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Exploiting short film and video clips

Page history last edited by Shaun 11 years, 3 months ago

Here is the transcript of the eltchat on 29.05.2013 on the topic of exploiting short film / video clips


username time status
Shaunwilden 9:00 PM #eltchat tonight is looking at exploiting short film / video clips http://t.co/Otnx9pc7e2
naomishema 9:01 PM Hello all! #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:01 PM evening all #ELTchat
LizziePinard 9:01 PM Hi all #eltchat
kierandonaghy 9:01 PM RT @Shaunwilden: At 21bst #eltchat is looking at exploiting short film / video clips http://t.co/Otnx9pc7e2
mattellman 9:02 PM Hello everyone! #ELTchat
Wiktor_K 9:02 PM Hi everyone! #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:02 PM Hello and welcome all th #ELTchat - talking about using short films and video clips this p.m
teacherphili 9:03 PM Evening all #eltchat - calling @kierandonaghy
naomishema 9:03 PM RT @Marisa_C: And congratulations to Kieran Donaghy for his great #ELTons award :-)  #ELTchat let\s hope he can join us at some point
Marisa_C 9:03 PM And congratulations to Kieran Donaghy for his great #ELTons award :-)  #ELTchat let\s hope he can join us at some point
kierandonaghy 9:03 PM RT @Marisa_C: Hello and welcome all th #ELTchat - talking about using short films and video clips this p.m
ljp2010 9:03 PM #ELTchat Hello, don't know how long I can stay but thought I'd drop by :-)
SueAnnan 9:03 PM #ELTChat Evening everyone
Marisa_C 9:04 PM RT @naomishema: Use if films makes the message more memorable #eltchat
Wiktor_K 9:04 PM @kierandonaghy Well done :) #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:04 PM @teacherphili @kierandonaghy Left a note on his facebook wall - let\s see #eltchat
naomishema 9:04 PM Use if films makes the message more memorable #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:04 PM RT @teacherphili: Evening all #eltchat - calling @kierandonaghy
ELTchat 9:04 PM RT @teacherphili: Evening all #eltchat - calling @kierandonaghy
MarjorieRosenbe 9:04 PM Evening everyone. #eltchat
JoshSRound 9:05 PM RT @GrammyLatino: The Graeme Spot!: Paving the way for CHANGE! http://t.co/tpq9AIU8Fb > thx for the mention Graeme! #iatefl #cpchat #eltchat
MicaelaCarey 9:05 PM Hi everyone  #ELTchat
Marisa_C 9:05 PM There is so much out there available and so easy to snip off just the bit you need I think I could just use videos to teach #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:05 PM @naomishema yes or sets up a clear context better than say a text #ELTchat
naomishema 9:05 PM Meant " use OF films" sorry for the typo. Late here... #eltchat
SueAnnan 9:06 PM #ELTChat important thing about length though. I don't think it should be used as a baby sitter
Marisa_C 9:06 PM RT @MarjorieRosenbe: I use Vicki Hollett's one-min English videos. Mt sts love them! & there are worksheets to go with them. #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:06 PM RT @Shaunwilden: @naomishema yes or sets up a clear context better than say a text #ELTchat
MarjorieRosenbe 9:06 PM I use Vicki Hollett's one-min English videos. Mt sts love them! & there are worksheets to go with them. #eltchat
jaluribe 9:06 PM 50 easy jokes + activities for u to share a laugh with your young learners!
Wiktor_K 9:06 PM @naomishema both versions I'd agree with :) #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:07 PM @kierandonaghy Welcome and congrats again #ELTchat for your #ELTons triumph :-)
leoselivan 9:07 PM I use a lot of short clips / scenes from films #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:07 PM RT @kierandonaghy: @Marisa_C @teacherphili Hi, I'm here and very happy to answer any questions about my site or using short films.#ELTchat
naomishema 9:07 PM @MarjorieRosenbe Thanks 2 telling me about them. I tend to use ones not intended 4 english teaching #eltchat
elawassell 9:07 PM RT @MarjorieRosenbe: I use Vicki Holletts one-min English videos. Mt sts love them! & there are worksheets to go with them. #ELTchat
Marisa_C 9:07 PM @MarjorieRosenbe haven't seen them lately can you send a link? #ELTchat
teacherphili 9:07 PM Paralinguistic features of videos helpful to convey meaning #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:07 PM @MarjorieRosenbe i only came across them at the weekend, they are very well done #ELTchat
sandymillin 9:08 PM RT @Shaunwilden: #eltchat tonight is looking at exploiting short film / video clips http://t.co/Otnx9pc7e2
Shaunwilden 9:08 PM @kierandonaghy @Marisa_C @teacherphili what's your main criteria for choosing a clip to use? #ELTchat
Marisa_C 9:08 PM What tools have you found useful for snipping bits off videos? #ELTchat
naomishema 9:08 PM RT @teacherphili: Ideal length of video: 3-5 minutes.  #eltchat  we're not babysitters, after all. agree with @SueAnnan
mattellman 9:08 PM @SueAnnan Agreed, more than a few minutes and stds slip into a "TV trance"! #ELTchat
Wiktor_K 9:08 PM @SueAnnan babysitter use is a problem, but some deeper context (cultural etc) could really only go through with long vids, no? #eltchat
naomishema 9:08 PM RT @Marisa_C: @kierandonaghy Welcome and congrats again #ELTchat for your #ELTons triumph :-) Big Mazal Tov!
teacherphili 9:08 PM Ideal length of video: 3-5 minutes.  #eltchat  we're not babysitters, after all. agree with @SueAnnan
SueAnnan 9:09 PM RT @mattellman: @SueAnnan Agreed, more than a few minutes and stds slip into a "TV trance"! #ELTchat
Wiktor_K 9:09 PM @kierandonaghy you're welcome. Remember the #ELTchat tag with your message so the chatters can read your updates :)
naomishema 9:09 PM RT @kierandonaghy: Short films have a much greater dramatic impact than feature length films shown over a number of session.  #eltchat
pysproblem81 9:09 PM #eltchat - what do people think are the aspects of literacy that learners need to learn to interpret in films? (etc paralinguistic features)
kierandonaghy 9:09 PM Short films have a much greater dramatic impact than feature length films shown over a number of session.  #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:09 PM @Shaunwilden @kierandonaghy @teacherphili good question - criteria for choosing #ELTchat
MicaelaCarey 9:09 PM #ELTchat I use a lot of short video clips with my Young learners- helps them visualize some of the CLIL topics, etc
naomishema 9:09 PM @Wiktor_K @SueAnnan If u want the students to get many things out of the film use part in class and have 'em watch the rest at home #eltchat
LizziePinard 9:09 PM RT @SueAnnan: #ELTChat important thing about length though. I don't think it should be used as a baby sitter
sandymillin 9:10 PM http://t.co/aR6h6mBIqU is an easy tool to use to clip youtube videos if you only want to show part of them #eltchat
MarjorieRosenbe 9:10 PM @Shaunwilden @kierandonaghy @Marisa_C @teacherphili I go for the topic. #eltchat
leoselivan 9:10 PM RT @teacherphili: Ideal length of video: 3-5 minutes.  #eltchat  we're not babysitters, after all. agree with @SueAnnan >agree!
Marisa_C 9:10 PM @Wiktor_K @kierandonaghy thanks WIktor #ELTchat
naomishema 9:11 PM RT @Marisa_C: I also like some great animation videos without words #ELTchat > I particularly use ones without words, lend 2 so many options
mattellman 9:11 PM RT @sandymillin: http://t.co/aR6h6mBIqU is an easy tool to use to clip youtube videos if you only want to show part of them #eltchat
Wiktor_K 9:11 PM Agree with the length thing. Also easier to focus hard on a few choice bits of language if films short. #eltchat
LizziePinard 9:11 PM RT @sandymillin: http://t.co/aR6h6mBIqU is an easy tool to use to clip youtube videos if you only want to show part of them #eltchat
elawassell 9:11 PM RT @SueAnnan: important thing about length. (...) < Agree, I lend my students DVDs to watch @ home. I use short clips at lessons. #ELTchat
kierandonaghy 9:11 PM Short films often deal with 1 theme or make 1 statement & are therefore great prompts for oral & written communication activities.  #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:11 PM I also like some great animation videos without words #ELTchat
mattellman 9:12 PM @kierandonaghy They're often not known to stds as well, which I think can get in the way sometimes when you use famous clips #ELTchat
Marisa_C 9:12 PM @MarjorieRosenbe that's a great one - and her resolutions scene great for the future :-) and great fun #ELTchat
Wiktor_K 9:12 PM @MarjorieRosenbe Mwahaha. Pre-teach "awkward"?
kierandonaghy 9:12 PM Ideal length of short film should be less than 10 minutes, any longer there's cognitive / inforamtionoverload  #eltchat
SueAnnan 9:12 PM @Marisa_C I sometimes use Pingu for intonation work :-) #ELTchat
Shaunwilden 9:12 PM @MarjorieRosenbe the topic as in 'oo that'd be good to use' or 'i have to teach X i wonder if i can find a video'? #ELTchat
elawassell 9:12 PM Let me rephrase it: I lend DVDs to my students ;-)
Marisa_C 9:12 PM Ideally short videos could/should replace old audio for listening comprehension #ELTchat
MarjorieRosenbe 9:12 PM I show he presentation scene from Brigit Jones to see what NOT to do. #eltchat
mattellman 9:13 PM @Marisa_C Agreed, perhaps then we'd need less pre-teaching vocab/activating schemata etc before listening? #ELTchat
MarjorieRosenbe 9:13 PM http://t.co/MTU300GvA6 And another one. #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:13 PM RT @MarjorieRosenbe: http://t.co/tSfAXjFayZ Here's one link. #eltchat VIcky Hollet's one minute videos
Shaunwilden 9:13 PM @kierandonaghy well don't disagree with the 10m doesn't the overload depend on what you're doing with the clip? #ELTchat
naomishema 9:13 PM RT @SueAnnan: @Marisa_C I sometimes use Pingu for intonation work :-) #ELTchat Pingu is great! Love that idea!
MarjorieRosenbe 9:13 PM http://t.co/HyP1j41Qv8 Here's one link. #eltchat
sandymillin 9:13 PM I haven't used that many short films.All the 1s I have used are either from @kierandonaghy or @steve_muir's http://t.co/vFWMyWtbon #eltchat
elawassell 9:13 PM RT @kierandonaghy: Ideal length of short film should be less than 10 minutes, any longer theres cognitive / inforamtionoverload  #ELTchat
Marisa_C 9:14 PM @mattellman yes - much of that is done to counteract pain of absence of visual contact #ELTchat
mattellman 9:14 PM RT @SueAnnan: @Marisa_C I sometimes use Pingu for intonation work :-) #ELTchat
teacherphili 9:14 PM @Shaunwilden hmmm criteria, well apart from short length, sth that is engaging, can be paused for prediction, has a narrative #eltchat
LizziePinard 9:14 PM #eltchat Ive read watching harder than listening for ss if must divide attention between it & question paper & if visual/words don't match
SueAnnan 9:14 PM @naomishema @Marisa_C It's really effective #ELTchat
LizziePinard 9:15 PM RT @naomishema: @LizziePinard While watching I don't let students look at wksht. either pre-read or after #eltchat
MarjorieRosenbe 9:15 PM Business Adv. series by CUP also has DVDs in the books. Helpful for business students. #eltchat
LizziePinard 9:15 PM @naomishema good plan! #eltchat
elawassell 9:15 PM RT @MarjorieRosenbe: http://t.co/T1zU8LlnD5 Heres one link. <-I've seen it! Brilliant!
naomishema 9:15 PM @LizziePinard While watching I don't let students look at wksht. either pre-read or after #eltchat
SueAnnan 9:15 PM #ELTchat RT @NancyW: Nice ideas! 10 Video Projects Every Teacher Should Try: http://t.co/xHtpofAtrq
MarjorieRosenbe 9:15 PM I like these videos because they teach and entertain - also Am E and Br E all in one video. #eltchat
naomishema 9:16 PM The problem then becomes finding clips with natural but understandable language... #ELTchat > don't need film to have dialogue to teach!
MarjorieRosenbe 9:16 PM http://t.co/N0yyEfA7qg On PEO we also make use of video clips in some of the activities for business. #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:16 PM @SueAnnan missing sth here - what's pingu pls? #eltchat not familiar
kierandonaghy 9:16 PM @sandymillin @steve_muir I agree, Sandy. Steve's site is great for TV clips http://t.co/9V8DqcRlxi #eltchat
mattellman 9:16 PM @Marisa_C The problem then becomes finding clips with natural but understandable language... #ELTchat
Marisa_C 9:17 PM @mattellman which why Ts usually take mental notes even when watching films for pleasure - Oh! good bit for my lesson next week :-) #eltchat
mattellman 9:17 PM Quality has to be a criterion! Remember Mark and Allie? Not the highest production standards, and it makes a difference! #ELTchat
Marisa_C 9:18 PM @sandymillin not mine - :-) #eltchat
MarjorieRosenbe 9:18 PM @Marisa_C Have to look at that one. #eltchat
Wiktor_K 9:18 PM RT @elawassell: What sort of activities do you do after watching the video? #eltchat
naomishema 9:18 PM If film has a good / clear message without words much can be done . currently practicing reading comp. type Q with film a week #eltchat
mattellman 9:18 PM @mattellman Great story though :) #ELTchat
Wiktor_K 9:18 PM @mattellman Aww, Mark and Allie were cute though. But I'm with you on the quality thing :) #eltchat
elawassell 9:18 PM What sort of activities do you do after watching the video? #ELTchat
SueAnnan 9:18 PM @Marisa_C It's a childrens tv program about a naughty little penguin. They only use intonation to communicate #ELTchat
mattellman 9:18 PM @naomishema True, but you do if it is to be a replacement for CD listening tasks #ELTchat
sandymillin 9:18 PM @MarjorieRosenbe I really like the DVDs/podcasts that come with the Speakout series, with clips from BBC and interviews w/ real ppl #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:19 PM RT @Shaunwilden: @Marisa_C @sandymillin here you go marisa http://t.co/7XuF3BNf5l #eltchat
MarjorieRosenbe 9:19 PM RT @elawassell: RT @MarjorieRosenbe: http://t.co/T1zU8LlnD5 Heres one link. <-I've seen it! Brilliant!
mattellman 9:19 PM @Marisa_C Absolutely! But so inefficient for stds to watch an entire film and come away with only a few lexical items #ELTchat
Marisa_C 9:19 PM @SueAnnan oh i see #eltchat sounded a bit exaggerated tho
teacherphili 9:20 PM @Shaunwilden @Marisa_C Now I'm watching Pingu, not taking part in chat #eltchat
mattellman 9:20 PM @Wiktor_K Yeah, I can't help feeling that a Hollywood budget would have made it a better teaching tool! #ELTchat
Marisa_C 9:20 PM I guess kiddies would love pingu and can put words to the conversation too ??#ELtchat
elawassell 9:20 PM I did a debate based on fragments of Panorama - topic: computer games - good or bad for your health. #ELTchat
teacherphili 9:21 PM Prediction: What will happen to the pancake? #pingu #eltchat
mattellman 9:21 PM RT @kierandonaghy: @mattellman Yes, students normally haven't seen the short films &there's a real wow factor when you show them #eltchat
SueAnnan 9:21 PM @Marisa_C  and CertTESOL trainees :-)  #ELTchat
Marisa_C 9:21 PM I tend to save bits with potential on pinterest - #eltchat
mattellman 9:21 PM RT @Marisa_C: I guess kiddies would love pingu and can put words to the conversation too ??#ELtchat
kierandonaghy 9:21 PM @mattellman Yes, students normally haven't seen the short films &there's a real wow factor when you show them #eltchat
MarjorieRosenbe 9:22 PM On PEO activities pre teach vocab & phrases, use prediction ideas because videos are authentic. # eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:22 PM @naomishema in many ways a silent film leads itself to doing more with it i would imagine #eltchat
Wiktor_K 9:22 PM Used ads for translator training classes - 60sec of max impact language. My fave: http://t.co/mJ0ZqDkz7i #eltchat
naomishema 9:22 PM Glad 2 hear Keiran say likes silent films 2, was afraid it was  my background as T of Deaf that got me using them with hearing SS #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:22 PM @SueAnnan ha ha #eltchat can visualise you and them
naomishema 9:23 PM @Shaunwilden I now have 5 different activities for
leoselivan 9:23 PM RT @elawassell: What sort of activities do you do after watching the video? #ELTchat >where do I begin? :) there's so much you can do
Marisa_C 9:23 PM @naomishema silent movies great for st production - e.g. pigeon impossible is awesome! #eltchat
cherrymp 9:23 PM CLELE JOURNAL Open Access – children´s literature in English language education http://t.co/z88yktxNHj #eltchat #eltindia #iatefl #tesol
Marisa_C 9:24 PM I don't think we're talking abt a different set of  techniques here - a T who can plan a good listening lesson can do same w video #eltchat
MarjorieRosenbe 9:25 PM @sandymillin will have to take a look. Thanks.:-) #eltchat
kierandonaghy 9:25 PM @naomishema I use almost exclusively silent short films. You can concentrate on students' output through speaking #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:25 PM @naomishema what a great clip #eltchat
naomishema 9:25 PM @Marisa_C Will check out pigeoen impossible - didn't know  that one! #eltchat
MarjorieRosenbe 9:25 PM I used to watch Supersize this with nutrition sts. Gave them questions to answer and stopped at times while watching. #eltchat
naomishema 9:26 PM RT @Shaunwilden: @naomishema what a great clip #eltchat never fails to move ss, works with different goals!
Shaunwilden 9:26 PM RT @Wiktor_K: @Marisa_C Not sure abt same techniques. Body lg? Gestures / pragmatics? More to be read from image, imho #eltchat
LizziePinard 9:26 PM RT @Marisa_C: Here is pinboard for interesting texts =- some of them videos #ELTchat http://t.co/LmOYNWIya4
Marisa_C 9:26 PM Here is pinboard for interesting texts =- some of them videos #ELTchat http://t.co/LmOYNWIya4
sandymillin 9:26 PM @Marisa_C Another good one for kids (and adults) is Bernard - 3-4 minute funny stories with no dialogue http://t.co/1pGCdddQBd #eltchat
naomishema 9:26 PM RT @kierandonaghy: I use almost exclusively silent short films. You can concentrate on students' output through speaking #eltchat > I know!
Wiktor_K 9:26 PM @Marisa_C Not sure abt same techniques. Body lg? Gestures / pragmatics? More to be read from image, imho #eltchat
leoselivan 9:26 PM RT @Marisa_C: a T who can plan a good listening lesson can do same w video #eltchat >...and more!
SueAnnan 9:26 PM http://t.co/vTanGdcfAx
elawassell 9:27 PM @naomishema The power of words" http://t.co/YvfaxL1tzc - wow - made me emotional! #ELTchat
Shaunwilden 9:27 PM @naomishema yes i bet it works a treat, I couldn't wait to find out what she had written #eltchat
teacherphili 9:27 PM RT @leoselivan: @kierandonaghy @naomishema how very #Dogme of you Kieran! :) #eltchat  oops! I used the D-word cc @elawassell
mattellman 9:27 PM RT @Marisa_C: Here is pinboard for interesting texts =- some of them videos #ELTchat http://t.co/LmOYNWIya4
SueAnnan 9:27 PM RT @Marisa_C: Here is pinboard for interesting texts =- some of them videos #ELTchat http://t.co/LmOYNWIya4
Marisa_C 9:27 PM @Wiktor_K sure - but apart from blank screen, freeze frame and image without sound all other techniques same #eltchat
leoselivan 9:27 PM @kierandonaghy @naomishema how very #Dogme of you Kieran! :) #eltchat  oops! I used the D-word cc @elawassell
Shaunwilden 9:28 PM RT @kierandonaghy: @Shaunwilden @naomishema In short films there are loads of possibilities as you focus on  story & visuals not just the l‚Ķ
kierandonaghy 9:28 PM @Shaunwilden @naomishema In short films there are loads of possibilities as you focus on  story & visuals not just the language #eltchat
MarjorieRosenbe 9:28 PM Great technique: is show 1/2 class picture & other 1/2 hears dialogue. Each try to fill in missing info. Then discuss & then watch. #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:28 PM @sandymillin oh that's nice! #Eltchat
Marisa_C 9:29 PM Also a nice idea to screen capture some video frames for prediction #eltchat
SueAnnan 9:29 PM @Shaunwilden @naomishema  I've used that too. It brings out some incredible language topics in the classroom #ELTChat
Marisa_C 9:30 PM Our topic does not specify whether video to be authentic - our conversation drifiting that way tho - what abt student videos #Eltchat
cioccas 9:30 PM TROPFEST is good source for short films: http://t.co/j5tvKsIvKv - check out the YouTube channels  #ELTchat
teacherphili 9:30 PM @Marisa_C get Sts to create or recreate story from the still frames, yes #eltchat
Wiktor_K 9:30 PM Short vids are perfect excuse for "bring your own device" lessons - groups of ss working through vids on tablets / smartphones #eltchat
kierandonaghy 9:30 PM Best site for finding quality short films is Vimeo Staff Picks http://t.co/teaBKLB25v #eltchat
leoselivan 9:30 PM @Marisa_C I often start with freeze frame #eltchat
naomishema 9:31 PM RT @kierandonaghy: @Shaunwilden @naomishema In short films there are loads of possibilities as you focus on  story & visuals not just the l‚Ķ
Marisa_C 9:31 PM RT @ALiCe__M: @Marisa_C @SueAnnan I suppose you all know Shaun the sheep ? http://t.co/ksKDITlmmU #eltchat > Yay!
Shaunwilden 9:31 PM @Wiktor_K and having recently discovered the ibolt app its now easy for sts to download vids onto they tablets too #eltchat
naomishema 9:31 PM all HOTS skills fit into this one learned from Kieran: http://t.co/mTRxzysffA #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:31 PM @fedeanna1 hello and welcome to #eltchat
ALiCe__M 9:31 PM @Marisa_C @SueAnnan I suppose you all know Shaun the sheep ? http://t.co/bTZnNPaNRU #eltchat
MarjorieRosenbe 9:31 PM Ted talks also great. Just assigned one on railroads & standardised time. Did vocab, multiple choice, discussion & essay. #eltchat
leoselivan 9:31 PM RT @cioccas: TROPFEST is good source for short films: http://t.co/j5tvKsIvKv - check out the YouTube channels  #ELTchat
fedeanna1 9:31 PM #eltchat HI HI
Marisa_C 9:31 PM RT @kierandonaghy: Best site for finding quality short films is Vimeo Staff Picks http://t.co/teaBKLB25v #eltchat
MicaelaCarey 9:31 PM RT @MarjorieRosenbe Great techniqueshow 1/2 class picture & other 1/2 hears dialogue-try to fill in missing info.  #eltchat  Great idea!
Marisa_C 9:31 PM RT @cioccas: TROPFEST is good source for short films: http://t.co/j5tvKsIvKv - check out the YouTube channels  #ELTchat
elawassell 9:31 PM RT @Marisa_C: Also a nice idea to screen capture some video frames for prediction #eltchat
mattellman 9:32 PM @Marisa_C We often have stds write their own texts as a reaction to reading/listening, making a video seems just as valid! #eltchat
naomishema 9:32 PM @Marisa_C @ALiCe__M @SueAnnan never met the sheep! Thanks for the intro! #eltchat
sandymillin 9:32 PM @Marisa_C Just made a video with my students, which will be on my blog as soon as they approve it! #eltchat
SueAnnan 9:32 PM @Marisa_C Sometimes make videos of students doing roleplays/ presentations and then critique #ELTchat or even colleagues teaching
Shaunwilden 9:32 PM @Marisa_C @ALiCe__M @SueAnnan Noooo dont mention that #eltchat
sandymillin 9:32 PM Do you count TED as short films too? I used 'Try sth new for 30 days' as one station in Motivation Stations http://t.co/ptnLpvoQC6 #eltchat
MarjorieRosenbe 9:32 PM RT @Marisa_C: Also a nice idea to screen capture some video frames for prediction #eltchat
mattellman 9:33 PM @sandymillin I do! :) #eltchat
sandymillin 9:33 PM @naomishema You'll have to blog about HOTS skills at some point :) I know they're higher order, but not sure what's included! #eltchat
naomishema 9:33 PM RT @Marisa_C: @sandymillin TED talks great but i would use them like books do bits in class then assign the rest #eltchat
MarjorieRosenbe 9:33 PM RT @sandymillin: Do you count TED as short films too? I used 'Try sth new for 30 days' as one station in Motivation Stations http://t.co/pt…
Marisa_C 9:33 PM @sandymillin TED talks great but i would use them like books do bits in class then assign the rest #eltchat
teacherphili 9:33 PM @Marisa_C do you mean getting Sts to make videos?  cause I've done that - mostly making adverts #eltchat
kierandonaghy 9:33 PM Good activity: show pictures of 2 characters, ask students to describe them & what their relationship is then show film & Ss check #eltchat
elawassell 9:34 PM RT @kierandonaghy: show pictures of 2 characters, ask Ss to describe them & what their relationship is then show film & Ss check #ELTchat
Wiktor_K 9:34 PM 2 great sources of lg - movie trailers & Roger Ebert reviews - play trailers and ask ss to match review to trailer they saw #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:34 PM @teacherphili yes, scenes from mini skits and that - or from a book they ve been reading dramatizing scenes #ELtchat
MarjorieRosenbe 9:34 PM @sandymillin @Marisa_C Wow! Fantastic! #eltchat
Jananstwit 9:35 PM RT @Wiktor_K: 2 great sources of lg - movie trailers & Roger Ebert reviews - play trailers and ask ss to match review to trailer they saw #…
naomishema 9:35 PM How do u all manage to tweet and watch the videos? I have a dozen windows open by now! #eltchat
kierandonaghy 9:35 PM Other good activity; show a series of screenshots from film, ask Ss to put shots in order & write narrative. Show film & compare  #eltchat
leoselivan 9:35 PM RT @kierandonaghy: Good activity: show pictures of 2 characters, ask students to describe them & what their relationship is then show film …
sandymillin 9:35 PM Here are some news programmes my class put together a couple of years ago http://t.co/IlHJZUQ36M #eltchat
MarjorieRosenbe 9:35 PM RT @naomishema: The main HOTS we teach are prediciting, comparing, inferring, problem solving, identifying points of view - that video has …
MarjorieRosenbe 9:35 PM RT @elawassell: RT @kierandonaghy: show pictures of 2 characters, ask Ss to describe them & what their relationship is then show film & Ss …
naomishema 9:35 PM The main HOTS we teach are prediciting, comparing, inferring, problem solving, identifying points of view - that video has 'em all #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:35 PM RT @Wiktor_K: 2 great sources of lg - movie trailers & Roger Ebert reviews - play trailers and ask ss to match review to trailer they saw #…
mattellman 9:36 PM How about activities for during the video? I often have stds describe to a partner, any other ideas? #ELTchat
LizziePinard 9:36 PM RT @TESOLacademic: #eltchat split viewing is always good Half listen no visual & predict scene actions etc other half watch & predict speec…
naomishema 9:36 PM @sandymillin @Marisa_C @ALiCe__M @SueAnnan not really. must catch up on those two! #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:36 PM the public info films in the national archive are a good source as well http://t.co/ihbLVB8MAW #eltchat
teacherphili 9:36 PM @Marisa_C Thought that was slightly off topic but have got ss to do film reviews, filmed next to a trailer of the film eg Twilight #eltchat
TESOLacademic 9:36 PM #eltchat split viewing is always good Half listen no visual & predict scene actions etc other half watch & predict speech. Then pair up etc
teacherphili 9:37 PM and I've done film-based projects where Ss storyboarded, directed & starred in own film.  Have a page on my blog which shows some #eltchat
sandymillin 9:37 PM Another video my students have enjoyed is the @wittertainment code of conduct http://t.co/ok61iVi6Af - lots of discussion! #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:37 PM Here is a great site for fun listening "Truth or Lie"  http://t.co/dH6ILWD7HH #ELTchat
MicaelaCarey 9:38 PM ‚ÄèRT @mattellman How about activities for during the video? I often have stds describe to a partner, any other ideas? #ELTchat
ariascarm 9:38 PM RT @Marisa_C: Here is a great site for fun listening "Truth or Lie"  http://t.co/dH6ILWD7HH #ELTchat
ariascarm 9:38 PM RT @sandymillin: Another video my students have enjoyed is the @wittertainment code of conduct http://t.co/ok61iVi6Af - lots of discussion!…
Wiktor_K 9:38 PM @mattellman: activities during the video? - we used shadowing sometimes - trying to repeat dialogue as it goes - with intonation &c #eltchat
leoselivan 9:38 PM MT @TESOLacademic: #eltchat split viewing is always good Half listen no visual & predict actions other half watch & predict speech >my fave!
mattellman 9:38 PM The "One Question, 50 People" series has lots of good vids for class discussion #ELTchat
sandymillin 9:38 PM @mattellman For a very short video, could play bingo. Predict 3-6 words, then listen out for them. #eltchat
elawassell 9:38 PM @TESOLacademic I really like the split viewing activity - goes to my notes! #ELTchat
madaboutelt 9:39 PM RT @Marisa_C: Here is a great site for fun listening "Truth or Lie"  http://t.co/dH6ILWD7HH #ELTchat
mmarvs 9:39 PM RT @kierandonaghy: Best site for finding quality short films is Vimeo Staff Picks http://t.co/teaBKLB25v #eltchat
mattellman 9:39 PM @elawassell @TESOLacademic How do you do that in practical terms? Do you need more than one screen? #ELTchat
leoselivan 9:39 PM @teacherphili @Marisa_C I got mine to do a voice over for a film trailer a couple of times #eltchat
face_english 9:39 PM RT @leoselivan: MT @TESOLacademic: #eltchat split viewing is always good Half listen no visual & predict actions other half watch & predict…
teacherphili 9:39 PM @sandymillin @wittertainment ah yes, i've seen that. I like. #eltchat
naomishema 9:39 PM When u work with struggling learners, use of film lets SS have a story & then practice answering Q's with less reading. #eltchat Effective!
Marisa_C 9:39 PM RT @kierandonaghy: Another excellent short film site Short of the Week http://t.co/RIAc1TvOpf #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:39 PM @teacherphili  also many L1 student generated videos of kids acting out plays or books for school #eltchat can be used as examples
kierandonaghy 9:39 PM Another excellent short film site Short of the Week http://t.co/RIAc1TvOpf #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:40 PM @mattellman @elawassell @TESOLacademic you could have diff characters assigned to diff Ss - lang - gesture - movement - action etc #ELTchat
Shaunwilden 9:40 PM @leoselivan @teacherphili @Marisa_C technology makes activities like voiceovers so much easier and 'authentic' these days #ELTChat
teacherphili 9:40 PM I used football clips with my Saudi students. Got them to do commentaries over the clip. It appealed to their better senses. #eltchat
mattellman 9:40 PM RT @sandymillin: @mattellman For a very short video, could play bingo. Predict 3-6 words, then listen out for them. #eltchat
leoselivan 9:41 PM @Shaunwilden @teacherphili @Marisa_C I did it back in the low-tech days :) #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:41 PM http://t.co/62zCqv1Z17 is the joy of every voiceover addict #eltchat
naomishema 9:41 PM Do u use the Sheep one with adults or just with teens? #eltchat
teacherphili 9:42 PM @sandymillin here's the link. avoid me singing & go straight to 'Bad Romance' and 'Epidemic' -> #eltchat http://t.co/XiJFyxwWsz
kierandonaghy 9:42 PM Lots of short films deal with  social issues not covered in coursebook. One of my favs on homelessness http://t.co/grz7ySPjdB #eltchat
naomishema 9:42 PM @MarjorieRosenbe makes SS sit up and pay attention, like that! #eltchat
SueAnnan 9:42 PM The Shell scenarios are good for environmental discussions about the future http://t.co/IKwcDsvHrv
Marisa_C 9:42 PM Another idea - which i have used for play (i must confess) is to give script and Ss act director's part #ELTchat decide on movement gesture
Shaunwilden 9:42 PM @leoselivan @teacherphili @Marisa_C :-) so do it again ;-) #ELTChat
sandymillin 9:42 PM I did some very intensive dictation with one-minute scenes from http://t.co/cO8nUGJvMI with C1 students #eltchat Challenging but rewarding!
naomishema 9:42 PM RT @MarjorieRosenbe: Give sts possible words that could come in video. They pick some & listen for them to come. #eltchat
MarjorieRosenbe 9:42 PM Give sts possible words that could come in video. They pick some & listen for them to come. #eltchat
elawassell 9:43 PM RT @mattellman: @elawassell @TESOLacademic How do you do that in practical terms? < half of the Ss turn away from the screen ?
Marisa_C 9:43 PM RT @sandymillin: @Marisa_C Overstream link is actually http://t.co/BIyjAbnFja - I always make that mistake too! #eltchat > :-) thx!
TESOLacademic 9:43 PM Yes 2 screens or send half out room MT @mattellman @elawassell @TESOLacademic How ... practical terms? ...need more than 1 screen? #ELTchat
sandymillin 9:43 PM @Marisa_C Overstream link is actually http://t.co/LinDyTLR8g - I always make that mistake too! #eltchat
leoselivan 9:43 PM will be looking forward to the transcript/summary - so many good links shared tonight #eltchat thanks everyone!
ariascarm 9:43 PM @kierandonaghy i used your idea in "paperman" . It worked fantastically #eltchat
naomishema 9:44 PM RT @mattellman: @kierandonaghy This is a great point: vids offer a great way to break out of the parallel coursebook dimension! #ELTchat
Shaunwilden 9:44 PM RT @kierandonaghy: Lots of short films deal with  social issues not covered in coursebook. One of my favs on homelessness http://t.co/grz7y‚Ķ
mattellman 9:44 PM @kierandonaghy This is a great point: vids offer a great way to break out of the parallel coursebook dimension! #ELTchat
MarjorieRosenbe 9:44 PM Tell sts topic and have them predict what specifics could come up - then watch & tick them off. #eltchat
Wiktor_K 9:44 PM Okay, tonight's the chat I'm finally allowed to share this: "Whose Line is it Anyway" is endlessly inspiring, if a bit demanding :D #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:44 PM Tango chairs? #eltchat
Jananstwit 9:44 PM @sandymillin @mattellman getting students 2watch the part w/out the sound &writing the dialogues  themselves can be fun! #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:45 PM RT @MarjorieRosenbe: Give general plot and scene - predict dialogue. #eltchat > great technique
sandymillin 9:45 PM @Marisa_C Tango chairs? what's that? #eltchat
MarjorieRosenbe 9:45 PM Give general plot and scene - predict dialogue. #eltchat
teacherphili 9:45 PM @Wiktor_K Always liked it, but how might you use it? Br/Am/other version? #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:45 PM @Wiktor_K say a bit more abt that? #eltchat
sandymillin 9:45 PM Grammarman has sets of activities for full films- inspired me when thinking about clips, esp. Shrek ones http://t.co/wZcMyxc8pp #eltchat
naomishema 9:45 PM RT @MarjorieRosenbe: Tell sts topic and have them predict what specifics could come up - then watch & tick them off. #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:46 PM @kierandonaghy you must spend a lot of time looking at short films :-) #ELTChat
kierandonaghy 9:46 PM Future Shorts is a great YouTube Channel for short films. http://t.co/u2QLon7X6g #eltchat
teacherphili 9:46 PM Quick, see if we can get #tangochairs trending #eltchat What is that?
Marisa_C 9:46 PM @sandymillin facing opposite directions #eltchat
teacherphili 9:47 PM @kierandonaghy do you write all the lesson plans yourself? #eltchat
naomishema 9:47 PM RT @SueAnnan: also great clips and lesson ideas on Jamie Keddie's http://t.co/tZ2Wk1BPFC  #ELTchat > Video telling, another technique
Marisa_C 9:47 PM describe context-setting-character then give a few lines of dialog and Ss decide who said which #eltchat
SueAnnan 9:47 PM also great clips and lesson ideas on Jamie Keddie's http://t.co/0DU98RVZXY  #ELTchat
mattellman 9:47 PM @Jananstwit @sandymillin That reminds me of a great site that used to let you add subs to Bollywood movies - anyone remember it? #ELTchat
sophie_orourke 9:47 PM RT @kierandonaghy: Future Shorts is a great YouTube Channel for short films. http://t.co/u2QLon7X6g #eltchat
naomishema 9:47 PM RT @Shaunwilden: @kierandonaghy you must spend a lot of time looking at short films :-) #ELTChat
teacherphili 9:48 PM @Wiktor_K @marisa_c maybe for higher levels, they speak very quickly, usually. but funny, certainly #eltchat
kierandonaghy 9:48 PM Activity: ss brainstorm uses of paper and uses of iPad. Then show film and compare. here's the video,  http://t.co/IDxFtJYVOg #eltchat
LizziePinard 9:48 PM #eltchat so many great ideas and links flying around tonight! :-)
leoselivan 9:48 PM @ariascarm @TESOLacademic great idea! thanks. I love using commercials #eltchat
sandymillin 9:48 PM @Marisa_C Never knew that had a name :) #eltchat
pysproblem81 9:48 PM #eltchat @Wiktor_K if you are in UK there are loads of episodes available on 4oD
MarjorieRosenbe 9:48 PM @Marisa_C: describe context-setting-character then give a few lines of dialog and Ss decide who said which #eltchat super idea!
ariascarm 9:48 PM “@leoselivan: will be looking forward to the transcript/summary - so many good links shared tonight #eltchat thanks everyone!” me too !
Marisa_C 9:48 PM @mattellman @Jananstwit @sandymillin Yes made one recently :-( will find #ELTchat
teacherphili 9:49 PM @SueAnnan oh yes, forgot about @cheimi10 - good site, full of ideas #eltchat
leoselivan 9:49 PM MT @ariascarm: it works with advertisments too! Only watching Ss make up conversation / words , ( ads where brand isn't visible #eltchat
naomishema 9:49 PM @leoselivan @ariascarm @TESOLacademic Some commercials are clever! very effective! #eltchat
naomishema 9:50 PM RT @kierandonaghy: @teacherphili Yes, I write all the lesson plans myself. Very time-consuming, but it's a labour of love #eltchat Lucky us!
mattellman 9:50 PM @teacherphili @SueAnnan @cheimi10 Also tweeting from @lessonstream #ELTchat
kierandonaghy 9:50 PM @naomishema @SueAnnan Jamie is great, very inventive and creative #eltchat
sandymillin 9:50 PM .@steve_muir has a great lesson plan based on 'Dumb Ways to Die' - an Australian advert http://t.co/xEhUwRIPw8 #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:50 PM @kierandonaghy @teacherphili they're definitely comprehensive lesson plans :-) #ELTChat
MarjorieRosenbe 9:50 PM I use news story to spin off to role play. Could do same with video. Sts act out people in story. #eltchat
kierandonaghy 9:50 PM @teacherphili Yes, I write all the lesson plans myself. Very time-consuming, but it's a labour of love #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:50 PM RT @ariascarm: “@leoselivan: will be looking forward to the transcript/summary - so many good links shared tonight #eltchat thanks everyone…
SueAnnan 9:51 PM http://t.co/qLd5Tjub3U also great to have CPD videos for your colleagues #ELTChat
annapires 9:51 PM http://t.co/mOXgVYjTgC is one of my favourite sites. Great 1-minute films! #eltchat
AngelCeuta 9:51 PM RT @kierandonaghy: Lots of short films deal with  social issues not covered in coursebook. One of my favs on homelessness http://t.co/grz7y‚Ķ
Wiktor_K 9:51 PM Spent the entire chat listening to Battlestar Galactica soundtrack - any soundtrack-related activities from anyone? #eltchat
Jananstwit 9:51 PM @mattellman @sandymillin not really! :(
teacherphili 9:51 PM @kierandonaghy but, hey, you won the award, so it's paid off.  Guess you just need some more donations now? #eltchat
naomishema 9:52 PM RT @sandymillin: With YouTube videos, you can get students to compare the automatic captions to what the speakers actually say. Very funny!…
kierandonaghy 9:52 PM RT @annapires: http://t.co/mOXgVYjTgC is one of my favourite sites. Great 1-minute films! #eltchat
sandymillin 9:52 PM With YouTube videos, you can get students to compare the automatic captions to what the speakers actually say. Very funny! #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:52 PM can;t remember who was asking about bombay tv it's http://t.co/vvOXfUOYlN but can't make it open - looks like it's died #eltchat
naomishema 9:52 PM RT @annapires: http://t.co/mOXgVYjTgC is one of my favourite sites. Great 1-minute films! #eltchat
ariascarm 9:52 PM @leoselivan @TESOLacademic @naomishema I use them as well to make a Dubbing workshop. It's Fun!! #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:52 PM RT @annapires: http://t.co/mOXgVYjTgC is one of my favourite sites. Great 1-minute films! #eltchat
Jananstwit 9:53 PM @sandymillin Sounds like a great idea Sandy! We can use it as a part of  jigsaw viewing. #eltchat
mattellman 9:53 PM @Marisa_C What a pity, it was such a good site! Thanks for checking #ELTchat
Shaunwilden 9:53 PM my 15th tweet is anyone want to do the summary #ELTChat
teacherphili 9:53 PM @kierandonaghy sorry, just realised that sounded a bit disingenuous. congratulations. #eltchat
mattellman 9:53 PM http://t.co/6e4fjPYsO0 lets stds create their own animated vids #ELTchat
Shaunwilden 9:54 PM RT @Marisa_C: Site works http://t.co/i6q2kE8Wrn  bollywood movies you can subtitle or voiceover #ELTchat
Marisa_C 9:54 PM Site works http://t.co/i6q2kE8Wrn  bollywood movies you can subtitle or voiceover #ELTchat
mattellman 9:55 PM @Marisa_C Hooray! :) #ELTchat
kierandonaghy 9:55 PM @teacherphiliI may to have ads to cover costs but I love creating  lessons, watching my students watch the films and sharing them #eltchat
teacherphili 9:55 PM Maybe there should be 5 nominations for Summary Writer with an envelope containing the winning name or something #eltchat @Shaunwilden
Marisa_C 9:55 PM @mattellman http://t.co/i6q2kE8Wrn but lost my great video abt trainer giving trainee some feedback - a hoot of course #ELTchat
Jananstwit 9:56 PM @Jananstwit: @ariascarm @leoselivan @TESOLacademic @naomishema Anybody know abt bud wiser' "dude" ad? #eltchat
esolmark 9:56 PM RT @sandymillin: I did some very intensive dictation with one-minute scenes from http://t.co/cO8nUGJvMI with C1 students #eltchat Challengi…
Shaunwilden 9:56 PM @teacherphili oh and the winner is ph…..#eltchat
esolmark 9:56 PM RT @sandymillin: Grammarman has sets of activities for full films- inspired me when thinking about clips, esp. Shrek ones http://t.co/wZcMy…
Marisa_C 9:56 PM What did I miss - have we got a keen summary writer or not? #eltchat
MarjorieRosenbe 9:56 PM Sorry about summary - exams and proofs week. #eltchat
naomishema 9:56 PM RT @kierandonaghy: @teacherphiliI may to have ads to cover costs but I love creating  lessons, watching my students watch the films and sha‚Ķ
Shaunwilden 9:56 PM @Marisa_C and http://t.co/5aZSV3xKF5 allows you to add subtitles to youtube videos #eltchat
SueAnnan 9:56 PM @Shaunwilden Not me, I'm afraid. Having a skive tonight, but probably have enough writing to be going on with this week :-) #ELTchat
ariascarm 9:57 PM @naomishema @kierandonaghy @teacherphili indeed! #eltchat
MarjorieRosenbe 9:57 PM Would love to use scene from Mirror has 2 Faces when Streisand explains secret of teaching. #eltchat
esolmark 9:57 PM RT @Marisa_C: Here is pinboard for interesting texts =- some of them videos #ELTchat http://t.co/LmOYNWIya4
esolmark 9:57 PM RT @sandymillin: Another video my students have enjoyed is the @wittertainment code of conduct http://t.co/ok61iVi6Af - lots of discussion!…
teacherphili 9:57 PM @Shaunwilden @Marisa_C Alright, I'll do it! Feigns surprise. #eltchat
naomishema 9:57 PM my apologies too - soo much work to do ASAP! #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:57 PM RT @Shaunwilden: @teacherphili oh and the winner is ph…..#eltchat who what? who dat
ladaELT 9:57 PM RT @sandymillin: Excellent list of multi-sensory techniques for teaching pronunciation/raising awareness by @TomTesol http://t.co/lBLz5tQH0…
ariascarm 9:57 PM @kierandonaghy great idea!! #eltchat love the short film paper V Ipad
teacherphili 9:58 PM @Marisa_C @Shaunwilden I was hoping to get best actor this year, but will have to settle for screenwriter, instead! ;-) #eltchat
LizziePinard 9:58 PM RT @SueAnnan: Some fantastic ideas tonight. Looking forward to testing them out. #eltchat >me too!
juanluab 9:58 PM RT @jaluribe: 50 easy jokes + activities for u to share a laugh with your young learners!
naomishema 9:58 PM RT @Wiktor_K: @teacherphili You shd totally make a video summary of a Twitter chat. #eltchat > disagree. we need the links to all films!
SueAnnan 9:58 PM Some fantastic ideas tonight. Looking forward to testing them out. #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:58 PM @teacherphili @Marisa_C good man :-) #eltchat - maybe you can make a short film of the chat?
Wiktor_K 9:58 PM @teacherphili You shd totally make a video summary of a Twitter chat. #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:58 PM @teacherphili @Shaunwilden Awwww you are the perfect person to put order into the chaos of creative ideas we have had tonight ! #ELtchat
LizziePinard 9:59 PM #eltchat thanks all, goodnight!
teacherphili 9:59 PM @naomishema @Wiktor_K ok, 'Puffin', I will try. #eltchat #videosummary
elawassell 9:59 PM Thank you everyone! #ELTchat
mattellman 9:59 PM @Marisa_C Haha I can imagine! #ELTchat
MarjorieRosenbe 9:59 PM @teacherphili @Shaunwilden @Marisa_C thanks. Looking forward to reading it. #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:59 PM @Wiktor_K @teacherphili what a great idea i love it -- should go along with summary - i think smb has done it pprob Phil #ELTchat
naomishema 10:00 PM RT @Shaunwilden: thanks for a resource filled #eltchat tonight and thanks to @kierandonaghy for joining us > Hear Hear and good night!
mattellman 10:00 PM Thanks for all the links/ideas everyone! #ELTchat
Jananstwit 10:00 PM @naomishema @ariascarm @leoselivan @TESOLacademic Asking students what he means everytime he says dude is a great activity. #eltchat
Shaunwilden 10:00 PM thanks for a resource filled #eltchat tonight and thanks to @kierandonaghy for joining us
MicaelaCarey 10:00 PM Thanks #eltchat for all the great links and ideas!
Wiktor_K 10:00 PM So long everyone :) #eltchat
sandymillin 10:01 PM Thanks for a great #eltchat! :) Sorry to have missed the one about #eltpics earlier!
SueAnnan 10:01 PM Goodnight everyone. Thanks for the chat- and the ideas. Great Moderators. See you in a couple of weeks #ELTChat


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