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How do you deal with low literacy adults (even in their L1)

Page history last edited by Shaun 13 years, 4 months ago

This is the unedited transcript from the #eltchat held on 04.05.2010 at 9 pm on the topic of low literacy adults


ShellTerrell 11:03 PM One thing research has shown is literacy in the L1 impacts the ability to learn in the L2. Most literate will have the easiest time #eltchat
TyKendall 11:03 PM #ELTCHAT  meee i have!
harrisonmike 11:03 PM So who has ever taught a learner who couldn't read/write in their own language, let alone English? #ELTchat
NTAeducation 11:03 PM RT @hoprea: For the next hour, my tweets will be dedicated to #eltchat. If you're an English teacher, join us! :)
teflerinha 11:04 PM @harrisonmike #ELTchat Quite a few in ESOL classes
SueannaN 11:04 PM RT @SueAnnan: Having read the prep. stuff. I agree that there is not a lot decent material out there #ELTchat
boyledsweetie 11:04 PM “@harrisonmike: So who has ever taught a learner who couldn't read/write in their own language, let alone English? #ELTchat†me!
esolcourses 11:04 PM RT @harrisonmike: So who has taught a learner who couldn't read/write in their own language, let alone English? #ELTchat ] yep! been there
Marisa_C 11:04 PM @ShellTerrell Great start Shelly -  #eltchat
harrisonmike 11:04 PM @seburnt Low level literacy learners in their L1 and how to deal with it #eltchat
Shaunwilden 11:04 PM How do you deal with low literacy adults (even in their L1)? How can we adapt our approach to accommodate their needs? #ELTCHAT
cunningcanis 11:04 PM RT @hoprea: For the next hour, my tweets will be dedicated to #eltchat. If you're an English teacher, join us! :)
lauraesol 11:04 PM What's the topic? #eltchat
sedayyildirim 11:04 PM and #eltchat starts ..
seburnt 11:04 PM So what are we talking about today? #eltchat
vickyloras 11:05 PM @harrisonmike I have,and was really difficult in the beginning #ELTChat
bamarcia 11:05 PM Hi everyone, great to have a chance to join, or maybe "lurk" mostly. ;) #eltchat
hoprea 11:05 PM RT @Shaunwilden: How do you deal with low literacy adults (even in their L1)? How can we adapt to accommodate their needs? #eltchat
Marisa_C 11:05 PM @boyledsweetie I have had some students who were barely literate in their own L1 - Farsi  #ELTchat
DavidWarr 11:05 PM @hoprea #ELTchat yep, would be great
ShellTerrell 11:05 PM Yes I agree! RT @SueAnnan:Having read the prep. stuff. I agree that there is not a lot decent material out there #ELTchat
esolcourses 11:05 PM RT @ShellTerrell: One thing research has shown is literacy in the L1 impacts the ability to learn in the L2. Most literate will have the easiest time #eltchat
seburnt 11:05 PM I've had very little experience with true literacy students. #eltchat
harrisonmike 11:05 PM RT @ShellTerrell: One thing research has shown is literacy in the L1 impacts the ability to learn in the L2. Most literate will have the easiest time #eltchat
NikkiFortova 11:06 PM RT @boyledsweetie: #ELTchat I believe creating a safe and encouraging environment is key, without esteem learning won't happen > agreed
TyKendall 11:06 PM #ELTCHAT  i used those magnetic letters u can stick on fridges. very kinaesthetic of me
ShellTerrell 11:06 PM @boyledsweetie Great to see you here! I completely agree! #eltchat
harrisonmike 11:06 PM RT @boyledsweetie: #ELTchat I believe creating a safe and encouraging environment is key, without esteem learning won't happen
sedayyildirim 11:06 PM basicly I did  #eltchat
ShellTerrell 11:06 PM RT @boyledsweetie: #ELTchat I believe creating a safe and encouraging environment is key, without esteem learning won't happen
ShellTerrell 11:06 PM RT @harrisonmike: What are the best ways 2 get thru 2 these sts? Any tips for dealing with low level lit sts? I'd say pictures and visuals are a must #eltchat
TyKendall 11:06 PM #ELTCHAT  i agree i think it was the most challenging thing i've done pedagogically
harrisonmike 11:06 PM What are the best ways 2 get thru 2 these sts? Any tips for dealing with low level lit sts? I'd say pictures and visuals are a must #eltchat
boyledsweetie 11:06 PM #ELTchat I believe creating a safe and encouraging environment is key, without esteem learning won't happen
springrose12 11:06 PM For the next hour, my tweets will be dedicated to #eltchat.
ShellTerrell 11:07 PM @harrisonmike I completely agree about the use of visuals & even multimedia. #eltchat
sandymillin 11:07 PM #eltchat I have v. little direct experience of low-level literacy SS (except 1 or 2 at summer school)
Shaunwilden 11:07 PM And if it is in an english speaking environment using imp visuals like exit signs,, bus stops etc #ELTCHAT
Fuertesun 11:07 PM RT @hoprea: For the next hour, my tweets will be dedicated to #eltchat. If you're an English teacher, join us! :)
esolcourses 11:07 PM RT @harrisonmike: Any tips for dealing with low level lit sts? I'd say pictures and visuals are a must #eltchat ] mime/drama games good, too
sedayyildirim 11:07 PM @lauraesol Dealing with low level literacy learners (especially in their L1) #eltchat
boyledsweetie 11:07 PM #ELTchat sorry no sweets but have a virtual one on me! @ShellTerrell
hollysuel 11:07 PM @harrisonmike The biggest key is to find out 'how' they learn so we can accommodate their learning style. They might not know... #eltchat
lauraesol 11:07 PM I  find this very difficult particularly if they show signs of dyslexia  #ELTchat
Shaunwilden 11:07 PM RT @NikkiFortova: RT @boyledsweetie: #ELTchat I believe creating a safe and encouraging environment is key, without esteem learning won't happen > agreed
seburnt 11:07 PM Agreed, @harrisonmike .  Pictures are necessary, as is realia. #eltchat
Marisa_C 11:08 PM Motor skils practice may also be important esp if coming from right to left script language #ELTchat
esolcourses 11:08 PM RT @Shaunwilden: And if it is in an english speaking environment using imp visuals like exit signs,, bus stops etc #ELTCHAT
pysproblem81 11:08 PM @esolcourses @harrisonmike  definitely much easier in smaller groups...#eltchat agree about pics and visuals
Shaunwilden 11:08 PM RT @sandymillin: #eltchat I have v. little direct experience of low-level literacy SS -  Cant say I have much either
ShellTerrell 11:08 PM RT @hollysuel: @harrisonmike The biggest key is to find out 'how' they learn so we can accommodate their learning style. They might not know... #eltchat
ShellTerrell 11:08 PM RT @springrose12: Non-literate Ss learn best through their oral ability. #eltchat
harrisonmike 11:08 PM RT @hollysuel: @harrisonmike The biggest key is to find out 'how' they learn so we can accommodate their learning style. They might not know... #eltchat
hollysuel 11:09 PM What are their motivations for learning English?  To study it or to use it?
cgoodey 11:09 PM So are we talking about complete beginners with low literacy skills? #eltchat
Marisa_C 11:09 PM There is a lot of material for young learners but very little for adults #ELTchat
Fuertesun 11:09 PM RT @Shaunwilden: RT @sandymillin: #eltchat I have v. little direct experience of low-level literacy SS -  Cant say I have much either - same
ShellTerrell 11:09 PM RT @seburnt: How about use of L1 in their learning? #eltchat
harrisonmike 11:09 PM RT @pysproblem81: @esolcourses @harrisonmike  definitely much easier in smaller groups...#eltchat agree about pics and visuals
seburnt 11:09 PM How about use of L1 in their learning? #eltchat
hoprea 11:09 PM Rapport is paramount! #eltchat
Shaunwilden 11:09 PM RT @Marisa_C: Motor skils practice may also be important esp if coming from right to left script language #ELTchat
harrisonmike 11:09 PM @ShellTerrell Agree. I do find however that some of these sts hav a lower levl of tech lit too. Not always, bt often in my context #eltchat
SueannaN 11:09 PM RT @Marisa_C: Motor skils practice may also be important esp if coming from right to left script language #ELTchat
ShellTerrell 11:09 PM RT @teflerinha: #eltchat Yes, basic concept of what reading and writing are for can be missing.
ShellTerrell 11:10 PM RT @SueannaN: I've got one of each. A literate student with NO English and a Russian who is dyslexic #ELTchat
ShellTerrell 11:10 PM @seburnt Yes I've struggled with that. Had some Ss move to next level bcuz 1 student kept speaking in L1 #eltchat
SueannaN 11:10 PM I've got one of each. A literate student with NO English and a Russian who is dyslexic #ELTchat
lauraesol 11:10 PM I think that getting them to use their personal information helps, particularly with reading and writing. #ELTchat
esolcourses 11:10 PM @pysproblem81 @harrisonmike yep, with larger groups, more difficult. Low level s's need more attention than average 2 progress, IME #ELTChat
hoprea 11:10 PM @seburnt I guess L1 can be used, but also carefully if they have low literacy level even in L1. #eltchat
harrisonmike 11:10 PM Would be helpful but I know I can't do it - don't know Farsi, Pashto, Turkish, ..RT @seburnt: How abt use of L1 in their learning? #eltchat
boyledsweetie 11:10 PM #ELTchat use techniques for kindergarten and early primary learners and be enthusiastic
Marisa_C 11:10 PM @cgoodey I don't think the question is only about complete beginners Carol - but they are the most challenging #eltchat
Shaunwilden 11:10 PM @seburnt If it is a monolingual class but many I've seen multi lingual #ELTCHAT
pysproblem81 11:10 PM @cgoodey ... it's not just complete beginners #eltchat
NoraTouparlaki 11:10 PM RT @seburnt: How about use of L1 in their learning? #eltchat
ShellTerrell 11:11 PM #eltchat RT @springrose12: I made one of them tell me a story and I wrote the story down. Then it made sense for him to read it back to me.
hoprea 11:11 PM A new teacher to join us today for #eltchat. Welcome @virginiamb! Hope you enjoy the discussion.
SueannaN 11:11 PM @ShellTerrell  fortunately there are only 2 in the group #eltchat
NikkiFortova 11:11 PM RT @boyledsweetie: #ELTchat use techniques for kindergarten and early primary learners and be enthusiastic> cold you give an example?
Fuertesun 11:11 PM Anyone tried teaching phonics for literacy with adults?#eltchat
ShellTerrell 11:11 PM @SueAnnan I find that is the hardest dynamic when you have one student with the problem & rest are literate #eltchat
harrisonmike 11:11 PM #eltchat RT @springrose12: @ShellTerrell @Marisa_C Lots of verbal input as well as images/visuals r nec. pair/group discussion b4 writing
pysproblem81 11:11 PM @esolcourses @harrisonmike  I use lots of simple word games #eltchat (snap, wordsearches etc)
boyledsweetie 11:11 PM “@lauraesol: I think that getting them to use their personal information helps, particularly with reading and writing. #ELTchat†Agee ;0)
vickyloras 11:11 PM @seburnt They want it and sometimes it is necessary,but that's what I found most difficult as my German is very low-level #ELTChat
Marisa_C 11:11 PM @harrisonmike Using L1 difficult in a multilingual class - tended to use google translate - Students laughed a lot  #eltchat
cgoodey 11:11 PM @pysproblem81 @Marisa_C  I agree #eltchat
vickyloras 11:12 PM RT @hoprea : @seburnt I guess L1 can be used, but also carefully if they have low literacy level even in L1. #eltchat
DavidWarr 11:12 PM @ShellTerrell @springrose12 like Jason's activity, i like that one, student generated text #ELTchat
NoraTouparlaki 11:12 PM RT @seburnt: There are some suggestions for using L1 to facilitate learning (mono or multilingugal) in this book: http://bit.ly/lkDOy5 #eltchat
lauraesol 11:12 PM Backchaining also helps sometimes if they get in a muddle #ELTchat
ShellTerrell 11:12 PM RT @Marisa_C: With complete beginners some of my CELTA trainees volunteer to give Ss handwriting & initial reading recognition practice #ELTchat
NoraTouparlaki 11:12 PM @Marisa_C @cgoodey why not use the same methods are young learners-beginners with appropriate topics? #eltchat
naomishema 11:12 PM RT @boyledsweetie: #ELTchat use cultural influences I find food and recipes are an international language folk want to share
Marisa_C 11:12 PM With complete beginners some of my CELTA trainees volunteer to give Ss handwriting & initial reading recognition practice #ELTchat
ShellTerrell 11:12 PM RT @seburnt: There are some suggestions for using L1 to facilitate learning (mono or multilingugal) in this book: http://bit.ly/lkDOy5 #eltchat
seburnt 11:12 PM Could be good for ideas RE literacy Ss too. #eltchat
Shaunwilden 11:12 PM RT @naomishema: RT @boyledsweetie: “@lauraesol: I think that getting them to use their personal information helps,   I AGREE TOO. #ELTchatâ€
boyledsweetie 11:12 PM #ELTchat use cultural influences I find food and recipes are an international language folk want to share
sandymillin 11:12 PM RT @seburnt: How about use of L1 in their learning? #eltchat <depends on if class is monolingual / multiling and Ts skills
naomishema 11:12 PM RT @boyledsweetie: “@lauraesol: I think that getting them to use their personal information helps,   I AGREE TOO. #ELTchatâ€
ShellTerrell 11:12 PM @SueAnnan Had a class of 30 teens & one had very low reading skills #eltchat
lauraesol 11:12 PM RT @harrisonmike: #eltchat RT @springrose12: @ShellTerrell @Marisa_C Lots of verbal input as well as images/visuals r nec. pair/group discussion b4 writing
seburnt 11:12 PM There are some suggestions for using L1 to facilitate learning (mono or multilingugal) in this book: http://bit.ly/lkDOy5 #eltchat
Shaunwilden 11:13 PM RT  @cgoodey why not use the same methods are young learners-beginners with appropriate topics? #eltchat  - makes sense to do so
NoraTouparlaki 11:13 PM @vickyloras @hoprea @seburnt and if we don't know it?#eltchat
ShellTerrell 11:13 PM RT @SimonGreenall: RT @Marisa_C: There is a lot of material for young learners but very little for adults #ELTchat> There are still lots of adult beginners ...
Marisa_C 11:13 PM @SimonGreenall Indeed!  #ELTchat
lolonagi 11:13 PM yay joining  for the second #eltchat
springrose12 11:13 PM @Marisa_C @harrisonmike Yes, but maybe you can use 1st language buddies to explain the instructions. #eltchat
Marisa_C 11:13 PM RT @TyKendall: #ELTCHAT  i had to use literacy materials designed for NS children, and  this is not ideal > Need adaptation
ShellTerrell 11:13 PM Really important that Ss w low literacy have teachers that are very patient & willing to work with them & have the heart to #eltchat
SimonGreenall 11:13 PM RT @Marisa_C: There is a lot of material for young learners but very little for adults #ELTchat> There are still lots of adult beginners ...
hoprea 11:13 PM I guess using lots of visual/kinesthetic activities might be more helpful than speaking a lot at first. #eltchat
boyledsweetie 11:13 PM @NikkiFortova #eltchat yes use topic work create an interesting subject and learning happens!
TyKendall 11:13 PM #ELTCHAT  i had to use literacy materials designed for NS children, and  this is not ideal
sandymillin 11:13 PM RT @ShellTerrell: @SueAnnan I find that is the hardest dynamic when you have one student with the problem & rest are literate #eltchat
Marisa_C 11:13 PM RT  @cgoodey why not use the same methods are young learners-beginners with appropriate topics? #eltchat > I do!
harrisonmike 11:14 PM RT @seburnt: Learning to type (recognise keys on the keyboard) can be a good way to teach alphabet for adults.  #eltchat
Marisa_C 11:14 PM RT @seburnt: Learning to type (recognise keys on the keyboard) can be a good way to teach alphabet for adults.  #eltchat
harrisonmike 11:14 PM often CELTA trainees offer 2 support in r ESOL classes. That can b a boon to Ts with sts w low lit as more attention can b given #eltchat
naomishema 11:14 PM #eltchat Peer teaching is very helpful when we don't know students L1
lolonagi 11:14 PM ha, question? #eltchat
Marisa_C 11:14 PM @springrose12 Yes - good idea - we ve tried that and it works well  #eltchat
seburnt 11:14 PM Learning to type (recognise keys on the keyboard) can be a good way to teach alphabet for adults.  #eltchat
vickyloras 11:14 PM RT @Marisa_C RT @cgoodey why not use the same methods are young learners-beginners with appropriate topics? #eltchat > I do! >Same here
theteacherjames 11:14 PM @virginiamb Bem-vindo! Welcome! #eltchat
NoraTouparlaki 11:15 PM RT @Marisa_C: RT @seburnt: Learning to type (recognise keys on the keyboard) can be a good way to teach alphabet for adults.  #eltchat
worldteacher 11:15 PM Late tonight - sorry! Interested, though, as currently trying to teach an illiterate Italian  #eltchat
lolonagi 11:15 PM the chat is quiet today #eltchat :D
lauraesol 11:15 PM RT @pysproblem81: Good websites for materials: www.talent.ac.uk & http://bit.ly/mB84yi #eltchat Good basic skills stuff always useful
ShellTerrell 11:15 PM Pair work is really great but it has to be purposeful & strategic I find. Must pair with right student #eltchat
itsMaiya 11:15 PM Adult learners who have low L1 skills only take interest when the material is relevant and can be used in their lives immediately. #ELTchat
harrisonmike 11:15 PM RT @springrose12: @Marisa_C @harrisonmike Yes, but maybe you can use 1st language buddies to explain the instructions. #eltchat
seburnt 11:15 PM Also, making your own font with http://pilothandwriting.com/en/ helps with alphabet recognition and writing for adults. #eltchat
sandymillin 11:15 PM RT @ShellTerrell: Really important that Ss w low literacy have teachers that are very patient & willing to work with them & have the heart to #eltchat
sedayyildirim 11:15 PM @springrose12 @Marisa_C @harrisonmike L1 helps #eltchat
sandymillin 11:15 PM @TyKendall Materials for NS children not ideal #ELTCHAT <agreed, so how would/did you adapt it?
NikkiFortova 11:15 PM @boyledsweetie sounds like a plan :-) and much the same as an ordinary efl class #eltchat
lauraesol 11:15 PM Don't put them with another low level if possible  #ELTchat
pysproblem81 11:15 PM Good websites for materials: www.talent.ac.uk & www.skillsworkshop.org #eltchat
Marisa_C 11:15 PM @seburnt If of course they have a keyboard - I think tho they could use their mobile phone for some of this  #eltchat
Dru_Step 11:15 PM Heard recently about teacher who developed literacy teaching methods for Oz Aboriginal kids which could be used for ESOL. Paddy..? #eltchat
springrose12 11:16 PM RT @harrisonmike: @springrose12 @Marisa_C Not for lang class, but my college is offering L1 lang surgeries for sts to bring up any issues they have #eltchat
lolonagi 11:16 PM @springrose12  heheheheheheh #eltchat
harrisonmike 11:16 PM RT @hoprea: @NoraTouparlaki @vickyloras @seburnt To be honest, I don't think L1 is a must. #eltchat
boyledsweetie 11:16 PM “@seburnt: Also, making your own font with http://t.co/2VFFzyn helps with alphabet recognition and writing for adults. #eltchatâ€
worldteacher 11:16 PM I'm concentrating on oral & aural work, but it's really tough - not making much progress - not sure what to try next. #eltchat
sandymillin 11:16 PM RT @pysproblem81: Good websites for materials: www.talent.ac.uk & www.skillsworkshop.org #eltchat
Shaunwilden 11:16 PM RT @itsMaiya: Adult learners who have low L1 skills only take interest when the material is relevant and can be used in their lives immediately. #ELTchat
ShellTerrell 11:16 PM RT @itsMaiya: Adult learners who have low L1 skills only take interest when the material is relevant and can be used in their lives immediately. #ELTchat
springrose12 11:16 PM @lolonagi I don't know about you but we're very loud here:) #eltchat
hoprea 11:16 PM @NoraTouparlaki @vickyloras @seburnt To be honest, I don't think L1 is a must. #eltchat
seburnt 11:16 PM @Marisa_C True.  Assuming schools have a computer lab of some sort.  #eltchat
boyledsweetie 11:16 PM #ELTchat ask if they have children find out the ages then bring in appropriate books for the children getting students to read them in class
harrisonmike 11:16 PM @springrose12 @Marisa_C Not for lang class, but my college is offering L1 lang surgeries for sts to bring up any issues they have #eltchat
sandymillin 11:16 PM RT @seburnt: Learning to type (recognise keys on the keyboard) can be a good way to teach alphabet for adults.  #eltchat
TyKendall 11:16 PM @sandymillin   #ELTCHAT  i dont think i really did, i just selected the materials which were less....childish
ShellTerrell 11:16 PM @lolonagi Really? It's going super fast for me :-) #Eltchat
springrose12 11:16 PM @sedayyildirim @Marisa_C @harrisonmike Absolutely..Ss are more creative in L1. #eltchat
sandymillin 11:16 PM @SueAnnan Is there a way to share the material? Seems like there's a lot of people looking for it #ELTchat
ShellTerrell 11:17 PM RT @vickyloras: I use the alphabet (even big tactile letters), simple readers, picture dictionaries with them,even if adults - helps them a lot #ELTChat
Shaunwilden 11:17 PM RT @sandymillin: @SueAnnan Is there a way to share the material? Seems like there's a lot of people looking for it #ELTchat Start a wiki?
vickyloras 11:17 PM I use the alphabet (even big tactile letters), simple readers, picture dictionaries with them,even if adults - helps them a lot #ELTChat
ShellTerrell 11:17 PM @itsMaiya Great point! I believe you're right that the language they learn has to be connected to real world use & practicality #eltchat
harrisonmike 11:17 PM @hoprea @NoraTouparlaki @vickyloras @seburnt In lots of contexts, use of L1 (by the teacher) is impossible! #eltchat
seburnt 11:17 PM @NoraTouparlaki @vickyloras @hoprea You don't have to know L1 to utilise it.  Check out that book I tweeted earlier. =) #eltchat
SueannaN 11:17 PM @sandymillin  yes but it is tailor made for my particular students' situation #ELTchat
ShellTerrell 11:17 PM RT @hollysuel: I'm not sure traditional teaching/learning would work with an illiterate adult.  What about going to coffee or authentic places...
ShellTerrell 11:17 PM RT @Brunsell: just read an AR project about this.  The only boy in class HATED pair work b/c he didn't like girls. #eltchat
hollysuel 11:17 PM I'm not sure traditional teaching/learning would work with an illiterate adult.  What about going to coffee or authentic places...
laoshi0 11:17 PM @seburnt In teaching adults I've found L1 useful when student is 'stuck' & can't continue in lesson. Also, L1 use builds rapport. #eltchat
esolcourses 11:18 PM RT @cgoodey: The language experience approach can be used to produce texts that have meaning for the learner and aren't childish. #eltchat
lolonagi 11:18 PM I think some Ss have comfort  when they feel that their T have the same native lang #eltchat
esolcourses 11:18 PM @pysproblem81 #ELTChat Using visuals to help teach classroom instructions another tactic I find works well: http://bit.ly/kwzql6
davymmck 11:18 PM #eltchat b careful with L1 if you don't know what they're saying. I've had a few exp with their ideas on a completely different track
cgoodey 11:18 PM The language experience approach can be used to produce texts that have some meaning for the learner and aren't childish. #eltchat
hoprea 11:18 PM @itsMaiya @ShellTerrell Hmm... isn't this something that makes it easier for teachers to motivate all kinds of learners? #eltchat
seburnt 11:18 PM @hoprea @NoraTouparlaki @vickyloras I don't think L1 is a must either, just another resource. #eltchat
ShellTerrell 11:18 PM @DavidWarr Do you have a link to Jason's activity? #eltchat
SueannaN 11:18 PM @Shaunwilden  can do #ELTchat
hollysuel 11:18 PM @laoshi0 @seburnt I agree L1 is useful for literate adults and if you can speak it for illiterate...
harrisonmike 11:18 PM RT @Shaunwilden: RT @sandymillin: @SueAnnan Is there a way to share the material? Seems like there's a lot of people looking for it #ELTchat Start a wiki?
Marisa_C 11:19 PM @lauraesol we call them clinic :-D "The doctor is in!!!" #ELTchat
springrose12 11:19 PM RT @boyledsweetie: #ELTchat always show enthusiasm and that you believe in your students a 'personality' and exuberance goes a long way
ShellTerrell 11:19 PM RT @pysproblem81: This book has good advice http://bit.ly/mybBf7 #eltchat
estelateacher 11:19 PM RT @ShellTerrell: Pair work is really great... Must pair with right student > how do u pair them? same level? #eltchat
ShellTerrell 11:19 PM RT @hoprea: RT @cgoodey: The language experience approach can be used to produce texts that have meaning for the learner and aren't childish. #eltchat
worldteacher 11:19 PM @hollysuel Good idea, but doesn't  really work if you're teaching in L1 environment. #eltchat
pysproblem81 11:19 PM This book has good advice http://bit.ly/mybBf7 #eltchat
hoprea 11:19 PM RT @cgoodey: The language experience approach can be used to produce texts that have meaning for the learner and aren't childish. #eltchat
ShellTerrell 11:19 PM RT @boyledsweetie: #ELTchat always show enthusiasm and that you believe in your students a 'personality' and exuberance goes a long way
harrisonmike 11:19 PM @seburnt Thanks for clarifying! #eltchat
boyledsweetie 11:19 PM #ELTchat always show enthusiasm and that you believe in your students a 'personality' and exuberance goes a long way
ShellTerrell 11:19 PM RT @springrose12: I'm not familiar with adult teaching but it's the same for teenagers, too. They learn hip hop/rap first:) #eltchat
lauraesol 11:19 PM @harrisonmike how do the surgeries work? #ELTchat
vickyloras 11:19 PM RT @seburnt Also,making yr own font w/ http://pilothandwriting.com/en/ helps with alphabet recognition&writing for adults #eltchat Love this
sandymillin 11:19 PM RT @seburnt: making own font with http://bit.ly/lX5nNj helps with alphabet recognition and writing for adults. #eltchat <cool!
hollysuel 11:19 PM @seburnt @hoprea @NoraTouparlaki @vickyloras  agreed--L1 as a resource, not a necessity!
harrisonmike 11:19 PM RT @teflerinha: #eltchat Southbank Uni course on teaching basic lit to ESOL lrners in July. Book it's based on is good. http://bit.ly/j70PIv
seburnt 11:19 PM @harrisonmike @hoprea @NoraTouparlaki @vickyloras True, again I'm not suggesting the T use their L1. #eltchat
springrose12 11:19 PM @itsMaiya @ShellTerrell I'm not familiar with adult teaching but it's the same for teenagers, too. They learn hip hop/rap first:) #eltchat
ShellTerrell 11:19 PM @hoprea @itsMaiya Yes but I think its especially important for adults. With YLs I don't know if its as necessary. They like fun! #eltchat
Marisa_C 11:19 PM @harrisonmike I like the idea of a wiki - or we could collect all the resources on a page on the #ELTchat wiki  #eltchat
seburnt 11:20 PM RT @pysproblem81: This book has good advice http://bit.ly/mybBf7 #eltchat
BethCagnol 11:20 PM RT @ShellTerrell: RT @springrose12: Non-literate Ss learn best through their oral ability. #eltchat
sedayyildirim 11:20 PM @ShellTerrell definitely ! pairwork provides progress for both . #eltchat
harrisonmike 11:20 PM @lauraesol We asked higher lvl ability sts 2 offer a bit of their time 2 speak to sts in L1, mainly for speaking ab college issues #eltchat
Marisa_C 11:20 PM RT @Shaunwilden: RT @pysproblem81: This book has good advice http://bit.ly/mybBf7 #eltchat Ta for the link
sedayyildirim 11:20 PM RT @springrose12: @sedayyildirim @Marisa_C @harrisonmike Absolutely..Ss are more creative in L1. #eltchat
ShellTerrell 11:20 PM RT @hollysuel: What are their motivations for learning English?  To study it or to use it?
BethCagnol 11:20 PM RT @lauraesol: I  find this very difficult particularly if they show signs of dyslexia  #ELTchat
ShellTerrell 11:20 PM @pysproblem81 You are full of great resources today! #Eltchat
naomishema 11:20 PM #Magpie moments is not on Twitter but has great posts about strategies with these learners http://bit.ly/i4uwqd #eltchat
Shaunwilden 11:20 PM RT @pysproblem81: This book has good advice http://bit.ly/mybBf7 #eltchat Ta for the link
bamarcia 11:20 PM RT @esolcourses: @pysproblem81 #ELTChat Using visuals to help teach classroom instructions another tactic I find works well: http://bit.ly/kwzql6
NoraTouparlaki 11:20 PM agree with @hollysuel expose to real life situations, gr8 idea! #ELTChat
seburnt 11:21 PM Has anyone used these titles, labeled with "literacy"? http://bit.ly/kUXs34 #eltchat
itsMaiya 11:21 PM @hoprea @ShellTerrell Agreed, but with Adults I feel it is a lot more motivating when they can use what they learn immediately. #ELTchat
harrisonmike 11:21 PM #eltchat RT @pysproblem81: @Shaunwilden  likewise this  one from LLU+  (not free, I'm afraid) http://bit.ly/mUhiSn
boyledsweetie 11:21 PM #ELTchat will there be a summary of tonight's chat?
pysproblem81 11:21 PM @Shaunwilden likewise this one from LLU+ (not free, I'm afraid) http://bit.ly/mUhiSn #eltchat
ShellTerrell 11:21 PM @hollysuel Have you ever worked with low level of literacy online? How does that work compared to f2f #eltchat
BethCagnol 11:21 PM RT @Marisa_C: There is a lot of material for young learners but very little for adults #ELTchat
harrisonmike 11:21 PM RT @Shaunwilden: RT @pysproblem81: This book has good advice http://bit.ly/mybBf7 #eltchat Ta for the link
abigailappleman 11:21 PM “@AgNews: Children’s books written by farmers help tell ag’s story http://t.co/LRgN2eo†#ELTChat
lolonagi 11:22 PM also, their peers put another pressure on them #eltchat
harrisonmike 11:22 PM @SueAnnan But we mustn't start by thinking it too challenging! It's just a different need to the super duper advanced sts #eltchat
esolcourses 11:22 PM London online has some useful free materials for low level learners http://bit.ly/aGezQF #eltchat
hoprea 11:22 PM Teaching ABOUT the language won't be as helpful. If students struggle to learn rules in L1, it'll be harder in L2. #eltchat
clever_flower 11:22 PM #eltchat According to research, MOTIVATION is the most important factor in L2 acquizition. Give them a reason!
BethCagnol 11:22 PM RT @ShellTerrell: @SueAnnan I find that is the hardest dynamic when you have one student with the problem & rest are literate #eltchat
hollysuel 11:22 PM @ShellTerrell @hollysuel only children and it requires a translator...never with adults...
lolonagi 11:22 PM I had this student at the very beginning level... he did not have basic engllish knowldge to start..after awhile he quit the course #eltchat
harrisonmike 11:23 PM @bethcagnol Yep! But soooo much better if it can be meaningful #eltchat
Shaunwilden 11:23 PM @Clever_Flower But is that motiavtion from us or being motivated themselves? #ELTChat
hollysuel 11:23 PM @clever_flower Isn't motivation a key factor is just about anything? #eltchat
boyledsweetie 11:23 PM #ELTchat sorry my 6 yr old is having bad dreams ;0) will have to go and lie down beside him will catch up later!
ShellTerrell 11:23 PM Thanks fhe link! or tRT @springrose12: Check this website promoting adult learning.. http://bit.ly/1wLfmk #eltchat
lolonagi 11:23 PM RT @springrose12: @ShellTerrell Check this website promoting adult learning.. http://www.niace.org.uk/ #eltchat
hollysuel 11:23 PM RT @clever_flower: #eltchat According to research, MOTIVATION is the most important factor in L2 acquizition. Give them a reason! #eltchat
BethCagnol 11:23 PM #ELTChat Would some of us agree that in this case, drilling really does come I'm handy?
ShellTerrell 11:23 PM RT @SueannaN: @harrisonmike  you are of course right #eltchat
NoraTouparlaki 11:23 PM @lolonagi lack of motivation? #eltchat
SueannaN 11:23 PM @harrisonmike  you are of course right #eltchat
SimonGreenall 11:23 PM RT @SimonGreenall: RT @Marisa_C:  About or for? >>It's a real challenge, and I'd luv 2 kno how 2 do it with 2days resources> Sorry #eltchat
sandymillin 11:23 PM #eltchat What do you do if you have a SS with 0 English and v. low/0 literacy on course? How do you hook them w/ no L1?
ShellTerrell 11:23 PM @boyledsweetie Yes! We post all summaries here, http://bit.ly/gV0kFB #eltchat
springrose12 11:23 PM @ShellTerrell Check this website promoting adult learning.. http://www.niace.org.uk/ #eltchat
NikkiFortova 11:23 PM RT @esolcourses: London online has some useful free materials for low level learners http://bit.ly/aGezQF #eltchat
Marisa_C 11:23 PM RT @esolcourses: London online has some useful free materials for low level learners http://bit.ly/aGezQF #eltchat
hollysuel 11:24 PM RT @itsMaiya: First time joining #ELTchat. Chats moving fast but so informative! #eltchat
lolonagi 11:24 PM @itsMaiya  welcome :D #eltchat
hollysuel 11:24 PM RT @hoprea: Teaching ABOUT the language wont be helpful. If students struggle to learn rules in L1, itll be harder in L2. #eltchat  #eltchat
SimonGreenall 11:24 PM RT @bethcagnol: #ELTChat> I once taught Orchesre de Lyon, really good @ drilling
harrisonmike 11:24 PM Good to have you here! RT @itsMaiya: First time joining #ELTchat. Chats moving fast but so informative!
clever_flower 11:24 PM RT @harrisonmike: Would be helpful but I know I can't do it - don't know Farsi, Pashto, Turkish, ..RT @seburnt: How abt use of L1 in their learning? #eltchat
Marisa_C 11:24 PM @itsMaiya Welcome ! #ELTchat
itsMaiya 11:24 PM First time joining #ELTchat. Chats moving fast but so informative!
ShellTerrell 11:24 PM RT @cgoodey: Start with language learner will encounter - social sight words, forms etc #eltchat
ShellTerrell 11:24 PM RT @lauraesol: Lots of stuff on here that is good for vocabulary http://bit.ly/izZBzb #ELTchat
cgoodey 11:24 PM Start with language learner will encounter - social sight words, forms etc #eltchat
ShellTerrell 11:24 PM @boyledsweetie Thanks for joining us! Hope he feels better :-) Maybe next time we see you in the lab coat ;-) #eltchat
lauraesol 11:24 PM Lots of stuff on here that is good for vocabulary http://bit.ly/izZBzb #ELTchat
Marisa_C 11:24 PM RT @Yohimar: RT @esolcourses: London online has some useful free materials for low level learners http://bit.ly/aGezQF #eltchat
worldteacher 11:24 PM RT @hoprea: Teaching ABOUT the language won't be helpful. If students struggle to learn rules in L1, it'll be harder in L2. #eltchat >Agreed
lolonagi 11:24 PM @NoraTouparlaki  not only this... we start even with 101 ss with certain level #eltchat
yohimar 11:24 PM RT @esolcourses: London online has some useful free materials for low level learners http://bit.ly/aGezQF #eltchat
Shaunwilden 11:25 PM RT @pysproblem81: @bethcagnol drill pictures of vocab, then show words instead of pictures #eltchat  drilling always a good thing :-)
sandymillin 11:25 PM @itsMaiya If you want to make it easier for yourself, try downloading a client like Tweetdeck (a lot of us here use it) #ELTchat
TyKendall 11:25 PM #ELTCHAT  teach letter sounds, or letter names? how does phonics help? so many questions
seburnt 11:25 PM Actually, I just saw @TESLToronto post a project that concerns Literacy and wants input from instructors: http://bit.ly/l7slGs #eltchat
harrisonmike 11:25 PM RT @pysproblem81: @bethcagnol definitely - drill pictures of vocab, then show words instead of pictures #eltchat (not only approach)
worldteacher 11:25 PM RT @bethcagnol: #ELTChat Would some of us agree that in this case, drilling really does come I'm handy? >Yes, it's essential IMHO
sandymillin 11:25 PM RT @Marisa_C: @itsMaiya Welcome ! #ELTchat
hoprea 11:25 PM @itsMaiya @ShellTerrell I agree. But adults usually cope better with delayed gratification when we ask them to wait, don't they? #eltchat
BethCagnol 11:25 PM #ELTChat I also encourage them to bring something to record the lesson. (based on Shelly's tip on using oral tasks).
Marisa_C 11:25 PM RT @Mbarek: Hi all , Here is a Free Online Spell Checker. Fast and Accurate Results. No Software Required. http://bit.ly/j2KkjJ #ELTchat
ShellTerrell 11:25 PM @hollysuel wow! I can't imagine with children. I've never had to quite deal with this w children teaching English only general ed #eltchat
pysproblem81 11:25 PM @bethcagnol definitely - drill pictures of vocab, then show words instead of pictures #eltchat (not only approach)
ShellTerrell 11:26 PM RT @sandymillin: #eltchat What do you do if you have a SS with 0 English and v. low/0 literacy on course? How do you hook them w/ no L1?
cgoodey 11:26 PM @sandymillin pictures, realia, mime #eltchat
springrose12 11:26 PM @LisaTaner Hi, can I invite you to our #eltchat as well? It's about non literate Ss and how to teach English to them.
ShellTerrell 11:26 PM @lolonagi Now I see the delay! You're right Twitter is acting up #eltchat
hollysuel 11:26 PM @ShellTerrell @hollysuel I've got some great screenshots--there is a program through the ministry of education in Korea--very fun! #eltchat
pysproblem81 11:26 PM What do you reckon to the advice to use #comicsans for learning materials (closest font to handwriting)? #eltchat
sandymillin 11:26 PM @itsMaiya It's free online and helps you to organise all of your tweets, including having a column for #ELTchat
clever_flower 11:26 PM @harrisonmike @seburnt Well, no alphabet system to rely on, which makes it more difficult! I'd move away from L1 #eltchat
SimonGreenall 11:26 PM RT @Marisa_C: @SimonGreenall for i guess #eltchat > It's really hard. Done it 5 or 6 times, but it's the hardest.
bamarcia 11:26 PM RT @lauraesol: Lots of stuff on here that is good for vocabulary http://bit.ly/izZBzb #ELTchat
BethCagnol 11:26 PM RT @vickyloras: I use the alphabet (even big tactile letters), simple readers, picture dictionaries with them,even if adults - helps them a lot #ELTChat
harrisonmike 11:26 PM Mr Bean is very good #eltchat Most sts recognise him and the actions are day-to-day stuff, great stimulus
pjgallantry 11:27 PM #eltchat we have to be careful not to regard ss with low literacy as being somehow deficient - easy trap to fall into for some
ShellTerrell 11:27 PM @sandymillin I've worked with this and body language is crucial since it makes up about 86%to90% of language #eltchat
cgoodey 11:27 PM @harrisonmike @bethcagnol We can drill meaningful, useful language #eltchat
naomishema 11:27 PM @TyKendall #eltchat these adults NEED to learn the LETTER NAMES because they often have to spell their foreign sounding names to others!
seburnt 11:27 PM @pysproblem81 I hate Comic Sans with a passion.  It's so cliche and childish.  There are a billion other handwriting fonts.  #eltchat
Shaunwilden 11:27 PM RT @cgoodey: @sandymillin pictures, realia, mime #eltchat  which are useful in any efl / esl lesson arent they :-)
sandymillin 11:27 PM RT @pysproblem81: What do you reckon to the advice to use #comicsans for learning materials (closest font to handwriting)? #eltchat
harrisonmike 11:27 PM Handwriting books are great sometimes to get the mechanics of roman script for those sts that use a different alphabet #eltchat
springrose12 11:27 PM @LisaTaner If you like you can follow the moderators @ShellTerrell and @Marisa_C #eltchat
Mbarek 11:27 PM Online Spell Check, Grammar and Thesaurus checking http://bit.ly/mBMbqR #eltchat  #engchat #Esl #EFL #edtech
lolonagi 11:27 PM so what ahould I do when it comes to social levels #eltchat
sandymillin 11:27 PM RT @TyKendall: #ELTCHAT  teach letter sounds, or letter names? how does phonics help? so many questions
pjgallantry 11:27 PM #eltchat bright visuals, self-produced posters (even really simple stuff) helps low-level literacy ss
ShellTerrell 11:28 PM RT @lauraesol: RT @harrisonmike: Mr Bean is very good #eltchat   Here are some worksheets http://bit.ly/myxfEy
lolonagi 11:28 PM RT @Marisa_C: I think it's great to be aware that Ss need textrecognition & text manipulation practice  but need general knowledge too #ELTchat
cgoodey 11:28 PM @harrisonmike Yep :-) #eltchat
ShellTerrell 11:28 PM RT @Marisa_C: I think it's great to be aware that Ss need textrecognition & text manipulation practice  but need general knowledge too #ELTchat
lauraesol 11:28 PM RT @harrisonmike: Mr Bean is very good #eltchat   Here are some worksheets http://bit.ly/myxfEy
ShellTerrell 11:28 PM @esolcourses I agree completely that it has to be personalized #eltchat
SueannaN 11:28 PM @esolcourses  me too #ELTChat
Marisa_C 11:28 PM I think it's great to be aware that Ss need textrecognition & text manipulation practice  but need general knowledge too #ELTchat
harrisonmike 11:28 PM @cgoodey and also language that is drawn from real-life contexts wherever possible #eltchat
ShellTerrell 11:28 PM RT @esolcourses: I find unplugged/personalised approach helps with very low-level learners - blogged about this a while back http://bit.ly/cBEvmX #ELTChat
ShellTerrell 11:28 PM @springrose12 @LisaTaner Also follow moderator @Shaunwilden #eltchat
esolcourses 11:28 PM I find unplugged/personalised approach helps with very low-level learners - blogged about this a while back http://bit.ly/cBEvmX #ELTChat
pysproblem81 11:29 PM @seburnt knew someone wouldn't like it ;) which would you recommend? #eltchat
pjgallantry 11:29 PM #eltchat @ShellTerrell true, body language important, but also ss can *misinterpret* body language of diff culture - leads to misunderstand
DavidWarr 11:29 PM @ShellTerrell @sandymillin i believe that is a fact that has got taken out of context, re: the words are only 35%, #ELTchat
lolonagi 11:29 PM RT @cathywint: #eltchat excellence gateway got some interesting resources & research http://t.co/dc92p4g
harrisonmike 11:29 PM @Shaunwilden Yep agreem www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise has some very useful stuff for literacy #eltchat
cathywint 11:29 PM #eltchat excellence gateway got some interesting resources & research http://t.co/dc92p4g
esolcourses 11:29 PM RT @Marisa_C think it's great to be aware that Ss need textrecognition & text manipulation practice  but need general knowledge too #ELTchat
BethCagnol 11:29 PM RT @cgoodey: @harrisonmike @bethcagnol We can drill meaningful, useful language #eltchat
bamarcia 11:29 PM RT @esolcourses: I find unplugged/personalised approach helps with very low-level learners - blogged about this a while back http://bit.ly/cBEvmX #ELTChat
vickyloras 11:29 PM RT @esolcourses: I find unplugged/personalised approach helps with very low-level learners - blogged about this a while back http://bit.ly/cBEvmX #ELTChat
naomishema 11:29 PM RT @ShellTerrell: @esolcourses I agree completely that it has to be personalized #eltchat
Shaunwilden 11:29 PM RT @harrisonmike: Handwriting books are great sometimes to get the mechanics. #eltchat the bbcskills wise site has useful activities
Marisa_C 11:29 PM They lack both knowledge as well as knowledge of different text types #ELTchat
BethCagnol 11:30 PM #ELTChat can we also keep going on tips for tchrs who have a group where one student is illiterate and the others are fine?
hoprea 11:30 PM RT @esolcourses: @Marisa_C absolutely... students need to be able to pick up language they need to get by in daily life quickly #ELTChat
SueannaN 11:30 PM RT @naomishema: @esolcourses General knowledge or rather lack of it is what makes progress in reading comp. SO difficult #eltchat
Shaunwilden 11:30 PM RT @naomishema: @esolcourses General knowledge or rather lack of it is what makes progress in reading comp. SO difficult #eltchat
esolcourses 11:30 PM @Marisa_C absolutely... students need to be able to pick up language they need to get by in daily life quickly #ELTChat
clever_flower 11:30 PM #eltchat Intrinsic motivation is more effective than extrinsic. So I'd negotiate it 2bring it 2 the surface and capitalize on it!
naomishema 11:30 PM @esolcourses General knowledge or rather lack of it is what makes progress in reading comp. SO difficult #eltchat
esolcourses 11:31 PM @SueAnnan @naomishema agree... though IMO, better to teach speaking/listening first, as it helps with pronunciation #ELTChat
naomishema 11:31 PM #eltchat we tend to think cognates are useful for this population but some don't know what a PICNIC  is, for example
ShellTerrell 11:31 PM @bethcagnol I found stations worked well. When they broke into stations I could do individualized work!  #eltchat
hollysuel 11:31 PM @clever_flower totally agree!  the best students we have are all intrinsically motivated!
theteacherjames 11:31 PM RT @esolcourses: I find unplugged/personalised approach helps with very low-level learners http://bit.ly/cBEvmX #ELTChat
lauraesol 11:31 PM @naomishema  Try giving them the reading books for different levels to read through.  The books recycle vocabulary #ELTchat
harrisonmike 11:31 PM I think it is key to not swamp these learners (or any learners) with too much paperwork - whether worksheets or admin, whatever #eltchat
NoraTouparlaki 11:31 PM RT @naomishema: @esolcourses General knowledge or rather lack of it is what makes progress in reading comp. SO difficult #eltchat
pysproblem81 11:31 PM @teflerinha True... most information we need to read is printed not written, I reckon #eltchat
cunningcanis 11:31 PM @itsMaiya agreed, I tend to lurk and learn....about 5 mins behind though #ELTchat
lolonagi 11:31 PM @Clever_Flower  I agree on intrinsic motivation #eltchat, but environment has supper power
sandymillin 11:31 PM RT @BethCagnol: #ELTChat can we also keep going on tips for tchrs who have a group where one student is illiterate and the others are fine?
ShellTerrell 11:31 PM RT @BethCagnol: #ELTChat can we also keep going on tips for tchrs who have a group where one student is illiterate and the others are fine?
ShellTerrell 11:32 PM @bethcagnol Yikes! Ok then not so good LOL #Eltchat
seburnt 11:32 PM @pysproblem81 Suzie's hand, Honey script, Black jack... there are a million.  =)  Even your own! #eltchat
ShellTerrell 11:32 PM @pjgallantry I research the body language ahead of time if I know its a complete beginner & also learn a few words in their lang #eltchat
BethCagnol 11:32 PM @ShellTerrell That's a good one, but what about classes of 3-4 ppl? #ELTChat
Shaunwilden 11:32 PM RT @lauraesol:  Try giving them the reading books for different levels...or things they might need to read like  info leaflets #eltchat
Marisa_C 11:32 PM RT @pjgallantry: #eltchat ss with low literacy levels also cannot *orient* themselves through text, so e.g. … (cont) http://deck.ly/~U6tkL
cathywint 11:32 PM #eltchat spiegal and Sunderland and the ESOL low literacy gurus. This book is fabulous http://t.co/HP0lmK4
clever_flower 11:32 PM RT @pjgallantry: #eltchat we have to be careful not to regard ss with low literacy as being somehow deficient - easy trap to fall into for some
pysproblem81 11:32 PM Am trying to find a good link explaining 'language experience model' good, just a bit tricky in groups http://bit.ly/kzI5r2 #eltchat
SimonGreenall 11:32 PM #ELTchat Reading handwriting? Have been learning Chinese, had forgotten how disempowered I am as a beginner. Nothing taken for granted.
pjgallantry 11:32 PM #eltchat ss with low literacy levels also cannot *orient* themselves through text, so e.g. a letter looks the same as some instructions
SueannaN 11:32 PM RT @ShellTerrell: @bethcagnol I found stations worked well. When they broke into stations I could do individualized work!  #eltchat ?
ShellTerrell 11:32 PM RT @naomishema: #eltchat we tend to think cognates are useful for this population but some don't know what a PICNIC  is, for example
harrisonmike 11:32 PM RT @lauraesol: @naomishema  Try giving them the reading books for different levels to read through.  The books recycle vocabulary #ELTchat
DavidWarr 11:32 PM @bethcagnol one of the most difficult situations... #ELTchat
Shaunwilden 11:33 PM RT @Marisa_C: RT @pjgallantry: #eltchat ss with low literacy levels also cannot *orient* themselves through te… (cont) http://deck.ly/~6JZU5
ShellTerrell 11:33 PM RT @BethCagnol: #ELTChat Should we speak to the student to let them know we notice the problem? Or not?
sandymillin 11:33 PM @bethcagnol At summer school I made the same vocab worksheet using ppt but one group copied, one traced (e.gs in next tweet) #ELTChat
hoprea 11:33 PM How low is this low level we're talking about? #eltchat
ShellTerrell 11:33 PM RT @lolonagi: so individuality in learning is the solution #eltchat
BethCagnol 11:33 PM #ELTChat Should we speak to the student to let them know we notice the problem? Or not?
hollysuel 11:33 PM RT @lolonagi: so individuality in learning is the solution #eltchat
cgoodey 11:33 PM @pysproblem81 @seburnt There has been some research showing comic sans as being good in some contexts (can't remember at the mo) #eltchat
lolonagi 11:33 PM so individuality in learning is the solution #eltchat
Marisa_C 11:33 PM @SimonGreenall Beginners need to be a lot more confident with knowing lexical meaning - guessing strats next to impossible  #ELTchat
ShellTerrell 11:33 PM @bethcagnol pfffftttt (my lip fart) #eltchat
pysproblem81 11:33 PM RT @seburnt: @pysproblem81 Suzie's hand, Honey script, Black jack... there are a million.  =)  Even your own! #eltchat
teflerinha 11:33 PM @harrisonmike #eltchat While talking about too much paperwork... anyone going to mention ILPs?!
lolonagi 11:34 PM @esolcourses  really did u find speaking arabic easy #eltchat
rliberni 11:34 PM Jumping in late #eltchat
ShellTerrell 11:34 PM RT @toulasklavou: take into account also their learning style,in order to adapt mats accordingly #ELTCHAT
ShellTerrell 11:34 PM @bethcagnol If its a child to teen then the parent but if its an adult then yes I think we wait till alone & see if they are aware #eltchat
springrose12 11:34 PM RT @claganach: @ShellTerrell @springrose12 The Week in Rap: weekly current affairs with rap track matched to video http://t.co/SbPCybK #eltchat #literacy
toulasklavou 11:34 PM take into account also their learning style,in order to adapt mats accordingly #ELTCHAT
harrisonmike 11:34 PM @teflerinha Useless for such learners. There, I said it! #eltchat #individuallearningplans, as they are in FE, are not right for these sts
Shaunwilden 11:34 PM @sandymillin opps sorry sandy i did a long tweet, dont tell me off :-) #eltchat
BethCagnol 11:34 PM @ShellTerrell LoL! Ppptt! #ELTChat lipfart
lolonagi 11:34 PM @itsMaiya  agree #eltchat
esolcourses 11:34 PM @SimonGreenall good point! had the same experience when I tried to learn Arabic.  Found speaking & listening much easier #ELTchat
SimonGreenall 11:34 PM RT @Marisa_C: Beginners need to be a lot more confident with knowing lexical meaning - guessing strats next to impossible  #ELTchat> Correct
EwelinaGonera 11:34 PM RT @Mbarek: Online Spell Check, Grammar and Thesaurus checking http://bit.ly/mBMbqR #eltchat  #engchat #Esl #EFL #edtech
Marisa_C 11:34 PM @lolonagi Individual tutoring is but most of these learners cannot pay that type of lesson - end up in large classes #eltchat
itsMaiya 11:34 PM Wht are ur opinions on allowing students to speak L1 in the classroom or with a partner? #ELTchat
sandymillin 11:35 PM @teflerinha What's an ILP? #eltchat
BethCagnol 11:35 PM @sandymillin Traced, as in traced over the slides you made?(sorry not sure I understand) #ELTChat
harrisonmike 11:35 PM #eltchat What abt underlying problems that cause low literacy? Some of these sts have seen wars and death & have no schooling, others... 1/2
esolcourses 11:35 PM @harrisonmike @teflerinha  say the same on a fairly regular basis myself, even though it doesn't always go down well :-D #ELTChat
lolonagi 11:35 PM @rliberni  welcome #eltchat... London time is no for me #eltchat :S
teflerinha 11:35 PM @harrisonmike #eltchat You devil! I agree.
Shaunwilden 11:35 PM @rliberni Evening Berni :-) #eltchat
ShellTerrell 11:35 PM Thanks! RT @claganach: The Week in Rap: weekly current affairs with rap track matched to video http://theweekinrap.com/ #eltchat #literacy
sandymillin 11:35 PM http://slidesha.re/lTWuLP http://slidesha.re/jUV1Ys #eltchat Links to diff versions of same vocb sheet #eltchat |Prob was that still v. slow
Marisa_C 11:35 PM To recap: Consolidate language orally, then present written forms and do various activities with a literacy focus #ELTchat
pjgallantry 11:35 PM #eltchat at our college we have Afghan students with decent basic spoken ability but absolutely ZERO literacy in L1 or L2
SimonGreenall 11:35 PM RT @esolcourses:had the same experience when I tried to learn Arabic.   #ELTchat> yes non roman script v dificult
Shaunwilden 11:35 PM RT @toulasklavou: take into account also their learning style and adapt mats accordingly #ELTCHAT Thats true of any teaching isn't it?
hoprea 11:35 PM RT @SimonGreenall: RT @Marisa_C: Beginners need to be a lot more confident with knowing lexical meaning - guessing strats next to impossible  #ELTchat> Correct
hollysuel 11:35 PM RT @toulasklavou: take into account also their learning style,in order to adapt mats accordingly #eltchat
springrose12 11:35 PM @claganach @ShellTerrell Liked it a lot:) #eltchat
rliberni 11:35 PM RT @toulasklavou: take into account also their learning style,in order to adapt mats accordingly #ELTCHAT
BethCagnol 11:36 PM @esolcourses @simongreenall I'm finding the same thing with Polish. Learning through sound. Love it! #ELTChat
vickyloras 11:36 PM RT @ShellTerrell: @bethcagnol If its a child to teen then the parent but if its an adult then yes I think we wait till alone & see if they are aware #eltchat
lauraesol 11:36 PM @harrisonmike Agree, they don't often understand what they are about. #ELTchat
harrisonmike 11:36 PM #eltchat ...others may suffer from  conditions such as dyslexia 2/2
pjgallantry 11:36 PM #eltchat @itsMaiya chat in L1 ok, If it's on task chat!
rliberni 11:36 PM RT @harrisonmike: #eltchat What abt underlying problems that cause low literacy? Some of these sts have seen wars and death & have no schooling, others... 1/2
sandymillin 11:36 PM @bethcagnol See the next tweet...there's a link to the sheets (no space!) #ELTChat
rliberni 11:36 PM @lolonagi  @Shaunwilden  hi sorry I'm late will catch up #eltchat
rliberni 11:37 PM RT @ShellTerrell: When having different literacy levels important 2 allow Ss to access visuals, additional help online. Maybe thru a blog or wiki? #eltchat
rliberni 11:37 PM RT @Marisa_C: It helps if u can pair up a right to left writer with a left to right one in same class #ELTchat - one can mentor the other
ShellTerrell 11:37 PM When having different literacy levels important 2 allow Ss to access visuals, additional help online. Maybe thru a blog or wiki? #eltchat
BethCagnol 11:37 PM @ShellTerrell Interesting. For my classes it's adults. So always wonder if I should say something to them. #ELTChat
Shaunwilden 11:37 PM RT @pjgallantry: #eltchat ILP=Individual learning plan, aka more bloody paperwork ;) Lol
Marisa_C 11:37 PM It helps if u can pair up a right to left writer with a left to right one in same class #ELTchat - one can mentor the other
rliberni 11:37 PM RT @hollysuel: @harrisonmike some have learning disabilities i.e. dyslexia that have been undiagnosed... #eltchat
esolcourses 11:37 PM @bethcagnol @SimonGreenall @lolonagi not so much a case of easy; more like less difficult. I tend to learn languages phonetically  #ELTChat
pjgallantry 11:37 PM #eltchat ILP=Individual learning plan, aka more bloody paperwork ;)
hollysuel 11:37 PM @harrisonmike some have learning disabilities i.e. dyslexia that have been undiagnosed... #eltchat
Mbarek 11:37 PM Top 10 Free Online Spell Checkers http://bit.ly/jUA5sK #engchat #esl #eltchat #efl #spelling #writing 
lauraesol 11:38 PM @rliberni You'll be lucky #ELTchat I can't keep up
Marisa_C 11:38 PM But trouble with so-called 'starter' coursebooks is their so very western culture orientation #ELTchat
sandymillin 11:38 PM @bethcagnol It depends on if you CAN say anything to them - sometimes it's very difficult for them to understand you #ELTChat
harrisonmike 11:38 PM RT @esolcourses: RT @pysproblem81 @pjgallantry The other issue is how do you do an #ilp with a complete beginner you share no common language with #eltchat
ShellTerrell 11:38 PM @bethcagnol I think private convos work well because then you can suggest activities, websites, for them to do addit'l work #eltchat
boyledsweetie 11:38 PM #ELTChat nightmares at bay. Music especially global tunes are great to encourage confidence, performances by tutor always go down well ;0)
esolcourses 11:38 PM RT @pysproblem81 @pjgallantry The other issue is how do you do an #ilp with a complete beginner you share no common language with #eltchat
teflerinha 11:38 PM @sandymillin@harrisonmike #eltchat an individual learning plan. Mandatory for ESOL learners (in UK-maybe not Scotland)
lauraesol 11:38 PM @sandymillin Individual learning plan #ELTchat
SimonGreenall 11:38 PM RT @bethcagnol: @esolcourses @simongreenall  Love it! #ELTChat. But how do you consolidate what you've heard? You need some writing?
pysproblem81 11:38 PM @pjgallantry The other issue is how do you do an #ilp with a complete beginner that you share no common language with #eltchat
lolonagi 11:38 PM I do not know if this relevant, but I had a Ss who wanted to learn english toprove to her husband her equality #eltchat :D
harrisonmike 11:38 PM Some won't admit to them either RT @hollysuel: @harrisonmike some hv learning disabilities i.e. dyslexia that hv bin undiagnosed... #eltchat
teflerinha 11:39 PM @bethcagnol @esolcourses @simongreenall At least Polish is phonetic! #eltchat
boyledsweetie 11:39 PM “@teflerinha: @sandymillin@harrisonmike #eltchat an individual learning plan. Mandatory for ESOL learners < Scotland too>
Marisa_C 11:39 PM .... and assumptions #eltchat - like what is a picnic, a celebrity interview, a businessman's schedule etc #ELTchat
lauraesol 11:39 PM @hollysuel  I have that problem too, I am sure #ELTchat
rliberni 11:39 PM @lauraesol  you're right! struggling here #eltchat
naomishema 11:39 PM #eltchat when lss explain to other ss they REALLY understand the material. & sometimes they understand where their friend is stuck better!
hollysuel 11:39 PM @pysproblem81 @pjgallantry it'll take a village!  :)
ShellTerrell 11:39 PM @bethcagnol Although it's a difficult convo to have #eltchat
BethCagnol 11:39 PM #ELTChat if I discuss their learning difficulties privately, I'd find it very difficult to bring it up. Anyone have direct experience?
teflerinha 11:40 PM RT @Marisa_C: But trouble with so-called 'starter' coursebooks is their so very western culture orientation #ELTchat
lolonagi 11:40 PM @ShellTerrell  they need safe environment #eltchat
Marisa_C 11:40 PM And they have mobile phones which I think are underexploited in class #ELtchat
harrisonmike 11:40 PM RT @lauraesol: Are there any ESOL dyslexia specialists about, who can assess these learners, or is this problem ignored? #ELTchat
lauraesol 11:40 PM Are there any ESOL dyslexia specialists about, who can assess these learners, or is this problem ignored? #ELTchat
sedayyildirim 11:40 PM hi @rliberni , totally agree with @lauraesol :) #eltchat
ShellTerrell 11:40 PM @bethcagnol I usually start with a question. Do you find the reading difficult? Can you walk me thru how you do it? #eltchat
springrose12 11:40 PM @ShellTerrell @Marisa_C Non-literate Ss learn grammar and phonics through context.Thy need many sentence maker sheets and modelling #eltchat
NoraTouparlaki 11:40 PM @ShellTerrell sounds nice, most of them are familiar with the basics online #eltchat
harrisonmike 11:40 PM Exactly! Wholy innappropriate! RT @Marisa_C: But trouble w/ so-called 'starter' crsebooks is their so v western culture orientation #ELTchat
SueannaN 11:40 PM RT @Marisa_C: But trouble with so-called 'starter' coursebooks is their so very western culture orientation #ELTchat I agree completely
pjgallantry 11:41 PM #eltchat how can dyslexia be diagnosed if the ss cant even write in their own language??
teflerinha 11:41 PM @esolcourses @pysproblem81 @pjgallantry Absolutely! Just didn't have enough characters for the full story (horror) #eltchat
cunningcanis 11:41 PM @teflerinha  #eltchat an individual learning plan. Mandatory for ESOL learners (in UK-maybe not Scotland)" Scotland too.
ShellTerrell 11:41 PM @bethcagnol If I can see how they approach the reading then I can see what the problem might be & see specific signs of struggle #eltchat
lauraesol 11:41 PM @bethcagnol I have and if you suspect a problem, it is best to ask them with someone who knows a bit more English #ELTchat
rliberni 11:41 PM RT @SueannaN: @lauraesol  we had a workshop with a specialist recently. It was illuminating #ELTchat
theteacherjames 11:41 PM RT @Marisa_C: But trouble with so-called 'starter' coursebooks is their so very western culture orientation #ELTchat
vickyloras 11:41 PM RT @Marisa_C: .... and assumptions #eltchat - like what is a picnic, a celebrity interview, a businessman's schedule etc #ELTchat
rliberni 11:41 PM RT @Marisa_C: And they have mobile phones which I think are underexploited in class #ELtchat Good point!
ShellTerrell 11:41 PM RT @Marisa_C: And they have mobile phones which I think are underexploited in class #ELtchat
Mbarek 11:41 PM Thanks 4 RT @EwelinaGonera @MoodleMcKean  @Yohimar @Marisa_C #eltchat #engchat #Esl #EFL #edtech #spellcheck #edtech #edchat #elearning
SueannaN 11:41 PM @lauraesol  we had a workshop with a specialist recently. It was illuminating #ELTchat
esolcourses 11:41 PM @pysproblem81 @pjgallantry My response to that one is "you don't", tbh! These days, I postpone them till s's have enough lang #EltChat
lauraesol 11:42 PM @Marisa_C  the first thing I have to say is "turn them off"  #ELTchat
SueannaN 11:42 PM @rliberni  Yes I've had that experience too #eltchat
ShellTerrell 11:42 PM @pysproblem81 @lauraesol Agree it's difficult but with online networks we're bound to find specialist in the L1 to help? #eltchat
lolonagi 11:42 PM @rliberni  wow what did u do #eltchat
esolcourses 11:42 PM RT @Shaunwilden: @SueAnnan @lauraesol I saw a workshop on it a bit ago, learnt loads ] #eltchat same here... will try & dig bmks out
clever_flower 11:42 PM #eltchat A Real-time Collaborative Writing tool. useful 4 working on joint writing projects. Used it with Skype 2finish work!
rliberni 11:42 PM 1 of my biggest challenges ever (poss not relevant here) was having a blind std in the class #eltchat
pysproblem81 11:42 PM @lauraesol I've always heard it is too hard to identify dyslexia in 2nd lang speakers... but there must be some knowledge of it.... #eltchat
seburnt 11:42 PM @harrisonmike @Marisa_C Have you seen the Just Right Middle Eastern editions? Took away bikinis as far as i could tell.  #eltchat
Shaunwilden 11:42 PM @SueAnnan @lauraesol I saw a workshop on it a bit ago, learnt loads, have the notes somewhere will dig out #eltchat
rliberni 11:43 PM RT @Marisa_C: @lauraesol a pity - because they can be used for a variety of texting activities  #ELTchat
Shaunwilden 11:43 PM RT @rliberni: 1 of my biggest challenges ever (poss not relevant here) was having a blind std in the class #eltchat  Me too but he was B2
Marisa_C 11:43 PM @lauraesol a pity - because they can be used for a variety of texting activities  #ELTchat
rliberni 11:43 PM @SueAnnan @lolonagi you really have to think everything through very carefully so as to have ever bit accessible #eltchat
naomishema 11:43 PM @rliberni #eltchat blind can communicate more easily than deaf students who tend to be language impaired even if their speech is o.k
boyledsweetie 11:43 PM “@lauraesol: @Marisa_C  the first thing I have to say is "turn them off"  #ELTchat†why?????
NoraTouparlaki 11:43 PM @Marisa_C I'd definitely usethe mobile!#eltchat
springrose12 11:43 PM @harrisonmike @lauraesol I think It should be done in L1 by a translator/specialist that is hard to find #eltchat
harrisonmike 11:43 PM @seburnt Nope! Lol, does #Harmerj know about this! ;o) #eltchat
Marisa_C 11:43 PM @seburnt haven't - but replacing churces with mosques & cuting out bikinis does't solve the problems #eltchat
boyledsweetie 11:44 PM “@ShellTerrell: @Marisa_C @lauraesol @rliberni Texting often much easier for the student to understand & could be a bridge #eltchat†agree!
harrisonmike 11:44 PM @pjgallantry Naomi @naomishema works with hard of hearing students too #eltchat
ShellTerrell 11:44 PM Gr8 pt! RT @cathywint: also need to consider digital literacy. May now have experience of using PCs so have ICT skills needs too #eltchat
lolonagi 11:44 PM and i thought whenI had a low literacry St was a challenge  #eltchat
rliberni 11:44 PM @Shaunwilden mine was advanced which helped- one of the most well-dressed people I've ever  met! #eltchat
SueannaN 11:44 PM @rliberni  and be careful of your language. The 'I see' and such like #eltchat
ShellTerrell 11:44 PM @Marisa_C @lauraesol @rliberni Texting often much easier for the student to understand & could be a bridge #eltchat
harrisonmike 11:44 PM @springrose12 @lauraesol Agree. And expensive #eltchat
pjgallantry 11:44 PM #eltchat @rliberni we've had profoundly deaf learners as well as blind - end up in whole new language teaching territory
Mbarek 11:44 PM Hi  all #eltchat ters
ShellTerrell 11:45 PM RT @clever_flower: #eltchat I've always been refusing 2let ss speak L1 outside classroom, but now I think it was a mistake! L2 shud not replace L1 4 ID reasons
clever_flower 11:45 PM #eltchat I've always been refusing 2let ss speak L1 outside classroom, but now I think it was a mistake! L2 shud not replace L1 4 ID reasons
seburnt 11:45 PM @harrisonmike @Marisa_C I wondered about that. #eltchat
DavidWarr 11:45 PM @Clever_Flower #ELTchat thanx for the link to typewithme
rliberni 11:45 PM @SueAnnan yes, it really makes you think and keep on your toes the other stds were great too with this #eltchat
pjgallantry 11:45 PM #eltchat anyone tried the British Council Learning English materials for mobiles?
sandymillin 11:46 PM #eltchat You could also get SS using www.quizlet.com for simple flashcards with pictures. And they can make their own too
rliberni 11:46 PM RT @sandymillin: #eltchat If you have computer access could get SS to create simple vocab books using Bookr http://bit.ly/mB3Urn then use with later classes
springrose12 11:46 PM @ShellTerrell @cathywint Majority of my non-literate Ss learn the computers easier than the language, they use them all the time #eltchat
ShellTerrell 11:46 PM RT @sandymillin: #eltchat If you have computer access could get SS to create simple vocab books using Bookr http://bit.ly/mB3Urn then use with later classes
Shaunwilden 11:46 PM @rliberni Mine wasnt well dressed, but was motivated and was a g8 sts - I just had to remember to speak when writing on the board #eltchat
ShellTerrell 11:46 PM @Clever_Flower I agree! Plus knowledge & advancement in L1 helps advancement in L2 #eltchat
sandymillin 11:46 PM #eltchat If you have computer access could get SS to create simple vocab books using Bookr http://bit.ly/mB3Urn then use with later classes
boyledsweetie 11:46 PM #ELTChat after lessons send students a text telling them how great they were. Children also love an answering machine message just for them
rliberni 11:46 PM @pjgallantry true and it's all something we should be prepared for in our training I think #eltchat
rliberni 11:47 PM RT @teflerinha: @sandymillin #eltchat Good idea- a tech version of the Language Experience Approach!
SueannaN 11:47 PM @bethcagnol  Chapeau! #ELTChat
Shaunwilden 11:47 PM @bethcagnol Gosh i think that trumps the blind one #eltchat
lolonagi 11:47 PM so... individaulaity in learning... for Ss if they can afford #eltchat
BethCagnol 11:47 PM @Shaunwilden @rliberni I taught one class to a deaf student. Very very interesting. #ELTChat
teflerinha 11:47 PM @sandymillin #eltchat Good idea- a tech version of the Language Experience Approach!
NoraTouparlaki 11:47 PM RT @sandymillin: #eltchat You could also get SS using www.quizlet.com for simple flashcards with pictures. And they can make their own too
lolonagi 11:47 PM ah I remembred I have this Ss who in the access program, he is totally different than other Ss #eltchat
rliberni 11:47 PM RT @sandymillin: #eltchat You could also get SS using www.quizlet.com for simple flashcards with pictures. And they can make their own too
ShellTerrell 11:47 PM RT @sandymillin: #eltchat You could also get SS using www.quizlet.com for simple flashcards with pictures. And they can make their own too
seburnt 11:48 PM RT @harrisonmike: Anna has got some links here http://bit.ly/jIMp7e links to SQA materials look promising #lowlevelliteracy #eltchat #magpiemoments
pjgallantry 11:48 PM #eltchat BC mobile apps site http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/mobile-learning
naomishema 11:48 PM RT @harrisonmike: Anna has got some links here http://bit.ly/jIMp7e links to SQA materials ARE  GREAT #eltchat #magpiemoments
Marisa_C 11:48 PM RT @harrisonmike: Anna has got some links here http://bit.ly/jIMp7e links to SQA materials look promising  #ELTchat
clever_flower 11:48 PM RT @ShellTerrell: @Clever_Flower I agree! Plus knowledge & advancement in L1 helps advancement in L2 #eltchat
springrose12 11:48 PM @ShellTerrell Have a look at this website as well. They are Ethnic Minority Achievement Service http://islingtonemas.camb-ed.com/ #eltchat
lauraesol 11:48 PM RT @lauraesol: @boyledsweetie texting does help and ecourages them to spell through communicating in this way. oops  forgot  #ELTchat
ShellTerrell 11:48 PM @sandymillin I absolutely love Quizlet! I embed it in my wiki for the adults http://bit.ly/hiyZrm #eltchat
lolonagi 11:48 PM more texts, pic, and related reading #eltchat
rliberni 11:48 PM RT @harrisonmike: Anna has got some links here http://bit.ly/jIMp7e links to SQA materials look promising #lowlevelliteracy #eltchat #magpiemoments
harrisonmike 11:48 PM Anna has got some links here http://bit.ly/jIMp7e links to SQA materials look promising #lowlevelliteracy #eltchat #magpiemoments
Marisa_C 11:48 PM @Achievers_WC Nice idea but tells of more affluent Ss - with own iPods #ELTchat - may be more common in future though
harrisonmike 11:49 PM I think a big thing to do with such learners is foster a real community spirit. I'm always amazed at our ESOL parties at college #eltchat
Marisa_C 11:49 PM @hollysuel  #eltchat Very tricky for an ELT teacher to diagnose dyselexia etc would not recommend this - send to specialist
BethCagnol 11:49 PM @Shaunwilden The lips are a powerful communication tool. #ELTChat
SueannaN 11:49 PM RT @Shaunwilden: @rliberni Defintely #eltchat
lolonagi 11:49 PM @pjgallantry  mobile app work in Iphone only no Samsong #eltchat
Shaunwilden 11:49 PM @rliberni Defintely #eltchat
rliberni 11:49 PM RT @Marisa_C: RT @pjgallantry: #eltchat BC mobile apps site http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/mobile-learning
rliberni 11:49 PM RT @ShellTerrell: RT @springrose12: Have a look at this website. They are Ethnic Minority Achievement Service http://islingtonemas.camb-ed.com/ #eltchat
ShellTerrell 11:49 PM RT @harrisonmike: Anna has got some links here http://bit.ly/jIMp7e links to SQA materials look promising #lowlevelliteracy #eltchat #magpiemoments
rliberni 11:49 PM @Shaunwilden @SueAnnan @pjgallantry  @bethcagnol  another #eltchat topic maybe?
Marisa_C 11:49 PM RT @pjgallantry: #eltchat BC mobile apps site http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/mobile-learning
ShellTerrell 11:49 PM RT @springrose12: Have a look at this website. They are Ethnic Minority Achievement Service http://islingtonemas.camb-ed.com/ #eltchat
fionamau 11:50 PM RT @Marisa_C: @hollysuel  #eltchat Very tricky for an ELT teacher to diagnose dyselexia etc would not recommend this - send to specialist
bamarcia 11:50 PM RT @pjgallantry: #eltchat BC mobile apps site http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/mobile-learning
cunningcanis 11:50 PM RT @ShellTerrell: RT @springrose12: Have a look at this website. They are Ethnic Minority Achievement Service http://islingtonemas.camb-ed.com/ #eltchat
rliberni 11:50 PM RT @pysproblem81: @sandymillin Also you can create similar activites using BDC Content Workshop e-templates http://bit.ly/9wIJAs #eltchat
worldteacher 11:50 PM RT @Shaunwilden: Loads of links and further reading from tonights #eltchat which is good cos I think i need it :-) Me too!!
ShellTerrell 11:50 PM @Mbarek low literacy in adults & how to help #eltchat
harrisonmike 11:50 PM Same here! And solidarity! RT @Shaunwilden: Loads of links & further reading from tonights #eltchat which is good cos I think i need it :-)
pysproblem81 11:50 PM @sandymillin Also you can create similar activites using BDC Content Workshop e-templates http://bit.ly/9wIJAs #eltchat
Marisa_C 11:50 PM @harrisonmike So would it be possible to create an online community too for them with resources etc to help? #eltchat
BethCagnol 11:50 PM RT @Marisa_C: @hollysuel  #eltchat Very tricky for an ELT teacher to diagnose dyselexia etc would not recommend this - send to specialist
clever_flower 11:50 PM @ShellTerrell #eltchat That's why I have issues with using L2 for subject matter instruction in cotexts where everyone understands L1.
Mbarek 11:50 PM trying to catch up but couldn't figure out the topic of tonight's #eltchat :((
Shaunwilden 11:50 PM Loads of links and further reading from tonights #eltchat which is good cos I think i need it :-)
ShellTerrell 11:50 PM RT @harrisonmike: I think a big thing to do with such learners is foster a real community spirit. I'm always amazed at our ESOL parties at college #eltchat
Marisa_C 11:51 PM @harrisonmike ha ha I've heard this one as a joke! #eltchat
ShellTerrell 11:51 PM RT @BethCagnol: @Shaunwilden I also think I'm going to catch up on general education reading about literacy issues.  #ELTCHAT
TyKendall 11:51 PM #ELTCHAT im ashamed to say i have allowed myself to be distracted and not followed, sorry folks, next week for sure!
rliberni 11:51 PM RT @cathywint: @rliberni Access for ESOL looks at disability and ESOL #eltchat thanks :-)
springrose12 11:51 PM RT @LisaTaner: Thanks Tuba! RT @springrose12 Our Ethnic Minority Achievement Service http://islingtonemas.camb-ed.com/ #eltchat- (proud to work for them:-)
Marisa_C 11:51 PM Although I don't do CLIL - you do often find you are teacing content too #ELTchat
Shaunwilden 11:51 PM RT @BethCagnol: @Shaunwilden I also think I'm going to catch up on general education reading about literacy issues.  #ELTCHAT
pjgallantry 11:51 PM #eltchat @lolonagi no - apps for android also -have it on my xperia x10!
harrisonmike 11:51 PM @Marisa_C If they have the tech skills... Ive still come across sts who try 2 move the mouse cursor by lifting the mouse in the air #eltchat
BethCagnol 11:51 PM @Shaunwilden I also think I'm going to catch up on general education reading about literacy issues.  #ELTCHAT
LisaTaner 11:51 PM Thanks Tuba! RT @springrose12 Our Ethnic Minority Achievement Service http://islingtonemas.camb-ed.com/ #eltchat- (proud to work for them:-)
ShellTerrell 11:51 PM RT @Marisa_C: @hollysuel  #eltchat Very tricky for an ELT teacher to diagnose dyselexia etc would not recommend this - send to specialist
Mbarek 11:51 PM @ShellTerrell thanks a lot :) #eltchat
BethCagnol 11:52 PM @TyKendall Excuses excuses. ;-) #ELTCHAT
rliberni 11:52 PM RT @lauraesol: RT @ShellTerrell: @sandymillin I absolutely love Quizlet! I embed it in my wiki for the adults http://bit.ly/hiyZrm #eltchat  interesting
fionamau 11:52 PM RT @TyKendall: #ELTCHAT im ashamed to say i have allowed myself to be distracted and not followed, sorry folks, next week for sure!>likewise
ShellTerrell 11:52 PM RT @boyledsweetie: #ELTChat encourage students t bring in family pictures, everybody's favourite topic! Own baby photos are good ;0)
lauraesol 11:52 PM RT @ShellTerrell: @sandymillin I absolutely love Quizlet! I embed it in my wiki for the adults http://bit.ly/hiyZrm #eltchat  interesting
boyledsweetie 11:52 PM #ELTChat encourage students t bring in family pictures, everybody's favourite topic! Own baby photos are good ;0)
Shaunwilden 11:52 PM @TyKendall tut tut, go and tweet 100 times, I must pay more attention to #eltchat ;-)
esolcourses 11:52 PM RT @pysproblem81 Slightly off-topic but for anyone interested in issues around #ILPs in #esol check #NRDC here http://bit.ly/iJWWVc #eltchat
harrisonmike 11:52 PM @Marisa_C Agree here, often you are teaching 'live in [insert name of country] as well as language #eltchat
rliberni 11:52 PM RT @pysproblem81: Slightly off-topic but for anyone interested in issues around #ILPs in #esol check #NRDC here http://bit.ly/iJWWVc #eltchat
pjgallantry 11:52 PM #eltchat I'm pretty sure the NRDC website has loads of stuff on literacy issues in ESOL
rliberni 11:52 PM @TyKendall shame on you!  :-0 #eltchat
SueannaN 11:52 PM RT @Shaunwilden: Loads of links and further reading from tonights #eltchat which is good cos I think i need it :-)
pysproblem81 11:52 PM Slightly off-topic but for anyone interested in issues around #ILPs in #esol check #NRDC here http://bit.ly/iJWWVc #eltchat
cunningcanis 11:52 PM RT @Shaunwilden: Loads of links and further reading from tonights #eltchat which is good cos I think i need it :-)
IslingtonEMAS 11:53 PM @springrose12 did somebody mention us? :-)  #eltchat Now I know this exists, we will join in!
Marisa_C 11:53 PM RT @ShellTerrell: I often will assign individualized homework for my adults that focus on improving things they struggle with #eltchat
BethCagnol 11:53 PM RT @Shaunwilden: @TyKendall tut tut, go and tweet 100 times, I must pay more attention to #eltchat ;-)
clever_flower 11:53 PM @ShellTerrell #eltchat Affects progress, creativity &status. Been 2 confernce in Social Sc. & speaker had2 present in L2 while 90+% speak L1
cunningcanis 11:53 PM RT @BethCagnol: @Shaunwilden I also think I'm going to catch up on general education reading about literacy issues.  #ELTCHAT
ShellTerrell 11:53 PM I often will assign individualized homework for my adults that focus on improving things they struggle with #eltchat
lolonagi 11:53 PM so summary of what we should do #eltchat
BethCagnol 11:53 PM RT @SueannaN: RT @Shaunwilden: Loads of links and further reading from tonights #eltchat which is good cos I think i need it :-)
rliberni 11:53 PM RT @pysproblem81: @Marisa_C Some learners need to develop the basic motor skills of using IT, easy to take for granted #eltchat
Marisa_C 11:53 PM @harrisonmike that's right  #eltchat
pysproblem81 11:53 PM @Marisa_C Some learners need to develop the basic motor skills of using IT, easy to take for granted #eltchat
ShellTerrell 11:54 PM RT @vickyloras: @harrisonmike Totally agree - the communtiy spirit of the students creates a better atmosphere in class 1st of all and then outside #ELTChat
springrose12 11:54 PM @IslingtonEMAS Of course..How could I not:) You are all my teachers there:) #eltchat
Shaunwilden 11:54 PM @TyKendall Yes i can imagine  - time zone changes mess with things :-) #eltchat
lolonagi 11:54 PM @Marisa_C  yes #eltchat
vickyloras 11:54 PM @harrisonmike Totally agree - the communtiy spirit of the students creates a better atmosphere in class 1st of all and then outside #ELTChat
toulasklavou 11:54 PM @Marisa_C @harrisonmike that's an excellent idea & all of us could feed in with ideas, sites, etc #eltchat
cunningcanis 11:54 PM RT @pysproblem81: Slightly off-topic but for anyone interested in issues around #ILPs in #esol check #NRDC here http://bit.ly/iJWWVc #eltchat
fionamau 11:54 PM RT @ShellTerrell: I often will assign individualized homework for my adults that focus on improving things they struggle with #eltchat
springrose12 11:54 PM RT @IslingtonEMAS: @springrose12 did somebody mention us? :-)  #eltchat Now I know this exists, we will join in!
cunningcanis 11:54 PM RT @pjgallantry: #eltchat I'm pretty sure the NRDC website has loads of stuff on literacy issues in ESOL
Marisa_C 11:54 PM @pysproblem81 For sure! If they can't move the pen right we can't assume they'll move the mouse better! #eltchat
TyKendall 11:54 PM @Shaunwilden  #ELTCHAT  it was easier in England when i had two extra hours to play with, im finding Istanbul time tiring lol
sandymillin 11:54 PM @Mbarek Dealing with literacy issues especially for low-level SS with little or no L1 literacy #eltchat
rliberni 11:55 PM @cathywint yes it must be - my hubby is hearing impaired & it's hard enough sometimes with the same lang! #eltchat
lolonagi 11:55 PM it's getting hot in egypt #eltchat
teflerinha 11:55 PM RT @pjgallantry: #eltchat I'm pretty sure the NRDC website has loads of stuff on literacy issues in ESOL
SueannaN 11:55 PM @cgoodey  bye honey #eltchat
springrose12 11:55 PM @IslingtonEMAS #eltchat is about how to teach English to non-literate Ss
cgoodey 11:55 PM I've followed #eltchat as well as I can but now my computer is being comandeered.... Will catch up later :-)
clever_flower 11:55 PM “@boyledsweetie: #ELTChat encourage students t bring in family pictures, everybody's favourite topic!" Great idea 4 motivation!
ShellTerrell 11:55 PM There are a lot of great links for today's #eltchat transcript! Thank you everyone for the resources! #eltchat
harrisonmike 11:56 PM @Marisa_C @toulasklavou Any1 interested in setting up online resource/com please keep me in the loop! I sense a project coming on #eltchat
BethCagnol 11:56 PM #ELTChat Just flipped through my ELT teacher training manuals. Nothing in teaching sts with learning disabilities. Nada! Zip!
springrose12 11:56 PM @cathywint Do you teach adults? #eltchat
TyKendall 11:56 PM @harrisonmike   #ELTCHAT  yeah been here since Sunday!  Still getting used to the place!
ShellTerrell 11:57 PM @MisterEason No but stations work really well with that dynamic :-) #eltchat
rliberni 11:57 PM RT @ShellTerrell: @bethcagnol When I had my ADHD student who was dyslexic I had to search what was available for general education #eltchat
Marisa_C 11:57 PM @bethcagnol It's a specialist area best taught by people who have specialist knowledge - ELT people don't as a rule  #ELTChat
BethCagnol 11:57 PM @harrisonmike @marisa_c @toulasklavou Yeah. A blog would be a good start. #ELTChat
IslingtonEMAS 11:57 PM @springrose12 by non literate you mean in their mother tongue?  #eltchat
naomishema 11:57 PM #eltchat  pupils exhibit stronger symptoms of learning disabilities in a foreign language especially if direction & letters are different!
clever_flower 11:57 PM “@lolonagi: it's getting hot in egypt #eltchat†U from Egypt too?! Ahlan! :))
ShellTerrell 11:57 PM @bethcagnol When I had my ADHD student who was dyslexic I had to search what was available for general education #eltchat
LucyBlakemore 11:57 PM It's v early in Aus but our migrant programmes teachers would get lots from #eltchat discussion right now. Look fwd to summary to share!
rliberni 11:57 PM RT @Shaunwilden: @bethcagnol CELTA has to cover literacy and  learning issues which I think is a good thing #eltchat
rliberni 11:57 PM @bethcagnol not surprise can't say I've ever come across it - amazed that hasn't been picked up! #eltchat
Shaunwilden 11:57 PM @bethcagnol CELTA has to cover literacy and  learning issues which I think is a good thing #eltchat
BethCagnol 11:57 PM RT @harrisonmike: @Marisa_C @toulasklavou Any1 interested in setting up online resource/com please keep me in the loop! I sense a project coming on #eltchat
lolonagi 11:57 PM @bethcagnol  ameen those ppl do not exsit in teaching manuals as if they do not exist #eltchat :(
cunningcanis 11:57 PM RT @ShellTerrell: There are a lot of great links for today's #eltchat transcript! Thank you everyone for the resources! #eltchat
boyledsweetie 11:57 PM “@clever_flower #ELTChat encourage students t bring in family pictures, everybody's favourite topic!" Great idea 4 motivation!†weddings too
teflerinha 11:58 PM Loved my first #eltchat. Thank you everyone for the ideas, links, laughs.
harrisonmike 11:58 PM @bethcagnol That's cos we're not trained for it! Just a CELTA and you can end up faced with this in the class in the UK in FE #eltchat
ShellTerrell 11:58 PM @MisterEason This was in reference to our #eltchat and I work with small groups of adults teaching them English who have learning needs
springrose12 11:58 PM @IslingtonEMAS Yes #eltchat
boyledsweetie 11:58 PM #ELTChat off to do some writing May the 4th be with you all ( depending on time zone ;0) )
rliberni 11:58 PM RT @Marisa_C: @bethcagnol It's a specialist area best taught by people who have specialist knowledge - ELT people don't as a rule  #ELTChat
lolonagi 11:58 PM @naomishema  yes, ahleeeeeeeeeeeen #eltchat :))
Shaunwilden 11:59 PM @bethcagnol It's not much but better than nothing #eltchat
springrose12 11:59 PM @cathywint Teenagers learn computing quite quickly in my school but obviously they need to use it often in other subjects. #eltchat
Shaunwilden 11:59 PM @teflerinha Glad you enjoyed it, thanks for joining, see you next week :-) #eltchat
BethCagnol 11:59 PM @Shaunwilden Oh good!! That's definitely good news. #ELTChat
sandymillin 11:59 PM @teflerinha Glad you enjoyed #eltchat Hope to see you again!
ShellTerrell 11:59 PM @teflerinha Thank you for the conversation! #eltchat See you again
lolonagi 11:59 PM 2 minutes left folks #eltchat
NoraTouparlaki 11:59 PM @Marisa_C @bethcagnol ELT teachers can cope with the learning disabilities as long as they know L1 #ELTChat
IslingtonEMAS 11:59 PM @naomishema  #eltchat wouldnt say learning disability- just hindered
Marisa_C 11:59 PM @boyledsweetie Cheers & see you soon :-)  #ELTChat
pysproblem81 11:59 PM Worst thing is that classes dealiing for these learners are under threat in the UK at the moment - see @actionforesol for details #eltchat
BethCagnol 11:59 PM @lolonagi I've been shocked to see how many counties in Europe still don't know how to approach learning disabilities. Shocked. #ELTChat
harrisonmike 12:00 AM Great chat RT @SueAnnan: Thanks as always to the participants and moderators. Will enjoy reading the links when they are out #ELTchat
naomishema 12:00 AM @IslingtonEMAS #eltchat oh no, talking about real, diagnosed LD. In Israel we see it often - L1 they deal with but LD comes out strong in L2
Shaunwilden 12:00 AM RT @SueAnnan: Thanks as always to the participants and moderators. Will enjoy reading the links when they are out #ELTchat me too :-)
BethCagnol 12:00 AM @Marisa_C Which is why I think it needs to be at least touched upon in ELT training. #ELTChat
esolcourses 12:00 AM RT @SueAnnan: Thanks as always to the participants and moderators. Will enjoy reading the links when they are out #ELTchat
SueannaN 12:00 AM Thanks as always to the participants and moderators. Will enjoy reading the links when they are out #ELTchat
harrisonmike 12:00 AM Hooray, 'nother convert! RT @teflerinha: Loved my first #eltchat. Thank you everyone for the ideas, links, laughs.
Marisa_C 12:01 AM @almudena_fdez I think that has been the drift for low literacy anyway - that we necessarily do some CLIL  #ELTchat
Shaunwilden 12:01 AM @Marisa_C Agreed, I got an expert in to give me my session on it :-) #eltchat
worldteacher 12:01 AM Thanks for another great #eltchat - will need to read & digest  all the info later!
IslingtonEMAS 12:01 AM #eltchat sorry joined so late and thanks to Tuba for highlighting this! Will come back next time- training schedule permitting!!
BethCagnol 12:01 AM RT @Shaunwilden: RT @SueAnnan: Thanks as always to the participants and moderators. Will enjoy reading the links when they are out #ELTchat me too :-)
sandymillin 12:01 AM RT @Shaunwilden: Before you all rush off we need a summary writer as usual :-) #eltchat
pysproblem81 12:01 AM Thanks for the discussion....  thanks to mods and participants loads there, think the summary will be a real resource! #eltchat
Marisa_C 12:01 AM @bethcagnol yes but a bit dangerous u know - u can do more damage with half baked knowledge  #ELTChat
Shaunwilden 12:01 AM Before you all rush off we need a summary writer as usual :-) #eltchat
lolonagi 12:01 AM oh... it's done #eltchat bye beautiful mods and ppl see u next week...
almudena_fdez 12:01 AM @Marisa_C #ELTchat I think that to increase the focus on content in ELT is strongly motivating for students. Why not some CLIL in ELT/EFL?
springrose12 12:01 AM @IslingtonEMAS Hello, are you still there? #eltchat
rliberni 12:02 AM RT @sandymillin: What would u do w/ this ticket http://wp.me/p1sbtu-k w/ low-level literacy SS? Real English at work! #eltchat #elt #efl #esol #tesol #tefl
sandymillin 12:02 AM What would u do w/ this ticket http://wp.me/p1sbtu-k w/ low-level literacy SS? Real English at work! #eltchat #elt #efl #esol #tesol #tefl
raqueleeta 12:02 AM RT @worldteacher: Thanks for another great #eltchat - will need to read & digest  all the info later!
clever_flower 12:02 AM “@harrisonmike: Hooray, 'nother convert! RT @teflerinha: Loved my first #eltchat. Thank you everyone for the ideas, links, laughs.†lol a3rd
Shaunwilden 12:02 AM @lauraesol too late :-) #eltchat
springrose12 12:02 AM @ShellTerrell @Marisa_C @Shaunwilden Thx a lot for moderating. As always it's been a pleasure..Have a great evening. #eltchat
BethCagnol 12:02 AM @Marisa_C I think we should at least know who to turn to when we're faced with this issue. I feel a bit alone here in France. #ELTChat
rliberni 12:02 AM Thank you everyone for another great discussion gr8 mods @Marisa_C  @Shaunwilden  @ShellTerrell  Bravo! #eltchat
Marisa_C 12:02 AM RT @Shaunwilden: Before you all rush off we need a summary writer as usual :-) #eltchat
Mbarek 12:02 AM RT @pysproblem81: Thanks for the discussion....  thanks to mods and participants loads there, #eltchat
DavidWarr 12:02 AM #ELTchat thanx to everyone,particularly liked the shared writing resource TypeWith.me  lots of possibilities there
LucyBlakemore 12:03 AM “@cathywint: also need to consider digital literacy. May now have experience of using PCs so have ICT skills needs too†#eltchat #literacy
BethCagnol 12:03 AM @marisa_c Illiterate students are often sent to speech therapists. Uh...maybe not the right remedy. #ELTChat
Marisa_C 12:03 AM Thanks to everyone & special thanks for links shared! It's a fascinating subject and we all need to know more about it #ELTchat
toulasklavou 12:03 AM goodnight all!#eltchat
Mbarek 12:03 AM RT @sandymillin: What would u do w/ this ticket http://wp.me/p1sbhttp://wp.me/p1sbtu-keracy SS? Real English at work! #eltchat
vickyloras 12:03 AM Another super #ELTChat - many thanks to everyone!So many links to find great info from : )
rliberni 12:03 AM RT @clever_flower: “@harrisonmike: Hooray, 'nother convert! RT @teflerinha: Loved my first #eltchat. Thank you everyone for the ideas, links, laughs.†lol a3rd
ShellTerrell 12:04 AM Thanks everyone for another thought-provoking #eltchat & our great moderators @rliberni @Marisa_C @Shaunwilden
IslingtonEMAS 12:04 AM #eltchat Nite all- I'm tweeting for @IslingtonEMAS and my personal one is @lisataner :-)
harrisonmike 12:04 AM @Marisa_C I'll second that Marisa! #eltchat
harrisonmike 12:04 AM RT @Marisa_C: Thanks to everyone & special thanks for links shared! It's a fascinating subject and we all need to know more about it #ELTchat
BethCagnol 12:04 AM RT @vickyloras: Another super #ELTChat - many thanks to everyone!So many links to find great info from : )
cunningcanis 12:04 AM #ELTchat very interesting subject and I look forward to the transcript. Thanks:)
NoraTouparlaki 12:04 AM RT @vickyloras: Another super #ELTChat - many thanks to everyone!So many links to find great info from : )
rliberni 12:05 AM Please join Carney, Sandoe in celebrating Teacher Appreciation week: http://on.fb.me/jPRVXy  #edchat #eltchat
Shaunwilden 12:05 AM @worldteacher  I got it just before this chat will send you it in a bit #eltchat
IslingtonEMAS 12:05 AM @springrose12  #eltchat We will- this is the perfect place to connect it seems! Would appreciate some follows. Thanks!
naomishema 12:05 AM #eltchat what a day for me - two great eltchats in one day - that's a first! Good night!
springrose12 12:05 AM @harrisonmike @Marisa_C Me, too..me, too:) #eltchat
worldteacher 12:05 AM @Shaunwilden Is the transcript out yet for 12noon #eltchat? Need to write the summary & may have missed the link as been teaching all day.
ShellTerrell 12:06 AM RT @BethCagnol: #ELTChat thanks to the moderators! This is such a great boost in the middle of the week! Let's hear it for PJ Professional Development! PJPD
Marisa_C 12:06 AM Thank you all  for joining this chat - will get transcript out soon - but am a bit whoozy from dentist :-) #ELTchat
springrose12 12:06 AM RT @IslingtonEMAS: @springrose12  #eltchat We will- this is the perfect place to connect it seems! Would appreciate some follows. Thanks!
rliberni 12:06 AM RT @BethCagnol: #ELTChat thanks to the moderators! This is such a great boost in the middle of the week! Let's hear it for PJ Professional Development! PJPD
BethCagnol 12:06 AM #ELTChat thanks to the moderators! This is such a great boost in the middle of the week! Let's hear it for PJ Professional Development! PJPD
sandymillin 12:06 AM Don't 4get: this wk's #eltpics is 'Working Week' - now up to 38 http://bit.ly/j98l35 Tweet urs w/ hashtag #eltchat #efl #tefl #esol #esl
BethCagnol 12:07 AM @sandymillin Thanks for the link!! I was looking for that earlier today. Super! #ELTChat
pjgallantry 12:08 AM #eltchat some thoughts from the lunchtime session Paul's ELT Journal: All chatted out! http://t.co/zmWbdhD Thanks everyone!
LisaTaner 12:08 AM RT @IslingtonEMAS: #eltchat Nite all- I'm tweeting for @IslingtonEMAS and my personal one is @lisataner :-)
Marisa_C 12:08 AM @bethcagnol Great big burst of energy - you're absolutely right!  #ELTChat
LisaTaner 12:08 AM RT @IslingtonEMAS: @springrose12  #eltchat We will- this is the perfect place to connect it seems! Would appreciate some follows. Thanks!
harrisonmike 12:09 AM And that's me out. Night all, thanks so much to @Marisa_C @Shaunwilden and everyone on #ELTchat
sandymillin 12:09 AM RT @Marisa_C: I love it when I sometimes think "Oh, we won't havemuch to say on this" Then you all go and produce these fabulous conversations! #ELTchat
vickyloras 12:09 AM RT @bethcagnol  #ELTChat thanks2the moderators!This is such a great boost in mid of the wk!Let's hear it for PJ Professional Dev't! PJPD
LucyBlakemore 12:09 AM @ginawhitfield check the #eltchat this morning for discussion on adult literacy - some good stuff for GP?
seburnt 12:09 AM Ooops.  Got caught up with Oprah.  Bye!  #eltchat
Marisa_C 12:09 AM I love it when I sometimes think "Oh, we won't havemuch to say on this" Then you all go and produce these fabulous conversations! #ELTchat
Marisa_C 12:10 AM @harrisonmike very happy this topic was picked Mike - all I needed to say about position & movement in class is in my PK :-D #ELTchat
NoraTouparlaki 12:12 AM night all! thanx everyone! #ELTChat
IslingtonEMAS 12:13 AM Welcome new followers especially from #ELTchat !
vickyloras 12:13 AM Ya gotta love #ELTchat - I'd missed it for a few weeks and it feels goooooood to be back!
Marisa_C 12:15 AM Has anyone volunteered to write the summary on literacy please? #ELTchat


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