
Factors that may affect the use of technology on the part of EFL teacher

Page history last edited by Shaun 13 years, 6 months ago
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alastairjgrant 02:01 #eltchat morning all!
pysproblem81 02:01 RT @cherrymp: RT @ShellTerrell: For the next hour my tweets dedicated to #eltchat plz join as we talk about factors affecting EFL teacher tech use>me too
cherrymp 02:01 @theteacherjames interesting #eltchat
cherrymp 02:02 @Shaunwilden k - wt technology are we talking about? #eltchat
Shaunwilden 02:02 @cherrymp At the start ;-) #eltchat
Senicko 02:02 #eltchat when is the next one? Currently going to class. Ahhhhh
brad5patterson 02:02 RT @theteacherjames: About to do my first #eltchat on my new iP@d, and the subject is....... technology in the classroom!
profesortbaker 02:02 RT @brad5patterson: Just took a quick survery for #aPLaNet assisting lang teachers with professional development http://ow.ly/5OjBn #elt #eltchat #esl #efl
cherrymp 02:02 so where are we beginning? #eltchat
brad5patterson 02:02 MT @ShellTerrell: next hour my tweets dedicated to #eltchat plz join 2 talk about factors affecting EFL teacher tech use>me too> MOI aussi
pysproblem81 02:02 #eltchat... afternoon all...
cherrymp 02:03 fear of technology - things going wrong #eltchat
pysproblem81 02:03 #eltchat  - lots of factors - some economic/equip, some training, some generational, some cultural?
ShellTerrell 02:03 RT @cioccas: #ELTchat Teachers in my school claim lack of equip & facilities, but I work in the same place so they can't be the only factors!
cherrymp 02:03 fear is one factor i see around in #myanmar #eltchat
Shaunwilden 02:03 RT @cioccas: #ELTchat Teachers in my school claim lack of equip & facilities, but I work in the same place so they can't be the only factors!
ShellTerrell 02:03 Definitely 1 factor impacting tech use is access which is why I support the BYOD movement BRing your own device #eltchat
Shaunwilden 02:03 @Senicko at 21.00 BST this evening (9 hours) #eltchat
CCK11Feeds 02:03 RT @CCK11Feeds: Great blog, check it out! What if Doctors Were Treated Like Teachers? #CCK11 #ELTchat #edchat #u... http://bit.ly/qi1d3X
CCK11Feeds 02:03 RT @IreneAlcamo: What if Doctors Were Treated Like Teachers?http://t.co/paktcJc:  #CCK11 #ELTchat #edchat #ukedc... http://bit.ly/pvhfET
CCK11Feeds 02:03 RT @CCK11Feeds: Great blog, check it out! What if Doctors Were Treated Like Teachers? #CCK11 #ELTchat #edchat #u... http://bit.ly/nu3Zev
CCK11Feeds 02:03 RT @CCK11Feeds: Great blog, check it out! What if Doctors Were Treated Like Teachers? #CCK11 #ELTchat #edchat #u... http://bit.ly/oMdntr
cioccas 02:03 #ELTchat Teachers in my school claim lack of equip & facilities, but I work in the same place so they can't be the only factors!
Shaunwilden 02:04 @du_siemens Sure is #eltchat
brad5patterson 02:04 RT @ShellTerrell: Definitely 1 factor impacting tech use is access which is why I support the BYOD movement BRing your own device #eltchat
Shaunwilden 02:04 @bealer81 Welcome if you need any help then ask me or @ShellTerrell  #eltchat
eleni_sav 02:04 When you are afraid of sth, you are supposed to do sth in order to overcome your fear #eltchat
Collaborative 02:04 #eltchat Tech Use Factor 101 > No Vendor Lock-In http://ht.ly/5OmHx > Immersive Education Initiative #iED Rqmt http://ht.ly/5OmHy
cioccas 02:04 RT @Shaunwilden: I presume by technology we are talking about computers,  tablets and the like? #eltchat ANy ICT I think?
du_siemens 02:04 Is it my impression or there's an #ELTChat going on?
cherrymp 02:04 @Shaunwilden already ball rolling into probs Shaun #eltchat
cioccas 02:04 @ShellTerrell I'd agree , but many of my students don't have ANY devices #ELTchat
bealer81 02:04 #eltchat virgin. Not sure what's happening. Here goes!
Shaunwilden 02:04 I presume by technology we are talking about computers,  tablets and the like? #eltchat
pysproblem81 02:05 @ShellTerrell think it's because it can be sms based #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:05 RT @pysproblem81: #eltchat  - lots of factors - some economic/equip, some training, some generational, some cultural?
ShellTerrell 02:05 RT @Shaunwilden: I presume by technology we are talking about computers,  tablets and the like? #eltchat
Shaunwilden 02:05 @du_siemens  'Factors that may affect the use of technology on the part of EFL teacher #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:05 Agree! Proper training/ tech support though could combat this fear? RT @cherrymp: fear is one factor i see around in #myanmar #eltchat
cherrymp 02:05 @eleni_sav true bt wt if u r afraid or lack the support system to do that? #eltchat
pysproblem81 02:05 @ShellTerrell interesting to see how Twitter is starting to be affected by Brazil - always loads of #tt in PT #eltchat
du_siemens 02:05 @Shaunwilden What's the topic today, sir? #eltchat
brad5patterson 02:06 RT @elen_sav "When you are afraid of sth, you are supposed to do sth in order to overcome your fear" #eltchat >>> true in all circumstances
theteacherjames 02:06 @du_siemens Good to see you! Get involved. #eltchat
rliberni 02:06 Hi sorry just got here #eltchat
HerreraVeronica 02:06 @ShellTerrell @cioccas Some of my sts have some kind of device, but are not willing to use them for learning #eltchat
cherrymp 02:06 @ShellTerrell agreed - young teachers are willing to try out tech - bt dey need support from the system in #myanmar #eltchat
cioccas 02:06 @pysproblem81 Older (over 60) Ts at my school wouldn't agree about 'generational'  #ELTchat
cherrymp 02:07 @nlomax rightly said #eltchat
cioccas 02:07 @cherrymp @pysproblem81 Definietly agree on that one! #ELTchat
ShellTerrell 02:07 If you need help your moderators are  @Shaunwilden & I & everyone super helpful here as well  #eltchat
cherrymp 02:07 @ihbuenosaires yup yup #eltchat
cherrymp 02:07 @cioccas @pysproblem81 depends on the person too i guess - there're tech challenged ppl of all ages #eltchat
pysproblem81 02:07 @cioccas that's good to hear.... #eltchat
ihbuenosaires 02:07 Late arrival to #eltchat. Morning everyone, have I missed anything yet?  Why are teachers afraid of technology? is it?
nlomax 02:07 Sharing good practice is always tricky - not easy to pick up someone else's idea of a good lesson and run with it. #eltchat
ihbuenosaires 02:08 RT @nlomax: Sharing good practice is always tricky - not easy 2 pick up someone else's idea of a good lesson + run with it. #eltchat > this!
bealer81 02:08 #eltchat Does the technology not take over the class and become more important than the actual learning aims?
Shaunwilden 02:08 #eltchat At the conferences I was at last week the 'issues' raised  by teachers where - lack of training, scho… (cont) http://deck.ly/~dNp00
brad5patterson 02:08 Is there anyone (like @cherrymp ) who encounters school/govt policy against Tech ? #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:08 @pysproblem81 interesting but when I can't access anything else I can manage to find wifi to send a tweet #eltchat
du_siemens 02:08 What I realized is that whenever I don't know how to do something regarding technology, I have a room full of students to help me. #ELTChat
cherrymp 02:08 hear hear > RT @ShellTerrell: If you need help your moderators are  @Shaunwilden & I & everyone super helpful here as well  #eltchat
nlomax 02:08 BYOD sounds like a good initiative - does it include students? #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:09 Gr8 pt! Student willingness a prob RT @HerreraVeronica: Some of my sts have some kind of device but not willing to use 4 learning #eltchat
du_siemens 02:09 @eleni_sav Definitely. And students feel they are also part of it... #ELTChat
HerreraVeronica 02:09 RT @Shaunwilden: @bealer81 Not if it is used for a real purpose rather than just because there is tech in the room #eltchat
cherrymp 02:09 @bealer81 not always - depends on how teacher's use tech #eltchat
theteacherjames 02:09 RT @du_siemens: What I realized is that whenever I don't know how to do something regarding technology, I have a room full of students to help me. #ELTChat
Shaunwilden 02:09 @bealer81 Not if it is used for a real purpose rather than just because there is tech in the room #eltchat
cioccas 02:09 RT @bealer81: #eltchat Does the technology not take over the class and become more important than the actual learning aims? < I'd hope NOT!
e_siemens 02:09 @bealer81 I guess it depends on the teacher. As I've read here before, there should be a balance for everything you do in your life #eltchat
cherrymp 02:09 @Shaunwilden long updates x-( #eltchat prob with transcript later
ShellTerrell 02:10 RT @alastairjgrant: RT @bealer81: #eltchat Does the technology not take over the class and become more important than learning aims? - novelty  factor?
ShellTerrell 02:10 RT @cherrymp: young teachers are willing to try out tech - bt dey need support from the system in #myanmar #eltchat
cherrymp 02:10 @Shaunwilden well said Shaun - don't use tech for the sake of using it #eltchat
alastairjgrant 02:10 RT @bealer81: #eltchat Does the technology not take over the class and become more important than learning aims? - novelty  factor?
pysproblem81 02:10 would love to know how #edtech is developing differently in different countries - shouldn't be about west setting agenda #eltchat
Collaborative 02:10 #eltchat Tech Use Factor 101 > Education Grid Requirements Mgmt > Immersive Education Initiative #iED http://ht.ly/5OmSw
IsilBoy 02:10 Share your app ideas on a website for developers to find and create http://bit.ly/p4ilRd #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:11 How do we best combat student and teacher reluctance to use tech? #eltchat
Shaunwilden 02:11 @pysproblem81 Well it seemed to me that Latin America the teachers were integrating it smoothly so many good ideas  #eltchat
alastairjgrant 02:11 RT @pysproblem81: would love to know how #edtech is developing differently in different countries #eltchat - agree - see article I just twtd
cherrymp 02:11 @brad5patterson nobody listening Brad #eltchat hello ab not getting support with DOS, govt, sr teachers, etc? #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:11 RT @pysproblem81: would love to know how #edtech is developing differently in different countries - shouldn't be about west setting agenda #eltchat
cioccas 02:12 RT @ShellTerrell: How do we best combat student and teacher reluctance to use tech? #eltchat
clikman 02:12 @ShellTerrell Oldest trick on Earth; leading by example #eltchat
monicaannebatac 02:12 RT @du_siemens: What I realized is that whenever I don't know how to do something regarding technology, I have a room full of students to help me. #ELTChat
pysproblem81 02:12 @Shaunwilden in the same way as is happening in W.Europe, or were there different aspects to it? #eltchat #curious
cioccas 02:12 Interesting research on this topic for Ts in general (as recommended by @eleni_sav) http://bit.ly/pnubg0 #ELTchat
alastairjgrant 02:12 RT @cherrymp: @brad5patterson #eltchat hello ab not getting support with DOS, etc? #eltchat - if anything - too MUCH "technojoy"!
ShellTerrell 02:12 Gr8 pt! RT @Shaunwilden: Not if it is used for a real purpose rather than just because there is tech in the room #eltchat
Shaunwilden 02:12 @ShellTerrell That implies they should use tech - it is ok not to use it #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:12 RT @du_siemens: What I realized is that whenever I don't know how to do something regarding technology, I have a room full of students to help me. #ELTChat
brad5patterson 02:12 RT @bealer81  #eltchat Does technology not take over the class and become more important than the actual learning aims? >>> always a concern
ShellTerrell 02:13 Agree! Re: combating fear RT @clikman: Oldest trick on Earth; leading by example #eltchat
theteacherjames 02:13 RT @ShellTerrell: How do we best combat student and teacher reluctance to use tech? > Training, sharing & needs clear benefits. #eltchat
brad5patterson 02:13 RT @cioccas: Interesting research on this topic for Ts in general (as recommended by @eleni_sav) http://bit.ly/pnubg0 #ELTchat
bealer81 02:13 #eltchat Should there be a push to get 'technology in the classroom' taught on CELTA etc?
yitzha_sarwono 02:13 RT @Shaunwilden: #eltchat At the conferences I was at last week the 'issues' raised  by teachers where - lack of tr... http://deck.ly/~dNp00
Shaunwilden 02:13 Gees i mention Latin in a tweet and get spammed by latin chicks! #eltchat
pigletruth 02:13 @brad5patterson @bealer81 i don't think it takes over but we do spend a lot of time worrying about if things will work #eltchat
mcneilmahon 02:13 Tasks much more key than tch and teachers have enough probs designing and delivering good tasks, so why complicate with tech? #eltchat
shmsns 02:13 @ShellTerrell sorry, #eltchat means?
Shaunwilden 02:13 @pysproblem81 Probably the same but what struck me was there seemed to be more willingness  to try it #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:13 RT @cioccas: Interesting research on this topic for Ts in general (as recommended by @eleni_sav) http://bit.ly/pnubg0 #ELTchat
cherrymp 02:13 @alastairjgrant in #myanmar tech in the classroom is largely ltd. to OHP #eltchat
brad5patterson 02:13 @alastairjgrant so how do you back off #technojoy drive from ze higher ups ? #eltchat
du_siemens 02:13 The use of technology in our classrooms shouldn't be seen as a big deal. Who doesn't use a computer nowadays? Be natural. #ELTChat
Shaunwilden 02:14 @alastairjgrant Isnt the novelty factor true any anything new? #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 02:14 RT @ShellTerrell: Agree RT @du_siemens: use of tech in our classrms shouldn't be seen as a big deal. Who doesn't use a computer nowadays? Be natural. #ELTChat
missnoor28 02:14 RT @theteacherjames: RT @ShellTerrell: How do we best combat student and teacher reluctance to use tech? > Training, sharing & needs clear benefits. #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:14 Agree RT @du_siemens: use of tech in our classrms shouldn't be seen as a big deal. Who doesn't use a computer nowadays? Be natural. #ELTChat
seburnt 02:14 Show by example.  Be patient with questions. RT @ShellTerrell How do we best combat student and teacher reluctance to use tech? #eltchat
alastairjgrant 02:14 RT @ShellTerrell: Agree! Re: combating fear RT @clikman: Oldest trick on Earth; leading by example #eltchat - which SS usually do for me!
cherrymp 02:14 @alastairjgrant @brad5patterson "technojoy" is still miles away from reality around me #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 02:14 RT @ShellTerrell: If you need help your moderators are  @Shaunwilden & I & everyone super helpful here as well  #eltchat
HerreraVeronica 02:14 @ShellTerrell I think the best way is to SHOW them in practice that they can profit from using the tech #eltchat
Collaborative 02:14 #eltchat Tech Use Factor 101 > Education Grid Rqmts Mgmt > #iED Create Once, Experience Everywhere http://ht.ly/5On1l
brad5patterson 02:14 @cioccas @eleni_sav nice research !  #eltchat
du_siemens 02:14 RT @theteacherjames: RT @ShellTerrell: How do we best combat student and teacher reluctance to use tech? > Training, sharing & needs clear benefits. #eltchat
pigletruth 02:14 @ShellTerrell teacher rather than student reluctance in my experience #eltchat
alastairjgrant 02:14 @Shaunwilden: Not if it is used for a real purpose rather than because there is tech in room #eltchat - think novelty factor inevitable tho.
du_siemens 02:15 @cherrymp Not sure? How can we teach a group of people without speaking their language? #ELTChat
alastairjgrant 02:15 RT @Shaunwilden: @alastairjgrant Isnt the novelty factor true any anything new? #eltchat - yep - and I don't think it's bad
Shaunwilden 02:15 @cherrymp I think thats because it doesn't always add to  it :-) #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:15 RT @mcneilmahon: Tasks much more key than tch and teachers have enough probs designing and delivering good tasks, so why complicate with tech? #eltchat
cioccas 02:15 @Shaunwilden @alastairjgrant And aren't we over the novelty factor with lots of this now? #ELTchat
ShellTerrell 02:15 @shmsns #eltchat  is English teacher chat
cherrymp 02:15 ppl r not sure how tech would add to the learning exp #eltchat
CCK11Feeds 02:15 RT @CCK11Feeds: Great blog, check it out! What if Doctors Were Treated Like Teachers? #CCK11 #ELTchat #edchat #u... http://bit.ly/qnpTym
ShellTerrell 02:16 Yes! RT @bealer81: #eltchat Should there be a push to get 'technology in the classroom' taught on CELTA etc?
yitzha_sarwono 02:16 @du_siemens @ShellTerrell True,our students sometimes are more advance than us re:technology #eltchat
alastairjgrant 02:16 RT @cioccas: @Shaunwilden @alastairjgrant And aren't we over the novelty factor now? #ELTchat - not whenever sth new arrives in class!
eleni_sav 02:16 Is the passion about your role in teaching a factor? #eltchat
cherrymp 02:16 @cioccas depends on where you're  #eltchat #ipad is still a novelty to many teachers though they might have heard of it. wt pc scared r dere
du_siemens 02:16 One crucial point, in my view, about using tech is that we need to speak the same language as our students. #ELTChat
jurylady 02:16 RT @ShellTerrell: How do we best combat student and teacher reluctance to use tech? #eltchat
pysproblem81 02:16 @Shaunwilden interesting - I know when I worked at the Anglo in PY they had started to investigate it  (back in 2002) #eltchat
cioccas 02:16 RT @seburnt: Show by example.  Be patient with questions. #eltchat < Hear hear!
CCK11Feeds 02:16 RT @CCK11Feeds: Great blog, check it out! What if Doctors Were Treated Like Teachers? #CCK11 #ELTchat #edchat #u... http://bit.ly/nLIQje
CCK11Feeds 02:16 RT @CCK11Feeds: Great blog, check it out! What if Doctors Were Treated Like Teachers? #CCK11 #ELTchat #edchat #u... http://bit.ly/oStBUE
CCK11Feeds 02:16 RT @IreneAlcamo: What if Doctors Were Treated Like Teachers?http://t.co/paktcJc:  #CCK11 #ELTchat #edchat #ukedc... http://bit.ly/qd1ZmT
little_miss_glo 02:17 RT @theteacherjames: RT @ShellTerrell: How do we best combat student and teacher reluctance to use tech? > Training, sharing & needs clear benefits. #eltchat
seburnt 02:17 RT @ShellTerrell: Yes! RT @bealer81: #eltchat Should there be a push to get 'technology in the classroom' taught on CELTA etc?
alastairjgrant 02:17 RT @cioccas: @cherrymp True, but I face reluctance with using any tech beyond OHPs #ELTchat - persoanlly or your teacher's?
yitzha_sarwono 02:17 @du_siemens And what language would that be? #eltchat
du_siemens 02:17 @yitzha_sarwono Definitely. And they do enjoy stepping up and helping us... #eltchat
cioccas 02:17 @cherrymp True, but I face reluctance with using any tech beyond OHPs #ELTchat
Shaunwilden 02:17 @pysproblem81 There are clearly  issues in Paraguay re access and cost mind #eltchat
alastairjgrant 02:18 RT @HerreraVeronica: @yitzha_sarwono @du_siemens @ShellTerrell yeah! digital natives vs digital immigrants #eltchat - my SS are natives!!
cherrymp 02:18 @alastairjgrant oh teachers - basically not becoz they don't want to bt they r not getting opps to try out things confidently #eltchat
theteacherjames 02:18 @du_siemens Do you mean literally the same language or 'techno-language'? #eltchat
seburnt 02:18 @ShellTerrell @bealer81 We have a CALL module here, but it's so 1995 in terms of programs or tech ideas. #eltchat
Shaunwilden 02:18 @alastairjgrant Wasnt saying it was,  I think we just have to remember that was might be the norm for us is new to others #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:18 RT @HerreraVeronica: @ShellTerrell I think the best way is to SHOW them in practice that they can profit from using the tech #eltchat
Collaborative 02:18 #eltchat Tech Use Factors ist the question, not Non-Use
cioccas 02:18 @alastairjgrant Other teachers are reluctant (I have never got the hang of the OHP to be honest :) #ELTchat
mcneilmahon 02:18 #eltchat Many teachers want to feel super confident b4 doing things in class - but where to develop super confidence in a busy week?
du_siemens 02:18 @clikman Practice makes perfect, doesn't it? #ELTChat
HerreraVeronica 02:18 @yitzha_sarwono @du_siemens @ShellTerrell yeah! Consider the question of digital natives vs digital immigrants #eltchat
pysproblem81 02:18 @Shaunwilden less so when you consider using phones - more mobiles than landlines (not untypical this)- potential to develop this #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:18 Gr8 question! RT @Shaunwilden: That implies they should use tech - it is ok not to use it #eltchat
du_siemens 02:18 @yitzha_sarwono Technology. People are born with iPads, iPods, iPhones nowadays... why should we ignore that? #eltchat
clikman 02:18 @ShellTerrell  @du_siemens  #ELTChat  Yes, bt it goes deeper. Fear of fumblng, exposure, loss of rhythm during lessns whn "tech goes wrong"
cioccas 02:19 RT @eleni_sav: maybe teachers feel they are losing their face in front of their students? #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:19 RT @seburnt: Show by example.  Be patient w questions. RE How do we best combat student/ teacher reluctance to use tech? #eltchat
Shaunwilden 02:19 @pysproblem81 True and there were tablets in sale everywhere but the cost of data even for phones  is prohibitive  #eltchat
du_siemens 02:19 @theteacherjames Techno-language. #eltchat
rliberni 02:20 RT @ShellTerrell: Like @Shaunwilden asked is it ok for EFL teachers not to use tech for learning/teaching? #eltchat
du_siemens 02:20 @clikman Don't think so. Don't you sit down to use your computer for at least an hour per day? Couldn't you be trying out things? #ELTChat
alastairjgrant 02:20 RT @mcneilmahon: RT @eleni_sav: maybe teachers feel they are losing their face in front of their students? #eltchat > we need to be humbler
rliberni 02:20 sorry still hving some connection problems #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:20 Like @Shaunwilden asked is it ok for EFL teachers not to use tech for learning/teaching? #eltchat
mcneilmahon 02:20 RT @clikman: @du_siemens  #ELTChat of course, but also req's mny extra hrs that some T's don't have. Poor excuse..or is it? > not at all
mdsteele47 02:20 @mcneilmahon Tasks are key: frame what can be learned. But tools & talk are resources & help kids demonstrate learning. Tech=tool. #eltchat
pysproblem81 02:20 @Shaunwilden data cost can be a obstacle.... #eltchat
brad5patterson 02:20 RT @cioccas: RT @eleni_sav: maybe teachers feel they are losing their face in front of their students? #eltchat
alastairjgrant 02:20 RT @cherrymp: @alastairjgrant oh teachers - not getting opps to try out things confidently #eltchat - need to be told how easy it is!
clikman 02:20 @du_siemens  #ELTChat of course, but also req's mny extra hrs that some T's don't have. Poor excuse maybe...or is it?
newbiehelpdesk 02:20 #eltchat Tech Use Factors ist the question, not Non-Use
mcneilmahon 02:20 RT @eleni_sav: maybe teachers feel they are losing their face in front of their students? #eltchat > big factor IMO
seburnt 02:20 There should be the option, but with no understanding of how to use tech, Ts don't really have two options. @Shaunwilden #eltchat
brad5patterson 02:21 RT @ShellTerrell @shaunwilden is it ok for EFL teachers not to use tech for learning/teaching? #eltchat >>>of course RESULTS is what matters
nlomax 02:21 What my students crave most is live chat #eltchat
alastairjgrant 02:21 RT @ShellTerrell: Like @Shaunwilden is it ok for EFL teachers not to use tech for learning/teaching? #eltchat - yes but not shunning it!
Shaunwilden 02:21 @seburnt Yes thats a gd point, I just feel at times we seem to be forcing the tech issue when learning can take place w/out it :-) #eltchat
rliberni 02:21 @ShellTerrell ironically I rarely use tech in my f2f teaching #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:21 RT @clikman:  #ELTChat it goes deeper. Fear of fumblng, exposure, loss of rhythm during lessns whn "tech goes wrong"
seburnt 02:21 With tech probs in class, I use students to help.  Sometimes they have more knowledge or feel good about solving the tech issue.  #eltchat
cioccas 02:21 RT @clikman: @du_siemens  #ELTChat ...req's mny extra hrs that some T's don't have. Poor excuse maybe...or is it? <This is an issue!
Shaunwilden 02:22 @ShellTerrell I didnt ask I made a statement  I think it is fine not to use tech  :-)  #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:22 RT @brad5patterson: RT @ShellTerrell @shaunwilden is it ok for EFL teachers not to use tech for learning/teaching? #eltchat >>>of course RESULTS is what matters
rliberni 02:22 RT @cherrymp: @du_siemens oh oh - not abt speaking - talking about how tech can aid/help - look at me - i don't speak my Ss L1 - stil dey learn #eltchat
mcneilmahon 02:22 Like @Shaunwilden is it ok for EFL teachers not to use tech for learning/teaching? #eltchat > definitely, I don't use suggestopedia...
pysproblem81 02:22 @alastairjgrant @ShellTerrell @Shaunwilden yes - priority is always learning - tech not necessary - but worth exploring #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:22 If you need help your moderators are @rliberni @Shaunwilden & I #eltchat
cherrymp 02:22 @du_siemens oh oh - not abt speaking - talking about how tech can aid/help - look at me - i don't speak my Ss L1 - stil dey learn #eltchat
theminddock 02:22 #eltchat Tech Use Factors ist the question, not Non-Use
rliberni 02:22 RT @nlomax: What my students crave most is live chat - me too #eltchat
Shaunwilden 02:23 @mcneilmahon Save that one for tonight :-) #eltchat
rliberni 02:23 @cherrymp  I agree to an extent but s'times they  really don't want tech at all esp. business stds in a 1:1 situation #eltchat
cioccas 02:23 I think it's fine NOT to use tech, but not so fine to dismiss it completely when it could benefit Ss learning and you have access #ELTchat
mcneilmahon 02:23 And why would technophobe backpacker teacher get into tech if getting out of teaching soon?  #ELTChat
yitzha_sarwono 02:23 @ShellTerrell @Shaunwilden Well,I think many asian teachers are still teaching the old fashion way,with coursebooks n a white board #eltchat
Shaunwilden 02:23 RT @theteacherjames: we techheads can overestimate the amount sts want to use tech. Even in techno-heaven Korea, some people preferred books. Barrier. #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:23 RT @pysproblem81: yes - priority is always learning - tech not necessary - but worth exploring #eltchat
theteacherjames 02:23 we techheads can overestimate the amount sts want to use tech. Even in techno-heaven Korea, some people preferred books. Barrier. #eltchat
brad5patterson 02:23 RT @rliberni @ShellTerrell ironically I rarely use tech in my f2f teaching #eltchat >>> outside of a short film 4 discussion, almost never
Shaunwilden 02:24 @eleni_sav for not using tech? #eltchat
mcneilmahon 02:24 @theteacherjames  this! All day on computer at office, give me real people to talk to in English (but tech good for homework :) ) #ELTChat
alastairjgrant 02:24 RT @yitzha_sarwono: @ShellTerrell @Shaunwilden many asian teachers are still teaching the old fashion way, #eltchat - think we all do too -
pysproblem81 02:24 RT @cioccas: I think it's fine NOT to use tech, but not so fine to dismiss it completely when it could benefit Ss learning and you have access #ELTchat
yitzha_sarwono 02:24 RT @brad5patterson: RT @ShellTerrell @shaunwilden is it ok for EFL teachers not to use tech for learning/teaching? #eltchat >>>of course RES
rliberni 02:24 RT @mcneilmahon: And why would technophobe backpacker teacher get into tech if getting out of teaching soon?  #ELTChat
brad5patterson 02:24 @nlomax i'm assuming these are online students that want "live chat"... #eltchat
alastairjgrant 02:25 Socio-cultural fsctors v important - can create "haves and have nots" culture in class (iPhones for e.g.)? #ELTchat
rliberni 02:25 RT @clikman: @du_siemens  #ELTChat Yes, but I knw the time I investd in lessns on Secnd Life fr inst,  got me a cool name w/s s's bt taught little of sub
cherrymp 02:25 @rliberni not talking abt tech as a necessity bt as an aid - that's where i stand #eltchat
rliberni 02:25 @mcneilmahon good point but I don't think they represent  the mainstream or career teacher who is looking deeper #eltchat
cherrymp 02:25 @yitzha_sarwono u's wt u r talking coz that's a reality i c e'day arnd. not that ppl dont wnt 2 - access, support, lack of training #eltchat
eleni_sav 02:25 Is it finenot to use techn?our students seem to be bored without it..digital natives!#eltchat
clikman 02:25 @du_siemens  #ELTChat Yes, but I knw the time I investd in lessns on Secnd Life fr inst,  got me a cool name w/s s's bt taught little of sub
mcneilmahon 02:26 #ELTChat Hands up who still prefers receiving a letter than an email? Reading a book to a kindle? Me and my students
alastairjgrant 02:26 RT @rliberni: @mcneilmahon good point but I don't think they represent  the mainstream teacher #eltchat - we should do a profile of these!
rliberni 02:26 @clikman  that's you, but for others the situation is different, they like/want and benefit p'haps #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:26 Good ? Though! RT @Shaunwilden: I didnt ask I made a statement  I think it is fine not to use tech  :-)  #eltchat
brad5patterson 02:26 RT @mcneilmahon: @eleni_sav   #ELTChat but tech is not inately interesting - it's what you do not the mode you use to do it
Shaunwilden 02:26 @eleni_sav The teachers job is too engage if that takes tech then so be it but I know many that just want a good teacher  #eltchat
cioccas 02:26 RT @mcneilmahon: @eleni_sav   #ELTChat but tech is not inately interesting - it's what you do not the mode you use to do it
theteacherjames 02:26 @mcneilmahon balance needs to be found. Too much tech & something's missing. #eltchat
mcneilmahon 02:26 @eleni_sav   #ELTChat but tech is not inately interesting - it's what you do not the mode you use to do it
cioccas 02:26 RT @cherrymp: @rliberni not talking abt tech as a necessity bt as an aid - that's where i stand #eltchat <Me too!
brad5patterson 02:26 @theteacherjames Techno Heaven Korea will have only #ebooks by 2015 ! "oh the times they are a changing" #eltchat http://t.co/R2Ne0Cm
ShellTerrell 02:26 Now we communicate regularly w Info Comm Tech (ICTs) dare I say it but tchrs who have access I believe should effectively use #eltchat
alastairjgrant 02:27 RT @mcneilmahon: @eleni_sav   #ELTChat tech is not inately interesting - it's what you do not the mode you use to do it : - and function?
rom 02:27 RT @ShellTerrell: RT @yitzha_sarwono: Well,I think many asian teachers are still teaching the old fashion way,with coursebooks n a white board #eltchat
mcneilmahon 02:27 RT @Shaunwilden: @mcneilmahon Not me  - give me an email and ereader any day :-) #eltchat > yes, well, we knew that was coming...
ShellTerrell 02:27 RT @eleni_sav: wont you feel marginalized? #eltchat
Shaunwilden 02:27 @mcneilmahon Not me  - give me an email and ereader any day :-) #eltchat
brad5patterson 02:27 @mcneilmahon gotta love the backpacking technophobes (part of my inner soul).  They wouldn't get into it, would they.  #eltchat
theteacherjames 02:27 @brad5patterson But why - because the sts want it or to save money? #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:27 RT @yitzha_sarwono: Well,I think many asian teachers are still teaching the old fashion way,with coursebooks n a white board #eltchat
cherrymp 02:28 @rliberni well said n pt well taken - bt i'm talking abt access - training - support #eltchat
alastairjgrant 02:28 RT @brad5patterson: @theteacherjames I dont think it's student-driven.  I think it's LG/Samsung, technology-driven... #eltchat - same same!
mcneilmahon 02:28 RT @yitzha_sarwono: Well,I think many asian teachers are still teaching the old fashion way,w coursebooks n a white board #eltchat > not OF
Shaunwilden 02:28 @mcneilmahon Well if I waited for you to write me a letter.....#eltchat
cherrymp 02:28 @cioccas @cherrymp @rliberni @eleni_sav there r 1000s or more of Ts n CRs around d world with no tech #eltchat
rliberni 02:28 @cherrymp I agree lang aim first then tech but I think the time to ignore tech is well & truly over we have to get good at it, imo #eltchat
brad5patterson 02:28 @theteacherjames I dont think it's student-driven.  I think it's LG/Samsung, technology-driven... just guessing #eltchat
cherrymp 02:29 @rliberni a big NO - that's why i said access too #eltchat
rliberni 02:29 RT @ShellTerrell: #eltchat RT @clikman: they need help...lots of it, frm admin, tech's, course designers. They aren't getting tgther enough to make it happen
grahamstanley 02:29 #eltchat Hi everyone - I think language teachers who use tech are still in the minority in Spain, but this is changing
ShellTerrell 02:29 @clikman agree! #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:29 #eltchat RT @clikman: they need help...lots of it, frm admin, tech's, course designers. They aren't getting tgther enough to make it happen
theteacherjames 02:29 @brad5patterson You're 100% correct my friend. #eltchat
rliberni 02:29 @cherrymp  yes the digital divide is real but can we use this an an excuse when it is available to us? #eltchat
mcneilmahon 02:29 @Shaunwilden and then waited for Arg post office to deliver it...#eltchat
alastairjgrant 02:29 RT @Shaunwilden: @mcneilmahon Well if I waited for you to write me a letter.....#eltchat - you two are so sweet
rliberni 02:30 @cioccas this is the fur coat and no knickers syndrome very prevalent in edu! #eltchat
eleni_sav 02:30 what is the driving force to use techn for those who use techn in their classroom? #eltchat
cherrymp 02:30 tech is sth that v live e'day in many parts of the world - so there's no going back esp wen u've it around. #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:30 Gr8 pt! RT @alastairjgrant: Socio-cultural factors important- can create "haves and have nots" culture in class (iPhones for e.g.)? #ELTchat
rliberni 02:30 RT @cioccas: @cherrymp  True, but what a waste when Ts in schools with great tech tools don't use them! #ELTchat
theteacherjames 02:30 RT @mcneilmahon: @eleni_sav   #ELTChat but tech is not inately interesting - it's what you do not the mode you use to do it
cioccas 02:30 @cherrymp  True, but what a waste when Ts in schools with great tech tools don't use them! #ELTchat
HerreraVeronica 02:30 RT @ShellTerrell: #eltchat RT @clikman: they need help...lots of it, frm admin, tech's, course designers. They aren't getting tgther enough to make it happen
cioccas 02:31 RT @alastairjgrant: ... #ELTchat - shouldn't just BECAUSE tho? < Of course you shouldn't!
alastairjgrant 02:31 RT @cioccas: @eleni_sav Driving force is when I can see it could help Ss learn English #ELTchat - absolutely!!
bealer81 02:31 Would inexperienced/1st yr teachers development be affected by concentrating on new tech, trying to impress sts? #eltchat
clikman 02:31 Don't often RT but @mcneilmahon: @eleni_sav   #ELTChat but tech is not inately interesting - it's what you do not the mode you use to do it
mcneilmahon 02:31 @eleni_sav #eltchat > it improves the engagement and efficiency and success of the task
cioccas 02:31 @eleni_sav Driving force is when I can see it could help Ss learn English #ELTchat
alastairjgrant 02:31 RT @cioccas: @cherrymp  what a waste when Ts in schools with great tech tools don't use them! #ELTchat - shouldn't just BECAUSE tho?
cherrymp 02:31 @cioccas exactly - know many instances around where AV aids - wonderful n costly gathering dust coz sb hr up said not to spoil them #eltchat
rliberni 02:31 RT @ShellTerrell: Gr8 pt! RT @alastairjgrant: Socio-cultural factors important- can create "haves and have nots" culture in class (iPhones for e.g.)? #ELTchat
rliberni 02:32 @bealer81 all teachers should be helped to use tech effectively in their training and probation then they can choose imo #eltchat
Shaunwilden 02:32 @HerreraVeronica @eleni_sav Agreed but the key word is integrate, make it part of not let it take over #eltchat
alastairjgrant 02:32 RT @mcneilmahon: @eleni_sav #eltchat > it improves the engagement and efficiency and success of the task - with the task or the tech?
brad5patterson 02:32 RT @cioccas @cherrymp True, but what a waste when Ts in schools with great tech don't use them! #ELTchat >>> waste by school or teacher?
cherrymp 02:32 #eltchat @cioccas: @eleni_sav @alastairjgrant true
mcneilmahon 02:32 RT @bealer81: Wd inexperienced teachers development be affected by concentrating on new tech, trying to impress sts? #eltchat > def danger
ShellTerrell 02:32 Let's fond some solutions to probe of lack of training, support, proper tech support & reluctance #eltchat
alastairjgrant 02:32 RT @mcneilmahon: @eleni_sav #eltchat > it improves the engagement and efficiency and success of the task - I'm v dubious about this!
grahamstanley 02:32 @mcneilmahon not me - we're gradually getting rid of our paper books at home and switching over to e-readers - much better  #eltchat
HerreraVeronica 02:32 @eleni_sav we live in a tech world, so why not integrate it in the classroom? #eltchat
cherrymp 02:33 @brad5patterson school mainly Brad - wt if d school says if Tr uses tech n one day it gets spoiled s/he has to pay for it! #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:33 RT @rliberni: all teachers should be helped to use tech effectively in their training then they can choose imo #eltchat
Shaunwilden 02:33 RT @ShellTerrell: Let's find some solutions to probe of lack of training, support, proper tech support & reluctance #eltchat
mcneilmahon 02:33 @ShellTerrell  #ELTChat Pay me to train, give me time to train, make it worthwhile, I'll do it...
cioccas 02:33 RT @ShellTerrell: Let's find some solutions to probe of lack of training, support, proper tech support & reluctance #eltchat
HHG 02:33 @ShellTerrell @alastairjgrant re socio econ diffs - could also be great opportunity to model sharing and helping each other, yes? #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 02:33 In a taxi,in heavy traffic,in phone but still enthusiast to take part in #eltchat :d
cioccas 02:33 @brad5patterson Possibly both, esp if the tech has been added just because someone had some money to spend! #ELTchat
mcneilmahon 02:33 @alastairjgrant Shouold read 'When it improves...' Why dubious? #eltchat
rliberni 02:33 RT @Shaunwilden: @HerreraVeronica @eleni_sav Agreed but the key word is integrate, make it part of not let it take over  Hear Hear! #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:33 Let's find some solutions to probe of lack of training, support, proper tech support & reluctance #eltchat
grahamstanley 02:34 @eleni_sav #eltchat  when technology improves on trad. way of doing something , then it's worth using.
eleni_sav 02:34 I feel you focus on more practical issues whereas the key factors may lie underneath...in yourselves? #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:34 RT @HerreraVeronica: @eleni_sav we live in a tech world, so why not integrate it in the classroom? #eltchat
HerreraVeronica 02:34 RT @Shaunwilden: @HerreraVeronica @eleni_sav Agreed but the key word is integrate, make it part of not let it take over #eltchat >of course!
cioccas 02:34 @mcneilmahon @ShellTerrell And what if the Ts srtill don't turn up!  Been there, seen that, sigh. #ELTchat
ShellTerrell 02:34 RT @grahamstanley: @mcneilmahon not me - we're gradually getting rid of our paper books at home and switching over to e-readers - much better  #eltchat
rliberni 02:34 RT @Shaunwilden: @mcneilmahon @ShellTerrell  Oh at least make it be known where people can get free training so all they have to invest is some time #eltchat
alastairjgrant 02:34 RT @yitzha_sarwono: In a taxi,in heavy traffic,in phone but still enthusiast to take part in #eltchat :d - thank goodness for tech , eh??
mmm4music 02:34 @ShellTerrell @alastairjgrant:  #ELTchat Yes, & likes &like nots too. Some jst nevr warm to tech in class. Ghettos are forming fr mny reasns
Shaunwilden 02:34 @mcneilmahon @ShellTerrell  Oh at least make it be known where people can get free training so all they have to invest is some time #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:34 RT @brad5patterson: RT @cioccas @cherrymp True, but what a waste when Ts in schools with great tech don't use them! #ELTchat >>> waste by school or teacher?
rliberni 02:34 @cioccas this is common a spending spree but no training - I'm sure we're all familiar ? #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:34 RT @alastairjgrant: RT @mcneilmahon: @eleni_sav #eltchat > it improves the engagement and efficiency and success of the task - with the task or the tech?
mcneilmahon 02:34 RT @grahamstanley where's the romance? #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:34 RT @rliberni: RT @Shaunwilden: @HerreraVeronica @eleni_sav Agreed but the key word is integrate, make it part of not let it take over  Hear Hear! #eltchat
alastairjgrant 02:34 RT @rliberni: @bealer81 all teachers should be helped to use tech effectively in their training  #eltchat - yes - needs demystifying
theteacherjames 02:34 @jefflebow Because the education system is conservative in so many ways there. #eltchat
juanalejandro26 02:35 #ELTChat morning pals... what's today's topic? :)
mcneilmahon 02:35 RT @Shaunwilden: @mcneilmahon @ShellTerrell  At least make it known where people can get free training so they just invest time #eltchat Yes
yitzha_sarwono 02:35 @ShellTerrell The solution would be dedication and perseverance. Even using phone to sms among stds in english is techie enough :d #eltchat
cherrymp 02:35 how can tech challenged teachers get over that feeling? any ideas #eltchat
HerreraVeronica 02:35 RT @Shaunwilden: RT @grahamstanley: @eleni_sav #eltchat  when technology improves on trad. way of doing something , then it's worth using. Hear Hear
rliberni 02:35 RT @Shaunwilden: RT @grahamstanley: @eleni_sav #eltchat  when technology improves on trad. way of doing something , then it's worth using. Hear Hear
rliberni 02:35 @Shaunwilden  and where is that magic training place? HERE and with TECH Lol :-) #eltchat
Shaunwilden 02:35 RT @grahamstanley: @eleni_sav #eltchat  when technology improves on trad. way of doing something , then it's worth using. Hear Hear
alastairjgrant 02:35 RT @cioccas: @mcneilmahon @ShellTerrell And what if the Ts srtill don't turn up!  Been there, seen that, sigh. #ELTchat - pay 'em!
ShellTerrell 02:35 RT @mcneilmahon: @eleni_sav #eltchat > it improves the engagement and efficiency and success of the task
pysproblem81 02:35 RT @grahamstanley: @eleni_sav #eltchat  when technology improves on trad. way of doing something , then it's worth using.
cherrymp 02:35 tech can be explored to see how it adds to the learning exp - trs have to make informative decisions when to use, wt n where #eltchat
rliberni 02:36 RT @ShellTerrell: Agree! RT @Shaunwilden: at least make it be known where people can get free training so all they have to invest is some time #eltchat
Collaborative 02:36 #eltchat Tech Use Factor 101 > No Vendor Lock-In http://ht.ly/5Oo4X > Immersive Education Initiative #iED Rqmt http://ht.ly/5Oo4Y
rliberni 02:36 RT @grahamstanley: @alastairjgrant #eltchat  it's not just about offering training, but often also convincing teachers it's worth turning up for the training
theteacherjames 02:36 @grahamstanley Reminds me of the people who sold their vinyl to get CDs & ended up with nothing. Stuff has value. #eltchat
alastairjgrant 02:36 RT @cioccas: @alastairjgrant In the case I'm talking about we DO pay them! #ELTchat - Hmmm... free Big Macs?!
brad5patterson 02:36 MT @rliberni @bealer81 teachers should be trained to use tech effectively and then they can choose imo #eltchat >>> well-said !
little_miss_glo 02:36 RT @grahamstanley: @alastairjgrant #eltchat  it's not just about offering training, but often also convincing teachers it's worth turning up for the training
ShellTerrell 02:36 Agree! RT @Shaunwilden: at least make it be known where people can get free training so all they have to invest is some time #eltchat
rliberni 02:36 RT @jefflebow: #eltchat I think the key is providing replicable, effective models that teachers & students can grasp - and fit into curriculum requirements
grahamstanley 02:36 @alastairjgrant #eltchat  it's not just about offering training, but often also convincing teachers it's worth turning up for the training
rliberni 02:36 RT @Shaunwilden: @rliberni There are quite a few things techsr can do  - look at the growing number of online w/shops, webinairs, conferences #eltchat
jefflebow 02:36 #eltchat I think the key is providing replicable, effective models that teachers & students can grasp - and fit into curriculum requirements
cioccas 02:36 @alastairjgrant In the case I'm talking about we DO pay them! #ELTchat
Shaunwilden 02:36 @rliberni There are quite a few things techsr can do  - look at the growing number of online w/shops, webinairs, conferences #eltchat
catsndogs 02:36 #eltchat see the same thing with ALTs in japan. school boards provide but Ts not sure how to fully use
rliberni 02:36 RT @yitzha_sarwono: @ShellTerrell The solution would be dedication and perseverance. Even using phone to sms among stds in english is techie enough :d #eltchat
pigletruth 02:37 @Shaunwilden @grahamstanley @eleni_sav doesn't make sense not to use multimedia esp for practising pronunciation etc #eltchat
grahamstanley 02:37 @cherrymp #eltchat  tech challenged teachers must feel use of tech is necessary or will add value and not take much time to learn
cherrymp 02:37 @pigletruth mm ath to help them? or let them live with this irrational fear? #eltchat
mcneilmahon 02:37 RT @yitzha_sarwono: @ShellTerrell The solution would be dedication and perseverance > which takes time - some techies too impatient #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:37 Agree!! RT @HHG: re socio econ diffs - could also be great opportunity to model sharing and helping each other, yes? #eltchat
rliberni 02:37 RT @pigletruth: @cherrymp it's a problem I even know teachers who refuse to use email.it's a phobia just like others #eltchat
rliberni 02:37 RT @theteacherjames: @grahamstanley Reminds me of the people who sold their vinyl to get CDs & ended up with nothing. Stuff has value. #eltchat
pigletruth 02:37 @cherrymp it's a problem I even know teachers who refuse to use email.it's a phobia just like others #eltchat
clikman 02:37 @ShellTerrell  #eltchat The solution is investment of money and time in "teaching aim-based tech training" & not any old cr*ppy tech prep.
mcneilmahon 02:38 RT @clikman: @ShellTerrell  #eltchat The solution is investment of money and time in "teaching aim-based tech training" > like the aim-based
ShellTerrell 02:38 Why should we always have to pay teachers to learn what happened to that being 1 of the basis of our craft- luv for learning #eltchat
rliberni 02:38 RT @brad5patterson: RT @mcneilmahon @ShellTerrell #ELTChat Pay me to train, give me time to train, make it worthwhile, I'll do it... >>> good points too
nancyrubin 02:38 RT @grahamstanley: @alastairjgrant #eltchat  it's not just about offering training, but often also convincing teachers it's worth turning up for the training
juanalejandro26 02:38 in my opinion the only factor that may affect the use of technology, as I already read here, it's the lack of devices #ELTChat
brad5patterson 02:38 RT @mcneilmahon @ShellTerrell #ELTChat Pay me to train, give me time to train, make it worthwhile, I'll do it... >>> good points too
rliberni 02:38 @mcneilmahon  all of those and it takes time for these things to kick in we're 'early adopters' a natural cycle I think #eltchat
alastairjgrant 02:38 RT @grahamstanley: @alastairjgrant #eltchat  - convincing teachers it's worth turning up for the training: The training has to prove itself
TheresaShafer 02:38 RT @rliberni: RT @Shaunwilden: @HerreraVeronica @eleni_sav Agreed but the key word is integrate, make it part of not let it take over  Hear Hear! #eltchat
catsndogs 02:38 #eltchat seems the educ culture has an effect. if others use in school, it spreads. if not, it takes more time.
rliberni 02:39 There is also a case for investing in YOURSELF as a professional & not always waiting for it on a plate (present company excepted) #eltchat
alastairjgrant 02:39 RT @ShellTerrell: Why should we always have to pay teachers to learn #eltchat - cos it's all part of the job! It's profession after all
catsndogs 02:39 #eltchat schools in japan need to provide time for busy Ts to train. unfor. many do not. other countries, how about you?
juanalejandro26 02:39 once I told what I did in my classroom. I asked students to use their smartphones in order to help themselves to find definitions #ELTChat
brad5patterson 02:39 RT @jefflebow: #eltchat I think the key is providing replicable, effective models that teachers & students can grasp - and fit into curriculum requirements
BenjaminBerte 02:39 @cherrymp #eltchat Tech should only leveraged when there is a gap in what Tea can accomplish. BYOD adds to comfort as Stu know their devices
cherrymp 02:39 @grahamstanley good points Graham to help tech challenged Ts - necessity, adding value n not difficult to learn #eltchat
eleni_sav 02:39 what about your status as a teacher?would that have an impact on you regarding the use of techno? #eltchat
Shaunwilden 02:40 RT @betavt: #eltchat why are we still having this discussion. We live in a digital world. Kids should not enter the 19th century every day in school.
betavt 02:40 #eltchat why are we still having this discussion. We live in a digital world. Kids should not enter the 19th century every day in school.
cherrymp 02:40 @BenjaminBerte mmm - as a supplement to Ts efforts? that's what you mean? #eltchat
clikman 02:40 #eltchat If ed councils don't organise T training with "what do I want to teach and how?" philos, more time & money will be wasted
eleni_sav 02:40 RT @rliberni: There is also a case for investing in YOURSELF as a professional & not always waiting for it on a plate (present company excepted) #eltchat
jefflebow 02:40 @ShellTerrell perhaps the real reward of teacher tech training is future job security #eltchat
rliberni 02:40 RT @catsndogs: #eltchat schools in japan need to provide time for busy Ts to train. unfor. many do not. other countries, how about you?
brad5patterson 02:41 @juanalejandro26 gotchya... digital divide in one classroom #eltchat
rliberni 02:41 @jefflebow  not many ELT professional have job security it's the nature of the beast so being ahead of the game is always key #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:41 @juanalejandro26 love that! #eltchat
cherrymp 02:41 @betavt bcoz v all don't live in the same world - country to country reality changes - one size won't fit all #eltchat
nancyrubin 02:41 Training should be thought of as professional development/ lifelong learning and not a requirement - should be developed that way #eltchat
chrisemdin 02:41 A huge issue for many teachers is the quality of the training.  Teachers wont go if its disengaging  #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:41 RT @juanalejandro26: once I told what I did in my classroom. I asked students to use their smartphones in order to help themselves to find definitions #ELTChat
Collaborative 02:41 #eltchat Dentists require patients on the chair before dentistry starts
ShellTerrell 02:41 Agree RT @jefflebow: #eltchat key is providing replicable, effective models that teachers & Sts can grasp- fit into curriculum requirements
brad5patterson 02:41 #eltchat @juanalejandro26 all of your SS have smartphones in class ?  #WOW
juanalejandro26 02:41 but one of them didn't have a smartphone. here it was the problem. I had to give her a dictionary and obviously the course book! #ELTChat
ShellTerrell 02:42 @alastairjgrant but never should be our excuse as teachers not to model learning #eltchat
cherrymp 02:42 @rliberni @jefflebow knowing how to use tech effectively n aptly is v much part of that being ahead of that race #eltchat
rliberni 02:42 RT @cherrymp: @betavt bcoz v all don't live in the same world - country to country reality changes - one size won't fit all #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:42 Gr8 pt! RT @catsndogs: #eltchat schools in japan need to provide time for busy Ts to train. unfor. many do not. other countries, you?
little_miss_glo 02:42 RT @rliberni: @jefflebow  not many ELT professional have job security it's the nature of the beast so being ahead of the game is always key #eltchat
little_miss_glo 02:42 RT @brad5patterson: @juanalejandro26 gotchya... digital divide in one classroom #eltchat
rliberni 02:43 RT @cybraryman1: My Tech Integration for English Language Learners page: http://tinyurl.com/4eflbvc #eltchat
rliberni 02:43 RT @theteacherjames: My Portuguese teacher writes everything on the board. This is an overuse of technology too. #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:43 RT @betavt: #eltchat why are we still having this discussion. We live in a digital world. Kids should not enter the 19th century every day in school.
indiafearnley 02:43 student cnetred revision lesson http://t.co/XRLV5gq #esl #efl #tefl #eltchat #education #english
cybraryman1 02:43 My Tech Integration for English Language Learners page: http://tinyurl.com/4eflbvc #eltchat
rliberni 02:43 RT @pigletruth: @brad5patterson @mcneilmahon @ShellTerrell I offered to give my staff free help and they weren't prepared 2 try :-( #eltchat
theteacherjames 02:43 My Portuguese teacher writes everything on the board. This is an overuse of technology too. #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:43 RT @rliberni: There is also a case for investing in YOURSELF as a professional & not always waiting for it on a plate (present company excepted) #eltchat
cherrymp 02:43 @rliberni ty #eltchat
pigletruth 02:43 @brad5patterson @mcneilmahon @ShellTerrell I offered to give my staff free help and they weren't prepared to try #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:43 RT @jefflebow: perhaps the real reward of teacher tech training is future job security #eltchat
rliberni 02:43 RT @ShellTerrell: @alastairjgrant but never should be our excuse as teachers not to model learning #eltchat
rliberni 02:43 @cherrymp  nail on the head! :-) #eltchat
rliberni 02:44 RT @ShellTerrell: RT @eleni_sav: so you are talking about motivated teachers who want to be professionally developed? #eltchat
cherrymp 02:44 @BenjaminBerte mmm - teachers need to mould d tech available to them rt? i've in mind a sitn where internet is distant even for Ts #eltchat
eleni_sav 02:44 some teachers may say" why bother?" I just want to do the lesson and go?#eltchat
bealer81 02:44 @betavt Not every school is Sponsored by Apple and Microsoft. We have to make do with what we have sometimes. #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:44 RT @eleni_sav: so you are talking about motivated teachers who want to be professionally developed? #eltchat
cioccas 02:44 RT @theteacherjames: My Portuguese teacher writes everything on the board. This is an overuse of technology too. #eltchat ^_^
brad5patterson 02:44 @mcneilmahon @rliberni @pigletruth @nancyrubin @chrisemdin If not compensated, shouldn't training be optional ? #eltchat
juanalejandro26 02:44 another thing I tried to do. and it is quite difficult for me. teaching them through facebook or twitter! #ELTChat
pigletruth 02:44 @brad5patterson @cioccas @cherrymp not as simple as that sometimes there r logistic probs #eltchat
catsndogs 02:45 #eltchat would seem that not using tech is not prepping kids for jobs of the future. many jobs now we could not have imagined 20 yrs ago.
pigletruth 02:45 @betavt ed system always lagging behind interestingly #eltchat
rliberni 02:45 RT @ShellTerrell: @mcneilmahon it does if we never teach students to use it effectively they are already using it to communicate #eltchat
JessieDriscoll 02:45 RT @cioccas: RT @theteacherjames: My Portuguese teacher writes everything on the board. This is an overuse of technology too. #eltchat ^_^
little_miss_glo 02:45 RT @cioccas: RT @betavt: #eltchat ... Opportunity to learn is ubiquitous. Professionals find a way - < Couldn't agree more!
juanalejandro26 02:45 agree! RT @eleni_sav: moderation in all things #eltchat
mcneilmahon 02:45 @betavt #eltchat > because elt is not a profession perhaps?  It's a trade!
cioccas 02:45 RT @betavt: #eltchat ... Opportunity to learn is ubiquitous. Professionals find a way - < Couldn't agree more!
little_miss_glo 02:45 @brad5patterson the best reasoning for training to be optional is simple: have the Ts who REALLY want to learn be there #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:45 @mcneilmahon it does if we never teach students to use it effectively they are already using it to communicate #eltchat
BenjaminBerte 02:45 @cherrymp Exactly, target goals and tech can enhance practice, eg make stu responses visible to class, use @socrative or googledocs #eltchat
alastairjgrant 02:45 RT @brad5patterson: if not compensated, shouldn't training be optional ? #eltchat - exactly - need to show t's how important it is!
rliberni 02:45 RT @eleni_sav: some teachers may say" why bother?" I just want to do the lesson and go? - Should they re-think their profession? #eltchat
cherrymp 02:45 RT @elisachinelatti: @pigletruth @cherrymp Technophobia can be treated and avoided!
nancyrubin 02:45 Teacher Agency in the Digital Age: http://t.co/Kgdu26k #eltchat #edchat #elemchat
betavt 02:45 #eltchat why is ours the only profession to blame the training for not changing Opportunity to learn is ubiquitous. Professionals find a way
rliberni 02:46 @brad5patterson this would be a common feeling but what about prof integrity and pride? #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:46 Gr8 pt RT @alastairjgrant: I think it's part of idea of showing t's how much we value them. there's face value to training too #eltchat
alastairjgrant 02:46 RT @mcneilmahon: @betavt #eltchat > because elt is not a profession perhaps?  It's a trade! - Um  my profession, my work, my study - is ELT!
cherrymp 02:46 @mcneilmahon @betavt  it's a trade if Ts cheat n not teach - c how close they're in spelling - else elt is in deed a profession #eltchat
JessieDriscoll 02:46 RT @betavt: #eltchat why are we still having this discussion.We live in a digital world.Kids shouldn't enter the 19th C every day in school.
Chrissy_Kelly 02:46 RT @betavt: #eltchat why are we still having this discussion. We live in a digital world. Kids should not enter the 19th century every day in school.
cioccas 02:46 RT @mcneilmahon: @betavt #eltchat > because elt is not a profession perhaps?  It's a trade! <It's def a profession where I come from!
rliberni 02:46 RT @mcneilmahon: @betavt #eltchat > because elt is not a profession perhaps?  It's a trade! Explain pls?
jefflebow 02:46 going live w/ @grahamstanley in 15 mins at: http://t.co/Mo3ASEq will start pre-show chit chat now. All #ELTChat peeps welcome to share audio
cherrymp 02:47 open mindedness i think is a pre-requisite for using tech in d cr or a'where #eltchat
chrisemdin 02:47 For teachers, Training & P.D = bad experience. Gather teachers for an exchange of best practice instead. They'll show up #Eltchat
alastairjgrant 02:47 RT @rliberni: @brad5patterson this would be a common feeling but what about prof integrity and pride? #eltchat - moneny helps this!
bealer81 02:47 @rliberni @mcneilmahon @betavt Good luck with that one!! #eltchat
juanalejandro26 02:47 RT @JessieDriscoll: RT @betavt: #eltchat why are we still having this discussion.We live in a digital world.Kids shouldn't enter the 19th C every day in school.
brad5patterson 02:47 #eltchat RE: @rliberni @jefflebow not many ELT professional have job security #eltchat >>> depends. http://ow.ly/5Ooqr
little_miss_glo 02:47 EXACTLY! RT @rliberni: @brad5patterson this would be a common feeling but what about prof integrity and pride? #eltchat
rliberni 02:47 RT @ShellTerrell: Gr8 pt RT @alastairjgrant: I think it's part of idea of showing t's how much we value them. there's face value to training too #eltchat
CCK11Feeds 02:47 RT @CCK11Feeds: Great blog, check it out! What if Doctors Were Treated Like Teachers? #CCK11 #ELTchat #edchat #u... http://bit.ly/rf2Ct0
CCK11Feeds 02:47 RT @IreneAlcamo: What if Doctors Were Treated Like Teachers?http://t.co/paktcJc:  #CCK11 #ELTchat #edchat #ukedc... http://bit.ly/pAzzSz
CCK11Feeds 02:47 RT @CCK11Feeds: Great blog, check it out! What if Doctors Were Treated Like Teachers? #CCK11 #ELTchat #edchat #u... http://bit.ly/oZOTmH
CCK11Feeds 02:47 RT @CCK11Feeds: Great blog, check it out! What if Doctors Were Treated Like Teachers? #CCK11 #ELTchat #edchat #u... http://bit.ly/qzloR2
juanalejandro26 02:48 RT @chrisemdin: To integrate tech in the classroom, don't tell a teacher how to do it, go in the classroom and help implement it #eltchat
little_miss_glo 02:48 @alastairjgrant Problem with $$ rewards is Ts will show up but, will they try to be involved in training? Not in my experience #eltchat
Shaunwilden 02:48 RT @catsndogs: #eltchat what would be the first baby steps for tech phobics? and do we address the kids or the Ts?
ShellTerrell 02:48 RT @Shaunwilden: @cherrymp Opened mindness is a prerequisite for being a good teacher fullstop isnt it? #eltchat
alastairjgrant 02:48 RT @rliberni: @alastairjgrant  do we ever ask for more money? Do we ever stand up and say we deserve more? #eltchat - perhaps we should, no?
clikman 02:48 @ShellTerrell  #eltchat@rliberni  #eltchat Sure. A lttle help wldn't hurt tho. I thought schools were supposd 2 b supportive environmnts too
chrisemdin 02:48 To integrate tech in the classroom, don't tell a teacher how to do it, go in the classroom and help implement it #eltchat
cherrymp 02:48 i can be skeptic of tech; but not prejudiced - ready to explore n wt u can do vl b bound only by our imagination #eltchat
juanalejandro26 02:48 RT @brad5patterson: #eltchat RE: @rliberni @jefflebow not many ELT professional have job security #eltchat >>> depends. http://ow.ly/5Ooqr
catsndogs 02:48 #eltchat what would be the first baby steps for tech phobics? and do we address the kids or the Ts?
ndbob 02:48 RT @nancyrubin: Training should be thought of as professional development/ lifelong learning and not a requirement - should be developed that way #eltchat
cioccas 02:48 RT @chrisemdin: ...Gather teachers for an exchange of best practice instead #Eltchat < This works well in my school, but needs follow up
Shaunwilden 02:48 @cherrymp Opened mindness is a prerequisite for being a good teacher fullstop isnt it? #eltchat
rliberni 02:48 RT @chrisemdin: For teachers, Training & P.D = bad experience. Gather teachers for an exchange of best practice instead. They'll show up #Eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:48 @pigletruth @brad5patterson @mcneilmahon in my experience it takes time & persistence. Took me 4 yrs last job #eltchat
brad5patterson 02:48 @little_miss_glo @rliberni it really depends. If the training is worth it, then of course. Requirement doesn't = solidarity #eltchat
rliberni 02:48 @alastairjgrant  do we ever ask for more money? Do we ever stand up and say we deserve more? #eltchat
cioccas 02:49 @little_miss_glo Agree, I get Ts turning up and then tuning out, not even interested enough to listen, just distract those who are #ELTchat
mcneilmahon 02:49 @betavt #eltchat > because elt is not a profession perhaps?  It's a trade! - my work, my study - is ELT! > so is mine but it's a trade
Shaunwilden 02:49 RT @cherrymp: @Shaunwilden yeah Shaun - if the T is not willing to learn how can s/he expect it frm Ss? #eltchat
eleni_sav 02:49 Let's be more specific and maybe answer the question"why do EACH OF YOU want to use techn in your classroom?" make it more personal #eltchat
cherrymp 02:49 @Shaunwilden yeah Shaun - if the T is not willing to learn how can s/he expect it frm Ss? #eltchat
agrei8 02:49 RT @betavt: #eltchat why are we still having this discussion. We live in a digital world. Kids should not enter the 19th century every day in school.
brad5patterson 02:49 RT @alastairjgrant: RT @mcneilmahon: @betavt #eltchat > because elt is not a profession perhaps?  It's a trade! - Um  my profession, my work, my study - is ELT!
rliberni 02:49 @brad5patterson  sure but if tchrs choose their own then it will be #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:49 RT @chrisemdin: For teachers, Training & P.D = bad experience. Gather teachers for an exchange of best practice instead. They'll show up #Eltchat
clikman 02:50 @chrisemdin  #Eltchat Exchanges of best practices seem to work best online for some reason. Paradoxically ppl seem to open up more.
cherrymp 02:50 @eleni_sav i use tech for presentations, lang practice, testing #eltchat
rliberni 02:50 @alastairjgrant  I think so ELT salaries have gone down dramatically in real terms here in the UK #eltchat
brad5patterson 02:50 #eltchat @betavt i disagree. the 21st century has many learning opportunities indeed, but that doesn't mean the mode must be tech.  #eltchat
juanalejandro26 02:50 what tech devices do we have to be aware of? and why? #ELTChat I mean, that they can be taken as "games" etc...
cioccas 02:50 RT @Shaunwilden: @eleni_sav I use it to encourage sts to use it out of the classroom  - its a great selfstudy tool :-) #eltchat YES!
ShellTerrell 02:50 RT @JessieDriscoll: more teachers should learn by doing - I believe teacher training needs a BIG shake up! #eltchat
Shaunwilden 02:50 @eleni_sav I use it to encourage sts to use it out of the classroom  - its a great selfstudy tool :-) #eltchat
betavt 02:51 #eltchat tech allows students to design & demo. Teachers can then diagnose. All three together get the brain working at high levels.
cherrymp 02:51 @brad5patterson well said Brad #eltchat mode for learning opps doesn't mean tech alone #eltchat
chrisemdin 02:51 @clikman So true. The online exchange lends itself to collaboration for some reason #eltchat
alastairjgrant 02:51 RT @mcneilmahon: @betavt #eltchat > because elt is not a profession perhaps?  It's a trade! - my work, my stud… (cont) http://deck.ly/~45c37
TheresaShafer 02:51 RT @chrisemdin: For teachers, Training & P.D = bad experience. Gather teachers for an exchange of best practice instead. They'll show up #Eltchat
theteacherjames 02:52 @eleni_sav From the pen to the iP@d, I want to use the best tools at the right time. That's all, not complicated. #eltchat
Shaunwilden 02:52 RT @ShellTerrell: What do you believe will help EFL teachers in your school integrate tech effectively this year? How do we achieve that?  #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:52 What do you believe will help EFL teachers in your school integrate tech effectively this year? How do we achieve that?  #eltchat
Shaunwilden 02:52 @eleni_sav Hmm yes  i guess so but i also learn from my sts and colleagues uses of tech   - I like to learn :-) #eltchat
little_miss_glo 02:52 @alastairjgrant In my school training 'mandatory' but not paid so ppl can still choose not to show up. Making it paid would mean... #eltchat
brad5patterson 02:52 @rliberni #eltchat true. for me the drive should be personal, not obligatory, otherwise it gets "complicated"
cherrymp 02:52 tech can in deed open a world of exp for Ss - it shud support learning - NOT dictate it #eltchat
catsndogs 02:52 #eltchat i use projectors with slides and video bcuz always loved movies and filmstrips (old??) at school
yitzha_sarwono 02:52 @alastairjgrant Hahaha touche! #eltchat
cioccas 02:52 RT @gkpdnewyork: technology coaches for teachers #eltchat <That's my role, and I love it, but can be frustrating at times too :)
cioccas 02:53 @ShellTerrell I'm supporting, modelling, showcasing, encouraging, cajoling, begging and bribing teachers this year! #ELTchat
brad5patterson 02:53 RT @jefflebow: going live w/ @grahamstanley in 15 mins at: http://t.co/Mo3ASEq will start pre-show chit chat now. All #ELTChat peeps welcome to share audio
yitzha_sarwono 02:53 RT @Shaunwilden: @cherrymp Opened mindness is a prerequisite for being a good teacher fullstop isnt it? #eltchat >> hear hear
little_miss_glo 02:53 @alastairjgrant higher attendance but  would it be productive? As a trainer, I'd rather have ppl who WANT 2 be there and learn #eltchat
clikman 02:53 @ShellTerrell  #eltchat Yes, Trainng nds to be givn the same importnce as tech is now reqd in lsssns Schls can't just invest in h/ware &hope
brad5patterson 02:53 RT @rliberni: There is also a case for investing in YOURSELF as a professional & not always waiting for it on a plate (present company excepted) #eltchat
gkpdnewyork 02:53 Students are digital natives most teachers are digitally naivete #eltchat
chrisemdin 02:53 I am a firm believer in compensating teachers for their time. If the presentation has value, they will follow up on their own #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:53 RT @theteacherjames: @eleni_sav From the pen to the iP@d, I want to use the best tools at the right time. That's all, not complicated. #eltchat
Shaunwilden 02:53 @ShellTerrell Showing concrete ways that it can be integrated that genuinely show why tech is better than X or Y #eltchat
gkpdnewyork 02:53 technology coaches for teachers #eltchat
cherrymp 02:53 @ShellTerrell provide models of practice - wt works n wt more can be done - i guess in dat way v can integrate tech #eltchat
cherrymp 02:53 @ShellTerrell provide models of practice - wt works n wt more can be done - i guess in dat way v can integrate tech #eltchat
rliberni 02:53 @japglish  in private sector? #eltchat
mcneilmahon 02:53 @eleni_sav I use it to try and provide a more 24/7 experience and get SS to invest in the group and the learning process #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 02:53 RT @cherrymp: i can be skeptic of tech; but not prejudiced - ready to explore n wt u can do vl b bound only by our imagination #eltchat
mcneilmahon 02:54 This> @betavt i disagree. the 21st century has many learning opportunities indeed, but that doesn't mean the mode must be tech.  #eltchat
juanalejandro26 02:54 #ELTChat allowing the use of tech in classrooms! cellphones are prohibited to be used in them! @ShellTerrell
ShellTerrell 02:54 RT @chrisemdin: I am a firm believer in compensating teachers for their time. If the presentation has value, they will follow up on their own #eltchat
Shaunwilden 02:54 @gkpdnewyork Are you offering or suggesting? #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:54 RT @clikman: @ShellTerrell  #eltchat Yes, Trainng nds to be givn the same importnce as tech is now reqd in lsssns Schls can't just invest in h/ware &hope
rliberni 02:54 @alastairjgrant  I really agree and pay rates are a part of tat but I think we need status first #eltchat
catsndogs 02:54 #eltchat meant video projector and not slide projector. also, with recording, kids like the sound of their own voice. it's a kick for them
cherrymp 02:54 @Shaunwilden r v being judgemental here Shaun - didn't like that 'better' part of ur statement #eltchat
gkpdnewyork 02:54 A free nonprofit that provides teachers w/emotional support and tech support in the form of tech coaching and team teaching #eltchat
veecam 02:55 @ShellTerrell one word - Engagement #eltchat
rliberni 02:55 @japglish  I've found it's got so competitive that it's really diff to inc rates for teachers . small orgs #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:55 RT @MarkWinegar: Sadly "teacher training" taught me very little about teaching. Thoughtful teaching and my mentor did wonders #eltchat
cherrymp 02:55 5 more mins to go - any online training links for Ts interested in learning how to integrate tech in practice? #eltchat
brad5patterson 02:55 RT @theteacherjames: @eleni_sav From the pen to the iP@d, I want to use the best tools at the right time. That's all, not complicated. #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:56 RT @Shaunwilden: Showing concrete ways that it can be integrated that genuinely show why tech is better than X or Y #eltchat
rliberni 02:56 @alastairjgrant  it's all part and parcel but we are such a huge industry and the perception is still a bit of a hobby I think #eltchat
Shaunwilden 02:56 @cherrymp Ok looked I meant better  - why would i use tech if it didnt make better an idea or activity? #eltchat
mmm4music 02:56 @chrisemdin  #eltchat You wouldn't have a quick word with my boss, would you? HA!
ShellTerrell 02:56 Awesome! RT @cioccas: I'm supporting, modelling, showcasing, encouraging, cajoling, begging and bribing teachers this year! #ELTchat
bealer81 02:56 @juanalejandro26 @ShellTerrell It's your classroom, therefore your rules. Un-prohibit them! #eltchat
HelenePodmore 02:56 RT @clikman: @ShellTerrell  #eltchat Yes, Trainng nds to be givn the same importnce as tech is now reqd in lsssns Schls can't just invest in h/ware &hope
rliberni 02:56 RT @ShellTerrell: RT @MarkWinegar: Sadly "teacher training" taught me very little about teaching. Thoughtful teaching and my mentor did wonders #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:57 RT @mcneilmahon: Patience, understanding, helpful models, reliable technology, successful learning experiences, gonna take a lot..  #eltchat
cherrymp 02:57 RT @cybraryman1: My Technology pages can help you find info about many great tech tools to use with your students: http://bit.ly/2yakNq #eltchat
Collaborative 02:57 #eltchat Whats the use of teaching-means without addressing learning-ends? Thats where cheating starts
veecam 02:57 Much agree with ... RT @JessieDriscoll: more teachers should learn by doing - I believe teacher training needs a BIG shake up! #eltchat
cybraryman1 02:57 My Technology pages can help you find info about many great tech tools to use with your students: http://bit.ly/2yakNq #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:57 RT @veecam: one word - Engagement #eltchat
Shaunwilden 02:57 RT @theteacherjames: @eleni_sav Absolutely. Tool could be anything, piece of paper & pen. It has to fit the purpose, and if it doesn't, I won't use it. #eltchat
chrisemdin 02:57 If phones are banned in school, have youth use them outside of school, and email you their findings. There's always a solution #eltchat
theteacherjames 02:57 @eleni_sav Absolutely. Tool could be anything, piece of paper & pen. It has to fit the purpose, and if it doesn't, I won't use it. #eltchat
juanalejandro26 02:57 I did it!! but I got scolded! haha #ELTChat @bealer81 @ShellTerrell
cherrymp 02:57 @Shaunwilden k - got it now - :) #eltchat
theteacherjames 02:58 @mcneilmahon Yes, if I need one at all. I'm normally tech free. #eltchat
mmm4music 02:58 #ELTCHAT I also thnk pro tech camp's undrstndle zeal at times scares many off. We sound like J witnesses on steroids .
alhen_ 02:58 a big bunch of Ts aren't in the classroom by choice. Tech is  expensive and most refuse to give their free time to learn #eltchat #Bolivia
chrisemdin 02:58 @mmm4music It would be my pleasure to chat with the boss LOL #eltchat
rliberni 02:58 @japglish  I see jobs adv at Β£12 & Β£13 per hour !  I have been offered these rate too by reputable schools #eltchat
veecam 02:58 RT @chrisemdin: To integrate tech in the classroom, don't tell a teacher how to do it, go in the classroom and help implement it #eltchat
cioccas 02:59 @eleni_sav @ShellTerrell Thanks :) It's very slow and frustrating task, but I'm determined to bring everyone along with me #ELTchat
rliberni 02:59 RT @ShellTerrell: RT @teachercez: Join us to FREE the webinar in 5 minutes time : http://t.co/P9ytvVv.  c.c. #esl #eltchat
ShellTerrell 02:59 RT @juanalejandro26: #ELTChat allowing the use of tech in classrooms! cellphones are prohibited to be used in them!
rliberni 02:59 @japglish  this is true . #eltchat
catsndogs 02:59 #eltchat when we need a efl video, we recruit volunteers for our elem from the staff. make it easy ,fun and quick and they will join again.
ShellTerrell 02:59 RT @teachercez: Join us to FREE the webinar in 5 minutes time : http://t.co/P9ytvVv.  c.c. #esl #eltchat
rliberni 03:00 Sorry got to go to Gapchat thanks to gr8 tech savvy co-mods @ShellTerrell  @Shaunwilden  #eltchat
ShellTerrell 03:00 Thanks all for another great #eltchat & moderators extraordinaire @rliberni @Shaunwilden who model awesome EFL tech integration
cherrymp 03:00 thanks mates - nth shared is wasted - learning - c u next week #eltchat
juanalejandro26 03:00 btw! what devices do you consider "high tech"? #ELTChat because we're talking about tech. but which one?
SnaPanda 03:00 RT @cybraryman1 My Technology pages can help you find info about many great tools to use with your students: http://bit.ly/2yakNq #eltchat
brad5patterson 03:00 RT @cybraryman1 My Technology pages can help you find info about many great tools to use with your students: http://bit.ly/2yakNq #eltchat
alastairjgrant 03:00 RT @ShellTerrell: RT @juanalejandro26: #ELTChat cellphones are prohibited to be used in them! - and blackberries.. please...


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