
Critical thinking in teacher development

Page history last edited by Shaun 12 years, 9 months ago

This is the transcript of #eltchat  on 08.02.2012 on Critical thinking in teacher development.


username time status
Shaunwilden 12:00 PM Ok its midday so time for #eltchat on Critical thinking in teacher development
TailormadeEng 12:01 PM Should we start by defining what critical thinking in TD means to us? #eltchat
CeciELT 12:01 PM RT @AlexandraKouk: #ELTchat starting now on Critical thinking in teacher development
cybraryman1 12:01 PM The aim of education should be to teach us rather how to think, than what to think. My CT pg http://t.co/rdRv9dgT #eltchat
AlexandraKouk 12:01 PM #ELTchat starting now on Critical thinking in teacher development
Marisa_C 12:01 PM Hello everyone and welcome to this edition of #ELTchat - @Shaunwilden & me your moderators - Critical thinking in Teacher -Development
yitzha_sarwono 12:02 PM @TailormadeEng good point! #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:02 PM RT @Shaunwilden: I know what CT is and I know what TD is but can sb tell me what this topic is about :-)   #eltchat
TeachEslToday 12:02 PM In my opinion, critical thinking is absolutely important, there is a need of reflection after every action carried out by the T  #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:02 PM @try_manoellang Welcome :-)  #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 12:02 PM RT @Marisa_C: Hello everyone and welcome to this edition of #ELTchat - @Shaunwilden & me your moderators - Critical thinking in Teacher -Development
CeciELT 12:02 PM RT @TailormadeEng: Should we start by defining what critical thinking in TD means to us? #eltchat > Think it'd be nice.... care to start? ;)
Marisa_C 12:02 PM RT @try_manoellang: my first time joining the #eltchat. thanks for the invitation @ yitza sarwono - Welcome to #ELTchat
Shaunwilden 12:02 PM I know what CT is and I know what TD is but can sb tell me what this topic is about :-)   #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 12:02 PM @try_manoellang our topic for today's #eltchat is Critical thinking in teacher development
try_manoellang 12:02 PM my first time joining the #eltchat. thanks for the invitation @ yitza sarwono
TailormadeEng 12:03 PM 2 critically analysing teaching material when selecting for class - in terms of how it will benefit Ss rather than 'it looks fun' #eltchat
Marisa_C 12:03 PM @TeachEslToday good link of CT to reflective thinking - a good idea on any teacher development programme #eltchat
AlexandraKouk 12:03 PM Should critical thinking be two-fold: both T and Ss should engage in it #eltchat
TailormadeEng 12:03 PM For me it covers several areas 1 using experience to support/refute what Ts read in formal training courses e.g. Delta #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:04 PM @TailormadeEng so critically assessing ones own TD paths etc?  #eltchat
jankenb2 12:04 PM @TailormadeEng #eltchat Yes, let's explore CT in teacher training & decide if a Ts aptitude to think critically is dependent on context.
CeciELT 12:04 PM @TailormadeEng I agree with you, and would add workshops and presentations you attend to it #eltchat
TailormadeEng 12:04 PM 3 analysing Ss' perceived needs using our linguistic knowledge #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 12:04 PM Welcoming a fellow Indonesia teacher and good friend @try_manoellang for the 1st time ever on #eltchat.  @Marisa_C & @Shaunwilden
Marisa_C 12:04 PM RT @AlexandraKouk: Should critical thinking be two-fold: both T and Ss should engage in it #eltchat > makes sense doesn't it
MrChrisJWilson 12:04 PM ‚Äú@Shaunwilden: I know what CT is and I know what TD is but can sb tell me what this topic is about :-)   #eltchat‚Äù< I smirked
Marisa_C 12:05 PM @AlexandraKouk another term we tend to use in t-ed is 'reflective practice'  #eltchat
ChristosPas 12:05 PM @Marisa_C I have a lesson to go to and will miss the chat!! Enjoy everyone! Looking forward to the summary!! #eltchat
CeciELT 12:05 PM @Marisa_C What do you mean dependent on context, Marisa? On where the teacher is? #eltchat
TailormadeEng 12:05 PM @Shaunwilden yes that's one way of looking it but also in a practical, day-to-day way (points 2 and 3) #eltchat
AlexandraKouk 12:05 PM On the T side: questioning, examining critically, reflecting on choices of mats, activities, aims #eltchat
TailormadeEng 12:05 PM @CeciELT Ah yes, great point. #eltchat
Marisa_C 12:05 PM RT@TailormadeEng #eltchat Yes, let's explore CT in teacher training & decide if a Ts aptitude to think critically is dependent on context.
TailormadeEng 12:06 PM @Shaunwilden since I work mainly in TTed, CT in TD is more relevant to me. Sorry for being selfish! : ) #eltchat
michaelegriffin 12:06 PM #ELTchat Thinking critically vs. Critical thinking? 
jankenb2 12:06 PM @Marisa_C @AlexandraKouk #eltchat CT enables a teacher to ask the right questions eg ?'s that scaffold Ss thinking to think deeper.
Shaunwilden 12:06 PM @TailormadeEng Am trying to sort out CT in TD (the topic) and CT in teaching  #eltchat
TailormadeEng 12:07 PM @Marisa_C I think some already do eg Delta M3, it's a key criterion #eltchat
TeachEslToday 12:07 PM To be able to help our Ss to develop critical thinking, We must think critically first #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:07 PM @TailormadeEng No its fine, what i meant was if there is a line between the two  #eltchat
Lee74 12:07 PM Interested to hear how that works in practice, what is the process? Anyone use e-portfolios/reflective journals to plan>act>reflect #eltchat
TailormadeEng 12:07 PM RT @CeciELT: @Marisa_C What do you mean dependent on context, Marisa? On where the teacher is? #eltchat>yes could you clarify?
Marisa_C 12:07 PM So would a prescriptive T-ed programme encourage Ts to become reflectivive practitioners - critical thinkers? #Eltchat
TeachEslToday 12:08 PM T need to reflect upon their practice,Why a lesson went wrong, Did my body language help to convey the meaning... #eltchat
Marisa_C 12:08 PM RT @BobK99: Is CT 'reflective practice'? #eltchat > yes
yitzha_sarwono 12:08 PM I think CT is a must attitude for every one, not just a teacher, but for us it means we'll progress more, as education always is #eltchat
BobK99 12:08 PM Is CT 'reflective practice'? #eltchat
TailormadeEng 12:08 PM @Shaunwilden yes I think so - I see CT in Ss more about what we do in class #eltchat
Marisa_C 12:08 PM @TailormadeEng not only in module 3 methinks  #eltchat
michaelegriffin 12:08 PM @Marisa_C @AlexandraKouk  #ELTchat Interesting, perhaps my take on #reflectiveP is a bit more limited. 2 me critical thinking serves it
Shaunwilden 12:08 PM RT @CeciELT: I'd say CT in TD can be espy hard when u r talking abt texts/presentations by the big names in the field.  #eltchat
Marisa_C 12:09 PM @CeciELT I think it does - when you are asked to identify underlying assumptions in materials u display this skill  #eltchat
NikkiFortova 12:09 PM RT @Shaunwilden: @CeciELT I think it goes the other way as well, social network has given every1 a voice so its difficult to know which 2 listen to  #eltchat
CeciELT 12:09 PM RT @yitzha_sarwono: I think CT is a must attitude for every one, not just a teacher, but for us it means we'll progress more, as education always is #eltchat
AlexandraKouk 12:09 PM @BobK99 it's a part of it, I think #eltchat
IHRoma 12:09 PM @TeachEslToday also why a lesson went right. focus on positives as well as negatives. #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:09 PM @CeciELT I think it goes the other way as well, social network has given every1 a voice so its difficult to know which 2 listen to  #eltchat
CeciELT 12:09 PM @Marisa_C @TailormadeEng Agree with not only in M3 of Delta, but CT not very present in M1 of it - at least I didn't think so #eltchat
TailormadeEng 12:09 PM @Shaunwilden I think keeping it practical by using our own  experience to see if things are born out helps with big name talks #eltchat
CeciELT 12:10 PM @Shaunwilden True. But we should listen to everyone (or almost) but the key is in HOW to take in what we hear, isn't it? #eltchat
Marisa_C 12:10 PM @dalecoulter I think so - but depends on the course structure and attitude of the centre  #eltchat
AlexandraKouk 12:10 PM RT @IHRoma: @TeachEslToday also why a lesson went right. focus on positives as well as negatives. #eltchat
TailormadeEng 12:10 PM @Marisa_C ah yes, good point, point 2 I mentioned earlier #eltchat
TeachEslToday 12:10 PM Thinking critically we'll see that many problems can be solved by just taking some time to reflect upon why those problems happened #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 12:10 PM RT @TeachEslToday: T need to reflect upon their practice,Why a lesson went wrong, Did my body language help to convey the meaning... #eltchat
reasons4 12:10 PM RT @Marisa_C: RT @BobK99: Is CT 'reflective practice'? #eltchat > yes > surely it depends how the reflective practice is done.
TailormadeEng 12:10 PM @CeciELT  Yes I agree, I think M1 is more about 'ticking boxes' - in some ways the opposite of CT - more for Ms 2 and 3 I think #eltchat
TailormadeEng 12:11 PM RT @MrChrisJWilson: @BobK99 CT is 'reflective practice' but more.  Also about reflecting on others' beliefs #eltchat>exactly.
CeciELT 12:11 PM @Marisa_C Not sure, Marisa.... I think there is CT when you study it, but in the actual test you have to put what you've read #eltchat
lclandfield 12:11 PM Hi everyone - am following this a bit late and from a distance. Will try and chip in later as this subject interests me greatly! #eltchat
MrChrisJWilson 12:11 PM RT @TailormadeEng: @BobK99 CT is 'reflective practice' but more.  Also about reflecting on others' beliefs #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:11 PM @Marisa_C @dalecoulter I'd agree with M, the centres have a lot to do with instilling it  #eltchat
TailormadeEng 12:11 PM @dalecoulter I think it already does a good job of attempting to develop it #eltchat
TailormadeEng 12:11 PM @BobK99 CT is 'reflective practice' but more.  Also about reflecting on others' beliefs #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:11 PM @Marisa_C @BobK99 Or is reflective practice part of CT? #eltchat
TailormadeEng 12:12 PM @jankenb2 Nice way of putting it #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:12 PM @CeciELT I disagree, think we should find out who were are listening to as well, too many pple 'shout' but then have little to say  #eltchat
IHRoma 12:12 PM RT @TailormadeEng: RT @MrChrisJWilson: @BobK99 CT is 'reflective practice' but more.  Also about reflecting on others' beliefs #eltchat>exactly.
Marisa_C 12:12 PM @CeciELT I don't actually agree with you but hey life is sometimes like that  #eltchat
CeciELT 12:12 PM @Marisa_C Whether you agree or not #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 12:12 PM RT @TeachEslToday: Thinking critically we'll see that many problems can be solved by just taking some time to reflect upon why those problems happened #eltchat
IHRoma 12:13 PM @yitzha_sarwono @CeciELT @Shaunwilden is that not part of your formation of teaching beliefs and attitudes? Who to listen to? #eltchat
TailormadeEng 12:13 PM Is it worth mentioning the 4Cs in TD as well? #eltchat #4cs
AlexandraKouk 12:13 PM RT @michaelegriffin: I think one can think critically without reflecting. Don't think the reverse is true. 
AlexandraKouk 12:13 PM RT @michaelegriffin: I think one can think critically without reflecting. Don't think the reverse is true. 
yitzha_sarwono 12:13 PM @CeciELT @Shaunwilden good point, everyone does have a voice, but which one that we should reflect to, now that's CT :) #eltchat
michaelegriffin 12:13 PM I think one can think critically without reflecting. Don't think the reverse is true. 
CeciELT 12:13 PM @Marisa_C That's critical thinking put into practice! ;-) Different opinions! #eltchat
TailormadeEng 12:14 PM @michaelegriffin Good point. #eltchat
CeciELT 12:14 PM @Shaunwilden Agree with you on some ppl shout but have little to say - hence the need for CT #eltchat
BobK99 12:15 PM Loads of views on what CT is. To me so far it's just a buzzword. Help! #eltchat
MrChrisJWilson 12:15 PM #eltchat Is it possible to think critically at the start of teaching or does it come with experience? Is there a difference?
Shaunwilden 12:15 PM @TailormadeEng Worth mentioning though a teacher can CT without them no? #eltchat
Marisa_C 12:15 PM @CeciELT I am curious to know why you disagree - you must have read the syllabus specifications more carefully than me :-)  #eltchat
TailormadeEng 12:15 PM @IHRoma I think you can listen to everything, but it's the aplication of CT which helps you voice your own beliefs #eltchat
MrChrisJWilson 12:16 PM @Marisa_C forgive my ignorance :( What are Bloom's educational objective and why should I care? #eltchat
reasons4 12:16 PM RT @BobK99: Loads of views on what CT is. To me so far it's just a buzzword. Help! #eltchat > agreed
yitzha_sarwono 12:16 PM RT @TailormadeEng: @IHRoma I think you can listen to everything, but it's the aplication of CT which helps you voice your own beliefs #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:16 PM @TailormadeEng  the 4Cs #eltchat
Marisa_C 12:16 PM RT @Marisa_C: How can we relate Bloom's educational objectives to CT in TP? #ELTchat > Sorry CT in PD or TD
CeciELT 12:16 PM @Marisa_C I just felt M1 to be much more about memorising things than actually reflecting and giving your take on things #eltchat
TailormadeEng 12:16 PM @Shaunwilden sorry I've lost the thread (not a great tweeter me!) refer to what/who? #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:16 PM @MrChrisJWilson I think it is possible but it needs sth to help guide and inform i.e. a basis for the thinking #eltchat
Marisa_C 12:16 PM How can we relate Bloom's educational objectives to CT in TP? #ELTchat
Marisa_C 12:17 PM @Shaunwilden I was just observing a CELTA TP :-D --- my fingers slipped !  #eltchat
Lee74 12:17 PM @MrChrisJWilson At the start it's harder and a more concious process #eltchat
jobethsteel 12:17 PM @MrChrisJWilson You need to be encouraged from the start of your teaching or even in training. #eltchat
jankenb2 12:17 PM #eltchat CT = ways of thinking. depth,completeness significance, logical-ness, fairness, relevance, precision, accuracy, clarity (Halpern)
Shaunwilden 12:17 PM RT @reasons4: RT @BobK99: Loads of views on what CT is. To me so far it's just a buzzword. Help! #eltchat > agreed
TeachEslToday 12:17 PM Your critical thinking must go with you in every aspect of your life,not only in your teaching, if not the world will laught at you #eltchat
IHRoma 12:17 PM @Shaunwilden @Marisa_C can CT be taught directly? #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:17 PM @Marisa_C Haha TP - you're celtering then :-) #eltchat
JosetteLB 12:17 PM @michaelegriffin I agree "I think one can think critically without reflecting. Don't think the reverse is true."
Marisa_C 12:17 PM @CeciELT oh well what can i say....  it;s not but not the time to argue this our  #eltchat
TailormadeEng 12:17 PM @Marisa_C Haven't read that one could you post a link? (Bloom) #eltchat
Marisa_C 12:18 PM Millions of links on Bloom - here  is one picked randomly http://t.co/oFlyYthL #ELTchat
yitzha_sarwono 12:18 PM @IHRoma yes, but sometimes especially here, CT can only work with open mind #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:18 PM @IHRoma @Marisa_C  I think it can be encouraged #eltchat
TailormadeEng 12:18 PM @TailormadeEng Right, sorry. I'm not sure - I think you need some creativity to be able to CT well, and need to collaborate #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 12:19 PM RT @TeachEslToday: Your critical thinking must go with you in every aspect of your life,not only in your teaching, if not the world will laught at you #eltchat
CeciELT 12:19 PM What are aspects that can make CT in TD harder for you? #eltchat
TeachEslToday 12:19 PM Debates and discussions over controversial topics are an excellent way to encourage critical thinking #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 12:19 PM RT @jankenb2: #eltchat CT = ways of thinking. depth,completeness significance, logical-ness, fairness, relevance, precision, accuracy, clarity (Halpern)
CeciELT 12:19 PM RT @Marisa_C: Millions of links on Bloom - here  is one picked randomly http://t.co/oFlyYthL #ELTchat
jankenb2 12:20 PM #eltchat @Marisa_C  Bloom's relates to Tdevelopment. My wkshop on how to use Bloom's in TD accessed http://t.co/0XoWABAG w/positive response
TailormadeEng 12:20 PM @CeciELT I think when I observe a T do a really useful activity and 'steal' - hard to be critical! #eltchat
Marisa_C 12:20 PM RT @AlexandraKouk: So is CT the ability to reject what doesn't work for your teaching situation and focus on what would? #eltchat
AlexandraKouk 12:20 PM So is CT the ability to reject what doesn't work for your teaching situation and focus on what would? #eltchat
Marisa_C 12:20 PM Seems  that we can look at this topic either from the point of view of PD syllabus planners (fine with me) or for the T's point #ELTchat
IHRoma 12:20 PM RT @TeachEslToday: Debates and discussions over controversial topics are an excellent way to encourage critical thinking #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 12:20 PM @TeachEslToday good point! Can I quote that? #eltchat
TailormadeEng 12:20 PM @Marisa_C Linked and bookmarked. Thanks a million!! #eltchat
CeciELT 12:21 PM RT @AlexandraKouk: So is CT the ability to reject what doesn't work 4 yr teaching sit & focus on what wd? #eltchat > Think that's part of it
Shaunwilden 12:21 PM RT @AlexandraKouk: So is CT the ability to reject what doesn't work for your teaching situation and focus on what would? #eltchat > good ?
Marisa_C 12:21 PM RT @jankenb2: #eltchat @Marisa_C  Bloom's relates to Tdevelopment. My wkshop on how to use Bloom's in TD   http://t.co/eLRp4qje
yitzha_sarwono 12:21 PM @CeciELT here in Indonesia? Society and cultural things, right @try_manoellang ? #eltchat
TailormadeEng 12:21 PM @AlexandraKouk Yes, I think so - nice way of putting it #eltchat
TailormadeEng 12:21 PM @MrChrisJWilson Can think critically at start, but you will be basing your thoughts on prejudices; some might be right but by luck #eltchat
Marisa_C 12:21 PM @jankenb2 lovely just perfect  #eltchat
NikkiFortova 12:21 PM RT @AlexandraKouk: So is CT the ability to reject what doesn't work for your teaching situation and focus on what would? #eltchat > good ?
IHRoma 12:22 PM have to leave #eltchat now. Thanks for the disucssion, look forward to reading the transcript.
crystalannie 12:22 PM CT helps to accumulate experiences and achievement. which can attract like minded professionals.#eltchat
josepopoff 12:22 PM @CeciELT Making reflections on own practice is sometimes an uncomfortable, yet necessary aspect of CT in TD. #eltchat
TeachEslToday 12:23 PM @josepopoff @CeciELT I consider that this reflection using critical thinking is the only way of improving as a teacher #eltchat
Marisa_C 12:23 PM I think that the general #ELT orthodoxy of the past wanted Ts to adopt this or that #dogma,.... hm hm #ELtchat not conducive to CT
MrChrisJWilson 12:23 PM #eltchat I think there are 2 parts of CT within td, reflecting on lessons [RP] and reflecting on frameworks/mentalities #dontmentionthedword
yitzha_sarwono 12:23 PM RT @AlexandraKouk: So is CT the ability to reject what doesn't work 4 yr teaching sit & focus on what wd? #eltchat > more like it
crystalannie 12:23 PM RT @Marisa_C: RT @AlexandraKouk: So is CT the ability to reject what doesn't work for your teaching situation and focus on what would? #eltchat
CeciELT 12:24 PM @Marisa_C I wholeheartedly agree with you on that, Marisa #ELT #dogma #ELtchat
MrChrisJWilson 12:24 PM @TailormadeEng V true! CT is good but action gives it a purpose #eltchat
AlexandraKouk 12:24 PM RT @Shaunwilden: RT @michaelegriffin: What are aspects that can make CT in TD harder for you > 4 me the big one is beliefs masquerading as "facts" #eltchat
CeciELT 12:24 PM RT @Marisa_C: I think that the general #ELT orthodoxy of the past wanted Ts to adopt this or that #dogma,.... hm hm #ELtchat not conducive to CT
TailormadeEng 12:24 PM @MrChrisJWilson Yes but I think reflection is only useful with application - an important follow up from CT #eltchat
AlexandraKouk 12:24 PM And should CT in TD also focus on ways to promote CT in Ss? #eltchat
jankenb2 12:24 PM @CeciELT @AlexandraKouk #eltchat CT is being comfortable with accepting multiple answers for "facts" To teach CT we must encourage S's to ?
TailormadeEng 12:25 PM @Marisa_C Yes, but with application to own context comes even a little CT #eltchat
reasons4 12:25 PM RT @Shaunwilden: RT @michaelegriffin:  beliefs masquerading as "facts" #eltchat > agreed
michaelegriffin 12:25 PM RT @Marisa_C: I think that the general #ELT orthodoxy of the past wanted Ts to adopt this or that #dogma,.... hm hm #ELtchat not conducive to CT
Shaunwilden 12:25 PM RT @Marisa_C: CT is harder to foster in a TD programme when all Ts want is a few well-tried and tested receipes #ELTchat Very good point
try_manoellang 12:25 PM i think CT helps teachers to develop themselves and their students not only in the class but outside of the class too #eltchat
BobK99 12:25 PM RT @MrChrisJWilson: #eltchat I think there are 2 parts of CT within td, ref on lessons [RP] and ref on fmwrks/mentalities  > Sounds good
Marisa_C 12:25 PM CT is harder to foster in a TD programme when all Ts want is a few well-tried and tested receipes #ELTchat
reasons4 12:25 PM RT @Shaunwilden: RT @michaelegriffin: What are aspects that can make CT in TD harder for you > 4 me the big one is beliefs masquerading as "facts" #eltchat
CeciELT 12:26 PM RT @Marisa_C: Good TD practice developing CT in Ts would encourage the "teacher-as-researcher" attitude not wholesale buyer of approaches/methods #eltchat
TeachEslToday 12:26 PM The problem is nobody wants society 2 think critically,they want people like robots so they can manipulate' em, now that's changing #eltchat
TailormadeEng 12:26 PM @try_manoellang interesting issue raised: do Ts who employ CT lead to CT in Ss? #eltchat
CeciELT 12:26 PM RT @jankenb2: @AlexandraKouk #eltchat To teach CT we must encourage S's to ? > Absolutely yes!
MrChrisJWilson 12:26 PM “@Marisa_C: CT is harder to foster in a TD programme when all Ts want is a few well-tried and tested receipes #ELTchat”< like tourist Ts?
Marisa_C 12:26 PM Good TD practice developing CT in Ts would encourage the "teacher-as-researcher" attitude not wholesale buyer of approaches/methods #eltchat
jankenb2 12:26 PM @yitzha_sarwono @AlexandraKouk #eltchat not reject, rather to reposition. What is reasonable in 1800's is not today. Ex beliefs gender/race
TailormadeEng 12:27 PM @LukeMeddings I think so, allows us to keep trying and testing them #eltchat
CeciELT 12:27 PM @Marisa_C Right again, Ms Constantinides :-) The problem is that not all Ts are ready - or willing to think critically #ELTchat
reasons4 12:27 PM #eltchat is it hard to foster in  TD programme cos trainers are scared that T will ask questions they can't answer / challenge their ideas
Marisa_C 12:27 PM @LukeMeddings  #ELTchat  absolutely - yes - nothing is safe from a crticical thinker :-)
michaelegriffin 12:27 PM MT @Marisa_C CT is harder to foster when all Ts want is a few well-tried and tested receipes #ELTchat> harder to foster but still worth it?
JosetteLB 12:27 PM Buzzword issue or an essential characteristic for teachers? Def. of CT http://t.co/2XC5DTLR #ELtchat
LukeMeddings 12:27 PM @Shaunwilden @marisa_c #ELTchat so questioning the need for tried and tested recipes should be part of CT, no? Critiquing received wisdom..
yitzha_sarwono 12:28 PM RT @try_manoellang: i think CT helps teachers to develop themselves and their students not only in the class but outside of the class too #eltchat
TailormadeEng 12:28 PM @reasons4 not sure I agree -  I don't think they'd be a very good trainer #eltchat
MrChrisJWilson 12:28 PM @reasons4 or feel ripped off for not being "Taught" anything #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:28 PM @LukeMeddings @marisa_c Agreed but how to instill that when the staff wont come to TD unless they're getting recipes #eltchat
NikkiFortova 12:28 PM RT @reasons4: #eltchat is it hard to foster in  TD programme cos trainers are scared that T will ask questions they can't answer / challenge their ideas
TammyVine 12:29 PM RT @Marisa_C: As @AlexandraKouk pointed out a crticical/reflective T more likely to produce critical/reflective Ss #ELtchat
TeachEslToday 12:29 PM @CeciELT @Marisa_C That's because not thinking critically is easier :D #eltchat
josepopoff 12:29 PM @TeachEslToday: @josepopoff @CeciELT I consider that ths reflection is the only way of improving as a teacher #eltchat Couldn't agree more
yitzha_sarwono 12:29 PM @TailormadeEng @try_manoellang interesting indeed! #eltchat
TailormadeEng 12:29 PM @Shaunwilden Rather than installing recipes at TD, install a framework for action research? #eltchat
BobK99 12:30 PM RT @JosetteLB: ...Def. of CT http://t.co/CHUkcyx7 #ELtchat > Thx. It's slow to load, but looks promising!
TailormadeEng 12:30 PM RT @crystalannie: I think social media helps to encourage CT but still lots of Ts prefer to read/download than share/comment/ #eltchat>yes!
Shaunwilden 12:30 PM @TailormadeEng Fair point I just think its harder in practice esp in many PL schools #eltchat
brad5patterson 12:30 PM #blogmust 2day:  But will this class fly? | @scoopit http://t.co/esyubd9f by @kevchanwow #eltchat
CeciELT 12:30 PM @Marisa_C @TeachEslToday Yep.... unfortunately #eltchat
jankenb2 12:30 PM #eltchat A Ts belief in learning, ie Intell is malleable or fixed, shapes Ts ?s. So Ts a use of CT is essential if curriculum is 2B wide.
reasons4 12:31 PM RT @TailormadeEng: RT @crystalannie: I think social media helps to encourage CT #ELTchat really I think it does the opposite..
michaelegriffin 12:31 PM @CeciELT other aspects = lack of experience/training/practice,wanting"right answer" and not seeing payoff of critical thinking.  #ELTchat
CeciELT 12:31 PM I believe the whole concept of recipes (either as TD or T practice) is the exact opposite of CT #eltchat
Marisa_C 12:31 PM @TailormadeEng that's cos everyone calls themself a teacher trainer these days :-)  #eltchat
AlexandraKouk 12:31 PM @TailormadeEng @crystalannie it's always safer to avoid stating your opinino ... or is it? #eltchat
PatrickAndrews 12:32 PM @AlexandraKouk @TailormadeEng @crystalannie But stating opinion is not as imp as developing arguments #eltchat
LukeMeddings 12:32 PM RT @CeciELT: I believe the whole concept of recipes (either as TD or T practice) is the exact opposite of CT #eltchat
jankenb2 12:32 PM @TammyVine @Marisa_C @AlexandraKouk #eltchat What are your beliefs on knowledge? Are we born intell or made? Is error growth or failure?
Shaunwilden 12:32 PM @CeciELT I dont know about opposite but tchrs need to move use CT to decide how recipes might work for them #eltchat
CeciELT 12:32 PM RT @michaelegriffin: other aspects = lack of experience/training,wanting"right answer" and not seeing payoff of critical thinking.  #ELTchat
michaelegriffin 12:32 PM RT @CeciELT: I believe the whole concept of recipes (either as TD or T practice) is the exact opposite of CT #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 12:32 PM @CeciELT @Marisa_C I know some of my teachers who refused CT among us future teachers for they weren't ready to have their own TD #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:33 PM @CeciELT Then we agree fully :-) #eltchat
jankenb2 12:33 PM #eltchat @AlexandraKouk @TailormadeEng @crystalannie argumentation is a CT skill that can be explicitly taught from middle school on.
CeciELT 12:33 PM @Shaunwilden Agree. I guess what I meant was the idea of a recipe being something you just follow - not employing CT #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 12:33 PM RT @Marisa_C: As @AlexandraKouk pointed out a crticical/reflective T more likely to produce critical/reflective Ss #ELtchat
PatrickAndrews 12:33 PM @CeciELT Agree unless it is clear they are just starting points #eltchat
Marisa_C 12:33 PM @jankenb2 Tall order for 140  #eltchat
AlexandraKouk 12:33 PM @jankenb2 @TammyVine @Marisa_C #eltchat imo a mixture of both: nature and nurture
MrChrisJWilson 12:33 PM @reasons4 @TailormadeEng @crystalannie Do you mean social media or just the internet, by nature SM encourages comments and opinions #eltchat
jobethsteel 12:33 PM ‚Äú@NikkiFortova: RT @reasons4: #eltchat hard to foster in  TD prog cos trainers scared T will ask questions can't answer / challenge ideas‚Äù
reasons4 12:34 PM RT @MrChrisJWilson: @reasons4 @TailormadeEng @crystalannie I read it on twittyer it must be true ,mentality #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:34 PM RT @CeciELT: I believe the whole concept of recipes (either as TD or T practice) is the exact opposite of CT #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:34 PM RT @michaelegriffin: #ELTchat Sorry to be the "buzzkill" but why CT? Why do we need it? Why do teachers need it? (49% serious question)
michaelegriffin 12:34 PM #ELTchat Sorry to be the "buzzkill" but why CT? Why do we need it? Why do teachers need it? (49% serious question)
DaveDodgson 12:34 PM By @englishraven e-Portfolios away! http://t.co/qG6759m9 #ELTchat
TailormadeEng 12:34 PM @MrChrisJWilson but not always as forthcoming as they could be in my experience Great activities should be shared #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:35 PM RT @LukeMeddings: CT implies participating actively in discourse rather than consuming passively,maybe if you repurpose a recipe.. #ELTchat
jankenb2 12:35 PM @CeciELT @Shaunwilden #eltchat CT in teacher ed is scary...we don't always have a book 2 tel us what ?  is the right 1 to probe a biased pt.
MrChrisJWilson 12:35 PM #eltchat People seam very against Methodologies but can't they cause awareness of an aspect of teaching thus far neglected?
AlexandraKouk 12:35 PM @michaelegriffin to avoid digesting everything indiscriminately? #eltchat
TeachEslToday 12:35 PM Good talking today, I go to go now, thanks everyone #eltchat
LukeMeddings 12:35 PM CT implies participating actively in discourse rather than consuming passively.. so maybe if you repurpose a recipe.. #ELTchat
Marisa_C 12:35 PM @michaelegriffin Cos they would otherwise adopt anything sold to them unthinkingly whether course, method or material  #ELTchat
jobethsteel 12:35 PM “@TammyVine: RT @Marisa_C: As @AlexandraKouk pointed out criticical/reflective T more likely produce critical/reflective Ss #ELtchat Agree
Shaunwilden 12:35 PM Can we save non chat tweets til after #eltchat has finished please
TailormadeEng 12:35 PM @michaelegriffin I think it's an invaluable skill in today's increasingly competitive world #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:36 PM @michaelegriffin Because without CT there is no content, no point, nothing to get your teeth into! Why bother otherwise? #ELTchat
TailormadeEng 12:36 PM @MrChrisJWilson I agree, what's important though is not to throw the baby out with bathwater each time smth new comes along eg tech #eltchat
reasons4 12:36 PM RT @CeciELT: I believe the whole concept of recipes is the exact opposite of CT #eltchat >but it's useful for busy t's and they like it
Marisa_C 12:36 PM Are we working under the assumption that CT is something that can be developed in Ts and Ss then ... I guess so #ELTchat
MrChrisJWilson 12:36 PM @reasons4 @TailormadeEng as opposed to I read it in a book so it must be true [admittedly books are hopefully more researched] #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 12:36 PM @TeachEslToday Glad to have you here, love the opinions #eltchat
CeciELT 12:36 PM @michaelegriffin I think all jobs need CT, but Ts especially, because we're helping educate people. We have a social responsibility #ELTchat
michaelegriffin 12:36 PM RT@TailormadeEng fin I think it's an invaluable skill in today's increasingly competitive world #eltchat >>But why? why important?    :)
PatrickAndrews 12:36 PM @michaelegriffin needed for our and learners' lives.  Also need to be critical about how we teach and learn  #eltchat
ncguerreiro 12:37 PM RT @TailormadeEng: @MrChrisJWilson I agree, what's important though is not to throw the baby out with bathwater each time smth new comes along eg tech #eltchat
michaelegriffin 12:37 PM @AlexandraKouk @Marisa_C @TailormadeEng Thanks for the answers!!  #ELTchat
Shaunwilden 12:37 PM @Marisa_C We seem to be  though developing it isn't always easy #eltchat
TailormadeEng 12:37 PM @MrChrisJWilson #eltchat i think nearly all methodologies have taught us something
Marisa_C 12:37 PM My Avatar and Me: I watched the film My Avatar and Me through last night, twice in fact. It has... http://t.co/LnDdEPqm #ELTchat #edtech
AlexandraKouk 12:37 PM RT @CeciELT: @michaelegriffin I think all jobs need CT, but Ts especially, because we're helping educate people. We have a social responsibility #ELTchat
theteacherjames 12:38 PM @Marisa_C I teach adults who need to have their CT skills worked on. They're getting 2 skills for the price of 1! #ELTchat
TailormadeEng 12:38 PM @MrChrisJWilson fair point #eltchat
MrChrisJWilson 12:38 PM RT @pysproblem81: @MrChrisJWilson methodologies are useful as a starting point, but need to be evaluated critically #eltchat
ncguerreiro 12:38 PM RT @CeciELT: @michaelegriffin I think all jobs need CT, but Ts especially, because we're helping educate people. We have a social responsibility #ELTchat
MrChrisJWilson 12:38 PM @TailormadeEng Sometimes we need to take things to extremes to see the hidden negatives and positives. [not for day 2 day teaching] #eltchat
CeciELT 12:38 PM @reasons4 True.  It's not being willing or not seeing the payoff in CT even when you have the time that bothers me #eltchat
ncguerreiro 12:38 PM RT @reasons4: RT @CeciELT: I believe the whole concept of recipes is the exact opposite of CT #eltchat >but it's useful for busy t's and they like it
pysproblem81 12:38 PM @MrChrisJWilson methodologies are useful as a starting point, but need to be evaluated critically #eltchat
JosetteLB 12:39 PM @CeciELT @michaelegriffin w/out critical thinking I fear cultural awareness and other sensitive social matters be lost on Ts #ELTchat
MrChrisJWilson 12:39 PM @pysproblem81 @reasons4 @TailormadeEng true, then we have blogs and links to expand the depth #eltchat #eltchat
Marisa_C 12:39 PM @theteacherjames Well, some Ts might object to this - it's the attitude of ELT teacher as language dispenser, not an educator  #ELTchat
CeciELT 12:39 PM RT @LukeMeddings: @Marisa_C I think so - CT is part of our wider participation in the world, a refusal to take any public 'narrative' at face value #ELTchat
PatrickAndrews 12:39 PM @reasons4 @CeciELT As long as teachers are evaluative and critical of the recipes #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:39 PM @pysproblem81 @MrChrisJWilson @reasons4 @TailormadeEng  Oh enhance it by building curiosity? #eltchat
LukeMeddings 12:39 PM @Marisa_C I think so - CT is part of our wider participation in the world, a refusal to take any public 'narrative' at face value #ELTchat
crystalannie 12:39 PM RT @CeciELT: @michaelegriffin I think all jobs need CT, but Ts especially, because we're helping educate people. We have a social responsibility #ELTchat
ncguerreiro 12:39 PM RT @LukeMeddings: CT implies participating actively in discourse rather than consuming passively.. so maybe if you repurpose a recipe.. #ELTchat
pysproblem81 12:39 PM @MrChrisJWilson @reasons4 @TailormadeEng Does Twitter brevity impede CT? I think it prob does #eltchat
josepopoff 12:40 PM It's not SoMe in itself that'll help you do CT, it's how you use it. You're all here now reflecting on your practice. #eltchat
pysproblem81 12:40 PM @reasons4 @ncguerreiro @CeciELT Can you reflect critically on recipes? do you think Ts do? #eltchat
TailormadeEng 12:40 PM @MrChrisJWilson ah just said the same thing! : ) #eltchat
Marisa_C 12:40 PM @michaelegriffin so right !!! #eltchat
CeciELT 12:40 PM RT @JosetteLB: @CeciELT @michaelegriffin w/out critical thinking I fear cultural awareness and other sensitive social matters be lost on Ts #ELTchat
TailormadeEng 12:40 PM RT @pysproblem81:  Does Twitter brevity impede CT? I think it prob does #eltchat>agree, but blogs/comments are good avenues for this
lclandfield 12:41 PM @LukeMeddings @Marisa_C Sometimes a distinction is drawn between CT and CL (critical literacy) #eltchat
reasons4 12:41 PM RT @pysproblem81: @reasons4 @ncguerreiro @CeciELT Can you reflect critically on recipes?  #eltchat I encourage them t in the sessions
MrChrisJWilson 12:41 PM @reasons4 @pysproblem81 @TailormadeEng books are dangerous, they look offical but hide ulterior motives...selling books! #eltchat
jankenb2 12:41 PM #eltchat @Marisa_C Content & CT strategies is always better than content and rote mem. Bloom's is process...lots of content is in curriculum
CeciELT 12:41 PM How about fostering CT while YOU are the one giving the TD??? Not easy, don't think many can do it. Scary methinks. #eltchat
ncguerreiro 12:41 PM RT @JosetteLB: @CeciELT @michaelegriffin w/out critical thinking I fear cultural awareness and other sensitive social matters be lost on Ts #ELTchat
theteacherjames 12:41 PM @Marisa_C Yes, I completely reject this notion, it actually offends me a bit. Why wouldn't you want your students (or me) to think? #ELTchat
Marisa_C 12:41 PM RT @LukeMeddings:  CT is part of our wider participation in the world, a refusal to take any public 'narrative' at face value #ELTchat
reasons4 12:41 PM RT @MrChrisJWilson: @pysproblem81 @reasons4 @TailormadeEng  #eltchat > blogs are dangerous, they look official but hide ulterior motives
ncguerreiro 12:41 PM @CeciELT #ELTchat neglecting CT is sth even some TD books r to blame! they seem 2 dumb everything down so "teachers will understand". c'mon!
TailormadeEng 12:42 PM @AlexandraKouk interesting point, and I think after taking the initial 'jump' it can certainly build confidence #eltchat
michaelegriffin 12:42 PM Sorry 4 the sidetrack folks! Please don't feel the need to respond to my "Why?" I'm satisfied. Love 2 hear more "how"if possible? #ELTchat
Marisa_C 12:42 PM RT @lclandfield: @LukeMeddings @Marisa_C Sometimes a distinction is drawn between CT and CL (critical literacy) #eltchat > CL I mean
Shaunwilden 12:42 PM @CeciELT Scary? Surely leaving room for reflection and allowing Q&A helps that? #eltchat
CeciELT 12:42 PM RT @lclandfield: @LukeMeddings @Marisa_C Sometimes a distinction is drawn between CT and CL (critical literacy) #eltchat > Good point!
Marisa_C 12:42 PM RT @lclandfield: @LukeMeddings @Marisa_C Sometimes a distinction is drawn between CT and CL (critical literacy) #eltchat >expanc on LC?
ncguerreiro 12:42 PM @pysproblem81 @reasons4 @CeciELT i'd sure like to believe i can reflect on recipes! #eltchat
LukeMeddings 12:42 PM RT @CeciELT: @michaelegriffin I think all jobs need CT, but Ts especially, because we're helping educate people. We have a social responsibility #ELTchat
LukeMeddings 12:42 PM @reasons4: 'but [recipes are] useful for busy t's & they like it' > McDonalds is useful for busy parents & they like it ;) need CT #ELTchat
CeciELT 12:42 PM @pysproblem81 @reasons4 @ncguerreiro I don't think many do.... but we have to be hopeful, eh? #eltchat
SimonGreenall 12:43 PM RT @SimonGreenall: @lclandfield  Also between text/discourse analysis and thinking critically about ideas. #ELTchat
lclandfield 12:43 PM @SimonGreenall Exactly. Critical thinking can be apolitical in that sense #eltchat
Marisa_C 12:43 PM RT @SimonGreenall: @lclandfield  Also between text/discourse analysis and thinking critically about ideas. > #ELTchat
JosetteLB 12:43 PM @BobK99 happy to help! #eltchat
CeciELT 12:43 PM @Shaunwilden Scary if you lack confidence :-) #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:43 PM @LukeMeddings Look dogme I can just about put up with but when you start having a go at Macdonalds we're going to fall out :-) #eltchat
MrChrisJWilson 12:43 PM @LukeMeddings @reasons4 McDonalds give recipes now? I always change the recipe in the cookbook anyway and experiment #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:44 PM @CeciELT True but then isn't that what a  trainer should be doing? #eltchat
PatrickAndrews 12:44 PM @michaelegriffin How can be achieved by looking at alternatives and why one form is used rather than another. #eltchat
AlexandraKouk 12:44 PM @Marisa_C @SimonGreenall @lclandfield #eltchat Perhaps CT goes beyond the mechanics of analysing a text / method / idea?
Marisa_C 12:44 PM @SimonGreenall no worries - put it in  #ELTchat
theteacherjames 12:44 PM @jankenb2 @Marisa_C Oh yes, it's a gradual process, whether individually or at a society wide level. #eltchat
LukeMeddings 12:44 PM “@lclandfield: @Marisa_C Smtms a distinction is drawn between CT & CL (critical literacy) #ELTchat” > So can we encourage CT by teaching CL?
Marisa_C 12:44 PM @lclandfield Hence not abdicating role as educators but meeting it head on #Eltchat
SimonGreenall 12:44 PM #ELTchat sorry missed the hashtag.
TailormadeEng 12:44 PM @michaelegriffin I think by using knowledge of your context eg 'would that work with my Ss?' then trying and evaluating #eltchat
CeciELT 12:44 PM @AlexandraKouk I think it does #eltchat
reasons4 12:45 PM in TD 'recipe' sessions I always say to Ts I hope there's 1 thing you'll never use cos it won't work with for you.   #eltchat encouraging ct
Marisa_C 12:45 PM How can incorporated CT into a TD programme - or how can help Ts develop it autonomously? #ELTchat
yitzha_sarwono 12:45 PM @theteacherjames @michaelegriffin I sure need to learn a lot from you guys then :) #eltchat
CeciELT 12:45 PM RT @Shaunwilden: @CeciELT True but then isn't that what a  trainer should be doing? #eltchat > Should being the operative word here ;-)
jankenb2 12:45 PM #eltchat @CeciELT When Ts engage in reflection & receive feedback they learn of their epistemic beliefs & calibrate them 2 diff situations
ncguerreiro 12:45 PM think CT/CL r impt. having said that, do adults respond well 2 it in an EFL class? esp w/ a younger teacher? #ELTchat
SimonGreenall 12:45 PM @BrunoELT #ELTchat You should work in China!
TailormadeEng 12:45 PM @LukeMeddings I think it certainly has a positive effect #eltchat
Marisa_C 12:46 PM @CeciELT te he he - very cynical  #eltchat
CeciELT 12:46 PM RT @BrunoELT: hidden agendas are always a diff topic concerning CT 4 teachers in Brazil. some ppl are afraid to think #eltchat > some can't
theteacherjames 12:46 PM @michaelegriffin I think we're lucky! I'll take that over compliance & blind acceptance any day. #eltchat
AlexandraKouk 12:46 PM RT @Marisa_C: How can incorporated CT into a TD programme - or how can help Ts develop it autonomously? #ELTchat
LukeMeddings 12:46 PM RT @theteacherjames: @michaelegriffin I can't separate CT from my teaching, my learning, the things I watch & do. The alternative means switching off. #eltchat
LukeMeddings 12:46 PM RT @Shaunwilden: @LukeMeddings Look dogme I can just about put up with but when you start having a go at Macdonalds we're going to fall out :-) #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:46 PM RT @lclandfield: I think you can have CT without CL (sticking just to text analysis) but you can't have CL without CT.#eltchat
MrChrisJWilson 12:47 PM #eltchat class in half an hour. Thanks for the chat :)
reasons4 12:47 PM RT @LukeMeddings: @Shaunwilden Ha ha ok mine's a Big Mac meal (medium, mind, don't want to be unhealthy) #ELTchat stop I'm on diet :-(
TailormadeEng 12:47 PM Is there a reciprocal relationship between CT and confidence, in both learners and Ts? #eltchat
CeciELT 12:47 PM @lclandfield @LukeMeddings @Marisa_C care to expand on how to have St w/o Cl, Lindsay? (maybe twitter not the best medium for this) #eltchat
lclandfield 12:47 PM Just trying to dig up a great link on Critical thinking and literacy from a group of Brazilian English teachers... #eltchat
LukeMeddings 12:47 PM @Shaunwilden Ha ha ok mine's a Big Mac meal (medium, mind, don't want to be unhealthy) #ELTchat
ncguerreiro 12:47 PM RT @reasons4: in TD 'recipe' sessions I always say to Ts I hope there's 1 thing you'll never use cos it won't work with for you.   #eltchat encouraging ct
ncguerreiro 12:47 PM @Shaunwilden @lclandfield @LukeMeddings i agree tho that CL can be a gateway for CT, esp. in a language class. #ELTchat
jankenb2 12:48 PM #eltchat the curricular and institutional constraints Ts face, & Ss contributions (or lack thereof) 2 classroom exchange w/ < evidence of CT
CeciELT 12:48 PM RT @Shaunwilden: @Marisa_C @BrunoELT  cyncial maybe but it is true many cultures not taught to CT they need baby steps #eltchat > Exactly
pysproblem81 12:48 PM #eltchat What do u think of this 4 critical approach? Action for ESOL manifesto here: bit.ly/ESOLmanifesto
TailormadeEng 12:48 PM @lclandfield would be very useful for my purposes please! #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:48 PM @Marisa_C @CeciELT  @BrunoELT  cyncial maybe but it is true many cultures not taught to CT they need baby steps #eltchat
jobethsteel 12:48 PM RT @Shaunwilden: @LukeMeddings Look dogme I can just about put up with but when you start having a go at Macdonalds we're going to fall out :-) #eltchat
ncguerreiro 12:49 PM RT @CeciELT: RT @BrunoELT: hidden agendas are always a diff topic concerning CT 4 teachers in Brazil. some ppl are afraid to think #eltchat > some can't
TailormadeEng 12:49 PM @Shaunwilden This is a problem I face on a daily basis #eltchat
Marisa_C 12:49 PM @CeciELT agree - trad learning background makes it that much more difficult for some to be critical  #eltchat
lclandfield 12:49 PM @CeciELT @LukeMeddings @Marisa_C Yes, maybe twitter will be hard to expound at length but still looking for that link... #eltchat
NikkiFortova 12:49 PM RT @Shaunwilden: cyncial maybe but it is true many cultures not taught to CT they need baby steps #eltchat > CZ  a prime example
AlexandraKouk 12:50 PM CT also helps avoid boredom (often associated with blind recipe following) in class and in personal TD and training! #eltchat
PatrickAndrews 12:50 PM @CeciELT @Shaunwilden @Marisa_C @BrunoELT Always wonder though whether it is they are not critical but just do not speak critically #eltchat
pysproblem81 12:50 PM @lclandfield @SimonGreenall Can education (or communication) ever be completely apolitical? #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 12:50 PM @CeciELT @BrunoELT I suppose it's everywhere too then, not just in developing country like Indonesia #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:50 PM @NikkiFortova True thats why they have @reasons4  to have them take those steps :-) #eltchat
jobethsteel 12:51 PM @CeciELT @Shaunwilden @Marisa_C @BrunoELT #eltchat Defo true in Spain.
PatrickAndrews 12:51 PM @pysproblem81 @lclandfield @SimonGreenall I don't think it can be apolitical #eltchat
jankenb2 12:51 PM #eltchat what is the importance of integrating the various dimensions of Ts ability of CT into metacognition, self-regulation and learning?
josepopoff 12:51 PM Will be delivering a TD session tomorrow, so this convo came in timely. Thank you all, but gotta go now. Enjoy your meal! #eltchat
reasons4 12:51 PM RT @pysproblem81: @lclandfield @SimonGreenall Can education (or communication) ever be completely apolitical? #eltchat >no
CeciELT 12:51 PM RT @lclandfield: I think there's a lot of CT going on in ELT already - in terms of thinking of metdlogy > Agree, & not only re met. #eltchat
ncguerreiro 12:51 PM @Marisa_C @CeciELT TESOL tradition of PARSNIPS is also a contrast to CT/CL. #ELTchat
PatrickAndrews 12:51 PM @Marisa_C @CeciELT I think people everywhere often think critically but contexts sometimes mean thoughts are not expressed. #eltchat
AlexandraKouk 12:51 PM “@pysproblem81: @lclandfield @SimonGreenall Can education (or communication) ever be completely apolitical? #eltchat” >good question! imo no
Shaunwilden 12:51 PM @PatrickAndrews @CeciELT @Marisa_C @BrunoELT Perhaps both though back to the czech context there is a lot of I think what you think #eltchat
reasons4 12:51 PM RT @Shaunwilden: @NikkiFortova True thats why they have @reasons4  to have them take those steps :-) #eltchat ha  I'm a hopeless baby-sitter
CeciELT 12:52 PM @PatrickAndrews @Marisa_C Bulls eye! #eltchat
AlexandraKouk 12:52 PM RT @PatrickAndrews: @Marisa_C @CeciELT I think people everywhere often think critically but contexts sometimes mean thoughts are not expressed. #eltchat
lclandfield 12:52 PM Damn, cannot find the link. Twas a British Council project in Brazil about critical literacy. #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:52 PM RT @jankenb2: #eltchat what is the impof integrating  various dimensions of Ts ability of CT into metacognition, self-regulation & learning?
CeciELT 12:52 PM RT @PatrickAndrews: @Marisa_C I think ppl everywhere often think critically but contexts sometimes mean thoughts are not expressed. #eltchat
BobK99 12:52 PM @Marisa_C  #eltchat Yes - I moderate an ELT forum (UsingEnglish.com) on which one trad educated oldster said 'The teacher can't be wrong' :)
SimonGreenall 12:52 PM RT @pysproblem81: @lclandfield Can education (or communication) ever be completely apolitical? #eltchat> prob not always a message somewhere
theteacherjames 12:52 PM @yitzha_sarwono Some of my (& @aliceyoon1230) thoughts on critical thinking & education. #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:53 PM RT @lclandfield: @SimonGreenall Can education be purely apolitical? No it can't. But some think that language education should be. #eltchat
jankenb2 12:53 PM @PatrickAndrews #eltchat agree. How safe is it for you to ask questions about the trustworthiness of the available information for example?
PatrickAndrews 12:53 PM @ncguerreiro @Marisa_C @CeciELT But is this not just topics rather than critical in the sense of being sceptical? #eltchat
ncguerreiro 12:53 PM RT @CeciELT: RT @lclandfield: I think there's a lot of CT going on in ELT already - in terms of thinking of metdlogy > Agree, & not only re met. #eltchat
TailormadeEng 12:53 PM @lclandfield Is this it? http://t.co/F6WedXI2 #eltchat
LukeMeddings 12:54 PM what we don't need now is another two-letter acronym that starts with C - I'm ok with CL and CT.. I think.. as part of my CPnoooo #ELTchat
reasons4 12:54 PM RT @Shaunwilden: @PatrickAndrews @CeciELT @Marisa_C @BrunoELT  czech context  #eltchat or even worse is it going to be on the test
pysproblem81 12:54 PM @lclandfield can't ever think of CT and Brasil without thinking about Freire... #eltchat
jobethsteel 12:54 PM “@PatrickAndrews: @Marisa_C @CeciELT people everywhere think critically but contexts mean thoughts not expressed. #eltchat” or ideas applied
AlexandraKouk 12:55 PM RT @Marisa_C: Do school leaders want Ts who are critical thinkers? #ELtchat
jankenb2 12:55 PM #eltchat is CT a skill, a strategy, a belief system or a knowledge system? How complex is CT to teach? Is CT limited 2 learning by modeling?
TailormadeEng 12:55 PM @LukeMeddings I'm all for 2-letter acronyms, far too many TLAs (3-letters) in EFL #eltchat
SimonGreenall 12:55 PM @Shaunwilden Thank you Shaun #ELTchat
Marisa_C 12:55 PM Do school leaders want Ts who are critical thinkers? #ELtchat
ncguerreiro 12:55 PM @PatrickAndrews @Marisa_C @CeciELT 2 me the idea of PARSNIPS includes a "neutral, uncontroversial" sanitized attitude 2 the topics. #ELTchat
LukeMeddings 12:55 PM RT @pysproblem81: @lclandfield can't ever think of CT and Brasil without thinking about Freire... #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:55 PM RT @SimonGreenall: RT @lclandfield: @pysproblem81 .> even LT methodolgy is politicized. #eltchat
jankenb2 12:56 PM @PatrickAndrews@Marisa_C @CeciELT  #eltchat isn't skepticism a good thing? Why not foster a healthy respect for skepticism?
gknightbkk 12:56 PM Julian Edge talks of TD as being intellectual comprehension (training) or experiential understanding (e.g. action research) #eltchat
theteacherjames 12:56 PM RT @theteacherjames: @yitzha_sarwono Some of my (& @aliceyoon1230) thoughts on critical thinking & education http://t.co/4fTblREV #eltchat
CeciELT 12:56 PM @pysproblem81 @lclandfield He was a key element in fostering CT here and everywhere  #eltchat
LukeMeddings 12:56 PM “@pysproblem81: can't ever think of CT & Brasil w/out thinking about Freire #eltchat” This suggests dialogue is a key component in CT/CL/C..
reasons4 12:56 PM RT @TailormadeEng: @LukeMeddings I'm all for 2-letter acronyms, far too many TLAs (3-letters) in EFL #eltchat > funny
BobK99 12:56 PM Gotta go. Cold room - toes dropping off! Thanks for #eltchat  ;)
lclandfield 12:56 PM @SimonGreenall @pysproblem81 I once heard that the Oxford Dictionary made a special version for Soviet Union - changed definitions. #ELTchat
pysproblem81 12:56 PM @Shaunwilden @SimonGreenall @lclandfield not teaching but u should read Mona Baker on translation on that topic#eltchat
TailormadeEng 12:56 PM @Marisa_C yes in the classroom, but not when it comes to pay/conditions #eltchat
reasons4 12:57 PM #eltchat does British politeness get in the way of Critical  thinking?
ncguerreiro 12:57 PM RT @Marisa_C: Do school leaders want Ts who are critical thinkers? #ELtchat
AlexandraKouk 12:57 PM What can teacher trainers do to foster CT in trainees? #eltchat
Marisa_C 12:57 PM RT @lclandfield: RT @Marisa_C Do school leaders want Ts who are critical thinkers? - DO GOVERNMENTS? #ELtchat > Exactly thanks
PatrickAndrews 12:57 PM @jankenb2 Yes, good question - need for teacher to be sensitive #eltchat
CeciELT 12:57 PM RT @pysproblem81:  not teaching but u should read Mona Baker on translation on that topic#eltchat > Link?
lclandfield 12:57 PM RT @Marisa_C Do school leaders want Ts who are critical thinkers? - DO GOVERNMENTS? #ELtchat
Shaunwilden 12:57 PM RT @gknightbkk: Julian Edge talks of TD as being intellectual comprehension (training) or experiential understanding  #eltchat
michaelegriffin 12:57 PM I think i lost track of #ELTchat here but I wonder if you know the ham story? I like 2  share w/ teachers I work with. http://t.co/xdgv1Su8
jobethsteel 12:57 PM @Marisa_C Not always, especially if they're not confident themselves. #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 12:57 PM Great #eltchat as always, gotta go now though. See you guys next week then :)
kevchanwow 12:57 PM my daughter's down with with the flu.  Missed ELTchat, but spinning stories of fish, frozen waterfalls and dragons helped her fall asleep.
gknightbkk 12:57 PM Teachers can articulate their 'experiential understanding' if given the right opportunity, which includes a cooperative listener #eltchat
ncguerreiro 12:57 PM @pysproblem81 @lclandfield love freire but it was the 1st book my trainer gave me.swoosh over my head. maybe i needed recipes then? #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:57 PM Ok last few minutes, time for some final conclusions, reflections etc #eltchat
TailormadeEng 12:57 PM RT @theteacherjames: RT @theteacherjames: @yitzha_sarwono Some of my (& @aliceyoon1230) thoughts on critical thinking & education http://t.co/4fTblREV #eltchat
CeciELT 12:58 PM I don't think experience is essential to CT in TD, but many ppl think that way #eltchat
MrChrisJWilson 12:58 PM #eltchat one last thought is it possible to be a critical non thinker ;-)
Shaunwilden 12:58 PM @reasons4 How do you mean? #eltchat
PatrickAndrews 12:58 PM @ncguerreiro @Marisa_C @CeciELT Isn't it that some topics are avoided (eg alcohol) but you can think critically about other topics #eltchat
SimonGreenall 12:58 PM RT @lclandfield: RT @Marisa_C Do school leaders want Ts who are critical thinkers? - DO GOVERNMENTS? #ELtchat> Some governments do.
Marisa_C 12:58 PM RT @AlexandraKouk: What can teacher trainers do to foster CT in trainees? #eltchat >  Encourage questioning and evaluation
TailormadeEng 12:58 PM #eltchat guys I'm doing talk on CT & TD at Braz-TESOL this year (if accepted), some very useful ideas here today so thanks a million!
ncguerreiro 12:58 PM RT @jankenb2: @PatrickAndrews #eltchat agree. How safe is it for you to ask questions about the trustworthiness of the available information for example?
JMGAssociates 12:58 PM RT @Marisa_C: RT @lclandfield: RT @Marisa_C Do school leaders want Ts who are critical thinkers? - DO GOVERNMENTS? #ELtchat > Exactly thanks
PatrickAndrews 12:59 PM @jankenb2 @CeciELT I think respectful scepticism is very helpful #eltchat
AlexandraKouk 12:59 PM @MrChrisJWilson is it possible to be a non-thinker at all? #eltchat
lclandfield 12:59 PM @Marisa_C Always find it curious that CT is coming onto curriculums in places where gov'ts would prefer docile subjects. #ELtchat
CeciELT 12:59 PM @lclandfield @Marisa_C There might be exceptions in school leaders #ELtchat
web20education 12:59 PM Blog post 3 #pad tools-collaborate online with your team #edtech20 #pln #engchat #cpchat #edchat #lrnchat #eltchat  http://t.co/Sm4lVcmh
reasons4 12:59 PM RT @Shaunwilden: #eltchat I mean people are too polite to say what they really think and thus don't foster constructive debate
jankenb2 12:59 PM #eltchat @Marisa_C Not if NCLB continues to shape educ. But, when we embrace emergence and complexity as a reality we need CT Teachers
CeciELT 12:59 PM RT @lclandfield: RT @Marisa_C Do school leaders want Ts who are critical thinkers? - DO GOVERNMENTS? #ELtchat Nope on both counts IMHO
SimonGreenall 1:00 PM RT @lclandfield: @Marisa_C It's a way of managing political change in some governments. #ELtchat
ncguerreiro 1:00 PM RT @CeciELT: RT @lclandfield: RT @Marisa_C Do school leaders want Ts who are critical thinkers? - DO GOVERNMENTS? #ELtchat Nope on both counts IMHO
TailormadeEng 1:00 PM @MrChrisJWilson one last thought is it possible to be a critical non thinker ;-) or a non-criticla thinker? #eltchat
AlexandraKouk 1:00 PM @jankenb2 @Marisa_C agreed! #eltchat
Marisa_C 1:00 PM RT @CeciELT: @lclandfield @Marisa_C There might be exceptions in school leaders #ELtchat > One hopes
Shaunwilden 1:00 PM RT @Marisa_C: RT @BarbaraPG: @Marisa_C GOOD question! {...}.. exceptional teachers, CT = key , so sometimes challenge leaders #eltchat
reasons4 1:01 PM RT @AlexandraKouk: What can teacher trainers do to foster CT in trainees? #eltchat and that everythig they say is gospel. allow questions
Marisa_C 1:01 PM I think that teacher trainers of the old school tended to discourage CT in trainees - blueprinting lessons/methods etc #ELtchat > no more
reasons4 1:01 PM RT @AlexandraKouk: What can teacher trainers do to foster CT in trainees? #eltchat don't act like they are font of all knoweldge and ...
jankenb2 1:02 PM @Marisa_C @AlexandraKouk #eltchat Demo what context plays in the use of CT pedagogy & how it impacts Ts selection of what Ss will learn.
theteacherjames 1:02 PM New #ELTchat podcast uncut: Hear the full interview between @vickyloras & @cherrymp here http://t.co/FHoopWYy & on iTunes...
Shaunwilden 1:02 PM RT @AlexandraKouk: lots of great ideas, passionate beliefs expressed and  critical thinking, of course! Thank you for a fascinating #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 1:02 PM RT @Marisa_C: RT @lclandfield: RT @Marisa_C Do school leaders want Ts who are critical thinkers? - DO GOVERNMENTS? #ELtchat > Exactly thanks
Shaunwilden 1:02 PM @reasons4 Am not sure, it doesnt stop me :-) #eltchat
AlexandraKouk 1:02 PM lots of great ideas, passionate beliefs expressed and ... critical thinking, of course! Thank you for a fascinating #eltchat
TailormadeEng 1:03 PM RT @Marisa_C: Hot discussion and I don't think we have covered all the important points - hope for a follow-up #ELtchat Yes please!
Marisa_C 1:03 PM @PatrickAndrews thanks :-) making a note  #eltchat
PatrickAndrews 1:03 PM @Marisa_C I think Pennycook is good on the whole critical aspects - one book with title like Critical Applied Linguistics #eltchat
CeciELT 1:03 PM RT @theteacherjames: New #ELTchat podcast uncut: Hear the full interview between @vickyloras & @cherrymp here http://t.co/FHoopWYy & on iTunes...
Marisa_C 1:03 PM Hot discussion and I don't think we have covered all the important points - hope for a follow-up #ELtchat
Marisa_C 1:04 PM @CeciELT we miss you too :-)  #eltchat
ncguerreiro 1:04 PM @Marisa_C i second that! follow-up needed! #eltchat
reasons4 1:04 PM RT @Shaunwilden: The 21.00 #eltchat is Differences in approaches between regular classes and those with an exam focus (FCE, CPE, IELTS...)
Marisa_C 1:04 PM Thanks to all for joining this #ELtchat - may I call for volunteers for the summary?
ncguerreiro 1:04 PM RT @Marisa_C: Hot discussion and I don't think we have covered all the important points - hope for a follow-up #ELtchat
jankenb2 1:04 PM #eltchat Thanks for a stimulating hour. Critical thinking....the best form of mental aerobics out there. Good day from Ankara all!
CeciELT 1:04 PM Thanks moderators @Marisa_C and @Shaunwilden for the great chat - I had missed this!!! #eltchat
AlexandraKouk 1:04 PM RT @lclandfield: @Marisa_C Thanks everyone. Look forward to follow ups. #ELtchat
reasons4 1:04 PM RT @Shaunwilden: @reasons4 Am not sure, it doesnt stop me :-) #eltchat well no nor me :-)
Shaunwilden 1:04 PM The 21.00 #eltchat is Differences in approaches between regular classes and those with an exam focus (FCE, CPE, IELTS...)
jobethsteel 1:04 PM #eltchat Mum got me Prisoner 'I am not a number' badge when I was 13.  Always been a CT!  Working and lurking today.  Thanks for chat!  Bye!
lclandfield 1:04 PM @Marisa_C Thanks everyone. Look forward to follow ups. #ELtchat
reasons4 1:04 PM @Marisa_C  #eltchat . agreed but good to focus more on students though maybe next time..
CeciELT 1:04 PM @Marisa_C Me too :-) Hope I can take part in the follow-up as well #ELtchat
AlexandraKouk 1:05 PM RT @SimonGreenall: #ELTchat Thank you Shaun and Marisa, and everyone.
Shaunwilden 1:05 PM @TailormadeEng @Marisa_C Super. I'll send you the transcript in a bit   #eltchat Thank you
TailormadeEng 1:05 PM RT @Shaunwilden: If anyone would like to write the summary.... #eltchat I'll do it later today if you like.
ncguerreiro 1:05 PM @jankenb2 @Marisa_C @AlexandraKouk yes!!! more case studies, fewer recipes. #eltchat
TailormadeEng 1:05 PM RT @Marisa_C: Thanks to all for joining this #ELtchat - may I call for volunteers for the summary? I'll do it later today if you like
Shaunwilden 1:05 PM If anyone would like to write the summary.... #eltchat
SimonGreenall 1:05 PM #ELTchat Thank you Shaun and Marisa, and everyone.
ncguerreiro 1:05 PM RT @jankenb2: @Marisa_C @AlexandraKouk #eltchat Demo what context plays in the use of CT pedagogy & how it impacts Ts selection of what Ss will learn.
theteacherjames 1:06 PM RT @SimonGreenall: #ELTchat Thank you Shaun and Marisa, and everyone.
AlexandraKouk 1:06 PM RT @Shaunwilden: The 21.00 #eltchat is Differences in approaches between regular classes and those with an exam focus (FCE, CPE, IELTS...)
theteacherjames 1:06 PM RT @Marisa_C: Thanks to all for joining this #ELtchat - may I call for volunteers for the summary?
CeciELT 1:06 PM Thanks everyone for the great chat - think everyone showed to be critically thinking ;-) #eltchat
michaelegriffin 1:07 PM Thanks all for an interesting #ELTchat. My brain hurts, which is good.
Marisa_C 1:07 PM Thanks and will try to include this topic in a future chat again soon #ELTchat
TailormadeEng 1:07 PM #eltchat thanks for great ideas everyone today, if accepted, I'll being giving a talk on this at Braz-TESOL in Rio this year please come!
LukeMeddings 1:08 PM me and @lclandfield hoping to contribute to CT in and out of class with our book '52' - debut title from @wetheround out very soon #ELTchat
TailormadeEng 1:08 PM RT @michaelegriffin: Thanks all for an interesting #ELTchat. My brain hurts, which is good.> :  )
Marisa_C 1:08 PM RT @michaelegriffin: Thanks all for an interesting #ELTchat. My brain hurts, which is good. > Ha ha ha!!! Love this!
antoniaclare 1:09 PM #eltchat Ahh - sorry to have just missed you all.  Look forward to the summary ;)
reasons4 1:09 PM RT @SimonGreenall: #ELTchat Thank you Shaun and Marisa, and everyone. > seconded
fionamau 1:10 PM RT @antoniaclare: #eltchat Ahh - sorry to have just missed you all.  Look forward to the summary ;) > Likewise. am just in the door
Tanya_twitt 1:10 PM RT @Shaunwilden: The 21.00 #eltchat is Differences in approaches between regular classes and those with an exam focus (FCE, CPE, IELTS...)
Marisa_C 1:10 PM @reasons4 @CeciELT  #ELTchat  cheers and thanks for joining! Old friends too :-) @SimonGreenall @lclandfield  # @LukeMeddings  #ELTchat
cybraryman1 1:10 PM My Metaphors page (A Lesson Is a Journey—Knowledge Is A Landscape) http://t.co/aZovk3JX #engchat #eltchat #esl
fionamau 1:11 PM @Marisa_C #eltchat what's the topic tonight? would like to join in
Marisa_C 1:11 PM See you all later tonight back to TP's now #Eltchat
Shaunwilden 1:12 PM @fionamau The 21.00 #eltchat is Differences in approaches between regular classes and those with an exam focus (FCE, CPE, IELTS...)


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