
How can you teach Business English with minimal experience of being in the business world

Page history last edited by Shaun 13 years, 3 months ago

This is the transcript of #eltchat on 12.10.2012 on the topic of How can you teach Business English with minimal experience of being in the business world?


username time status
Marisa_C 9:02 PM Welcome everyone - for the next hour my tweets for #Eltchat and working as a business English teacher
theteacherjames 9:03 PM @vickyloras Good evening, ahem, VLo :-) #ELTChat
ShellTerrell 9:03 PM I think reading & subscribing to business blogs is a great way to have a picture of what is going on in the business world #ELTChat
juanalejandro26 9:03 PM 3:30pm Caracas, Venezuela RT @JoshSRound: #ELTchat evening all! (9pm London)
cioccas 9:03 PM RT @Marisa_C: @cioccas Good to imagine sb in Australian bush with a mobile phone following  #ELTchat :-) < But gotta watch my step, whoops!
Marisa_C 9:03 PM @Shaunwilden and @ShellTerrell and me moderating this one if you need help give us a shout - remember the hashtag! #ELTchat
JoshSRound 9:03 PM #ELTchat evening all! (9pm London)
vickyloras 9:03 PM Hi everyone, VLo's in da house! Lol ; ) #ELTChat
Marisa_C 9:04 PM @mariabossa you are here in spirit - :-)  have some great classes #Eltchat
aClilToClimb 9:04 PM #eltchat Much has been said abt business, but a lot of learners just want to be fluent
Shaunwilden 9:04 PM So business English then, are we all agreed on what that constitutes? #ELTChat
ShellTerrell 9:04 PM RT @Marisa_C: @Shaunwilden and @ShellTerrell and me moderating this one if you need help give us a shout - remember the hashtag! #ELTchat
juanalejandro26 9:04 PM RT @ShellTerrell: I think reading & subscribing to business blogs is a great way to have a picture of what is going on in the business world #ELTChat
mariabossa 9:04 PM @Marisa_C  It's a pity I cannot attend any session, I work at this time! Smiles from Argentina #Eltchat
JoshSRound 9:05 PM #ELTchat@Shaunwilden  alot to do with the communication skills required in business contexts, presentations meetings etc
vickyloras 9:05 PM RT @aClilToClimb: #eltchat most of them already know a lot of their own lingo. It's the in-betweens that they need help on
ShellTerrell 9:05 PM Definitely the #besig hashtag, webinars, and website are full of great information http://t.co/29mdITil #eltchat
vickyloras 9:05 PM @theteacherjames Hi James! ; ) #ELTChat
aClilToClimb 9:05 PM #eltchat most of them already know a lot of their own lingo. It's the in-betweens that they need help on
PrettyButWise 9:05 PM RT @ShellTerrell: For the next hour my tweets dedicated to #ELTChat join us as we talk about teaching Business Eng with minimal experience in business world
sandymillin 9:05 PM RT @ShellTerrell: I think reading & subscribing to business blogs is a great way to have a picture of what is going on in the business world #ELTChat
rliberni 9:06 PM RT @aClilToClimb: #eltchat the social world within the business world is also just as important
EdithOccelli 9:06 PM RT @vickyloras: reading & subscribing to business blogs is a great way to have a picture of whats going on in the business world #Eltchat
Marisa_C 9:06 PM How many of you teach business English? Can we have a show of hands please? #eltchat
vickyloras 9:06 PM Downloading business podcasts helps teachers stay informed #ELTChat
Shaunwilden 9:06 PM RT @rliberni: I think there is a diff between business language vocab etc & helping stds to do bus in English #eltchat
warnhopepark 9:06 PM I'm sorry, my Twitter isn't working properly, I can't view all the #ELTChat tweets, will keep trying....!
rliberni 9:06 PM I think there is a diff between business language vocab etc & helping stds to do bus in English #eltchat
cerirhiannon 9:06 PM #eltchat  hi everybody .. sorry I'm late ... gonna be lurking while I catch up
aClilToClimb 9:06 PM #eltchat the social world within the business world is also just as important
sandymillin 9:06 PM @Shaunwilden #eltchat i would seperate business english from general english for business people. BEng more specialized
PrettyButWise 9:06 PM @MijbilAlmutawa heeeyaaaaa i'm busy with my #eltchat but great to know that long time since last wining ;P
vickyloras 9:06 PM RT @ShellTerrell: I think reading & subscribing to business blogs is a great way to have a picture of what is going on in the business world #ELTChat
cerirhiannon 9:07 PM RT @cerirhiannon: @Marisa_C  taught a lot in the past - but not teaching right now #eltchat
theteacherjames 9:07 PM There's a common misunderstanding that bus sts need business classes. They don't, they need to improve their bus lang skills. #ELtchat
ShellTerrell 9:07 PM RT @Marisa_C: How many of you teach business English? Can we have a show of hands please? #eltchat
rliberni 9:07 PM RT @vickyloras: Downloading business podcasts helps teachers stay informed #ELTChat
Shaunwilden 9:07 PM RT @cerirhiannon: @Marisa_C  taught a lot in the past - but not teaching right now #ELTChat
duncan_lydbury 9:07 PM @Marisa_C Me #eltchat
vickyloras 9:07 PM RT @ShellTerrell: Definitely the #besig hashtag, webinars, and website are full of great information http://t.co/29mdITil #eltchat
PrettyButWise 9:07 PM RT @ShellTerrell: I think reading & subscribing to business blogs is a great way to have a picture of what is going on in the business world #ELTChat
rliberni 9:07 PM @aClilToClimb  ime the social side is the most difficult #eltchat
ShellTerrell 9:07 PM Gr8 point! RT @rliberni: I think there is a diff between business language vocab etc & helping stds to do bus in English #eltchat
aClilToClimb 9:07 PM @sandymillin but a lot of it is interlinked #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:07 PM @Marisa_C  I used to #ELTChat
ShellTerrell 9:07 PM Agree! Many are very interesting too! RT @vickyloras: Downloading business podcasts helps teachers stay informed #ELTChat
ShellTerrell 9:08 PM I've had this problem with 1 to 1 and teaching English for architects so my student provided me with websites she visited #ELTChat
JoshSRound 9:08 PM #ELTchat used to quite a bit !
cerirhiannon 9:08 PM #eltchat different BE students can have very different needs and goals
EdithOccelli 9:08 PM RT @rliberni: ime the social side is the most difficult #eltchat yes I think is less about content and more abt sucsful communication
vickyloras 9:08 PM @Marisa_C hand up #ELTChat
theteacherjames 9:08 PM @Marisa_C Hand up! #eltchat
rliberni 9:08 PM @Marisa_C  me #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:08 PM I still do and help and support our ESP teaching at my centre #Eltchat
aClilToClimb 9:08 PM #eltchat I do (in a way)
theteacherjames 9:08 PM RT @rliberni: I think there is a diff between business language vocab etc & helping stds to do bus in English #eltchat
rliberni 9:09 PM @ShellTerrell  I usually start with what the student does in their job too #eltchat
duncan_lydbury 9:09 PM @Marisa_C No - but you certainly need to have awareness #eltchat
JoshSRound 9:09 PM RT @Marisa_C: Coollots of colleagues involved in ESP #eltchat - do u think you need to be a business expert to teach it? > no!! in a word...
ShellTerrell 9:09 PM RT @PrettyButWise: what do bsiness learners need from Enlish ?---> a question must be asked before figuring out what to teach #eltchat
aClilToClimb 9:09 PM #eltchat hands halfway up. I teach in house. Company pays bc ss needs English, but we talk abt everything under the sun
ShellTerrell 9:09 PM We can always ask our students to provide us with a list of websites, resources, links, publications they follow #ELTChat
cerirhiannon 9:09 PM RT +@Marisa_C  taught a lot in the past - but not teaching right now #eltchat > BE that is ;)
Marisa_C 9:09 PM Cool... lots of colleagues involved in ESP #eltchat - do u think you need to be a business expert to teach it?
warnhopepark 9:09 PM @Marisa_C #ELTChat I have done in the past, not really at the moment as teaching so part-time
PrettyButWise 9:09 PM what do bsiness learners need from Enlish ?---> a question must be asked before figuring out what to teach #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:09 PM @theteacherjames  That's a good point #ELTchat
JoshSRound 9:09 PM RT @cerirhiannon: #eltchat different BE students can have very different needs and goals
Marisa_C 9:10 PM RT @duncan_lydbury: @Marisa_C No - but you certainly need to have awareness #eltchat> agree - need to understand concepts
JoshSRound 9:10 PM RT @duncan_lydbury: @Marisa_C No - but you certainly need to have awareness #eltchat > and 'face validity' too helps, e.g. look smart!
rliberni 9:10 PM @Marisa_C  I think it's going more & more towards specialist + elt #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:10 PM RT @EdithOccelli: @Marisa_C  I can see how it'd help but not necessarily. #Eltchat
PrettyButWise 9:10 PM RT @rliberni: I think there is a diff between business language vocab etc & helping stds to do bus in English #eltchat
warnhopepark 9:10 PM #ELTChat When I was teaching Business English, I made these worksheets http://t.co/sqKxaECk feel free to use them!
kristigrande 9:10 PM RT @ShellTerrell: We can always ask our students to provide us with a list of websites, resources, links, publications they follow #ELTChat
EdithOccelli 9:10 PM @Marisa_C  I can see how it'd help but not necessarily. #Eltchat
sandymillin 9:11 PM @vickyloras which business podcasts would you recommend? #eltchat
JoshSRound 9:11 PM RT @theteacherjames: Personally I've little interest in business, but love bus sts. They have a reach seam of stories and experience for me to mine. #eltchat
ShellTerrell 9:11 PM RT @eyespeakbrasil: Teaching vocab specific soft skills, and working towards an internationally recognised qualification #eltchat
rliberni 9:11 PM @Marisa_C  but as the ELT expert  in what might be a partnership it can work #eltchat
theteacherjames 9:11 PM @Shaunwilden Thanks! #ELTchat
cioccas 9:11 PM @Marisa_C I don't teach a Business English course, but do teach Ss who are in business or want to be, so we focus on their needs #ELTchat
eyespeakbrasil 9:11 PM Teaching vocab specific soft skills, and working towards an internationally recognised qualification #eltchat
theteacherjames 9:11 PM Personally I've little interest in business, but love bus sts. They have a reach seam of stories and experience for me to mine. #eltchat
aClilToClimb 9:11 PM #eltchat Chances are that ss knows more abt their business than you. Your role is to help them express that knowledge in English
vickyloras 9:11 PM RT @cerirhiannon: #eltchat different BE students can have very different needs and goals
sandymillin 9:12 PM RT @cerirhiannon: #eltchat different BE students can have very different needs and goals
sandymillin 9:12 PM @ShellTerrell @Marisa_C taught business a bit in last 3 years. None now #eltchat
PrettyButWise 9:12 PM @Marisa_C advanced learners need expert in business to teach them English #eltchat
ShellTerrell 9:12 PM @aClilToClimb Great point! I think that is the goal in all our classes no matter the topic to help Ss express their knowledge #ELTChat
kalinagoenglish 9:12 PM I was recently talking to a teacher who'd never been in business who said "the reason we have to teach meetings English #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:12 PM RT @rliberni: @Marisa_C  but as the ELT expert  in what might be a partnership it can work #eltchat
warnhopepark 9:12 PM @Marisa_C #ELTChat S/s I taught, their language was not on the level to do business expert type stuff w/ they really needed basics so no...
theteacherjames 9:12 PM RT @aClilToClimb: #eltchat Chances are that ss knows more abt their business than you. Your role is to help them express that knowledge in English
ShellTerrell 9:12 PM RT @aClilToClimb: #eltchat Chances are that ss knows more abt their business than you. Your role is to help them express that knowledge in English
sandymillin 9:13 PM RT @Marisa_C: RT @duncan_lydbury: @Marisa_C No - but you certainly need to have awareness #eltchat> agree - need to understand concepts
EdithOccelli 9:13 PM You can make up for any lack of business experience in the classroom by  reading business magazines and some internet resrsch #Eltchat
rliberni 9:13 PM @PrettyButWise  I find most advanced bus stds know the tech language and flounder with gen/soc English #eltchat
PrettyButWise 9:13 PM RT @aClilToClimb: #eltchat Chances are that ss knows more abt their business than you. Your role is to help them express that knowledge in English
Shaunwilden 9:13 PM RT @aClilToClimb: #eltchat if u need vocab, look it up. If u need tech info, thr's wiki... We need 2 help each other. It's useful exercise 2 ask ss 2 explain
kalinagoenglish 9:13 PM is because "these bankers don't know how to have meetings."  I do not think that BE teachers who have no knowledge of business #eltchat
aClilToClimb 9:13 PM #eltchat if u need vocab, look it up. If u need tech info, thr's wiki... We need 2 help each other. It's useful exercise 2 ask ss 2 explain
sandymillin 9:13 PM RT @ShellTerrell: We can always ask our students to provide us with a list of websites, resources, links, publications they follow #ELTChat
ShellTerrell 9:14 PM How about teaching things like negotiation, doing a SWAT analysis, or creating special docs? Doesnt teacher need that experience? #ELTChat
EdithOccelli 9:14 PM RT @rliberni: @PrettyButWise  I find most advanced bus stds know the tech language and flounder with gen/soc English #eltchat true!
aClilToClimb 9:14 PM RT @rliberni: @PrettyButWise  I find most advanced bus stds know the tech language and flounder with gen/soc English #eltchat >Agreed!
cerirhiannon 9:14 PM RT @eyespeakbrasil: I find it more of a coaching role - helping sts succeed in their career #eltchat
cerirhiannon 9:14 PM RT @rliberni: @PrettyButWise  I find most advanced bus stds know the tech language and flounder with gen/soc English #eltchat
kalinagoenglish 9:14 PM should pretend to know more than they do! It's grand when you have teachers who are up for getting materials from the students #eltchat
JoshSRound 9:14 PM #ELTchat The problem arises when learners expect teacher to have prev biz world experience (but don't)
cerirhiannon 9:14 PM RT @PrettyButWise: @Marisa_C advanced Ls need expert in bus to teach them English #eltchat > really?  they want 2learn English not business
eyespeakbrasil 9:14 PM I find it more of a coaching role - helping sts succeed in their career #eltchat
aClilToClimb 9:14 PM RT @EdithOccelli: You can make up for any lack of business experience in the classroom by  reading business magazines and some internet resrsch #Eltchat
mubeenfk 9:14 PM #ELTchat I hate not having internet. Can't participate on ELTchat properly! Grrrrrrrrrr
Marisa_C 9:15 PM @ShellTerrell good point - whenever i taught I found myself learning lots to help my learners -  i even learnt binary math! #ELTChat
cerirhiannon 9:15 PM RT @ljp2010: #ELTchat  lot of sts have the tech &skills aspects, it's English that's lacking.  and why one-up?  they r the experts > yes
theteacherjames 9:15 PM @EdithOccelli Or you can get the students to teach you! #Eltchat
kalinagoenglish 9:15 PM but the reality is that many BE teachers with no prior experience in the field, assume that their textbooks give them "experience" #eltchat
ljp2010 9:15 PM #ELTchat  a lot of sts have the tech and skills aspects, it's the English that's lacking.  and why one-up?  they r the experts
aClilToClimb 9:15 PM RT @ShellTerrell: How about teaching things like negotiation, doing a SWAT analysis, or creating special docs? Doesnt teacher need that experience? #ELTChat
theteacherjames 9:15 PM @rliberni That's my experience too. Social element of business Eng is often underestimated. #eltchat
ShellTerrell 9:16 PM RT @Marisa_C: whenever i taught I found myself learning lots to help my learners -  i even learnt binary math! #ELTChat
aClilToClimb 9:16 PM #ELTChat just the other day, I asked a ss to explain the difference solar power generators
vickyloras 9:16 PM RT @aClilToClimb: @theteacherjames That's what I say & do. get the ss to teach. Great fluency exercise #Eltchat
ljp2010 9:16 PM #ELTchat key words for me - needs and reformulation
tarabenwell 9:16 PM This series covers 14 topics: Includes Audio http://t.co/Sm8r1d8N  #ELTChat
aClilToClimb 9:16 PM @theteacherjames That's what I say & do. get the ss to teach. Great fluency exercise #Eltchat
EdithOccelli 9:16 PM @theteacherjames  yes most already know the jargon and you should use the expertise of the sS you're expert on language #Eltchat
kalinagoenglish 9:16 PM but... sometimes the textbooks are written by those whose last foray into the world of business was rather a long time ago too... #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:16 PM RT @theteacherjames: @EdithOccelli Or you can get the students to teach you! #Eltchat Yes you can really learn a lot from them
aClilToClimb 9:17 PM RT @kalinagoenglish: so...in summary, I'd say, teachers w/ no BExp who allow the students 2 B the expert, can teach it,but others should stick to GE #eltchat
kalinagoenglish 9:17 PM so...in summary, I'd say, teachers w/ no BExp who allow the students 2 B the expert, can teach it,but others should stick to GE #eltchat
aClilToClimb 9:17 PM #ELTChat Exactly! By teaching, we learn
theteacherjames 9:17 PM @JoshSRound I've never had that problem. They know you're not a business expert & don't expect it from you (thankfully!) #ELTchat
aClilToClimb 9:17 PM RT @ShellTerrell: RT @Marisa_C: whenever i taught I found myself learning lots to help my learners -  i even learnt binary math! #ELTChat
Shaunwilden 9:17 PM RT @tarabenwell: This series covers 14 topics: Includes Audio http://t.co/Sm8r1d8N  #ELTChat
vickyloras 9:18 PM RT @Marisa_C: @ShellTerrell good point - whenever i taught I found myself learning lots to help my learners -  i even learnt binary math! #ELTChat
eyespeakbrasil 9:18 PM @cerirhiannon They´re experts without the communication skills. #ELTchat
Marisa_C 9:18 PM @ShellTerrell Agree! That's why it's great to teach business people or professional people in general - T learns with S #ELTChat
PrettyButWise 9:18 PM @cerirhiannon but u won't help them in using E if u r not an expert in bus especially advanced bus learners #eltchat
tarabenwell 9:18 PM @kalinagoEnglish used to do a business English chat on MyEC. Talked about it at IATEFL. Was a place to get ideas for classroom. #ELTchat
sandymillin 9:18 PM @kalinagoenglish books I've used seem very vocab heavy, with little practice of it. Books were company requirement. 2 units = 1year #eltchat
aClilToClimb 9:18 PM RT @cerirhiannon: #eltchat we need to know our strengths (& weaknesses), listen carefully and intelligently, spot the areas where Ss need support
eyespeakbrasil 9:18 PM @kalinagoenglish Agreed - but is it the reality?  #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:18 PM RT @cerirhiannon: #eltchat we need to know our strengths (& weaknesses), listen carefully and intelligently, spot the areas where Ss need support
cerirhiannon 9:18 PM #eltchat we need to know our strengths (& weaknesses), listen carefully and intelligently, spot the areas where Ss need support
aClilToClimb 9:18 PM @kalinagoenglish that's it. We need to be humble #eltchat
EdithOccelli 9:18 PM @theteacherjames  but they do expect you to have an interest and provide a relevant context ^^ #Eltchat
Marisa_C 9:18 PM @theteacherjames But they do expect u to be a language expert who knows how professionals communicate #ELTchat
ShellTerrell 9:18 PM @Marisa_C I think of it as a new learning experience for me researching the subject so I'm more knowledgeable for my students #ELTChat
Shaunwilden 9:19 PM @theteacherjames Quite, as sb said helping them fill in gaps in lang, reformulate for them etc #ELTchat
annehodg 9:19 PM We definitely need business skills. Some are acquired in coaching + through experience, but many we really do need to learn #besig #eltchat
eyespeakbrasil 9:19 PM @kalinagoenglish Or have never been in business - like most academics #eltchat
sandymillin 9:19 PM RT @cerirhiannon: #eltchat we need to know our strengths (& weaknesses), listen carefully and intelligently, spot the areas where Ss need support
aClilToClimb 9:19 PM #ELTChat I have a course book, which i hardly use, but do bc company has paid for it!
PrettyButWise 9:19 PM RT @cerirhiannon: #eltchat we need to know our strengths (& weaknesses), listen carefully and intelligently, spot the areas where Ss need support
theteacherjames 9:19 PM @Shaunwilden I used to teach the VP of an airline. Before that he was a govt minister. What was I going to teach him about bus? #Eltchat
ShellTerrell 9:19 PM @jasongreen Yes sorry for the typo but there are specific traditions & rules & documents specific to Business English #eltchat
eyespeakbrasil 9:20 PM @Marisa_C If you´re not they will probably seek someone who is both #ELTchat
theteacherjames 9:20 PM @Marisa_C true, but for most bus sts I think specific 'business language' is only a small part of a course (ESP aside). #ELTchat
ljp2010 9:20 PM #ELTchat @cerirhiannon no, probably what to say over a drink and sound interested/ing
PrettyButWise 9:20 PM @rliberni agree #eltchat
eyespeakbrasil 9:20 PM @kalinagoenglish I agree. #eltchat
ShellTerrell 9:20 PM RT @annehodg: We definitely need business skills. Some are acquired in coaching + through experience, but many we really do need to learn #besig #eltchat
ShellTerrell 9:20 PM RT @JoshSRound: specialist skills r tough 4 tchrs w.o. biz exp > need 2 guide learner 2 better performance so keep focus on lang #eltchat
cerirhiannon 9:20 PM @PrettyButWise depends what they need help with - taught adv level nuclear physicists once - they didn't need an expert in science#eltchat
EdithOccelli 9:20 PM You don't need much knowledge of business but knowledge of what makes a successful communicator and as Berni said you can partner #Eltchat
shaznosel 9:21 PM #Eltchat Hi guys..sorry I'm late..one to one lesson with a mechanical engineer - talk about business lang??
theteacherjames 9:21 PM @JoshSRound There's always some trouble makers, aren't there?! #Eltchat
aClilToClimb 9:21 PM @EdithOccelli I always do #Eltchat
EdithOccelli 9:21 PM How about inviting students to lead some of the lessons? #Eltchat
ShellTerrell 9:21 PM RT @EdithOccelli: You don't need much knowledge of business but knowledge of what makes a successful communicator and as Berni said you can partner #Eltchat
vickyloras 9:21 PM @sandymillin Financial Times http://t.co/qknYYyfd , Time http://t.co/PpXwRKjP, Economist http://t.co/XFk7VGci #ELTChat
aClilToClimb 9:21 PM #ELTChat The scenario is different if we have to teach them abt doing businees w/ other cultures - we may have more experience here. May.
Marisa_C 9:21 PM @theteacherjames It varies on the type of course and sponsor expectations but can happen yes #ELTchat
rliberni 9:21 PM RT @ShellTerrell: Personally, when I'm the student I prefer when my teacher has personal experience in the field & learning fr their anecdotes #ELTChat
theteacherjames 9:21 PM @EdithOccelli True, but that's true of all students, isn't it? #Eltchat
cioccas 9:21 PM But what IS an expert in business? There are many different types of business experience as the Ss we're teaching, right? #ELTchat
kalinagoenglish 9:21 PM @eyespeakbrasil @cerirhiannon exactly, maddening when folks think ENGlanguage makes them "better" than person earning 4x salary! #eltchat
ShellTerrell 9:21 PM Personally, when I'm the student I prefer when my teacher has personal experience in the field & learning fr their anecdotes #ELTChat
NewsNeus 9:22 PM RT @Marisa_C: @Shaunwilden and @ShellTerrell and me moderating this one if you need help give us a shout - remember the hashtag! #ELTchat
aClilToClimb 9:22 PM @fionamau acute? #eltchat
fionamau 9:22 PM #eltchat Good evening. Business English, right? What's the angle?
theteacherjames 9:22 PM RT @aClilToClimb: @theteacherjames That's what I say & do. get the ss to teach. Great fluency exercise #Eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:22 PM @cioccas Yes very true so you'd have quite the range of vocab to be able to teach them all :-) #ELTchat
cerirhiannon 9:22 PM #eltchat teachers ARE in business if  they work 4 a private school - this exp can be milked too - esp'ly if u have admin responsibilities
rliberni 9:22 PM @ShellTerrell  I really agree with this. I'm doing some business training at the moment & it really helps #eltchat
EdithOccelli 9:23 PM RT @aClilToClimb: @Shaunwilden Answer is 'be water, my friend' :-) #ELTchat
vickyloras 9:23 PM RT @eyespeakbrasil: I think you really need to tailor the classes to their lives too - mp3, online, offline, chat, skype etc. #eltchat
PrettyButWise 9:23 PM @cerirhiannon yeah but when the teacher's mother tounge isn't English then being expert in bus would be imp #eltchat
aClilToClimb 9:23 PM @Shaunwilden Answer is 'be water, my friend' :-) #ELTchat
rliberni 9:23 PM I think advanced students (&cos) are looking for more & more specialist training need ROI! #eltchat
EdithOccelli 9:23 PM @theteacherjames yeap! I meant that in business english relevance = motivation more than in general classes.... #Eltchat
AnthonyGaughan 9:23 PM RT @aClilToClimb: @fionamau acute? #eltchat >> better than being obtuse, I guess....
eyespeakbrasil 9:23 PM I think you really need to tailor the classes to their lives too - mp3, online, offline, chat, skype etc. #eltchat
ShellTerrell 9:23 PM RT @rliberni: @ShellTerrell  I really agree with this. I'm doing some business training at the moment & it really helps #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:23 PM @fionamau How to teach BE if you dont have much business experience #ELTchat
murriza 9:23 PM Assess your ss' goals and needs, and work from there. As an ESP tchr you should be ready and willing to learn too #ELTchat
Marisa_C 9:23 PM @fionamau do we need to be subject experts or just language experts?  #eltchat
tarabenwell 9:24 PM RT @eyespeakbrasil: I think you really need to tailor the classes to their lives too - mp3, online, offline, chat, skype etc. #eltchat
annehodg 9:24 PM @rliberni @ShellTerrell With my important clients I develop our course over years, and learn their ropes with them #eltchat #besig
ShellTerrell 9:24 PM Agree! RT @rliberni: I think advanced students (&cos) are looking for more & more specialist training need ROI! #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:24 PM Couldnt you say that about all teaching though? #ELTchat
cioccas 9:24 PM At our institution, the Business studies teachers teach Business Communication so we can send Adv. Learners there #ELTchat
NewsNeus 9:24 PM RT @ShellTerrell: Does anyone have any favorite #businessenglish blogs or websites to recommend? #ELTchat
Shaunwilden 9:24 PM RT @eyespeakbrasil: I think you really need to tailor the classes to their lives too - mp3, online, offline, chat, skype etc. #eltchat
kalinagoenglish 9:24 PM @cerirhiannon does running a small school (if admin + teaching =small) qualifies on the same level as real Business exp+ practice! #eltchat
PrettyButWise 9:24 PM RT @EdithOccelli: RT @rliberni: @PrettyButWise  I find most advanced bus stds know the tech language and flounder with gen/soc English #eltchat true!
eyespeakbrasil 9:24 PM @rliberni Yes they are - definitely #eltchat
shaznosel 9:25 PM @ShellTerrell  #eltchat more training or reading by the teacher, as new language is developing all the time
ShellTerrell 9:25 PM @annehodg @rliberni I think that those Ss who want both to stay ahead in the field will pay more for teachers with that experience #ELTChat
Marisa_C 9:25 PM @fionamau right  #eltchat
murriza 9:25 PM A gr8 advantage for me is that, at my university I'm in charge of mkt for University Extension, it helps me a lot #ELTchat
rliberni 9:25 PM @kalinagoenglish  if you're involved in actual running yes but corporate animals are different #eltchat
cerirhiannon 9:25 PM RT @kalinagoenglish: does running a small school qualify on same level as real Business exp+ practice! #eltchat > means u have some exp
EdithOccelli 9:25 PM @ShellTerrell  http://t.co/LzU9BlIj #Eltchat and http://t.co/tmsM2YOc.. also good article here http://t.co/duCwv0gN
PrettyButWise 9:25 PM RT @rliberni: I think advanced students (&cos) are looking for more & more specialist training need ROI! #eltchat
ShellTerrell 9:25 PM RT @annehodg: With my important clients I develop our course over years, and learn their ropes with them #eltchat #besig
vickyloras 9:25 PM RT @ShellTerrell: Agree! RT @rliberni: I think advanced students (&cos) are looking for more & more specialist training need ROI! #eltchat
fionamau 9:25 PM RT @Marisa_C: @fionamau do we need to be subject experts or just language experts?  #eltchat > Thanks! Subject as in business or the field?
cioccas 9:25 PM RT @cerirhiannon: #eltchat teachers ARE in business if  they work 4 a private school - this exp can be milked too... <all relevant!
kalinagoenglish 9:26 PM @fionamau I believe that it is very difficult to truly be a BE language expert w/o direct experience of nuances of BE language :-D, #eltchat
eyespeakbrasil 9:26 PM Soft skills training has just been rolled out across India by IBM #eltchat
aClilToClimb 9:26 PM RT @tarabenwell: When I taught Business English I found each group was really different. Important to know their needs. #ELTChat
rliberni 9:26 PM @annehodg  this is great I only see mine for a week or two!  #eltchat
ShellTerrell 9:26 PM RT @shaznosel: @ShellTerrell  #eltchat more training or reading by the teacher, as new language is developing all the time
PrettyButWise 9:26 PM If I want to learn BE I would trust a business expret rather than excellent ET #eltchat
ShellTerrell 9:26 PM Business English resources RT @EdithOccelli: http://t.co/QDmqGZA0 #Eltchat & http://t.co/apKU9KNR..  good article here http://t.co/9cxozj6F
ljp2010 9:26 PM #ELTchat interesting that we seem to differentiate between BE experts and GEn Eng experts...  GE are professionals, BE experts?
Marisa_C 9:26 PM RT @tarabenwell: When I taught Business English I found each group was really different. Important to know their needs. #ELTChat
annehodg 9:26 PM Teaching business English has become a branch of business consulting #eltchat #besig
tarabenwell 9:26 PM When I taught Business English I found each group was really different. Important to know their needs. #ELTChat
rliberni 9:26 PM @ShellTerrell  they certainly will and do #eltchat
annehodg 9:27 PM @rliberni So these are individuals? Not companies with staff? Because in my case it'll be one company, many clients, many services #eltchat
rliberni 9:27 PM RT @ShellTerrell: Business English resources RT @EdithOccelli: http://t.co/QDmqGZA0 #Eltchat & http://t.co/apKU9KNR..  good article here http://t.co/9cxozj6F
eyespeakbrasil 9:27 PM We have just started selling softskills courses to schools in Brazil. #eltchat
EdithOccelli 9:27 PM xD wasn't the chat about how to teach BE without Business Experience?? any ideas there?? #Eltchat
fionamau 9:27 PM @tarabenwell Absolutely crucial in fact. SShould be the basis of the course, I reckon #eltchat
kalinagoenglish 9:27 PM @cerirhiannon true #eltchat - it's definitely better than nought!
ShellTerrell 9:27 PM RT @tarabenwell: When I taught Business English I found each group was really different. Important to know their needs. #ELTChat
Shaunwilden 9:27 PM RT @tarabenwell: When I taught Business English I found each group was really different. Important to know their needs. #ELTChat
rliberni 9:27 PM RT @tarabenwell: When I taught Business English I found each group was really different. Important to know their needs. #ELTChat
vickyloras 9:27 PM RT @annehodg: Teaching business English has become a branch of business consulting #eltchat #besig
aClilToClimb 9:27 PM @tarabenwell I always do a needs analysis. I think most do, no? #ELTChat
shaznosel 9:27 PM @tarabenwell  #ELTChat Totally agree - very specific lang and terms for each area of business
vickyloras 9:27 PM RT @tarabenwell: When I taught Business English I found each group was really different. Important to know their needs. #ELTChat
cerirhiannon 9:27 PM #eltchat some customers looking for a hybrid - a kind of business CLIL - then teacher obviously needs the relevant subject knowledge
malgorzatauk 9:28 PM RT @tarabenwell: This series covers 14 topics: Includes Audio http://t.co/Sm8r1d8N  #ELTChat
cioccas 9:28 PM I live in a 'government town' where the Public Service is the main 'business' - my past PS exp helps a lot  #ELTchat
kalinagoenglish 9:28 PM agree >> RT @prettybutwise: If I want to learn BE I would trust a business expret rather than excellent ET #eltchat
aClilToClimb 9:28 PM @EdithOccelli yeah, the ans is for the ss to teach you #Eltchat
ShellTerrell 9:28 PM RT @EdithOccelli: xD wasn't the chat about how to teach BE without Business Experience?? any ideas there?? #Eltchat
rliberni 9:28 PM RT @eyespeakbrasil: Soft skills training has just been rolled out across India by IBM #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:29 PM So for those who need to spruce up on their knowledge of how the business world ticks,, any suggestions #ELTchat
ShellTerrell 9:29 PM LOL! I love learning from my Ss but yes that is important! RT @aClilToClimb: @EdithOccelli yeah, the ans is for the ss to teach you #Eltchat
aClilToClimb 9:29 PM #ELTChat the Q is do they want to learn business or English to do business? i suspect for most, it's the latter
kalinagoenglish 9:29 PM A good point @ljp2010 I would actually say there is no "Business English" experts but multiple ESP professionals #eltchat
rliberni 9:29 PM @aClilToClimb  yes important to do NA but also to bear in mind what they want, their goals  #eltchat
vickyloras 9:29 PM RT @sandymillin: This blog is really interesting for business teachers I think http://t.co/XBUsGzgV #eltchat
fionamau 9:29 PM RT @cerirhiannon: #eltchat some customers looking for a hybrid - a kind of business CLIL - then teacher obviously needs the relevant subject knowledge
PrettyButWise 9:29 PM RT @EdithOccelli: xD wasn't the chat about how to teach BE without Business Experience?? any ideas there?? #Eltchat
EdithOccelli 9:29 PM RT @sandymillin: This blog is really interesting for business teachers I think http://t.co/XBUsGzgV #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:29 PM @EdithOccelli Yes - conversation going all over the place - but what can u do ??? :-D  #Eltchat
sandymillin 9:29 PM This blog is really interesting for business teachers I think http://t.co/XBUsGzgV #eltchat
murriza 9:30 PM 1st develop English skills, then comes business jargon, but always keep in mind ss expect to acquire business skills too #ELTChat
cerirhiannon 9:30 PM #eltchat use the first classes to help the students give presentations about their work - make copious notes!
cioccas 9:30 PM @ljp2010 Seems that 'business communication' is becoming a specialist area, as is 'science comm' (& more?) #ELTchat
kalinagoenglish 9:30 PM A great reminder, that's why I actually joined tonight, to give some! :-D @prettybutwise: RT @EdithOccelli  #Eltchat
sandymillin 9:30 PM RT @EdithOccelli: xD wasn't the chat about how to teach BE without Business Experience?? any ideas there?? #Eltchat
rliberni 9:30 PM @annehodg  yes individs  with various  disciplines #eltchat
ShellTerrell 9:30 PM I think joining in some LinkedIn groups also helps to observe the communication. A lot of business is communication #ELTChat
eyespeakbrasil 9:30 PM Skype is great to chat with sts while they work - and help them #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:30 PM @Marisa_C Ask the sts? #ELTchat
PrettyButWise 9:30 PM RT @ShellTerrell: I lean this way as well RT @PrettyButWise: If I want to learn BE I would trust a business expert rather than excellent ET #eltchat
Alexandra_Rice 9:30 PM RT @ShellTerrell: Skype is a great tool for getting experts in the field to help teach the learners things we have little experience with #ELTChat
ShellTerrell 9:30 PM Skype is a great tool for getting experts in the field to help teach the learners things we have little experience with #ELTChat
ShellTerrell 9:30 PM RT @Marisa_C: So for those who need to spruce up on their knowledge of how the business world ticks,, any suggestions #ELTchat
eyespeakbrasil 9:30 PM LOL #eltchat
kalinagoenglish 9:31 PM My top tips if u're never been in Business but find urself teaching BE - 1) do a thorough needs analysis and Profession analysis #eltchat
vickyloras 9:31 PM @Marisa_C Reading articles to stay up-to-date, watching business channels on tv, listening to podcasts and news #eltchat
sandymillin 9:31 PM RT @aClilToClimb: @EdithOccelli yeah, the ans is for the ss to teach you #Eltchat <is that only answer? How to build confidence for newbies?
Marisa_C 9:31 PM RT @tarabenwell: Have you thought about using Seth Godin's blog as inspiration? He writes short posts, often business related. #ELTChat
tarabenwell 9:31 PM RT @aClilToClimb: #ELTChat the Q is do they want to learn business or English to do business? i suspect for most, it's the latter
eyespeakbrasil 9:31 PM RT @shaznosel: #ELtchat bus english involves ethics, psychology, marketing, critical thinking, accounting, innovation, economics, strategies - then lang!
shaznosel 9:31 PM #ELtchat bus english involves ethics, psychology, marketing, critical thinking, accounting, innovation, economics, strategies - then lang!
Marisa_C 9:31 PM @Shaunwilden Good idea  #ELTchat > lots of content out there too in form of lectures and podcasts
profhutch 9:31 PM RT @ShellTerrell: joining in some LinkedIn groups also helps to observe the communication. A lot of business is communication#ELTChat
fionamau 9:32 PM @EdithOccelli The students can teach you while you teach them. They tell u what they need, show u examples, u then go n read up. #eltchat
theteacherjames 9:32 PM @aClilToClimb Sorry brother, I'm not giving him up! #Eltchat
kalinagoenglish 9:32 PM 2) Ask your students to provide as many real examples of the English they need to deal with /emails, reports, brochures, calls #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:32 PM @Marisa_C Also there are plenty of business news sources on the net, a quick a look at them from time to time can help #ELTchat
eyespeakbrasil 9:32 PM I use industry relevant docs, video, pdf them, and then annotate in a virtual class, record it - with courses #eltchat
PrettyButWise 9:32 PM @Marisa_C blogs , business magazines , news and reports ..etc can help #eltchat
cerirhiannon 9:32 PM #eltchat  get the students to show you around - ask intelligent questions - ask Ss to bring in documents they have to handle in English
aClilToClimb 9:32 PM @theteacherjames send him to me ;) #Eltchat
annehodg 9:32 PM @EdithOccelli Without experience? Sure. There are great courses in teaching BE - e.g. with Mark Powell, recommended #besig #eltchat
shaznosel 9:32 PM @kalinagoenglish  #eltchat the number one move...
ShellTerrell 9:32 PM @eyespeakbrasil Yes definitely. I was trying to make the point that observing the communication process also teaches us a lot  #ELTChat
cioccas 9:32 PM RT @EdithOccelli: xD wasn't the chat about how to teach BE without Business Experience?? any ideas there?? #Eltchat
theteacherjames 9:32 PM Hypothetical question: A student wants to start lessons with me next week. He's a civil engineer. How can I prepare?  #Eltchat
Marisa_C 9:32 PM @Shaunwilden A good idea to get them to teach you the processes while you feed in the language  #ELTchat
ShellTerrell 9:33 PM I like using videos to teach Business English & they are useful for me as well http://t.co/n2rdiNka #Eltchat
eyespeakbrasil 9:33 PM @cerirhiannon Yep project based learning is great for business teaching #eltchat
aClilToClimb 9:33 PM @theteacherjames :( But I need him more than you! #Eltchat
EdithOccelli 9:33 PM I believe some books brief teaches on the units but I think nothing bets reading things like researching their job roles /vocabular #Eltchat
Marisa_C 9:33 PM Company documents extremely useful #eltchat - for bigger clients we also send sb to spend a day in company #eltchat
shaznosel 9:33 PM @kalinagoenglish @vickyloras  #eltchat #eltchat totallly agree..we need to be one step ahead of the student!
vickyloras 9:33 PM Read materials from the company,bank itself (leaflets, policies, mission statements, products) #ELTChat
PrettyButWise 9:33 PM RT @cerirhiannon: #eltchat  get the students to show you around - ask intelligent questions - ask Ss to bring in documents they have to handle in English
cerirhiannon 9:33 PM @theteacherjames  find out exactly what he does - if poss pinpoint a project he's been involved in - find a text on it online #eltchat
ShellTerrell 9:34 PM RT @fionamau: @EdithOccelli The students can teach you while you teach them. They tell u what they need, show u examples, u then go n read up. #eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:34 PM @EdithOccelli Good point quite a lot actually want help drafting, with presentations etc #ELTchat
aClilToClimb 9:34 PM @theteacherjames @cerirhiannon I'd get ss to explain to me #eltchat
theteacherjames 9:34 PM @aClilToClimb The freelancer in a high taxation country says no! #Eltchat
eyespeakbrasil 9:34 PM @kalinagoenglish  Agreed. #eltchat
cerirhiannon 9:34 PM @Marisa_C  yes, shadowing great if you can  #eltchat
ShellTerrell 9:34 PM RT @vickyloras: Read materials from the company,bank itself (leaflets, policies, mission statements, products) #ELTChat
murriza 9:34 PM I've found ss expect a BE tchr to be up-to-date with business news and current world events #ELTCHat
Marisa_C 9:34 PM Project based learning great but many BE learners not willing to do much HW #eltchat
ShellTerrell 9:34 PM Agree! RT @Marisa_C: Company documents extremely useful #eltchat - for bigger clients we also send sb to spend a day in company #eltchat
shaznosel 9:34 PM RT @aClilToClimb: #ELTChat the Q is do they want to learn business or English to do business? i suspect for most, it's the latter
eyespeakbrasil 9:34 PM Especially PBL, peer to peer, collaborative spaces #eltchat
kalinagoenglish 9:34 PM 3) Create role-plays based on realia u're given/ situations they come across.  Ask them to critique ur role/your dialogue if 1.2.1 #eltchat
PrettyButWise 9:34 PM @cerirhiannon documents are most important aids in this field , agree #eltchat
EdithOccelli 9:34 PM Asking students to bring their materials is good idea but what about Confidenciality? #Eltchat
theteacherjames 9:34 PM @cerirhiannon So would you get him to explain his job / industry to you, or would you find out in advance? #eltchat
PrettyButWise 9:35 PM RT @EdithOccelli: I believe some books brief teaches on the units but I think nothing bets reading things like researching their job roles /vocabular #Eltchat
eyespeakbrasil 9:35 PM Do the role play, and back it up with the same role play online - so they can practise stress, tone etc #eltchat
kalinagoenglish 9:35 PM 4) Do a TED search on their subject area of expertise - try to find good short videos 3-6-9mins for authentic listening #eltchat
EdithOccelli 9:35 PM RT @fionamau: @EdithOccelli The students can teach you while you teach them. They tell u what they need, show u examples, u then go n read up. #eltchat
sandymillin 9:35 PM I did the IH Business English Teaching (BET) certificate. Useful, and avail to non-IH teachers too http://t.co/PiCrRuVw #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:35 PM @cerirhiannon we do it for groups but not 1-2-1 usu  #eltchat
ShellTerrell 9:35 PM RT @eyespeakbrasil: I use industry relevant docs, video, pdf them, and then annotate in a virtual class, record it - with courses #eltchat
sandymillin 9:36 PM RT @JoshSRound: #eltchat many comments abt 121 - what about teaching business groups with mix of sts both pre-career & in-service from diff industries?
ShellTerrell 9:36 PM List of Business English blogs & resources http://t.co/4rVLLtQG via @TheConsultantsE #eltchat
eyespeakbrasil 9:36 PM @Marisa_C Yeah but it´s fun for everyone #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:36 PM RT @kalinagoenglish: 5) Do a slideshare search on their subject area of expertise  #eltchat > I like that one
PrettyButWise 9:36 PM @kalinagoenglish @edithoccelli looooool we're about covering that part ;P stay tuned #eltchat
EdithOccelli 9:36 PM How about case studies for business courses.. do any of you adapt some for BE purposes?? I think they made do good classr activity #Eltchat
eyespeakbrasil 9:36 PM @murriza Agreed #ELTCHat
kalinagoenglish 9:36 PM 5) Do a slideshare search on their subject area of expertise - try to get THEM to find slides they "could" have presented +getthem2 #eltchat
JoshSRound 9:36 PM #eltchat many comments abt 121 - what about teaching business groups with mix of sts both pre-career & in-service from diff industries?
Shaunwilden 9:36 PM RT @kalinagoenglish: 4) Do a TED search on their subject area of expertise - try to find good short videos 3-6-9mins for authentic listening #eltchat
PrettyButWise 9:37 PM RT @JoshSRound: #eltchat many comments abt 121 - what about teaching business groups with mix of sts both pre-career & in-service from diff industries?
shaznosel 9:37 PM @ShellTerrell  #ELTChat Totallly agree! Let the ss teach you new bus terms and you guide them on how to use them! The experts lead  you!
kalinagoenglish 9:37 PM 6) for ur own PD, decide if ur ss r from a field u might be interested in...buy some business books/ read blogs in subject area #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:37 PM In fact a lot of case study work and project suff in CLT has come from bus management training #ELtchat
aClilToClimb 9:37 PM RT @ShellTerrell: List of Business English blogs & resources http://t.co/4rVLLtQG via @TheConsultantsE #eltchat
ShellTerrell 9:37 PM RT @theteacherjames: I find it hard to believe that nobody has BE experience. If you've worked somewhere, you have experience to draw from. #Eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:37 PM RT @theteacherjames: I find it hard to believe that nobody has BE experience. If you've worked somewhere, you have experience to draw from. #Eltchat
ShellTerrell 9:37 PM RT @EdithOccelli: How about case studies for business courses.. do any of you adapt some for BE purposes?? I think they made do good classr activity #Eltchat
theteacherjames 9:37 PM I find it hard to believe that nobody has BE experience. If you've worked somewhere, you have experience to draw from. #Eltchat
rliberni 9:37 PM RT @ShellTerrell: List of Business English blogs & resources http://t.co/4rVLLtQG via @TheConsultantsE #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:37 PM RT @PrettyButWise: @kalinagoenglish @edithoccelli looooool we're about covering that part ;P stay tuned #eltchat > yes managment manuals
cerirhiannon 9:37 PM @JoshSRound  more similar to GE I guess, focus more on BE topics - but need to have a wide reach #eltchat
tarabenwell 9:38 PM RT @sandymillin: I did the IH Business English Teaching (BET) certificate. Useful, and avail to non-IH teachers too http://t.co/PiCrRuVw #eltchat
JoshSRound 9:38 PM @cerirhiannon yep, varied biz topics and more generalised skills work, but range of learner needs still demanding 4 teacher  #eltchat
cerirhiannon 9:38 PM RT @theteacherjames: I find it hard to believe that nobody has BE experience. If you've worked somewhere, you have experience to draw from. #Eltchat
tarabenwell 9:38 PM @JoshSRound Yes, that sounds more like the BusE classes I used to teach. Luckily small groups. #ELTChat
rliberni 9:38 PM I try to hooks stds up with s'one their field with whom they can discuss the role in English #eltchat
ShellTerrell 9:38 PM RT @shaznosel: @ShellTerrell  #ELTChat Totallly agree! Let the ss teach you new bus terms and you guide them on how to use them! The experts lead  you!
aClilToClimb 9:38 PM RT @theteacherjames: I find it hard to believe that nobody has BE experience. If you've worked somewhere, you have experience to draw from. #Eltchat
ShellTerrell 9:38 PM @theteacherjames I think you're right. I think when we read about it we can make those connections & relate to our experience #eltchat
cerirhiannon 9:39 PM RT @theteacherjames: @ShellTerrell That's what I did - I used my experience as a 'worker' when teaching to the managers! #peasantsrevolt! #eltchat
EdithOccelli 9:39 PM @theteacherjames  so true. If you can teach "How much?" in a surmarket context for GE  teaching Negotiation for BE is much th same #Eltchat
ShellTerrell 9:39 PM Great idea! RT @rliberni: I try to hooks stds up with s'one their field with whom they can discuss the role in English #eltchat
theteacherjames 9:39 PM @ShellTerrell That's what I did - I used my experience as a 'worker' when teaching to the managers! #peasantsrevolt! #eltchat
stephentimothy 9:39 PM RT @ShellTerrell: List of Business English blogs & resources http://t.co/4rVLLtQG via @TheConsultantsE #eltchat
kalinagoenglish 9:39 PM 6 cont./ so that you can begin to adopt some of the natural phrases, style of speaking and pass this on #eltchat
shaznosel 9:39 PM @cerirhiannon  #eltchat yes, they know there business , they just want to speak about it naturally
cerirhiannon 9:39 PM @JoshSRound  kinda like any mixed level class really - but those with exp can teach those without  #eltchat
rliberni 9:39 PM RT @JoshSRound: @cerirhiannon yep, varied biz topics and more generalised skills work, but range of learner needs still demanding 4 teacher  #eltchat
eyespeakbrasil 9:39 PM @Marisa_C Yes, like Harvard Publishing have some great case studies, and simulations you can use in class #ELtchat
rliberni 9:40 PM @eyespeakbrasil  I'm doing the same with doctors #eltchat
vickyloras 9:40 PM RT @rliberni: I try to hooks stds up with s'one their field with whom they can discuss the role in English #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:40 PM What we have found is that in 1-2-1 the focus is much sharper on BE - in grp classes sponsored by company they want other stuff too #eltchat
theteacherjames 9:40 PM @EdithOccelli Absolutely #Eltchat
cerirhiannon 9:40 PM #eltchat can give students exposure to experts through podcasts etc
eyespeakbrasil 9:40 PM @rliberni Same here - I try and group them online, so engineers, HR etc so they can meet and chat #eltchat
tarabenwell 9:40 PM @theteacherjames True. I was working in a bank when I realized I wanted to work with words not numbers. #ELTChat
PrettyButWise 9:40 PM RT @shaznosel: @ShellTerrell  #ELTChat Totallly agree! Let the ss teach you new bus terms and you guide them on how to use them! The experts lead  you!
EdithOccelli 9:41 PM RT @cerirhiannon: #eltchat can give students exposure to experts through podcasts etc. Yeap and BBC has some gre8 business AUdionews , too
kalinagoenglish 9:41 PM >> re Let the ss teach you new bus terms >>Nice idea in theory but THEY must have the level of Eng 2 do this or it won't work #eltchat
PrettyButWise 9:41 PM RT @ShellTerrell: Great idea! RT @rliberni: I try to hooks stds up with s'one their field with whom they can discuss the role in English #eltchat
JoshSRound 9:41 PM @tarabenwell we do small groups too, that does help enable teacher to tailor lessons as much as possible  #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:42 PM @Shaunwilden well, theydo need it but too tired to do it after a day's work - so want sth NOT BE #eltchat
cerirhiannon 9:42 PM RT @Marisa_C: RT @Shaunwilden: @Marisa_C The mismatch between what company thinks and what the sts think they need? #eltchat > often a prob
rliberni 9:42 PM @Marisa_C  but when bus stds arrive in the UK to work what they need is vocab, idioms, social language mostly #eltchat
PrettyButWise 9:42 PM RT @cerirhiannon: #eltchat can give students exposure to experts through podcasts etc
theteacherjames 9:42 PM I worked in supermarkets, shops and offices before becoming a teacher. It was very informative when I started teaching BE. #ELTchat
Marisa_C 9:42 PM RT @Shaunwilden: @Marisa_C The mismatch between what the company thinks and what the sts think they need? #eltchat
kalinagoenglish 9:43 PM as case-study outdated or exercize created around it completely misses the point! #eltchat
murriza 9:43 PM BE must include cultural awareness and practices that are not only from English speaking Countries, don't forget to include #ELTChat
Marisa_C 9:43 PM Lots of games and groupwork seem to work well #eltchat - with such groups
kalinagoenglish 9:43 PM RT @marisa_c: re case study work...  but this is why sometimes u read a BEtxtbk and know the author has no BE experience! #ELtchat
shaznosel 9:43 PM @EdithOccelli  #eltchat true..they want skills to express themselves socially-not just lang but customs and correct etiquette
Marisa_C 9:44 PM @EdithOccelli See? That's what often happens :-)  #Eltchat
rliberni 9:44 PM RT @EdithOccelli: @Marisa_C  I took ESP lessons that my company paid for but we all wanted to relax and play some games.too much work-related stff #Eltchat
rliberni 9:44 PM RT @kalinagoenglish: @acliltoclimb um, yes, in ideal world :-) but business people often have no time! #eltchat they want it quick and easy and what they need!
EdithOccelli 9:44 PM @Marisa_C  I took ESP lessons that my company paid for but we all wanted to relax and play some games.too much work-related stff #Eltchat
PrettyButWise 9:44 PM RT @murriza: BE must include cultural awareness and practices that are not only from English speaking Countries, don't forget to include #ELTChat
kalinagoenglish 9:44 PM @acliltoclimb um, yes, in ideal world :-) but business people often have no time! #eltchat they want it quick and easy and what they need!
rliberni 9:44 PM @iAgile5  I wasn't talking in terms of a class situation but individuals, online or outside class #eltchat
aClilToClimb 9:44 PM @shaznosel right. That's what I said b4 abt social skills #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:44 PM @kalinagoenglish well - i don't use coursebooks - would appreciate a  hint, title plage etc #ELtchat
aClilToClimb 9:45 PM @shaznosel kiss for me. Shaking hands only in the cold business world ;) #eltchat
rliberni 9:45 PM @EdithOccelli  this is true I had a bus std who wanted to read poetry! #eltchat
tarabenwell 9:45 PM You and your sts may find some useful links or inspiration here: http://t.co/VpfC816u #ELTChat
shaznosel 9:45 PM @aClilToClimb  #eltchat with you all the way - kiss or shake hands??
eyespeakbrasil 9:45 PM @EdithOccelli Not sure the company management would agree. #Eltchat
aClilToClimb 9:45 PM @kalinagoenglish put on our magician hat then ;) #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:46 PM @kalinagoenglish you know why i need them sweetheart :-) #eltchat
EdithOccelli 9:46 PM RT @eyespeakbrasil: @EdithOccelli Not sure the company management would agree. #Eltchat not sure company mgt has to know :p
PrettyButWise 9:46 PM great chat but i'm sleepy and can't focus any more enjoy the chat and thank u all it's 23:45 pm - Kuwait GN #eltchat
shaznosel 9:46 PM @tarabenwell @eyespeakbrasil  #ELTchat #ELTchat so true!
ShellTerrell 9:46 PM RT @iAgile5: what if there's that one student in class whose field doesn't include anyone else? #eltchat
EdithOccelli 9:47 PM @eyespeakbrasil  you can always  play some games as "cultural awarness " or as teamworking skills training #Eltchat
iAgile5 9:47 PM @rliberni oh I see, great point then. #eltchat
Oksan_ocakturk 9:47 PM RT @ShellTerrell: List of Business English blogs & resources http://t.co/4rVLLtQG via @TheConsultantsE #eltchat
rliberni 9:47 PM RT @EdithOccelli: RT @eyespeakbrasil: @EdithOccelli Not sure the company management would agree. #Eltchat not sure company mgt has to know :p
EdithOccelli 9:48 PM RT @ShellTerrell: WIth e-readers there are many magazines to subscribe too with interesting articles  & also adapt to use in class #ELTchat
PrettyButWise 9:48 PM @iAgile5 @shellerrell @rliberni he will be able to make a great presentation for the rest ;P #eltchat
rliberni 9:48 PM @EdithOccelli  a lot of lateral thinking games are useful too not all bus training is sales & mkting anyway #eltchat
LukeMeddings 9:48 PM @theteacherjames agree on one level-important not to mystify 'business' as another world-but discourse communities do vary a lot #eltchat
ShellTerrell 9:48 PM Gr8 idea! RT @EdithOccelli: play some games as "cultural awarness " or as teamworking skills training #Eltchat
Marisa_C 9:48 PM We generally tell company shd be a balance ot BE and Non BE stuff otherwise lose the Ss - in there but out to lunch in their heads #eltchat
eyespeakbrasil 9:48 PM @EdithOccelli Yep depends whose paying I guess.  #Eltchat
ShellTerrell 9:48 PM WIth e-readers there are many magazines to subscribe too with interesting articles you can learn fr & also adapt to use in class #ELTchat
eyespeakbrasil 9:49 PM @ShellTerrell Harvard publishing have simulations - business games #ELTChat
Marisa_C 9:49 PM RT @ShellTerrell: Anyone have any games or tasks they recommend for business english? #ELTChat
ShellTerrell 9:49 PM Anyone have any games or tasks they recommend for business english? #ELTChat
shaznosel 9:49 PM @aClilToClimb  #eltchat me too! Today, i met a new student here in Greece - he shook my hand four times in an hour- because Im bRITISH??
eyespeakbrasil 9:50 PM @theteacherjames Agreed, it has to relate back to their work, and solve a problem #ELTChat
aClilToClimb 9:50 PM @shaznosel haha could B. It's always difficult 2 know wht 2 do. I think the lady must B seen 2 'offer', lk take the hand, but offer #eltchat
ShellTerrell 9:50 PM RT @bethcagnol: The out-of-print book "Business Mazes" is brilliant. #ELTCHAT
Marisa_C 9:50 PM We make our own Trivial type Pursuits games #eltchat "Business Pursuits"
shaznosel 9:50 PM RT @EdithOccelli: How about inviting students to lead some of the lessons? #Eltchat
rliberni 9:50 PM RT @theteacherjames: I know this is true of all sts, but authentic practice is particularly important w/ business students. Presentation, meetings, etc. #ELTChat
JoshSRound 9:50 PM #eltchat the topic implied that fewer Ts want to teach BE;  how to encourage more Ts to take it on?
theteacherjames 9:50 PM I know this is true of all sts, but authentic practice is particularly important w/ business students. Presentation, meetings, etc. #ELTChat
bethcagnol 9:50 PM @ShellTerrell The out-of-print book "Business Mazes" is brilliant. #ELTCHAT
sandymillin 9:50 PM RT @Marisa_C: We generally tell company shd be a balance ot BE and Non BE stuff otherwise lose the Ss - in there but out to lunch in their heads #eltchat
eyespeakbrasil 9:51 PM @rliberni That´s how I fee with GE - LOL #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:51 PM Design a Facebook Page or website for their company? #eltchat
ShellTerrell 9:51 PM RT @tarabenwell: @Marisa_C @ShellTerrell Take me on a tour. My students loved doing that when they learned the right language. Useful for some.  #ELTChat
pysproblem81 9:51 PM is there any milage on getting Ss to teach Biz concepts to T in English? @ShellTerrell #eltchat
tarabenwell 9:51 PM @Marisa_C @ShellTerrell Take me on a tour. My students loved doing that when they learned the right language. Useful for some.  #ELTChat
ShellTerrell 9:51 PM Simuations are great! RT @eyespeakbrasil: Harvard publishing have simulations - business games #ELTChat
aClilToClimb 9:51 PM RT @Marisa_C: RT @ShellTerrell: Anyone have any games or tasks they recommend for business english? #ELTChat
EdithOccelli 9:51 PM RT @ShellTerrell: Anyone have any games or tasks they recommend for business english? #ELTChat there is 1 called Barnga. just google it
Marisa_C 9:51 PM RT @ShellTerrell: RT @bethcagnol: The out-of-print book "Business Mazes" is brilliant. #ELTCHAT > LOTs of god stuff out of print
ShellTerrell 9:51 PM Gr8 idea! RT @jhengstler: How about writing to an ISP re. spam or phishing email that came to their account? #ELTChat
vickyloras 9:51 PM RT @theteacherjames: I know this is true of all sts, but authentic practice is particularly important w/ business students. Presentation, meetings, etc. #ELTChat
aClilToClimb 9:51 PM @shaznosel ...but offer the cheek #eltchat
sandymillin 9:51 PM @ShellTerrell really like activities from 'business communication games' tho some could do with being updated #eltchat
rliberni 9:51 PM RT @JoshSRound: #eltchat the topic implied that fewer Ts want to teach BE;  how to encourage more Ts to take it on? Gr8 question!
EdithOccelli 9:52 PM RT @tarabenwell: @Marisa_C @ShellTerrell Take me on a tour. My students loved doing that when they learned the right language. Useful for some.  #ELTChat
EdithOccelli 9:52 PM RT @Marisa_C: Design a Facebook Page or website for their company? #eltchat great idea
cerirhiannon 9:52 PM RT @tarabenwell: @Marisa_C @ShellTerrell Take me on a tour. My students loved doing that when they learned the right language. Useful for some.  #ELTChat
ShellTerrell 9:52 PM RT @pysproblem81: is there any milage on getting Ss to teach Biz concepts to T in English? @ShellTerrell #eltchat
eyespeakbrasil 9:53 PM With Skype classes you can have sts prepare, call a headhunter and practise real conversation #eltchat
EdithOccelli 9:53 PM RT @tarabenwell: Take me on a tour. My students loved doing that when they learned the right language. Useful for some.  #ELTChat
theteacherjames 9:53 PM @eyespeakbrasil Which is why it is crucial to find out exactly what they need with a needs analysis. #ELTChat
tarabenwell 9:54 PM RT @EdithOccelli: RT @Marisa_C: Design a Facebook Page or website for their company? #eltchat great idea
EdithOccelli 9:54 PM @theteacherjames  I agree but somtimes Ss don't know what they want /need .. at least I didn't. Techr need creative ways 2 find out #Eltchat
rliberni 9:54 PM RT @eyespeakbrasil: With Skype classes you can have sts prepare, call a headhunter and practise real conversation #eltchat
rliberni 9:54 PM @eyespeakbrasil  :-) #eltchat
ShellTerrell 9:55 PM RT @theteacherjames: Activity: take all of the numbers from a reading text & use them to describe trends / patterns etc (from Teaching Unplugged) #ELTChat
EdithOccelli 9:55 PM RT @nathankeeves: #ELTchat Online simulation where BE sts set up and run a business in competition to other teams   http://t.co/rPt70ZJr
jurylady 9:55 PM RT @theteacherjames: I find it hard to believe that nobody has BE experience. If you've worked somewhere, you have experience to draw from. #Eltchat
ShellTerrell 9:55 PM RT @nathankeeves: #ELTchat Online simulation where BE sts set up and run a business in competition to other teams http://t.co/2CuMqeeY
theteacherjames 9:55 PM Activity: take all of the numbers from a reading text & use them to describe trends / patterns etc (from Teaching Unplugged) #ELTChat
LukeMeddings 9:55 PM @JoshSRound In private ELT context involving teachers in business decisions and planning would be a start? #eltchat
eyespeakbrasil 9:55 PM @theteacherjames And even more crucial to find out what the company needs #ELTChat
nathankeeves 9:55 PM #ELTchat Online simulation where BE sts set up and run a business in competition to other teams @ShellTerrell   http://t.co/LMUXYs4a
rliberni 9:56 PM Designing dream teams  with famous business people, balloon debates etc #eltchat
eyespeakbrasil 9:56 PM @tarabenwell My students don´t have time or motivation to blog #ELTChat
shaznosel 9:56 PM RT @ShellTerrell: I think joining in some LinkedIn groups also helps to observe the communication. A lot of business is communication #ELTChat
sandymillin 9:56 PM RT @nathankeeves: #ELTchat Online simulation where BE sts set up and run a business in competition to other teams @ShellTerrell   http://t.co/LMUXYs4a
Marisa_C 9:56 PM We recently had one student who created software for a virtual company management thing  - I guess there would be more like this #eltchat
tarabenwell 9:56 PM Get them blogging. They can practice writing various business writing. #ELTChat
eyespeakbrasil 9:57 PM @ShellTerrell Thank you. #ELTChat
ShellTerrell 9:57 PM RT @rliberni: Designing dream teams  with famous business people, balloon debates etc #eltchat
ShellTerrell 9:57 PM Love this idea! RT @Marisa_C: Get them to do pecha kuchas if a class - or their presentations if involved in presenting #eltchat
eyespeakbrasil 9:57 PM @Marisa_C Yes, great idea. #eltchat
ShellTerrell 9:57 PM Thank you everyone for some great tips, activities, lessons, games & resources for teaching Business English! #ELTChat
Marisa_C 9:57 PM Get them to do pecha kuchas if a class - or their presentations if involved in presenting #eltchat
EdithOccelli 9:57 PM RT @rliberni: Designing dream teams  with famous business people, balloon debates etc #eltchat
vickyloras 9:57 PM RT @tarabenwell: Get them blogging. They can practice writing various business writing. #ELTChat
Ian_V_ 9:58 PM Get them blogging. They can practice writing various business writing. #ELTChat http://t.co/PXuGDMnv
vickyloras 9:58 PM RT @theteacherjames: I'll be doing a reading based lesson in the next few days about companies that won't exist in 10 years time. Blog post forthcoming! #ELTChat
tarabenwell 9:58 PM @eyespeakbrasil I mean use the blog as a place to do writing assignments. #ELTChat
EdithOccelli 9:58 PM Useful resource. Hope it helps. http://t.co/zXfdcHMS #Eltchat
Shaunwilden 9:58 PM Yes lots of ideas and links to look from tonight's #eltchat - which hopefully somebody will summarize for us :-) #eltchat
theteacherjames 9:58 PM I'll be doing a reading based lesson in the next few days about companies that won't exist in 10 years time. Blog post forthcoming! #ELTChat
Shaunwilden 9:59 PM @Ian_V_ @tarabenwell @eyespeakbrasil I still think that depends on if they want to rather than a forceful push into blogging #eltchat
EdithOccelli 9:59 PM @Marisa_C  jaja I don't think I'm  inspiring enough jaja but I'd like to. #Eltchat
rliberni 9:59 PM @Shaunwilden  I think Edith's ding the summary #eltchat
shaznosel 9:59 PM @rliberni  #eltchat ss love this..no matter what the area of business - they all have their heros . Steve Jobs being no.1 at the mo..
sandymillin 9:59 PM RT @Shaunwilden: Yes lots of ideas and links to look from tonight's #eltchat - which hopefully somebody will summarize for us :-) #eltchat
Marisa_C 9:59 PM Before you all disappear, which dedicated and inspriring person will write up summary pls? #eltchat
LukeMeddings 9:59 PM @theteacherjames #ELTChat yes - goo point
rliberni 9:59 PM RT @EdithOccelli: Useful resource. Hope it helps. http://t.co/zXfdcHMS #Eltchat
JoshSRound 10:00 PM @LukeMeddings  gd idea, but hard 2 put into practice? (esp in summer: no planning time,  lots of BE groups & not not enuf BE Ts!!) #eltchat
rliberni 10:00 PM @shaznosel  agreed on both counts! It is good w/bus stds to research bus ppl, their type, bus model etc... #eltchat
theteacherjames 10:00 PM @Marisa_C I can't wait to try Pecha Kuchas! #eltchat
shaznosel 10:00 PM @sandymillin  #Eltchat wow..confidence is a biggie..
eyespeakbrasil 10:00 PM @Shaunwilden Yes, I prefer to see them writing emails to me, discussing topics #eltchat
Marisa_C 10:00 PM Balloon debates too is nice - which CEO shall we kick off balloon :-D #eltchat
LukeMeddings 10:00 PM @theteacherjames #eltchat  yes - good point
AnthonyGaughan 10:00 PM So sorry I missed the midday chat on lesson planning :-( but thanks for the transcript :-) #eltchat
ShellTerrell 10:00 PM RT @jhengstler: How about drafting an email to compliment or complain about service/support? I like to send complimentary ones too! #ELTChat
eyespeakbrasil 10:01 PM @Shaunwilden Making classes up as you go isn´t that word is it? #eltchat
fionamau 10:01 PM #eltchat Sorry not to have joined in much - bad time of day, & I'm trying to do 4 things at the same time as usual...Interesting lurking tho
EdithOccelli 10:01 PM Will I do the summary of the session then? #Eltchat
AnthonyGaughan 10:01 PM @Shaunwilden What'S the world coming to, eh? #eltchat
LukeMeddings 10:01 PM came to it late but so many good ideas and so much good sense in tonight's #eltchat !
Marisa_C 10:01 PM We do baloon debated with people who are behind various approaches - haven;t put u in one yet @LukeMeddings but may be i will :-D  #eltchat
Shaunwilden 10:01 PM @AnthonyGaughan I was surprised more dogmatists didnt join in it - even had to resort to mentioning it myself :-) #eltchat
htsb5 10:01 PM The economist, business news pages. Keep it up to date and interesting! Or read Dilbert #ELTchat also any teaching is still a business
jurylady 10:01 PM RT @ShellTerrell: List of Business English blogs & resources http://t.co/4rVLLtQG via @TheConsultantsE #eltchat
tdsig 10:01 PM @Marisa_C Don't talk to me about balloon debates... #eltchat
htsb5 10:02 PM Crisis real time role plays. Feed information to groups which they deal with in real time. Each has an assigned role #ELTChat
shaznosel 10:02 PM #ELtchat so ..how do we build up their confidence - outside of the classroom??
Shaunwilden 10:02 PM @tarabenwell Arh yes a great source #eltchat
eyespeakbrasil 10:02 PM @Shaunwilden You mentioned the word first lol #eltchat
ctrlaltdeliver 10:02 PM @ShellTerrell @Marisa_C That's why I love following #edchats like #eltchat Had not heard of pecha kuchas before and now I am planning one :)
rliberni 10:02 PM @EdithOccelli  I think so yes #eltchat
tarabenwell 10:02 PM Dragon's Den #ELTChat
AnthonyGaughan 10:02 PM @Shaunwilden Seriously, would have loved to but was in middle of TP guidance, of all things! #eltchat
Marisa_C 10:03 PM @rliberni Absolutely! Yes!  #eltchat
eyespeakbrasil 10:03 PM @shaznosel Yeah that´s a tough one, confidence - so important too. #ELtchat
EdithOccelli 10:03 PM Sorry I have to go! #Eltchat
Marisa_C 10:03 PM @LukeMeddings te he he - I think I'll do it on our next delta course #eltchat - Gattegno and Lozanov are usually the first to go #eltchat
aClilToClimb 10:03 PM #ELTChat vanished bc of phone calls
Shaunwilden 10:03 PM @eyespeakbrasil It's after ten  and I can delete it from the transcript :-) #eltchat
rliberni 10:03 PM @Marisa_C @Shaunwilden  Edith can do summary ok I think? #eltchat
JoshSRound 10:04 PM Thanks everyone! have a nice evening (morning / afternoon...)  #eltchat  ;-)


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