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What do we do when a lesson goes horribly wrong How do you cope and recover

Page history last edited by Shaun 12 years, 2 months ago

This is the transcript of #eltchat on 25.07.2012 on the topic of What do we do when a lesson goes horribly wrong? How do you cope and recover?


username time status
Shaunwilden 12:00 PM The 12BST #eltchat is What do we do when a lesson goes horribly wrong? How do you cope and recover?  welcome everyone
Shaunwilden 12:03 PM I am not sure what horribly wrong means in this context - does it mean off plan, no books, powercut? #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:04 PM RT @naomishema: Hi all! I think horribly wrong means losing the students - not cooperating, not understanding #eltchat
naomishema 12:04 PM Hi all! I think horribly wrong means losing the students - not cooperating, not understanding #eltchat
esolcourses 12:05 PM RT @Shaunwilden: RT @naomishema: Hi all! I think horribly wrong means losing the students - not cooperating, not understanding #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:05 PM @theteacherjames Meet your expectations? #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:05 PM @Shaunwilden I guess I was thinking about when it doesn't meet your expectations, or the sts. But could be other ways too. #eltchat
esolcourses 12:06 PM @Shaunwilden  @naomishema I'd be inclined to add major tech fails to that list, too #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:06 PM @Shaunwilden What you hoped would happen in a lesson. When you get that feeling it's slipping away... #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:06 PM Seems quiet today is everyone off enjoying the sun? #eltchat
esolcourses 12:07 PM @Shaunwilden term has just ended for most people - am guessing many will on holiday #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:07 PM It's happened to everyone. That feeling you have when you think, hold on, this isn't what I wanted, & the sts look confused. #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:07 PM @naomishema Yes me too, hate the heat wish it would get cold and rainy again :-) #eltchat
naomishema 12:07 PM @Shaunwilden ENJOY the sun?! here we're trying to escape it, LOL! #eltchat
naomishema 12:08 PM I don't think major tech failure is HORRIBLY wrong since if  SS R with U then U can move to plan B. HORRIBLE is when SS look glazed #eltchat
EBEFL 12:08 PM Choose another student.  Same question. Teaching assistant says "her dad too" yikes! #eltchat
EBEFL 12:08 PM Asking about family one class.  Choose student "what's your dad do?" no answer.  Teaching assist informs me dad died! #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:08 PM @esolcourses I was avoiding saying that for fear of givving a red rag to non-techs :-) #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:09 PM @EBEFL Now that is a situation tis hard to dig oneself out of :-) #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:09 PM @EBEFL I bet you never did that again! #eltchat
naomishema 12:09 PM RT @lexicojules: I always try to remember Ss don't know what's in your lesson plan, so if you go 'off plan', they won't know the difference! #ELTchat
esolcourses 12:09 PM @Shaunwilden Ha ha! Fact of life though if you teach with tech that things sometimes go wrong and you need to be able to deal #eltchat
lexicojules 12:09 PM I always try to remember Ss don't know what's in your lesson plan, so if you go 'off plan', they won't know the difference! #ELTchat
Shaunwilden 12:09 PM RT @IHLakeComo: @Shaunwilden @naomishema Not an easy question. Most of the time the solution is not to lose your nerve...#eltchat
esolcourses 12:10 PM @naomishema @Shaunwilden in a way yes, Naomi - though if tech fails it can disrupt flow and may be hard to get attention back #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:10 PM @lexicojules True, but they know when it's going wrong. Their reaction is normally the first sign. #ELTchat
Shaunwilden 12:10 PM @lexicojules I agree that's 1 of the reasons I was unsure about 'horribly wrong' #eltchat
naomishema 12:11 PM @esolcourses disruptive when tech fails but didn't click for me with "horribly" the way other options do #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:11 PM @esolcourses True, i guess it depends on the scale of the tech being used #eltchat
naomishema 12:12 PM @EBEFL wow, that certainly classifies for this! #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:12 PM @EBEFL :-) #eltchat
heikephilp 12:12 PM RT @ShellTerrell: You Are Invited to 4 Free Education Technology Webinars!  http://t.co/oXSmtA4v #edchat #eltchat
EBEFL 12:12 PM @theteacherjames afterwards asked "any of the other 35 students without dads?" teaching assistant "no... Just those two" #eltchat
esolcourses 12:13 PM @Shaunwilden @naomishema agree that it depends on scale of tech, along with student perceptions/expectations #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:13 PM @EBEFL So tell us, what did you do? How did you recover the situation? #eltchat
naomishema 12:14 PM RT @lexicojules: IKeep quick fillers up your sleeve if Ss are flagging. Sometimes a brief change of pace gets them back & gives you thinking time. #ELTchat
lexicojules 12:14 PM IKeep quick fillers up your sleeve if Ss are flagging. Sometimes a brief change of pace gets them back & gives you thinking time. #ELTchat
theteacherjames 12:14 PM RT @Shaunwilden: So horribly wrong can be everything from tech failure to not meeting exceptions - i guess then there are different solutions #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:14 PM So horribly wrong can be everything from tech failure to not meeting exceptions - i guess then there are different solutions #eltchat
esolcourses 12:15 PM RT @lexicojules: IKeep quick fillers up your sleeve if Ss are flagging. Sometimes a change of pace gets them back #ELTchat
theteacherjames 12:16 PM Once a student just flat refused to do an activity I'd given them. She said she didn't like it. That was a learning experience! #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:16 PM @EBEFL I've seen that before DELTA obs so many times :-) #eltchat
EBEFL 12:16 PM #eltchat DELTA observed  lesson...handout miscount...sheer terror. Had no choice but to run upstairs and copy like mad.
Shaunwilden 12:16 PM @lexicojules So is sts flagging an example of horribly wrong? #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:17 PM @theteacherjames I have to admit as a student i have said that to teachers (and have asked them the aim of activities ;-) #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:17 PM Of course, I realised later she was right. The activity was rubbish. Just wish I'd found out in a nicer way. #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:18 PM RT @EBEFL: @theteacherjames what can you do? the kids looked more embarrassed than upset.  Just moved on... #eltchat
naomishema 12:18 PM If u didn't photocpy enough (or discovered machine spewed out blank pages in the middle) u must turn it into a group activity #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:18 PM @Shaunwilden She was just so rude about it, that was the thing that made it awkward. #eltchat
FatimaFatima28 12:18 PM Hello everybody! #eltchat
lexicojules 12:18 PM @shaunwilden Yes sometimes your fault, sometimes just their mood, but you reach a point where it's just not working. #ELTchat
esolcourses 12:18 PM @Shaunwilden @lexicojules depends how much they are flagging, I suppose, and whether it threatens to send lesson right off track #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:19 PM @EBEFL It's true, best not dwell on it I suppose. (don't forget the #eltchat hashtag!)
Shaunwilden 12:19 PM @lexicojules Oh i think teachers can be a fault a lot - pushing on even if sts dont get it, not reading class etc #eltchat
josefinap6 12:20 PM eltchat
heikephilp 12:20 PM HELLO TO RT @leoselivan: hello #eltchat I am here with 19 passionate & dedicated educators from Azerbaijan.
Shaunwilden 12:20 PM @leoselivan can you all tell us what you do when lessons go wrong? #eltchat
lexicojules 12:20 PM @esolcourses Yes if just 1 or 2 Ss you can push on, but there's critical point where they all glaze over & you have to change tack #ELTchat
theteacherjames 12:20 PM @leoselivan Hi Leo and everyone. Jump into the chat, we'd love to know what they think! #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:20 PM @leoselivan Hi Leo and everyone ther, welcome to #eltchat
Sevinc8996 12:20 PM RT @FatimaFatima28: Hello everybody! #eltchat
leoselivan 12:20 PM hello #eltchat I am here with 19 passionate & dedicated educators from Azerbaijan. Pls welcome us! Some r registering on Twitter as we speak
vickyloras 12:21 PM RT @JoshSRound: Do u know sts who want work experience in Ldn? SGI looking for intern from mid Aug (EU, B1-C1) 
arrudamatos 12:21 PM Following #eltchat
leoselivan 12:21 PM @Shaunwilden reflect and try to do better next time perhaps? #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:21 PM @vickyloras Hi Vicky, what do you do when lessons go wrong? #eltchat
vickyloras 12:21 PM Here too, late tho ; ) #ELTchat
tamaslorincz 12:21 PM @leoselivan #eltchat That's awesome, Leo.
theteacherjames 12:21 PM @EBEFL That's what I mean by 'horribly wrong'! #eltchat
tamaslorincz 12:22 PM In most cases I have the students tell me what they thought went wrong, like my proverbial 7 am Justin Bieber lesson Ouchhh #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:22 PM @esolcourses made!!! thats a bit harsh! #eltchat
michaelegriffin 12:22 PM @theteacherjames that sure sounds like a learning experience. #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:22 PM RT @theteacherjames: @lexicojules That's really important, having the confidence to stop, acknowledge it's not working & move on. #eltchat
esolcourses 12:22 PM @Shaunwilden @EBEFL Was made to use material I thought was rubbish in an observed lesson once. Crashed and burned spectacularly ;-) #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:22 PM @Shaunwilden @lexicojules That's really important, having the confidence to stop, acknowledge it's not working & move on. #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:22 PM @leoselivan Fair point but what do you do during the lesson when you know its going wrong? #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:23 PM @tamaslorincz That's quite a brave thing to do though isnt it - it could really undermine a tchrs confidence #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:23 PM @michaelegriffin It was for me, but not for her! #eltchat
michaelegriffin 12:24 PM horribly wrong for me lately was one student running out in tears based on what another s said #eltchat
OfeliyaG 12:25 PM @leoselivan thanks Leo #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:25 PM @tamaslorincz 7am Bieber lesson - that sounds like the stuff of legend! #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:25 PM @tamaslorincz Dont get me wrong, I'd do the same but I think an inexperienced tchr might find it a hard thing to do #eltchat
tamaslorincz 12:25 PM @theteacherjames LOL! #Eltchat
Samiratey 12:25 PM @ELTchat  hello everybody
vickyloras 12:25 PM @Shaunwilden I sit down after and reflect - think what route the lesson took (or didn't),why,what I did or didn't do #ELTchat
theteacherjames 12:25 PM My worse moments are always when I think I can explain some linguistic or grammar point, get half way through & realise I can't! #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:25 PM @michaelegriffin Gosh that's quite the scenario, what did you do? #eltchat
lexicojules 12:25 PM @shaunwilden absolutely, I think a lot is about confidence to admit sth is not working & do sth different. #ELTchat
tamaslorincz 12:25 PM @Shaunwilden It's not brave, just honest and I think students do appreciate it and it helps you the next time around. #eltchat
esolcourses 12:25 PM @Shaunwilden harsh but true! It was on a course. Wasn't given the option to pick, & had to stick to lesson plan.  Was truly awful! #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:26 PM @esolcourses Quite!!! #eltchat
vickyloras 12:26 PM RT @theteacherjames: @Shaunwilden @lexicojules That's really important, having the confidence to stop, acknowledge it's not working & move on. #eltchat
lexicojules 12:26 PM @michaelegriffin Personal stuff is always tough as it's out of your control. I've had Ss in teasr before too. #ELTchat
vickyloras 12:26 PM @leoselivan Hello Leo and teachers in Azerbaijan, from a teacher in Switzerland : ) Enjoy the session and Twitter : ))) #ELTchat
esolcourses 12:26 PM @Shaunwilden what it taught me tho in the longer run was to trust my own judgement when it comes to using mats & planning lessons #eltchat
EBEFL 12:26 PM RT @theteacherjames: My worse moments are always when I think I can explain some linguistic or grammar point, get half way through & realise I can't! #eltchat
vickyloras 12:27 PM @Shaunwilden If it was a really flunky idea, I don't do it again or I just think of adjusting it later on #ELTchat
theteacherjames 12:27 PM RT @michaelegriffin: @theteacherjames lol...right . I guess we can't be 100% sure ss will do what we ask (esp if it's rubbish) #eltchat
Samiratey 12:27 PM Hi Leo , and ALL  :)  #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:27 PM @michaelegriffin As I said, she was right, but so damn rude about. Very un-Korean of her! #eltchat
Ideas_Factory 12:27 PM RT @russell1955: RT @brad5patterson: RT @marisa_c: http://t.co/VqaNV2Cy Bloggers  - you can get sued for using images on your blog #eltchat #edchat #efl #esl
michaelegriffin 12:27 PM @Shaunwilden took a break ! #ELTchat
lexicojules 12:28 PM @theteacherjames We've all been there! Takes real confidence to admit you don't know then! I do now, but only after 20 yrs exp. #ELTchat
Breisath 12:28 PM Following #eltchat
tamaslorincz 12:28 PM @theteacherjames Well, it was @seanbanville's fault, ;-) It sounded like such a  brilliant lesson I just forgot to consider my sts #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:28 PM Reflection is good after the lesson but doesnt help much as things crumble before us, does it? #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:28 PM @vickyloras But what do you do during the lesson? During the car crash? #ELTchat
leoselivan 12:28 PM @vickyloras hi Vicky good to see you #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:29 PM @lexicojules yes, it's a big step. #ELTchat
vickyloras 12:29 PM @theteacherjames I either stop it altogether and try to smoothly go to another idea, or I try to adjust/change it #ELTchat
theteacherjames 12:29 PM @tamaslorincz haha, don't pass the buck!! #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:29 PM What advice can we give about stopping the 'car crash'  and saving the lesson? #eltchat
michaelegriffin 12:30 PM @Shaunwilden #eltchat be flexible,smile, don't blame ss, try something new, move around and change gears
theteacherjames 12:30 PM Do you acknowledge the problem to your sts or do you try and pretend it's all part of the plan? #eltchat
naomishema 12:30 PM @theteacherjames sometimes the teacher jsut has to say, u know what, lets nOT do this activity #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:30 PM @vickyloras @theteacherjames  So what we're saying is stopping is ok don't be afraid to do it #eltchat
leoselivan 12:30 PM RT @vickyloras: @theteacherjames I either stop it altogether and try to smoothly go to another idea, or I try to adjust/change it #ELTchat
esolcourses 12:31 PM RT @Shaunwilden RT @michaelegriffin @Shaunwilden #eltchat be flexible,smile, don't blame ss, try something new, move around and change gears
naomishema 12:31 PM @theteacherjames right! #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:31 PM @Raquel_EFL Oi! #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:31 PM @Shaunwilden @vickyloras @naomishema The alternative (carrying on anyway) is so much worse. #eltchat
OksanYagar 12:31 PM RT @michaelegriffin: @Shaunwilden #eltchat be flexible,smile, don't blame ss, try something new, move around and change gears
naomishema 12:31 PM #eltchat sorry - missed a bit! the neighbor and the phone had to talk now!
BobK99 12:31 PM @riberni The website says first #eltchat at 3.00 London Time  - izzat so?
Shaunwilden 12:31 PM RT @michaelegriffin: @Shaunwilden #eltchat be flexible,smile, don't blame ss, try something new, move around and change gears
theteacherjames 12:32 PM RT @michaelegriffin: @Shaunwilden #eltchat be flexible,smile, don't blame ss, try something new, move around and change gears
lexicojules 12:32 PM I find a quick physical filler activity quickly changes the mood. Ss forget dull/rubbish activity & ready to move onto next thing #ELTchat
naomishema 12:32 PM Welcome to Leo and new teacher to #eltchat!
Shaunwilden 12:32 PM @EBEFL i always remember a session I saw years ago where Penny Ur described hangman as pointless busyness  :-) #eltchat
tamaslorincz 12:32 PM @Shaunwilden @vickyloras @theteacherjames I agree it turned into a really good lesson once stopped and reworked the lesson #eltchat
esolcourses 12:33 PM RT @vickyloras: @Shaunwilden @theteacherjames I say yes to stopping, it didn't work - no problem #ELTchat ] agree.
theteacherjames 12:33 PM @Raquel_EFL Thanks, it was my suggestion! happens to everyone, doesn't it? How do you cope? #eltchat
vickyloras 12:33 PM @Shaunwilden @theteacherjames Sometimes teachers (incl.myself) can be self-flagellating - we shld be ok w/admitting sth went wrong #ELTchat
BobK99 12:33 PM Catching up. Life intervened (in the shape of a new garage to fit out! #eltchat
taira_akhundova 12:33 PM @Shaunwilden @EBEFL she has a good point #eltchat
vickyloras 12:33 PM @Shaunwilden @theteacherjames I say yes to stopping, it didn't work - no problem #ELTchat
naomishema 12:33 PM RT @Shaunwilden: @EBEFL i always remember a session ...where Penny Ur described hangman as pointless busyness  :-) #eltchat kids love it!
Shaunwilden 12:34 PM @Samiratey it fills time but what does it really achieve #eltchat
lexicojules 12:34 PM @theteacherjames Depends on the Ss - adults might like honesty, teenagers prob better just to move on & look confident? #ELTchat
vickyloras 12:34 PM RT @tamaslorincz: @Shaunwilden @vickyloras @theteacherjames I agree it turned into a really good lesson once stopped and reworked the lesson #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:34 PM RT @vickyloras: @theteacherjames Sometimes tchers (incl.myself) can be self-flagellating - we shld be ok w/admitting sth went wrong #ELTchat
vickyloras 12:34 PM @Raquel_EFL Absolutely, Raquel! Keeping the flow of the lesson, right on #ELTchat
theteacherjames 12:34 PM RT @vickyloras: @Shaunwilden @theteacherjames Sometimes teachers (incl.myself) can be self-flagellating - we shld be ok w/admitting sth went wrong #ELTchat
Samiratey 12:34 PM @Shaunwilden How can it be described as a pointless business?  #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:35 PM RT @lexicojules: @theteacherjames Depends on the Ss - adults might like honesty, teenagers prob better just to move on & look confident? #ELTchat
theteacherjames 12:35 PM @vickyloras This is a big problem I think, some people can be far too self-critical. It might just need a tweak. #ELTchat
naomishema 12:35 PM RT @vickyloras: Sometimes it is a specific group that it doesn't work with - one idea doesn't work for everyone #ELTchat
Shaunwilden 12:35 PM @Raquel_EFL Agreed but a lot of tchers stick to their plan or lack the experience to go with flow #eltchat
vickyloras 12:35 PM Sometimes it is a specific group that it doesn't work with - one idea doesn't work for everyone #ELTchat
theteacherjames 12:35 PM @Raquel_EFL @Shaunwilden But you know most teachers have their lesson plan, and they like to stick to it! #eltchat
Samiratey 12:36 PM @theteacherjames lesson plan always helps to be organised #eltchat
Samiratey 12:37 PM @Shaunwilden why not? #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:37 PM @lexicojules I wasnt talking about fillers per se just remembering sth about hangman :-) #eltchat
vickyloras 12:37 PM RT @naomishema: I don't think major tech failure is HORRIBLY wrong since if  SS R with U then U can move to plan B. HORRIBLE is when SS look glazed #eltchat
EBEFL 12:37 PM @Shaunwilden yeah I've not actually used it but it seems like many do.  I usually just grind on sinking deeper into the mire.  #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:37 PM @Samiratey Sure, but it shouldn't mean that the teacher can't change things. #eltchat
12_konul 12:37 PM @theteacherjames it happens to me too (halfway through an explanationI mean) #eltchat
vickyloras 12:37 PM RT @theteacherjames: @vickyloras This is a big problem I think, some people can be far too self-critical. It might just need a tweak. #ELTchat
purple_steph 12:37 PM #eltchat Hi, sorry for joining late - just catching up on the chat so far.
michaelegriffin 12:37 PM @theteacherjames @vickyloras #eltchat or maybe it was just that group on the day for any variety if reasons
Shaunwilden 12:37 PM @Samiratey Organized (before a lesson)  yes but its not something one should stick to #eltchat
lexicojules 12:37 PM @shaunwilden I think there are 'useful' fillers though. And the point here is to change the pace/start afresh, so not 'pointless' #ELTchat
naomishema 12:37 PM @Samiratey lesson plan is the basis, but changes must be made accordingly #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:38 PM @lexicojules Completely agree #eltchat
purple_steph 12:38 PM #eltchat If you have to stop / change pace or activity it's important to keep emotions in check, not look flustered or panicky.
naomishema 12:38 PM RT @theteacherjames: @michaelegriffin @vickyloras Yes, I've taught the same lesson to two classes back to back. First one - great, second one - average. #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:38 PM @michaelegriffin @vickyloras Yes, I've taught the same lesson to two classes back to back. First one - great, second one - average. #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:38 PM @Samiratey Why not what? The plan? Well it is unlikely that the lesson will unfold exactly as it's been planned #eltchat
lexicojules 12:38 PM @shaunwilden Building some flexibility into your lesson plan is good, I think #ELTchat
naomishema 12:38 PM Has anyone mentioned those situations when something happened just before class and SS r too excited to concentrate? #eltchat
tamaslorincz 12:38 PM Sometimes Me: "Ouch that lesson was really cr**." Sts: "Good job." or the other way round. Me: Great class Them: C*** #eltchat Hard to know.
Teachersilvert 12:39 PM hello all #eltchat. How about  a ready made back up plan in case you run out of ...ideas...electricity...energy altogether?
naomishema 12:39 PM @purple_steph I think not looking panicly can come with experience unless u are a very relaxed person anyway! LOL! #eltchat
vickyloras 12:39 PM RT @esolcourses: RT @lexicojules: IKeep quick fillers up your sleeve if Ss are flagging. Sometimes a change of pace gets them back #ELTchat
DanielaArghir 12:39 PM @vickyloras: "Sometimes it is a specific group that it doesn't work with" - this is so true, it happened to me just this year #ELTchat
lexicojules 12:39 PM @tamaslorincz Yes, very true! #ELTchat
tamaslorincz 12:39 PM @michaelegriffin Absolutely. #ELTCHAT
lexicojules 12:39 PM @shaunwilden I know :-) #ELTchat
theteacherjames 12:39 PM @12_konul How do you recover? #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:40 PM @Teachersilvert So you're suggesting plan twice? ;-) #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:40 PM RT @purple_steph: @theteacherjames @michaelegriffin @vickyloras I find that too - sometimes great lessons can't be repeated with another group #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:40 PM RT @vickyloras: Sometimes it is a specific group that it doesn't work with - one idea doesn't work for everyone #ELTchat
purple_steph 12:40 PM @theteacherjames @michaelegriffin @vickyloras I find that too - sometimes great lessons can't be repeated with another group #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:41 PM @12_konul @lexicojules I'd start at the website of Dave and Jane Willis - http://t.co/zibSPD0m #eltchat
EBEFL 12:41 PM @tamaslorincz completely agree with this! Students are a constant mystery #eltchat
vickyloras 12:41 PM RT @michaelegriffin: @theteacherjames @vickyloras #eltchat or maybe it was just that group on the day for any variety if reasons
esolcourses 12:42 PM RT @theteacherjames  of the benefits of teaching one to one is that you can quickly see in their face whether it's working or not. #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:42 PM @theteacherjames But surely you can do that with a class as well - reading body language is always a must #eltchat
DanielaArghir 12:42 PM @naomishema: "situations when something happened just before class" - or DURING - it started snowing!!! impressionable 11 year olds #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:42 PM @EBEFL @tamaslorincz But thats one of the things that makes teaching fun isnt it :-) #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:42 PM One of the benefits of teaching one to one is that you can quickly see in their face whether it's working or not. #eltchat
purple_steph 12:42 PM @Shaunwilden @Teachersilvert like measure twice, cut once #eltchat
purple_steph 12:43 PM @theteacherjames @michaelegriffin @vickyloras agree #eltchat
michaelegriffin 12:43 PM RT @theteacherjames: @purple_steph @michaelegriffin @vickyloras Reminds us to think of each class differently & to leave space to customise. #eltchat
naomishema 12:43 PM @DanielaArghir I can imagine it! #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:43 PM @purple_steph @michaelegriffin @vickyloras Reminds us to think of each class differently & to leave space to customise. #eltchat
Teachersilvert 12:43 PM @Shaunwilden totally. You never know what's coming up #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:44 PM @Teachersilvert It's always a good idea to have some back up activities just in case. Any favourites you can share? #eltchat
liqas7 12:44 PM eltchat
purple_steph 12:44 PM RT @feedtheteacher: It's important not to become a hostage of your own lesson plan. Lessons are organic and can be changed if sth goes wrong #eltchat
naomishema 12:44 PM RT @feedtheteacher: It's important not to become a hostage of your own lesson plan. Lessons are organic and can be changed if sth goes wrong #eltchat
feedtheteacher 12:44 PM It's important not to become a hostage of your own lesson plan. Lessons are organic and can be changed if sth goes wrong #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:44 PM @Shaunwilden True, but 1-2- it's much quicker & you don't have to worry about whether some like it, some don't etc. #eltchat
BobK99 12:45 PM RT @purple_steph: #eltchat If you have to stop / change pace or activity it's impt keep emotions in check... >Yes, they cn smell your fear!
aClilToClimb 12:45 PM Lesson plans shd be like programming, full of conditionals ;)
Shaunwilden 12:45 PM RT @feedtheteacher: It's imp not to become a hostage of your own lesson plan. Lessons are organic &can be changed if sth goes wrong #eltchat
vickyloras 12:45 PM RT @theteacherjames: @purple_steph @michaelegriffin @vickyloras Reminds us to think of each class differently & to leave space to customise. #eltchat
esolcourses 12:45 PM RT @feedtheteacher It's important not to become a hostage of yr lesson plan. Lessons are organic & can be changed if sth goes wrong #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:45 PM @theteacherjames i dont worry I deal with those showing negative BL and let those that are happy get on with it ;-) #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:46 PM RT @Teachersilvert: @Samiratey iAlso a part of adventure, scary and bumpy might add up to the fun. Letting go is sometimes worth it #eltchat
michaelegriffin 12:46 PM #eltchat it might be a bit offtopic but I think there's also something to b said for not just giving immediately if things don look perfect
TtMadridTEFL 12:46 PM @Shaunwilden There's no perfect teacher :) It happens! To bounce back, next lesson do a familiar one to build up ur confidence! #eltchat
tamaslorincz 12:46 PM RT @feedtheteacher: @theteacherjames @Teachersilvert #eltchat closing the coursebook & listening to your students can be a great way to get things back in track
theteacherjames 12:46 PM RT @feedtheteacher: It's important not to become a hostage of your own lesson plan. Lessons are organic and can be changed if sth goes wrong #eltchat
Teachersilvert 12:46 PM @Shaunwilden @Samiratey indeed. Also a part of adventure, scary and bumpy might add up to the fun. Letting go is sometimes worth it #eltchat
feedtheteacher 12:46 PM @theteacherjames @Teachersilvert #eltchat closing the coursebook & listening to your students can be a great way to get things back in track
esolcourses 12:46 PM RT @Shaunwilden: RT @aClilToClimb: Lesson plans shd be like programming, full of conditionals ;) #eltchat :-) :-)
DanielaArghir 12:46 PM @theteacherjames @Teachersilvert "back up activities just in case" - I teach young learners, Bingo works well ;-) #eltchat
vickyloras 12:46 PM @theteacherjames @purple_steph @michaelegriffin Well-put James - could be sth to introduce more flexibility, which is good #ELTchat
theteacherjames 12:46 PM @Shaunwilden That's one way of dealing with it, yes. #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:46 PM RT @aClilToClimb: Lesson plans shd be like programming, full of conditionals ;) #eltchat :-) :-)
theteacherjames 12:46 PM @Raquel_EFL Which is a good thing and a bad, I suppose! #eltchat
angelamelendez 12:47 PM RT @feedtheteacher: It's important not to become a hostage of your own lesson plan. Lessons are organic and can be changed if sth goes wrong #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:47 PM @michaelegriffin Dont think it is off topic, it's a valid point :-) #eltchat
esolcourses 12:47 PM RT @feedtheteacher @theteacherjames @Teachersilvert #eltchat closing the coursebook & listening to s' can get things back on track #eltchat
naomishema 12:47 PM oops, meant erasing words for disappearing text! #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:47 PM @TtMadridTEFL Agreed no perfect teacher and no such thing as a perfect lesson #eltchat
naomishema 12:47 PM Fav back-up acitivity - disappearing text. if SS R all excitied about snow, lets write about it on board &start erasing sentences. #eltchat
DanielaArghir 12:48 PM @naomishema I know #eltchat
englishbanana 12:48 PM RT @feedtheteacher: @theteacherjames @Teachersilvert #eltchat closing the coursebook & listening to your students can be a great way to get things back in track
theteacherjames 12:48 PM RT @DanielaArghir: @theteacherjames @Teachersilvert "back up activities just in case" - I teach young learners, Bingo works well ;-) #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:48 PM @feedtheteacher @Teachersilvert yes, that's a great statement of intent & an excellent way to change the mood & pace of the lesson. #eltchat
lexicojules 12:48 PM If I'm getting flustered/frustrated I often give the Ss a task & leave the room for a few mins to calm down, then start again #ELTchat
DanielaArghir 12:48 PM RT @naomishema: Fav back-up acitivity - disappearing text. if SS R all excitied about snow, lets write about it on board &start erasing sentences. #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:49 PM I used to teach teachers, so once, when an activity wasn't working out, I asked them what they would do to fix it. Training! #eltchat
naomishema 12:49 PM Important 2 devote time in lesson planning to INSTRUCTIONS ! Some good lessons fail cause ss don't understand what u want them2 do #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:49 PM RT @michaelegriffin: @Shaunwilden then I think it becomes about  repair rather than drastic changes #eltchat
TtMadridTEFL 12:49 PM RT @esolcourses: RT @feedtheteacher @theteacherjames @Teachersilvert #eltchat closing the coursebook & listening to s' can get things back on track #eltchat
michaelegriffin 12:49 PM @Shaunwilden then I think it becomes about  repair rather than drastic changes #eltchat
tamaslorincz 12:50 PM @theteacherjames It's the best thing. I used to tell them to watch my mistakes and tell me how they would have done it differently #eltchat
vickyloras 12:50 PM RT @theteacherjames: I used to teach teachers, so once, when an activity wasn't working out, I asked them what they would do to fix it. Training! #eltchat
vickyloras 12:50 PM @theteacherjames Super idea!!! #ELTChat
vickyloras 12:50 PM RT @naomishema: Important 2 devote time in lesson planning to INSTRUCTIONS ! Some good lessons fail cause ss don't understand what u want them2 do #eltchat
feedtheteacher 12:50 PM RT @theteacherjames: I used to teach teachers, so once, when an activity wasn't working out, I asked them what they would do to fix it. Training! #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:50 PM @michaelegriffin And by repair you mean reset a task, get on the spot feedback about the activity  etc? #eltchat
purple_steph 12:50 PM @michaelegriffin think you're right. Sometimes it's a case of classroom culture clash - good activity alien at first to some sts. #eltchat
Teachersilvert 12:51 PM think of the" tarte Tatin" which came up from a mishap. See teaching as a way to cope, bounce back and get back into the game. #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:51 PM @michaelegriffin I think it's vital that the teacher doesn't discard the lesson. For PD they should reflect on it & improve it. #eltchat
EBEFL 12:51 PM @michaelegriffin @shaunwilden sometimes they don't like/ can't do what they're learning but material choice may not be yours  #eltchat
TtMadridTEFL 12:51 PM @michaelegriffin agreed! sometimes stay confident even if u think it might go down the "wrong" path, there could b light at the end #eltchat
BobK99 12:52 PM RT @naomishema: Important 2 devote time in lesson planning to INSTRUCTIONS ! ... >Cdn't agree more - reh'rse in a mirror, viva voce #eltchat
michaelegriffin 12:52 PM @purple_steph #eltchat great point!! I think a lack of learner training can BMW blamed for a lot of stuff that seems disastrous
theteacherjames 12:52 PM RT @tamaslorincz: @theteacherjames It's the best thing. I used to tell them to watch my mistakes and tell me how they would have done it differently #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:52 PM @vickyloras It was an inspired moment! they are few and far between!! #ELTChat
vickyloras 12:53 PM @theteacherjames Nawww I am sure there are lots in your classes! #ELTchat
tamaslorincz 12:53 PM @Raquel_EFL @theteacherjames I absolutely agree with that. I think it's only T's arrogance that can lead to a disasterous lesson #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:53 PM @Raquel_EFL true, but you need to have acquired certain teaching skills to do that. What would you say to a new teacher? #eltchat
michaelegriffin 12:53 PM RT @theteacherjames: @michaelegriffin I think it's vital that the teacher doesn't discard the lesson. For PD they should reflect on it & improve it. #eltchat
Teachersilvert 12:54 PM Making a video of the students when things went wrong with a class and discuss it afterwards really helped me out smtimes #eltchat
vickyloras 12:54 PM RT @theteacherjames: @michaelegriffin I think it's vital that the teacher doesn't discard the lesson. For PD they should reflect on it & improve it. #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:54 PM @theteacherjames Don't panic #eltchat
michaelegriffin 12:54 PM #eltchat I'm also thinking that a lot times something feel horrible to the teacher but ss might not really notice #Pollyanna
Shaunwilden 12:54 PM RT @theteacherjames: What would you say to a new teacher? How would you advise them to deal with this inevitable situation? #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:54 PM What would you say to a new teacher? How would you advise them to deal with this inevitable situation? #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:54 PM @Teachersilvert Well theres a new analogy for me (as a keen cook I like it :-)) #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:55 PM Ok 5 mins to go time for a willing volunteer to stand up and claim the summary duties :-) #eltchat
michaelegriffin 12:55 PM @EBEFL very true...sometimes Ts font have much choice on that #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:55 PM RT @Shaunwilden: @theteacherjames Don't panic #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:55 PM RT @vickyloras: @Shaunwilden @theteacherjames That it is ok if something doesn't work,switch to another activity &after reflect on what happened #ELTchat
Teachersilvert 12:55 PM @Shaunwilden at least you get the pie to eat in the end, worth it ;) #eltchat
esolcourses 12:55 PM RT @theteacherjames: What would you say to a new teacher? How would you advise them to deal with this inevitable situation? #eltchat
mytowntutors 12:55 PM RT @cybraryman1: My Lesson Plans page: http://t.co/xXPLzKX0 #eltchat #edchat #ntchat #elemchat “He who fails to plan, plans to failâ€
vickyloras 12:55 PM @Shaunwilden @theteacherjames That it is ok if something doesn't work,switch to another activity &after reflect on what happened #ELTchat
cybraryman1 12:55 PM My Lesson Plans page: http://t.co/xXPLzKX0 #eltchat #edchat #ntchat #elemchat “He who fails to plan, plans to failâ€
michaelegriffin 12:56 PM RT @vickyloras: @Shaunwilden @theteacherjames I would also tell new teachers that "bad" lessons are a great learning exp-feel horrible,but happens #ELTchat
theteacherjames 12:56 PM RT @BobK99: RT @naomishema: Important 2 devote time in lesson planning to INSTRUCTIONS ! ... >Cdn't agree more - reh'rse in a mirror, viva voce #eltchat
vickyloras 12:56 PM @Shaunwilden @theteacherjames I would also tell new teachers that "bad" lessons are a great learning exp-feel horrible,but happens #ELTchat
vickyloras 12:57 PM RT @feedtheteacher: @TtMadridTEFL  it's important not to 'mask' when things go wrong. It could b an important lesson for sts, error,trial,correction #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:57 PM RT @TtMadridTEFL: @theteacherjames To new teachers: My fav quote "making mistakes shows you're trying!" followed by "don't worry, NOONE died" lol #eltchat
TtMadridTEFL 12:57 PM @theteacherjames To new teachers: My fav quote "making mistakes shows you're trying!" followed by "don't worry, NOONE died" lol #eltchat
TeacherDevTrust 12:57 PM RT @theteacherjames: @michaelegriffin I think it's vital that the teacher doesn't discard the lesson. For PD they should reflect on it & improve it. #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:57 PM RT @vickyloras: @Shaunwilden @theteacherjames I would also tell new teachers that "bad" lessons are a great learning exp-feel horrible,but happens #ELTchat
purple_steph 12:57 PM RT @vickyloras: @Shaunwilden @theteacherjames I would also tell new teachers that "bad" lessons are a great learning exp-feel horrible,but happens #ELTchat
feedtheteacher 12:57 PM @TtMadridTEFL  it's important not to 'mask' when things go wrong. It could b an important lesson for sts, error,trial,correction #eltchat
esolcourses 12:57 PM RT @vickyloras: @Shaunwilden @theteacherjames I would also tell new teachers that "bad" lessons are a great learning experience #ELTchat
vickyloras 12:57 PM @Shaunwilden Me me!! Can I do the summary? #ELTchat
theteacherjames 12:58 PM @vickyloras @Shaunwilden Thanks Vicky! #ELTchat
theteacherjames 12:58 PM @Raquel_EFL @Shaunwilden Absolutely! #eltchat
esolcourses 12:58 PM GTG - thanks for another really interesting and stimulating #Eltchat!  Catch you later, hopefully :-)
tamaslorincz 12:59 PM @esolcourses Bye Sue, it was good to see you #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:59 PM @vickyloras Super thanks :-) #eltchat
naomishema 12:59 PM What's the topic of next chat? #eltchat
naomishema 12:59 PM What's the topic of next chat? eltchat
tamaslorincz 1:00 PM RT @Shaunwilden: The 21 BST #eltchat will be The grammar teachers ought to know… and often don't.
vickyloras 1:00 PM RT @Shaunwilden: The 21 BST #eltchat will be The grammar teachers ought to know… and often don't.
michaelegriffin 1:00 PM “@Shaunwilden: The 21 BST #eltchat will be The grammar teachers ought to know… and often don't.†cc @AlexSWalsh
Shaunwilden 1:00 PM The 21 BST #eltchat will be The grammar teachers ought to know… and often don't.
vickyloras 1:00 PM @theteacherjames @shaunwilden A pleasure! Recharged after my holiday and good to go : ) #ELTchat
Teachersilvert 1:01 PM thanks for another great #eltchat
theteacherjames 1:01 PM RT @Shaunwilden: The 21 BST #eltchat will be The grammar teachers ought to know… and often don't.
theteacherjames 1:01 PM If you'd like to get involved with the #eltchat podcast, DM me. I'm always looking for volunteers.
TeachLizHanton 1:01 PM RT @feedtheteacher: It's important not to become a hostage of your own lesson plan. Lessons are organic and can be changed if sth goes wrong #eltchat
Shaunwilden 1:01 PM Thanks to @theteacherjames for comoderating with me and everyone for joining after a slow start a lot was said, thanks everyone :-) #eltchat
michaelegriffin 1:01 PM Thanks for interesting #eltchat !!
theteacherjames 1:02 PM Cheers @Shaunwilden and thanks to everyone for a great chat! #eltchat
BobK99 1:02 PM RT @TtMadridTEFL... To new teachers: My fav quote "..., NOONE died" lol #eltchat >or to q my pa If tha nivvr med a mistek tha nivvr med owt
TtMadridTEFL 1:02 PM RT @Shaunwilden: Thanks to @theteacherjames for comoderating with me and everyone for joining after a slow start a lot was said, thanks everyone :-) #eltchat
Shaunwilden 1:02 PM RT @theteacherjames: If you'd like to get involved with the #eltchat podcast, DM me. I'm always looking for volunteers.
tamaslorincz 1:03 PM Thanks for the great chat, so glad to have been here. #eltchat
vickyloras 1:03 PM RT @theteacherjames: If you'd like to get involved with the #eltchat podcast, DM me. I'm always looking for volunteers.
TtMadridTEFL 1:03 PM @Shaunwilden @theteacherjames - how often do these happen? this was great! I'd love to participate n spread the word :) #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 1:03 PM RT @theteacherjames: If you'd like to get involved with the #eltchat podcast, DM me. I'm always looking for volunteers.
Shaunwilden 1:03 PM @vickyloras @theteacherjames Great to have a recharged vicky - will get you the transcript asap #eltchat !
theteacherjames 1:04 PM @TtMadridTEFL Glad you enjoyed it. Every Wednesday at 1pm and 10pm CET. Hope to see you again! #eltchat
BobK99 1:04 PM RT @tamaslorincz: Thanks for the great chat, so glad to have been here. #eltchat
Shaunwilden 1:04 PM @TtMadridTEFL Every Wed 12 and 21 BST  - see the blog http://t.co/bQ4jsn5J  #eltchat
TtMadridTEFL 1:05 PM RT @Shaunwilden: @TtMadridTEFL Every Wed 12 and 21 BST  - see the blog http://t.co/bQ4jsn5J  #eltchat
alturki3 1:05 PM It is good to always have a  B plan #ELTchat


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