
How can Web 2 tools help us build rapport with our students and foster their speaking skills

Page history last edited by Shaun 13 years, 3 months ago
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harrisonmike 10:00 PM What's #eltchat on this evening?
Marisa_C 10:01 PM Tonight's chat moderated by @ShellTerrell and me pls use #ELTchat hashtag for your tweets and ask us for help if new to the chat
ShellTerrell 10:01 PM @TyKendall great way to start the discussion then #eltchat
hartle 10:01 PM #eltchat hi everyone
sandymillin 10:02 PM The way I understand Web 2.0 is: it's when the web became interactive, rather than just reading. Includes multimedia like vids etc #eltchat
Marisa_C 10:02 PM @TyKendall Thank you for doing summary ure ace! Pls Tweet link  #ELTChat
hartle 10:02 PM Has anyone used Splendid Speaking with their stds? #eltchat
ShellTerrell 10:02 PM RT @Marisa_C: Tonight's chat moderated by @ShellTerrell and me pls use #ELTchat hashtag for your tweets and ask us for help if new to the chat
TyKendall 10:02 PM @ShellTerrell   #ELTChat hahaa i know!
sandymillin 10:02 PM Tonight's chat moderated by @ShellTerrell and @Marisa_C pls use #ELTchat hashtag for your tweets and ask us for help if new to the chat
hartle 10:03 PM RT @sandymillin: The way I understand Web 2.0 is: it's when the web became interactive, rather than just reading. Includes multimedia like vids etc #eltchat
ELTExperiences 10:03 PM @sandymillin That's my take on it. It provides learners an opportunity to learn outside of class. #ELTChat
sandymillin 10:03 PM @hartle is that the exam website? do you have the link? think i might have used a couple of activities #eltchat
K12Live 10:03 PM RT @Marisa_C: Tonight's chat moderated by @ShellTerrell and me pls use #ELTchat hashtag for your tweets and ask us for help if new to the chat
ELTExperiences 10:04 PM I have used Grouply with a class of business students. It was used to share lesson material, a platform to discuss classes, etc. #ELTChat
harrisonmike 10:04 PM If you have less PCs than learners, speaking comes easy as the learners have to SHARE the resources #eltchat
ShellTerrell 10:04 PM Topic: How can Web 2.0 tools help us build rapport with our students and foster their speaking skills? #ELTChat @Marisa_C & me mods
harrisonmike 10:05 PM webtools are interesting as they are like a new level of formality, like a hybrid between spoken and written language #eltchat
Marisa_C 10:05 PM But Raquel's question is how can these tools create a better CLASS atmosphere and develop speaking #ELTchat
ShellTerrell 10:06 PM RT @Marisa_C: But Raquel's question is how can these tools create a better CLASS atmosphere and develop speaking #ELTchat
ShellTerrell 10:06 PM RT @harrisonmike: webtools are interesting as they are like a new level of formality, like a hybrid between spoken and written language #eltchat
ShellTerrell 10:06 PM RT @ELTExperiences: @Marisa_C I suppose the tech provides an opportunity to develop online rapport outside of class and relaxes the class environment. #ELTChat
SueAnnan 10:06 PM I like englishcentral but it is a solitary way to increase speaking skills. It works though. #ELTchat
harrisonmike 10:06 PM sooo webtools open up a new space where you can put into words more 'spoken type' language #eltchat
hartle 10:06 PM @sandymillin #eltchat http://t.co/cTyty0p this is link. Yes, originally for exams but tips for skype too :-)
sandymillin 10:06 PM I did a webquest with my students. They had to work in groups around their laptops and race to get to the end: http://t.co/nN37Uew #eltchat
Marisa_C 10:06 PM So can you suggest some ways that you have used WEb 2 0 tools for warmers and bonding activities? #ELTchat
ELTExperiences 10:06 PM @Marisa_C I suppose the tech provides an opportunity to develop online rapport outside of class and relaxes the class environment. #ELTChat
ShellTerrell 10:06 PM My students enjoy learning about their peers worldwide & practicing English with them #eltchat web tools foster this
hartle 10:07 PM #eltchat using the web to bring the real world into classroom motivating and then extending outside post discussion with blogs etc.
ShellTerrell 10:07 PM RT @Marisa_C: So can you suggest some ways that you have used WEb 2 0 tools for warmers and bonding activities? #ELTchat
ShellTerrell 10:07 PM RT @harrisonmike: sooo webtools open up a new space where you can put into words more 'spoken type' language #eltchat
ELTExperiences 10:07 PM I haven't used SoundCloud but I will with 1-to-1 learners in the future and offers possible sts to review their speaking skills. #ELTChat
Catherineku1972 10:07 PM StoryCorps short animated stories might encourage hesitant writers to express their personal stories better. http://t.co/qPeDknL #ELTChat
vickyloras 10:07 PM @hartle I have! I think it isgreat, covers a lot of aspects of speaking #eltchat
ShellTerrell 10:07 PM RT @sandymillin: Tonight's chat moderated by @ShellTerrell and @Marisa_C pls use #ELTchat hashtag for your tweets and ask us for help if new to the chat
ljp2010 10:07 PM @SueAnnan #ELTchat Agree Sue.  Luv english central
Marisa_C 10:07 PM @ELTExperiences True  #ELTChat
harrisonmike 10:08 PM stimuli:YouTube, Vimeo, podcasts, all rich pickings 4 discussion & develpng spkng skills & create atmosphere based on shared likes #eltchat
ELTExperiences 10:08 PM RT @Marisa_C: I think we would all agree that increased motivation seeps thru to create better rapport #ELTchat
analuisalozano 10:08 PM RT @ELTExperiences: @sandymillin That's my take on it. It provides learners an opportunity to learn outside of class. #ELTChat
SueAnnan 10:08 PM @sandymillin @ljp2010  yes I love it too #ELTchat
ELTExperiences 10:08 PM @Marisa_C @ShellTerrell I have used Grouply to develop a PLN with some sts and you can create a private space. It is very useful. #ELTChat
Marisa_C 10:08 PM I think we would all agree that increased motivation seeps thru to create better rapport #ELTchat
sandymillin 10:08 PM RT @SueAnnan: I like englishcentral but it is a solitary way to increase speaking skills. It works though. #ELTchat<my SS love it!
Yohimar 10:09 PM I love using blogs for my beginners! I embed animated stories and make questions! #EltChat
hartle 10:09 PM RT @ELTExperiences: I haven't used SoundCloud but I will with 1-to-1 learners in the future ...#ELTChat What is it?
chilledteaching 10:09 PM @ShellTerrell I know colleagues who have used voicethread, so pupils comment on each others work #eltchat
lu_bodeman 10:09 PM Same here! RT@ShellTerrell My ss enjoy learning abt their peers worldwide & practicing English with them #eltchat web tools foster this
Marisa_C 10:09 PM @ELTExperiences  #ELTChat grouply or any such Social Network a great idea but find grouply rather unsafe for Ss
AnaCristinaPrts 10:09 PM #ELTchat RE warmers -> have sts share a pic of their fave place on campus & others have 2 guess who it belongs 2. St then talks abt pic
Motivology 10:09 PM rt @Marisa_C2011I think we would all agree that increased motivation seeps thru to create better rapport #ELTchat  #motivology
hartle 10:09 PM RT @ljp2010: @SueAnnan #ELTchat Agree Sue.  Luv english central yes!
ShellTerrell 10:09 PM #ELTchat I've always loved Glogster and Animoto for show and tell about your likes activity to get to know each other
connectaschool 10:09 PM RT @ShellTerrell: My students enjoy learning about their peers worldwide & practicing English with them #eltchat web tools foster this
laroncarter 10:10 PM RT @shfarnsworth: Checked booknotes modes of note taking observed - written, typed, evernote, ipod, phone (options, options) #ELTCHAT
harrisonmike 10:10 PM @ShellTerrell simplicity #eltchat got to be accessible for learners who may have had minimal exp with computers and tech
CELT_Athens 10:10 PM RT @ShellTerrell: what is the basis for you choosing the web2.0 tool to use? #ELTchat> good question
AnaCristinaPrts 10:10 PM RT @ELTExperiences: @Marisa_C @ShellTerrell I have used Grouply to develop a PLN with some sts and you can create a private space. It is very useful. #ELTChat
ELTExperiences 10:10 PM @hartle you can record sts on your iphone and upload to SoundCloud (with their permission) for them to listen to later. #ELTChat
analuisalozano 10:10 PM RT @sandymillin: RT @SueAnnan: I like englishcentral but it is a solitary way to increase speaking skills. It works though. #ELTchat<my SS l
ShellTerrell 10:10 PM what is the basis for you choosing the web2.0 tool to use? #ELTchat
Marisa_C 10:10 PM RT @Yohimar: I love using blogs for my beginners! I embed animated stories and make questions! #EltChat
Marisa_C 10:10 PM RT @chilledteaching: @ShellTerrell I know colleagues who have used voicethread, so pupils comment on each others work #eltchat
sandymillin 10:10 PM Tried using voicethread w/ one class, but only a couple of SS actually did it. #eltchat
Catherineku1972 10:11 PM #ELTchat iPod Touch/iPad ideas: StoryKit, PuppetPals, Audioboo, iPadio are great apps to assist language learners in speaking and writing.
Marisa_C 10:11 PM Voivcethread and Voxxopop are both great - I like the idea of class blogs too #ELTchat
sandymillin 10:11 PM @ShellTerrell think the main problem was not enough input in class. also lack of microphone access etc at home #eltchat
analuisalozano 10:11 PM RT @Yohimar: I love using blogs for my beginners! I embed animated stories and make questions! #EltChat
vickyloras 10:11 PM RT @harrisonmike: If you have less PCs than learners, speaking comes easy as the learners have to SHARE the resources #eltchat
AnaCristinaPrts 10:11 PM RT @hartle: #eltchat using the web to bring the real world into classroom motivating and then extending outside post discussion with blogs etc.
ShellTerrell 10:11 PM @sandymillin that's difficult if students dont like or use the tool #eltchat
ELTExperiences 10:11 PM @Marisa_C It is nice to have a choice of social networks.  Interestingly, I found Facebook unsafe for sts and myself. #ELTChat
ljp2010 10:11 PM #ELTchat  @harrisonmike  but we're teaching life skills as well as English.  Why not throw in some web skills as well?
sandymillin 10:11 PM Teachers had fun recording tongue twisters using voicethread though! #eltchat http://t.co/ZCHfJgY (Feel free to add your take!)
SueAnnan 10:11 PM @ShellTerrell simplicity #eltchat got 2 B accessible 4 learners who may have had minimal exp w/ computers & tech a gd point
analuisalozano 10:11 PM RT @Marisa_C: RT @chilledteaching: @ShellTerrell I know colleagues who have used voicethread, so pupils comment on each others work #eltchat
katekidney 10:11 PM Good evening to you all! #ELTchat
sandymillin 10:11 PM Teachers had fun recording tongue twisters on voicethread though! #eltchat http://t.co/ZCHfJgY (Feel free to add your take!)
harrisonmike 10:12 PM @ljp2010 hence it's got to be simple, otherwise I spend 2 hours just setting up! #eltchat
Marisa_C 10:12 PM RT @sandymillin: RT @Marisa_C: @ELTExperiences  #ELTChat  find grouply rather unsafe for Ss <edmodo great alternative > agree
SueAnnan 10:12 PM RT @TyKendall: #ELTChat  what if ur teaching adults who dislike technology, stuck in their ways, can web 2.‚Ķ (cont) http://t.co/QoCbL3z
ShellTerrell 10:12 PM RT @ELTExperiences: So is a combination of Dogme ELT and Web 2.0 applicable to develop conversational skills inside and outside the classroom? #ELTChat
vickyloras 10:12 PM RT @harrisonmike: stimuli:YouTube, Vimeo, podcasts, all rich pickings 4 discussion & develpng spkng skills & create atmosphere based on shared likes #eltchat
chilledteaching 10:12 PM #eltchat Tech is becoming easier and cheaper to make it possible. I am a fan of Easi-Speak microphones for pupils http://t.co/zhAYQRG (uk)
sandymillin 10:12 PM RT @Marisa_C: @ELTExperiences  #ELTChat  find grouply rather unsafe for Ss <edmodo great alternative
TyKendall 10:12 PM #ELTChat  what if ur teaching adults who dislike technology, stuck in their ways, can web 2.0 alienate rather than build rapport?
ShellTerrell 10:12 PM How? RT @ELTExperiences: I found Facebook unsafe for sts and myself. #ELTChat
ELTExperiences 10:12 PM So is a combination of Dogme ELT and Web 2.0 applicable to develop conversational skills inside and outside the classroom? #ELTChat
Marisa_C 10:12 PM @ELTExperiences I have been using www.grou.ps and found it very good  #ELTChat
harrisonmike 10:12 PM @ljp2010 I never said don't throw in webskills. BUT I teach some learners who try to move cursor by lifting the mouse! #eltchat
eyespeakbrasil 10:12 PM @ELTExperiences Hi all - Did you see FB is increasing privacy oin the next few days  #ELTChat
vickyloras 10:12 PM RT @ShellTerrell: My students enjoy learning about their peers worldwide & practicing English with them #eltchat web tools foster this
sandymillin 10:13 PM Had SS record 1 minute speaking about any photo at home http://t.co/rw4n0sG then we talked about it in class #eltchat (Great for rapport!)
analuisalozano 10:13 PM RT @CELT_Athens: RT @ShellTerrell: what is the basis for you choosing the web2.0 tool to use? #ELTchat> good question
Marisa_C 10:13 PM So simplicity of use is an important criterion for choosing a tool #ELTchat
hartle 10:13 PM RT @sandymillin: Tried using voicethread... #eltchat I use it a lot but stds need to get used to it. Then very effective
analuisalozano 10:13 PM RT @harrisonmike: @ShellTerrell simplicity #eltchat got to be accessible for learners who may have had minimal exp with computers and tech
ELTExperiences 10:13 PM @sandymillin @Marisa_C plenty to choose from. With my biz class in Sep, I will choose a different PLN website. #ELTChat
ShellTerrell 10:13 PM Me too RT @Marisa_C: Voivcethread and Voxxopop are both great - I like the idea of class blogs too #ELTchat"
AnaCristinaPrts 10:14 PM @Marisa_C simplicity, communication & pedagogical value too :-) #ELTchat
hartle 10:14 PM RT @ShellTerrell: what is the basis for you choosing the web2.0 tool to use? #ELTchat always based on learner need. #eltchat
ShellTerrell 10:14 PM Nice RT @nconstantine: the basis for choosing any tool is the job that you need to do....#eltchat
harrisonmike 10:14 PM Best I've found so far are online noticeboards, shame wallwisher is so unreliable nowadays as it was so simple!" #eltchat
ELTExperiences 10:14 PM @sandymillin did you upload their speaking to SoundCloud. That is a great website for them to review their speaking. #ELTChat
analuisalozano 10:14 PM RT @Marisa_C: So simplicity of use is an important criterion for choosing a tool #ELTchat
Marisa_C 10:14 PM @ELTExperiences I like your idea of getting across the PLN concept to our ss - let's talk about how you can introduce it? #ELTChat
SueAnnan 10:14 PM RT @Marisa_C: So simplicity of use is an important criterion for choosing a tool #ELTchat for my colleagues too!
katekidney 10:14 PM My knowledge of Web 2.0 tools is quite limited, so I'll be just little more than reader today, hope it's O.K..#ELTchat
hartle 10:15 PM RT @ELTExperiences: @hartle you can record sts on your iphone and upload...#ELTChat. Sounds gd. Can you do it with ipad too?
ELTExperiences 10:15 PM @sandymillin Very functional if you have an iphone and the SoundCloud app. #ELTChat
Yohimar 10:15 PM My ss love youtube vídeos.. They watch the vídeo and write a total differnt story from the one they saw #EltChat
Marisa_C 10:15 PM RT @AnaCristinaPrts: @Marisa_C simplicity, communication & pedagogical value too :-) #ELTchat
sandymillin 10:15 PM @ELTExperiences only found about soundcloud after i left that school. tended to use audioboo, but know soundcloud= v. functional #ELTChat
Marisa_C 10:15 PM @Raquel_EFL To create a PLN for my own trainee teachers  #ELTChat
analuisalozano 10:15 PM RT @ShellTerrell: Me too RT @Marisa_C: Voivcethread and Voxxopop are both great - I like the idea of class blogs too #ELTchat"
mscro1 10:16 PM Just wanted to say hello to all, can't stay on #ELTchat tonight, will read the summary!
ShellTerrell 10:16 PM Agree RT "@SueAnnan:  simplicity #eltchat got 2 B accessible 4 learners who may have had minimal exp w/ computers & tech a gd point"
harrisonmike 10:16 PM RT @Marisa_C: So avoid complicated flashy solutions that take ages to explain and set up #ELTchat
ELTExperiences 10:16 PM @hartle I haven't tried on my ipad yet but I know iphone apps are compatible with ipads. #ELTChat
SueAnnan 10:16 PM RT @Marisa_C: So avoid complicated flashy solutions that take ages to explain and set up #ELTchat
hartle 10:16 PM RT @harrisonmike: stimuli:YouTube, Vimeo, podcasts, all rich pickings 4 discussion & develpng spkng skills & create atmosphere based on shared likes #eltchat
Marisa_C 10:16 PM So avoid complicated flashy solutions that take ages to explain and set up #ELTchat
hartle 10:17 PM Did a lesson on strange/weird houses yesterday using google pics as inspiration then describing 3 tht stds had to identify. #eltchat
sandymillin 10:17 PM @TyKendall i think alienation is all about how your present it. needs to be in small steps...you only need teach them 1 or 2 things #ELTChat
ljp2010 10:17 PM #ELTchat  but why can't we help the learners with their tech skills as well?  of course, simple is good but if they want/need 2 learn...
Marisa_C 10:17 PM Nings are great too but you have to pay lots #ELTchat
ShellTerrell 10:17 PM Great tip! RT @Marisa_C: So avoid complicated flashy solutions that take ages to explain and set up #ELTchat
ELTExperiences 10:17 PM @sandymillin don't worry, I have the SoundCloud app but haven't used it yet. #ELTChat
ELTExperiences 10:17 PM RT @Marisa_C: @Raquel_EFL To create a PLN for my own trainee teachers  #ELTChat
ELTExperiences 10:18 PM @Catherineku1972 true, think about the vocab required to navigate websites, etc. #ELTChat
DinaDobrou 10:18 PM Apologies I'm late. Can I be reminded of the topic, please? #ELTchat
ShellTerrell 10:18 PM What types of projects should students do with web tools? #eltchat
Catherineku1972 10:18 PM #ELTchat Teaching with tech allows a whole new level of vocabulary to develop.
ELTExperiences 10:18 PM So how can we introduce the concept of a PLN with our students with the use of Web 2.0? #ELTChat @Marisa_C
eyespeakbrasil 10:18 PM I don´t see much point speaking alone, sts need feedback, to be engaged don´t they? #eltchat
SueAnnan 10:18 PM Wikis are nice too #ELTchat
Marisa_C 10:19 PM I like the idea of a class as a PLN - at start of year to identify areas of expertise or interest & make each learner an expert #ELTchat
ELTExperiences 10:19 PM @ShellTerrell writing blog posts, sharing learning experiences, sharing classroom projects online.  Any other ideas? #ELTChat
sandymillin 10:19 PM @DinaDobrou how using web 2.0 can help build rapport and develop speaking #ELTchat
ShellTerrell 10:19 PM Agree RT @Catherineku1972: #ELTchat Teaching with tech allows a whole new level of vocabulary to develop.
mscro1 10:19 PM @ShellTerrell I have just started exploring tools, but basis wud be interactiveness, maybe #ELTchat and fun, and easy to explore
ShellTerrell 10:20 PM RT @Marisa_C: I like the idea of a class as a PLN - at start of year to identify areas of expertise or interest & make each learner an expert #ELTchat
ELTExperiences 10:20 PM @vickyloras good night Vicky. #ELTChat
Marisa_C 10:20 PM @ELTExperiences To introduce concept of PLN use one of the you tube videos  #ELTChat
hartle 10:20 PM RT @Marisa_C: I like the idea of a class as a PLN - at start of year to identify areas of expertise or interest & make each learner an expert #ELTchat
ShellTerrell 10:20 PM Yes RT @eyespeakbrasil: I don´t see much point speaking alone, sts need feedback, to be engaged don´t they? #eltchat
vickyloras 10:20 PM Sorry #eltchat dudes and dudettes, I am leaving - good night from rainy Zug : )
mkofab 10:20 PM RT @hartle: RT @DinaDobrou: Apologies I'm late. #ELTchat Using Web 2.0 to stimuoate speaking #eltchat
hartle 10:20 PM RT @DinaDobrou: Apologies I'm late. #ELTchat Using Web 2.0 to stimuoate speaking #eltchat
ELTExperiences 10:20 PM RT @Marisa_C: I like the idea of a class as a PLN - at start of year to identify areas of expertise or interest & make each learner an expert #ELTchat
ShellTerrell 10:20 PM RT @mscro1: @ShellTerrell I have just started exploring tools, but basis wud be interactiveness, maybe #ELTchat and fun, and easy to explore
hartle 10:21 PM Doing extensive reading project on summer course with Google Reader and blog. Each st has an account and next week prezi pres. #eltchat
ShellTerrell 10:21 PM RT @Marisa_C: So simplicity of use is an important criterion for choosing a tool #ELTchat
ShellTerrell 10:21 PM RT @sandymillin: Had SS record 1 minute speaking about any photo at home http://t.co/rw4n0sG then we talked about it in class #eltchat (Great for rapport!)
analuisalozano 10:21 PM RT @Catherineku1972: #ELTchat Teaching with tech allows a whole new level of vocabulary to develop.
AnaCristinaPrts 10:21 PM RT @Marisa_C: @ELTExperiences To introduce concept of PLN use one of the you tube videos  #ELTChat
ShellTerrell 10:21 PM RT @Yohimar: My ss love youtube vídeos.. They watch the vídeo and write a total differnt story from the one they saw #EltChat
Marisa_C 10:21 PM Then get the Ss to make their own of how THEIR class can turn into a strong PLN #ELTchat
ELTExperiences 10:21 PM @Marisa_C what YouTube video Marisa? #ELTChat
ShellTerrell 10:21 PM RT @ljp2010: #ELTchat  but why can't we help the learners with their tech skills as well?  of course, simple is good but if they want/need 2 learn...
ShellTerrell 10:21 PM RT @hartle: Did a lesson on strange/weird houses yesterday using google pics as inspiration then describing 3 tht stds had to identify. #eltchat
ShellTerrell 10:21 PM RT @ELTExperiences: So how can we introduce the concept of a PLN with our students with the use of Web 2.0? #ELTChat @Marisa_C
sandymillin 10:21 PM @Marisa_C the learners could also choose one area to work on that all SS in class know about - can help each other #ELTchat
hartle 10:22 PM RT @vickyloras: Sorry #eltchat dudes and dudettes, I am leaving - good night from rainy Zug : ) night night Vicky
ELTExperiences 10:22 PM But what about those students that aren't motivated or contribute to their PLN outside of the classroom? #ELTChat
laroncarter 10:22 PM @ELTExperiences RT: “@NMHS_Principal: Google+ May Open Social Networking for Some K-12 Schools http://t.co/fCRqM8C" #ELTCHAT
DinaDobrou 10:22 PM RT @Marisa_C: Then get the Ss to make their own of how THEIR class can turn into a strong PLN #ELTchat
Marisa_C 10:22 PM @ELTExperiences A simple video like this one        http://t.co/DrUb0tz on PLNs #ELTChat
ShellTerrell 10:22 PM RT @Catherineku1972: #ELTchat iPod Touch/iPad ideas: StoryKit, PuppetPals, Audioboo, iPadio are great apps to assist language learners in speaking and writing.
ELTExperiences 10:22 PM RT @hartle: Doing extensive reading project on summer course with Google Reader and blog. Each st has an account and next week prezi pres. #eltchat
ShellTerrell 10:23 PM RT @sandymillin: This is my diigo bookmark list for speaking + technology tools: http://t.co/mlBDty4 #eltchat Will highlight some that might be useful...
ShellTerrell 10:23 PM I use avatars for the kids instead of their images so parents felt safe #ELTchat
Marisa_C 10:23 PM RT @ShellTerrell: What problems do you encounter when using web tools? #ELTchat
eyespeakbrasil 10:23 PM I send my students to livemocha if they wand to find sts teachers online ready to speak #eltchat
sandymillin 10:23 PM This is my diigo bookmark list for speaking + technology tools: http://t.co/mlBDty4 #eltchat Will highlight some that might be useful...
Marisa_C 10:23 PM RT @ljp2010: #ELTchat  get students to create own exam style exercises about topics they're interested in.  rapport building & skills :)
canisgallicus 10:23 PM RT @ShellTerrell: Agree RT @Catherineku1972: #ELTchat Teaching with tech allows a whole new level of vocabulary to develop.
ljp2010 10:23 PM #ELTchat  get students to create own exam style exercises about topics they're interested in.  rapport building & skills :)
AnaCristinaPrts 10:23 PM @analuisalozano @Catherineku1972 #ELTchat not only vocab but also sts participate more actively in their own learning process
ShellTerrell 10:23 PM What problems do you encounter when using web tools? #ELTchat
DimitrisTzouris 10:24 PM @ShellTerrell Bandwidth problems usually, but also browser incompatibilities or plug-ins missing. #ELTchat
Marisa_C 10:24 PM @ELTExperiences I don't think you can win them all Martin - but if you win even a few it's a great start  #ELTChat
hartle 10:24 PM RT @sandymillin: Had SS record 1 minute speaking about any photo at home http://t.co/rw4n0sG then we talked about it in class #eltchat (Great for rapport!)
ShellTerrell 10:24 PM @ELTExperiences lots of great questions from you #eltchat
ljp2010 10:24 PM #ELTchat legal requirement of having kiddie block that blocks practically everything X-(
hartle 10:24 PM RT @ShellTerrell: RT @ljp2010: #ELTchat  but why... Isn't that natural consequence. St mailed me today for Android dictionaries.
AnaCristinaPrts 10:24 PM RT @sandymillin: This is my diigo bookmark list for speaking + technology tools: http://t.co/mlBDty4 #eltchat Will highlight some that might be useful...
ShellTerrell 10:24 PM RT @ELTExperiences: But what about those students that aren't motivated or contribute to their PLN outside of the classroom? #ELTChat
ShellTerrell 10:24 PM RT @ljp2010: #ELTchat  get students to create own exam style exercises about topics they're interested in.  rapport building & skills :)
sandymillin 10:24 PM @ELTExperiences i think you'll never catch 100% of SS, but just try to get most of them. they will see benefit, thn others won over #ELTChat
AnaCristinaPrts 10:24 PM @ShellTerrell #ELTchat probs with tech -> firewalls or slow internet connections. frustrating 4 sts & teachers.
ShellTerrell 10:24 PM RT @eyespeakbrasil: I send my students to livemocha if they wand to find sts teachers online ready to speak #eltchat
ELTExperiences 10:24 PM @ShellTerrell Some problems - lack of motivation, quiet online presence, only one or two students contributing or responding. #ELTChat
ShellTerrell 10:25 PM Great for learners RT @jaluribe:  Storybird seems to be nice. http://t.co/zY023hB. Anybody used it? #eltchat
knolinfos 10:25 PM #eltchat ICT Security needs to get learned also for educators. They need knowledge to forward it to the learners ;-)
TutorBright 10:25 PM Web 2.0 makes it super easy to engage students. Easy to use. #ELTchat
analuisalozano 10:25 PM RT @AnaCristinaPrts: RT @sandymillin: This is my diigo bookmark list for speaking + technology tools: http://t.co/3FJ2p3l #eltchat Will high
hartle 10:25 PM RT @ShellTerrell: RT @Marisa_C: So simplicity of use is an important criterion for choosing a tool #ELTchat definitely!
ELTExperiences 10:25 PM @ShellTerrell sorry don't mean to be asking too many questions.  #ELTChat
mkofab 10:25 PM @sandymillin Thanks, Sandy! That looks great! #eltchat
ShellTerrell 10:26 PM RT @ELTExperiences: @ShellTerrell writing blog posts, sharing learning experiences, sharing classroom projects online.  Any other ideas? #ELTChat
DinaDobrou 10:26 PM @ShellTerrell And Kidblog.org doesn't require sts info. The teacher creates a profile for the class there. Safe too. #ELTchat
sandymillin 10:26 PM RT @ELTExperiences: @ShellTerrell sorry don't mean to be asking too many questions.  #ELTChat <that's the whole point of the chat!
hartle 10:26 PM RT @sandymillin: This is my diigo bookmark list for speaking + technology tools: http://t.co/mlBDty4 #eltchat Will highlight some that might be useful...
Marisa_C 10:26 PM lRT @jaluribe: @ELTExperiences @ShellTerrell Storybird seems to be nice. http://t.co/b1EPU8r. Anybody used it?> Yes! Great tool #ELTchat
ELTExperiences 10:26 PM @jaluribe @halehawk @ShellTerrell I've not used storybird but I can see the possible benefits. #ELTChat
hartle 10:27 PM RT @ShellTerrell: RT @ELTExperiences:  #ELTChat we have to respect learner styles. Everyone different, ths ok. It's about offering choices
AnaCristinaPrts 10:27 PM #ELTchat Bookr is also g8 4 sts to write & publish a short story with images. Very motivating 4 lower levels.
ljp2010 10:27 PM #ELTchat level wide blogs within the school allowed 4 communication between classes
sandymillin 10:27 PM Location based audioguides http://woices.com/ Similar idea to visitmystreet, but often based on themes #eltchat
ELTExperiences 10:27 PM Does anyone use Flickr with their students? Some learners like to take photos. You could get them to share their photos online. #ELTChat
ShellTerrell 10:27 PM RT @DinaDobrou: @ShellTerrell And Kidblog.org doesn't require sts info. The teacher creates a profile for the class there. Safe too. #ELTchat
eyespeakbrasil 10:28 PM Does anyone here integrate web 2.0 speaking, listening homework into the curriculum #eltchat
ShellTerrell 10:28 PM RT @ELTExperiences: Does anyone use Flickr with their students? Some learners like to take photos. You could get them to share their photos online. #ELTChat
laroncarter 10:28 PM RT @ShellTerrell: What probs do you encounter using web tools? #ELTchat Colleagues often challenged to learn apps after hours. #famTime
ShellTerrell 10:28 PM RT @ljp2010: #ELTchat level wide blogs within the school allowed 4 communication between classes
ShellTerrell 10:28 PM RT @AnaCristinaPrts: #ELTchat Bookr is also g8 4 sts to write & publish a short story with images. Very motivating 4 lower levels.
Marisa_C 10:28 PM @AnaCristinaPrts I like the idea of a class serial - each S or group contributes an episode then publish it  #ELTchat
sandymillin 10:28 PM @ELTExperiences haven't used flickr (except for #eltpics!), but have got SS to share photos on cameras/phones http://t.co/KgPPZSH #ELTChat
katekidney 10:28 PM So much valuable and intrist. info tonight! Thanks! #ELTChat
ShellTerrell 10:28 PM @sandymillin @ELTExperiences love the questions! Really helpful #eltchat
Marisa_C 10:28 PM RT @AnaCristinaPrts: #ELTchat Bookr is also g8 4 sts to write & publish a short story with images. Very motivating 4 lower levels.
laroncarter 10:29 PM RT @AnaCristinaPrts: #ELTchat Bookr is also g8 4 sts to write & publish a short story with images. Very motivating 4 lower levels.
Catherineku1972 10:29 PM #ELTChat The greatest challenge 4 me is a decent computer lab that isn't being used by SocStudies every day and working computers.
sandymillin 10:29 PM @eyespeakbrasil not in a formal way, but often set speaking/listening homework. SS much more likely to do it! #eltchat
ELTExperiences 10:29 PM RT @AnaCristinaPrts: @ELTExperiences #ELTchat RE sharing images -> sts can share with a Vuvox slide show where they add comments & music. Easy 4 sts.
Marisa_C 10:29 PM @Shaunwilden Hey welcome! Good to see you  #ELTchat
jkpacelli 10:29 PM RT @sandymillin: This is my diigo bookmark list for speaking + technology tools: http://t.co/mlBDty4 #eltchat Will highlight some that might be useful...
DinaDobrou 10:29 PM RT @knolinfos: #eltchat ICT Security needs to get learned also for educators. They need knowledge to forward it to the learners ;-)
Shaunwilden 10:29 PM Ok so what have I missed so far? evening all #ELTchat
AnaCristinaPrts 10:29 PM @ELTExperiences #ELTchat RE sharing images -> sts can share with a Vuvox slide show where they add comments & music. Easy 4 sts.
ShellTerrell 10:29 PM RT @knolinfos: #eltchat ICT Security needs to get learned also for educators. They need knowledge to forward it to the learners ;-)
sandymillin 10:30 PM For creating sketches, with or without speaking http://t.co/qUQ7ev2  #eltchat
eyespeakbrasil 10:30 PM Or are web 2.0 products a diversion, a tool for fun stuff but not for real learning #eltchat
Marisa_C 10:30 PM RT @ShellTerrell: I host parent workshops with food to show them tools we use and discuss concerns #eltchat> love thru the stomach :-D
ShellTerrell 10:30 PM I host parent workshops with food to show them tools we use and discuss concerns #eltchat
AnaCristinaPrts 10:30 PM @Marisa_C #ELTchat group serial - bril idea!
hartle 10:30 PM #eltchat my uni stds love Prezi. It has really given them confidence to present ideas formally and professionally in style.
Shaunwilden 10:30 PM @Marisa_C been a struggle no quite sure where I am or how i got connected :-) #ELTchat
coachkelley31 10:31 PM RT @Marisa_C: I like the idea of a class as a PLN - at start of year to identify areas of expertise or interest & make each learner an expert #ELTchat
DinaDobrou 10:31 PM @ShellTerrell No, but I've used storyrobe on iphone. youtu.be/TgDedJtY2GM. Will try storybird this year. #ELTchat
ELTExperiences 10:31 PM @ShellTerrell that's a great idea.  Get the parents involved with the tech and they can motivate their children, partners, etc. #ELTChat
ShellTerrell 10:31 PM What tips do you have for getting parent permission? #eltchat
ShellTerrell 10:32 PM RT @sandymillin: RT @ShellTerrell: What tips do you have 4 getting parent permission? #eltchat <edmodo has 'share with parents'(I teach adults, they laugh!)
DinaDobrou 10:32 PM RT @Marisa_C: @AnaCristinaPrts I like the idea of a class serial - each S or group contributes an episode then publish it  #ELTchat
ShellTerrell 10:32 PM RT @ELTExperiences: @ShellTerrell If dealing with YLs always best to deal with the school, if with adults get them to sign a consent form. #ELTChat
ELTExperiences 10:32 PM RT @hartle: RT @eyespeakbrasil: Does anyone here integrate web 2.0 speaking, listening homework into the curriculum #eltchat yes podcasts, TED talks
hartle 10:32 PM RT @eyespeakbrasil: Does anyone here integrate web 2.0 speaking, listening homework into the curriculum #eltchat yes podcasts, TED talks
ELTExperiences 10:32 PM @ShellTerrell If dealing with YLs always best to deal with the school, if with adults get them to sign a consent form. #ELTChat
sandymillin 10:32 PM RT @ShellTerrell: What tips do you have 4 getting parent permission? #eltchat <edmodo has 'share with parents'(I teach adults, they laugh!)
Catherineku1972 10:32 PM #ELTChat @ShellTerrell: I will try the workshop w/parents. We have SO much new tech in the room, I want parents to see what to expect. Food!
AnaCristinaPrts 10:32 PM @hartle #ELTchat yes! Uni sts LOVE prezi! :-)
kiratiho 10:33 PM Various 'how to' articles which may help teachers all over the world on http://t.co/V8jM3DZ #ELT #ESL #eltchat
NataliaatCC 10:33 PM Awesome! RT @ShellTerrell: My students enjoy learning abt their peers worldwide & practicing English w/ them #eltchat web tools foster this
DinaDobrou 10:33 PM RT @ShellTerrell: I host parent workshops with food to show them tools we use and discuss concerns #eltchat
K12Live 10:33 PM @Shaunwilden Topic: How can Web 2.0 tools help us build rapport with our students and foster their speaking skills? #ELTChat
AnthonyGaughan 10:33 PM RT @harrisonmike stimuli:YouTube, Vimeo, podcasts, all rich pickings..." > what about copyright? Not all Ts work where such use ok  #eltchat
hartle 10:33 PM RT @Catherineku1972: #ELTChat I use projector in class & get stds to online work outside class on own pcs.
eyespeakbrasil 10:33 PM @Catherineku1972 So you use the lab each week as part of the course design Catherine? #eltchat
ELTExperiences 10:34 PM @ShellTerrell Good night :) #ELTChat
hartle 10:34 PM RT @eyespeakbrasil: Or are web 2.0 products a diversion...#eltchat this is danger with any tool but good teaching is good teaching.
sandymillin 10:34 PM RT @AnthonyGaughan: what about copyright? Not all Ts work where such use ok  #eltchat<look for creative commons - that's allowed
halehawk 10:34 PM RT @eyespeakbrasil: I send my students to livemocha if they wand to find sts teachers online ready to speak #eltchat
harrisonmike 10:34 PM RT @MrMatthewRay: No matter the age, I'd have have parents sign off on using web 2.0. If u r open and they understand, shld b ok. #eltchat
ShellTerrell 10:34 PM Sorry have to to but thanks for a great #eltchat
Marisa_C 10:34 PM Wiki pages with areas of grammar, vocabulary, interesting stories, videos etc #ELTchat
sandymillin 10:34 PM RT @hartle: RT @Catherineku1972: #ELTChat I use projector in class & get stds to online work outside class on own pcs. <me 2
ratzelster 10:34 PM RT @Marisa_C: I like the idea of a class as a PLN - at start of year to identify areas of expertise or interest & make each learner an expert #ELTchat
MrMatthewRay 10:34 PM No matter the age, I'd have have parents sign off on using web 2.0. If u r open and they understand, shld b ok. #eltchat
ELTExperiences 10:34 PM Traditionally there is a school magazine for sts to make, but what about an online version? Give sections to complete. #ELTChat
Shaunwilden 10:34 PM @AnthonyGaughan Is that a copyright or permission of school issues? #ELTchat
AnaCristinaPrts 10:34 PM @hartle @eyespeakbrasil #ELTchat Yes as well, podcasts, TED talks, videos; & getting sts to produce & publish their own video clips
DinaDobrou 10:34 PM RT @eyespeakbrasil: Or are web 2.0 products a diversion, a tool for fun stuff but not for real learning #eltchat
Shaunwilden 10:35 PM RT @DinaDobrou: @eyespeakbrasil Dogmeists seem particularly opposed to anything techy. #ELTchat -  Not all of them some see sense :-)
bethcagnol 10:35 PM Forgot there was an #ELTChat tonight! Oops! Will try to catch up.
hartle 10:35 PM @DinaDobrou #eltchat I like Syorybird. Great art work
harrisonmike 10:35 PM @ShellTerrell By Shell, take care! #eltchat
DinaDobrou 10:35 PM @eyespeakbrasil That's a question I've asked myself. Dogmeists seem particularly opposed to anything techy. #ELTchat
TyKendall 10:35 PM #ELTChat i'm also going, but not with Shelly before those rumours get started!!!
AnaCristinaPrts 10:36 PM @hartle @eyespeakbrasil #ELTchat absolutely! Good teaching is done with or without ICT.
ShellTerrell 10:36 PM Keep the ideas rolling #eltchat
bcnpaul1 10:36 PM RT @bethcagnol: Forgot there was an #ELTChat tonight! Oops! Will try to catch up. > ditto... just back off hols
TutorBright 10:36 PM Using Flicker with students is a great idea! #eltchat #edtech
kiratiho 10:36 PM Can't stop technology enter our classrooms, can we? http://t.co/wMGdSb6 #ELT #ESL #eltchat
MrMatthewRay 10:36 PM Here is a wonderful resource for educational videos organized by diff categories: http://t.co/hEPSxp7 #eltchat
ELTExperiences 10:36 PM @DinaDobrou @eyespeakbrasil I'm a dogmeist teacher and fully embrace tech. I think that's view is misrepresented. #ELTChat
Shaunwilden 10:37 PM @bcnpaul1 @bethcagnol  Hi both hope you're both well #ELTchat
ELTExperiences 10:37 PM Repeat my previous tweet - school magazines are popular but you could sts to do online school magazines via a blog. #ELTChat
MitchSquires 10:37 PM RT @MrMatthewRay: No matter the age, I'd have have parents sign off on using web 2.0. If u r open and they understand, shld b ok. #eltchat
Shaunwilden 10:37 PM RT @AnaCristinaPrts: @hartle @eyespeakbrasil #ELTchat absolutely! Good teaching is done with or without ICT.
bethcagnol 10:37 PM RT @Marisa_C: @ELTExperiences I don't think you can win them all Martin - but if you win even a few it's a great start  #ELTChat
Marisa_C 10:38 PM So perhaps we should also be teachin collaborative skills and how to work well as a team #ELTchat
bethcagnol 10:38 PM @ShellTerrell Good idea! (parent workshops) #ELTChat
mkofab 10:38 PM @AnaCristinaPrts  Agree but ICT brings variety - and that is what my students value most they say when they evaluate lessons#eltchat
pernilleripp 10:38 PM I use this letter to get parent permission http://ow.ly/6bW3b #eltchat
sandymillin 10:38 PM How do you encourage students to comment on each other's work? Mine were reluctant even tho (because?) they got on #eltchat
bcnpaul1 10:38 PM @Shaunwilden @bethcagnol hi Shaun - doing well, just a bit out of touch.... #ELTChat
hartle 10:38 PM RT @AnthonyGaughan: RT @harrisonmike #eltchat my uni stds shocked at me insisting on CC images. At school they'd just used anything.
MrMatthewRay 10:38 PM This year, I plan to invite parents in to teach them the technology along w/ the kids. #eltchat
Marisa_C 10:38 PM Lots of the ideas for storybirds and group writing also involve a fair amount of speaking, negotiating etc #ELTchat
rondmac 10:38 PM RT @MrMatthewRay: Here is a wonderful resource for educational videos organized by diff categories: http://t.co/hEPSxp7 #eltchat
AnaCristinaPrts 10:39 PM RT @Marisa_C: So perhaps we should also be teachin collaborative skills and how to work well as a team #ELTchat
ELTExperiences 10:39 PM @sandymillin I guess it depends on nationality and loss of face. Get different classes to see other sts work and comment. #ELTchat
sandymillin 10:39 PM RT @Marisa_C: So perhaps we should also be teachin collaborative skills and how to work well as a team #ELTchat <definitely
kiratiho 10:39 PM Lesson plans and activities on http://t.co/TMqxPEC So many possibilities to make ur class more interesting #ELT #ESL #eltchat
hartle 10:39 PM RT @Shaunwilden: RT @DinaDobrou: @eyespeakbrasil Dogmeists seem particularly opposed to anything techy. #ELTchat -  Not all of them some see sense :-)
sandymillin 10:39 PM RT @hartle #eltchat my uni stds shocked at me insisting on CC images. At school they'd just used anything.<mine 2, they don't see point
Catherineku1972 10:39 PM #ELTChat, I hate to ask, but what is a "Dogmeists?" A search indicated a negative person?
DinaDobrou 10:39 PM @ELTExperiences Nice to hear that cos I love tech. I'm new to dogme. Still have lots to learn. :) #ELTchat
juanalejandro26 10:40 PM today I wasn't following #ELTChat and first time I read someone from Venezuela! I feel like I discovered an amazing thing! #LOL @Yohimar
Marisa_C 10:40 PM @harrelldewayne Create a student festival at end of year for each group to present projects #ELTchat Invite parents too
AnaCristinaPrts 10:40 PM @Marisa_C #ELTchat - RE collaboration - yes! essential skill 4 life long learners
ELTExperiences 10:40 PM @DinaDobrou Best of luck. I recommend that you try to find your best thought of teaching. #ELTChat
Shaunwilden 10:40 PM @Catherineku1972 Soneone who uses the dogme approach to lessons - ask @AnthonyGaughan #ELTchat
sandymillin 10:40 PM @Marisa_C teamwork / pairwork real problem for 1 student i have atm. training him slowly (I hope!), but no without tech #ELTchat
sssSaMar 10:40 PM RT @MrMatthewRay: Here is a wonderful resource for educational videos organized by diff categories: http://t.co/hEPSxp7 #eltchat
Shaunwilden 10:41 PM @Raquel_EFL Not sure I follow your question #ELTchat
MrMatthewRay 10:41 PM I adapted this to my needs. Gr8 starting point. RT @pernilleripp: I use this letter to get parent permission http://ow.ly/6bW3b #eltchat
K12Live 10:41 PM Great learning today #ELTCHAT Checkout which of your were spotted in The PLN for K12 Teachers today http://ow.ly/6bWc8
laroncarter 10:41 PM Great learning today #ELTCHAT Checkout which of your were spotted in The PLN for K12 Teachers today http://ow.ly/6bWc9
nlakusta 10:41 PM @ELTExperiences http://t.co/1F0OQqX is a gr8 five card flickr game 2 use w/stdnts #eltchat
bethcagnol 10:41 PM @bcnpaul1 What hols!? #ELTChat (pause for gasping for air)
ShellTerrell 10:42 PM RT @kiratiho: Can't stop technology enter our classrooms, can we? http://t.co/wMGdSb6 #ELT #ESL #eltchat
bcnpaul1 10:42 PM @bethcagnol lol! Well, you know... sometimes a need to pause for longer than a few mins!! :) #eltchat some lovely camping in pais vasco
ELTExperiences 10:42 PM @AnaCristinaPrts @Raquel_EFL @Marisa_C @Shaunwilden That's a great idea, there is some intrinsic motivation. #ELTChat
hartle 10:42 PM RT @Marisa_C: So perhaps we should also be teachin collaborative skills and how to work well as a team #ELTchat
hartle 10:42 PM RT @sandymillin: How do you encourage students to comment on each other's work? #eltchat i get them to comment on things they like first.
Marisa_C 10:42 PM @AnaCristinaPrts  #ELTchat Great idea
laroncarter 10:42 PM Great learning today #ELTCHAT Checkout which of your were spotted in The PLN for K12 Teachers today http://ow.ly/6bWgd
K12Live 10:42 PM Great learning today #ELTCHAT Checkout which of your were spotted in The PLN for K12 Teachers today http://ow.ly/6bWgc
Shaunwilden 10:42 PM @AnaCristinaPrts @Raquel_EFL @Marisa_C Oh i get it now, yes that's a good idea #ELTchat
AnaCristinaPrts 10:42 PM @Raquel_EFL @Marisa_C @Shaunwilden #ELTchat each class has a blog competition; sts vote 4 the 3 best blogs (i give prizes 2 all!)
harrisonmike 10:42 PM @AnthonyGaughan But they pay for the course, not a YouTube showing, don't they? #eltchat
ShellTerrell 10:43 PM RT @sandymillin: RT @hartle #eltchat my uni stds shocked at me insisting on CC images. At school they'd just used anything.<mine 2, they don't see point
kstef2 10:43 PM RT @MrMatthewRay: Here is a wonderful resource for educational videos organized by diff categories: http://t.co/hEPSxp7 #eltchat
AnthonyGaughan 10:43 PM RT @Catherineku1972 #ELTChat, I hate to ask, but what is a "Dogmeists?" A search indicated a negative person? > quite the opposite ;-)
ELTExperiences 10:43 PM @kiratiho probably too much reliance on material and not enough with the learners. #ELTChat
ShellTerrell 10:43 PM RT @Marisa_C: @harrelldewayne Create a student festival at end of year for each group to present projects #ELTchat Invite parents too
AnaCristinaPrts 10:43 PM RT @kiratiho: Can't stop technology enter our classrooms, can we? http://t.co/wMGdSb6 #ELT #ESL #eltchat
bethcagnol 10:43 PM @Shaunwilden @bcnpaul1 Very well indeed. Vacation is for wimps. (wink) #kidding #ELTChat
Yohimar 10:43 PM Hehehe I was on vacation from the #EltChat but I usually participate @juanalejandro26: today I wasn't (cont) http://t.co/o6lAJTt
kiratiho 10:43 PM http://t.co/SIWv63Z - An abundance of ELT materials :) #ELT #ESL #eltchat
Shaunwilden 10:43 PM @harrisonmike @AnthonyGaughan Couldnt you say that about anything i.e .they pay for a course not a song? #ELTchat
DinaDobrou 10:43 PM RT @Marisa_C: @harrelldewayne Create a st festival at end of year for each group to present projects #ELTchat Invite parents too >GR8 idea
hartle 10:44 PM RT @Marisa_C: @harrelldewayne Create a student festival at end of year for each group to present projects #ELTchat Invite parents too
ELTExperiences 10:44 PM @AnthonyGaughan @Catherineku1972 I suppose it is someone that believes in the principles of Dogme ELT. I hope that isn't negative #ELTChat
alezavrill 10:44 PM Check out this great app for sts' smartphones: http://t.co/661j0kx Now we can actually let sts use phones in class ;) #ELTchat
Shaunwilden 10:44 PM @bethcagnol @bcnpaul1 No am with you who needs a holiday :-) #ELTchat
DinaDobrou 10:45 PM @Shaunwilden @bethcagnol @bcnpaul1 don't let @Marisa_C hear you. lol #ELTchat
hartle 10:45 PM RT @AnthonyGaughan: RT @Catherineku1972 #ELTChat, I hate to ask, but what is a "dogmeist" > quite the opposite ;-). Absolutely :-)
Catherineku1972 10:45 PM #ELTChat: Wow, there is a name for the way I teach. Dogme! I wondered if it had a following. My students have flourished in French!
bcnpaul1 10:45 PM @bethcagnol @shaunwilden I had a job interview while on holiday if that counts as a non-wimpy activity! :) #eltchat
DinaDobrou 10:45 PM @harrisonmike @AnthonyGaughan If there's meaningful communicative tasks based on a youtube video, why not? #ELTchat
Cts0908 10:45 PM RT @ShellTerrell: My students enjoy learning about their peers worldwide & practicing English with them #eltchat web tools foster this
DinaDobrou 10:46 PM RT @AnaCristinaPrts: @Raquel_EFL @Marisa_C @Shaunwilden #ELTchat each class has a blog competition; sts vote 4 the 3 best blogs (i give prizes 2 all!)
DinaDobrou 10:46 PM @AnaCristinaPrts Love your idea Ana! #ELTchat
harrisonmike 10:46 PM Surely stimulating the students and creating a good class atmosphere comes first, web tools and flashy stuff later (if ever) #eltchat
bethcagnol 10:46 PM Sorry guys, can't stay long. Gotta interview a teacher in Georgia for the summer gig I'm doin'. #ELTChat
hartle 10:46 PM RT @Shaunwilden: @bethcagnol @bcnpaul1 No am with you who needs a holiday :-) #ELTchat Me please :-)
ELTExperiences 10:46 PM @Catherineku1972 How do you teach your students? What do you think Dogme is? #ELTChat
TyKendall 10:46 PM http://t.co/b0NPDKX   click here for today's 12:00  #ELTChat summary. Is an MA TESOL a good investment or an expensive luxury! please RT!
AnthonyGaughan 10:46 PM RT @Catherineku1972 #ELTChat, ignore Shaun! dogmeist = one who takes shortest possible root between learner an… (cont) http://t.co/8XzoEJP
Shaunwilden 10:46 PM @DinaDobrou That's why I said it ;-) #ELTchat
ELTExperiences 10:47 PM @Marisa_C I wish you were my DoS.  You would be such a joy to work with. #ELTChat
Catherineku1972 10:47 PM @ELTExperiences #eltchat I don't use a textbook, all materials are real texts from francophone countries, student portfolios, immersion,
MrMatthewRay 10:47 PM @harrisonmike Tech is a supplemental tool, not a replacement for good teaching. #eltchat
ELTExperiences 10:47 PM @bethcagnol best of luck Beth, we need to catch up sometime. ;) #ELTChat
stephentimothy 10:47 PM RT @sandymillin: For creating sketches, with or without speaking http://t.co/qUQ7ev2  #eltchat
sandymillin 10:47 PM RT @Marisa_C: One problem is resistance by colleagues - good idea to talk DOS to adopt this schoolwide - tell them abt financial returns tho :-D #ELTchat
Marisa_C 10:47 PM One problem is resistance by colleagues - good idea to talk DOS to adopt this schoolwide - tell them abt financial returns tho :-D #ELTchat
DinaDobrou 10:48 PM RT @harrisonmike: RT @MrMatthewRay: @harrisonmike Tech is a supplemental tool, not a replacement for good teaching. #eltchat
bethcagnol 10:48 PM But as of next week, I'm totally putting #ELTCHAT back on my weekly calendar. I oh so miss you guys. #wipesawayatear
hartle 10:48 PM RT @alezavrill: Check out this great app for sts' smartphones: http://t.co/bsF7izs  ;) #ELTchat yes that's gr8t now they need smartphones
ELTExperiences 10:48 PM @Catherineku1972 Very nice. Wish I learnt French that way. Unfortunately it was grammar translation the whole way. :( #ELTChat
bcnpaul1 10:48 PM RT @harrisonmike: stimulating the sts & creating good class atmos comes 1st, web tools and flashy stuff later (if ever) #eltchat >agreed-ish
harrisonmike 10:48 PM RT @MrMatthewRay: @harrisonmike Tech is a supplemental tool, not a replacement for good teaching. #eltchat
Shaunwilden 10:48 PM @AnthonyGaughan Oh dont ignore me I'll just get more annoying :-) #ELTchat I am not anti-dogme just anti the hoohah about it  #ELTchat
Marisa_C 10:48 PM @ELTExperiences I wish I had enough money to BE your DOS - :-D  #ELTChat
sandymillin 10:48 PM RT @ELTExperiences: @Marisa_C I wish you were my DoS.  You would be such a joy to work with. #ELTChat <2nded!
DinaDobrou 10:48 PM RT @alezavrill: Check out this great app for sts' smartphones: http://t.co/661j0kx Now we can actually let sts use phones in class ;) #ELTchat
Roselink 10:48 PM RT @kiratiho: Can't stop technology enter our classrooms, can we? http://t.co/wMGdSb6 #ELT #ESL #eltchat
ELTExperiences 10:49 PM RT @sandymillin: Do you return to the same tools again and again? How do you develop the use of web 2.0 over a course? #eltchat
Marisa_C 10:49 PM @sandymillin I think bloom #eltchat
DinaDobrou 10:49 PM @bethcagnol bye Beth. Love your new pic BTW :) #ELTchat
sandymillin 10:49 PM Do you return to the same tools again and again? How do you develop the use of web 2.0 over a course? #eltchat
AnaCristinaPrts 10:49 PM RT @mkofab: @AnaCristinaPrts  Agree but ICT brings variety - and that is what my students value most they say when they evaluate lessons#eltchat
mkofab 10:49 PM RT @hartle: RT @alezavrill: Check out this great app for sts' smartphones: http://t.co/bsF7izs  ;) #ELTchat yes that's gr8t now they need smartphones
harrisonmike 10:49 PM @bcnpaul1 only -ish #eltchat
ELTExperiences 10:49 PM @Marisa_C Hahaha ... #ELTChat
hartle 10:49 PM RT @ELTExperiences: @AnthonyGaughan @Catherineku1972 I suppose it is someone that believes in the principles of Dogme ELT. I hope that isn't negative #ELTChat
DinaDobrou 10:50 PM @sandymillin I do return cos sts are familiar with them and I can take them to the next level. #ELTchat
DinaDobrou 10:50 PM RT @sandymillin: Do you return to the same tools again and again? How do you develop the use of web 2.0 over a course? #eltchat
Marisa_C 10:50 PM @sandymillin I think Blooms #ELTChat
Catherineku1972 10:50 PM #ELTchat 1st year students learn partially through Teaching Proficiency through Storytelling. We do legends &fables in FR. Post to our blog.
AnthonyGaughan 10:51 PM @Shaunwilden feared that :-) hoo- hah about tech too though ;-) #eltchat
ELTExperiences 10:51 PM @sandymillin @DinaDobrou I suppose I have my favourite tools (Grouply, YouTube, Blogger, etc) that I use but ask sts for ideas #ELTChat
DinaDobrou 10:51 PM @sandymillin By "them" I mean both the tools AND the sts! :P #ELTchat
AnaCristinaPrts 10:51 PM @sandymillin RE tools - depends on sts & level; sts need learning confidence; when ready, then I introduce new tool. #ELTchat
hartle 10:51 PM RT @harrisonmike: Surely stimulating...#eltchat why shd they be flashy, & not just normal part ot yr equipment. Is a CD player flashy?
Marisa_C 10:51 PM @sandymillin I think Bloom's digital taxonomy is a good guide for this - includes all levels of learning and relates Web 2.0  #ELTChat
sandymillin 10:52 PM RT @hartle: RT @harrisonmike: Surely stimulating...#eltchat why shd they be flashy, & not just normal part ot yr equipment. Is a CD player flashy?
ELTExperiences 10:52 PM @Catherineku1972 Well I don't mind, it taught me how not to teach a language.  Very valuable experience. #ELTChat
harrisonmike 10:52 PM @hartle relatively flashy... didn't mean all ip0ddy and that. for me the flashy can be flipchart paper and coloured pens! #eltchat
AnaCristinaPrts 10:52 PM @sandymillin #ELTchat different tools 4 different skills & purposes as well.
Marisa_C 10:52 PM Dogme is NOT our topic good folks can you talk about our topic :-( #ELTchat
Shaunwilden 10:53 PM @harrisonmike Good point, it goes back to this must use tech attitude that some have - when tech may not be the best way #ELTchat
sandymillin 10:53 PM @harrisonmike have had about 50/50 success rate with introducing tech tools. it's my research topic for #iatefl #eltchat
ELTExperiences 10:53 PM So what are the best website for creating a Web 2.0 presence with your sts? Any recommendations? #ELTChat
hartle 10:53 PM RT @sandymillin: Do you return...#eltchat each course has blog or wiki, & yes I have favourites like favourite activities but open to new.
AnthonyGaughan 10:53 PM RT @Catherineku1972 #ELTChat: Wow, there is a name for the way I teach. Dogme! I wondered if it had a followin… (cont) http://t.co/YRNPuIn
Catherineku1972 10:53 PM #ELTChat, more on topic... Blogging student projects and videos on our YouTube channel inspires great participation and efforts in language.
harrisonmike 10:53 PM Anyone said how web2.0 tool can sometimes NOT help stimulate students and create a good atmosphere? Just checking... #eltchat
Shaunwilden 10:53 PM @AnthonyGaughan Oh yes I've said that many times. We spend  far 2 much time spent on arguing both sides of the divide but it's fun #ELTchat
ELTExperiences 10:54 PM @sandymillin Thank you.  Any other websites to promote Web 2.0 people? #ELTChat
DinaDobrou 10:54 PM Have we mentioned Skype #ELTchat It's a great tool I intend to use a lot this term. #ELTchat
bethcagnol 10:54 PM @DinaDobrou Thanks. :-) #ELTChat @ELTExperiences Sure...Speak soon.
harrisonmike 10:54 PM @Shaunwilden If I have something break, I'll not go back to it. e.g. not gonna use wallwisher this year #eltchat
bcnpaul1 10:54 PM RT @Shaunwilden: @harrisonmike Good point, it goes back to this must use tech attitude that some have - when tech may not be the best way #ELTchat
sandymillin 10:54 PM @ELTExperiences i use edmodo.com to link everything together - everything posted on there and SS really like it #ELTChat
Catherineku1972 10:54 PM #ELTChat We use MP3 players to record weekly pronunciation practices. Students all ask, "Can I do it again, I didn't sound right." WoW!
Catherineku1972 10:55 PM @ELTChat  May I promote my own Web 2.0 site?
AnaCristinaPrts 10:55 PM RT @DinaDobrou: Have we mentioned Skype #ELTchat It's a great tool I intend to use a lot this term. #ELTchat
harrisonmike 10:55 PM @hartle definitely! =) #eltchat
harrisonmike 10:55 PM @alezavrill take screen captures as evidence instead of a written piece of paper #eltchat google digital portfolios or e portfolios
sandymillin 10:55 PM What I mean is: do you take ONE tool and give SS tasks of increasing 'difficulty' so that they can see progress? #eltchat (hard 2 word!)
hartle 10:55 PM RT @harrisonmike: @hartle  #eltchat coloured pens very flashy, especially if U have gold sparkly ones! It's what youbdo eith them, isn't it?
Marisa_C 10:55 PM @harrisonmike Not always a bed of roses Mike - as u know ...  #eltchat
harrisonmike 10:56 PM @DinaDobrou if the tool is not reliable, then it's not 100% fit for my classroom #eltchat
ELTExperiences 10:56 PM @sandymillin I suppose one tool is better than too many - can reverberates chaos outside of class. #ELTChat
bcnpaul1 10:56 PM @harrisonmike I'm the same. broken stuff leads to stop-starty lessons with no dynamic (wallwisher a good e.g.) #eltchat
Marisa_C 10:56 PM @sandymillin I think your first job as a lang teacher is to look at linguistic complexity of tasks and relate to approp Web 20 tool #eltchat
Shaunwilden 10:56 PM @ELTExperiences Surely that depends on how much if any presence they want? #ELTchat
DinaDobrou 10:57 PM @harrisonmike Wallwisher crashes. True. Try linoit or posterous. Gr8 for brainstorming. #ELTchat
Marisa_C 10:57 PM @AnaCristinaPrts Nice idea to let them into scoop.it and curate their own topics #ELTchat
harrisonmike 10:57 PM @alezavrill print off a page of the screen shots? #eltchat my sympathies in dealing with bureaucracy
hartle 10:57 PM RT @sandymillin: What I mean is: do you take ONE tool and give SS tasks...Definitely: eg. essential 4 Voicethread #eltchat
AnaCristinaPrts 10:57 PM @ELTExperiences #ELTchat  why not let them curate? sts read topic they like; g8 tool 4 projects & teachers keep track of plagiarism
Marisa_C 10:57 PM @Raquel_EFL  #ELTCHAT I think you and @harrisonmike are right that rapport is more important than Web 2.0 #ELTchat
anna_whitcher 10:57 PM RT @Marisa_C: @sandymillin I think your first job as a lang teacher is to look at linguistic complexity of tasks and relate to approp Web 20 tool #eltchat
hdickens 10:58 PM RT @AnaCristinaPrts: #ELTchat Bookr is also g8 4 sts to write & publish a short story with images. Very motivating 4 lower levels.
ELTExperiences 10:58 PM Great demonstration of using Web 2.0 with sts outside of class - http://j.mp/ruvH0Q #ELTChat
Catherineku1972 10:58 PM #ELTChat http://t.co/hZhKHXy It is mostly for WL teachers, but all tools can be used by ELT as well!
sandymillin 10:58 PM RT @DinaDobrou: e.g. I started blogging w/ thm last acad.year. This year I intend to post challenges with vimeo interviews for ex. #eltchat
Marisa_C 10:58 PM RT @DinaDobrou: @harrisonmike Wallwisher crashes. True. Try linoit or posterous. Gr8 for brainstorming. #ELTchat> true
Shaunwilden 10:58 PM RT @Raquel_EFL: RT @Marisa_C: @Raquel_EFL  #ELTCHAT I think you and @harrisonmike are right that rapport is more important than Web 2.0 #ELTchat   >> YAY!!!
bcnpaul1 10:59 PM RT @alezavrill: Standardization is one of the biggest knowledge and learning murderers. #ELTchat > ken robinson's talk backs this up well
DinaDobrou 10:59 PM @bcnpaul1 bye Paul. CU soon! :) #ELTchat
harrisonmike 10:59 PM @Marisa_C @DinaDobrou even lino it is a bit more complicated to use, posterous blocked by web filters at my college =( #eltchat
bcnpaul1 10:59 PM what a nice gentle re-introduction to twitter #eltchat is!! :) bye for now... thanks for the chats
alezavrill 10:59 PM @harrisonmike definitely. Standardization is one of the biggest knowledge and learning murderers. #ELTchat
AnaCristinaPrts 11:00 PM @Marisa_C @DinaDobrou @harrisonmike #ELTchat titan is also good for brainstorming or collaborative tasks
Shaunwilden 11:00 PM RT @DinaDobrou: @harrisonmike @Marisa_C Think positive: It's not complicated, it's just different and you need to give it more time. lol #ELTchat
DinaDobrou 11:00 PM @harrisonmike @Marisa_C Think positive: It's not complicated, it's just different and you need to give it more time. lol #ELTchat
Shaunwilden 11:00 PM @harrisonmike @Marisa_C @DinaDobrou I never found it that much more complicated, it has the bonus you can use it on your smartphone #ELTchat
ELTExperiences 11:00 PM @harrisonmike @Marisa_C @DinaDobrou edmodo appears to be popular with many twitter people. #ELTChat
laroncarter 11:00 PM Great learning today #ELTCHAT Checkout which of your were spotted in The PLN for K12 Teachers today http://ow.ly/6bWil
K12Live 11:00 PM Great learning today #ELTCHAT Checkout which of your were spotted in The PLN for K12 Teachers today http://ow.ly/6bWik
Shaunwilden 11:01 PM @harrisonmike Fair point thanks for making me aware :-) #ELTchat
LukeMeddings 11:01 PM RT @Marisa_C: @Raquel_EFL  #ELTCHAT I think you and @harrisonmike are right that rapport is more important than Web 2.0 #ELTchat
harrisonmike 11:01 PM @Shaunwilden tis a little bit, remember I'm talking about sts who haven't used a mouse before #eltchat (cc @DinaDobrou @Marisa_C)
Shaunwilden 11:02 PM @Raquel_EFL Very poetic :-) #ELTchat
ELTExperiences 11:02 PM @DinaDobrou @harrisonmike @Marisa_C I haven't used it yet but I will with my new Biz group. #ELTChat
devalyne 11:02 PM RT @Marisa_C: @harrelldewayne Create a student festival at end of year for each group to present projects #ELTchat Invite parents too
DinaDobrou 11:02 PM @Shaunwilden @harrisonmike @Marisa_C Aha...I didn't know that! Thanx! #ELTchat
hartle 11:02 PM #eltchat games and quiz show sites like who wants to be a millionaire good. Heard abt this from @Shaunwilden but can't find link :-(
knolinfos 11:02 PM #eltchat find solutions for ICT Security here http://j.mp/pz38Tq & get informed here http://j.mp/p0xKkr (EN, FR, DE), updated
LARC_SDSU 11:02 PM RT @catherineku1972: #ELTChat http://t.co/qUJcAY0 It is mostly for WL teachers, but all tools can be used by ELT as well!
Shaunwilden 11:02 PM RT @Marisa_C: @harrisonmike I think a teacher's passion and conviction of benefits of sth transmits itselt to Ss - so be very convinced ! #eltchat
AnaCristinaPrts 11:02 PM @Marisa_C @DinaDobrou @harrisonmike #ELTchat Voxopop can substitute WallWisher with oral brainstorming
Marisa_C 11:02 PM @harrisonmike I think a teacher's passion and conviction of benefits of sth transmits itselt to Ss - so be very convinced ! #eltchat
DinaDobrou 11:02 PM @ELTExperiences @harrisonmike @Marisa_C Haven't used it...yet! :D I'll have a look. #ELTchat
DinaDobrou 11:03 PM @harrisonmike That's a valid point then. #ELTchat
ELTExperiences 11:03 PM Tech is a tool for prompting rapport, but classroom interaction is more important for developing rapport. #ELTChat
Marisa_C 11:03 PM @harrisonmike POssibly then steer clear of what does not convince u - Web 2.0 is an option not an aim  #eltchat
sandymillin 11:03 PM This week's #eltpics is 'barriers' 10 so far: http://t.co/i3qGMBI Join in like this: wp.me/p18yiK-8y #eltchat #efl #esl #elt #tefl #tesl
harrisonmike 11:03 PM @Marisa_C Still not truly convinced sorry Marisa, other things I do have a greater impact #eltchat
hartle 11:03 PM RT @AnaCristinaPrts: @ELTExperiences #ELTchat  why not let them curate? sts read topic they like; g8 tool 4 projects & teachers keep track of plagiarism
Catherineku1972 11:04 PM RT @ELTExperiences: Tech is a tool for prompting rapport, but classroom interaction is more important for developing rapport. #ELTChat
Shaunwilden 11:04 PM That's a fantastic quote marisa - can i use it in my talk tomorrow :-) "Web 2.0 is an option not an aim" #ELTChat
mkofab 11:04 PM RT @ELTExperiences: Tech is a tool for prompting rapport, but classroom interaction is more important for developing rapport. #ELTChat< true
harrisonmike 11:04 PM RT @hartle: RT @harrisonmike even lino it is a bit more complicated 2 use, posterous blked by web filters @ my college =( #eltchat typical !
hartle 11:04 PM RT  @DinaDobrou even lino it is a bit more complicated to use, posterous blocked by web filters at my college =( #eltchat typical !
DinaDobrou 11:04 PM RT @AnaCristinaPrts: @Marisa_C @DinaDobrou @harrisonmike #ELTchat Voxopop can substitute WallWisher with oral brainstorming
DinaDobrou 11:05 PM RT @Marisa_C: @harrisonmike POssibly then steer clear of what does not convince u - Web 2.0 is an option not an aim  #eltchat
Marisa_C 11:05 PM @Shaunwilden Of course you can use it! Provided you show my pic and tell them to come to my school to train! :-D  #ELTChat
AnaCristinaPrts 11:05 PM RT @Marisa_C: @harrisonmike I think a teacher's passion and conviction of benefits of sth transmits itselt to Ss - so be very convinced ! #eltchat
hartle 11:06 PM RT @Shaunwilden: That's a fantastic quote marisa - can i use it in my talk tomorrow :-) "Web 2.0 is an option not an aim" #ELTChat
hartle 11:06 PM Wanted to get my stds to curate project work on Scoop.it, but taking things slowly, a bit at a time. #eltchat
Marisa_C 11:07 PM Well thank you all for joining us - another great #ELtchat has come to its close - hope u found some inspiration tonight!
ELTExperiences 11:07 PM This has been a great #ELTChat discussion tonight. Thank you for giving me some great ideas and goodnight.  :)
DinaDobrou 11:07 PM present.me is a great tool esp. for business sts. They can create presentations and share them with the class for peer correction #ELTchat
AnaCristinaPrts 11:07 PM #ELTchat thank u all 4 g8 ideas & chat! Have a fun day tmorrow :-)
Shaunwilden 11:07 PM Is we done for the evening? Who's doing the summary? #ELTChat
AnthonyGaughan 11:08 PM @Shaunwilden if so "wonderful" a quote why so many tweets recently abt edrech not being an option anymore? #eltchat
hartle 11:08 PM #eltchat have to go. 6 am start. Thnx for inspiring chat as ever :-) any new abt Iatefl symposium??
Shaunwilden 11:09 PM @AnthonyGaughan Me? I think we just need to balance it more #ELTChat I am a using tech teacher but not at the expense of my sts learning
didolores 11:09 PM RT @DaveDodgson: New #TeachersInTurkey post: @didolores offers her reflections on her first year in the classroom http://t.co/Hf2KiB2 #ELTchat
Marisa_C 11:09 PM @katekidney Cheers thanks for joining and see u soon  #ELtchat
katekidney 11:09 PM Many thanks+goodnight!#ELtchat
DinaDobrou 11:10 PM @Shaunwilden I know you've been waiting...you didn't retweet your question. lol #ELTchat
mkofab 11:10 PM Thank you all, great moderators and participants. So much to try out again....#eltchat
Marisa_C 11:10 PM RT @DinaDobrou: @Shaunwilden I am! This #ELTchat summary is mine, my own, my precious! :D  http://t.co/pxAXZMM > it's YOURS!!!
Shaunwilden 11:10 PM @DinaDobrou I know been waiting for you to stick your hand up :-) #ELTChat
prof_javier 11:10 PM RT @ELTExperiences: Tech is a tool for prompting rapport, but classroom interaction is more important for developing rapport. #ELTChat
DinaDobrou 11:10 PM @Shaunwilden I am! This #ELTchat summary is mine, my own, my precious! :D  http://t.co/dJLkb0i
sssSaMar 11:11 PM @Marisa_C thanks. You are doing a great job. #Eltchat
Marisa_C 11:11 PM @Catherineku1972 Glad it was a good first! Thanks for joining and see u next week!  #ELTChat
DinaDobrou 11:11 PM @Marisa_C I cannot thank you enough. :P How's the holiday? I'll drop by to check your tan. lol #ELTchat
Catherineku1972 11:11 PM #ELTChat - This was my first ELTchat! Excellent topic and company. Many thanks!
Marisa_C 11:12 PM @sssSaMar thanks ever so much - see you next week ?  #Eltchat
ELTExperiences 11:12 PM @Catherineku1972 It was a pleasure to hear some ideas from with ELT teacher. #ELTChat
Marisa_C 11:12 PM @DinaDobrou My tan???? It's getting good but come soon cos it goes away v quickly :-)  #ELTchat
Shaunwilden 11:12 PM @Catherineku1972 Thanks for joining us, see you next week :-) #ELTChat - you can find more at eltchat.com
sandymillin 11:12 PM Thanks for another great #eltchat Love being able to join in again. Wish I could do the lunch ones again, but looks like that's out this yr


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