
The benefits of joining an international association such as IATEFL and TESOL Inc

Page history last edited by Shaun 13 years, 8 months ago

This is the transcript of the #eltchat at 12 BST on 22.06.2011 on the The benefits of joining an international association, such as IATEFL & TESOL Inc.,

especially for those of us who live on the other side of the world from where most of the events are held by these associations. 


username time status
Shaunwilden 12:00 Welcome to today's #eltchat your mods for this chat are myself & @barbsaka the topic is The benefits of joining an international association
barbsaka 12:00 Everyone ready for #eltchat today?
galactadon 12:00 For the next hour I'm in #eltchat mode
sandymillin 12:01 #eltchat Not me - seemed too expensive, but prospect of going to IATEFL next year, and meeting you guys on Twitter means might be soon
barbsaka 12:01 @galactadon It's all open! #eltchat
galactadon 12:01 Question: are there only benefits, no down sides, or those are for another hour? #eltchat
barbsaka 12:01 Who here belongs to an international teaching association? #eltchat
AndreaBudding 12:01 Good evening from Australia! I'll be lurking tonight RT @barbsaka: For the next hour my tweets will be dedicated to #eltchat
barbsaka 12:02 I belong to TESOL, IATEFL, and JALT (Japan affiliate of both) #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:02 @galactadon It would be good to hear some of the downsides  #eltchat
fionamau 12:02 @Shaunwilden The mobile plug in thing (pincho) yes, but not sure how much eltchat I can join in for. Coursework no problem today, tho
chucksandy 12:02 Why join intl professional assns? for community, collaboration & the chance to see beyond the walls of your own context #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:02 RT @barbsaka: Who here belongs to an international teaching association? #eltchat  I do  - IATEFL
yitzha_sarwono 12:03 RT @chucksandy: Why join intl professional assns? for community, collaboration & the chance to see beyond the walls of your own context #eltchat
esolcourses 12:03 RT @Shaunwilden: RT @barbsaka: Who here belongs to an international teaching association? #eltchat  I do  - IATEFL ] Same here, +  TESOL
esolcourses 12:03 RT @chucksandy: Why join intl professional assns? for community, collaboration &  to see beyond the walls of your own context #eltchat
profesortbaker 12:03 The Good Earth: Homeless Kenyan Boys Choir: http://t.co/OqkWtvv #ELTchat #edchat #ukedchat #langchat #cpchat #elemchat #lrnchat #IATEFL #esl
Shaunwilden 12:04 RT @IateflPoland: @sandymillin #eltchat Try Iatefl first, then decide if it's too expensive. The experience will wow you! - I agree :-)
yitzha_sarwono 12:04 @Shaunwilden @barbsaka Ready to hop in to the topics! eager to know more #eltchat
chucksandy 12:04 i belong to TESOL, JALT FEELTA KOTESOL & a bunch more but must say in some cases it's just a part of my professional duty to belong #eltchat
IateflPoland 12:04 @sandymillin #eltchat Try Iatefl first, then decide if it's too expensive. The experience will wow you!
hakan_sentrk 12:04 I recently became a member of IATEFL  #eltchat
barbsaka 12:04 I think it would be useful to hear about both the benefits teachers see (thanks, @chucksandy ) and the drawbacks #eltchat
fionamau 12:04 RT @Shaunwilden: 6 topics to vote for and the poll is now open for this week's #eltchat http://bit.ly/khQtw8
AlexandraKouk 12:05 a bit late but ready for  #ELTchat :-)
Shaunwilden 12:05 @chucksandy So if it is professional duty, you dont see the benefits? #eltchat
barbsaka 12:05 Answers? RT @sandymillin: So why should people join if they can't go to the conference? What benefits would they get? #eltchat
KarenInGreece 12:05 For the next hour, my tweets will be dedicated to #eltchat.
sandymillin 12:05 So why should people join if they can't go to the conference? What benefits would they get? #eltchat
marcusmurilo 12:05 RT @fionamau: A place of greater safety: new blog post http://bit.ly/gUmTMD #eltchat #yltsig #tdsig  #tefl
yitzha_sarwono 12:05 For the next hour my tweets are dedicated to #eltchat
NATECLA 12:05 RT @juliuss003: Why social media can and is changing education #esl #tefl #efl #esol #elearning #tesol #eltchat #iatefl #studyenglish http://bit.ly/leCSsJ
Shaunwilden 12:06 @sandymillin Well  there are local conferences, smaller conferences,  SIGS groups, magazines to read.....#eltchat
hakan_sentrk 12:06 I became a member because I wanted to become part  of an entity that knows /shares/contributes to my profession, professionally #eltchat
grahamstanley 12:06 Hi everyone #eltchat I am a committee member of the  #iatefl #ltsig and a member of #tesolspain
KarenInGreece 12:06 I was a member of IATEFL but didn't renew this year #eltchat
barbsaka 12:06 RT @gknightbkk: IATEFL's website is scant on reasons to join but discount on publications and one SIG membership seems to be it #eltchat
naomishema 12:06 #eltchat hi all!
AlexandraKouk 12:06 RT @chucksandy: y join intl professional assns? 4 community, collaboration & the chance 2 C beyond the walls of yr own context #eltchat
gknightbkk 12:06 IATEFL's website is scant on reasons to join but discount on publications and one SIG membership seems to be it #eltchat
chucksandy 12:06 i must day that since the birth of my PLN that some of the shine of intl assns has worn off: I'm building community elsewhere  #eltchat
interactivecup 12:06 We have our new Interactive Teaching Tip out: http://ow.ly/5lE4f Make vocabulary lessons fun in the classroom! #ELTchat #esl #efl #elt
grahamstanley 12:07 yes, - have just checked into hotel in Madrid - glad I could make it #eltchat @Shaunwilden
harrisonmike 12:07 There's an #IATEFL Adobe Connect Room that is available for SIGs to use for their online events #eltchat
barbsaka 12:07 @sandymillin I spend most of my professional time with sig members (young learners) #eltchat
OUPELTGlobal 12:07 @barbsaka Hi all, must be Wednesday. I think the first benefit beyond the conference would be the magazine and being in touch #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:07 @grahamstanley Hi Graham, glad you join us esp as it was suggestion :) #eltchat
sandymillin 12:07 @barbsaka How does being a member of the SIGs benefit you? #eltchat
galactadon 12:07 If you can't afford to go to conferences, is membership worth it? #eltchat
chucksandy 12:07 @shaunwilden: there are benefits: i get journals, newsletters, some advocacy & more.  #eltchat
barbsaka 12:07 @KarenInGreece Why didn't you renew? #eltchat
gknightbkk 12:07 RT @chucksandy: i must day that since the birth of my PLN that some of the shine of intl assns has worn off: I'm building community elsewhere  #eltchat
samshep 12:07 RT @juliuss003: Why social media can and is changing education #esl #tefl #efl #esol #elearning #tesol #eltchat #iatefl #studyenglish http://bit.ly/leCSsJ
grahamstanley 12:08 #eltchat I think lots of teacher associations are struggling to show value of membership in the social networking age
yitzha_sarwono 12:08 @barbsaka I am actually thinking about applying to join IATEFL but still have doubt as I'm not really in the filed nowadays #eltchat
IateflPoland 12:08 @sandymillin #eltchat They can go online and see many interviews, talks, etc. Also, workshops by SIG groups - u can attend. Get bulletins.
Shaunwilden 12:08 @sandymillin I think I get a lot from being in the  LTSIG,  like minded people sharing ideas etc #eltchat
barbsaka 12:08 RT @harrisonmike: There's an #IATEFL Adobe Connect Room that is available for SIGs to use for their online events #eltchat
OUPELTGlobal 12:08 RT @chucksandy: @shaunwilden: there are benefits: i get journals, newsletters, some advocacy & more. #eltchat
worldteacher 12:08 RT @Shaunwilden: 6 topics to vote for and the poll is now open for this week's #eltchat http://bit.ly/khQtw8
KarenInGreece 12:09 @barbsaka Didn't get around to it (bad excuse)... and no money! And also not able to attend conferences so didn't see much value #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 12:09 RT @barbsaka: RT @gknightbkk: IATEFL's website is scant on reasons to join but discount on publications and one SIG membership seems to be it #eltchat
AlexandraKouk 12:09 RT @sandymillin: What benefits do you get that you can't get from being part of Twitter/the blogosphere?  #eltchat
galactadon 12:09 sorry, but the benefits seem pretty scanty so far. I'm not a member, but can't those of you who are make a longer list of benefits? #eltchat
sandymillin 12:09 RT @chucksandy: i do think tho it's part of my duty to support organizations which support the profession & which have invited me to contribute #eltchat
chucksandy 12:09 i do think tho it's part of my duty to support organizations which support the profession & which have invited me to contribute #eltchat
esolcourses 12:09 RT @Shaunwilden: @sandymillin I think I get a lot from being in the  LTSIG,  like minded people sharing ideas etc #eltchat
hakan_sentrk 12:09 RT @grahamstanley: #eltchat I think lots of teacher associations are struggling to show value of membership in the social networking age
sandymillin 12:09 What benefits do you get that you can't get from being part of Twitter/the blogosphere?  #eltchat
lu_bodeman 12:09 RT @yitzha_sarwono: RT @Shaunwilden: 6 topics to vote for and the poll is now open for this week's #eltchat http://bit.ly/khQtw8 > Vote in.
ragtimemadam 12:09 RT @OUPELTGlobal: RT @chiasuan: @pjgallantry Absolutely! My MA teacher once said 'An approach is only as good as the teacher who employs it'... #eltchat
chucksandy 12:10 iit's kind of like joining a union isn't it? TESOL for ex. works to advocate for lang. teachers. It's good to support this effort #eltchat
grahamstanley 12:10 @sandymillin #eltchat ...a lot of those benefits are also open to non-members too
KarenInGreece 12:10 Although I have to say I liked the magazine they send you. I keep saying I'll renew but don't get around to it. Next year! #eltchat
grahamstanley 12:10 @sandymillin #eltchat in theory, being a member of an #iatefl sig gives you benefits such as access to members, etc. - in practice...
OUPELTGlobal 12:10 RT @grahamstanley: #eltchat I think lots of teacher associations are struggling to show value of membership in the  networking age
barbsaka 12:10 @sandymillin SIGs often have their own newsletter, or dedicated chats, and online groups #eltchat
gknightbkk 12:11 I would get more involved with IATEFL SIGs if they did more to globalise conferences and other events #eltchat
hakan_sentrk 12:11 @AlexandraKouk  twitter is not a professional/official ground to  publish research/ideas, it is just a tool to announce them #eltchat
OUPELTGlobal 12:11 I think sometimes a SIG can be a very closed group. I didn't get much from my IATEFL SIG and changed. Still disappointed #eltchat
KarenInGreece 12:11 RT @grahamstanley: #eltchat I think lots of teacher associations are struggling to show value of membership in the social networking age
esolcourses 12:11 RT @AlexandraKouk: RT @sandymillin: What benefits do you get that you can't get from being part of Twitter/the blogosphere?  #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:11 RT @chucksandy: iit's kind of like joining a union isn't it? TESOL for ex. works to advocate for lang. teachers. It's good to support this effort #eltchat
galactadon 12:11 @grahamstanley as well they should. if the only real value provided is networking, well, we obviously get a lot of that for free #eltchat
gibarino 12:11 RT @OUPELTGlobal: 16 creative ways to use songs in the classroom http://oxford.ly/mGJ6Mn via @busyteacher_org #eltchat #edchat
OUPELTGlobal 12:12 RT @galactadon: @chucksandy I'd like to hear more about that. What is this advocacy, concretely? #eltchat
AlexandraKouk 12:12 @hakan_sentrk  I beg to differ :-) # #ELTchat
KarenInGreece 12:12 @grahamstanley Good point, I agree. I get more online, up-to-date information than TA can provide #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:12 @galactadon @grahamstanley #eltchat But then if people didn't join it wouldn't have the funds  / power to d… (cont) http://deck.ly/~77C6d
galactadon 12:12 @chucksandy I'd like to hear more about that.  What is this advocacy, concretely? #eltchat
barbsaka 12:12 One of the benefits @OUPELTGlobal mentioned is advocacy. I think that's a biggie. More members=bigger voice #eltchat
nickkiley 12:12 #eltchat I do sometimes feel I'm paying a lot for a magazine subscription - haven't made it to a conf yet, lots in online.
harrisonmike 12:13 Contributions make the pubs (Voices) so if this is to be a big benefit to being a member of #IATEFL, members need to contribute #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:13 @gknightbkk Well i belong to the LT SIG and we are trying to do that #eltchat
hartle 12:13 #ELTchat HI everyone, sorry I'm late
grahamstanley 12:13 #eltchat @nickkiley yes, and re. magazine subscription, now that the #ltsig has gone electronic it has fewer readers
chucksandy 12:13 @sandymillin: as a member of JALT I have input into the conference program, am an active member of some SIGs, lots of benefits #eltchat
harrisonmike 12:14 Don't forget Associate members of organisations like #IATEFL - can they always access knowledge and networking thru Twitter/blogs? #eltchat
Marisa_C 12:14 HI everyone and apologies can't make this #ELTchat - am in class observing - see u in the late night show!
chucksandy 12:14 RT @galactadon: TESOL works to get support for adjunct faculty, for ex, lobbies to get ed. friendly US legislation passed... #eltchat
naomishema 12:14 #eltchat I already support the national english ts organization. need to be a member to apply for a schoalrship to GET to a conference
esolcourses 12:14 @AlexandraKouk @sandymillin IMO, main benefits are F2F conferences, etc. Discount on conference fee usually > than cost 2 join #ELTChat
Shaunwilden 12:14 RT @barbsaka: @harrisonmike Good point, Mike. Only as good as contributions #IATEFL #eltchat
barbsaka 12:14 @harrisonmike Good point, Mike. Only as good as contributions #IATEFL #eltchat
fionamau 12:14 Any idea why, recently, when I vote 4 #eltchat topics, I can see results piechart on the same page as the options to vote 4?Used 2 b hidden
Shaunwilden 12:15 RT @grahamstanley: @Shaunwilden in the past, the #iatefl #ltsig has produced a member-only publication (book, CD-ROM, etc) #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:15 RT @galactadon: Could we talk about what we WISH intl. teacher organizations provided, or too off topic? #eltchat Go 4 it, :-)
OUPELTGlobal 12:15 RT @galactadon: Could we talk about what we WISH intl. teacher organizations provided, or too off topic? #eltchat
barbsaka 12:15 RT @CintiaStella: Hi everyone! I joined TESOL recently & attended 2 webinars that have already paid for my membership #eltchat
barbsaka 12:15 @galactadon What would you like to see? #eltchat
cintiastella 12:15 Hi everyone! I joined TESOL recently & attended 2 webinars that have already paid for my membership #eltchat
barbsaka 12:15 Sure! RT @galactadon: Could we talk about what we WISH intl. teacher organizations provided, or too off topic? #eltchat
AlexandraKouk 12:15 RT @esolcourses: @sandymillin IMO, main benefits R F2F conferences, etc. Discount on conference fee usually > than cost 2 join #ELTChat
hartle 12:15 RT @esolcourses: @AlexandraKouk @sandymillin IMO, main benefits are F2F conferences, etc. Discou... #ELTChat I agree
galactadon 12:15 Could we talk about what we WISH intl. teacher organizations provided, or too off topic? #eltchat
harrisonmike 12:16 How about the opportunity to speak at an international conference? Many cut their teeth at #IATEFL. #eltchat
hartle 12:16 I belong to #Iatefl, #eltchat and have met lots of people thu conferences, shared ideas etc.  & I found eltchat this way
gknightbkk 12:16 A TESOL affiliate is banned in Vietnam because it's seen as a trade union, and there is already a state-run union for teachers #eltchat
OUPELTGlobal 12:16 @cintiastella Wow, I like that idea a lot. Didn't know orgs were doing that. #eltchat
esolcourses 12:16 RT @Shaunwilden: RT @galactadon: Could we talk about what we WISH intl. teacher organizations provided #eltchat Go 4 it, :-)
annabooklover 12:17 RT @marekandrews: since Bill Lee founded IATEFL in 1967, it's helped our profession enormously+ it's great to be a part of it http://t.co/y4lAFXy #eltchat
annabooklover 12:17 Hello everyone #eltchat. From time to time I am a member of different teachers associations
nickkiley 12:17 #eltchat Is there an issue that smaller countries 'miss out' and form their own teaching groups to address local issues?
grahamstanley 12:17 RT @marekandrews: since Bill Lee founded IATEFL in 1967, it's helped our profession enormously+ it's great to be a part of it http://t.co/y4lAFXy #eltchat
jefflebow 12:17 @galactadon -  all open content (journals/mags/proceedings) and more social media integration &  archived presentations #eltchat
barbsaka 12:17 @gknightbkk Does Vietnam lump IATEFL into the same group as TESOL? #eltchat
marekandrews 12:17 since Bill Lee founded IATEFL in 1967, it's helped our profession enormously+ it's great to be a part of it http://t.co/y4lAFXy #eltchat
OUPELTGlobal 12:17 RT @harrisonmike: How about the opportunity to speak at an international conference? Many cut their teeth at #IATEFL. #eltchat
chucksandy 12:18 RT @marekandrews since Bill Lee founded IATEFL in 1967 its helped our profession enormously... http://t.co/y4lAFXy #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 12:18 Here we have TEFLIN but even so, there aren't much thing to share as we're still struggling ourselves in daily basis #eltchat
gknightbkk 12:18 @barbsaka yes IATEFL is the same #eltchat
galactadon 12:18 It needs to be something pretty unique: there's a lot of great free ELT stuff available, and plenty of networking #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:18 @annabooklover  from time to time? #eltchat
esolcourses 12:18 I would like to see less paper being sent out. Not very green. Don't need a bound copy of conf. abstracts.  PDF is good enough #ELTChat
analuisalozano 12:18 RT @interactivecup: We have our new Interactive Teaching Tip out: http://ow.ly/5lE4f Make vocabulary lessons fun in the classroom! #ELTchat
chucksandy 12:19 @yitzha_sarwono: I loved the TEFLIN conference in Indonesia. What a great organization. I'm a member of that too ^^ #eltchat
barbsaka 12:19 RT @sandymillin: Please don't forget the #eltchat hashtag! :)
galactadon 12:19 Maybe things that don't get done by the free folks for 1 reason or another (too expensive, too controversial, too complicated) #eltchat
annabooklover 12:19 I agree with what @marekandrews has just said about IATEFL but have to confess my membership expired and I haven't renewed it yet #eltchat
hartle 12:19 RT @esolcourses: I would like to see less paper...PDF is good enough #ELTChat Unfortunately not in Italy, for careers U need 3 copies
sandymillin 12:19 Please don't forget the #eltchat hashtag! :)
OUPELTGlobal 12:19 @nickkiley I found out about IATEFL and TESOL from first joining the local Ts assoc in Portugal. an important step at the time #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:19 @nickkiley True but then many smaller countries  still do this under the umbrella of the bigger org #eltchat
chucksandy 12:20 RT @hartle: Has anyone been to the TED conferences? > I have. Fantastic, but a different sort of organization.  #eltchat
KarenInGreece 12:20 @galactadon It needs to be something pretty unique: there's a lot of great free ELT stuff available, and plenty of networking #eltchat Agree
annabooklover 12:20 RT @cintiastella: Being part of an international association gives me a sense of belonging and support.  #eltchat
OUPELTGlobal 12:20 RT @cintiastella: Being part of an international association gives me a sense of belonging and support. #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:20 RT @cintiastella: Being part of an international association gives me a sense of belonging and support.  #eltchat
annabooklover 12:20 The reason I let it lapse was primarily financial :( #eltchat
hartle 12:20 RT @underwoodsensei: Hey guys cn I join? I'm a member of a few: JALT, ETJ , gr8 way 2 meet teachers but sum ppl I know R put off by the fees #eltchat
grahamstanley 12:20 #eltchat @galactadon  I think the #iatefl #ltsig should make journal content open, for example, like the TESL-EJ http://tinyurl.com/5sloxf4
hartle 12:20 Has anyone been to the TED conferences? #eltchat
underwoodsensei 12:20 Hey guys cn I join? I'm a member of a few: JALT, ETJ , gr8 way 2 meet teachers but sum ppl I know R put off by the fees #eltchat
galactadon 12:20 sorry, I meant you can't just duplicate things that are already available for free #eltchat
naomishema 12:20 #eltchat member only publications R problem when not online - can't get an article that appeared there a year ago if not affiliated to univ!
cintiastella 12:20 Being part of an international association gives me a sense of belonging and support.  #eltchat
OUPELTGlobal 12:21 I get more from subscribing to a mag than joining an org. IMO, that shouldn't be #eltchat
hartle 12:21 RT @chucksandy: RT @hartle: ... Fantastic, but a different sort of organization.  #eltchat yes but I'd love to go :-)
KarenInGreece 12:21 @annabooklover I did the same thing for the same reason #eltchat
barbsaka 12:21 @underwoodsensei Always welcome! Thanks for jumping in! #eltchat
esolcourses 12:21 @hartle Oh, dear... Doesn't bode well good for the future of the planet. Sounds like time to get on board with the 21st century ;-) #ELTchat
Shaunwilden 12:21 @nickkiley @OUPELTGlobal such as? #eltchat
galactadon 12:21 Advocacy is a classic example of something the free people aren't going to do. But I'm not clear what these assocs do in advocacy #eltchat
nickkiley 12:21 @OUPELTGlobal  @Shaunwilden  #eltchat Good point, and then the larger org needs to provide sthg more
sandymillin 12:21 @underwoodsensei Anyone can join in with #eltchat if they want to :)
hartle 12:22 RT @OUPELTGlobal: I #eltchat I think they're different. Assocs for meeting colleagues, sharing ideas etc. mags for exploration of ideas
AlexandraKouk 12:22 RT @annabooklover: @KarenInGreece Well living in Greece the last two years hasn't been easy... #eltchat >true!
barbsaka 12:22 Good one! RT @grahamstanley: #eltchat  #iatefl sponsors conference speakers  who otherwise  couldn't afford to attend
esolcourses 12:22 RT @grahamstanley: #eltchat  benefit that hasn't been mentioned so far: #iatefl sponsors speakers who otherwise  couldn't afford to attend
annabooklover 12:22 RT @grahamstanley: #eltchat  One benefit that hasn't been mentioned so far: #iatefl sponsors conference speakers  who otherwise  couldn't afford to attend
sandymillin 12:22 @grahamstanley although you don't necessarily have to be a member for some of the scholarships #eltchat #iatefl
galactadon 12:22 Networking can also be powerful if it is much more targeted and effective than the free version. For example #eltchat
naomishema 12:22 #eltchat my tesol sig deals with admirable advocacy plans but totally not relevant for me who doesn't teach in America!
annabooklover 12:22 @KarenInGreece Well living in Greece the last two years hasn't been easy... #eltchat
grahamstanley 12:22 #eltchat  One benefit that hasn't been mentioned so far: #iatefl sponsors conference speakers  who otherwise  couldn't afford to attend
CELT_Athens 12:22 Voting now open for 22.06.2011 http://bit.ly/ijSSvA #ELTchat
chucksandy 12:23 RT @hartle: The great thing abt TED is the mix of people: visionaries, educators, scientists, business people.  #eltchat
KarenInGreece 12:23 @AlexandraKouk @annabooklover Do either of you belong to any TA's in Greece? #eltchat
grahamstanley 12:23 RT @marekandrews: good to work in your local TA if you have one+then encourage people to see the benefits of hooking up with the big IATEFL #eltchat
galactadon 12:23 if you can put people in touch with each other who are very well matched, people who might otherwise not have found each other #eltchat
marekandrews 12:23 good to work in your local TA if you have one+then encourage people to see the benefits of hooking up with the big IATEFL #eltchat
hartle 12:23 RT @AlexandraKouk: RT @annabooklover: @KarenInGreece Well living in Greece the last two years hasn't been easy... #eltchat  :-( cn imagine
esolcourses 12:23 RT @hartle: RT @OUPELTGlobal: I #eltchat think they're different. Assocs for meeting colleagues, sharing ideas/mags for exploration of ideas
Shaunwilden 12:23 @sandymillin No but then memberships fee etc do help fund so take that away then fewer places funded #eltchat
OUPELTGlobal 12:23 @Shaunwilden I get the magazine and learn about topics, other people in EFL, I am encouraged to participate more indirectly #eltchat
grahamstanley 12:23 #eltchat @sandymillin yes, but if there weren't organisations, the grants wouldn't be there :-)
naomishema 12:23 RT @grahamstanley: #eltchat  One benefit that hasn't been mentioned so far: #iatefl sponsors conference speakers  who otherwise  couldn't afford to attend
KarenInGreece 12:23 @annabooklover Tell me about it! :-) #eltchat
grahamstanley 12:24 #eltchat @chucksandy TED is a good model of a conference - people who can pay to attend pay for the free content online for those who can't
BobK99 12:24 Late arrival - catching up.... #eltchat
harrisonmike 12:24 RT @barbsaka: Good one! RT @grahamstanley: #eltchat  #iatefl sponsors conference speakers  who otherwise  couldn't afford to attend
OUPELTGlobal 12:24 RT @chucksandy: RT @hartle: The great thing abt TED is the mix of people: visionaries, educators, scientists, business people. #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 12:24 RT @OUPELTGlobal: RT @cintiastella: Being part of an international association gives me a sense of belonging and support. #eltchat
AlexandraKouk 12:24 @KarenInGreece used to - can't afford it any more :-(  #ELTChat
barbsaka 12:24 IATEFL offers gr8 free online coverage of conf. TESOL offers gr8 free online courses. Neither possible w/o member fees #eltchat
hartle 12:24 RT @chucksandy: RT @hartle: The great thing abt TED ..#eltchat RU going to next one?
OUPELTGlobal 12:24 @hartle I agree but I don't seem to get as much from organisations beyond the mag. Conferences are expensive, not for every1 #eltchat
jefflebow 12:24 #eltchat - speaking of environmentally friendly, I'd like to see more virtual conferences & workshops (e.g. EVO, WiAOC) - saves money & fuel
Shaunwilden 12:24 RT @harrisonmike: #eltchat, will leave u w a teaser: @iatefl will be more active on Twitter & Facebook & ther… (cont) http://deck.ly/~axV5A
barbarabujtas 12:24 Hi everyone! I'm a freelance private tutor, don't even have a staffroom, these groups are vital to me, that's where my PLN started #eltchat
nickkiley 12:24 RT @Shaunwilden: @nickkiley @OUPELTGlobal such as? #eltchat There's the ? Good to feel part of sthg bigger, but can they help local issues?
yitzha_sarwono 12:25 RT @barbsaka: IATEFL offers gr8 free online coverage of conf. TESOL offers gr8 free online courses. Neither possible w/o member fees #eltchat
nickkiley 12:25 #eltchat Do people have pref of IATEFL or TESOL, or down to location / needs?
esolcourses 12:25 RT @grahamstanley: #eltchat TED is a good model of a conference - people who can pay to attend pay /free content online for those who can't
hartle 12:25 RT @barbarabujtas: RT @barbsaka: IATEFL offers gr8 free online coverage of conf. TESOL offers gr8 free online courses.
Shaunwilden 12:25 RT @marekandrews: Being part of a teacher association as as teacher should be as normal as breathing air but we need to constantly work on it #eltchat
cintiastella 12:25 RT @barbsaka: IATEFL offers gr8 free online coverage of conf. TESOL offers gr8 free online courses. Neither possible w/o member fees #eltchat
hartle 12:25 RT @OUPELTGlobal: @hartle I agree Conferences are expensive.. #eltchat True, depennds on situation, but I think Iatefl is investment
barbarabujtas 12:25 RT @barbsaka: IATEFL offers gr8 free online coverage of conf. TESOL offers gr8 free online courses.
marekandrews 12:25 Being part of a teacher association as as teacher should be as normal as breathing air but we need to constantly work on it #eltchat
esolcourses 12:25 @barbarabujtas same here. Felt very isolated before I started networking online #eltchat
chucksandy 12:25 RT @barbsaka: IATEFLoffers gr8 free online coverage of conf. TESOL offers gr8 free online courses. Neither possible w/o member fees #eltchat
naomishema 12:25 #eltchat ASCD is a general teacher's org. membership MUCH cheaper but AWESOME webinars and a good magazine. many relevant things
barbsaka 12:26 @nickkiley I belong to both #iatefl and #tesol but here in Japan, most teachers belong to neither. They prefer #jalt #eltchat
naomishema 12:26 @OUPELTGlobal #eltchat haven't gone to one either. no grants!
gknightbkk 12:26 I believe a subscription to ELT Journal is a better investment than IATEFL membership in many parts of the world #eltchat
AlexandraKouk 12:26 RT @grahamstanley: #eltchat @chucksandy TED is a gd model of a conference - ppl who cn pay 2 attend pay 4 the free content online 4 those ..
hartle 12:26 RT @esolcourses: RT @grahamstanley: #eltchat TED people who can pay to attend pay /free content online for those who can't. Iatefl too
OUPELTGlobal 12:26 @naomishema I love ASCD even though I can't go to the confs! #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:26 RT @nickkiley: #eltchat Do people have pref of IATEFL or TESOL, or down to location / needs? I suspect it is location?
naomishema 12:26 RT @marekandrews: Being part of a teacher association as as teacher should be as normal as breathing air- have local TA for that! #eltchat
grahamstanley 12:27 @chucksandy #eltchat yes, you could say that about #iatefl online now - anyone can benefit from the online conference content
OUPELTGlobal 12:27 RT @gknightbkk: I believe a subscription to ELT Journal is a better invstmt thn IATEFL memship in many parts of the world #eltchat
galactadon 12:27 Do IATEFL or TESOL get involved when a govt. is trying to revamp English teaching in their country? #eltchat
hartle 12:27 IN Italy we have TESOL and Critish Council conferences, mainly 2nd school focus perhaps #eltchat
KarenInGreece 12:27 @annabooklover @AlexandraKouk What is PEKADE? I'd like to join TESOL-Mac/Thrace but I conferences are never close enough to get to #eltchat
underwoodsensei 12:27 Anyone heard about the educamps in America? looks pretty cool: http://bit.ly/klp2fY sometimes free, the teachers un-conference. #eltchat
sandymillin 12:27 @barbsaka online coverage of IATEFL Brighton conference was great. know fees needed for this, but why join? (devil's advocate) #eltchat
grahamstanley 12:27 #eltchat Another reason for being: if we are to be considered a profession, we need professional bodies such as #iatefl and #tesol
chucksandy 12:27 RT @grahamstanley: True abt TED It's 1 thing I like: every 1 benefits & gets access thanx to those who can pay including sponsors #eltchat
marekandrews 12:27 @barbarabujtas @barbsaka  involving people in that online coverage is a great way of getting teachers to see the benefits of IATEFL #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:28 @sandymillin IATEFL is the 1 conf I make sure I can go to - yes expensive but the investment is worth it , so much to get out of it #eltchat
marekandrews 12:28 @sandymillin @barbsaka I think it's good to support +pay for things that you feel are valuable  #eltchat
barbsaka 12:28 @sandymillin I think in some ways, I pay now (because I can) so teachers who can't afford can benefit. Later, they pay it forward #eltchat
hartle 12:28 RT @grahamstanley: #eltchat Another reason for being: if we are to be considered a profession, we need professional bodies such as #iatefl and #tesol
galactadon 12:28 Serving as a sort of international reference of best practice, gathered from members, that would be great. #eltchat
nickkiley 12:28 RT @grahamstanley: #eltchat Another reason: if we are to be considered a profession, we need professional bodies such as #iatefl and #tesol
luc_germain 12:28 RT @Ilotimo: #Flickr for #Teachers & #Classrooms http://bit.ly/jGtv2k #edtech #edchat #eltchat #eduswe #ukedchat  #cpchat #elemchat
harrisonmike 12:29 #eltchat RT @IateflPoland: @OUPELTGlobal @harrisonmike Your presentation skills are really tested at Iatefl conf w/ knowldgable audiences.
esolcourses 12:29 Know we've thrashed this one out b4, but I would like to see #IATEFL waive reg. fees for presenters who aren't funded by publishers #ELTChat
sandymillin 12:29 RT @marekandrews: @barbsaka Iit's good to support +pay for things that you feel are valuable  #eltchat<me 2...(will pay whn can afford)
chucksandy 12:29 @grahamstanley I certainly benefited from IATELF's online conference offerings. It's fabulous.  #eltchat
galactadon 12:29 A lot of professional bodies do certification, sometimes different levels of certification, and training #eltchat
grahamstanley 12:29 RT @nickkiley: #eltchat Maybe we need to make more of our membership - writing, sharing, setting up events locally - my new resolution
marekandrews 12:29 RT @Shaunwilden: @sandymillin IATEFL is the 1 conf I make sure I can go to - yes expensive but the investment is worth it , so much to get out of it #eltchat
OUPELTGlobal 12:29 RT @marekandrews: @sandymillin @barbsaka I think it's good to support +pay for things that you feel are valuable #eltchat
barbsaka 12:29 RT @nickkiley: #eltchat Maybe we need to make more of our membership - writing, sharing, setting up events locally - my new resolution
hartle 12:29 RT @sandymillin: @barbsaka online coverage of IATEFL Brighton . but why join? (devil's advocate) #eltchat Gd point but sprs have to join
annabooklover 12:29 @KarenInGreece PEKADE is an association for teachers of English in State Education. If you don't leave in Athens,not very useful...#eltchat
nickkiley 12:29 #eltchat Maybe we need to make more of our membership - writing, sharing, setting up events locally - my new resolution
Shaunwilden 12:30 RT @chucksandy: And we should say thank you to the ELT publishers who underwrite so much of the big conferences each year. Thank you! ^^ #eltchat
chucksandy 12:30 And we should say thank you to the ELT publishers who underwrite so much of the big conferences each year. Thank you! ^^ #eltchat
annabooklover 12:30 What I love about associations is the events they organize. Be4 twitter and all the other soc. media they were indeed indispensable #eltchat
mickstout 12:30 @sandymillin It'd take too many tweets 2 explain all benefits I've enjoyed as member of #jalt. JALT is at the centre of my PLN #eltchat
web20education 12:30 RT @barbsaka: RT @nickkiley: #eltchat Maybe we need to make more of our membership - writing, sharing, setting up events locally - my new resolution
esolcourses 12:30 RT @Shaunwilden: I should of course mention that it is worth going to IATEFL in glasgow as #eltchat will be hosting a symposium :-)
hartle 12:30 RT @Shaunwilden: @sandymillin IATEFL is the 1 conf I make sure I can go to - yes expensive but the investment is worth  #eltchat Absolutely
sandymillin 12:30 @OUPELTGlobal @naomishema What is ASCD? Not heard of them before #eltchat
naomishema 12:30 #eltchat - So many PLN members were enthusiastic about their Brighton IATEFL experience, REALLY made me dream of going!
chucksandy 12:30 RT @marekandrews: @sandymillin @barbsaka I think its good to support +pay for things that you feel are valuable > agree #eltchat
barbsaka 12:30 RT @Shaunwilden: I should of course mention that it is worth going to IATEFL in glasgow as #eltchat will be hosting a symposium :-)
Shaunwilden 12:30 I should of course mention that it is worth going to IATEFL in glasgow as #eltchat will be hosting a symposium :-)
hartle 12:30 RT @marekandrews: @sandymillin @barbsaka I think it's good to support +pay for things that you feel are valuable  #eltchat
Berylaube 12:30 RT @worldteacher: I love this tool for creating comic strips - popular with all ages: http://www.makebeliefscomix.com/  #eltchat #efl #esl
galactadon 12:31 professional bodies can have the role of quality assurance through certification and eventually revoking of certification #eltchat
chucksandy 12:31 RT @Shaunwilden: I should of course mention that it is worth going to IATEFL in glasgow as #eltchat will be hosting a symposium :-) #eltchat
naomishema 12:31 @sandymillin #eltchat http://bit.ly/k36zQT ASCD link. really useful stuff - children are children, doesn't matter the subject we teach!
hartle 12:31 RT @nickkiley: #eltchat Maybe we need to make more of our membership ... I agree, & I think we do. Eltchat is gd example
sandymillin 12:31 @mickstout (Too many tweets) OK...what about sharing a couple though? :) #jalt #eltchat
kansaslass02 12:31 RT @ShellTerrell: Challenges, PLN and Where They Have Taken Me http://bit.ly/iku9Wu by @CeciELT #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 12:32 @chucksandy right, you were here once for TEFLIN. in Malang right? #eltchat
grahamstanley 12:32 Yes, but with so much going on online now...? RT @annabooklover: What I love ...the events... B4 ... they were ...indispensable #eltchat
barbarabujtas 12:32 RT @galactadon: prof. bodies can have the role of quality assurance through certification and eventually revoking of certification #eltchat
hartle 12:32 RT @Shaunwilden: I should of course mention that it is worth going to IATEFL in glasgow as #eltchat will be hosting a symposium :-)
cintiastella 12:32 I loved the online coverage of IATEFL but when I watched it I felt I was missing a lot and wanted to be there. #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:32 We should also remember that most ppl who help run these organisationa are volunteers #eltchat
naomishema 12:32 @hartle #eltchat - how is eltchat a good example? we participate without being members...
hartle 12:32 RT @esolcourses: Know we've thrashed this one out b4, but I would like to see #IATEFL waive reg. fees for ...  #ELTChat Wd be nice
OUPELTGlobal 12:33 ASCD - Assoc. for Supervision and Curriculum Development - great practical ideas for general education   #eltchat
grahamstanley 12:33 #eltchat what we have to remember too is that #iatefl and other TAs are largely what the members make it...
sandymillin 12:33 My mum's a member of CILIP 4 librarians and CIM 4 managers - both offer fellowships if you create a portfolio. Do ELT orgs do this? #eltchat
hartle 12:33 RT @naomishema: #eltchat - Maybe you cn get funding 2 go to Glasow
gknightbkk 12:33 @mickstout How has JALT benefitted from being a TESOL and IATEFL affiliate? #eltchat
cintiastella 12:34 RT @grahamstanley: #eltchat what we have to remember 2 is that #iatefl and other TAs are largely what the members make it > Agree! #eltchcat
barbsaka 12:34 Curious. Do you know of other professions that question whether or not to join their related organizations as much as teachers do? #eltchat
annabooklover 12:34 @grahamstanley I think they have to offer more if they want to persuade us to join them #eltchat
sandymillin 12:34 RT @Shaunwilden: I should of course mention that it is worth going to IATEFL in glasgow as #eltchat will be hosting a symposium :-)
marekandrews 12:34 IATEFL+its associates have become themost valuable organisation we have 4 developing ideas in ELT+to involve more people's our task #eltchat
grahamstanley 12:34 #eltchat the driving force of #iatefl and other TAs are the volunteers and the volunteers shape what the association is
galactadon 12:34 @Shaunwilden Possibility of voluneerism could be considered a benefit or a down side to membership #eltchat
chucksandy 12:34 @yitzha_sarwono: yes I presented at TEFLIN in Malang Indonesia. Fab conference. I've since joined TEFLIN in support of their work #eltchat
naomishema 12:34 @hartle #eltchat - I'll apply for the year after. Glasgow doesn't coincide with school holiday
Shaunwilden 12:34 RT @grahamstanley: #eltchat what we have to remember too is that #iatefl and other TAs are largely what the members make it...
sandymillin 12:34 RT @naomishema: @sandymillin #eltchat http://bit.ly/k36zQT ASCD link. really useful stuff - children are children, doesn't matter the subject we teach!
naomishema 12:35 RT @chucksandy: to all who were at IATEFL 2010: did u find the conf more meaningful now that you know so many people via your PLN? #eltchat
chucksandy 12:35 to all who were at IATEFL 2010: did u find the conf more meaningful now that you know so many people via your PLN? #eltchat
naomishema 12:35 @barbsaka #eltchat  at least locally I don't know of other subjects that have such organizations!
hartle 12:35 RT @grahamstanley: #eltchat what we have to remember too is that #iatefl and other TAs are largely what the members make it...
OUPELTGlobal 12:35 I feel TAs have to offer more than the conf. esp in today's tech age. #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:35 @galactadon Never seen it as either - what would be the downside? #eltchat
hartle 12:35 RT @naomishema: @hartle #eltchat - how is... example? Coz I found eltchat after going to Iatefl. U hear abt so many invaluable things there
grahamstanley 12:35 @annabooklover offer more... I agree. But what would you like to see offered? #eltchat
WarwickLinguist 12:35 RT @NATECLA: "@EnglishOutThere: 100  language learning sites #esl #elt #tefl #efl #esol #elearning #tesol #eltchat http://bit.ly/liAG8r"
lu_bodeman 12:35 RT @BrunoELT: i-rEFLect on: EFL Ts needed - no exp necessary. http://bit.ly/mBSmsg #breltchat #eltchat #efl #tefl #esol #tesol pls comment
grahamstanley 12:36 #eltchat I didn't make the connection myself until I was on a SIG Committee - we can change what is offered
Shaunwilden 12:36 @chucksandy For me that is the added bonus but there is so much more - talks, networking, displays etc etc #eltchat
marekandrews 12:36 organising small events like reading books,watching films, going for walks,watching a classroom vid are all ways of involving t's #eltchat
KarenInGreece 12:36 @CintiaStella I loved the online coverage of IATEFL but when I watched it I felt I was missing a lot and wanted to be there #eltchat Me too!
OUPELTGlobal 12:36 @grahamstanley webinars, use of twitter, a blog with more updates that I get in the mag, for example #eltchat
galactadon 12:36 @barbsaka I'd guess that most public school teachers in many countries are unionized. In that case unions have a clear benefit #eltchat
annabooklover 12:36 @grahamstanley For example what IATEFL does, offering discounts to other publications I think is a good idea #eltchat
chucksandy 12:37 @Shaunwilden: well I love conferences for those reasons: networking, displays, talks etc Seems I'm always at some conference ^^ #eltchat
hartle 12:37 RT @chucksandy: to all who were at IATEFL 2010: did u find the conf more meaningful...? #eltchat No coz only discovered PLNs in harrogate
cintiastella 12:37 @barbsaka Yes, travel agents associations (which I used to belong to in the past) High fees and few benefits #eltchat
annabooklover 12:37 @chucksandy It was my first IATEFL conference but I yes I enjoyed it much more because I knew so many people #eltchat
nickkiley 12:37 RT @OUPELTGlobal: @grahamstanley webinars, use of twitter, a blog with more updates that I get in the mag, for example #eltchat Yes
chucksandy 12:37 RT @barbsaka: I find  PTA works the same way: lots of parents hesitant to join for whatever reason. Not a professional org but.... #eltchat
sandymillin 12:38 @barbsaka Yes - librarians often questions joining CILIP - same reason...don't see benefits #eltchat
grahamstanley 12:38 @nickkiley good to hear this - we are going to be offering all of this now in the #iatefl #ltsig #eltchat
AlexandraKouk 12:38 RT @hartle: It wd be nice to see more meetings, discussions etc. in Second Life #eltchat > agree!
barbsaka 12:38 Cool! RT @hartle: It wd be nice to see more meetings, discussions etc. in Second Life #eltchat
AnaCristinaPrts 12:38 RT @cintiastella: Being part of an international association gives me a sense of belonging and support.  #eltchat
hartle 12:38 It wd be nice to see more meetings, discussions etc. in Second Life #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 12:38 RT @OUPELTGlobal: ASCD - Assoc. for Supervision and Curriculum Development - great practical ideas for general education   #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:39 @galactadon It's the person choice isnt it? I have time, I want to do sth etc  -I cant see that being a bad thing #eltchat
barbsaka 12:39 RT @galactadon: When association has no obvious benefit, or benefits which can be obtained without joining, people do question it. #eltchat
hartle 12:39 RT @AlexandraKouk:t wd be nice to see more meetings, discussi.. #eltchat Maybe we shd organise something #Ds #eltchat 2nd Life exist?
mickstout 12:39 @gknightbkk Again 2 difficult 2 explain in a tweet & I'd bet #TESOL & #IATEFL have benefitted from affiliations w/ #jalt too ;-) #eltchat
chucksandy 12:39 RT @AnaCristinaPrts: RT @cintiastella: Being part of an international association gives me a sense of belonging and support.  #eltchat
galactadon 12:39 It's when the association has no obvious benefit, or has benefits which can be obtained without joining, people do question it. #eltchat
OUPELTGlobal 12:39 RT @hartle: It wd be nice to see more meetings, discussions etc. in Second Life  #eltchat
marekandrews 12:39 having not only sig events round the world but also the big IATEFL in other countries wd do alot to boost its accessibility #eltchat
kjenningselt 12:39 RT @OUPELTGlobal: 16 creative ways to use songs in the classroom http://oxford.ly/mGJ6Mn via @busyteacher_org #eltchat #edchat
hartle 12:40 RT @naomishema: #eltchat our local conference (next month) is in high-school classrooms to keep price VERY low but  a lot less ... Why?
chucksandy 12:40 wouldn't it be great if some who usually go to IATEFL went to TESOL & vice versa & all of you: please come to JALT in Japan ^^ #eltchat
BobK99 12:40 RT @barbsaka: ...other professions that question wh or not to join their related organizations as much as teachers do? #eltchat !Gd Qn
naomishema 12:40 #eltchat our local conference (next month) is in high-school classrooms to keep price VERY low but  a lot less teachers come than 9 ys ago!
sandymillin 12:41 RT @marekandrews: having the big IATEFL in other countries wd do alot to boost its accessibility #eltchat <yes! very UK-centric atm
AlexandraKouk 12:41 @hartle  #ELTchat lots of ELTchaters have avatars :-)
Shaunwilden 12:41 RT @galactadon:  #eltchat TEFL is a very fragmented field - many employers, certifications, locations. If asso… (cont) http://deck.ly/~C8aD2
barbsaka 12:41 @hartle @AlexandraKouk There is #slanguages conference in 2nd life http://bit.ly/lvHYlQ #eltchat
hartle 12:41 How is TESOL different from #Iatefl I've never been to TESOL #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:41 RT @OUPELTGlobal: In essence, why does an org like IATEFL exist? what is its aim? #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:41 RT @grahamstanley: @barbsaka #eltchat no, but then teahers are prob critical thinkers :-) And have less money than other professionals :-(
OUPELTGlobal 12:41 In essence, why does an org like IATEFL exist? what is its aim? #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:42 @jefflebow Haha :-) #eltchat
jefflebow 12:42 ... just have to say, this is a much more accessible and interesting  topic than lexical grammar #eltchat
hartle 12:42 RT @barbsaka:  #slanguages conference in 2nd life http://bit.ly/lvHYlQ #eltchat, I know it ws gr8t but I meant a reg meeting like this
annabooklover 12:42 @chucksandy That would be a fantastic opportunity to visit Japan, but I don't even want to consider travel costs...#eltchat
chucksandy 12:42 i learn A LOT abt what's going on in ELT around the world by joining natl assns & attending their conferences when possible.  #eltchat
analuisalozano 12:42 RT @esolcourses: RT @Shaunwilden: I should of course mention that it is worth going to IATEFL in glasgow as #eltchat will be hosting a sympo
naomishema 12:42 @hartle #eltchat - teachers are less ready to go on vacation time, out of their own pocket even if very cheap. some look at me oddly ...
hartle 12:43 RT @chucksandy: wouldn't it be great if some who usually go to IATEFL please come to JALT .. #eltchat I'd love to if I cd get funding???
OUPELTGlobal 12:43 RT @barbsaka: @hartle Mainly #Iatefl is UK-based and #tesol is USA-based, altho both are international #eltchat
AlexandraKouk 12:43 RT @jefflebow: ... just have to say, this is a much more accessible and interesting  topic than lexical grammar #eltchat >lol
barbsaka 12:43 @hartle Mainly #Iatefl is UK-based and #tesol is USA-based, altho both are international #eltchat
eyespeakbrasil 12:43 The Problem of Pedagogy in a Web 2.0 era -  a good read! http://bit.ly/kY9gp2  #edtech #besig #tesol #eltchat
hartle 12:44 RT @naomishema: @hartle #eltchat - teachers are less ready to go...some look at me oddly ... Hmm tht happens to me all the time lol
annabooklover 12:44 About TESOL and IATEFL: On the bus from Harrogate to London, met old American couple who praised IATEFL against TESOL practices #eltchat
naomishema 12:44 #eltchat The TESOL conference was an amazing experience but it feels VERY American -thier advocacy needs & acronyms & a lot of ESL not EFL
chucksandy 12:44 RT @annabooklover: submit a proposal for JALT 2012 & start looking for funding options. They're available ^^ #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:44 RT @grahamstanley: @chucksandy #eltchat definitely - Twitter / PLN is the ice breaker - when u meet u can have more meaningful conversations
DinaDobrou 12:44 RT @CELT_Athens: Voting now open for 22.06.2011 http://bit.ly/ijSSvA #ELTchat > Excited to see my choice ranks first. Hope  it stays so!
Shaunwilden 12:45 RT @grahamstanley: @sandymillin #eltchat This often comes up at #iatefl SIG meetings -> the idea of holding the conference abroad
naomishema 12:45 @marekandrews #eltchat being involved in local T/A doens't help much for int. because of the steep price!
grahamstanley 12:45 @sandymillin #eltchat usually what is cited is that for a successful conference that big, you need a big team involved locally
AlexandraKouk 12:45 RT @galactadon: @OUPELTGlobal Possible aims: professionalizing TEFL, pushing govts. 2 implement best practices, networking... #eltchat
hartle 12:45 RT @jefflebow: ... just have to say,...accessible and interesting  topic than lexical grammar #eltchat How dare U??
annabooklover 12:45 @hartle @naomishema This thing with odd looks? It happens to me too! #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:45 RT @marekandrews: @chucksandy getting people involved in those local organisations is a gr8 way of then getting people tosee what the big IATEFL does #eltchat
galactadon 12:45 @OUPELTGlobal Possible aims: professionalizing TEFL, pushing govts. to implement best practices, networking for members... #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:45 RT @barbsaka: Unless you teach at a university w/funding for conference travel, attending Int'l conf can be very spendy :) #eltchat
barbsaka 12:45 Unless you teach at a university w/funding for conference travel, attending Int'l conf can be very spendy :) #eltchat
marekandrews 12:45 @chucksandy getting people involved in those local organisations is a gr8 way of then getting people tosee what the big IATEFL does #eltchat
gknightbkk 12:46 @OUPELTGlobal Have you read the IATEFL Mission & Vision? Needs work. #eltchat http://t.co/ts7Xryf
annabooklover 12:46 RT @cintiastella: I believe it's up to us to make the most of the membership to these associations, and turn the expense into a worthwhile investment #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:46 RT @cintiastella: I believe it's up to us to make the most of the membership to these associations, and turn the expense into a worthwhile investment #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:46 @hartle @jefflebow Now now no fighting :-) #eltchat
annabooklover 12:46 @chucksandy I'll definetely do that! Thanks! #eltchat
cintiastella 12:46 I believe it's up to us to make the most of the membership to these associations, and turn the expense into a worthwhile investment #eltchat
OUPELTGlobal 12:46 @galactadon I like the networking for members but don't see a lot of it at the moment.  #eltchat
grahamstanley 12:47 #eltchat @annabooklover ...most talks are publisher or university sponsored - not so many individual speakers (=less choice)
galactadon 12:47 More possible aims: awarding best in class resources (could turn off publishers), standardized tchr certification & training, #eltchat
hartle 12:47 RT @chucksandy: RT @grahamstanley: and for Ts new to the profession getting involved in assns locally is a great way to learn & can lead to more #eltchat
marekandrews 12:47 one reason we need IATEFL for critical discussion is that it should ensure that the pedagogical interests lead the commercial ones #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 12:47 RT @marekandrews: @chucksandy getting people involved in those local organisations is a gr8 way of then getting people tosee what the big IATEFL does #eltchat
chucksandy 12:47 RT @grahamstanley: and for Ts new to the profession getting involved in assns locally is a great way to learn & can lead to more #eltchat
barbarabujtas 12:47 RT @cintiastella:its up to us to make the most of the membership to these assocs, and turn the expense into a worthwhile investment #eltchat
grahamstanley 12:47 #eltchat @annabooklover I have been to #tesol conference - it's much bigger than #iatefl but expense means ...
hartle 12:47 RT @Shaunwilden: @hartle @jefflebow Now now no fighting :-) #eltchat All in fun :-)
underwoodsensei 12:47 RT @chucksandy: i learn A LOT abt  ELT by joining natl assns & attending conferences: I agree, only bn to 3 & learnt  a lot  #eltchat
OUPELTGlobal 12:47 I should say I really get a lot from being IATEFL member, personally, but question it to local state school EFL Teachers #eltchat
vickyloras 12:47 RT @DinaDobrou: RT @CELT_Athens: Voting now open for 22.06.2011 http://bit.ly/ijSSvA #ELTchat > Excited to see my choice ranks first. Hope  it stays so!
gknightbkk 12:48 @marekandrews Does that occur in Conference? #eltchat
OUPELTGlobal 12:48 RT @Shaunwilden: @OUPELTGlobal I probably agree but then they get sth out of their local IATEFL conferences? #eltchat
marekandrews 12:48 @OUPELTGlobal local state school teachers can be involved locally in small-scale events organised by the local IATEFL #eltchat
AnaCristinaPrts 12:48 RT @barbsaka: Unless you teach at a university w/funding for conference travel, attending Int'l conf can be very spendy :) #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:48 @OUPELTGlobal I probably agree but then they get sth out of their local IATEFL conferences? #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 12:48 RT @barbsaka Unless you teach at a university w/funding for conference travel, attending Int'l conf can be very spendy :) #eltchat >> true
Shaunwilden 12:49 @sandymillin Well they do in Czech :-) #eltchat
hartle 12:49 RT @chucksandy: @AnaCristinaPrts @barbsaka: but there's funding avail for intl conf: scholarships, sponsorships etc. Have to put in the effort #eltchat
chucksandy 12:49 @AnaCristinaPrts @barbsaka: but there's funding avail for intl conf: scholarships, sponsorships etc. Have to put in the effort #eltchat
sandymillin 12:49 RT @marekandrews: @OUPELTGlobal local state school teachers...small-scale events organised by the local IATEFL #eltchat<assuming they exist
galactadon 12:49 So many conferences are the same (in any field): those who have a reason to present and money to attend are selling something #eltchat
annabooklover 12:49 @grahamstanley Thanks for this clarification Graham! #eltchat
hartle 12:49 RT @yitzha_sarwono: RT @barbsaka ...#eltchat >> even if U R teaching at a unviersity funding is becoming rarer these days
EnglishOutThere 12:49 Changing Education Paradigms (vid) #esl #elt #tefl #efl #esol #elearning #tesol #eltchat #iatefl #studyenglish http://bit.ly/jCKVgw
jasonoutthere 12:49 Changing Education Paradigms (vid) #esl #elt #tefl #efl #esol #elearning #tesol #eltchat #iatefl #studyenglish http://bit.ly/jCKVgw
hartle 12:50 #eltchat TAs in Italy more for school owners whereas sm very active ones in Germany at local levels
barbsaka 12:50 We have about 10 minutes left. If you are not a member of prof org, or have waffled, what sort of value would get you to join? #eltchat
cintiastella 12:50 RT @marekandrews: we need to develop a sense of ownership+belonging so that IATEFL is part of our identity like our family+our workplace #eltchat
annabooklover 12:50 RT @marekandrews: we need to develop a sense of ownership+belonging so that IATEFL is part of our identity like our family+our workplace #eltchat
marekandrews 12:50 we need to develop a sense of ownership+belonging so that IATEFL is part of our identity like our family+our workplace #eltchat
JoHart 12:50 @ScienceMum Hmm! not sure I agree - I certainly tap in easily to #edchat & #ELTchat because they both have more than one time to cross TZs
englishraven 12:50 @JoHart #edchatau would interfere with the regular #edchat hashtag (we had similar probs w/ #eltchat and #eltchatbr). That's why consult! :)
sandymillin 12:51 @barbsaka Planning to join IATEFL for conference, but if I wasn't, would want a lot more than just networking (can get that here) #eltchat
hartle 12:51 RT @chucksandy: i love teachers who spend their vacations attending and often presenting at intl conferences ^^ Three cheers for you! #eltchat
chucksandy 12:51 i love teachers who spend their vacations attending and often presenting at intl conferences ^^ Three cheers for you! #eltchat
web20education 12:51 RT @CathyLAnderson: 200+ Great Photoshop Web Design Tutorials - tripwire magazine http://ht.ly/5mDPh #eltchat
OUPELTGlobal 12:51 Some schools send a few teachers who then feed back to the school. Maybe IATEFL should encourage that more? #eltchat
Kyung_Ahn 12:51 RT @OUPELTGlobal: 16 creative ways to use songs in the classroom http://oxford.ly/mGJ6Mn via @busyteacher_org #eltchat #edchat
galactadon 12:52 @barbsaka If the organization offered a very well-recognized certification (helpful in getting work, or promoted) #eltchat
barbsaka 12:52 @sandymillin Like what? What would you consider the "more" that you're looking for? #eltchat
chucksandy 12:52 & i love teachers who spend their weekends & evenings organizing conferences that benefit all of us. Three cheers for you too!  #eltchat
hartle 12:52 RT @grahamstanley: #eltchat I think #iatefl offers lots of scholarship grants: http://tinyurl.com/668bfkv - the #ltsig will be of… (cont) http://deck.ly/~bueRO
naomishema 12:52 #eltchat Do presenters pay less at int. conferences? ours is so "poor" that presenters pay full price and for handouts!
jefflebow 12:52 @hartle a bow of respect to grammarians amongst us. I'm but a simple webcaster & pd orgs make for great streaming possibilities :) #eltchat
marekandrews 12:52 @barbsaka being connected to a vibrant profession full of generous people who like sharing+care enough tomake our profession better #eltchat
grahamstanley 12:52 #eltchat I think #iatefl offers lots of scholarship grants: http://tinyurl.com/668bfkv - the #ltsig will be of… (cont) http://deck.ly/~bueRO
annabooklover 12:52 RT @chucksandy: i love teachers who spend their vacations attending and often presenting at intl conferences ^^ Three cheers for you! #eltchat
hartle 12:52 #eltchat I love the #Iatefl SIGs too. I learned so much frm 2010 preconference technology conference :-)
AnaCristinaPrts 12:52 RT @chucksandy: i love teachers who spend their vacations attending and often presenting at intl conferences ^^ Three cheers for you! #eltchat
mistergesl 12:52 RT @stopspanglish-Great lesson, very helpful: STOP SPANGLISH: One way to remember participle adjectives http://t.co/ONL9RI3 #eltchat #tesol
mickstout 12:53 @chucksandy Hold on a minute here, vacations AREN'T for attending conferences & presenting? #eltchat
galactadon 12:53 If the organization offered me as a teacher a chance to help defining the best practices in ELT, for use by governements, the EU... #eltchat
LauraAustinNow 12:53 #eltchat SIGs are so important as there's such range of interests
sandymillin 12:53 @barbsaka the more I'm looking for>part of the problem...not 100% sure (sound like SS!)>would have 2c v clearly how it helps me #eltchat
chucksandy 12:53 btw, already really excited abt attending my first international IATEFL conference next year in Glasgow!  ^^ #eltchat
hartle 12:53 RT @jefflebow: @hartle a bow of respect to grammarians amongst us. I'm but a simple webcaster & pd orgs.... #eltchat :-D
OUPELTGlobal 12:53 I think its important to remember most people working in org sare volunteering. #eltchat
chucksandy 12:54 RT @mickstout: weren't you doing just that this spring in Greece -- attending and presenting during your vacation? ^^ #eltchat
web20education 12:54 #Gapminder: Unveiling the beauty of statistics for a fact based world view #edtech20 #edchat #iste11 #eltchat #elemchat  http://t.co/N99sZvF
BobK99 12:54 @barbsaka I'm a [possibly lapsed - subs well overdue) of IfL. IATEFL is  a poss., but work's so sparse it doesn't justify the cost. #eltchat
barbsaka 12:54 I know that IATEFL and JALT officers are/will be reading this chat (and TESOL ought to be). Your chance to voice what you need :-) #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 12:54 @barbsaka would <3 more info about teaching (especially material),more network ,n the chance to be heard by our government #eltchat
annabooklover 12:54 Battery is going down! Thanks for another thought provoking #eltchat
hartle 12:54 RT @galactadon: @barbsaka If the organization offered a well-recognized certification...#eltchat If U present it's generally gs for this
elflearning 12:55 @LauraAustinNow Completely agreed.  SIGs rock.  #eltchat
cintiastella 12:55 Maybe we should not think so much about what the assoc will do for me but what I can do with the assoc #eltchat
hartle 12:55 #eltchat I'd like more discussion based sessions at conferences, rather thn traditional formats. Networking and sharing really gd
OUPELTGlobal 12:55 Couldn't IATEFL offer an opportunity like eltchat? as a regular feature? #eltchat
sandymillin 12:55 RT @galactadon: @barbsaka If the organization offered a very well-recognized certification (helpful in getting work, or promoted) #eltchat
marekandrews 12:56 ask not what IATEFL can do for you - ask what you can do for IATEFL:) + then the payback is enormous. #eltchat
barbsaka 12:56 @gknightbkk Well put :) #eltchat
chucksandy 12:56 RT @OUPELTGlobal: Cldnt IATEFL offer an opportunity like eltchat? > why doesn't IATELF just get involved in eltchat? no need 4 more #eltchat
BobK99 12:56 RT @BobK99: @barbsaka I'm a [possibly lapsed...) MEMBER of IfL. IATEFL is  a poss., but wk's so sparse it doesn't justify the cost. #eltchat
nickkiley 12:56 RT @CintiaStella: Maybe we should not think so much about what the assoc will do for me but what I can do with the assoc #eltchat AGreed
sandymillin 12:56 RT @chucksandy: btw, already really excited abt attending my first international IATEFL conference next year in Glasgow!  ^^ #eltchat <me2!
gknightbkk 12:56 @barbsaka I want to be part of the global tribe. We have a shared interest but an ineffective means of communicating. #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 12:56 @mickstout well that is why @chucksandy is the man! He won't mins spending his holiday even for those things :)  #eltchat
sandymillin 12:56 @galactadon Certification<very good point! This is what CILIP offers librarians http://bit.ly/iLqDW8 #eltchat
barbarabujtas 12:56 RT @OUPELTGlobal: Couldnt IATEFL offer an opportunity like eltchat? as a regular feature? #eltchat
barbsaka 12:56 @OUPELTGlobal But there's already #eltchat Don't really need a duplicate :)
galactadon 12:56 If the organizatn helped me find not just other teachers (can do that free), but people like me through a targeted matching system #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:56 @OUPELTGlobal There have been discussions #eltchat
esolcourses 12:57 RT @barbsaka: RT @Shaunwilden: @barbarabujtas @OUPELTGlobal  In glasgow we plan to have #eltchat live from the conference
barbsaka 12:57 RT @Shaunwilden: @barbarabujtas @OUPELTGlobal  In glasgow we plan to have #eltchat live from the conference
Shaunwilden 12:57 @barbarabujtas @OUPELTGlobal  In glasgow we plan to have #eltchat live from the conference
OUPELTGlobal 12:57 @barbarabujtas Good point, but an org could really get more people involved, no? #eltchat
hartle 12:57 RT @chucksandy: RT @OUPELTGlobal: Cldnt IATEFL offer an opportunity like eltchat? > why doesn't IATELF just get involved in eltchat? no need 4 more #eltchat
lyddiebird 12:57 RT @WarwickLinguist: RT @NATECLA: "@EnglishOutThere: 100  language learning sites #esl #elt #tefl #efl #esol #elearning #tesol #eltchat http://bit.ly/liAG8r"
yitzha_sarwono 12:58 @hartle @barbsaka really? wow, I think in Indonesia a lecturer has more benefit than those who aren't in regarding funding #eltchat
hartle 12:58 RT @CintiaStella: @chucksandy The fact that you'll be at IATEFL next year is sufficient reason for me to go! #eltchat agreed :-)
grahamstanley 12:58 RT @Shaunwilden: @barbarabujtas @OUPELTGlobal  In glasgow we plan to have #eltchat live from the conference
barbsaka 12:58 What I like about #eltchat is that it belongs to teachers (bottom up). Don't know if I'd get as excited if it were IATEFL chat or TESOL chat
cintiastella 12:58 @chucksandy The fact that you'll be at IATEFL next year is sufficient reason for me to go! #eltchat
hartle 12:58 RT @barbsaka: RT @Shaunwilden: @barbarabujtas @OUPELTGlobal  In glasgow we plan to have #eltchat live from the conference Gr8t
chucksandy 12:58 @OUPELTGlobal: Good point, but an org could really get more people involved, no? > I don't think so. We're doing just fine ^^ #eltchat
chucksandy 12:59 RT @barbsaka: What I like  is that it belongs to teachers (bottom up).  < yes! #eltchat
AlexandraKouk 12:59 RT @chucksandy: @OUPELTGlobal 2 tell U the truth, I think organizational sponsorship wld ruin eltchat. It wld certainly change it. #eltchat
hartle 12:59 RT @yitzha_sarwono: @hartle @barbsaka really? wow, I think in Indonesia a lecturer has more benefit ..#eltchat Maybe I shd move to Indonesia
barbsaka 12:59 @barbarabujtas Do what? Live chat? #eltchat
fionamau 12:59 RT @marekandrews: the more we work on local networking and put effort into that the more people will benefit from teacher associations #eltchat
fionamau 12:59 RT @barbsaka: What I like about #eltchat is that it belongs to teachers (bottom up). Don't know if I'd get as excited if it were IATEFL chat or TESOL chat
barbarabujtas 12:59 @hartle @barbsaka @Shaunwilden @barbarabujtas @OUPELTGlobal We'll do that in Budapest, then thx
chucksandy 12:59 @OUPELTGlobal to tell you the truth, I think organizational sponsorship would ruin eltchat. It would certainly change it.  #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:59 RT @marekandrews: the more we work on local networking and put effort into that the more people will benefit from teacher associations #eltchat
sandymillin 12:59 RT @barbsaka: What I like about #eltchat is that it belongs to teachers (bottom up). Don't know if I'd get as excited if it were IATEFL chat or TESOL chat
LukeMeddings 12:59 RT @marekandrews: we need to develop a sense of ownership+belonging so that IATEFL is part of our identity like our family+our workplace #eltchat
hartle 12:59 RT @barbsaka: What I like about #eltchat is that it belongs to teachers (bottom up). Don't know if I'd get as excited if it were IATEFL chat or TESOL chat
marekandrews 12:59 the more we work on local networking and put effort into that the more people will benefit from teacher associations #eltchat
galactadon 13:00 @Shaunwilden @barbsaka thanks for moderating today's #eltchat
Shaunwilden 13:00 @naomishema Not at iatefl #eltchat
naomishema 13:00 RT @OUPELTGlobal: If I were working for an org, this format would be a great benefit for members. Congrats to those who started eltchat! #eltchat
yitzha_sarwono 13:00 RT @barbsaka: What I like about #eltchat is that it belongs to teachers (bottom up). Don't know if I'd get as excited if it were IATEFL chat or TESOL chat
barbarabujtas 13:00 @barbsaka yep
Shaunwilden 13:00 @marekandrews You have a good habit of saying sth very wise to almost act as a conclusion to #eltchat each week, thanks :-)
OUPELTGlobal 13:00 If I were working for an org, this format would be a great benefit for members. Congrats to those who started eltchat! #eltchat
naomishema 13:00 #eltchat did I miss the answer? is there a discount for speakers at int. conferences?
grahamstanley 13:00 Got to go to a f2f conference now -thanks for another great #eltchat - I am going to make sure the #iatefl SIG and HQ gets to read this one
barbarabujtas 13:00 RT @barbsaka: @barbarabujtas YEp :)
mistergesl 13:00 I just learned waht Dogme is! --Dogme? http://t.co/EzYXLCG #eltchat #tesol #teachingenglish
cherrymp 13:00 TESOL Quarterly vol. 45 no. 2 (June 2011) TOC http://bit.ly/jmhmWZ #eltchat #esl #efl #tefl #tesl #esol
hartle 13:01 Thanks everyone for a good chat, and thanks to our moderators, as efficient as ever. :-) #eltchat
Shaunwilden 13:01 Ern usual question....anyone fancy doing the summary? #eltchat
sandymillin 13:01 RT @galactadon: @Shaunwilden @barbsaka thanks for moderating today's #eltchat


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