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The future of teaching, is it only online teaching

Page history last edited by Shaun 11 years, 10 months ago

This is the transcript of #eltchat on 22.11.2012 - The future of teaching, is it only online teaching


username time status
Shaunwilden 9:00 PM Evening all, ready to discuss  The future of teaching – is it only online teaching? #ELTchat
KerrCarolyn 9:00 PM #eltchat "Technology is just a tool to get kids 2 work together and 2 motivate them, it's the teacher that's the most important" bill gates
theteacherjames 9:00 PM RT @Shaunwilden: Evening all, ready to discuss  The future of teaching – is it only online teaching? #ELTchat
Noreen_Lam 9:00 PM Ready 4 interesting #eltchat about online teaching, but hoping all these silly ads will stop interrupting the stream!!
MarjorieRosenbe 9:01 PM Don't believe that classroom teaching will give way to only online. #eltchat
stephenburrows 9:01 PM RT @KerrCarolyn: #eltchat "Technology is just a tool to get kids 2 work together and 2 motivate them, it's the teacher that's the most i ...
Shaunwilden 9:01 PM @Noreen_Lam  silly ads? If you use tweetdeck you can filter them out #ELTchat
stephenburrows 9:01 PM #eltchat Hi everyone
teacherhigor 9:01 PM RT @Shaunwilden: Evening all, ready to discuss  The future of teaching – is it only online teaching? #ELTchat
teacherhigor 9:01 PM @Shaunwilden w #ELTchat Good evening!
Wiktor_K 9:02 PM Hi folks, lurking today whilst pretending to do other stuff as well :) #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:02 PM @MarjorieRosenbe  nor me, well not in the near future anyway #ELTchat
theteacherjames 9:02 PM RT @MarjorieRosenbe: Don't believe that classroom teaching will give way to only online. #eltchat
esolcourses 9:03 PM RT @Shaunwilden Evening all, ready to discuss The future of teaching – is it only online teaching? #ELTchat unlikely IMO. Next question ;-)
Shaunwilden 9:03 PM Evening all, if you're just joining us the topic is The future of teaching – is it only online teaching? #ELTchat
Noreen_Lam 9:03 PM @shaunwilden Using hootsuite but lots of promoted Twitter Ads &not sure how to filter....#eltchat
theteacherjames 9:03 PM @MarjorieRosenbe I agree.  People like being in face to face groups, it's a social thing. #eltchat
singernick 9:03 PM Hi everyone #eltchat
cgoodey 9:04 PM @Shaunwilden @esolcourses ;-) #ELTchat
cgoodey 9:04 PM @theteacherjames @MarjorieRosenbe I agree too. The social face-to-face aspect is a great motivator for many ESOL learners. #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:04 PM @esolcourses Yes there is a danger that this #ELTchat is just no, ok next topic :-)
Shaunwilden 9:04 PM Does anyone use hootsuite and can help @Noreen_Lam  #ELTchat
Marisa_C 9:05 PM RT @CELT_Athens: Good evening all - is the discussion finished already? @esolcourses   #ELTchat :-D
Noreen_Lam 9:05 PM Hope not only online--so many fun activities u just can't do in front of comp screen! Would miss singing, dancing &crafts w/YLs! :) #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:05 PM @cgoodey @esolcourses  that implies you cant be social onlne doesnt it? #ELTchat
Marisa_C 9:05 PM RT @Shaunwilden: Evening all, if you're just joining us the topic is The future of teaching – is it only online teaching? #ELTchat
CELT_Athens 9:05 PM Good evening all - is the discussion finished already? @esolcourses   #ELTchat :-D
singernick 9:05 PM #eltchat I can see a bit of both = blended
Shaunwilden 9:05 PM So far no is leading the way......#ELTchat
MarjorieRosenbe 9:06 PM A number of sts come to classes for the social aspects. Even my ICT sts dont want to work exclusively online. #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:06 PM @cgoodey camera? #ELTchat
Marisa_C 9:06 PM RT @cgoodey: @Shaunwilden You can be social, but you can't be face-to-face #ELTchat
cgoodey 9:06 PM @Shaunwilden You can be social, but you can't be face-to-face #ELTchat
stephenburrows 9:06 PM #eltchat I think there's a hell of lot of progress to be made in the classroom before we even consider the future is only online.
Shaunwilden 9:06 PM @Noreen_Lam  but you can do most of those things online as well in some way #ELTchat
Shaunwilden 9:06 PM @singernick  Yes me too :-) #ELTchat
esolcourses 9:07 PM RT @Marisa_C: RT @cgoodey: @Shaunwilden You can be social, but you can't be face-to-face #ELTchat ] though F2F at a distance can be similar
Marisa_C 9:07 PM RT @MarjorieRosenbe: A number of sts come to classes for the social aspects. Even my ICT sts dont want to work exclusively online. #eltchat
12mandown 9:07 PM Color me skeptical.  I remember when television was going to replace classroom teachers. #ELTchat
theteacherjames 9:07 PM @Shaunwilden @esolcourses Okay, it's no, so what is it? It won't just stay the same! #ELTchat
Marisa_C 9:08 PM RT @singernick: Nothing can match f2f but companies are moving towards online as an "extra" #eltchat
esolcourses 9:08 PM @theteacherjames @Shaunwilden I suspect what may happen is that tech skills will become a job requirement at some point... #eltchat
singernick 9:08 PM Nothing can match f2f but companies are moving towards online as an "extra" #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:08 PM RT @12mandown: Color me skeptical.  I remember when television was going to replace classroom teachers. #ELTchat > :-)
mpbirke 9:09 PM @singernick #eltchat there is nothing like a f2f lesson.
stephenburrows 9:09 PM #eltchat What's eltchat's verdict on blended learning, I hate the term but like the idea but have yet to witness it done well
Noreen_Lam 9:09 PM @shaunwilden U can w/YLs on the comp, but no contact w/them. Can't swing them around2 dance, play run&touch games the same.... #eltchat
MarjorieRosenbe 9:09 PM Am on train about to arrive back home so may have to suddenly dash. #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:10 PM @stephenburrows We've always blended though its nothing new just a different way to do it now #ELTchat
theteacherjames 9:10 PM We can't be that confident about the future of anything related to lang learning all the time we don't know how it happens. #eltchat
esolcourses 9:10 PM @theteacherjames @Shaunwilden ...even in contexts where tech isn't provided, m-learning is possible, for instance #eltchat
Wiktor_K 9:10 PM http://t.co/lyE15Qw9 -here's a video clip about the future of learning...made by Ericsson, biased, but great! #eltchat
Noreen_Lam 9:11 PM Online seems more BEng style for most part, right? Agree about social aspect--for Ss & T! #eltchat
theteacherjames 9:11 PM @esolcourses Yes, it'll be a reflection of wider society in that respect. #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:11 PM RT @Marisa_C: All of us here enjoy the online contact but we so enjoy meeting each other at conferences - don't we!!! #eltchat
SueAnnan 9:11 PM I think it doesn't suit a lot of people to motivate themselves to study online #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:11 PM All of us here enjoy the online contact but we so enjoy meeting each other at conferences - don't we!!! #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:12 PM @Noreen_Lam hurrah then ;-) #ELTchat
esolcourses 9:12 PM RT @Marisa_C: All of us here enjoy the online contact but we so enjoy meeting each other at conferences - don't we!!! #eltchat indeed!!
theteacherjames 9:12 PM RT @stephenburrows: #eltchat What's eltchat's verdict on blended learning, I hate the term but like the idea but have yet to witness it  ...
MarjorieRosenbe 9:13 PM @Marisa_C @singernick Agree. Lots of online possibilities but cant imagine it totally replacing f2f. #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:13 PM But online opens a great window of opportunity - which can be in ADDITION to f-2-f #eltchat - at this point in time smtms diff to sell to sm
singernick 9:13 PM @mpbirke Maria put #eltchat in the search box and you can see the other comments
EnglishOutThere 9:13 PM RT @Wiktor_K: http://t.co/lyE15Qw9 -here's a video clip about the future of learning...made by Ericsson, biased, but great! #eltchat
CELT_Athens 9:14 PM RT @Shaunwilden: Is it the nature of language learning that sts feel it has to be done f2f?#ELTchat
KerrCarolyn 9:14 PM #ELTchat Are there things that are better online and not in a classroom? Do we make best use of Ss time? e.g. limited practice 4 grammar
Shaunwilden 9:14 PM Is it the nature of language learning that sts feel it has to be done f2f?#ELTchat
singernick 9:15 PM @MarjorieRosenbe @Marisa_C I think another issue is that it's cheap #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:15 PM @shaznosel @esolcourses @theteacherjames what do you mwan not an issue? #ELTchat
Marisa_C 9:15 PM @MarjorieRosenbe moi #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:15 PM RT @KerrCarolyn: #ELTchat Are there things that are better online and not f2f? Do we make best use of Ss time?
MarjorieRosenbe 9:15 PM @Marisa_C You've got that right! Who's going to be in Liverpool? #eltchat
shaznosel 9:15 PM @esolcourses @theteacherjames @Shaunwilden Depends on the country you r teachin in..m-learning is not even an issue in Greece,  #eltchat
Noreen_Lam 9:16 PM RT @marisa_c: Online opens gr8 window of opp -can be in ADD'N to f-2-f #eltchat - at this point in time smtms diff2 sell2 sm>Supplementary!
Marisa_C 9:16 PM @singernick  #eltchat true - but even tho e.g. i offer same course online many prefer f-2-f
theteacherjames 9:16 PM Shouldn't underestimate what technology can do. It's hard to imagine what it'll be like in 30 years, & I'll still be working then! #eltchat
esolcourses 9:16 PM Worth bearing in mind that in some contexts, e-learning is not an option, & vice versa... for instance remote areas #eltchat
SueAnnan 9:16 PM Internet connection here is a bit random. Will have to bow out and read the summary. Will catch up with you all next week #eltchat
KerrCarolyn 9:17 PM @theteacherjames #eltchat. Absolutely. I can't wait 4 technology to take over those things I wish I didn't have 2 spend time doing
theteacherjames 9:17 PM RT @KerrCarolyn: #ELTchat Are there things that are better online and not in a classroom? Do we make best use of Ss time? e.g. limited p ...
jemjemgardner 9:17 PM I don't think we'll see the death of the real classroom, learning styles and motivations are too varied to be limited to IT. #eltchat
theteacherjames 9:17 PM RT @Shaunwilden: Is it the nature of language learning that sts feel it has to be done f2f?#ELTchat
shaznosel 9:18 PM @MarjorieRosenbe @Marisa_C @singernick I agree and still propose the point that on-line accessibility is a geographical thing #eltchat
edwinamwilliams 9:18 PM @KerrCarolyn There are lots of possibilities online for extra practice and review but as a compliment to f2f #eltchat
MarjorieRosenbe 9:18 PM @Marisa_C Great, we will have to meet. #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:18 PM As a teacher/trainer I would miss the energy and buzz of teaching a group #ELTchat
singernick 9:18 PM RT @jemjemgardner: I don't think we'll see the death of the real classroom, learning styles and motivations are too varied to be limited ...
Wiktor_K 9:18 PM There's pressure on publishers to go online & stop pushing paper - can U imagine pressure on schools to go online 4 convenience? #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:19 PM @Shaunwilden may be you need to train me then :-)  #ELTchat
theteacherjames 9:19 PM @KerrCarolyn Absolutely, I for one welcome our robot masters. #eltchat
theteacherjames 9:19 PM @KerrCarolyn I think quieter, more reflective work suits online more. Less social pressure to 'interact'. #ELTchat
Shaunwilden 9:19 PM @Marisa_C Intersting, as someone that trains teachers online I find I have that buzz #ELTchat
shaznosel 9:20 PM @Wiktor_K Impossible in Greece, as most schools still don't have interactive boards and internet connections ..#eltchat
theteacherjames 9:20 PM @singernick @MarjorieRosenbe @Marisa_C Yes, & let's not forget that in the future online learning will give greater accessibility. #eltchat
jemjemgardner 9:20 PM But maybe that doesn't have to be missing? RT @Marisa_C: As a teacher/trainer I would miss the energy and buzz of teaching a group #ELTchat
KerrCarolyn 9:20 PM @theteacherjames #Eltchat - Yes - and Ss being able to see their own corrections instantly. No loss of face. No feeling of judgement
theteacherjames 9:21 PM @KerrCarolyn yes, yes and yes. All very attractive for some types of learners, I think. #Eltchat
shaznosel 9:21 PM @KerrCarolyn @theteacherjames Yes! Would love tech to take over the tedious part of teachg but can every ss cope with that? #eltchat
jemjemgardner 9:21 PM How many do you train online at a time? How do you find the buzz? @Shaunwilden: @Marisa_C #ELTchat
singernick 9:21 PM #eltchat I like online teaching/tools to do things wen no time in class such as tutorials etc
Noreen_Lam 9:21 PM Anyone know about other langs?Seems online ELT is quite widespread& developed, but friend who's Span T is not aware of many opps #eltchat
theteacherjames 9:22 PM RT @jemjemgardner: I don't think we'll see the death of the real classroom, learning styles and motivations are too varied to be limited ...
KerrCarolyn 9:22 PM @singernick #ELTchat. I use it in class too. Project online exercise on the wall in class and have L's control the inputs
Marisa_C 9:22 PM @jemjemgardner i think my prob is i like largish groups #eltchat - so far our grps have been smallish - 6-7 ts #ELTchat
Shaunwilden 9:22 PM @jemjemgardner usually groups of max 12, maybe its cos I am used to environ & try hard to create the buzz? #ELTchat I still love f2f though
KerrCarolyn 9:23 PM @shaznosel @theteacherjames #ELTchat. I think helping them to learn to cope is the best part of the job!!!!
shaznosel 9:23 PM @SueAnnan Guess that means we won't be replacing you with on-line teaching! Thank God! #eltchat
toulasklavou 9:23 PM @Wiktor_K that means everyone sh'ld change way of thinkin, beliefs abt lang learnin a bit diff, & would take years#eltchat
jemjemgardner 9:24 PM Never tried it myself, wld take some getting used to i feel. Just like the classroom does!  @Shaunwilden #ELTchat
Shaunwilden 9:25 PM RT @EnglishOutThere: People get hung up on online, f2f, blended etc. Access to information and phones mean teaching roles will change co ...
shaznosel 9:25 PM @shaznosel @esolcourses @theteacherjames @Shaunwilden SS do not have access to internet thru phones as it's too expensive #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:25 PM @jemjemgardner well i've been running courses online for about 7 years so as i say prabably used it to :-) #ELTchat
singernick 9:25 PM @KerrCarolyn #ELTchat. I use it in class too. Project online exercise on the wall in class and have L's control the inputs: Absolutely!
theteacherjames 9:25 PM RT @jemjemgardner: How many do you train online at a time? How do you find the buzz? #ELTchat
EnglishOutThere 9:25 PM People get hung up on online, f2f, blended etc. Access to information and phones mean teaching roles will change come what may #eltchat
Wiktor_K 9:26 PM Personally, I'm more xcited by how much more we know about learning & teaching now, than by new tech. This is the big change for me #eltchat
shaznosel 9:26 PM @esolcourses Exactly my point - not just remote area but attitude plays a role..the changing face of the teacher is not everywhere #eltchat
esolcourses 9:27 PM @shaznosel true. What I think might change though are expectations, i.e. people hiring teachers will come to expect tech skills #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:27 PM @Wiktor_K  thats a good point, the sharing and accessibility of knowledge now is exciting #ELTchat
Marisa_C 9:27 PM @Wiktor_K a good point - the reflections abt tech have regenerated interest in pedagogy  #eltchat
EnglishOutThere 9:27 PM RT @Wiktor_K: Personally, I'm more xcited by how much more we know about learning & teaching now, than by new tech. This is the big  ...
jemjemgardner 9:27 PM @Marisa_C @Shaunwilden I think my prob is imagining being as responsive online as in person. Maybe I need some training. #ELTchat
shaznosel 9:27 PM @jemjemgardner Agree..learning styles play a role and for some f2f is essential #eltchat
esolcourses 9:28 PM @shaznosel it's the same in most industries, really.  Eventually teachers without tech skills may become less employable #eltchat
12mandown 9:28 PM I like the online class idea, but I haven't seen it implemented well yet.  Admittedly limited in experience with it.  #ELTchat
Marisa_C 9:28 PM RT @jemjemgardner: How many do you train online at a time? How do you find the buzz? @Shaunwilden: @Marisa_C #ELTchat>lots of games
jemjemgardner 9:28 PM 7 years!! i need to get with the times it seems! RT @Shaunwilden: well i've been running courses online for about 7 years  #ELTchat
toulasklavou 9:28 PM have paper books disappeared when ebooks made their appearance?just became part of our lives#eltchat
Marisa_C 9:28 PM @jemjemgardner some may be - it takes some getting used to - I used to feel exhausted at first ! #ELTchat
sandra_loiacono 9:29 PM RT @KerrCarolyn: #ELTchat Are there things that are better online and not in a classroom? Do we make best use of Ss time? e.g. limited p ...
ljp2010 9:29 PM #ELTchat In a recent tidy up I came across lots of old articles etc about the future of tech.  What they talk abt is now 2nd nature to most
Shaunwilden 9:29 PM @12mandown i think its like any tool a teacher has to dabble and see if ti works for them #eltchat
jemjemgardner 9:29 PM RT @esolcourses: @shaznosel it's the same in most industries, really.  Eventually teachers without tech skills may become less employabl ...
Shaunwilden 9:29 PM RT @esolcourses: @shaznosel it's the same in most industries, really.  Eventually teachers without tech skills may become less employabl ...
shaznosel 9:29 PM @Wiktor_K Me too..the learning we do thru on-line chats is more important to me than my ss going on-line..#eltchat
singernick 9:30 PM @Wiktor_K I think they go hand in hand in every aspect #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:30 PM @shaznosel so a school that offers wifi would be profitable then :-) #eltchat
ljp2010 9:30 PM #ELTchat oh yeah, and i'm late again.  hi all :-)
Shaunwilden 9:31 PM RT @Noreen_Lam: Anyone know about other langs?Seems online ELT is quite widespread& developed, but friend who's Span T is not aware  ...
shaznosel 9:31 PM @jemjemgardner @Shaunwilden Wow! Are most of your ss business people? We are not talking YLs here.I guess? #eltchat
theteacherjames 9:32 PM @ljp2010 I think that's a really important point. At some point it stops being tech & becomes a normal tool. #ELTchat
alturki3 9:32 PM @theteacherjames Ss, being more and more familiar to online technologies , are more likely to be taught through online sources #eltchat
shaznosel 9:32 PM @esolcourses With you..we have to keep on the ball! Guess that's why we are here! #eltchat
theteacherjames 9:32 PM RT @Shaunwilden: @12mandown i think its like any tool a teacher has to dabble and see if it works for them #eltchat
toulasklavou 9:32 PM @ljp2010 Hi Liza#eltchat
Wiktor_K 9:33 PM @singernick Not every time. Most progress possible by tech, but not all tech= more progress. Sometimes, methodological blind alleys #eltchat
toulasklavou 9:33 PM @Shaunwilden @shaznosel definitely!classroom teachin and teachnology!a wonderful combination#eltchat
12mandown 9:33 PM @Shaunwilden I agree though I think it takes more commitment than dabbling allows for. #ELTchat
EnglishOutThere 9:33 PM RT @theteacherjames: @ljp2010 I think that's a really important point. At some point it stops being tech & becomes a normal tool. #E ...
Shaunwilden 9:33 PM RT @MarjorieRosenbe: @esolcourses True. and elearning courses for prof development are very helpful as well as cutting down on travel. # ...
Shaunwilden 9:33 PM @12mandown fair point, I guess I am lucky in that dabbling is partly my hobby as well :-) #eltchat
MarjorieRosenbe 9:33 PM @esolcourses True. and elearning courses for prof development are very helpful as well as cutting down on travel. #eltchat
EnglishOutThere 9:34 PM RT @Wiktor_K: @singernick Not every time. Most progress possible by tech, but not all tech= more progress. Sometimes, methodological bli ...
Marisa_C 9:34 PM @12mandown agree - a lot of commitment  #ELTchat
shaznosel 9:34 PM @shaznosel @esolcourses @theteacherjames @Shaunwilden Age is a factor too..most YLs need the teacher f2f and are not on-line! #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:35 PM @shaznosel Age is a good point in terms of accessibility #eltchat
theteacherjames 9:35 PM RT @ljp2010: @theteacherjames They were explaining "downloading" - amazing how much we know take as assumed knowledge! #eltchat
jemjemgardner 9:35 PM I did my DELTA distance learning, worked v well for me. RT @MarjorieRosenbe: @esolcourses #eltchat
MarjorieRosenbe 9:36 PM We offer pd webinars through IATEFL BESIG - chat box supplies buzz but mostly through those who know each other. #eltchat
singernick 9:36 PM @shaznosel @esolcourses @theteacherjames @Shaunwilden Wot about Silver Surfers, don't they count #eltchat lol
esolcourses 9:36 PM RT @MarjorieRosenbe: @esolcourses True. and elearning courses for prof development are very helpful as well as cutting down on travel. # ...
12mandown 9:36 PM I would miss the over-the-shoulder assessments.  #ELTchat
Shaunwilden 9:37 PM @MarjorieRosenbe but it think people soon get into it even if they dont know others #eltchat
shaznosel 9:38 PM @Shaunwilden Schols with interactive boards are a selling point, but then ss do not have internet access to use e-books at home! #eltchat
theteacherjames 9:39 PM @singernick @shaznosel @esolcourses @Shaunwilden Think the age of people online will include more kids & oldies. It'll be normal. #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:39 PM I think a lot more of the online learning is already happening inspite of us - Just had convo on FB with a beginner - in English  #ELTchat
shaznosel 9:39 PM @toulasklavou @Shaunwilden @shaznosel Agree Toula..the combination is the kewy ingredient! #eltchat
jemjemgardner 9:39 PM Me too! RT @12mandown: I would miss the over-the-shoulder assessments.  #ELTchat
MarjorieRosenbe 9:39 PM @Shaunwilden Of course, after awhile we start to recognise names of those who join in and then try to meet ay conferences. #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:39 PM @shaznosel  is lack of internet really that widespread? #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:40 PM RT @Marisa_C: I think a lot more of the online learning is already happening inspite of us - Just had convo on FB with a beginner - in E ...
Marisa_C 9:40 PM Lots of ppl using social networks for independent learning - conscioulsy or unconsciously #ELTchat
Shaunwilden 9:40 PM @theteacherjames i agree but the i meant in terms of autonomous use #eltchat
jemjemgardner 9:40 PM I agree, but depends on the grpRT @Shaunwilden: @MarjorieRosenbe but it think people soon get into it even if they dont know others #eltchat
shaznosel 9:41 PM @Shaunwilden yes and especially for m-phones..most SS do not know what an app is..nor the parents- you tube is seen as upmarket #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:41 PM RT @Marisa_C: Lots of ppl using social networks for independent learning - conscioulsy or unconsciously #ELTchat
esolcourses 9:41 PM @MarjorieRosenbe yes. Also make professional development inclusive and affordable for people who can't afford to go to conferences #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:41 PM @Marisa_C yes agreed, sts using english more everyday online anyway so we shld tap into it #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:42 PM RT @toulasklavou: IMO classroom teaching is a value that doesn;t change only improves itself &adapts to positive influences#eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:42 PM RT @toulasklavou: IMO classroom teaching is a value that doesn;t change only improves itself &adapts to positive influences#eltchat
toulasklavou 9:42 PM IMO classroom teaching is a value that doesn;t change only improves itself &adapts to positive influences#eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:42 PM @shaznosel  gosh so glad I dont teach there anymore then :-) #eltchat
esolcourses 9:42 PM @theteacherjames @singernick @shaznosel @Shaunwilden LOL! who are you calling a Silver Surfer? I prefer the term Golden Oldie ;-) #eltchat
EnglishOutThere 9:42 PM RT @Marisa_C: I think a lot more of the online learning is already happening inspite of us - Just had convo on FB with a beginner - in E ...
elt_esol 9:43 PM RT @JGakonga: CPD for teachers | EnglishAgenda | British Council | @scoopit http://t.co/J56sxrfo #celta #elt #esol #eltchat
singernick 9:43 PM @esolcourses @theteacherjames @shaznosel @Shaunwilden I love the term Silver Sufer Sue lol #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:43 PM @toulasklavou  #eltchat but it might eventually - we don't really really know what future holds ...
KerrCarolyn 9:44 PM @esolcourses @MarjorieRosenbe I second that - make CPD less expensive. Also use all the grant funding you can get - Grundtvig etc #eltchat
EnglishOutThere 9:44 PM @Marisa_C  Think you're right. It is speaking skills that lag most #eltchat
shaznosel 9:44 PM @esolcourses @MarjorieRosenbe Like!..conferences are  expensive plus not everyone can take time off in the academic year to travel #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:45 PM ok 15 mins left, we seem to agree that blended is more likely than full online but online gives tchrs more CPD opportunities #eltchat
esolcourses 9:46 PM RT @Raquel_EFL: RT @Marisa_C: Lots of ppl using social networks for independent learning - conscioulsy or unconsciously #ELTchat > agree
esolcourses 9:46 PM RT @Shaunwilden: ok 15 mins left, we seem to agree that blended is more likely than full online but online gives tchrs more CPD opportun ...
theteacherjames 9:46 PM RT @Marisa_C: Look at how many learners on MyEnglishClub http://t.co/NfOOBahJ  #eltchat independently seeking out opportunities
shaznosel 9:46 PM @Shaunwilden Tell me about it but hey! Greece needs f2f teachers..so there is always work! #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:46 PM RT @Marisa_C: Look at how many learners on MyEnglishClub http://t.co/NfOOBahJ  #eltchat independently seeking out opportunities
Marisa_C 9:46 PM Look at how many learners on MyEnglishClub http://t.co/NfOOBahJ  #eltchat independently seeking out opportunities
Marisa_C 9:47 PM I think on or offline teaching will always need teachers who are committed, passionate and inspiring #ELTchat & ready to use all available
toulasklavou 9:47 PM @Marisa_C Def!!one thing is sure that we know nothing of our future#eltchat
EnglishOutThere 9:47 PM How much learner autonomy technique is taught? #eltchat
DavidHiddleston 9:48 PM RT @JGakonga: CPD for teachers | EnglishAgenda | British Council | @scoopit http://t.co/J56sxrfo #celta #elt #esol #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:48 PM RT @EnglishOutThere: How much learner autonomy technique is taught? #eltchat > the web is changing all that - ppl get in their on their own
EnglishOutThere 9:48 PM RT @esolcourses: RT @Raquel_EFL: RT @Marisa_C: Lots of ppl using social networks for independent learning - conscioulsy or unconsciously ...
Shaunwilden 9:48 PM RT @EnglishOutThere: How much learner autonomy technique is taught? #eltchat autonomy about online study?
shaznosel 9:49 PM Just want to say that for me...I thrive in the classroom..i need the unexpected magic moments the c\room brings #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:50 PM @cerirhiannon fully agree :-) #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:50 PM @cerirhiannon fully agree  #eltchat
cerirhiannon 9:50 PM RT @shaznosel: J.i need the unexpected magic moments the c\room brings #eltchat [butting in v late!] magic moments happen online too
Shaunwilden 9:50 PM RT @Marisa_C: I think on or offline teaching will always need teachers who are committed, passionate and inspiring #ELTchat & ready  ...
singernick 9:51 PM RT @cerirhiannon: RT @shaznosel: J.i need the unexpected magic moments the c\room brings #eltchat [butting in v late!] magic moments hap ...
shaznosel 9:51 PM @Marisa_C That's what I m saying - i need the live classroom experience to make me feel worthy and real! #ELTCHAT
cerirhiannon 9:51 PM RT @Marisa_C: @cerirhiannon fully agree  #eltchat > winding up a course at the mo and there are lots of magic moments and buzz around :)
cerirhiannon 9:52 PM RT @Shaunwilden: @cerirhiannon fully agree :-) #eltchat > knew u would - learnt quite few tricks of the trade from you ;)
Shaunwilden 9:52 PM @shaznosel but on line is live as well, they are different mediums but have similarities #eltchat
cerirhiannon 9:53 PM RT @shaznosel: @Marisa_C i need the live classroom experience to make me feel worthy and real! #ELTCHAT > online has a lotof gratification 2
Shaunwilden 9:54 PM @cerirhiannon Ah schucks :-) #eltchat
shaznosel 9:55 PM @cerirhiannon Guess so but it isso much more inspiring when I can hug the person when it's magic/talking YLs now not my business ss #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:55 PM As we come to the end it is time for the usual request re summary writer #eltchat
theteacherjames 9:56 PM RT @Shaunwilden: As we come to the end it is time for the usual request re summary writer #eltchat
cerirhiannon 9:56 PM @shaznosel  #eltchat  I have no experience with YLs online ;)  I guess the hugs are better in person!
mctalk 9:56 PM RT @Marisa_C: Lots of ppl using social networks for independent learning - conscioulsy or unconsciously #ELTchat
mctalk 9:57 PM RT @MarjorieRosenbe: @esolcourses True. and elearning courses for prof development are very helpful as well as cutting down on travel. # ...
Shaunwilden 9:57 PM RT @CELT_Athens: So it's not the medium, it's____________? pls fill in the gap #ELTchat  (from Marisa whose tweets have disappeared)
CELT_Athens 9:57 PM So it's not the medium, it's____________? pls fill in the gap #ELTchat  (from Marisa whose tweets have disappeared)
shaznosel 9:58 PM @cerirhiannon That was my point tonight..on-line is great for certain ages..Can't replace a <3 with a real one #eltchat
EnglishOutThere 9:58 PM RT @CELT_Athens: So it's not the medium, it's____________? pls fill in the gap #ELTchat  (from Marisa whose tweets have disappeared)
Shaunwilden 9:59 PM Well another hour passes, still looking for a summary writer #eltchat
EnglishOutThere 10:00 PM RT @Shaunwilden: RT @CELT_Athens: So it's not the medium, it's the right kind and amount of data for the brain! #ELTchat
ELTchat 10:00 PM Thank you all for joining #ELtchat this Wed and for joining this great conversation


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