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How important is group cohesion in th ELT class and how can we best achieve it

Page history last edited by Marisa Constantinides 10 years, 5 months ago


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Shaunwilden 30/04/2014 19:49 RT @HadaLitim: Tonight's chat's on 'How important is group cohesion in th ELT class & how can we best achieve it?' Join at 9PM BST #eltchat…
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 19:53 May be a good idea to have a quick look at this Wikipedia entry about group cohesiveness, topic of #ELTchat in 7' http://t.co/SHo5I1fbQq
Shaunwilden 30/04/2014 19:54 RT @Marisa_C: May be a good idea to have a quick look at this Wikipedia entry about group cohesiveness, topic of #ELTchat in 7' http://t.co…
HadaLitim 30/04/2014 19:54 @KemparisKostas It's not a link. What you do is you search for the hashtag #eltchat or use Tweetdeck it's easier
SueAnnan 30/04/2014 19:59 #Eltchat Evening everyone. Are we ready to get going?
Shaunwilden 30/04/2014 19:59 @Marisa_C Read it and ready to go #ELTchat
hartle 30/04/2014 19:59 RT @HadaLitim: Tonight's chat's on 'How important is group cohesion in th ELT class & how can we best achieve it?' Join at 9PM BST #eltchat…
hartle 30/04/2014 19:59 RT @Marisa_C: May be a good idea to have a quick look at this Wikipedia entry about group cohesiveness, topic of #ELTchat in 7' http://t.co…
teflerinha 30/04/2014 19:59 #eltchat Here (long time no see) and raring to go...though haven't eaten yet!
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:00 I'm ready #ELTchat - is this group ready to go?
SueAnnan 30/04/2014 20:00 @teflerinha Hi Rachael. Bring your food to the computer :-) #ELTchat
hartle 30/04/2014 20:00 Hi everyone #eltchat got the timing right tonight, for once :-)
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:00 @teflerinha Hi Rachael - #ELTchat good to see you back here
HadaLitim 30/04/2014 20:01 Good evening everyone. Said I wouldn't but can't stay away! This is addictive heeh #eltchat
teflerinha 30/04/2014 20:01 @SueAnnan #eltchat May nip off to do that in a bit!
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:01 @hartle and Sharon!!! Yay #ELTchat
SueAnnan 30/04/2014 20:01 @hartle Hi Sharon #ELTchat Are you feeling better?
HanaTicha 30/04/2014 20:01 @Marisa_C Hello #ELTchat
naomishema 30/04/2014 20:01 Hello #eltchat! Am jumping betweet task and other tasks but will do my best to be here!
teflerinha 30/04/2014 20:01 @Marisa_C Good to be back. Deadlines easing a bit so hopefully won't be absent so much #ELTchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:01 @HanaTicha Hey Hana how have you been ? #ELTchat
HanaTicha 30/04/2014 20:02 @Marisa_C Fine thanks. Ready to go :-) #ELTchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:02 @naomishema cool and grand to see you pls stay on #ELTchat
HadaLitim 30/04/2014 20:02 Hi Naomi and Hana. @naomishema  I know the feeling #ELTchat
SueAnnan 30/04/2014 20:02 Whose topic was this? #ELTchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:03 Put up a link to wikipedia - lots to read on the web on our topic tonight #Eltchat http://t.co/xCKy74M58P
hartle 30/04/2014 20:03 @Marisa_C :-) #eltchat
zshanbatyrova 30/04/2014 20:03 RT @ShellTerrell: Getting Ready to Write A Story http://t.co/weuKwKx5gp ~ @evab2001 #eltchat
Shaunwilden 30/04/2014 20:03 @SueAnnan not mine, he said helpfully #eltchat
hartle 30/04/2014 20:03 @SueAnnan #eltchat thnx Sue, yes I am but had to eliminate almost e erything frm my diet :-((
KemparisKostas 30/04/2014 20:03 #eltchat Hello from Greece
HadaLitim 30/04/2014 20:04 @SueAnnan Someone called Mohamed Mssab Wazzan #ELTchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:04 I iked this reading as well http://t.co/9lFnK2AXXB #ELTchat
teflerinha 30/04/2014 20:04 #eltchat Interesting topic...but BIG.
hartle 30/04/2014 20:04 @naomishema #eltchat hi Naomi, yes, nice to see you.
teflerinha 30/04/2014 20:05 @Marisa_C That looks a good overview #ELTchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:05 I think most of you you will be familiar with the concept of team building - from the business world? #eltchat mostly same as cohesion
naomishema 30/04/2014 20:05 Lovely to see you all #eltchat
hartle 30/04/2014 20:05 @Marisa_C #eltchat you’re raring away there tonight :-)) with all these links.
SueAnnan 30/04/2014 20:05 Do you ever have problems with team building? How do you handle it? #ELTchat
naomishema 30/04/2014 20:06 R we focusing on adults for starters? #ELTchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:06 @hartle A topic i did not suggest but a fave nevertheless - even wrote a blog post about it :-) #eltchat - a loooong time ago
Shaunwilden 30/04/2014 20:06 RT @SueAnnan: Do you ever have problems with team building? How do you handle it? #ELTchat
teflerinha 30/04/2014 20:06 @naomishema #eltchat Good question!
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:06 RT @naomishema: R we focusing on adults for starters? #ELTchat > all - probably will be clearer later
MarjorieRosenbe 30/04/2014 20:06 @Shaunwilden @Marisa_C Am also here. #eltchat
mary28sou 30/04/2014 20:07 Had a very quick look at both the Wpedia and other reading #ELTchat
KemparisKostas 30/04/2014 20:07 #eltchat when students in a cohesive classroom cooperate with each other, they will eventually learn more
SueAnnan 30/04/2014 20:07 @MarjorieRosenbe @Shaunwilden @Marisa_C Great to see you Marjorie #ELTchat
Shaunwilden 30/04/2014 20:07 @naomishema Shall we start with then and see where we go? #ELTchat
teflerinha 30/04/2014 20:07 @SueAnnan #eltchat Yes, definitely at times. Depends on what the problem is ;)
DeepwinterOlya 30/04/2014 20:07 RT @Marisa_C: I iked this reading as well http://t.co/9lFnK2AXXB #ELTchat
designerlessons 30/04/2014 20:07 hello #eltchat
naomishema 30/04/2014 20:08 @Shaunwilden Start with adults IMHO -it's clearer. #ELTchat
teflerinha 30/04/2014 20:08 To give e.g. of difficulty - Once had class with teenagers and one 50 year old... #eltchat
KemparisKostas 30/04/2014 20:08 #eltchat but what is it group cohesion? It is the strength of the relationship linking the members to one another
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:08 Found my blog post - "Storming out or Norming in?" http://t.co/p0skOIjBvY Adding to our links tonight #ELTchat
SueAnnan 30/04/2014 20:08 It was one of the reasons we had the autism training this week #ELTchat
MarjorieRosenbe 30/04/2014 20:08 @teflerinha @Marisa_C Good to see you Rachael #eltchat
designerlessons 30/04/2014 20:09 #eltchat there are lots of things that can get in the way of group cohesion - extremely mixed levels, company hierarchy, mix of Ss ages...
HanaTicha 30/04/2014 20:09 @SueAnnan An interesting post, Sue. #ELTchat
Shaunwilden 30/04/2014 20:09 RT @designerlessons: #eltchat there are lots of things that can get in the way of group cohesion - extremely mixed levels, company hierarch…
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:09 @SueAnnan Oh? that sounds interesting - building a sense of communitiy in the learners? #ELTchat
teflerinha 30/04/2014 20:09 RT @designerlessons: #eltchat there are lots of things that can get in the way of group cohesion - extremely mixed levels, company hierarch…
Shaunwilden 30/04/2014 20:09 @Marisa_C @SueAnnan Do learners actually want a sense of community? #ELTchat
naomishema 30/04/2014 20:10 How about pure competitive issues - they certainly disrupt cohesion if only best r praised #ELTchat
MarjorieRosenbe 30/04/2014 20:10 @naomishema hi Naomi #eltchat Also jumping between things.
SueAnnan 30/04/2014 20:10 @Marisa_C Was actually teachers having difficulty with class members that prompted the cry for help #ELTchat
hartle 30/04/2014 20:10 #eltchat I was wondering if such a thing really exists in big uni classes. There is some cohesion netween some people.
teflerinha 30/04/2014 20:10 @designerlessons #eltchat Yes, IME, big differences can cause problems- but actually so can stds being too similar
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:10 @designerlessons true - the link i sent mentions some of the pitfalls - it's not all a bed of roses #Eltchat http://t.co/9lFnK2AXXB
hartle 30/04/2014 20:11 @SueAnnan #eltchat. Sunds fascinating. Wht did you learn?
KemparisKostas 30/04/2014 20:11 #eltchat cooperative learning is an instructional approach which promotes the growth of group cohesion in lang classes
EdLaur 30/04/2014 20:12 RT @teflerinha: @designerlessons #eltchat Yes, IME, big differences can cause problems- but actually so can stds being too similar
SueAnnan 30/04/2014 20:12 @Shaunwilden @Marisa_C  My learners don't always. They like to be individual sometimes. #ELTchat
hartle 30/04/2014 20:12 #eltchat I like the idea of mutual attractiveness, people who like each other gel.
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:12 So - despite the difficulties do you find that a good team feeling helps the learning effort? #ELTchat
designerlessons 30/04/2014 20:13 @teflerinha very true, esp. with teens - similarities lead to competition that isn't very conducive to group cohesion #eltchat
Shaunwilden 30/04/2014 20:13 RT @hartle: #eltchat I like the idea of mutual attractiveness, people who like each other gel.
EdLaur 30/04/2014 20:13 RT @Marisa_C: @designerlessons true - the link i sent mentions some of the pitfalls - it's not all a bed of roses #Eltchat http://t.co/9lFn…
HanaTicha 30/04/2014 20:13 RT @Marisa_C: So - despite the difficulties do you find that a good team feeling helps the learning effort? #ELTchat Absolutely!
designerlessons 30/04/2014 20:13 RT @Marisa_C: @designerlessons true - the link i sent mentions some of the pitfalls - it's not all a bed of roses #Eltchat http://t.co/9lFn…
hartle 30/04/2014 20:13 @EdLaur #eltchat yes, if too similar often little discussin to stretch them
MarjorieRosenbe 30/04/2014 20:13 Reading the description made me think of cooperative learning activities which can build cohesion. #eltchat
designerlessons 30/04/2014 20:13 @Marisa_C shall have a read! #eltchat
KateLloyd05 30/04/2014 20:13 @Marisa_C I think when they are more comfortable with each other they are more likely to participate and make mistakes. #eltchat
Shaunwilden 30/04/2014 20:13 @SueAnnan @Marisa_C Yes many of mine did too didn’t seem to inhibit their language learning #ELTchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:14 @designerlessons A Q always in my mind - can you have too much collaboration and not enough competition? #ELTchat
naomishema 30/04/2014 20:14 My adults liked that I named the class, a bit of a tribal feeling. It was level D (lowest) hence "Open Door" #ELTchat
teflerinha 30/04/2014 20:14 @designerlessons Yes, and a certain degree of boredom with finding out about each other #ELTchat
Shaunwilden 30/04/2014 20:14 @Marisa_C @designerlessons Do we need competition? #ELTchat
teflerinha 30/04/2014 20:14 #eltchat Struggling with tweetdeck..very SLOW.
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:14 RT @teflerinha: @designerlessons Yes, and a certain degree of boredom with finding out about each other #ELTchat > Fun activities key
hartle 30/04/2014 20:15 RT @HanaTicha: RT @Marisa_C: So - do you find that a good team feeling helps the learning effort? #ELTchat Absolutely! Yes!
SueAnnan 30/04/2014 20:15 @Marisa_C @designerlessons Is competition being bred out of classrooms ? A bit is healthyIMHO #ELTchat
naomishema 30/04/2014 20:15 @Shaunwilden @Marisa_C @designerlessons Depends how we react to competition. Got to leave room for the weak ones, #eltchat Some is healthy.
teflerinha 30/04/2014 20:16 #eltchat It helps if you help stds to find things they like abt each other
MarjorieRosenbe 30/04/2014 20:16 @naomishema have done some similar things with giving names to groups, coming up with slogans, fun stuff.  #eltchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:16 @SueAnnan @naomishema @designerlessons @Shaunwilden agree some competitiveness healthy #eltchat perhaps grps can compete w/ other grps
designerlessons 30/04/2014 20:16 @Marisa_C everything in moderation I guess - It would depend on each group. a mixed level group prob. shouldn't be too competitive #eltchat
hartle 30/04/2014 20:16 RT @MarjorieRosenbe: Reading the description made me ... #eltchat this is key in social learning, the sense of building something together.
naomishema 30/04/2014 20:16 RT @MarjorieRosenbe: @naomishema have done some similar things with giving names to groups, coming up with slogans, fun stuff.  #eltchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:16 RT @MarjorieRosenbe: @naomishema have done some similar things with giving names to groups, coming up with slogans, fun stuff.  #eltchat\
Shaunwilden 30/04/2014 20:16 RT @designerlessons: @Marisa_C everything in moderation I guess - It would depend on each group. a mixed level group prob. shouldn't be to…
hartle 30/04/2014 20:17 RT @Shaunwilden: @Marisa_C @designerlessons Do we need competition? #ELTchat don’t think we can avoid it. It’s human nature.
designerlessons 30/04/2014 20:17 @Marisa_C but competition can definitely stretch students, and it's something I think can be encouraged, as long as it's friendly #eltchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:17 @hartle @MarjorieRosenbe absolutely  - and mostly informed by social group theories (goes well with connectivism, doesn't it) #ELTchat
designerlessons 30/04/2014 20:17 RT @hartle: RT @Shaunwilden: @Marisa_C @designerlessons Do we need competition? #ELTchat don’t think we can avoid it. It’s human nature.
MarjorieRosenbe 30/04/2014 20:17 @SueAnnan @Marisa_C @designerlessons Agree. I do activities in groups and the winners get stickers. They love it. #eltchat
naomishema 30/04/2014 20:18 @MarjorieRosenbe @SueAnnan @Marisa_C @designerlessons stickers for adults? #ELTchat
KateLloyd05 30/04/2014 20:18 @designerlessons @Marisa_C depends how you group them up. Mix up levels into smaller groups to create competition btw small teams. #eltchat
HanaTicha 30/04/2014 20:18 @designerlessons @Marisa_C Competition yes. We had a slogan: The survival of the fittest. We used it when somebody succeeded. Fun #ELTchat
SueAnnan 30/04/2014 20:18 @designerlessons @Marisa_C AS long as they are stretched and not stressed its okay.Have a difficult group cohesion-wise at the mo. #ELTchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:18 I cannot help but mention the ELT bible of group cohesion - Jill Hadfield's Classroom Dynamics #eltchat
teflerinha 30/04/2014 20:18 RT @Marisa_C: I cannot help but mention the ELT bible of group cohesion - Jill Hadfield's Classroom Dynamics #eltchat
hartle 30/04/2014 20:18 RT @naomishema: @Shaunwilden @Marisa_C @designerlessons Depends how we react to competition. , #eltchat prizes go to the weaker ones.
rosemerebard 30/04/2014 20:18 RT @designerlessons: @Marisa_C everything in moderation I guess - It would depend on each group. a mixed level group prob. shouldn't be to…
Shaunwilden 30/04/2014 20:19 RT @Marisa_C: I cannot help but mention the ELT bible of group cohesion - Jill Hadfield's Classroom Dynamics #eltchat great book :-)
SueAnnan 30/04/2014 20:19 RT @Marisa_C: I cannot help but mention the ELT bible of group cohesion - Jill Hadfield's Classroom Dynamics #eltchat
rosemerebard 30/04/2014 20:19 RT @Marisa_C: @SueAnnan @naomishema @designerlessons @Shaunwilden agree some competitiveness healthy #eltchat perhaps grps can compete w/ o…
naomishema 30/04/2014 20:19 @hartle How do organize prizes for weaker ones? Different tasks? #ELTchat
EdLaur 30/04/2014 20:20 RT @Marisa_C: I cannot help but mention the ELT bible of group cohesion - Jill Hadfield's Classroom Dynamics #eltchat
hartle 30/04/2014 20:20 RT @Marisa_C: I cannot help but mention the ELT bible of group cohesion - Jill Hadfield’s Classroom Dynamics #eltchat yeahhhh
teflerinha 30/04/2014 20:20 #eltchat Other aspects we could discuss: group decision making, roles in groups, leadership, negotiating, difficulties..
designerlessons 30/04/2014 20:20 RT @HanaTicha: @designerlessons @Marisa_C Competition yes. We had a slogan: The survival of the fittest. We used it when somebody succeeded…
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:20 RT @teflerinha: #eltchat Other aspects we could discuss: group decision making, roles in groups, leadership, negotiating, difficulties..
MarjorieRosenbe 30/04/2014 20:21 @Marisa_C Great book. I still use ides from it. Love the 'looking for ideal language learner'. #eltchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:21 @teflerinha shared responsibilities - group roles and tasks - and some rotation? #ELTchat
hartle 30/04/2014 20:21 RT @naomishema: @hartle How do organize prizes? #ELTchat do a competition & give consolation prizes.
KateLloyd05 30/04/2014 20:21 @naomishema @hartle give prizes for things other than getting answers right - best drawing/most effort/most English spoken #eltchat
HanaTicha 30/04/2014 20:21 @naomishema @hartle Even the weaker ones have strengths - good to find them, rather than make up different tasks. #ELTchat
designerlessons 30/04/2014 20:21 RT @SueAnnan: @designerlessons @Marisa_C AS long as they are stretched and not stressed its okay.Have a difficult group cohesion-wise at th…
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:21 RT @MarjorieRosenbe: @Marisa_C Great book. I still use ides from it. Love the 'looking for ideal language learner'. #eltchat > me 2
SueAnnan 30/04/2014 20:21 We always start by negotiting class content for the week. Gives the weaker sts a voice. #ELTchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:22 @MarjorieRosenbe We write a letter for every new course :-) #ELTchat
hartle 30/04/2014 20:22 #eltchat tried project writing this term with wikispaces classroom but stds often only post own work, for display at uni.
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:22 I also think it's key to show Ss that not everyone is good at everything but as a group they are a greater force #ELTchat
SueAnnan 30/04/2014 20:22 @Marisa_C @MarjorieRosenbe Nice idea #ELTchat
teflerinha 30/04/2014 20:23 @Marisa_C I think sharing out responsibilities is great for group cohesion. #ELTchat
HanaTicha 30/04/2014 20:23 RT @Marisa_C: I also think it's key to show Ss that not everyone is good at everything but as a group they are a greater force #ELTchat
MarjorieRosenbe 30/04/2014 20:23 @hartle @naomishema I give reward stickers also for trying hard, not just being best. #eltchat
teflerinha 30/04/2014 20:23 RT @Marisa_C: I also think it's key to show Ss that not everyone is good at everything but as a group they are a greater force #ELTchat
hartle 30/04/2014 20:23 RT @KateLloyd05: @naomishema @hartle give prizes for things other - best drawing/most effort/most English spoken #eltchat good ideas :-)
naomishema 30/04/2014 20:23 @HanaTicha @hartle But that's what different tasks means - Student R  is good at grammar gets grammar Q, student T get vocab Q, #ELTchat
teflerinha 30/04/2014 20:24 #eltchat Building trust between gp members is important too - don't mean trust games tho ! ;)
EdLaur 30/04/2014 20:24 “@teflerinha: @Marisa_C I think sharing out responsibilities is great for group cohesion. #ELTchat” Definitely. Many benefits.
hartle 30/04/2014 20:24 RT @MarjorieRosenbe: @hartle @naomishema I give reward stickers also for trying hard, not just being best. #eltchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:24 Goal setting at the start of a course; deciding on grp/class rules etc are great ways of developing responsibility as a group #ELTchat
teflerinha 30/04/2014 20:24 RT @Marisa_C: Goal setting at the start of a course; deciding on grp/class rules etc are great ways of developing responsibility as a group…
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:25 RT @teflerinha: #eltchat Building trust between gp members is important too - don't mean trust games tho ! ;)
designerlessons 30/04/2014 20:25 @hartle @KateLloyd05 @naomishema and best teamwork :) #eltchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:25 RT @designerlessons: @hartle @KateLloyd05 @naomishema and best teamwork :) #eltchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:25 @designerlessons @hartle @KateLloyd05 @naomishema yes - reward team effort not jus tindividual #ELTchat
SueAnnan 30/04/2014 20:26 with teens we allow them to put forward class rules , and sanctions for breaking them. Works a treat. #ELTchat
tnEducation_ 30/04/2014 20:26 RT @ShellTerrell: Getting Ready to Write A Story http://t.co/weuKwKx5gp ~ @evab2001 #eltchat
hartle 30/04/2014 20:26 #eltchat new std arrived last week, & everyone very helpful innclass so maybe there is social cohesion even at uni. :-)
Lnggs 30/04/2014 20:26 RT @Marisa_C: I also think it's key to show Ss that not everyone is good at everything but as a group they are a greater force #ELTchat
hartle 30/04/2014 20:26 RT @Marisa_C: Goal setting at the start of a course; deciding on grp/class rules etc are great ways of developing responsibility as a group…
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:26 there is a great team building activ in hadfield to find a group name, logo, slogan etc - now can think of a rhyme a rap! #ELTchat
teflerinha 30/04/2014 20:26 #eltchat 'Teacherless' tasks with feedback at the end on interaction can be good for building awareness of dynamics/roles
naomishema 30/04/2014 20:26 RT @SueAnnan: with teens we allow them to put forward class rules , and sanctions for breaking them. Works a treat. #ELTchat
MarjorieRosenbe 30/04/2014 20:27 I also thank sts when they help weaker ones. I think they need to know that this is helpful. Leads to more cohesion. #eltchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:27 we had 12 delta trainees who named themselves "The Dirty Dozen" collaboration was phenomenal #ELTchat
SueAnnan 30/04/2014 20:27 Its necessary in TTed too. How about online teaching? #ELTchat
KateLloyd05 30/04/2014 20:28 @Marisa_C @teflerinha givin them time + activities 2 get 2 no each other vital 4 that inc, general chatting time #eltchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:28 RT @SueAnnan: Its necessary in TTed too. How about online teaching? #ELTchat > still needs to be done - need more mutual support
MarjorieRosenbe 30/04/2014 20:28 @Marisa_C Triedcthis once when class was very difficut and it helped. Had forgotten that. #eltchat
naomishema 30/04/2014 20:28 @teflerinha An adult S complained that during groupwork I didn't stop him from surfing FB & its my job to teach him frontally #eltchat sigh
mary28sou 30/04/2014 20:28 Also imp to help group disperse gracefully at end of course, when members go their separate ways, not just break up abruptly. #ELTchat
MarjorieRosenbe 30/04/2014 20:29 @Marisa_C @designerlessons @hartle @KateLloyd05 @naomishema Like in cooperative learning. #eltchat
SueAnnan 30/04/2014 20:29 @mary28sou Social media helps with that these days. My students share emails, FB etc #ELTchat
EdLaur 30/04/2014 20:29 RT @KateLloyd05: @Marisa_C @teflerinha givin them time + activities 2 get 2 no each other vital 4 that inc, general chatting time #eltchat
teflerinha 30/04/2014 20:29 @naomishema Ah well, there is always one ;) #eltchat
teflerinha 30/04/2014 20:29 @SueAnnan Good point! REALLY important in online teaching I think so stds dont feel isolated. #ELTchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:29 @mary28sou perhaps that could be part of a class rules decision - Best suggestion I can give is start on day ONE - don't neglect #ELTchat
teflerinha 30/04/2014 20:30 @SueAnnan Really important for online TTD courses such as DELTA- can feel v lonely. #ELTchat
SueAnnan 30/04/2014 20:30 RT @teflerinha: @SueAnnan Good point! REALLY important in online teaching I think so stds dont feel isolated. #ELTchat I agree :-)
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:30 social media yes - maybe a secret facebook group? #ELTchat
Shaunwilden 30/04/2014 20:30 RT @SueAnnan: RT @teflerinha: @SueAnnan Good point! REALLY important in online teaching I think so stds dont feel isolated. #ELTchat I agre…
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:31 RT @teflerinha: @SueAnnan Really important for online TTD courses such as DELTA- can feel v lonely. #ELTchat > a social network helps
SueAnnan 30/04/2014 20:31 @Marisa_C That works well for my Cert groups too.  #ELTchat
naomishema 30/04/2014 20:31 RT @teflerinha: #eltchat 'Teacherless' tasks with feedback at the end on interaction can be good for building awareness of dynamics/roles
MarjorieRosenbe 30/04/2014 20:31 @SueAnnan @mary28sou Mine email but not sure is the use FB with each other. #eltchat
hartle 30/04/2014 20:31 RT @naomishema: @teflerinha An adult S complained that during groupwork I didn’t stop him... #eltchat sigh there are jerks everywhere :-((
hartle 30/04/2014 20:31 RT @SueAnnan: @mary28sou Social media helps with that these days. My students share emails, FB etc #ELTchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:32 @hartle @naomishema @teflerinha Lol - yes!!! accept it as part of life #ELTchat
DeepwinterOlya 30/04/2014 20:32 RT @Marisa_C: RT @SueAnnan: Its necessary in TTed too. How about online teaching? #ELTchat > still needs to be done - need more mutual supp…
HanaTicha 30/04/2014 20:33 What about a group that was too cohesive (teens) and turned against Ts. When separate ss were ok but together a dangerous crowd #ELTchat
hartle 30/04/2014 20:33 #eltchat providing a meaningful framewrok for teacherless activity really important, setting the right task, with the right people.
naomishema 30/04/2014 20:33 @HanaTicha oy...#eltchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:33 @HanaTicha that's not a learning group but a gang!! #ELTchat
designerlessons 30/04/2014 20:34 @Marisa_C @hartle @naomishema @teflerinha He wants to be treated like a kid...should have called his mother. #eltchat
teflerinha 30/04/2014 20:34 @HanaTicha Well known feature of gps unfortunately is turning on one person #ELTchat
HanaTicha 30/04/2014 20:34 @Marisa_C Literally! #ELTchat
mary28sou 30/04/2014 20:34 saw "farewell" mingle at Pilgrims grp members all had a paper on their backs,all wrote what they would remember about each other #ELTchat
ditaphillips 30/04/2014 20:34 @MarjorieRosenbe @SueAnnan @mary28sou found learners don't always know how to give fb, need training #eltchat
hartle 30/04/2014 20:34 @HanaTicha #eltchat I once had a class tht gelled so well tht after FCE exam all went off and organised own classes away frm school!!
SueAnnan 30/04/2014 20:34 @mary28sou Nice activity :-) #ELTchat
MarjorieRosenbe 30/04/2014 20:35 @hartle @naomishema @teflerinha Sometimes they expect us to perform miracles. Teachers are still expected to know everything.  #eltchat
EdLaur 30/04/2014 20:35 @teflerinha @SueAnnan Being encouraged to share about own life, comment and ask questions of others can help create online 'bonds" #eltchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:35 @mary28sou yes another great activity "Remember when" also sending tthank you notes to each other at the end of a day or a course #ELTchat
HanaTicha 30/04/2014 20:35 @hartle That's the better alternative. :-) I'd be proud of them as the teacher #ELTchat
naomishema 30/04/2014 20:35 RT @Marisa_C: @mary28sou yes another great activity "Remember when" also sending tthank you notes to each other at the end of a day or a co…
naomishema 30/04/2014 20:36 RT @MarjorieRosenbe: @hartle @naomishema @teflerinha Sometimes they expect us to perform miracles. Teachers are still expected to know ever…
teflerinha 30/04/2014 20:36 @HanaTicha Dynamics of scapegoating in small groups http://t.co/LuOPyoeUH2 #ELTchat
HanaTicha 30/04/2014 20:36 RT @teflerinha: @HanaTicha Dynamics of scapegoating in small groups http://t.co/LuOPyoeUH2 #ELTchat
hartle 30/04/2014 20:36 #eltchat important tht cohesion building activities meaningful, & everyone comfortable with them. Respect for learner’s expectations.
naomishema 30/04/2014 20:36 RT @hartle: #eltchat important tht cohesion building activities meaningful, & everyone comfortable with them. Respect for learner’s expecta…
MarjorieRosenbe 30/04/2014 20:36 @HanaTicha Had with adults as well. It became a social hout and the lesson was just superfluous. #eltchat
SueAnnan 30/04/2014 20:36 RT @hartle: #eltchat important tht cohesion building activities meaningful, & everyone comfortable with them. Respect for learner’s expecta…
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:37 with YLs a nice idea start the lesson with "compliments' praising other Ss for sth and ending with 'thank you' notes #eltchat
EdLaur 30/04/2014 20:37 @mary28sou Great idea. Must use that in future! #eltchat
hartle 30/04/2014 20:37 RT @HanaTicha: @hartle That’s the better alternative. :-) I’d be proud of them as the teacher #ELTchat :-)
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:38 Here is a small "Remember When" padlet http://t.co/d6QNpsxkXr #ELTchat
mary28sou 30/04/2014 20:39 Tnx for scapegoating article Hana looks like not free though@HanaTicha #ELTchat
naomishema 30/04/2014 20:39 @Marisa_C LOvely #ELTchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:39 oops sorry this is the right 'remember when padlet http://t.co/relDMCIZdh #ELTchat
MarjorieRosenbe 30/04/2014 20:39 @Marisa_C Also activities that encourage sts to praise each other, use positive adjectives to describe others, etc #eltchat
SueAnnan 30/04/2014 20:39 RT @Marisa_C: oops sorry this is the right 'remember when padlet http://t.co/relDMCIZdh #ELTchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:40 RT @MarjorieRosenbe: @Marisa_C Also activities that encourage sts to praise each other, use positive adjectives to describe others, etc #el…
hartle 30/04/2014 20:40 #eltchat if there is trust & respect btwn stds & teacher then all kimds of activities cn be used. But positive comments need to be “real”
HanaTicha 30/04/2014 20:40 @mary28sou It was actually @teflerinha 's recommendation. #ELTchat
naomishema 30/04/2014 20:40 @Marisa_C Moving! #ELTchat
ditaphillips 30/04/2014 20:40 @Marisa_C actually done compliments with adults too, they loved it! #ELTchat
hartle 30/04/2014 20:41 RT @Marisa_C: Here is a small “Remember When” padlet http://t.co/kMTWUbkK9B #ELTchat lovely :-)
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:41 @MarjorieRosenbe especially younger kids - can be cruel to each other - good behaviour must be modelled #ELTchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:41 RT @ditaphillips: @Marisa_C actually done compliments with adults too, they loved it! #ELTchat oh that's great! :-)
MahmoodHosni 30/04/2014 20:41 RT @Shaunwilden: RT @Marisa_C: I cannot help but mention the ELT bible of group cohesion - Jill Hadfield's Classroom Dynamics #eltchat grea…
designerlessons 30/04/2014 20:42 RT @Marisa_C: @MarjorieRosenbe especially younger kids - can be cruel to each other - good behaviour must be modelled #ELTchat
HanaTicha 30/04/2014 20:42 Do you believe that it's good to detect the 'leader' of the group and bulid a good relationship with them: Any potential dangers? #ELTchat
mary28sou 30/04/2014 20:42 @Marisa_C I will try such a padlet if get the chance thanks #eltchat
MarjorieRosenbe 30/04/2014 20:42 @hartle agree. When it works it's great. Question is what to do when it doesn't.  #eltchat
EdLaur 30/04/2014 20:43 @MarjorieRosenbe @Marisa_C #eltchat I've started working on giving constructive peer feedback with my uni groups. It takes time but is great
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:43 @HanaTicha I think every grp will have a leader whether appointed or not - also an artist, a worker , an ideas person, a comedian #ELTchat
SueAnnan 30/04/2014 20:43 @HanaTicha doesn't that change class dynamics? Not very cohesive? #ELTchat
naomishema 30/04/2014 20:43 @HanaTicha sometimes 1 or 2 take over and don't give others a chance. Tricky! #ELTchat
mary28sou 30/04/2014 20:43 With adult especially in-company it's useful to build relationship with 'leader' #ELTchat
KateLloyd05 30/04/2014 20:43 @HanaTicha yes. To find out who might be a problem in future and win them over early. They bring others #eltchat
KateLloyd05 30/04/2014 20:44 @HanaTicha if u come into a ready made gp. Taking over an existing class is challenging #eltchat
HanaTicha 30/04/2014 20:44 RT @KateLloyd05: yes. To find out who might be a problem in future and win them over early. They bring others #eltchat That's what I meant!
hartle 30/04/2014 20:44 Introducing each other online gd for icebreaking too with phitos etc. http://t.co/i3NanhC03t #eltchat
naomishema 30/04/2014 20:45 @hartle yeah, edmodo helped me with that! #eltchat
designerlessons 30/04/2014 20:45 @HanaTicha perhaps seeking out one student to build rapport with might seem strange to other Ss. I'd be wary of that #eltchat
ditaphillips 30/04/2014 20:45 @HanaTicha depends on the nature of their "leadership",I think. Power or charm? #eltchat
SueAnnan 30/04/2014 20:45 RT @hartle: Introducing each other online gd for icebreaking too with phitos etc. http://t.co/i3NanhC03t #eltchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:45 @EdLaur @MarjorieRosenbe the idea is that in a cohesive group feedback not painful or demeaning but positiive and constructive #ELTchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:46 RT @naomishema: @hartle yeah, edmodo helped me with that! #eltchat > glad you mentioned Edmodo - great for this end
naomishema 30/04/2014 20:46 RT @hartle: Introducing each other online gd for icebreaking too . http://t.co/2dcbW2NTyM #eltchat > wow! Do ss read it? IMPRESSIVE!
MarjorieRosenbe 30/04/2014 20:46 @HanaTicha We learn to do this in NLP. Can be powerful way to set up group rapport. #eltchat
HanaTicha 30/04/2014 20:46 @ditaphillips Can be both. Definitely positive aspects of leadership. #ELTchat
teflerinha 30/04/2014 20:46 @HanaTicha @mary28sou Ah,sorry. interesting idea though- ppl scapegoat 2 externalise their anxiety -put it onto someone else #ELTchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:46 RT @naomishema: RT @hartle: Introducing each other online gd for icebreaking too . http://t.co/o1mDznCMcW #eltchat > they do and love it!
PennySchlembach 30/04/2014 20:47 RT @Marisa_C: I think most of you you will be familiar with the concept of team building - from the business world? #eltchat mostly same as…
SueAnnan 30/04/2014 20:47 @teflerinha @HanaTicha @mary28sou  also quite cultural #ELTchat
PennySchlembach 30/04/2014 20:47 RT @SueAnnan: Do you ever have problems with team building? How do you handle it? #ELTchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:47 I think the most difficult grps to do such stuff with are groups of dour business people ! Lol #ELTchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:48 RT @SueAnnan: Do you ever have problems with team building? How do you handle it? #ELTchat
hartle 30/04/2014 20:48 @naomishema #eltchat yes, we do it at beginning of course & they talk abt their towns etc. They bond with this quite a lot.
EdLaur 30/04/2014 20:48 “@naomishema: @hartle yeah, edmodo helped me with that! #eltchat” We use Facebook groups.
SueAnnan 30/04/2014 20:48 @Marisa_C Got one of them at the mo. French with one, lower level German- Dire! #ELTchat
teflerinha 30/04/2014 20:49 #eltchat But actively seeking out things you like/have in common w/ difficult stds is a good strategy I think.
EdLaur 30/04/2014 20:50 @Marisa_C @MarjorieRosenbe #eltchat And builds trust among group members, can appreciate feedback and comments as real and valuable
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:50 @SueAnnan I find that if I neglect to get group cohesion stuff in early on, bad habits can set in quite quickly #eltchat then hard to remove
hartle 30/04/2014 20:50 RT @Marisa_C:the most difficult #ELTchat I once had totally demotivated adults gen. Eng. Never wanted to contribute anything blood/stones
teflerinha 30/04/2014 20:50 RT @Marisa_C: @SueAnnan I find that if I neglect to get group cohesion stuff in early on, bad habits can set in quite quickly #eltchat then…
SueAnnan 30/04/2014 20:50 @Marisa_C yes my class are still brand new, so working on it :-) #ELTchat
MarjorieRosenbe 30/04/2014 20:51 @Marisa_C Depends on business people. My current group is a blast. #eltchat
mary28sou 30/04/2014 20:51 Overstocked with dour elt Ss in Hungary...#ELTchat
hartle 30/04/2014 20:51 #eltchat sorry e eryone, have to go. Nice to chat again with everyone :-)
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:52 @MarjorieRosenbe you are blessed then - have had such ss too and they are a joy to teach #ELTchat
SueAnnan 30/04/2014 20:52 @hartle Take care of yourself :-) #ELTchat
EdLaur 30/04/2014 20:52 @Marisa_C #eltchat  'Dour"?? Do such students really exist? I'm sure you can shake it out of them in minutes!!
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:52 @mary28sou may be we should do another #eltchat how to lighten up the grumpy ones :-D
SueAnnan 30/04/2014 20:52 @MarjorieRosenbe @Marisa_C It's great when that happens #ELTchat
mary28sou 30/04/2014 20:53 I know a few tricks...#ELTchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:53 @EdLaur I always end up blaming myself if i haven't tho i think you have a point there #ELTchat
SueAnnan 30/04/2014 20:53 RT @Philip_Saxon: It may help students to relax if you say "a mistake is a gift to the class". That's better for cohesion, too. #ELTchat
MarjorieRosenbe 30/04/2014 20:53 @hartle Bye Sharon #eltchat
hartle 30/04/2014 20:53 @SueAnnan #eltchat you too Sue :-)
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:54 RT @mary28sou: I know a few tricks...#ELTchat we need to know'em
teflerinha 30/04/2014 20:54 #eltchat Son having trouble with 'creepy things' in cupboard off his room- got to go. Nice chatting
SueAnnan 30/04/2014 20:55 We're getting close to the point where we need a volunteer for the summary. Anyone? #ELTchat
Philip_Saxon 30/04/2014 20:55 A mistake is a gift to the class - saying something similar can be good for cohesion and help students relax. #ELTchat
naomishema 30/04/2014 20:55 RT @Philip_Saxon: "A mistake is a gift to the class" - saying something similar can be good for cohesion and help students relax. #ELTchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:55 @Philip_Saxon i like that idea :-) #ELTchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:55 RT @SueAnnan: We're getting close to the point where we need a volunteer for the summary. Anyone? #ELTchat
mary28sou 30/04/2014 20:55 Long weekend here, maybe I can blog about this if there is time.#ELTchat
MarjorieRosenbe 30/04/2014 20:56 @naomishema @SueAnnan @Marisa_C @designerlessons my adults love the stickers. Even my members of the board. #eltchat
ChristineMulla 30/04/2014 20:56 Ah boo, so sorry. I forgot again.. #ELTchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:56 @MarjorieRosenbe @naomishema @SueAnnan @designerlessons Really??? I wouldn't have thought adults loked stickers :-) #eltchat
ditaphillips 30/04/2014 20:56 @Marisa_C @EdLaur if there are lots of egos in the group, no amount of shaking will change much #ELTchat
EdLaur 30/04/2014 20:56 RT @Philip_Saxon: "A mistake is a gift to the class" - saying something similar can be good for cohesion and help students relax. #ELTchat
MarjorieRosenbe 30/04/2014 20:56 @Philip_Saxon @hartle @naomishema @teflerinha Good idea. #eltchat
naomishema 30/04/2014 20:57 @MarjorieRosenbe @SueAnnan @Marisa_C  I've never tried stickers with adults, they didn't go down well with teens, thanks #ELTchat
SueAnnan 30/04/2014 20:58 RT @SueAnnan: We're getting close to the point where we need a volunteer for the summary. Anyone? #ELTchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:58 @ditaphillips @EdLaur egos a problem - i those cases I do a PLN lesson and they work out the benefits of group learning #ELTchat
MarjorieRosenbe 30/04/2014 20:58 @naomishema @SueAnnan @Marisa_C I think teensxare the onky ones wh don't likexstickers. Adults love them. #eltchat
designerlessons 30/04/2014 20:58 @naomishema @MarjorieRosenbe @SueAnnan @Marisa_C teens are definitely too cool for stickers, but for adults ...it's nostalgic? #eltchat
naomishema 30/04/2014 20:58 Good night all. I got to be in bed by midnight otherwise getting up is so hard! #eltchat
HanaTicha 30/04/2014 20:59 RT @ditaphillips: @Marisa_C @EdLaur if there are lots of egos in the group, no amount of shaking will change much #ELTchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 20:59 @Philip_Saxon @SueAnnan it's a perfect book and we mentioned it earlier #ELTchat
SueAnnan 30/04/2014 20:59 RT @Marisa_C: @Philip_Saxon @SueAnnan it's a perfect book and we mentioned it earlier #ELTchat Great book
MarjorieRosenbe 30/04/2014 20:59 @designerlessons @naomishema @SueAnnan @Marisa_C it's the feeling of being recognized for goid work.  #eltchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 21:00 @EdLaur @ditaphillips but you have to keep at it - one or two activs at start of year not enough - keep chipping away! #ELTchat
MarjorieRosenbe 30/04/2014 21:00 Also ready to get to bed. Need to work on complicated workshop tomorrow.  #eltchat
KateLloyd05 30/04/2014 21:01 @Marisa_C @EdLaur @ditaphillips and don't let them always sit with same people, move them so they get to know others #eltchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 21:01 OK wonderfully cohesive #ELTchat folks - which one of you is going to do our summary today
EdLaur 30/04/2014 21:01 @MarjorieRosenbe #eltchat I think it depends on sts. I regularly say I don't know sth and we pull out the smartphones to find answer.
designerlessons 30/04/2014 21:02 thanks all for an interesting #eltchat
MarjorieRosenbe 30/04/2014 21:02 @Marisa_C have put in my time with difficult ones and am very grateful for wonderful groups. #eltchat
KateLloyd05 30/04/2014 21:02 Also going to bed now as is midnight. Thanks for chat folks #eltchat
HanaTicha 30/04/2014 21:02 Thanks for another interesting topic to think about. Good night #ELTchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 21:03 @MarjorieRosenbe like done time now it's time for the light relief :-D - you either so lucky or a great teacher #eltchat
mary28sou 30/04/2014 21:03 I am volunteering but this was quite the ramble, don't know what the summary will be.#ELTchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 21:04 @mary28sou that's great - What - Why - ideas - fit our rambles in that framework and you'll do a great jon! #eltchat - as always :-D
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 21:04 @mary28sou job :-D #ELTchat
MarjorieRosenbe 30/04/2014 21:04 @mary28sou seems like it often is but you'll do great. Night all. #eltchat
mary28sou 30/04/2014 21:05 Thank you! Good night. #ELTchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 21:05 @ditaphillips @EdLaur i know! but if i don't do it i always pay for it so it pays to get down and do it early on! #ELTchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 21:05 @mary28sou thanks for volunteering - will get you transcript soon #eltchat
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 21:07 Thanks to all for joining #Eltchat and sharing some great ideas and to @mary28sou for offering to do our summary #eltchat @SueAnnan
MarjorieRosenbe 30/04/2014 21:07 @EdLaur Same here. #eltchat And that also builds rapport.
Marisa_C 30/04/2014 21:08 @SueAnnan @mary28sou OK JOse!!! Thank you! #ELTchat


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