
How do you make sure your classes stay fresh and inspiring

Page history last edited by Shaun 12 years, 7 months ago

This is the transcript of eltchat on 18.07.2012 on How do you make sure your classes stay fresh & inspiring, what sources and influences outside of ELT do you use to find the subjects for your lessons?


username time status
Shaunwilden 11:59 AM Are you ready for #eltchat?
theteacherjames 12:00 PM RT @Shaunwilden: Are you ready for #eltchat?
Sharonzspace 12:01 PM @shaunwilden yes.) #ELTChat
Shaunwilden 12:01 PM The topic is  How do you make sure your classes stay fresh & inspiring #eltchat suggested by @theteacherjames
DanielaArghir 12:01 PM @Shaunwilden Ready. :-) #eltchat
leoselivan 12:02 PM @Shaunwilden @theteacherjames isn't the topic that got most votes? meaning we shd be discussing it in the eve #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:02 PM it also includes What sources and influences outside of ELT do you use to find the subjects for your lessons? #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:02 PM @Shaunwilden My first ever suggestion, believe it or not. #eltchat
Sharonzspace 12:03 PM @shaunwilden having my own interrests outside of teaching #ELTChat
Shaunwilden 12:03 PM @leoselivan @theteacherjames We alternate this week its 1st @ 12 #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:03 PM RT @Shaunwilden: it also includes What sources and influences outside of ELT do you use to find the subjects for your lessons? #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:03 PM @theteacherjames Is it really, gosh and won the poll, well get us started :-) #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:04 PM @leoselivan So join in :-) #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:04 PM ...& a variety of extraneous knowledge to produce new & original combinations of ideas.†#eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:04 PM @Sharonzspace This keeps your lessons fresh? #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:04 PM Inspired by this quote: “Success depends on sufficient knowledge of the special subject... #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:05 PM ELT is the subject without a subject, meaning we can basically use any topic we want for our classes. How do we find ideas? #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:05 PM @teflerinha Yes twitter is a good source often leads me to newspaper articles etc #eltchat
esolcourses 12:05 PM RT @Shaunwilden: The topic is  How do you make sure your classes stay fresh & inspiring #eltchat suggested by @theteacherjames
teflerinha 12:05 PM #eltchat Hi everyone. I often spot good topics in the newspaper..or through twitter!
worldteacher 12:06 PM @teflerinha Agree - I use a lot of local newspapers, too - topics often more relevant to sts here in Vietnam. #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:06 PM RT @teflerinha: #eltchat Topic quite relevant to elt materials writing too..topics often need a fresh angle or twist
esolcourses 12:06 PM RT @teflerinha: #eltchat Topic quite relevant to elt materials writing too..topics often need a fresh angle or twist
teflerinha 12:06 PM #eltchat Topic quite relevant to elt materials writing too..topics often need a fresh angle or twist
Sharonzspace 12:07 PM @teflerinha or you tube videos or topical stuff from online sources and discussion #ELTCHAT
Shaunwilden 12:07 PM RT @theteacherjames: ELT is the subject w/out a subject, meaning we can use any topic we want for classes. How do we find ideas? #eltchat
leoselivan 12:07 PM @Shaunwilden no i meant the dictionary one :) #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:08 PM RT @DanielaArghir: @theteacherjames I sometimes start with a 10-minute salute of a European/World Day that is celebrated that day. :-) #eltchat
cybraryman1 12:08 PM Gleaning interesting and relevant news stories.  My News page: http://t.co/pBxpXDv1 #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:08 PM @leoselivan So how do you find and choose the films? #eltchat
DanielaArghir 12:08 PM @theteacherjames I sometimes start with a 10-minute salute of a European/World Day that is celebrated that day. :-) #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:08 PM Obviously we have to make sure that we choose things that our students will find interesting, not just our favourites! #eltchat
leoselivan 12:08 PM I use films with my students - whole films that we watch in segments throughout the semester - never fails  #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:09 PM Is there more to keeping  a lesson fresh other than materials? #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:09 PM There should be loads of links shared in today's #eltchat!
Sharonzspace 12:09 PM @shaunwilden @theteacherjames getting students to find some.  Two way inspiration #ELTCHAT
theteacherjames 12:09 PM @DanielaArghir What sources do you use? #eltchat
teflerinha 12:09 PM @Sharonzspace Yes, youtube is gr8- but I tend 2 hear abt it from Twitter rather than finding them myself. Where do u hear abt them? #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:09 PM @theteacherjames Yes agreed, I really dislike the teacher imposing their faves on a class#eltchat
worldteacher 12:09 PM @theteacherjames Yes - usually start with establishing sts' interests as part of NA at the beginning of a course. #eltchat
esolcourses 12:10 PM RT @Shaunwilden: Is there more to keeping  a lesson fresh other than materials? #eltchat ] absolutely. How you use them is just as important
theteacherjames 12:10 PM @Sharonzspace Do you lead them to any particular resources, or do they go off on their own? #ELTCHAT
worldteacher 12:10 PM @Shaunwilden Yes, the teacher needs to keep up to date through CPD, too! #eltchat
leoselivan 12:10 PM @theteacherjames u wont like my answer James but I choose the ones I like:) +consider whether these can be exploited linguistically #eltchat
worldteacher 12:10 PM RT @Sharonzspace: @shaunwilden @theteacherjames getting students to find some.  Two way inspiration #ELTCHAT >Good idea!
esolcourses 12:10 PM RT @Shaunwilden RT @theteacherjames youtube is a good source 4 quirky, fun videos.  Use them a lot on my blog http://t.co/rOnOkcPp #eltchat
BobK99 12:11 PM Is that the time already? Catching up with #eltchat.
Sharonzspace 12:11 PM @teflerinha usually Facebook.  I have Twitter good  for articles but F/Book interesting visual content #ELTCHAT
Shaunwilden 12:11 PM RT @teflerinha: #eltchat Trying out different ways of doing things also important
theteacherjames 12:11 PM @jeanneoakes Do you mean linguistically confident? (don't forget the #eltchat hashtag!)
teflerinha 12:11 PM #eltchat Trying out different ways of doing things also important
leoselivan 12:12 PM http://t.co/7fzhBsyD  is a good place to start with movies but then I usually develop own materials for lang focus #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:12 PM RT @DanielaArghir: @theteacherjames Or make some Day of our own on the spot - like Juice Day, Chewing Gum Day etc. #eltchat > great idea!
DanielaArghir 12:12 PM @theteacherjames Or make some Day of our own on the spot - like Juice Day, Chewing Gum Day etc. #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:12 PM @leoselivan Well that depends on how well you know your sts. Are you reacting to them, or imposing your taste? ;-) #eltchat
cybraryman1 12:12 PM Important to start each lesson with something that will engage your students & is relevant. Vary your teaching approach too. #eltchat
esolcourses 12:12 PM RT @Shaunwilden: RT @teflerinha: #eltchat Trying out different ways of doing things also important ] agree
Shaunwilden 12:12 PM @BobK99 You'd think it'd be ingrained as to what time we start by now  :-) Welcome :-) #eltchat
worldteacher 12:13 PM @Sharonzspace @teflerinha I agree that FB is good for visual leads - pays to follow/like British Council - they post great links #eltchat
DanielaArghir 12:13 PM @theteacherjames There are lists on the Internet, sometimes there are more celebrations on one day! :-) We have a short routine. #eltchat
Sharonzspace 12:13 PM @shaunwilden @teflerinha absolutely the same routine day in and out is boring.  Have a surprise element every day #ELTCHAT
Shaunwilden 12:13 PM @Sharonzspace true some good material esp visuals and puzzles comes from facebook #eltchat as did the 30 song challenge which i love using
Horizons93 12:14 PM RT @cybraryman1: Important to start each lesson with something that will engage your students & is relevant. Vary your teaching approach too. #eltchat
cybraryman1 12:14 PM My Calendars & Holidays page (see: Mulitcultural Calendar idea) : http://t.co/FKkn4SbT #eltchat
Sharonzspace 12:14 PM @shaunwilden also http://t.co/aFEl7qBC have shorrt updated content #ELTCHAT
aClilToClimb 12:14 PM RT @theteacherjames: @leoselivan So how do u choose the films? #eltchat Find out how Master @kierandonaghy does it http://t.co/GerK9OTk
jeanneoakes 12:15 PM #eltchat Helping them prepare to navigate their environment, linguistically, behaviorly, whatever will make the lessons interesting
cybraryman1 12:15 PM My Dogme page: http://t.co/ib5FhBx3 #eltchat
aClilToClimb 12:15 PM RT @teflerinha: #eltchat Trying out different ways of doing things also important
esolcourses 12:15 PM @theteacherjames @leoselivan  I think it's good to involve s's in process, but teacher needs to be mindful of pedagogy/relevance #eltchat
enginstructor 12:16 PM RT @cybraryman1: My Dogme page: http://t.co/ib5FhBx3 #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:16 PM RT @DanielaArghir: I think the routine is needed with young students like mine... #eltchat Agreed routine very imp
worldteacher 12:16 PM #eltchat Taking students outside of the classroom whenever possible helps to keep things fresh.
theteacherjames 12:16 PM RT @esolcourses: @theteacherjames @leoselivan  I think it's good to involve s's in process, but teacher needs to be mindful of pedagogy/relevance #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:16 PM @DanielaArghir I know that in Brazil they have a day for nearly everything. Could be fun to explore. #eltchat
DanielaArghir 12:16 PM @Sharonzspace @shaunwilden @teflerinha I think the routine is needed with young students like mine... #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:16 PM @jeanneoakes So how do you help theme prepare? #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:17 PM @Shaunwilden @Sharonzspace How do you use the 30 Song Challenge? Curious... #eltchat
nancyteach 12:17 PM RT @ShellTerrell: Free webinars fr various presenters show teachers how to do many #Edtech tasks http://t.co/tWDDKx9y #eltchat #edchat via @EvridikiDakos
teflerinha 12:17 PM RT @worldteacher: #eltchat Taking students outside of the classroom whenever possible helps to keep things fresh.>good point
theteacherjames 12:17 PM RT @cybraryman1: Important to start each lesson with something that will engage your students & is relevant. Vary your teaching approach too. #eltchat
DanielaArghir 12:17 PM @cybraryman1: "My Calendars & Holidays page (see: Mulitcultural Calendar idea) : http://t.co/bmfRapDZ" Thank you. #eltchat
esolcourses 12:17 PM RT @worldteacher: #eltchat Taking students outside of the classroom whenever possible helps to keep things fresh.
teflerinha 12:17 PM @DanielaArghir @Sharonzspace @shaunwilden Agree- YLs like more predictability- but varierty possible within this as you say. #eltchat
Sharonzspace 12:18 PM @shaunwilden @danielaarghir some routine is also needed with adults but flexible elements also good #ELTCHAT
leoselivan 12:18 PM @worldteacher @Sharonzspace @teflerinha "pays to follow British Council - they post great links" let's cc @ann_f she'd like to hear #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:19 PM @theteacherjames @Sharonzspace As it is,  I use it with my online courses, post a vid, describe or post and we guess which day #eltchat
jeanneoakes 12:19 PM #eltchat Lots of role play, "play" with academic language, sorts are fun for language. And always fresh
DanielaArghir 12:19 PM @theteacherjames: "a day for nearly everything" yes, so every year something new really, as U don't necessarily celebrate every day #eltchat
leoselivan 12:19 PM @esolcourses @theteacherjames my Sts usually trust me cos I consider exploitability as well as interest #eltchat
worldteacher 12:20 PM #eltchat also helps to add an online dimension to the classroom - my sts much more engaged since we started using Edmodo.
DanielaArghir 12:20 PM with the same students I mean #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:21 PM RT @worldteacher: #eltchat also helps to add an online dimension to the classroom - my sts much more engaged since we started using Edmodo.
cindybrock 12:21 PM RT @cybraryman1: Important to start each lesson with something that will engage your students & is relevant. Vary your teaching approach too. #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:22 PM @Sharonzspace @worldteacher How do you use facebook? Closed groups I presume? #eltchat
BobK99 12:22 PM I use mats based on a free tourist h/o (maps, time, buying tickets, etc) but after the lesson give out up-to-date ed'n #ELTCHAT :-/
Sharonzspace 12:22 PM @worldteacher I use Facebook groups and has totally changed the dynamic and energy level of the classroom #ELTCHAT
esolcourses 12:22 PM @leoselivan @theteacherjames same here.  Asking them to vote on suggestions for topics is a good way to involve them in the process #eltchat
teflerinha 12:22 PM @BobK99 (u forgot #eltchat) Agree- realia is gr8 way to engage. Recently did lesson with book extr and brought in actual bk. Made diff
Shaunwilden 12:22 PM @leoselivan @esolcourses @theteacherjames Sts tend to trust the teacher, I think #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:23 PM I'm particularly interested to hear which non-ELT sources you use for ideas. This is one of my favourite sites http://t.co/brfwUPHr #eltchat
DanielaArghir 12:23 PM @worldteacher: "Taking students outside of the classroom whenever possible" good point, the school library, the park, a museum... #eltchat
MissLadyCaz 12:24 PM @cybraryman1 ...and that prepares them for what's to come in the lesson/series of lessons. #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:24 PM @leoselivan @esolcourses @theteacherjames good point #eltchat
leoselivan 12:24 PM RT @Shaunwilden: @leoselivan @esolcourses @theteacherjames Sts tend to trust the teacher, I think #eltchat >if you've built good rapport yes
jeanneoakes 12:24 PM #eltchat I coteach so am always close to regular curriculum, a huge plus
Sharonzspace 12:24 PM @shaunwilden @worldteacher closed and then once they are inside they become secret.  I have a post will send when home #ELTCHAT
BobK99 12:24 PM @teflerinha Thx - I'm always doing that. #eltchat
worldteacher 12:24 PM @Sharonzspace Good idea, but not practical for me - FB is often blocked - luckily the Edmodo interface is similar so sts love it! #eltchat
teflerinha 12:25 PM #eltchat I like weird stories from http://t.co/qFbbMqx5. UK ss often read tMetro anyway as it's a free paper & has short articles
jeanneoakes 12:25 PM #eltchat  Building rapport is a must, I use culture bag activities to get started and things usually snowball
MmeMarion 12:25 PM RT @cybraryman1: Important to start each lesson with something that will engage your students & is relevant. Vary your teaching approach too. #eltchat
worldteacher 12:25 PM @DanielaArghir Yes - even the local supermarket can provide lots of language opportunities! #eltchat
LisaWest23 12:26 PM RT @cybraryman1: Important to start each lesson with something that will engage your students & is relevant. Vary your teaching approach too. #eltchat
teflerinha 12:26 PM @BobK99 Me too- takes one to know one :) #eltchat
Sharonzspace 12:26 PM @shaunwilden @worldteacher they use them for everything and they take ownership of learning environment #ELTCHAT
DMS_8PS 12:26 PM @Sharonzspace I am trying FB this year. I have linked my blog and YouTube page to it as well fot sts. #Eltchat
theteacherjames 12:27 PM RT @esolcourses: RT @theteacherjames interested to hear which non-ELT sources U use for ideas ] Newsy - good for topical stuff http://t.co/R6v78UmA #eltchat
worldteacher 12:27 PM @theteacherjames One of my favourite non-ELT sources - Mr Bean! I can't stand him, but the sts love him & are fully engaged! #eltchat
DMS_8PS 12:27 PM What is a culture bag? RT @jeanneoakes: Bldg rapport is a must, I use culture bag act. 2 get started and things usually snowball #Eltchat
leoselivan 12:27 PM @teflerinha yes I always look for stories like this. Seen this site once quirkynews or something like that. +they're usually short #eltchat
esolcourses 12:27 PM RT @theteacherjames interested to hear which non-ELT sources U use for ideas ] Newsy - good for topical stuff http://t.co/R6v78UmA #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:27 PM @Sharonzspace @worldteacher And does everyone take part? @Sharonzspace @worldteacher #eltchat
worldteacher 12:28 PM @Shaunwilden @Sharonzspace In my case, the vast majority - yes! #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:28 PM RT @teflerinha: #eltchat I like weird stories from http://t.co/qFbbMqx5. UK ss often read tMetro anyway as it's a free paper & has short articles
theteacherjames 12:29 PM If you want to follow some interesting, sciencey people on Twitter, have a look at my list: http://t.co/sOuYNPdI #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:29 PM @worldteacher @theteacherjames Are we not beyond the use of Mr bean yet :-) #eltchat
esolcourses 12:30 PM RT @Shaunwilden: @worldteacher @theteacherjames Are we not beyond the use of Mr bean yet :-) #eltchat ] not a Bean fan, I have to admit...
worldteacher 12:30 PM @Shaunwilden @theteacherjames Unfortunately not! Not here in Vietnam, anyway!! :-) #eltchat
worldteacher 12:31 PM #eltchat One of my favourite resources with higher level sts - From Our Own Correspondent podcast from BBC - 5 x 5-min stories each edition.
Shaunwilden 12:31 PM @DanielaArghir I just meant that surely everyone had seen ti by now :-) #eltchat
teflerinha 12:31 PM #eltchat Lessons where you get ss to make things (e.g. origami) r good 4 a change. Gr8 for YLs, but can b adults 2. Lots of lang potential
DanielaArghir 12:31 PM @Shaunwilden: "Are we not beyond the use of Mr bean yet :-)" what do you think then of Coyote and Road Runner? #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:32 PM For fun facts and trivia, follow @qikipedia and @UberFacts. Any other suggestions for interesting and inspiring Twitter folks? #eltchat
esolcourses 12:32 PM RT @teflerinha: #eltchat Lessons where you get ss to make things r good 4 a change. Gr8 for YLs, but can b adults 2. Lots of lang potential
teflerinha 12:32 PM RT @worldteacher: #eltchat One of my favourite resources with higher level sts - From Our Own Correspondent podcast from BBC - 5 x 5-min stories each edition.
theteacherjames 12:33 PM @kenwilsonlondon has some great ideas here about using the yahoo homepage: http://t.co/4YkG6Fth #eltchat
esolcourses 12:33 PM RT @theteacherjames For fun facts & trivia, follow @qikipedia & @UberFacts. Any other suggestions for interesting/inspiring Tweeps? #eltchat
DanielaArghir 12:33 PM @teflerinha: "Lessons where you get ss to make things"-made handheld windmills with my 11year olds on Global Wind Day June 15th :-) #eltchat
teflerinha 12:33 PM @worldteacher Think they'd be popular with me too :) #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:33 PM RT @jeanneoakes: #eltchat  Also, ss use the phrase, In my opinion... on a regular basis.  they love it!
jeanneoakes 12:33 PM #eltchat  Also, ss use the phrase, In my opinion... on a regular basis.  they love it!
worldteacher 12:33 PM @teflerinha Yes - or even cookery sessions - these are really popular with my adult sts - luckily several own small restaurants! #eltchat
worldteacher 12:34 PM @Shaunwilden Absolutely!! We can arrange that! Just let me know when you're coming! :-) #eltchat
jeanneoakes 12:34 PM #eltchat  making open sorts with ss using transition words to connect content vocab  is effective
BobK99 12:34 PM @worldteacher  #eltchat Yes, I use(D..) FOOC a lot. Very good for looking at different accents (as there's often a vox pop in the reports)
Sharonzspace 12:34 PM @esolcourses @theteacherjames music! discussion of lyrics, singers life, cultural background etc #ELTCHAT
Shaunwilden 12:34 PM @worldteacher I'm visiting Vietnam at the end of the year maybe they'd like to give me cooking lesson in English :-) #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:34 PM RT @worldteacher: #eltchat One of my favourite resources with higher level sts - From Our Own Correspondent podcast from BBC - 5 x 5-min stories each edition.
theteacherjames 12:35 PM There are some fantastic podcasts out there. Any non-ELT favourites? I'm using 4 Thought with my business sts: http://t.co/BG8q6w4s #eltchat
worldteacher 12:36 PM @BobK99 Yes & there's usually quite a light-hearted story at the end, too - just used one about Parisian poodle parlours!! #eltchat
MissLadyCaz 12:36 PM @theteacherjames From anywhere...what the Ss want/are interested in, what they need, current/topical events #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:37 PM @SueAnnan Het Sue it's a long one but in a nutshell How do you make sure your classes stay fresh & inspiring? #eltchat
worldteacher 12:37 PM @theteacherjames FOOC, Desert Island Discs  #eltchat
SueAnnan 12:37 PM Hi peeps. What's the topic today? #eltchat
teflerinha 12:37 PM @theteacherjames Can I confess to liking BBC Womens Hour? There are some really interesting topics. #eltchat
esolcourses 12:38 PM @theteacherjames re: non-elt sites. Using Google maps for virtual trips can also make for an interesting lesson #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:38 PM I guess along with using all these podcasts etc our job includes suggesting them to sts for outside of class#eltchat
theteacherjames 12:38 PM @worldteacher @Shaunwilden @esolcourses I prefer other silent movies myself: http://t.co/BBPMw7He #eltchat
worldteacher 12:38 PM @teflerinha Oooh - me too!! Are we supposed to be ashamed of it? :-) #eltchat
DanielaArghir 12:38 PM I read this http://t.co/rWIHTSS2 and get inspiration #eltchat
Sharonzspace 12:39 PM @worldteacher @teflerinha I love women's hour!!#ELTCHAT
esolcourses 12:39 PM RT @theteacherjames: @worldteacher @Shaunwilden @esolcourses I prefer other silent movies myself: http://t.co/w5nTacao #eltchat
teflerinha 12:39 PM RT @teflerinha: @worldteacher Doesn't sound very fresh and 'teen-friendly'... ;) #eltchat
BobK99 12:39 PM @teflerinha  #eltchat Me too, though chromosomatically challenged. ;-)
theteacherjames 12:40 PM @MissLadyCaz That's a bit vague! What are your favourite sources? #eltchat
SueAnnan 12:40 PM @Shaunwilden thanks #eltchat
worldteacher 12:40 PM RT @esolcoursesre: non-elt sites. Using Google maps for virtual trips can also make for an interesting lesson #eltchat >Good idea!
Shaunwilden 12:40 PM @esolcourses @theteacherjames And also fun to use in 'directions'  lessons #eltchat
esolcourses 12:41 PM @theteacherjames @worldteacher @Shaunwilden v.useful, James - thanks! Used Oktapodi in a lesson myself, here http://t.co/AoZuNjy3 #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:41 PM RT @jeanneoakes: #eltchat  if students make podcasts they hear how they improve oral langauge skills..use a rubric to score and set goals
teflerinha 12:41 PM @worldteacher Indeed! #eltchat
jeanneoakes 12:41 PM #eltchat  if students make podcasts they hear how they improve oral langauge skills..use a rubric to score and set goals
theteacherjames 12:41 PM @teflerinha Of course, I listen to loads of R4 podcasts. Love them! #eltchat
worldteacher 12:41 PM @teflerinha I guess not, but we 'women of a certain age' still have a lot that's worth sharing!! :-) #eltchat
teflerinha 12:41 PM #eltchat Used 50 people 1 question from Utube as suggested by @designerlessons. Gr8 and whole series of them so set as hwk to watch another.
theteacherjames 12:42 PM RT @esolcourses: @theteacherjames @worldteacher @Shaunwilden v.useful, James - thanks! Used Oktapodi in a lesson myself, here http://t.co/AoZuNjy3 #eltchat
esolcourses 12:42 PM RT @Shaunwilden: @esolcourses @theteacherjames And also fun to use in 'directions'  lessons #eltchat ] Yep. Find a route from A-B, etc :)
maggigarcia 12:43 PM RT @Shaunwilden: RT @jeanneoakes: #eltchat  if students make podcasts they hear how they improve oral langauge skills..use a rubric to score and set goals
theteacherjames 12:43 PM @esolcourses That's great, I'll add it to my blog post. #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:43 PM @esolcourses @theteacherjames @worldteacher ooo that's a nice little cartoon (thnaks :-)) #eltchat
worldteacher 12:44 PM @esolcourses Love it - Thanks!! #eltchat  There was a pause there while we all watched the cartoon!! :-)
theteacherjames 12:44 PM @teflerinha 50 people 1 question? Got a link? #curious #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:45 PM @Sharonzspace Thanks for joining us :-) #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:45 PM Loads of ideas and resources shared so far - 15 mins left to add your faves and words of wisdom #eltchat
Sharonzspace 12:45 PM sorry need to leave.  Thanks for the chat.) #ELTCHAT
esolcourses 12:46 PM RT @Shaunwilden: Loads of ideas and resources shared so far - 15 mins left to add your faves and words of wisdom #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:46 PM RT @Shaunwilden: Loads of ideas and resources shared so far - 15 mins left to add your faves and words of wisdom #eltchat
leoselivan 12:47 PM @MissLadyCaz @theteacherjames grade the task not the text ? :) #eltchat
MissLadyCaz 12:47 PM @theteacherjames I suppose that's my point tho, it can be ANYTHING. The right scaffolding can allow for success with any resource. #eltchat
teflerinha 12:48 PM @theteacherjames http://t.co/ihhn1ke4 Link 2 @designerlessons They're vox pop asking 50 peop 1 qtion. Here What would make u happy? #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:48 PM RT @MissLadyCaz:  that's my point  it can be ANYTHING. The right scaffolding can allow for success with any resource. #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:49 PM @MissLadyCaz I agree, that's why I suggested the chat. We're discussing & sharing some of our favourite resources. #eltchat
SueAnnan 12:49 PM I used a cd of foreign folk music today which generated lots of language #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:50 PM RT @teflerinha: @theteacherjames They're vox pop asking 50 peop 1 qtion. Here What would make u happy? #eltchat http://t.co/OC1dAPuU
theteacherjames 12:51 PM RT @SueAnnan: I used a cd of foreign folk music today which generated lots of language #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:51 PM Here are some of my occasional ideas from the Guardian: http://t.co/8JfPQGxB #eltchat
MissLadyCaz 12:51 PM @leoselivan In some ways, yes. I probably won't do Shakespeare with my 5 yr olds tho. LOL #eltchat
teflerinha 12:52 PM @theteacherjames Yes, Guardian Family section is great. sadly 2 expensive 2 use in pub material :( #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:52 PM I'll reask the ? I asked at the beginning ,keeping a lesson fresh is more  materials and exploiting them isnt it? #eltchat
jeanneoakes 12:52 PM @theteacherjames @MissLadyCaz #eltchat   use the core curriculum content  and then listen th the ss. tell you what they need
teflerinha 12:53 PM @Shaunwilden Yes. Important to keep reading about methodology 2 I think and keep questioning urself #eltchat
teflerinha 12:54 PM @jeanneoakes Yes, absoultely agree. technology has made this all so much easier. #eltchat
BobK99 12:54 PM @Shaunwilden  #eltchat Materials - but ideas too. On Smr course with no fixed curr. I picked up ideas from  signs on my wlk from the station
theteacherjames 12:54 PM @teflerinha Pity. It's full of great stuff. #eltchat
esolcourses 12:54 PM Sorry to bail out early today, but having connection  problems - thanks for an excellent #eltchat today, and hope to catch you later :-)
Shaunwilden 12:54 PM Getting to point in #eltchat when I start to look for a volunteer.........
theteacherjames 12:55 PM RT @Shaunwilden: Getting to point in #eltchat when I start to look for a volunteer.........
MissLadyCaz 12:55 PM @jeanneoakes Yep, and not limit yourself to just core content, allow Ss to drive their learning and locate resources. #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:56 PM @Shaunwilden Essential point, yes. #eltchat
jeanneoakes 12:57 PM @MissLadyCaz #eltchat but start with core cuz it helps ss feel confident and successful in their day
Shaunwilden 12:58 PM Still looking for a volunteer for the summary......#eltchat
theteacherjames 12:59 PM Anyone want to gather all these links together into a summary for us? Think of all that lovely traffic to your blog! #eltchat
MissLadyCaz 12:59 PM @jeanneoakes yeah, use core to build/scaffold skills to be used on other sourced resources. #eltchat
teflerinha 12:59 PM @Shaunwilden @theteacherjames Silence on volunteer..sorry bt can't this time- off on hols on Fri and have deadline first as well! #eltchat
Shaunwilden 1:00 PM The 21BST #eltchat is moderated this evening by @theteacherjames and @SueAnnan discussing How to integrate dictionary work into lessons.
teflerinha 1:01 PM @worldteacher @theteacherjames @Shaunwilden I can do it when I get back too- slight advance- 27th! #eltchat
Shaunwilden 1:01 PM @worldteacher Its ok we'll let you have a week off :-) #eltchat
theteacherjames 1:01 PM RT @Shaunwilden: The 21BST #eltchat is moderated this evening by @theteacherjames and @SueAnnan discussing How to integrate dictionary work into lessons.
Shaunwilden 1:02 PM @teflerinha @worldteacher @theteacherjames well if none comes forward then I'll get back to you :-) #eltchat
BobK99 1:02 PM Bye and thanks to all for #eltchat
teflerinha 1:03 PM @Shaunwilden @worldteacher @theteacherjames Okey dokey #eltchat
worldteacher 1:04 PM @Shaunwilden @teflerinha OK!! #eltchat  Where are you off to, Rachael?
Shaunwilden 1:04 PM Thanks to everyone for joining todays #eltchat so many new links and ideas to go explore :-) #eltchat


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