clips of me talking to myself! When they understand that it is ok, they do it all the time! #eltchat
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:37 RT @angelos_bollas: @Shaunwilden I bring in class audio clips of me talking to myself! When they understand that it is ok, they do it all t…
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:37 RT @GarethSears: @OUPELTGlobal I found one of my Pass Ss responded well to online platforms. Maybe it helps having a different online 'pers…
Shaunwilden 5/7/2014 11:37 @teflgeek @LizziePinard @BobK99 aha thats makes sense #eltchat
Ashowski 5/7/2014 11:38 @angelos_bollas @Shaunwilden do you get them to practice at home recording themselves? #eltchat
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:39 RT @teflgeek: but if all the students in  your class are passive, then surely you have to re-examine your own teaching, no? #eltchat
Marisa_C 5/7/2014 11:39 @angelos_bollas @Shaunwilden So, giving them examples of monologue (possibly, confidence building) practice? #eltchat
BobK99 5/7/2014 11:39 @LizziePinard Men and boys but not women/girls #eltchat
OUPELTGlobal 5/7/2014 11:39 @Shaunwilden #eltchat gender roles differ so much from culture to culture (and person to person). Males talk more not always true
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:40 #eltchat i think a talk about gender roles etc might end up being too full of sweeping generalisations...
OUPELTGlobal 5/7/2014 11:40 @OUPELTGlobal ie; not generalisable #eltchat
teflgeek 5/7/2014 11:40 @OUPELTGlobal @Shaunwilden interestingly, the topic setter works at a girls school in Islamabad (from brief facebook research). #eltchat
OUPELTGlobal 5/7/2014 11:41 @LizziePinard #eltchat agree
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:41 RT @teflgeek: @OUPELTGlobal @Shaunwilden interestingly, the topic setter works at a girls school in Islamabad (from brief facebook research…
Ashowski 5/7/2014 11:41 @LizziePinard that is easily dealt with if we agree for the chat generalisations exist for a reason #eltchat
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:42 @Ashowski #eltchat and sometimes that reason can be ignorance
OUPELTGlobal 5/7/2014 11:42 @Marisa_C #eltchat sample mono/dialogue good for buliding confidence, then move on. sometimes baby steps best
Ashowski 5/7/2014 11:42 @LizziePinard absolutely #eltchat
teflgeek 5/7/2014 11:42 #eltchat going off topic again - #noplansurvivescontactwiththeenemy
Shaunwilden 5/7/2014 11:42 @angelos_bollas @Ashowski Nice and so easy to do these days given mobile technology #eltchat
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:42 RT @teflgeek: #eltchat going off topic again - #noplansurvivescontactwiththeenemy
Shaunwilden 5/7/2014 11:43 @teflgeek Havent you got slides to prepare? #eltchat
BobK99 5/7/2014 11:43 RT @LizziePinard: #eltchat  ... talk about gender roles etc might end up being too full of sweeping gen'ns... .>Yes (but still a prob for T)
Marisa_C 5/7/2014 11:43 RT @Shaunwilden: @angelos_bollas @Ashowski Nice and so easy to do these days given mobile technology #eltchat
NewbieCELTA 5/7/2014 11:43 #eltchat 'passive Ls' the "wallflowers" at the dance? maybe they just don't feel the music. maybe they hit floor when slowjam is spun #goof
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:43 #eltchat so we seem to have moved to ideas for helping learners be more confident?
GarethSears 5/7/2014 11:43 RT @OUPELTGlobal: @Marisa_C #eltchat sample mono/dialogue good for buliding confidence, then move on. sometimes baby steps best
teflgeek 5/7/2014 11:43 @Shaunwilden there's only another 17 slides left to do. I'll do them at lunchtime. #eltchat
Marisa_C 5/7/2014 11:44 RT @LizziePinard: #eltchat so we seem to have moved to ideas for helping learners be more confident?> plus participate/interact more yes
angelos_bollas 5/7/2014 11:44 @Marisa_C @Shaunwilden Exactly! The more unexpected the sample, the better. e.g. self-talk while driving #eltchat
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:44 #eltchat so i would say then help them discover things they *can* do in English - e.g. extensive reading, listening, sharing on Edmodo etc
Shaunwilden 5/7/2014 11:45 RT @NewbieCELTA: @angelos_bollas @Ashowski @Shaunwilden so is Dogme particularly good for so-called passive learners potentially? #eltchat
OUPELTGlobal 5/7/2014 11:45 #eltchat Tchr personality can draw sts out of shell, too. strict but fair and encouraging. also willing to admit when wrong or make mistakes
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:45 #eltchat to help build up their confidence.
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:45 RT @OUPELTGlobal: #eltchat Tchr personality can draw sts out of shell, too. strict but fair and encouraging. also willing to admit when wro…
Ashowski 5/7/2014 11:45 @NewbieCELTA @angelos_bollas @Shaunwilden my gut reaction would be: no. But can't explain why - need to think about it #eltchat
OUPELTGlobal 5/7/2014 11:46 #eltchat also create a balance in the class of reflective activities and active ones. Experiential learning (Kolb cycle) requires both
teflgeek 5/7/2014 11:46 @Shaunwilden @NewbieCELTA @angelos_bollas @Ashowski I would think not so much as PLs prob need reassurance of structure? #eltchat
NewbieCELTA 5/7/2014 11:46 @Shaunwilden @angelos_bollas @Ashowski maybe mo betta to focus on 'passivity' as condition/response not 'passive' as trait. #eltchat
Ashowski 5/7/2014 11:47 @angelos_bollas really like this recording idea - will message u sometime for more info #elt #eltchat
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:47 RT @OUPELTGlobal: #eltchat also create a balance in the class of reflective activities and active ones. Experiential learning (Kolb cycle) …
angelos_bollas 5/7/2014 11:47 @Shaunwilden @NewbieCELTA @Ashowski As long as the T is organised and experienced enough, why not? #eltchat
Ashowski 5/7/2014 11:47 RT @angelos_bollas: @Shaunwilden @NewbieCELTA @Ashowski As long as the T is organised and experienced enough, why not? #eltchat
OUPELTGlobal 5/7/2014 11:47 @Ashowski #eltchat how would it be any better than anything else?
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:48 #eltchat let them teach you something in their language, and try it, be willing to make mistakes and have fun with it, so they see it's ok
Mroberts90Matt 5/7/2014 11:48 Collaborative learning surely must be implemented, increase confidence and new knowledge Phillips 2013 #eltchat
Ashowski 5/7/2014 11:48 @NewbieCELTA @teflgeek @Shaunwilden @angelos_bollas agreed! #eltchat
teflgeek 5/7/2014 11:48 @OUPELTGlobal @Ashowski tho I suppose it gives space for self expression, when passivity = nothing to say on topic #eltchat
OUPELTGlobal 5/7/2014 11:49 RT @LizziePinard: #eltchat let them teach you something in their language, and try it, be willing to make mistakes and have fun with it,...
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:49 RT @teflgeek: @OUPELTGlobal @Ashowski tho I suppose it gives space for self expression, when passivity = nothing to say on topic #eltchat
Ashowski 5/7/2014 11:49 RT @OUPELTGlobal: RT @LizziePinard: #eltchat let them teach you something in their language, and try it, be willing to make mistakes and ha…
Ashowski 5/7/2014 11:49 @OUPELTGlobal @LizziePinard I do this #eltchat
GarethSears 5/7/2014 11:49 RT @LizziePinard: #eltchat let them teach you something in their language, and try it, be willing to make mistakes and have fun with it, so…
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:49 @Ashowski @OUPELTGlobal #eltchat me too :-)
OUPELTGlobal 5/7/2014 11:50 @Mroberts90Matt #eltchat Create balance between collaborative tasks and individual ones to suit different learing styles. Hard to think...
Ashowski 5/7/2014 11:50 Right guys I have to go back to work. Thanks for the #eltchat
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:50 RT @OUPELTGlobal: @Mroberts90Matt #eltchat Create balance between collaborative tasks and individual ones to suit different learing styles.…
SueAnnan 5/7/2014 11:51 @Shaunwilden sticks tongue out:-). Was just saying Hi in passing. Can't make #eltchat today. Sorry:-(
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:51 RT @SalehiHosna: @Marisa_C Ss are often afraid of making mistake. For building confidence I prefer to start with Tiered activities.#eltchat
BobK99 5/7/2014 11:51 RT @LizziePinard: #eltchat let them teach you something in their language ...> Hmm - could be central pillar of Sch of Wk :-)
KeithRushMoore 5/7/2014 11:52 RT @OUPELTGlobal: RT @LizziePinard: #eltchat let them teach you something in their language, and try it, be willing to make mistakes and ha…
Marisa_C 5/7/2014 11:52 I have also found that talking about how important making mistakes is changes Ss' attitudes #eltchat - we need to ENCOURAGE mistakes
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:52 @BobK99 #eltchat school of what?
OUPELTGlobal 5/7/2014 11:52 @LizziePinard #eltchat Could you explain?
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:52 @Marisa_C #eltchat yeah like I said earlier - awareness raising...
Dimayousef 5/7/2014 11:52 RT @OUPELTGlobal: #eltchat also create a balance in the class of reflective activities and active ones. Experiential learning (Kolb cycle) …
NewbieCELTA 5/7/2014 11:52 @LizziePinard really intrinsic confidence level 2 me is unaccessible, but learning & feltness of that is the spark #eltchat #resultativemot.
GarethSears 5/7/2014 11:52 RT @Marisa_C: I have also found that talking about how important making mistakes is changes Ss' attitudes #eltchat - we need to ENCOURAGE m…
OUPELTGlobal 5/7/2014 11:52 @Marisa_C #eltchat Absolutely!!!
cathywint 5/7/2014 11:52 timely find of #eltchat  class cohesion as planning #L3Award class on setting & maintaining safe environment http://t.co/90Efo2aie6
NewbieCELTA 5/7/2014 11:52 RT @OUPELTGlobal: #eltchat Tchr personality can draw sts out of shell, too. strict but fair and encouraging. also willing to admit when wro…
mattkendrickelt 5/7/2014 11:53 #eltchat re.speaking, ss I've had in mind during this chat rarely join in spontaneously but do when given planning time.
KeithRushMoore 5/7/2014 11:53 @OUPELTGlobal @LizziePinard getting them to explain concepts or tell stories on their own language helps a lot as well #eltchat
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:53 @BobK99 #eltchat Aha!! thanks!
teflgeek 5/7/2014 11:53 Would passive learners fare better in one of @sugatam 's Self Organised Learning Environments?  #eltchat
teflgeek 5/7/2014 11:53 RT @mattkendrickelt: #eltchat re.speaking, ss I've had in mind during this chat rarely join in spontaneously but do when given planning tim…
Marisa_C 5/7/2014 11:53 @teflgeek @sugatam interesting question  :-) #eltchat
NewbieCELTA 5/7/2014 11:54 @Ashowski see u around :) #eltchat
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:54 @teflgeek @sugatam #eltchat is about collaborative learning, right? I think some mentioned earlier that could be a way forward
Marisa_C 5/7/2014 11:54 @teflgeek @sugatam i think those who do are self motivated and driven enough to seek out learning opportunities on their own #eltchat
NewbieCELTA 5/7/2014 11:54 @OUPELTGlobal @LizziePinard yeah, that's a great trust and partnership builder #eltchat !
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:55 #eltchat @teflgeek  Would they be better with online learning and no language school/similar? ;-)
Shaunwilden 5/7/2014 11:55 @teflgeek @sugatam  like in any group work wouldn’t they  they just take a back seat? #eltchat
OUPELTGlobal 5/7/2014 11:55 @mattkendrickelt #eltchat. Yes, good point. let them prepare their ideas beforehand
Marisa_C 5/7/2014 11:55 RT @Shaunwilden: @teflgeek @sugatam  like in any group work wouldn’t they  they just take a back seat? #eltchat > i think they do
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:55 #eltchat ensure that group work is more structured sometimes, so that ss have clear roles
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:56 #eltchat 4 mins to go if I'm not mistaken...
OUPELTGlobal 5/7/2014 11:56 @Shaunwilden #eltchat maybe not if given a role or task they were responsible for as an outcome
teflgeek 5/7/2014 11:56 @LizziePinard @marisa_c @shaunwilden depnds if passive means unmotivated or just uninterested.  Pursuing own agenda cld be perfect #eltchat
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:56 RT @teflgeek: @LizziePinard @marisa_c @shaunwilden depnds if passive means unmotivated or just uninterested.  Pursuing own agenda cld be pe…
Marisa_C 5/7/2014 11:56 @Shaunwilden @teflgeek @sugatam if you checkout sites like myenglishclub same thing happens - active and  less active members #eltchat
SalehiHosna 5/7/2014 11:57 @OUPELTGlobal Ss are often unconfident, cuz Ts dont take into consideration the readiness level of them  @LizziePinard  #eltchat
KeithRushMoore 5/7/2014 11:57 @OUPELTGlobal reflective activities that emphasize personal narratives makes  a nice place for learning and cultural exchanges  #eltchat
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:57 RT @OUPELTGlobal: @Shaunwilden #eltchat maybe not if given a role or task they were responsible for as an outcome
Marisa_C 5/7/2014 11:57 RT @LizziePinard: #eltchat ensure that group work is more structured sometimes, so that ss have clear roles > good advice  structure clearly
OUPELTGlobal 5/7/2014 11:57 @LizziePinard #eltchat I learned Spanish on my own online. didn't make me a confident speaker, though listening, reading, writing good
GarethSears 5/7/2014 11:57 @Marisa_C wrt mistakes I find lang 'play' helps, eg have Ss pick and repeat 1 mistake in convo and until the other finds it #eltchat
Marisa_C 5/7/2014 11:58 RT @GarethSears: @Marisa_C wrt mistakes I find lang 'play' helps, eg have Ss repeat 1 mistake in convo and until the other finds it #eltchat
Shaunwilden 5/7/2014 11:58 @LizziePinard thanks moderator ;-) #eltchat
Shaunwilden 5/7/2014 11:58 Anyone summary writing for us…..#eltchat
OUPELTGlobal 5/7/2014 11:58 @KeithRushMoore #eltchat. agree. and cultural exchanges interest all, it seems
NewbieCELTA 5/7/2014 11:59 @teflgeek @LizziePinard ain't that the rub?!? #eltchat
GarethSears 5/7/2014 11:59 RT @LizziePinard: #eltchat ensure that group work is more structured sometimes, so that ss have clear roles
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:59 @Shaunwilden #eltchat I can do the summary if you want, haven't done one for ages!
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 11:59 RT @Shaunwilden: @LizziePinard thanks moderator ;-) #eltchat  <<hahahah :-p
Shaunwilden 5/7/2014 11:59 Next week’s #eltchat is at 21.00 BST / 20.00GMT
muranava 5/7/2014 12:00 play the #elttalkbingo http://t.co/C0IDLT30FE  inspired by @eltjam :) #eltchat
Shaunwilden 5/7/2014 12:00 @LizziePinard @Marisa_C Thanks Lizzie much appreciated #eltchat
Marisa_C 5/7/2014 12:00 thanks everyone for joining and @LizziePinard for offering to do summary w/o us having to ASK even !!!! :-D #ELtchat
BobK99 5/7/2014 12:01 Time for lunch. Thanks all at #ELTchat ;-)
GarethSears 5/7/2014 12:01 Got to go #eltchat - some really interesting threads, will defo make a second appearance :D cheers!
Shaunwilden 5/7/2014 12:01 @Marisa_C @LizziePinard Well i did ask but she jumped in without hesitation :-) #eltchat
GarethSears 5/7/2014 12:01 RT @Shaunwilden: Next week’s #eltchat is at 21.00 BST / 20.00GMT
SalehiHosna 5/7/2014 12:01 Thanks all, USEFULL AS USUAL :)  #eltchat
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 12:01 #eltchat thanks all, feel nice and inspired for my 4-in-a-row today now! :-)
Shaunwilden 5/7/2014 12:02 See y’all next week #eltchat
Marisa_C 5/7/2014 12:02 Do follow @angelos_bollas new on #ELTchat and new kid on the blog too http://t.co/JT9r72pVYh
LizziePinard 5/7/2014 12:03 RT @Marisa_C: Do follow @angelos_bollas new on #ELTchat and new kid on the blog too http://t.co/JT9r72pVYh
Mroberts90Matt 5/7/2014 12:04 Thanks - first # discussion - found it very informative :) #eltchat


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