
How to make the most of a coursebook you don't like but HAVE to use

Page history last edited by Marisa Constantinides 11 years, 10 months ago


#ELTchat transcript for 13/03/2013 at 12:00 pm. GMT    How to make the most of a coursebook you don't like (but HAVE to use).xlsx



username date time status
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:00P.M. RT @Shaunwilden: Join us now  #eltchat is How to make the most of a coursebook you don't like (but HAVE to use) #asiaelt #eltai
Shaunwilden 13/3/2013 2:00P.M. @cherrymp Hey Cherry long time #ELTchat
kevchanwow 13/3/2013 2:00P.M. I'm chilling with #ELTchat so for about 61 minutes, that's how my tweet are going to play out
Shaunwilden 13/3/2013 2:00P.M. Join us now  #eltchat is How to make the most of a coursebook you don't like (but HAVE to use)
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:01P.M. Hello everyone and welcome - good to see you join this topic #ELTchat - one of my faves too
yitzha_sarwono 13/3/2013 2:01P.M. RT @Shaunwilden: Join us now  #eltchat is How to make the most of a coursebook you don't like (but HAVE to use)
louisealix68 13/3/2013 2:01P.M. RT @Shaunwilden: Join us now  #eltchat is How to make the most of a coursebook you don't like (but HAVE to use)
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:02P.M. @yitzha_sarwono hey aza #eltchat
louisealix68 13/3/2013 2:02P.M. RT @teflgeek: Got my cup of tea ready for #eltchat for met it's tea and Lemsip ;-(
yitzha_sarwono 13/3/2013 2:02P.M. Going to join #eltchat today. It has been a while :)
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:02P.M. RT @kevchanwow: I'm chilling with #ELTchat so for about 61 minutes, that's how my tweet are going to play out > me too :-)
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:02P.M. Got my cup of tea ready for #eltchat
BobK99 13/3/2013 2:02P.M. @louisealix68  #eltchat Mostly lurking today - I've had the experience only once, and the gig only lasted for one lesson!
bealer81 13/3/2013 2:02P.M. Finally made it to #eltchat
louisealix68 13/3/2013 2:03P.M. @Marisa_C bright crimson! #eltchat
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:03P.M. @louisealix68 what colour is the t-shirt :-)  #eltchat
louisealix68 13/3/2013 2:03P.M. so coursebooks and obligations.....been there done that!  #eltchat
Shaunwilden 13/3/2013 2:03P.M. @louisealix68 I guess we are going to talk generally #ELTchat
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:03P.M. @BrunoELT hya!  #ELTchat
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:03P.M. @yitzha_sarwono happy to see so many old faces :) #eltchat
louisealix68 13/3/2013 2:04P.M. I'm using a coursebook aimed at young adults (mortgages etc) with a class of 12 year olds - not ideal!  #eltchat
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:04P.M. RT @Shaunwilden: A lot old timers here today nice to see you all #ELTchat > yeah yeah  happy to be back home.
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:04P.M. @yitzha_sarwono I bet! it's like re-inventing the wheel! #eltchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:04P.M. Hi everyone #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 13/3/2013 2:04P.M. I was once obliged to use certain course books assigned by the government and it's no fun at all :D #eltchat
Shaunwilden 13/3/2013 2:04P.M. A lot old timers here today nice to see you all #ELTchat
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:04P.M. @BrunoELT same here too Bruno - so let the ball roll - coursebook - right now I'm using one which I don't like much but have to #ELTchat
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:04P.M. It's the one-size-fits-all dilemma again - how do you tailor the product? #eltchat
Acquk 13/3/2013 2:04P.M. Hello.i can finally join #eltchat! But from my phone alas
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:05P.M. RT @teflgeek: both my current coursebooks cause regular head to desk moments #eltchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:05P.M. @louisealix68 Oops, that sounds a challenge. #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 13/3/2013 2:05P.M. @Marisa_C Hi Marisa, sorry I was gone last week. The net was crappy in the bus #eltchat
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:05P.M. @louisealix68 why do you've to do that? chance or choice? #eltchat
ljp2010 13/3/2013 2:05P.M. #ELTchat But how bad can a CB be?  It's not the entire course! And I started teaching w/out 1 so perhaps why I see them as positive support
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:05P.M. @teflerinha hello - good to have you too #eltchat
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:05P.M. @teflerinha hi Rachael - great to see u #eltchat
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:06P.M. My take on it is just to find the focus of whatever the coursebook is trying to do and then do it my way #eltchat
ljp2010 13/3/2013 2:06P.M. @bealer81 Does it take more time to adapt or to create your own materials?   #ELTchat
kevchanwow 13/3/2013 2:06P.M. @yitzha_sarwono I had to use a ministry approved course book all year with high school students. Maddening. #ELTchat
louisealix68 13/3/2013 2:06P.M. @cherrymp have to use the book, spend lots of time working around it  #eltchat
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:06P.M. @BrunoELT tha's a way of doing it - but sometime the prob arises when you've many batches and other teachers - sometimes Ss compare #eltchat
Acquk 13/3/2013 2:06P.M. Often I am given English books written by a language provider to avoid copyright issues #Eltchat
bealer81 13/3/2013 2:06P.M. I'm currently using two course books which are terrible. It takes more time to adapt it when the book is bad. More work. #eltchat
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:06P.M. RT @BrunoELT: #eltchat what I try to do is cover the syllabus my way, I do not necessarily need to cover the book> but this not ok all over
  13/3/2013 2:06P.M. My second #eltchat and a very relevant topic. The school I work at uses awful books. And of course, for many learners, those ARE the course.
yitzha_sarwono 13/3/2013 2:07P.M. @Marisa_C Good thing I was allowed to make my own lesson plan.So I just use them for exercise only, not a main book #eltchat
jo_cummins 13/3/2013 2:07P.M. @teflgeek but if Sts have paid for the book sometimes you feel obliged to try and use it... #eltchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:07P.M. #eltchat It depends why you don't like the CB, doesn't it? I
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:07P.M. RT @teflgeek: My take on it is just to find the focus of whatever the coursebook is trying to do and then do it my way #eltchat > here too
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:07P.M. @ManosSY hello there  #ELTchat
Acquk 13/3/2013 2:07P.M. These books are not only Lexis intensive but the language is often incorrect. #eltchat
louisealix68 13/3/2013 2:07P.M. I think main problem is in the testing - if tests are built around books, then have to teach to the test  #eltchat
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:07P.M. @BrunoELT fight back - come up with supplementary materials, activities etc #eltchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:07P.M. RT @teflgeek: My take on it is just to find the focus of whatever the coursebook is trying to do and then do it my way #eltchat Yes, me too
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:07P.M. @bealer81 we might as well write own book the amount of effort it takes sometimes!!! #eltchat
bealer81 13/3/2013 2:08P.M. @ljp2010 yes it does, but usually it is worth it. #eltchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:08P.M. @jo_cummins @teflgeek #eltchat True, there are sits where parents demand every ex is used- then it's a q of doing it differently
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:08P.M. @jo_cummins yes, so my lesson always includes a quick reference to page 78 ex 4 or whatever is most suitable #eltchat
louisealix68 13/3/2013 2:08P.M. @teflgeek absolutely! But when tests specifically include stuff from chapter/workbook, need to expose kids to this too  #eltchat
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:08P.M. @jo_cummins @teflgeek that's a good point n most often the obligation is out of that feeling. #eltchat
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:08P.M. @jo_cummins this is the prob - ss or parents have paid for rubbish and u have to use it  #eltchat
Shaunwilden 13/3/2013 2:08P.M. RT @teflerinha: #eltchat It depends why you don't like the CB, doesn't it? I
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:08P.M. @louisealix68 but can use the books as curriculum guide rather than materials source #eltchat
Shaunwilden 13/3/2013 2:09P.M. RT @jo_cummins: It's often more work to try and adapt a CB and make it interesting than starting from scratch!  #eltchat
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:09P.M. @louisealix68 this could lead to an interesting debate on testing, but I take your point!   But adaptation is still the key no? #eltchat
jo_cummins 13/3/2013 2:09P.M. It's often more work to try and adapt a CB and make it interesting than starting from scratch!  #eltchat
LTLLblog 13/3/2013 2:09P.M. @teflerinha I've found some teachers complain about the coursebook because they take a lesson by lesson approach. #eltchat
louisealix68 13/3/2013 2:09P.M. currently do lots of input at home (from other sources i.e. flipped) and work from book in class. #eltchat
ljp2010 13/3/2013 2:09P.M. @bealer81 then as long as everyone's happy - directors, sts, parents, sounds good 2 me!  #ELTchat
yitzha_sarwono 13/3/2013 2:09P.M. @kevchanwow I know exactly how you felt :) #eltchat
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:09P.M. @louisealix68 @teflgeek i too exp the same prob esp when QP comes from others #eltchat
BobK99 13/3/2013 2:09P.M. @bealer81@Marisa_C  #eltchat Takes ages, but it's fun.
Acquk 13/3/2013 2:10P.M. to reduce Lexis-heavy input, I have learners find a few new and important words from a text They can then build sentences etc #eltchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:10P.M. @ljp2010 #eltchat Personally, unless really dire, I'd rather have something as a basis to start from at least than have nothing.
louisealix68 13/3/2013 2:10P.M. @teflgeek yup. I try to make my ex more based on their world + incorporate relevant vocab/gram which will be tested.time-consuming  #eltchat
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:10P.M. RT @ljp2010: #ELTchat would you & your sts prefer to have a CB and take it or leave it or have none at all? > i prefer to have sth than nth.
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:10P.M. RT @ManosSY: #ELTchat ROSA is a good approach as @Marisa_C often says :-)  > Reorder Omit Supplement Add (Combine too is OK)
jo_cummins 13/3/2013 2:10P.M. @teflerinha can be very labour intensive though. #eltchat
kevchanwow 13/3/2013 2:10P.M. Unfortunately I had to test the students on the CB content, i.e. grammar structures and lexis. So I was stuck with content...#ELTchat
ljp2010 13/3/2013 2:10P.M. #ELTchat would you & your sts prefer to have a CB and take it or leave it or have none at all?
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:10P.M. @LTLLblog #eltchat Can you explain that a bit more?
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:11P.M. @Marisa_C @ManosSY ROSA - liked that acronym - Reorder, Omit, Supplement, Add #ELTchat > Think my forte is 'supplement'.
BobK99 13/3/2013 2:11P.M. @Marisa_C  #ELTchat ROSA - you and your acronyms!
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:11P.M. @teflerinha @jo_cummins End of chapter grammar and vocabulary reviews etc #eltchat
Shaunwilden 13/3/2013 2:11P.M. RT @Marisa_C: Here are some of my ideas in 6'40''  - a Pecha Kucha on Animating ur CB  http://t.co/xMHBizN2FU  #ELTchat
kevchanwow 13/3/2013 2:11P.M. But what I could teach was how to study, how to learn, how to make connections. These don't change depending on the coursebook #ELTchat
bealer81 13/3/2013 2:11P.M. My gripe with coursebooks is the way they are set out. Not user friendly or photocopy friendly. Maybe publishers should consult Ts #eltchat
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:11P.M. Here are some of my ideas in 6'40''  - a Pecha Kucha on Animating ur CB  http://t.co/xMHBizN2FU  #ELTchat
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:11P.M. @teflerinha @jo_cummins I sometimes set homework tasks from the bits of the book I don't want to use in class. #eltchat
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:12P.M. @teflgeek @Marisa_C @ManosSY ROSA - which is yours others? #eltchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:12P.M. @bealer81 #eltchat Don't think they're meant to be photocopy friendly! ;)
yitzha_sarwono 13/3/2013 2:12P.M. RT @Marisa_C: Here are some of my ideas in 6'40''  - a Pecha Kucha on Animating ur CB  http://t.co/xMHBizN2FU  #ELTchat
kevchanwow 13/3/2013 2:12P.M. Would much rather have something. The glossy photos in most coursebook alone make  it a worthwhile resource. #ELTchat
jo_cummins 13/3/2013 2:12P.M. @teflgeek yeah, me too! It's a good way to avoid it and still use it. #eltchat
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:12P.M. @louisealix68 @teflgeek that's exactly what you need to do IMO - English they should be able to use to identify things around. #eltchat
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:12P.M. @cherrymp @Marisa_C @ManosSY mine is "omit" #eltchat
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:12P.M. @BobK99 my claim to a fame that never came!!!!! :-D  #ELTchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:12P.M. @jo_cummins #eltchat Yes, and no, for example, doing texts as dictogloss, ss write their own comp qs etc.
yya2 13/3/2013 2:13P.M. Twenty ideas for using mobile phones in the language classroom. | @scoopit http://t.co/DKbUMijQCy #langchat #eltchat #ellchat
louisealix68 13/3/2013 2:13P.M. sorry guys - fever getting better of me. Off with Lemsip to bed. Enjoy chat. Hope to read summary later  #eltchat
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:14P.M. @bealer81 that't s a good point - many of us are not paid for all that extra work we put in - but we do it still.#eltchat
ljp2010 13/3/2013 2:14P.M. @bealer81 I do understand ur frustration tho :-(  #ELTchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:14P.M. RT @teflgeek: @teflerinha @jo_cummins I sometimes set homework tasks from the bits of the book I don't want to use in class. #eltchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:14P.M. @ljp2010 @cherrymp Completely agree. #eltchat
LTLLblog 13/3/2013 2:14P.M. @ljp2010 I'd rather have contexts on which to expand, rather than a whole book. Not sure if that would be popular or feasible. #eltchat
ljp2010 13/3/2013 2:14P.M. @bealer81 could the sts work just as well with the CB then?  is it them or U who has the prob with the material?  #Eltchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:14P.M. @LTLLblog #eltchat Yes, I see what you mean, and no, it doesn't. But it can provide structure and recycling etc, which tatty copies don't.
Shaunwilden 13/3/2013 2:14P.M. @MrChrisJWilson hey chris arent you joining us at #ELTchat  its your topic isnt it?
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:14P.M. @bealer81 good point - double time needed to remeday the faults of poor material - but a ready made toolkit may help #eltchat
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:14P.M. RT @ljp2010: Me 2! + i think sts lk the structure & chance 2 go back &revise, etc. random photocopies just dont do it 4 me! #eltchat
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:15P.M. @joannacre @Marisa_C @ManosSY True - let me say tinker around CB! #eltchat
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:15P.M. @joannacre @cherrymp @Marisa_C @ManosSY or if you avoid it completely and do something else instead #eltchat
Shaunwilden 13/3/2013 2:15P.M. @cherrymp @bealer81 But we are paid to prepare lessons etc #ELTchat
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:15P.M. @cherrymp Adapt or Modify activities to show paying Ss/parents that u ARE using CB also a gd idea #ELTchat
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:16P.M. I always feel guilty for having made the learners buy the books in the first place. #eltchat, not that it's my call...
Acquk 13/3/2013 2:16P.M. i always try to use the images in course books! They can generate so much creative output #eltchat
jo_cummins 13/3/2013 2:16P.M. You can often use the reading texts, listenings, topics, pics and create own exercises so Sts think they are using the book #eltchat
bealer81 13/3/2013 2:16P.M. @ljp2010 they are happy with lessons once I have adapted them, but I would love to know how they felt if it was all by the book. #eltchat
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:17P.M. @Acquk true - but with #eltpics around finding pictures is no more an issue. #eltchat
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:17P.M. @cherrymp: English they should be able to use to identify things around. #eltchat - real english NOT coursebook english
Shaunwilden 13/3/2013 2:17P.M. @Marisa_C Erm i think it depends on the class type but yes I think i would #ELTchat
ljp2010 13/3/2013 2:17P.M. @cherrymp but that's what lesson planning is!  I hope noone JUST walks in with the cb!  #ELTchat
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:17P.M. If it were up to you would u use a CB ? #ELTchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:17P.M. @bealer81 @ljp2010 I'd say it was part of the job to adapt materials. Nothing is going to work all the time straight off the page. #eltchat
ljp2010 13/3/2013 2:17P.M. @bealer81 sounds like u should try it & see.  an action research project!  #Eltchat
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:17P.M. @Shaunwilden @bealer81 Yes - but here planning means getting extra stuff; NOT just walking in w/ the CB. #ELTchat
Shaunwilden 13/3/2013 2:18P.M. @yya2 Please stop tweeting unless it is on the the topic of today's #ELTchat
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:18P.M. @ljp2010 nb does - but what if new materials are not  thought of - that's what i meant #ELTchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:18P.M. @Marisa_C #eltchat Definitely. You have a structure to build on and thus have more time to be creative than always going from scratch.
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:18P.M. @ManosSY there is an assumption that a syllabus is a coursebook contents page here  #ELTchat
elockhart79 13/3/2013 2:18P.M. β€@jo_cummins: It's often more work to try and adapt a CB and make it interesting than starting from scratch!  #eltchatβ€ +1
kevchanwow 13/3/2013 2:18P.M. what about having our students adapt the materials? Often do something like this with very basic texts and lower level learners. #ELTchat
yya2 13/3/2013 2:18P.M. Using original video and sound effects to teach English | @scoopit http://t.co/l8YlA1qqSf #eltchat #ellchat
LTLLblog 13/3/2013 2:19P.M. @teflerinha Yep - some colleagues a little too quick to dismiss a CB. They then spend ages thinking of revision activities... #eltchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:19P.M. @Marisa_C @ManosSY #eltchat That shouldn't be the syllabus, but these days contents often mapped to CEFR etc.
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:19P.M. RT @teflgeek totally agree over the real english part #eltchat - real english NOT coursebook english.
bealer81 13/3/2013 2:19P.M. @ljp2010 I'd go insane. I did a year without the course book, which was love/hate. But a year with out adapting the book. #nochance #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 13/3/2013 2:19P.M. @Marisa_C yes, if the books fit the needs #eltchat
jo_cummins 13/3/2013 2:20P.M. @Marisa_C For most classes yes, but not all. And a CB I chose would be good ;) #eltchat
kevchanwow 13/3/2013 2:20P.M. RT @teflerinha: @Marisa_C @ManosSY #eltchat That shouldn't be the syllabus, but these days contents often mapped to CEFR etc.
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:20P.M. #eltchat Think we are now discussing coursebooks right or wrong (again) rather than ideas for adapting?
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:20P.M. I don't think we need to talk abt whether we need to use CBs or not - just what to do with poor examples of CBs #ELTchat
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:20P.M. @elockhart79 @jo_cummins disagree!  at least CB provides a focus of sorts!  #eltchat
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:21P.M. @Acquk @Marisa_C liked that 'learner's own material' part. #eltchat
Shaunwilden 13/3/2013 2:21P.M. @Acquk @Marisa_C So would I :-) #ELTchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:21P.M. RT @Marisa_C: I don't think we need to talk abt whether we need to use CBs or not - just what to do with poor examples of CBs #ELTchat
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:21P.M. @Marisa_C burn them and ban them from our doors.  #eltchat
bealer81 13/3/2013 2:21P.M. Dudes I have to leave. Looking forward to the conversation write up. Good to be back. #eltchat
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:21P.M. @LTLLblog @teflerinha to be able to come out of the clutches of the CB Ts need to be risk takers. #eltchat
Acquk 13/3/2013 2:21P.M. @Marisa_C I would use a CB combined with learners own resources/realia+ using learning technology for variety (if possible) #eltchat
LTLLblog 13/3/2013 2:22P.M. @elockhart79 @jo_cummins Sometimes depends on what kind of day you are having! Or if you find inspiration from walk to work etc... #eltchat
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:22P.M. @bealer81 thanks for joining!!! #eltchat
Acquk 13/3/2013 2:23P.M. My biggest problem with poor coursebooks: not enough review and reinforcement of vocab! You see a word and never meet it again. #eltchat
LTLLblog 13/3/2013 2:23P.M. @cherrymp @teflerinha Easier said than done in the real world though, especially for inexperienced Ts. #eltchat
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:23P.M. @BrunoELT @Marisa_C CB parents regard as sth that they can use to teach their kids when the exams appear.  #ELTchat
idc74 13/3/2013 2:23P.M. RT @Marisa_C: Here are some of my ideas in 6'40''  - a Pecha Kucha on Animating ur CB  http://t.co/xMHBizN2FU  #ELTchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:23P.M. #eltchat Texts can be replaced, or if lang work too dependent then add an authentic text/video as well and benefit from 'narrow reading'
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:23P.M. @BrunoELT @Marisa_C @cherrymp NO!  It's a sign they've probably dne something more interesting! But I take your point...!  #eltchat
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:24P.M. @Acquk I use wordbag cards for both incidental lesson vocab and stuff from the book:  http://t.co/nM8MG5D00I #eltchat
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:24P.M. @Shaunwilden It IS subjective but we shd agree that this has to be subjective  #ELTchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:24P.M. @LTLLblog @cherrymp #eltchat Used to work in school with 50+ new teachers. Those who insisted on all own materials had breakdowns!
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:24P.M. @Acquk That's another good point - reinforcement is the key to learn new words. #eltchat
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:24P.M. @Acquk good point - that's when u need a battery of quick vocab revision ideas  #eltchat
Shaunwilden 13/3/2013 2:24P.M. @Acquk Isnt 'poor coursebook' a subjective term though? #ELTchat
AlexandraKouk 13/3/2013 2:24P.M. #eltchat Could ask Ss which parts they like or how they'd change parts they don't?
Shaunwilden 13/3/2013 2:25P.M. @Marisa_C Subjective as long as  the subjectivity is based on proper evaluation #ELTchat
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:25P.M. @Shaunwilden true - so lets define it?  What makes a coursebook poor for you? #eltchat
Romdhanifaten 13/3/2013 2:25P.M. RT @cioccas: The Tunisian English Teaching Forum looks like a useful free online resource for all ELTs: http://t.co/I6Ci2IdLpT #ELTchat  ...
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:25P.M. @teflerinha @LTLLblog point noted. even now i meet teachers who worry a lot on not being able to cover eth on the CB. #eltchat
elockhart79 13/3/2013 2:25P.M. #eltchat I taught children & they had a book I disliked. I taught w/ active methods & then filled book 5x faster than the other way around
LTLLblog 13/3/2013 2:25P.M. @Acquk Absolutely! Or worse - the testing material accompanying the CB introduces new lexis. #eltchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:25P.M. RT @teflgeek: @Acquk I use wordbag cards for both incidental lesson vocab and stuff from the book:  http://t.co/nM8MG5D00I #eltchat
Romdhanifaten 13/3/2013 2:26P.M. RT @worldteacher: Just blogged about my experiences at the weekend: CamTESOL 2013 http://t.co/326KiOuw7a #CamTESOL #eltchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:26P.M. @teflgeek @Shaunwilden #eltchat It's often about being unsuitable-e.g. adult book for YLs
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:26P.M. @BrunoELT @marisa_c i used to read up all the stories whenever i get the new CB at the start of the year.  #ELTchat
jo_cummins 13/3/2013 2:26P.M. Shaunwilden @Acquk Isnt 'poor coursebook' a subjective term though? < Absolutely! There isn't 1CB that suits every class/teacher/St #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 13/3/2013 2:26P.M. @Acquk I had it too, some vocabulary are those who rarely used but then without any explanation emerged in the book! #eltchat
Shaunwilden 13/3/2013 2:27P.M. So wrong level, wrong age definitely #ELTchat
kevchanwow 13/3/2013 2:27P.M. A poor CB, used as a jumping off point only, allows teacher to get at and focus on Ss emergent lang.  Kind of blessing in disguise #ELTchat
jo_cummins 13/3/2013 2:27P.M. Thanks for the chat guys, I have to go and take the baby for a nap! I look forward to the summary :) #eltchat
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:27P.M. RT @AlexandraKouk: #eltchat get Ss to research unit topic online and then compare notes and CB mats to what they've found > good idea!
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:27P.M. @teflerinha @teflgeek @Shaunwilden this had come up before at the beginning of today's #eltchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:28P.M. @Shaunwilden @joannacre @teflgeek Yes, I agree. We can't assume what we're interested in, the students will be and vice versa. #eltchat
LTLLblog 13/3/2013 2:28P.M. @teflerinha @cherrymp I can imagine! Now I try encourage new Ts to adapt rather than replace, which at least keeps them semi-sane! #eltchat
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:28P.M. @kevchanwow i kind of like that - a poor cb forces u to fine hone ur mats design skills  #ELTchat
Shaunwilden 13/3/2013 2:28P.M. @joannacre @teflgeek But what bores you might interest the sts? #ELTchat
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:28P.M. @jo_cummins hey - thanks for turning up and sharing all those good ideas. #eltchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:28P.M. @teflgeek @Shaunwilden #eltchat Yes, wrong level can be an issue and one person's pre-int is not necessarily another person's!
LTLLblog 13/3/2013 2:29P.M. @teflgeek @Shaunwilden Poor coursebooks lack cultural engagement, don't recycle lexis and lack sufficient listening material. #eltchat
Shaunwilden 13/3/2013 2:29P.M. @ljp2010 I've had sts complain about a book before but they were 'old hands' at learning #ELTchat
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:29P.M. @teflerinha @Shaunwilden coursebooks that are too bitty.  Too many small sections that want you to just do an endless exercises #eltchat
ljp2010 13/3/2013 2:29P.M. #ELTchat  btw, have the sts actually complained about the CB in the cases here or r we talking about the teacher not liking it?
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:29P.M. @joannacre @teflgeek @Shaunwilden that's a good point - heard Ts telling the same that they don't like the text. #eltchat
LTLLblog 13/3/2013 2:30P.M. And of course, the winner in worst coursebooks are those that try to be 'cool' for the teens...cringetastic #eltchat
Acquk 13/3/2013 2:30P.M. @jo_cummins let's say unsuitable course book or poorly suited, although I do think a few cbs are objectively bad.:-) #eltchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:30P.M. @ljp2010 #eltchat Of course if the teacher hates a book (or loves it) the stds will pick up on enthusiasm or lack of
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:31P.M. @teflerinha @LTLLblog @teflgeek @Shaunwilden i like it when a unit comes round - all the 'bitty' elements forming a whole. #eltchat
Shaunwilden 13/3/2013 2:31P.M. @LTLLblog @teflgeek Arent two of those things rectifiable by a teacher? #ELTchat
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:31P.M. where are all the publisher reps in this conversation?  #eltchat, woul be interesting to get their perspective
kevchanwow 13/3/2013 2:31P.M. RT @LTLLblog: And of course, the winner in worst coursebooks are those that try to be 'cool' for the teens...cringetastic #eltchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:31P.M. @LTLLblog @teflgeek @Shaunwilden I agree about 'bitty'. I always look for 'flow', but I guess that may be subjective too. #eltchat
AlexandraKouk 13/3/2013 2:32P.M. CB can (un)suitable in terms of content, level or pedagogy #eltchat easier to adapt learning tasks than creating a whole new context
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:32P.M. @cherrymp @teflerinha @LTLLblog @Shaunwilden yes - Flow.  That's what I look for. #eltchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:32P.M. RT @LTLLblog: So what features of coursebooks that you have used would you lump in the 'good coursebooks' column? #eltchat >good question
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:32P.M. Ss' perceptions abt what is a gd CB may vary across cultures - what I hate may be sth they like cos it looks like a proper textbook #Eltchat
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:32P.M. @Shaunwilden @LTLLblog yes, but should they have to be?  #eltchat
LTLLblog 13/3/2013 2:32P.M. So what features of coursebooks that you have used would you lump in the 'good coursebooks' column? #eltchat
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:33P.M. appealing content, clear language focus, challenging activities are some of my personal likes - #eltchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:33P.M. 2/2 with plenty of opportunities to use the new language in relevant and relatively natural ways. #eltchat
LTLLblog 13/3/2013 2:33P.M. @Shaunwilden @teflgeek To an extent: cultural side of things can be taken care of by T, but lexis and listening should be integral #eltchat
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:33P.M. @cherrymp not often a feature of exam books unfortunately... #eltchat
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:33P.M. I am more concerned with coursebooks which include boring and unmemorable, uninteresting content myself - less abt activities #ELTchat
Shaunwilden 13/3/2013 2:33P.M. @teflgeek @LTLLblog erm..yes I think even if it were a good cb it'd still need the tchr to use it as they see suitable for class #ELTchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:33P.M. #eltchat I'd say engaging texts, plenty of listening, plenty of opportunities to express and develop opinions, well integrated lang work 1/2
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:34P.M. @cherrymp #eltchat Yes, Can I add appropriately challenging to my list?
Shaunwilden 13/3/2013 2:34P.M. @Marisa_C  i do like a range of activities, esp when practicing language often cbks just concentrate on the mechanics of form #ELTchat
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:34P.M. @Shaunwilden @LTLLblog true - the teacher's job is to adapt materials to circumstance, but could it be made easier? #eltchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:35P.M. @Shaunwilden @Marisa_C Form focused practice has a place, but there should also be plenty of more meaningful opps to use langl. #eltchat
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:35P.M. @teflerinha of course you can - i thought of an adjective to go along - couldn't find a snappy one - thanks for yours #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 13/3/2013 2:35P.M. RT @teflerinha: 2/2 with plenty of opportunities to use the new language in relevant and relatively natural ways. #eltchat
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:35P.M. @Shaunwilden Sure - agree - a combination of interesting texts & useful activs ideal but was just prioritizing  #ELTchat
yitzha_sarwono 13/3/2013 2:35P.M. RT @teflerinha: #eltchat I'd say engaging texts, plenty of listening, plenty of opportunities to express and develop opinions, well inte ...
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:35P.M. @teflgeek @Shaunwilden @LTLLblog don't know whether the publishers can host teacher resources online that can be accessed by e #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 13/3/2013 2:35P.M. RT @AlexandraKouk: CB can (un)suitable in terms of content, level or pedagogy #eltchat easier to adapt learning tasks than creating a wh ...
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:36P.M. @BobK99 #eltchat The problem can definitely be when publisher insists this all has to fit on a double page spread!
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:36P.M. @teflgeek YES - fully agree #eltchat
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:36P.M. @teflerinha @Shaunwilden @Marisa_C form n meaning - my vote will go for meaning #eltchat
Shaunwilden 13/3/2013 2:36P.M. @teflerinha @Marisa_C Yes thats the point was I was making :-) #ELTchat
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:36P.M. Isn't the problem of coursebooks that they try to fit too much into a double page spread?  Systems and skills mutal support etc #eltchat
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:36P.M. @Raquel_EFL what do u mean by 'shallow' would u pls expand?  #eltchat
BobK99 13/3/2013 2:36P.M. RT @teflerinha: #eltchat I'd say engaging texts, plenty of L, pl of opp'ts to exp + dev opinions, well integrated lang work >Not much then:)
Shaunwilden 13/3/2013 2:36P.M. @Marisa_C aha ok I agree then :-) #ELTchat
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:37P.M. So in defining features of CB's we would go for, we do have the beginnings of ideas of how to adapt what we do get #eltchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:37P.M. @teflgeek #eltchat Ah snap! Yes, I don't like this, and publishers do insist on it more and more. presumably because teachers tell them to
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:37P.M. RT @teflerinha Form focused practice has a place, but there should also be plenty of more meaningful opps to use langl. #eltchat Here here!
yitzha_sarwono 13/3/2013 2:37P.M. @Marisa_C @Shaunwilden I like the idea #eltchat
Acquk 13/3/2013 2:37P.M. A good course book is a springboard to learning and engagement. Therefore it must be adaptable #eltchat
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:38P.M. RT @BrunoELT: @Shaunwilden @marisa_c there's got to be a balance #ELTchat > absolutely - we're talking abt desperately bad CBs here :-)
AlexandraKouk 13/3/2013 2:38P.M. How would you make a boring text memorable and meaningful (assuming you have to use it)? #eltchat
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:38P.M. @joannacre becomes a problem when units have the same structure #eltchat
Shaunwilden 13/3/2013 2:38P.M. @BrunoELT Between? #ELTchat
yitzha_sarwono 13/3/2013 2:38P.M. RT @Acquk: A good course book is a springboard to learning and engagement. Therefore it must be adaptable #eltchat
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:39P.M. @teflerinha @joannacre we conveniently forget the Ss! #eltchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:39P.M. @teflgeekAnnoys me too, and often really useful stuff gets cut because it won't fit on the spread #eltchat
Shaunwilden 13/3/2013 2:39P.M. @AlexandraKouk Set it up in such a way to involve the sts, give them reasons to read etc #ELTchat
cybraryman1 13/3/2013 2:39P.M. Wed Chats Part I: #ELTchat #ntchat #ptchat #2ndchat #educoach #1to1techat #ldchat #sbgchat  http://t.co/jAvPU77LX9 Any changes?
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:39P.M. RT @AlexandraKouk: How would you make a boring text memorable and meaningful (assuming you have to use it)? #eltchat > cut it up/ mystery...
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:39P.M. @cherrymp @joannacre #eltchat But again, publishers tell me this is what teachers want.
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:39P.M. @teflerinha It really annoys me.  Are we developing reading skills or introducing a language point?  Which is the main focus? #eltchat
Shaunwilden 13/3/2013 2:39P.M. RT @AlexandraKouk: How would you make a boring text memorable and meaningful (assuming you have to use it)? #eltchat
AlexandraKouk 13/3/2013 2:40P.M. use your own (or even better Ss-found) visuals #eltchat@Marisa_C @Shaunwilden
Shaunwilden 13/3/2013 2:41P.M. RT @jenjdobson: hi all :-) agree with Rachel, publishers are usually responding to market surveys. Kind of circle argument #eltchat
cherrymp 13/3/2013 2:41P.M. sorry #eltchat - have to leave - will catch up the rest with the chatscript n the summary.
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:41P.M. My recipe for fixing poor coursebook pages - Mystery, Guesswork, Curiosity, Desire to communicate, Games playing, Imagination #eltchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:41P.M. @AlexandraKouk @Shaunwilden #eltchat Try and find an 'angle' on it and supplement with a video or other text etc.
InglesnaRede 13/3/2013 2:41P.M. RT @teflgeek: And what also annoys me is the lack of opportunity for meaningful use of the language.  #eltchat
RenatoNascAlves 13/3/2013 2:41P.M. RT @teflgeek: And what also annoys me is the lack of opportunity for meaningful use of the language.  #eltchat
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:41P.M. And what also annoys me is the lack of opportunity for meaningful use of the language.  #eltchat
joannacre 13/3/2013 2:42P.M. @Shaunwilden @AlexandraKouk get the ss involved they can bring in things theyve read, game cards whatever!#eltchat
LTLLblog 13/3/2013 2:42P.M. @teflgeek If you mean speaking/communicative activities, then it can be hard to incorporate those into CB pages. #eltchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:42P.M. @jenjdobson @cherrymp @joannacre I guess there are probably a lot of ts out there (not on #eltchat), who just want it to be as easy as poss
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:42P.M. @teflgeek ha ha :-D  nor me #eltchat #itsnotmyfault
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:42P.M. @teflerinha I don't know where they get their research from, but I've never said that to them!  #eltchat #itsnotmyfault
AlexandraKouk 13/3/2013 2:43P.M. RT @Acquk: @AlexandraKouk predictive style pre-tasks can generate interest in a boring text #eltchat
AlexandraKouk 13/3/2013 2:43P.M. RT @MotherTongueSL: Many people are talking about kids and testing- is there where the worst CB are? #eltchat
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:43P.M. @LTLLblog depends on the page focus, but I see a lot of presentation and practice and very little in the way of production.  #eltchat
AlexandraKouk 13/3/2013 2:43P.M. RT @joannacre: @Shaunwilden @AlexandraKouk get the ss involved they can bring in things theyve read, game cards whatever!#eltchat
MotherTongueSL 13/3/2013 2:43P.M. Many people are talking about kids and testing- is there where the worst CB are? #eltchat
Acquk 13/3/2013 2:43P.M. @AlexandraKouk predictive style pre-tasks can generate interest in a boring text #eltchat
Shaunwilden 13/3/2013 2:44P.M. RT @MotherTongueSL: Many people are talking about kids and testing- is there where the worst CB are? #eltchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:44P.M. @LTLLblog @teflgeek #eltchat Not sure I'd necessarily agree. It's fitting in reading text, comp qs, language focus, practice AND speaking!
AlexandraKouk 13/3/2013 2:45P.M. Give Ss meaningful, involving tasks - like collaborative project work that can be "published" in a Glogster or FB page #eltchat
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:45P.M. @teflerinha @LTLLblog and does reading text with six comp qus actually develop learners ability to read?  or just answer comp qus? #eltchat
LTLLblog 13/3/2013 2:45P.M. @teflgeek True, usually relegated to 'Exercise F - Ask your partner some questions using 'if' questions' or somesuch afterthought. #eltchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:45P.M. @teflgeek #eltchat Feel free to bombard publishers with requests for non double page spread based units!
yitzha_sarwono 13/3/2013 2:46P.M. @MotherTongueSL That is usually the case here in Indonesia. They forget that the children aren't exposed to the language,#eltchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:46P.M. @teflgeek @LTLLblog #eltchat Agree, it doesn't, it does, however, give a reason to read at least.
BobK99 13/3/2013 2:47P.M. @teflerinha  #eltchat Double-page spread focus is a very popular trend in all sorts of informative writing - forget the buzzword
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:47P.M. @teflgeek @LTLLblog #eltchat Problem is that there 'have to' be objective right answers.
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:47P.M. @LTLLblog yes - the "productive afterthought" - now share your ideas with your partner... #eltchat
jenjdobson 13/3/2013 2:47P.M. @teflerinha @cherrymp @joannacre #eltchat ? poor teacher training? sorry, going off point.
LTLLblog 13/3/2013 2:48P.M. @teflerinha @teflgeek Kind of goes back to the idea of CB with just texts and images, with support pack for Ts of suggested tasks? #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 13/3/2013 2:48P.M. @AlexandraKouk also provide easier tasks to accompany the exercise given by the CB. That's what I do at least #eltchat
jenjdobson 13/3/2013 2:48P.M. @AlexandraKouk #eltchat nice :-)
Acquk 13/3/2013 2:48P.M. @MotherTongueSL I do esp and be. I like most BE CBs but they have a hard task as content needs to tailored to specific work needs  #eltchat
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:48P.M. @teflerinha Really?  Really?  I have to take issue with that!  #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 13/3/2013 2:49P.M. RT @Marisa_C: Get your ss to evaluate the CB you are using - if they like it try harder - if they don't, perhaps tell the school! #Eltchat
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:49P.M. RT @Marisa_C: Get your ss to evaluate the CB you are using - if they like it try harder - if they don't, perhaps tell the school! #Eltchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:49P.M. @teflgeek I think well written comp qs can help guide ls thru text. Would you not set a task at all, or a different kind of task? #eltchat
AlexandraKouk 13/3/2013 2:49P.M. RT @Marisa_C: Get your ss to evaluate the CB you are using - if they like it try harder - if they don't, perhaps tell the school! #Eltchat
BobK99 13/3/2013 2:49P.M. @teflerinha  #eltchat PS re buzzword. It was a buzz-PHRASE. I think 'Structured' came into it.
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:49P.M. Get your ss to evaluate the CB you are using - if they like it try harder - if they don't, perhaps tell the school! #Eltchat
Shaunwilden 13/3/2013 2:50P.M. @ljp2010 What you've never just walked in with a cbk? #eltchat
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:50P.M. @teflerinha I don't think a text and comp questions motivates learners to read the text.  There's a lot else that needs to be done #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 13/3/2013 2:51P.M. @Marisa_C Since I'm teaching children,once asked some of parents to see whether they were able to understand it & help their kids #eltchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:51P.M. @teflgeek #eltchat Oh certainly, didn't mean motivates them, but that can provide framework (but I'm not wedded to comp qs in my own tching)
ljp2010 13/3/2013 2:51P.M. @Shaunwilden Hahaha - me?!!? #ELTchat
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:51P.M. @Marisa_C we often ask for teacher feedback on books, but very rarely learners!  Good point! #eltchat
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:51P.M. @teflgeek Agree with you there - one of the least inspiring aspects of mats for me  #eltchat
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:52P.M. @teflerinha but it seems to be "de rigeur" in coursebooks to treat reading texts this way:  Gist task / detail task (i.e. comp qus) #eltchat
ljp2010 13/3/2013 2:52P.M. #ELTchat @Shaunwilden Obviously I have but I also have loads of tricks up my sleeve to jazz things up a bit, add extra prac, etc
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:52P.M. @teflgeek I have often asked my Ss to select a coursebook after a lesson in which we establish our criteria - mine and theirs  #eltchat
jenjdobson 13/3/2013 2:52P.M. #eltchat also problem up to date material, esp for teens, out of date by time puiblished
LTLLblog 13/3/2013 2:52P.M. @AlexandraKouk Good point - teens seem to enjoy wallwisher/padlet as a way of communicating - must be the FB generation! #eltchat
Shaunwilden 13/3/2013 2:52P.M. 9 mins left what other advise can you give for those that HAVE to use a cbk they dont like? #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 13/3/2013 2:53P.M. @Shaunwilden learn the content to see if you can make an easier version to use it in class; simpler extra exercise or activities #eltchat
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:53P.M. @Marisa_C nice idea.  Will take that one forwards! #eltchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:53P.M. @jenjdobson #eltchat Yes, this is an issue, which is why publishers now seem to have moved away from celebrities #thankgoodness
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:54P.M. Suggestions coming now - get the Ss to change exercises in some way - personalize them or make them completely silly #eltchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:54P.M. @teflgeek Agree- just writing article abt exactly this. Reason is it's easy to put on page and give correct answers, I think #eltchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:55P.M. @teflgeek #eltchat A lot of other possible tasks are very open-ended, which publishers tell me teachers don't want
yitzha_sarwono 13/3/2013 2:55P.M. RT @Marisa_C: Suggestions coming now - get the Ss to change exercises in some way - personalize them or make them completely silly #eltchat
Acquk 13/3/2013 2:55P.M. If you don't like the CB, focus on how the content connects with the real world and therefore how it can connect with your learners #eltchat
ljp2010 13/3/2013 2:55P.M. #ELTchat do the material ur way and refer them to the CB pages to revise at home.  you've still used the book!
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:56P.M. Suggestion - get the Ss to write their own questions for a text #eltchat
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:56P.M. Suggestion - use technology to mash up texts for guesswork - e,g, word clouds #ELtchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:56P.M. @teflgeek #eltchat Well, I'm writing it for ETP- but they haven't accepted it yet!
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:57P.M. @teflerinha which seems really counter-intuitive to me!  #eltchat  Why wouldn't you want open ended tasks?
CotterHUE 13/3/2013 2:57P.M. RT @ljp2010: #ELTchat do the material ur way and refer them to the CB pages to revise at home.  you've still used the book!
Shaunwilden 13/3/2013 2:57P.M. RT @Marisa_C: Three minutes to end - who is the lucky person who will be writing up this summary please? #Eltchat
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:57P.M. Three minutes to end - who is the lucky person who will be writing up this summary please? #Eltchat
eliza_peterson 13/3/2013 2:57P.M. RT @marisa_c: Suggestion - get the Ss to write their own questions for a text #eltchat
LTLLblog 13/3/2013 2:57P.M. @Shaunwilden Tell Ls what you are not using and why. Discuss with them if older. YLs will generally accept your decision. #eltchat
LTLLblog 13/3/2013 2:58P.M. Don't forget that some Ls do like comp Qs and form based exercises, even if they are not trendy #eltchat
AlexandraKouk 13/3/2013 2:58P.M. have a mix of factual, specific  (maybe in the beginning) and open-ended, creative tasks (towards the end of lesson) #eltchat
CotterHUE 13/3/2013 2:58P.M. @ljp2010 This is exactly what I do with the textbook, whether I like it or not. Much easier to adjust to MY class. #eltchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 2:59P.M. @teflgeek #eltchat Because teachers might not be confident they know the answers. I don't think publishers are imagining this btw
CotterHUE 13/3/2013 2:59P.M. Set up any class with open-ended activities for the final portion. Can focus on theme, grammar, or some skill. #eltchat
ELTchat 13/3/2013 2:59P.M. RT @Marisa_C: Three minutes to end - who is the lucky person who will be writing up this summary please? #Eltchat
teflgeek 13/3/2013 2:59P.M. @Marisa_C @LTLLblog well that's this afternoon sorted out then... #eltchat
LTLLblog 13/3/2013 2:59P.M. @Marisa_C I'd love to but got to look after baby after this! Next time... #eltchat
judyldubois 13/3/2013 2:59P.M. RT @teflerinha: #eltchat I'd say engaging texts, plenty of listening, plenty of opportunities to express and develop opinions, well inte ...
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 2:59P.M. @LTLLblog some students also like listening to lectures abt grammar, too :-)  #eltchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 3:00P.M. @teflgeek #eltchat Though I completely agree that the more open ended the better in many way- for differentiation, for individualisation..
Shaunwilden 13/3/2013 3:00P.M. Tonight's #eltchat is  Essential/key tech resources in a developing teacher's toolbox–memberships, gadgets, training, equipment etc
CotterHUE 13/3/2013 3:00P.M. RT @teflerinha: #eltchat I'd say engaging texts, plenty of listening, plenty of opportunities to express and develop opinions, well inte ...
jenjdobson 13/3/2013 3:00P.M. #eltchat suggestion for texts. YLs/teens make dailogues/cartoons etc and act them out
BobK99 13/3/2013 3:01P.M. Gotta go. Thanks all for #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 13/3/2013 3:01P.M. RT @Shaunwilden: Tonight's #eltchat is  Essential/key tech resources in a developing teacher's toolbox–memberships, gadgets, training, e ...
teflgeek 13/3/2013 3:01P.M. @teflerinha I think the fear is control of time, not wanting to draw things to a close prematurely?  #eltchat
Shaunwilden 13/3/2013 3:01P.M. RT @Marisa_C: Summary writers please come forward #eltchat
BobK99 13/3/2013 3:01P.M. RT @LTLLblog: Don't forget that some Ls do like comp Qs and form based ex's... #eltchat > Cultural thing, I think.
AlexandraKouk 13/3/2013 3:01P.M. RT @jenjdobson: #eltchat suggestion for texts. YLs/teens make dailogues/cartoons etc and act them out
LTLLblog 13/3/2013 3:01P.M. @Marisa_C V true! Parents of YLs don't mind it either. We don't all have to be at the cutting edge of new methodologies! #eltchat
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 3:01P.M. Summary writers please come forward #eltchat
teflgeek 13/3/2013 3:02P.M. RT @teflerinha: @teflgeek #eltchat Yes, maybe fear of loss of control generally?  - yep, but with a class of 40+ you can understand it!!!
teflerinha 13/3/2013 3:02P.M. @teflgeek #eltchat Yes, maybe fear of loss of control generally? #amateurpsychologynight
teflerinha 13/3/2013 3:03P.M. @teflgeek #eltchat Definitely, even more so if you're not sure of your own level of English.
yitzha_sarwono 13/3/2013 3:04P.M. @Marisa_C I'd love to do it please? :) #eltchat
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 3:04P.M. @teflerinha another interesting topic perhaps for a future  #eltchat - how can a CB be tailored to needs oF NNEST's
teflgeek 13/3/2013 3:04P.M. OK - time to go get some lunch!  Thanks all for a great #eltchat - see you next time!
Marisa_C 13/3/2013 3:05P.M. @yitzha_sarwono Great! Thanks - will get transcript out in a few mins  #eltchat
AlexandraKouk 13/3/2013 3:05P.M. RT @Shaunwilden: Tonight's #eltchat is  Essential/key tech resources in a developing teacher's toolbox–memberships, gadgets, training, e ...
yitzha_sarwono 13/3/2013 3:06P.M. @Marisa_C yay! Thank you :) #eltchat
teflerinha 13/3/2013 3:07P.M. @Marisa_C #eltchat Yes, though of course there are also plenty with a better command of English than most native speakers!
conciselyn 13/3/2013 3:16P.M. As ex-teacher now CB editor, interesting to read comments about CBs on #eltchat today. Publishers must WANT to make the books Ts & Ss want?


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