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How do we cater for the needs of our learners in this digital age

Page history last edited by Marisa Constantinides 13 years, 6 months ago

Transcript from March 16, 2011

All times are GMT


Note: A few tweets seem to be missing from the start of the chat but I think most of it is there. http://wthashtag.com/ was inaccessible mostly so will check to see if those tweets come back at some point. 


12:06 pm esolcourses: RT @rliberni: @ShellTerrell I agree #mobilelearning will really allow stds to take their learning with them #eltchat - no more heavy bags!
12:06 pm rliberni: @du_siemens it's about using your mobile phone as a learning resource #eltchat
12:06 pm englishraven: @rliberni That's always interested me, tho. Do most learners really want to use mobile for study? #ELTChat
12:06 pm TeacherLola: RT @rliberni: @ShellTerrell I agree #mobilelearning will really allow stds to take their learning with them #eltchat - no more heavy bags!
12:07 pm ShellTerrell: @du_siemens Here is a presentation I did in using #mobilelearning for #ELT http://bit.ly/gjXQew #eltchat
12:07 pm rliberni: @du_siemens you can access vocab, exercises etc & tchrs can use them in the c'room #eltchat
12:07 pm rdlln: Have #eltchat students create content for wikis using hand held devices. Ex: http://disasterinjapan.wikispaces.com/ #mobilelearning
12:07 pm Marisa_C: RT @ShellTerrell: @du_siemens Here is a presentation I did in using #mobilelearning for #ELT http://bit.ly/gjXQew #eltchat
12:07 pm esolcourses: @du_siemens learning using mobile devices (such as phones, iPads, netbooks, games consoles, etc) #ELTChat #Mlearning
12:07 pm du_siemens: @englishraven I was about to ask the same question. How willing are ss to do that? #ELTChat
12:07 pm yitzha_sarwono: @riberni & @shellTerrel #mobilelearning is growing fast here in Indonesia.Many vendors cater the needs too #eltchat
12:08 pm BrunoELT: #ELTchat SM is a key to social Learning. It is a way for students to learn beyond the barriers of walls and Time which restricts schools.
12:08 pm esolcourses: RT @Marisa_C: RT @ShellTerrell: @du_siemens Here is a presentation I did in using #mobilelearning for #ELT http://bit.ly/gjXQew #eltchat
12:08 pm TeacherLola: Teachers should inspire developers to create more applications #mobilelearning #eltchat
12:08 pm ShellTerrell: @du_siemens @englishraven @rliberni Used it with 4 to 10 yr olds & adults & all very keen on it if it's not just drilling apps #ELTChat
12:08 pm du_siemens: @ShellTerrell That's really good. Congrats! I'll have a better look at it as soon as #ELTChat finishes today.
12:08 pm TeacherLola: RT @esolcourses: RT @Marisa_C: RT @ShellTerrell: @du_siemens Here is a presentation I did in using #mobilelearning for #ELT http://bit.ly/gjXQew #eltchat
12:08 pm rliberni: @englishraven yes if it's quick, easy and useful #eltchat
12:08 pm Shaunwilden: @englishraven Yes I've wondered this as well, am not sure how many are ready for mlearning #eltchat
12:09 pm yitzha_sarwono: RT @ShellTerrell: @du_siemens Here is a presentation I did in using #mobilelearning for #ELT http://bit.ly/gjXQew #eltchat
12:09 pm englishraven: @ShellTerrell @rliberni @Shaunwilden Useful to distinguish between mLearning in class and outside of class? #ELTChat
12:09 pm BrunoELT: Digital Integration Promotes Communication, Collaboration, and Creation Skills. The very skills kids will need for their world. #ELTchat
12:09 pm ShellTerrell: @du_siemens @englishraven I know @rliberni has had great success with her word of the day texting to English language learners #eltchat
12:09 pm yitzha_sarwono: @englishraven @rliberni in my opinion,teens are most likely to do so re:mobile for study #eltchat
12:09 pm englishraven: @annapires "How do we cater for the language needs of our learners in this digital age?" #ELTChat
12:09 pm StevenHerder: @yitzha_sarwono #eltchat Are you in Indonesia? In a high school? Thanks.
12:09 pm rliberni: @Shaunwilden @englishraven I send out just a simple word of the day via sms & it's popular #eltchat
12:09 pm esolcourses: @englishraven @Shaunwilden I think a lot depends on how you do it. Many different ways to use #mlearning, both in and out of class #ELTChat
12:10 pm ShellTerrell: Yes! I agree! RT @englishraven: Useful to distinguish between mLearning in class and outside of class? #ELTChat
12:10 pm Marisa_C: I find this question a bit wide open - can we narrow it down a bit please? #ELTchat
12:10 pm bucharesttutor: Awesome page Jerry :)RT @cybraryman1: My Mobile Learning (M-Learning,Cell Phones in the Classroom) page: http://tinyurl.com/48brwrv #eltchat
12:10 pm yitzha_sarwono: RT @rliberni: @Shaunwilden @englishraven I send out just a simple word of the day via sms & it's popular #eltchat
12:10 pm ShellTerrell: RT @BrunoELT: Digital Integration Promotes Communication, Collaboration, and Creation Skills. The very skills kids will need for their world. #ELTchat
12:10 pm Shaunwilden: RT @Marisa_C: I find this question a bit wide open - can we narrow it down a bit please? #ELTchat
12:10 pm du_siemens: @Marisa_C Agreed. #ELTChat
12:10 pm TeacherLola: ?@englishraven: @rliberni That's always interested me, tho. Do most learners really want to use mobile for study? #ELTChat?/ They do!
12:10 pm Shaunwilden: RT @rliberni:I send out just a simple word of the day via sms & it's popular #eltchat that's a neat idea :-)
12:10 pm du_siemens: @ShellTerrell I might try it someday. #ELTChat
12:10 pm esolcourses: RT @Marisa_C: I find this question a bit wide open - can we narrow it down a bit please? #ELTchat ] agree with you. Scope is very broad
12:10 pm martincaicedo: #eltchat Agree. mlearning should enhance and promote autonomous learning. Learning beyond the classromm
12:11 pm englishraven: @Marisa_C Yes, is it language needs (in terms of language itself) or mode of delivery (in digital age)? #ELTChat
12:11 pm rliberni: @englishraven I've seen quite good use in class for concept checking and quick MCQs it can save a lot of time here #eltchat
12:11 pm Marisa_C: What do we mean by language needs in the digital age? Is it a new set of needs and what are they? #ELTchat
12:11 pm yitzha_sarwono: @StevenHerder yes in Indonesia but my students range up from kindergarten to high school :) #eltchat
12:11 pm nutrich: What are the "the language needs of our learners in this digital age" ? #eltchat
12:11 pm rliberni: RT @martincaicedo: #eltchat Agree. mlearning should enhance and promote autonomous learning. Learning beyond the classromm
12:11 pm sedayyildirim: @yitzha_sarwono google makes our life easier . I also share related links with my students #eltchat
12:11 pm rliberni: RT @Marisa_C: What do we mean by language needs in the digital age? Is it a new set of needs and what are they? #ELTchat
12:11 pm ShellTerrell: Live video learning seems to be one technology that language students enjoy! Many sites Busuu, MyEngle, iTalki, Edufire #ELTChat
12:11 pm Marisa_C: RT @englishraven: @Marisa_C Yes, is it language needs (in terms of language itself) or mode of delivery (in digital age)? #ELTChat . gd 1
12:11 pm yitzha_sarwono: RT @bucharesttutor: Awesome page Jerry :)RT @cybraryman1: My Mobile Learning (M-Learning,Cell Phones in the Classroom) page: http://tinyurl.com/48brwrv #eltchat
12:11 pm rliberni: RT @ShellTerrell: Live video learning seems to be one technology that language students enjoy! Many sites Busuu, MyEngle, iTalki, Edufire #ELTChat
12:11 pm TutorMe_Online: @englishraven RT: Useful to distinguish between mLearning in class and outside of class? #ELTChat Yes definitely
12:11 pm TeacherLola: ?@TutorMe_Online: what would be most valuable new apps for language?? #ELTChat
12:12 pm englishraven: @rliberni I agree with in class research/reference and out of class 'tidbits', but wary of hyping mLearning too much just yet :-) #ELTChat
12:12 pm ShellTerrell: Also think Voxopop has a strong community of language learners learning thru voice! @englishraven runs 1 of the most popular ones #eltchat
12:12 pm Zoomicon: RT @Marisa_C: RT @ShellTerrell: @du_siemens Here is a presentation I did in using #mobilelearning for #ELT http://bit.ly/gjXQew #eltchat
12:12 pm StevenHerder: @yitzha_sarwono #eltchat Thanks. What % have a cell phone? From what age or grade?
12:12 pm rliberni: @TeacherLola I think Apps are coming I haven't seen many very good ones yet. #eltchat
12:12 pm englishraven: RT @annapires: @Marisa_C @englishraven When I suggested topic was thinking in terms of language! #ELTchat
12:12 pm Marisa_C: So, for example, more prominence to quick writing activities since a lot of this is needed in social media ? #ELTChat
12:12 pm rliberni: RT @annapires: @Marisa_C @englishraven When I suggested topic was thinking in terms of language! #ELTchat
12:12 pm TeacherLola: Indeed @rliberni: RT @martincaicedo: #eltchat Agree. mlearning should enhance and promote autonomous learning. Learning beyond the classroom
12:13 pm englishraven: Topic suggestion from @annapires was more oriented around actual language #ELTChat
12:13 pm Marisa_C: RT @annapires: @Marisa_C @englishraven When I suggested topic was thinking in terms of language! #ELTchat > thx for clarifying Anna
12:13 pm nutrich: RT @annapires: @Marisa_C @englishraven When I suggested topic was thinking in terms of language! #ELTchat Like internet discourse?
12:13 pm du_siemens: Has anybody ever used twitter as a learning tool? 90% of my ss seem to have a twitter account and I'd love to take advantage of it #ELTChat
12:13 pm evemarfil: JAPAN- NEWS in «The teaching village» via @barbsaka http://www.teachingvillage.org/ #edchat #eltchat #edtech. My prayers are with you!
12:13 pm esolcourses: RT @Marisa_C: RT @annapires: @Marisa_C @englishraven When I suggested topic was thinking in terms of language! #ELTchat > thx for clarifying
12:13 pm yitzha_sarwono: @sedayyildirim glad you share the same idea :) #eltchat
12:13 pm DebCapras: Have you used mobile learning in your classes? http://t.co/ceeQVD6 via @polleverywhere #eltchat
12:13 pm TeacherLola: @rliberni apps are there but teacher do not know how to use them #ELTChat or too expensive c.c @tutorMe_online
12:13 pm englishraven: @annapires @nutrich Right, so thinks like txt messaging and relevant language for tools? #ELTChat
12:13 pm nancyrubin: RT @Marisa_C: What do we mean by language needs in the digital age? Is it a new set of needs and what are they? #ELTchat
12:14 pm BrunoELT: Using cellphones :-) RT @du_siemens: I'm sorry, but I'm not familiar with Mobile Learning. Would anybody mind explaining it to me? #ELTChat
12:14 pm du_siemens: RT @DebCapras: Have you used mobile learning in your classes? http://t.co/ceeQVD6 via @polleverywhere #eltchat
12:14 pm Shaunwilden: @du_siemens @teflpet has done, she did a talk on it at iatefl last year #ELTChat
12:14 pm ShellTerrell: When integrating technology students are more motivated to self-explore the topic & apply after class #ELTChat
12:14 pm ShellTerrell: RT @Marisa_C: What do we mean by language needs in the digital age? Is it a new set of needs and what are they? #ELTchat
12:14 pm TutorMe_Online: #eltchat do people think there is a risk to language learners from 'digital speak' ie text message abbreviations etc?
12:14 pm nancyrubin: RT @BrunoELT: Digital Integration Promotes Communication, Collaboration, and Creation Skills. The very skills kids will need for their world. #ELTchat
12:14 pm ShellTerrell: RT @TutorMe_Online: #eltchat do people think there is a risk to language learners from 'digital speak' ie text message abbreviations etc?
12:14 pm rliberni: @TeacherLola 4 adult stds w/out much time for lessons it's a great way of bridging between f 2 f meets this is where I started #eltchat
12:14 pm Shaunwilden: RT @ShellTerrell: When integrating technology students are more motivated to self-explore the topic & apply after class #ELTChat Agreed
12:14 pm Marisa_C: @annapires Exaclty - so a different set of writing skills - or new syllabuses for shortening messages? #ELTchat
12:14 pm nutrich: @englishraven @annapires exactly, blog comments and twitter have a particular discourse style and structure #eltchat
12:14 pm rliberni: RT @TutorMe_Online: #eltchat do people think there is a risk to language learners from 'digital speak' ie text message abbreviations etc?
12:14 pm rliberni: RT @annapires: #ELTchat What kind of language do our sts need in this digital age? E.g. commenting on blogs, instant messaging, etc.
12:14 pm ShellTerrell: RT @du_siemens: Has anybody ever used twitter as a learning tool? 90% of my ss seem to have a twitter account and I'd love to take advantage of it #ELTChat
12:14 pm Shaunwilden: RT @annapires: #ELTchat What kind of language do our sts need in this digital age? E.g. commenting on blogs, instant messaging, etc.
12:14 pm Marisa_C: RT @annapires: #ELTchat What kind of language do our sts need in this digital age? E.g. commenting on blogs, instant messaging, etc.
12:14 pm du_siemens: @ShellTerrell Definitely, especially because it's something they already do at home... #ELTChat
12:15 pm du_siemens: @Shaunwilden How did it go? #ELTChat
12:15 pm martincaicedo: @ShellTerrell #ELTChat Yes. Our role should be showing them how to explore and make topics meaningful
12:15 pm englishraven: @TutorMe_Online I don't think 'txt speak' is any more different or disruptive than diff. b/w speaking and formal writing #ELTChat
12:15 pm StevenHerder: @rliberni #eltchat David Crystal nails that answer on You Tube somewhere. Doesn' hurt literacy, but helps it.
12:15 pm Shaunwilden: @du_siemens She seems to get good results from it #ELTChat
12:15 pm rliberni: @annapires is there a danger if students not being able to distinguish b'twn registers? #eltchat
12:15 pm TeacherLola: RT @annapires: #ELTchat What kind of language do our sts need in this digital age? E.g. commenting on blogs, instant messaging, etc.
12:15 pm Marisa_C: RT @StevenHerder: @rliberni #eltchat David Crystal nails that answer on You Tube somewhere. Doesn' hurt literacy, but helps it.>agree
12:15 pm TutorMe_Online: @TeacherLola @rliberni That's interesting - so maybe training teachers to use #mobilelearning is as important as new resources? #ELTChat
12:15 pm nutrich: How do you write a 'critical' tweet but remain friendly? We use ; ) emoticons. Part of discourse? #eltchat
12:15 pm du_siemens: @StevenHerder Do you have that link in which David Crystal talks about it? #ELTChat
12:16 pm BrunoELT: RT @ShellTerrell: @du_siemens Here is a presentation I did in using #mobilelearning for #ELT http://bit.ly/gjXQew #eltchat
12:16 pm Marisa_C: RT @nutrich: How do you write a 'critical' tweet but remain friendly? We use ; ) emoticons. Part of discourse? #eltchat > nice
12:16 pm teachermedeiros: I like to use MSN as a tool with my Ss. Chatting in English has been turning them more self-confident about their learning #ELTChat
12:16 pm englishraven: @nutrich @annapires Biggest one, I think, is how things like twitter,blogs,FB have narrowed gap between speaking and writing. #ELTChat
12:16 pm StevenHerder: @annapires #ELTchat I read recently, "Ss need the language of opportunity" to get jobs and that is still standard English imho.
12:16 pm nancyrubin: 10 Ideas for Podcasting and Vodcasting with Students - http://ow.ly/4fyPd #ELTchat
12:16 pm ShellTerrell: @du_siemens That is a great idea for using Twitter with your students! @TEFLPet does this #Eltchat Heres the pres http://bit.ly/hdwJhG
12:16 pm nutrich: @englishraven @annapires yes, it's like a blended discourse - speech as text #eltchat
12:17 pm Shaunwilden: @annapires We seem to need to teach 'spoken' discourse as 'written discourse' to deal with social media etc #ELTChat
12:17 pm rliberni: @StevenHerder yes, but I even find myself using txt lang in emails which is clearly not necessary - just habit #eltchat
12:17 pm Marisa_C: RT @Shaunwilden: @annapires We seem to need to teach 'spoken' discourse as 'written discourse' to deal with social media etc #ELTChat
12:17 pm ShellTerrell: Agree! RT @martincaicedo: #ELTChat Yes. Our role should be showing them how to explore and make topics meaningful
12:17 pm rliberni: RT @Shaunwilden: @annapires We seem to need to teach 'spoken' discourse as 'written discourse' to deal with social media etc #ELTChat
12:17 pm englishraven: @teachermedeiros Has this required you (as a teacher) to think about new discourse styles (and rules)? #ELTChat
12:17 pm nutrich: RT @annapires: We need to draw attention to diff. RT @rliberni is there a danger if students not being able to distinguish b'twn registers? #eltchat
12:17 pm rliberni: RT @Marisa_C: RT @Shaunwilden: @annapires We seem to need to teach 'spoken' discourse as 'written discourse' to deal with social media etc #ELTChat
12:17 pm ShellTerrell: RT @Shaunwilden: @annapires We seem to need to teach 'spoken' discourse as 'written discourse' to deal with social media etc #ELTChat
12:17 pm du_siemens: Once I attended a talk given by David Crystal and he said that SMS lgg doesn't really hurt literacy, but helps it... #ELTChat
12:17 pm Shaunwilden: RT @teachermedeiros Has this required you (as a teacher) to think about new discourse styles (and rules)? #ELTChat Yes :-)
12:17 pm odiep77: RT @cybraryman1: My Mobile Learning (M-Learning,Cell Phones in the Classroom) page: http://tinyurl.com/48brwrv #eltchat
12:17 pm ShellTerrell: RT @StevenHerder: @annapires #ELTchat I read recently, "Ss need the language of opportunity" to get jobs and that is still standard English imho.
12:17 pm ShellTerrell: RT @teachermedeiros: I like to use MSN as a tool with my Ss. Chatting in English has been turning them more self-confident about their learning #ELTChat
12:18 pm danrmitvn: I've set up a Twitter feed with scrolling updated links in my class' VLE. Can personalise links and make announcements. Big success #ELTchat
12:18 pm nutrich: Bad discourse example: IF I WRITE LIKE THIS ITS NOT GOOD, IS IT? #eltchat ; )
12:18 pm TutorMe_Online: @englishraven Good point but at least speech is a diff form of communication but txting more like writing so poss more confusing? #eltchat
12:18 pm ShellTerrell: RT @nutrich: How do you write a 'critical' tweet but remain friendly? We use ; ) emoticons. Part of discourse? #eltchat
12:18 pm ShellTerrell: RT @annapires: #ELTchat What kind of language do our sts need in this digital age? E.g. commenting on blogs, instant messaging, etc.
12:18 pm englishraven: RT @danrmitvn: I've set up a Twitter feed with scrolling updated links in my class' VLE. Can personalise links and make announcements. Big success #ELTchat
12:18 pm TeacherLola: ?@TutorMe_Online:trained teachers are the most important resource about #mobilelearning #ELTChat?
12:18 pm englishraven: RT @nutrich: Bad discourse example: IF I WRITE LIKE THIS ITS NOT GOOD, IS IT? #eltchat ; )
12:18 pm rliberni: @TutorMe_Online I think it's coming. I've seen some really neat uses from university lecturers #eltchat
12:18 pm BrunoELT: #ELTchat ELT needs to get a grip on smartphones http://bit.ly/gQD1GH #mobilelearning #sigml #mlearning via@esolcourses @Koronkina
12:18 pm du_siemens: @danrmitvn How did you do so? Would you mind helping me? I'm eager to use twitter with my students, just don't know how. #ELTChat
12:18 pm Shaunwilden: RT @nutrich: Bad discourse example: IF I WRITE LIKE THIS ITS NOT GOOD, IS IT? #eltchat ; ) Yes depends on if you're angry at us or not ;-)
12:18 pm rliberni: RT @BrunoELT: #ELTchat ELT needs to get a grip on smartphones http://bit.ly/gQD1GH #mobilelearning #sigml #mlearning via@esolcourses @Koronkina
12:18 pm TeacherLola: RT @nutrich: Bad discourse example: IF I WRITE LIKE THIS ITS NOT GOOD, IS IT? #eltchat ; )
12:18 pm ShellTerrell: Agree RT @DebCapras: You have to be competent at languages to use abbreviations/ txtspk correctly. #eltchat
12:19 pm nutrich: @Shaunwilden Lol! Exactly! #eltchat
12:19 pm BrunoELT: Top 50 #mLearning (#Mobile #Learning) Resources http://slidesha.re/aaRMZ2 #mobilelearning #ELTchat
12:19 pm martincaicedo: @teachermedeiros #ELTChat I'd say first thing is to identify how could MSN make your students' achieve the learning objectives.
12:19 pm yitzha_sarwono: @englishraven @nutrich @annapires true,but I saw many of my students who are afraid to speak up,use english for their status on FB #eltchat
12:19 pm ShellTerrell: RT @BrunoELT: #ELTchat ELT needs to get a grip on smartphones http://bit.ly/gQD1GH #mobilelearning #sigml #mlearning via@esolcourses @Koronkina
12:19 pm englishraven: RT @Marisa_C: RT @Shaunwilden: @annapires We seem to need to teach 'spoken' discourse as 'written discourse' to deal with social media etc #ELTChat
12:19 pm danrmitvn: RT: @ShellTerrell ..think Voxopop has a strong community of language learners learning thru voice! > I've had HUGE success with it #ELTchat
12:19 pm StevenHerder: @du_siemens #ELTChat I do now that you asked about David Crystal - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7WSzxQ0nX4
12:19 pm du_siemens: RT @ShellTerrell: @du_siemens That is a great idea for using Twitter with your students! @TEFLPet does this #Eltchat Heres the pres http://bit.ly/hdwJhG
12:19 pm TeacherLola: ?@ShellTerrell: Agree RT @DebCapras: You have to be competent at languages to use abbreviations/ txtspk correctly. #eltchat?
12:19 pm Marisa_C: RT @Shaunwilden: RT @nutrich: Bad discourse example: IF I WRITE LIKE THIS ITS NOT GOOD, IS IT? #eltchat depen? (cont) http://deck.ly/~R24Og
12:19 pm rliberni: @BrunoELT I agree I think it's the mod day equivalent to the old memo book in the blazer pocket (at least it was 4 me :0)) #eltchat
12:19 pm englishraven: @yitzha_sarwono I agree that tweeting and FB updating are easier and less intimidating than speaking for many Ss. #ELTChat
12:19 pm yitzha_sarwono: RT @BrunoELT: Top 50 #mLearning (#Mobile #Learning) Resources http://slidesha.re/aaRMZ2 #mobilelearning #ELTchat
12:19 pm ShellTerrell: How many of us survey our students to see which technologies, social media sites, & tools they already use for us to integrate? #ELTChat
12:19 pm nancyrubin: Commenting and Moderating are Higher Order Thinking Skills - Check out Bloom's Digital Taxonomy - http://ow.ly/4fyVN #ELTchat
12:19 pm rliberni: RT @englishraven: @yitzha_sarwono I agree that tweeting and FB updating are easier and less intimidating than speaking for many Ss. #ELTChat
12:20 pm rliberni: RT @ShellTerrell: How many of us survey our students to see which technologies, social media sites, & tools they already use for us to integrate? #ELTChat
12:20 pm esolcourses: A lesson idea I blogged about, with some fairly low tech ideas for using mobiles #mlearning #ELTChat http://bit.ly/daprpt
12:20 pm TeacherLola: ?@BrunoELT: #ELTchat ELT needs to get a grip on smartphones http://t.co/6v1tcVu #mobilelearning #sigml #mlearning! Agreed!
12:20 pm englishraven: RT @nancyrubin: Commenting and Moderating are Higher Order Thinking Skills - Check out Bloom's Digital Taxonomy - http://ow.ly/4fyVN #ELTchat
12:20 pm rliberni: RT @esolcourses: A lesson idea I blogged about, with some fairly low tech ideas for using mobiles #mlearning #ELTChat http://bit.ly/daprpt
12:20 pm englishraven: RT @esolcourses: A lesson idea I blogged about, with some fairly low tech ideas for using mobiles #mlearning #ELTChat http://bit.ly/daprpt
12:20 pm ShellTerrell: RT @esolcourses: A lesson idea I blogged about, with some fairly low tech ideas for using mobiles #mlearning #ELTChat http://bit.ly/daprpt
12:20 pm ShellTerrell: RT @nancyrubin: Commenting and Moderating are Higher Order Thinking Skills - Check out Bloom's Digital Taxonomy - http://ow.ly/4fyVN #ELTchat
12:20 pm TeacherLola: RT @esolcourses: A lesson idea I blogged about, with some fairly low tech ideas for using mobiles #mlearning #ELTChat http://bit.ly/daprpt
12:20 pm rliberni: @esolcourses I think 'low tech' is the most effective at least at the moment #eltchat
12:20 pm BrunoELT: You are missed! RT @Raquel_EFL: @BrunoELT Im aleady in the office #sfk... I'm afraid I won't be able to make it ~~~ have a nice #eltchat !
12:20 pm TeacherLola: RT @ShellTerrell: How many of us survey our students to see which technologies, social media sites, & tools they already use for us to integrate? #ELTChat
12:21 pm rliberni: RT @ShellTerrell: @du_siemens That is a great idea for using Twitter with your students! @TEFLPet does this #Eltchat Heres the pres http://bit.ly/hdwJhG
12:21 pm TutorMe_Online: RT: @TeacherLola trained teachers are the most important resource about #mobilelearning #ELTChat? agree teachers v imp to keep productive
12:21 pm du_siemens: @ShellTerrell I do it a lot, but sometimes I find it overwhelming. #ELTChat
12:21 pm englishraven: Idea that fascinates me... Could tweeting and FB scaffold and lay better foundations for eventual speaking skills? #ELTChat
12:21 pm rliberni: RT @englishraven: Idea that fascinates me... Could tweeting and FB scaffold and lay better foundations for eventual speaking skills? #ELTChat
12:21 pm ShellTerrell: RT @englishraven: Idea that fascinates me... Could tweeting and FB scaffold and lay better foundations for eventual speaking skills? #ELTChat
12:21 pm Marisa_C: To what degree are politeness principles followed in online communication? #eltchat & are they the same e,g? (cont) http://deck.ly/~wwcoa
12:21 pm nutrich: We often drop pronouns and articles to save space in tweets, e.g. 'think I should go check oven' #eltchat
12:21 pm BrunoELT: RT @ShellTerrell: Live video learning seems to be one technology that language students enjoy! Many sites Busuu, MyEngle, iTalki #ELTChat
12:22 pm TutorMe_Online: @rliberni That's great - becuase I guess with mobile learning there's a greater risk of unproductivity if not properly focused #eltchat
12:22 pm ShellTerrell: @du_siemens I do too & try to integrate what I can & use rest to help them build a plan for studying outside of class #ELTChat
12:22 pm Marisa_C: @englishraven interesting notion and totally researchable : - ) #ELTChat
12:22 pm englishraven: @nutrich Do we do that during rapid speaking as well? #ELTChat
12:22 pm yitzha_sarwono: @StevenHerder most of my primary have cellphone already.if you're teaching in private schools 90% has BB/iPhone/android phone #eltchat
12:22 pm Shaunwilden: @englishraven Interesting idea - would sts not initally have the same stress and anxiety about formulating stuff? #ELTChat
12:22 pm nutrich: some areas of the world use different emoticons #eltchat
12:22 pm StevenHerder: @rliberni #eltchat I think that's fine. The problem is when Ss ONLY know txt speak. Thoughts?
12:22 pm mike08: RT @esolcourses: A lesson idea I blogged about, with some fairly low tech ideas for using mobiles #mlearning #ELTChat http://bit.ly/daprpt
12:22 pm bsmsenglish: @BrunoELT @Koronkina True, there are only very few decent ELT apps for the iphone eg. #eltchat
12:23 pm danrmitvn: @du_siemens I created a separate Twitter account then embed a customized Faves Widget https://twitter.com/about/resources/widgets #ELTchat
12:23 pm ShellTerrell: Great point! I've heard different text speech as well RT @nutrich: some areas of the world use different emoticons #eltchat
12:23 pm nutrich: @englishraven to an extent, I think we do, but I'm not certain, what do you reckon? #eltchat
12:23 pm TeacherLola: Blackberry is trend and most of students have them. But there are more teachers taking the devices out of classroom #ELTchat #mlearning
12:23 pm TutorMe_Online: @ShellTerrell @du_siemens Yes - big advantage of mobile learning for language learners is ease of continuing study beyond class #ELTChat
12:23 pm BrunoELT: RT @teachermedeiros: I like to use MSN as a tool with my Ss. Chatting has been turning them more self-confident abt their learning #ELTChat
12:23 pm ascensiontucson: @ShellTerrell @annapires @nutrich Great thoughts from #eltchat!
12:23 pm Shaunwilden: RT @bsmsenglish: True, there are only very few decent ELT apps for the iphone eg. #eltchat But do we need elt specific ones?
12:23 pm englishraven: @Marisa_C @Shaunwilden Would make for an interesting thesis... 3 groups (no social media, twitter, FB) with pre/post testing #ELTChat
12:23 pm cybraryman1: RT @englishraven: @yitzha_sarwono I agree that tweeting and FB updating are easier and less intimidating than speaking for many Ss. #ELTChat
12:23 pm TeacherLola: ?@danrmitvn: @du_siemens I created a separate Twitter account then embed a customized Faves Widget http://t.co/oZLA4G1 #ELTchat?
12:24 pm TeacherLola: RT @bsmsenglish: @BrunoELT @Koronkina True, there are only very few decent ELT apps for the iphone eg. #eltchat
12:24 pm rliberni: @StevenHerder my feeling is that this would be rare - perhaps choice? Like any register it needs to be flagged & taught #eltchat
12:24 pm Shaunwilden: @englishraven I look forward to reading your research ;-) #ELTChat
12:24 pm nancyrubin: Model good use of Audio by providing audio feedback to students - http://ow.ly/4fz4I #ELTchat
12:24 pm Marisa_C: @englishraven absolutely! you looking at ur phd thesis there :-D #ELTChat
12:24 pm englishraven: @nutrich I think we do, but shorten in different ways for the two mediums. Important to note. #ELTChat
12:24 pm ShiftParadigm: RT @ShellTerrell: How many of us survey our students to see which technologies, social media sites, & tools they already use for us to integrate? #ELTChat
12:24 pm gknightbkk: If Ss are engaged in the discourse community why would you feel the need to teach it? They will learn. Give them the tools to join #eltchat
12:24 pm yitzha_sarwono: @englishraven that's the idea but eventually teacher needs 2 encourage their students to speak up,coz as u said FB/tweet are easier #eltchat
12:24 pm rliberni: @StevenHerder I also feel that some of it will eventually become standard - the way of things - You? #eltchat
12:25 pm nutrich: @englishraven yes I agree, I think there's a difference #eltchat
12:25 pm newmanswords: RT @esolcourses: A lesson idea I blogged about, with some fairly low tech ideas for using mobiles #mlearning #ELTChat http://bit.ly/daprpt
12:25 pm englishraven: @yitzha_sarwono I think the perfect/interesting way is to work on them simultaneously. #ELTChat
12:25 pm esolcourses: RT @englishraven: Idea that fascinates me... Could tweeting and FB scaffold and lay better foundations for eventual speaking skills? #ELTChat
12:25 pm TeacherLola: RT @englishraven: @Marisa_C @Shaunwilden Would make for an interesting thesis... 3 groups (no social media, twitter, FB) with pre/post testing #ELTChat
12:25 pm yitzha_sarwono: @suzanegmota @englishraven agree with that thought,but at least they are practicing their english :) #eltchat
12:25 pm DebCapras: #eltchat SS have to be a competent at languages to use abbreviations/ txtspk correctly.
12:25 pm danrmitvn: RT @ShellTerrell How many of us survey Ss to see which technologies,social media sites & tools they use? >good point! me:not enough #ELTChat
12:25 pm rliberni: @esolcourses I know ppl who've tried mms, java etc and actually sms is the best (but still costs to send!) #eltchat
12:25 pm yitzha_sarwono: hear hear @englishraven I think the perfect/interesting way is to work on them simultaneously. #ELTChat
12:25 pm ShiftParadigm: When using social media, how to reflect tonal differences across cultures and languages? #ELTChat
12:25 pm StevenHerder: @rliberni #eltchat I have Ss come back to Japan every year with chronic txt speak in their essays and regular writing.
12:25 pm thejamesabroad: RT @gknightbkk: If Ss are engaged in the discourse community why would you feel the need to teach it? They will learn. Give them the tools to join #eltchat
12:25 pm cybraryman1: My Tech Integration for English Language Learners page: http://tinyurl.com/4eflbvc #ELTChat
12:25 pm evemarfil: RT @englishraven: Idea that fascinates me... Could tweeting and FB scaffold and lay better foundations for eventual speaking skills? #ELTChat
12:26 pm rliberni: RT @DebCapras: #eltchat SS have to be a competent at languages to use abbreviations/ txtspk correctly.
12:26 pm nutrich: @annapires #eltchat you could get them doing that in the computer room, post a picture and get instant comments as a brainstorm
12:26 pm englishraven: @Marisa_C @Shaunwilden Bugger. Just tweeted it to the world, so good chance someone will get there before me! #ELTChat
12:26 pm Marisa_C: I think not everyone able to engage fully if not sure or clear about some "unspoken protocols" #eltchat Think of examples of ppl who annoy?
12:26 pm yitzha_sarwono: RT @englishraven: @Marisa_C @Shaunwilden Would make for an interesting thesis... 3 groups (no social media, twitter, FB) with pre/post testing #ELTChat
12:26 pm KarenInGreece: RT #ELTchat To practise exam speaking (e.g. FCE) show sts pics and imagine they are commenting on them on FB to warm up for task.> Good idea
12:26 pm englishraven: RT @gknightbkk: If Ss are engaged in the discourse community why would you feel the need to teach it? They will learn. Give them the tools to join #eltchat
12:26 pm Marisa_C: @englishraven delete that tweet immediatement! #ELTChat
12:26 pm suzanegmota: @englishraven @yitzha_sarwono There´s a risk of having sts only using written lgg. #ELTchat
12:26 pm du_siemens: RT @KarenInGreece: RT #ELTchat To practise exam speaking (e.g. FCE) show sts pics and imagine they are commenting on them on FB to warm up for task.> Good idea
12:26 pm SimonGreenall: @englishraven Carefully noted, Jason :) #ELTChat
12:27 pm juanalejandro82: holly cr*** it's Wednesday and it's #ELTChat's day!
12:27 pm Marisa_C: @SimonGreenall he he am a witness his idea :-D #ELTChat
12:27 pm rliberni: @StevenHerder Do they also have inappropriate use of idiom and style? How would this work in their own language? #eltchat
12:27 pm du_siemens: RT @suzanegmota: @englishraven @yitzha_sarwono There´s a risk of having sts only using written lgg. #ELTchat
12:27 pm ShiftParadigm: @englishraven @Marisa_C @Shaunwilden -- good ide re thesis/research. Wonder whether FB or Twitter conduct or fund such efforts. #ELTChat
12:27 pm yitzha_sarwono: RT @nutrich: @annapires #eltchat you could get them doing that in the computer room, post a picture and get instant comments as a brainstorm
12:27 pm esolcourses: @rliberni there are a number of sites where you can send txts for free, such as CardBoardFish, 4 example http://www.cbfsms.com/ #eltchat
12:27 pm theteacherjames: #eltchat Think there's a difference between EFL & ESL sts here. For EFL, it's a lot less likely to be useful. Most comm. like this in L1.
12:28 pm yitzha_sarwono: RT @cybraryman1: My Tech Integration for English Language Learners page: http://tinyurl.com/4eflbvc #ELTChat
12:28 pm rliberni: RT @cybraryman1: My Tech Integration for English Language Learners page: http://tinyurl.com/4eflbvc #ELTChat
12:28 pm nancyrubin: Bottom line - new tools empower students. teachers, and classrooms - http://ow.ly/4fzc6 #ELTchat
12:28 pm StevenHerder: @rliberni #eltchat Oooh good Q. Never imagines google could be a word, much less a verb until recently. Anything is possible, huh!
12:28 pm ShellTerrell: RT @esolcourses: @rliberni there are a number of sites where you can send txts for free, such as CardBoardFish, 4 example http://www.cbfsms.com/ #eltchat
12:28 pm rliberni: RT @esolcourses: @rliberni there are a number of sites where you can send txts for free, such as CardBoardFish, 4 example http://www.cbfsms.com/ #eltchat
12:28 pm ShellTerrell: RT @theteacherjames: #eltchat Think there's a difference between EFL & ESL sts here. For EFL, it's a lot less likely to be useful. Most comm. like this in L1.
12:28 pm du_siemens: I think it's our role as a teacher 2 make our ss aware of the differences between SMS lgg and proper written lgg. Am I mistaken? #ELTChat
12:28 pm lilianasimon: RT @englishraven: Idea that fascinates me... Could tweeting and FB scaffold and lay better foundations for eventual speaking skills? #ELTChat
12:28 pm Shaunwilden: RT @theteacherjames: #eltchat Think there's a difference between EFL & ESL sts here....true though for EFL can access blogs, etc
12:28 pm ShellTerrell: RT @du_siemens: I think it's our role as a teacher 2 make our ss aware of the differences between SMS lgg and proper written lgg. Am I mistaken? #ELTChat
12:28 pm TeacherLola: RT @theteacherjames: #eltchat Think there's a difference between EFL & ESL sts here. For EFL, it's a lot less likely to be useful. Most comm. like this in L1.
12:29 pm nutrich: @du_siemens right. Correct use in correct context #eltchat
12:29 pm englishraven: @theteacherjames I sorta disagree. I think social media has huge potential for EFLers, who can be otherwise isolated. #ELTChat
12:29 pm yitzha_sarwono: @suzanegmota true,but for me living in non-spoken English country it's worth the try,at least they are trying something :) #eltchat
12:29 pm du_siemens: @nutrich But I wonder, don't they already know it? I just do it sometimes to play safe... #ELTChat
12:29 pm pedussi: RT @englishraven: @Marisa_C @Shaunwilden Would make for an interesting thesis... 3 groups (no social media, twitter, FB) with pre/post testing #ELTChat
12:30 pm rliberni: @StevenHerder yes, I think it's just part of the teaching for L1 & L2 learners - I may be proved wrong! #eltchat
12:30 pm evemarfil: RT @nancyrubin: Commenting and Moderating are Higher Order Thinking Skills - Check out Bloom's Digital Taxonomy - http://ow.ly/4fyVN #ELTchat
12:30 pm DebCapras: @nancyrubin #ELTchat Agree, but even native speakers have problems keeping up with speed of news flow in Twitter. How can NNS cope?
12:30 pm MrsC_teach: RT @du_siemens: I think it's our role as a teacher 2 make our ss aware of the differences between SMS lgg and proper written lgg. Am I mistaken? #ELTChat
12:30 pm StevenHerder: @rliberni #eltchat LOL They bring back everything they hear enough times and want to mimic, if it seems cool
12:30 pm ShellTerrell: For those who integrate tech effectively what are your observations of the impact it has had on your language learners? #eltchat
12:30 pm theteacherjames: @Shaunwilden Sure, we can make them aware of it, but it's not worth going crazy over. #eltchat
12:30 pm Marisa_C: RT @DebCapras: @nancyrubin #ELTchat Agree, but even native speakers have problems keeping up with speed of ne? (cont) http://deck.ly/~1w5En
12:30 pm TeacherLola: RT @ShellTerrell: For those who integrate tech effectively what are your observations of the impact it has had on your language learners? #eltchat
12:31 pm mme_henderson: RT @ShellTerrell: When integrating technology students are more motivated to self-explore the topic & apply after class #ELTChat
12:31 pm nutrich: @du_siemens they must recognise the concept as I suppose most languages have txt contractions, but still a need to get it riht #eltchat
12:31 pm esolcourses: @ShellTerrell @rliberni also, s's often on payment plans where they get 100's of free texts - the odd 1 or 2 in class won't matter #ELTChat
12:31 pm du_siemens: @nutrich Agreed. #ELTChat
12:31 pm Shaunwilden: @theteacherjames Disagree, I think my sts have got a lot out of being able to access real world english #ELTChat
12:31 pm ddeubel: RT @ShellTerrell: How many of us survey our students to see which technologies, social media sites, & tools they already use for us to integrate? #ELTChat
12:31 pm mme_henderson: RT @ShellTerrell: Agree! RT @martincaicedo: #ELTChat Yes. Our role should be showing them how to explore and make topics meaningful
12:31 pm juanalejandro82: #ELTChat I tried to get the point reading over 100 tweets... I couldn't... what's today's topic?
12:31 pm danrmitvn: @ShellTerrell re: impact on learners: Involvement & interest in Eng. outside of class has gone up a lot for most students, 4 sure. #ELTchat
12:32 pm englishraven: RT @juanalejandro82: #ELTChat I tried to get the point reading over 100 tweets... I couldn't... what's today's topic? > Pretty good example!
12:32 pm Marisa_C: RT @Shaunwilden: @theteacherjames Disagree, I think my sts have got a lot out of being able to access real world english #ELTChat
12:32 pm StevenHerder: @yitzha_sarwono #eltchat I strongly agree!
12:32 pm theteacherjames: @englishraven Sure, but how likely are 2nd lang users to use text speech among themselves? Do they need to? #eltchat
12:32 pm unha_engels: RT @BrunoELT: Digital Integration Promotes Communication, Collaboration, and Creation Skills. The very skills kids will need for their world. #ELTchat
12:32 pm ShellTerrell: RT @danrmitvn: re: impact on learners: Involvement & interest in Eng. outside of class has gone up a lot for most students, 4 sure. #ELTchat
12:32 pm TeacherLola: @ShellTerrell #ELTChat not good, Teachers are not familiar with this and think is a waste of time. OldSchool classes they prefer #mlearning
12:33 pm esolcourses: RT @annapires: #ELTchat What abt creating contexts 4 language practise that our ss can relate to? E.g. Describing rules of a game like Farmville for modals
12:33 pm mme_henderson: RT @nancyrubin: Commenting and Moderating are Higher Order Thinking Skills Check out Bloom's Digital Taxonomy - http://ow.ly/4fyVN #ELTchat
12:33 pm du_siemens: @theteacherjames Very good point. #ELTChat
12:33 pm ShiftParadigm: @StevenHerder @rliberni yitzha_sarwono - quick question, how much should one rely on ICT to "translate" and "interpret"? #eltchat
12:33 pm Marisa_C: @theteacherjames #ELTChat So do you think it's just a question of showing them what to do and then letting them loose!?
12:33 pm ShellTerrell: @TeacherLola That's the teachers but how about the students? It surprises me how some tchrs never consider their students 1st #ELTChat
12:33 pm englishraven: @theteacherjames I think if EFL Ss join global groups/networks, it's genuine communication, right? #ELTChat
12:33 pm rliberni: @StevenHerder 'cool' is probably the key and that's a different issue #eltchat
12:33 pm du_siemens: @seouldaddy Definitely. I always try to bring that up whenever I'm teaching writing as well. #ELTChat
12:33 pm averyteach: RT?@cybraryman1: My Mobile Learning (M-Learning,Cell Phones in the Classroom) page: http://t.co/jpqUgyR #eltchat? #jmstigers
12:33 pm ShellTerrell: Agree! RT @englishraven:I think if EFL Ss join global groups/networks, it's genuine communication, right? #ELTChat
12:34 pm theteacherjames: @Shaunwilden #eltchat I'm just not convinced it represents as much of the real world as we can make it out to be. Maybe one day?
12:34 pm ShellTerrell: RT @annapires:I find sts are more motivated when learning lang & skills needed for tech they use in real life. #ELTchat
12:34 pm rliberni: @esolcourses good point - but I'm pushing mine so I have to pay so I guess that's the difference. #eltchat
12:34 pm Shaunwilden: @ShiftParadigm @StevenHerder @rliberni As much as we would in real life? #ELTChat
12:34 pm BrunoELT: @ShellTerrell I can easily recognize a sense of language confidence in the sts I use tech with. #ELTchat
12:34 pm englishraven: @theteacherjames @ShellTerrell Tara Benwell's work over on EC is a pretty powerful example! #ELTChat
12:34 pm ShellTerrell: RT @BrunoELT: I can easily recognize a sense of language confidence in the sts I use tech with. #ELTchat
12:34 pm teachermedeiros: @englishraven Indeed.I improve their vocabulary from the former class by avoiding net vocabulary/slangs when chatting on the MSN.#ELTChat
12:34 pm TeacherLola: RT @ShellTerrell: @TeacherLola That's the teachers but how about the students? It surprises me how some tchrs never consider their students 1st #ELTChat
12:34 pm TeacherLola: RT @ShellTerrell: Agree! RT @englishraven:I think if EFL Ss join global groups/networks, it's genuine communication, right? #ELTChat
12:34 pm Shaunwilden: @theteacherjames I know it made my sts more willing to do hmk and be autonomous and that has to be a good thing #ELTChat
12:35 pm Marisa_C: RT @ShellTerrell: RT @annapires:I find sts are more motivated when learning lang & skills needed for tech they use in real life. #ELTchat
12:35 pm StevenHerder: @ShiftParadigm #eltchat Being engaged with English trumps everything in my EFL context. It's all about timing - THEIRS not mine.
12:35 pm rliberni: @ShiftParadigm @StevenHerder @Shaunwilden good answer Shaun tho some ppl have more faith than others #eltchat
12:35 pm TeacherLola: RT @Marisa_C: RT @ShellTerrell: RT @annapires:I find sts are more motivated when learning lang & skills needed for tech they use in real life. #ELTchat
12:35 pm ShellTerrell: @englishraven @theteacherjames1000s of Ss in various EFL networks taking learning into their own hands bcuz school doesn't offer #ELTChat
12:35 pm esolcourses: @rliberni yes, I suppose so. Depends how many s's you have as well. Many PAYG top up plans in UK give you 100's of free texts #eltchat
12:35 pm du_siemens: I disagree with what's been said here about not using net lgg with our students. Don't they need to be exposed to it as well? #ELTChat
12:35 pm BrunoELT: @juanalejandro82 How do we cater for sts needs in this digital era. #ELTchat
12:35 pm TeacherLola: RT @StevenHerder: @ShiftParadigm #eltchat Being engaged with English trumps everything in my EFL context. It's all about timing - THEIRS not mine.
12:35 pm theteacherjames: #eltchat @englishraven @Marisa_C It's a question of emphasis, not ignorance. Teach by all means, but in proportion...
12:36 pm DebCapras: RT @theteacherjames: @Shaunwilden #eltchat Maybe one day? - THe community is growing - but it's still very small.
12:36 pm TeacherLola: RT @Shaunwilden: @theteacherjames I know it made my sts more willing to do hmk and be autonomous and that has to be a good thing #ELTChat
12:36 pm keithbarrs: textpedition idea can be done in non- english environments too, encouraging students to look in linguistic landscape for english #ELTchat
12:36 pm englishraven: Interesting also how things like twitter and FB are free... #ELTChat
12:36 pm rliberni: @esolcourses maybe I should find a new provider! #eltchat
12:36 pm du_siemens: RT @englishraven: Interesting also how things like twitter and FB are free... #ELTChat
12:36 pm yitzha_sarwono: @ShiftParadigm @StevenHerder @rliberni for me?as much as I can to get them to practice it? #eltchat
12:36 pm ShellTerrell: RT @keithbarrs: textpedition idea can be done in non- english environments too, encouraging students to look in linguistic landscape for english #ELTchat
12:36 pm juanalejandro82: RT @keithbarrs: textpedition idea can be done in non- english environments too, encouraging students to look in linguistic landscape for english #ELTchat
12:37 pm shoham1: RT @cybraryman1: My Mobile Learning (M-Learning,Cell Phones in the Classroom) page: http://tinyurl.com/48brwrv #eltchat
12:37 pm DebCapras: Interesting - see problem with twitter! RT @juanalejandro82: #ELTChat ...point reading over 100 tweets...I couldn't. what's today's topic?
12:37 pm TeacherLola: RT @keithbarrs: textpedition idea can be done in non- english environments too, encouraging students to look in linguistic landscape for english #ELTchat
12:37 pm ShellTerrell: @matthewbennett I agree. Some of my adult students took a lot of pushing but glad I did it they appreciate it #Eltchat
12:37 pm BrunoELT: @ShellTerrell it's great to see that tech helps sts use the language outside the boundaries of a classroom. That's priceless #ELTchat
12:37 pm theteacherjames: #eltchat @englishraven @Marisa_C Love to use soc. networks w /sts, but they don't need specific language to do it unless comm. w/ L1 users.
12:37 pm ShellTerrell: Yes! RT @BrunoELT: it's great to see that tech helps sts use the language outside the boundaries of a classroom. That's priceless #ELTchat
12:37 pm StevenHerder: @sarahksantos #ELTChat Do they have Internet at home? If so, share your excitement...
12:37 pm gknightbkk: Email was a problem because of its upstart language, compared to a letter. Twitter will replace email. We have to accept it. #eltchat
12:37 pm Marisa_C: I think twitter updates and facebook conversations should feature in new coursebooks #ELTchat
12:37 pm du_siemens: @BrunoELT What do you mean by tech, Brunao? Can you give me examples? #ELTChat
12:37 pm ShellTerrell: RT @Marisa_C: I think twitter updates and facebook conversations should feature in new coursebooks #ELTchat
12:38 pm du_siemens: Definitely. RT @Marisa_C: I think twitter updates and facebook conversations should feature in new coursebooks #ELTchat
12:38 pm Shaunwilden: RT @Marisa_C: I think twitter updates and facebook conversations should feature in new coursebooks #ELTchat
12:38 pm englishraven: RT @Marisa_C: I think twitter updates and facebook conversations should feature in new coursebooks #ELTchat
12:38 pm SimonGreenall: @Marisa_C Possibly, but it depends who's buying them. Students, teachers, schools or ministries #ELTchat
12:38 pm TeacherLola: RT @du_siemens: Definitely. RT @Marisa_C: I think twitter updates and facebook conversations should feature in new coursebooks #ELTchat
12:38 pm englishraven: RT @Marisa_C: I think twitter updates and facebook conversations should feature in new coursebooks #ELTchat > I think they are coursebooks!
12:38 pm TeacherLola: RT @gknightbkk: Email was a problem because of its upstart language, compared to a letter. Twitter will replace email. We have to accept it. #eltchat
12:39 pm juanalejandro82: @Marisa_C and also the smartphone communication stuff! BlackBerry's pins, for instance #ELTChat
12:39 pm Marisa_C: @SimonGreenall you have a point but online communication is a new genre and needs to be illustrated along others #ELTchat
12:39 pm rliberni: RT @Marisa_C: @SimonGreenall you have a point but online communication is a new genre and needs to be illustrated along others #ELTchat
12:39 pm Aaronsgrant: @marisa_C I agree. the Cambridge UP 'Real' series features a bit of this. #eltchat
12:39 pm matthewbennett: @ShellTerrell I got the BEST response when I hooked the learning content into an existing tech behaviour (checking their e-mail). #eltchat
12:39 pm theteacherjames: @DebCapras @Shaunwilden @englishraven @Marisa_C #eltchat Don't misunderstand me, love social networks, not sure about the lang. associated.
12:39 pm rliberni: RT @matthewbennett: @ShellTerrell I got the BEST response when I hooked the learning content into an existing tech behaviour (checking their e-mail). #eltchat
12:39 pm Marisa_C: @englishraven good point but require strong materials design skills by Ts #ELTchat
12:39 pm TeacherLola: RT @Marisa_C: @SimonGreenall you have a point but online communication is a new genre and needs to be illustrated along others #ELTchat
12:39 pm SimonGreenall: @Marisa_C Agree. But the most conservative people are those who dont know what's happening in the clasroom #ELTchat
12:39 pm yitzha_sarwono: nice thought @Marisa_C I think twitter updates and facebook conversations should feature in new coursebooks #ELTchat
12:39 pm englishraven: @Marisa_C Or, "I think coursebook (elements/techniques) should feature (alongside) Twitter and FB"? #ELTChat
12:40 pm esolcourses: @Marisa_C @DebCapras @nancyrubin I use protected Twitter accounts for s's & have them just follow each other +me as an induction #ELTChat
12:40 pm TeacherLola: @matthewbennett @shellterrell @rliberni My Ss don´t check their email anymore. They love the information in their FB walls! #eltchat
12:40 pm nancyrubin: Are podcasting with your students? Can be portable (students can listen on the go) and made public! http://ow.ly/4fzH3 #ELTchat
12:40 pm Marisa_C: @theteacherjames Am thinking along the lines of studying them as samples of effective +/- communication #eltchat
12:40 pm esolcourses: @Marisa_C @DebCapras @nancyrubin gets them used to using Twitter without being overwhelmed by the information flow #ELTChat
12:40 pm fboss: RT @Marisa_C: I think twitter updates and facebook conversations should feature in new coursebooks #ELTchat
12:41 pm matthewbennett: @TeacherLola @shellterrell @rliberni Right, that's another good observation. We have to follow what they're using and go there too. #eltchat
12:41 pm yitzha_sarwono: RT @StevenHerder: @yitzha_sarwono #eltchat I strongly agree!
12:41 pm du_siemens: Agreed, Suzane. RT @suzanegmota: @SimonGreenall @Marisa_C But they need to do so #ELTchat
12:41 pm StevenHerder: @TeacherLola #eltchat Nice observation. Mine are headed that way, too.
12:41 pm Marisa_C: @esolcourses and there are proteted apps like twiducate and edmodo #ELTChat
12:41 pm rliberni: @TeacherLola yes email is so 'noughties' Lol #eltchat
12:41 pm englishraven: RT @Marisa_C: @esolcourses and there are proteted apps like twiducate and edmodo #ELTChat
12:41 pm juanalejandro82: #ELTChat once I asked my Ss to use their cellphones in order to look for topics on the web. and it was an interesting experience
12:42 pm du_siemens: I reckon there's no way for us to bond with our students if we don't try to understand what's going on in their world. #ELTChat
12:42 pm rliberni: RT @juanalejandro82: #ELTChat once I asked my Ss to use their cellphones in order to look for topics on the web. and it was an interesting experience
12:42 pm nutrich: RT @Marisa_C: @esolcourses and there are proteted apps like twiducate and edmodo #ELTChat
12:42 pm SimonGreenall: RT @StevenHerder: @TeacherLola #eltchat Nice observation. Mine are headed that way, too.> I agree too. But do decision makers agree?
12:42 pm englishraven: RT @du_siemens: I reckon there's no way for us to bond with our students if we don't try to understand what's going on in their world. #ELTChat
12:42 pm rliberni: @juanalejandro82 interesting in what way? #eltchat
12:42 pm TeacherLola: RT @juanalejandro82: #ELTChat once I asked my Ss to use their cellphones in order to look for topics on the web. and it was an interesting experience
12:42 pm theteacherjames: @Marisa_C It's a good example, you probably find some examples here.! #eltchat
12:42 pm DebCapras: @esolcourses @esolcourses #ELTChat #ELTChat That's one safe way - when it comes to authentic tweets - language can be tough to decipher
12:42 pm keithbarrs: RT @Marisa_C: I think twitter updates and facebook conversations should feature in new coursebooks #ELTchat
12:42 pm nutrich: RT @du_siemens: I reckon there's no way for us to bond with our students if we don't try to understand what's going on in their world. #ELTChat
12:42 pm Marisa_C: @juanalejandro82 Well, now you're looking at the flipside of language: what digital skills should we introduce to our Ss? #ELTChat
12:42 pm yitzha_sarwono: @TeacherLola @matthewbennett @shellterrell @rliberni hahaha,the same thing happens here!FB & twitter are they daily news! #eltchat
12:42 pm TeacherLola: RT @SimonGreenall: @Marisa_C Agree. But the most conservative people arethose who dont know what's happening in the clasroom #ELTchat
12:42 pm pauljinks: Social media offer students the authentic meaningful interactions we strain to achieve in class. #ELTchat.
12:43 pm Shaunwilden: @juanalejandro82: #ELTChat is that interesting in a gd way?
12:43 pm bcnpaul1: afternoon. coming in a bit late to #eltchat & trying to catch up
12:43 pm TeacherLola: RT @nancyrubin: Are podcasting with your students? Can be portable (students can listen on the go) and made public! http://ow.ly/4fzH3 #ELTchat
12:43 pm englishraven: Yes, I think Ss language experience via Twitter or FB definitely enhanced with guidance from a teacher. #ELTChat
12:43 pm simfin: RT @ShellTerrell: Agree RT @DebCapras: You have to be competent at languages to use abbreviations/ txtspk correctly. #eltchat
12:43 pm gknightbkk: I notice many of you have not capitalised your Twitter names. Please correct this #eltchat
12:43 pm rliberni: @matthewbennett @yitzha_sarwono Agree and the problem us - what's next? #eltchat
12:43 pm du_siemens: Should we really introduce net lgg / digital skills to our ss? If I do so, I'll be humiliated because they know better than me. #ELTChat
12:43 pm englishraven: RT @pauljinks: Social media offer students the authentic meaningful interactions we strain to achieve in class. #ELTchat.
12:43 pm StevenHerder: @SimonGreenall #eltchat The better I teach, the more I'm allowed to decide what goes on in my classroom
12:43 pm matthewbennett: The following article about habits + effects is what got me thinking about all of this a couple of years ago http://nyti.ms/gM4rJj #eltchat
12:43 pm Shaunwilden: @du_siemens So get them to teach you :-) #ELTChat
12:43 pm rliberni: RT @StevenHerder: @SimonGreenall #eltchat The better I teach, the more I'm allowed to decide what goes on in my classroom
12:44 pm nancyrubin: RT @pauljinks: Social media offer students the authentic meaningful interactions we strain to achieve in class. #ELTchat.
12:44 pm esolcourses: RT @Marisa_C: @esolcourses and there are proteted apps like twiducate and edmodo #ELTChat
12:44 pm rliberni: @StevenHerder who decides? #eltchat
12:44 pm juanalejandro82: that they only needed me when they didn't know certain words in context RT @rliberni: interesting in what way? #eltchat
12:44 pm Marisa_C: RT @pmackichan: Can't see that twitter is any more important than basketball. How many times do you discuss basketball in L2? #ELTchat > :-D
12:44 pm du_siemens: @Shaunwilden That's what I usually do. However, I do make them aware of the differences in writing (formal x informal). #ELTChat
12:44 pm matthewbennett: @rliberni The problem us - what's next???? Don't understand what you mean? #eltchat
12:44 pm SimonGreenall: @matthewbennett Then you're fortunate, and this isn't the case in developing countries #eltchat
12:44 pm TeacherLola: ?@Marisa_C @juanalejandro82 Learn to tweet should be a must! #digitalskills #ELTChat?
12:44 pm bcnpaul1: @marisa_c which digital skills? the skill to publish something (e.g.to a blog), read comments and then respond to create dialogue #eltchat
12:44 pm juanalejandro82: RT @TeacherLola: ?@Marisa_C @juanalejandro82 Learn to tweet should be a must! #digitalskills #ELTChat?
12:44 pm ShellTerrell: RT @lesliedavison: mom told me her child is NOT using her Spanish after school this yr as she did last. No Edmodo, vokis, etc. #eltchat
12:44 pm nutrich: RT @TeacherLola: ?@Marisa_C @juanalejandro82 Learn to tweet should be a must! #digitalskills #ELTChat | If it's relevant to the student
12:44 pm LucyBlakemore: e-learning Daily: stories via @ddeubel @englishraven and @davedodgson, inc thoughts on Japan ? http://t.co/oDpcHZb #eltchat #edtech #esl
12:45 pm StevenHerder: RT @gknightbkk: I notice many of you have not capitalised your Twitter names. Please correct this #eltchat
12:45 pm rliberni: @matthewbennett now it's FB but what's round the corner? #eltchat
12:45 pm ShellTerrell: RT @matthewbennett: I got the BEST response when I hooked the learning content into an existing tech behaviour #eltchat
12:45 pm Marisa_C: RT @nutrich: RT @TeacherLola: ?@Marisa_C @juanalejandro82 Learn to tweet a must! #digitalskills #ELTChat | Ifrelevant to the student> agree
12:45 pm DebCapras: Exactly - so many people don't need Twitter. RT @nutrich: Learn to tweet should be a must! #ELTChat | If it's relevant to the student
12:45 pm lesliedavison: RT @mme_henderson: RT @nancyrubin: Commenting & Moderating are Higher Order Thinking Bloom's Digital Taxonomy - http://ow.ly/4fyVN #ELTchat
12:46 pm rliberni: @juanalejandro82 that's good then - did they enjoy it? I think #mlearning is still for bits of language - screens 2 small #eltchat
12:46 pm bcnpaul1: @TeacherLola tweeting v.useful for teachers, but perhaps not always relevant to sts (IM on facebook in english is better IMO) #eltchat
12:46 pm nutrich: @pmackichan it's authentic in it's own context but can't be compared with different types of communciation #eltchat
12:46 pm rliberni: RT @DebCapras: Exactly - so many people don't need Twitter. RT @nutrich: Learn to tweet should be a must! #ELTChat | If it's relevant to the student
12:46 pm StevenHerder: RT @rliberni: @StevenHerder who decides? #eltchat Sorry, lost me there.
12:46 pm ShellTerrell: @lesliedavison That is so sad but definitely shows the power of using these tools! #eltchat
12:46 pm Shaunwilden: RT @TeacherLola: ?@Marisa_C @juanalejandro82 Learn to tweet should be a must! #digitalskills #ELTChat? - only if relevant surely
12:46 pm Marisa_C: @pmackichan Could it be bcz u don't engage in communication via twitter but prefer other platforms? #ELTchat
12:46 pm matthewbennett: @SimonGreenall Fortuante? To read an article :-) ? What isn't the case in developing countries?? #eltchat
12:46 pm rliberni: RT @lesliedavison: RT @mme_henderson: RT @nancyrubin: Commenting & Moderating are Higher Order Thinking Bloom's Digital Taxonomy - http://ow.ly/4fyVN #ELTchat
12:46 pm yitzha_sarwono: @gknightbkk ah ok then,nice idea re:capitalised twitter name #eltchat
12:46 pm suzanegmota: @du_siemens Totally agree!!#ELTchat
12:46 pm TeacherLola: @nutrich Anything can be relevant to a student if the teacher gave the right context! #ELTChat @marisa_c @juanalejandro82
12:46 pm juanalejandro82: yes, indeed! because they face such a "self-taught" thing RT @Shaunwilden: #ELTChat is that interesting in a gd way?
12:47 pm Marisa_C: @pmackichan may be not relevant to u and of course not to every student #ELTchat
12:47 pm rliberni: @StevenHerder who decides on whether you teach well or not #eltchat
12:47 pm rliberni: RT @ShellTerrell: RT @matthewbennett: I got the BEST response when I hooked the learning content into an existing tech behaviour #eltchat
12:47 pm du_siemens: Have we been taught how 2 use twitter? (some of us, yes). We just created an account and started experimenting with it. #ELTChat
12:47 pm nutrich: @TeacherLola @marisa_c @juanalejandro82 ask the student first? #eltchat
12:47 pm ProfDevSupport: RT @nancyrubin: Commenting and Moderating are Higher Order Thinking Skills - Check out Bloom's Digital Taxonomy - http://ow.ly/4fyVN #ELTchat
12:47 pm nutrich: @du_siemens yes in L1 #eltchat
12:47 pm Marisa_C: @TeacherLola that's quite a sweeping statement - a prescribed syllabus orientation - not true of every context #ELTChat
12:47 pm yitzha_sarwono: @rliberni @matthewbennett hopefully getting them on some sort of group chatting like what we do here :) #eltchat
12:48 pm matthewbennett: Right, good question from @rliberni what's after FB? I don't think it's so much about 'after FB/Twitter' but mobile phones + access #eltchat
12:48 pm Shaunwilden: @juanalejandro82 A good lesson in 'why ask me the teacher when you can find out for yourself' :-) #ELTChat
12:48 pm du_siemens: @nutrich Even in L2... I love in Brazil and my students speak Portuguese, right? However, most of them have FB accounts. #ELTChat
12:48 pm esolcourses: @StevenHerder @SimonGreenall great to have that level of autonomy Steven, though bureaucracy can sometimes be tough to cut through #eltchat
12:48 pm rliberni: RT @Shaunwilden: @juanalejandro82 A good lesson in 'why ask me the teacher when you can find out for yourself' :-) #ELTChat
12:48 pm keithbarrs: #ELTchat been surprised by and engaged in the english communications on twit and FB between Japanese students on earthquake related news
12:48 pm BrunoELT: @guipac it's vital to hook the learning content into an existing tech behaviour #eltchat
12:48 pm du_siemens: @nutrich I live in Brazil, I'm sorry. #ELTChat
12:48 pm rliberni: RT @matthewbennett: Right, good question from @rliberni what's after FB? I don't think it's so much about 'after FB/Twitter' but mobile phones + access #eltchat
12:48 pm Shaunwilden: RT @keithbarrs: #ELTchat been surprised by and engaged in the english communications on twit and FB between Japanese students on earthquake related news
12:48 pm TeacherLola: @nutrich And show others such as Blaving. #Eltchat
12:48 pm rliberni: RT @keithbarrs: #ELTchat been surprised by and engaged in the english communications on twit and FB between Japanese students on earthquake related news
12:49 pm nutrich: @du_siemens Oh yeah, lol, good point! ; ) #eltchat
12:49 pm simfin: RT @nutrich: How do you write a 'critical' tweet but remain friendly? We use ; ) emoticons. Part of discourse? #eltchat
12:49 pm gknightbkk: If Ss need English for employment, ask the employers what social networking skills are required #eltchat
12:49 pm matthewbennett: Having used an iPhone + apps now for a month or so, that type of mobile access is the next thing. It's already here, in fact. #eltchat
12:49 pm rliberni: RT @simfin: RT @nutrich: How do you write a 'critical' tweet but remain friendly? We use ; ) emoticons. Part of discourse? #eltchat
12:49 pm SimonGreenall: @esolcourses Thanks Sue that was what I was trying to say in 140 chrcts #eltchat
12:49 pm rliberni: RT @matthewbennett: Having used an iPhone + apps now for a month or so, that type of mobile access is the next thing. It's already here, in fact. #eltchat
12:49 pm juanalejandro82: @Shaunwilden #ELTchat because they still need us to guide them how to use digital skills in a right way! and any other skill!
12:49 pm StevenHerder: @rliberni #eltchat Cheers. My boss knows based on S evaluations, and student chatter , just as I know about others...
12:49 pm BrunoELT: RT @du_siemens: Have we been taught how 2 use twitter? (some of us, yes). We just created an account and started experimenting #ELTChat
12:49 pm TeacherLola: @Marisa_C Thank you. I think Adult Ss could be the more reluctant to use this #ELTchat
12:50 pm esolcourses: @StevenHerder @SimonGreenall unfortunately social media sites are blocked for many teachers.& IMO, this needs to be challenged #ELTChat
12:50 pm englishraven: RT @esolcourses: @StevenHerder @SimonGreenall unfortunately social media sites are blocked for many teachers.& IMO, this needs to be challenged #ELTChat
12:50 pm Shaunwilden: @juanalejandro82 Oh yes I agree but i meant it is good for them to realise they can do things without us :-) #ELTChat
12:50 pm Marisa_C: RT @SimonGreenall unfortunately social media sites are blocked for many teachers.& IMO, this needs to be challenged #ELTChat
12:50 pm nutrich: must go, but enjoyed interesting #eltchat. cheers
12:50 pm TeacherLola: RT @StevenHerder: @SimonGreenall #eltchat The better I teach, the more I'm allowed to decide what goes on in my classroom
12:50 pm juanalejandro82: RT @Shaunwilden: @juanalejandro82 Oh yes I agree but i meant it is good for them to realise they can do things without us :-) #ELTChat
12:50 pm matthewbennett: People?especially kids, teenagers + young adults?who have iPhones or Android, spend ALL day using them. That's where we go. #eltchat
12:51 pm du_siemens: Letting our ss find out things by themselves isn't part of promoting ss's autonomy? Why do we HAVE to teach them how to use tech? #ELTChat
12:51 pm TeacherLola: ?@gknightbkk: If Ss need English for employment, ask the employers what social networking skills are required #eltchat?/ #fact
12:51 pm DebCapras: Absolutely - autonomous learning is the future - using Twitter if you must. RT @Shaunwilden: ---they can do things without us :-) #ELTChat
12:51 pm rliberni: @StevenHerder OK so it works as a system & everybody has the chance to be in control if they demonstrate 'ability' #eltchat
12:51 pm rliberni: RT @DebCapras: Absolutely - autonomous learning is the future - using Twitter if you must. RT @Shaunwilden: ---they can do things without us :-) #ELTChat
12:51 pm SimonGreenall: @Marisa_C Agree. Not just the media but the language used in it can be rejected by curriculum designers, ministries etc #ELTChat
12:51 pm englishraven: @matthewbennett But do they want 'study' included/intruding in their "all day" mobile lives? #ELTChat
12:51 pm TeacherLola: RT @BrunoELT: RT @du_siemens: Have we been taught how 2 use twitter? (some of us, yes). We just created an account and started experimenting #ELTChat
12:51 pm StevenHerder: @esolcourses #eltchat I've always looked up at the perceived "good" Ts and noticed that they could do as they liked. Striving to get there
12:52 pm yitzha_sarwono: RT @matthewbennett: People?especially kids, teenagers + young adults?who have iPhones or Android, spend ALL day using them. That's where we go. #eltchat
12:52 pm suzanegmota: @matthewbennett Do they use it for any kind of learning? #ELTchat
12:52 pm TeacherLola: RT @matthewbennett: People?especially kids, teenagers + young adults?who have iPhones or Android, spend ALL day using them. That's where we go. #eltchat
12:52 pm Marisa_C: @SimonGreenall So I guess we need to wait until social media acquires some "face" with curriculum authorities - publishers etc #ELTChat
12:52 pm du_siemens: @thejamesabroad It's another thing now, right? We should encourage students to use the target language. #ELTChat
12:52 pm rliberni: @DebCapras I agree autonomous learning puts the learner right in the centre & allows them to draw in what they need #eltchat
12:52 pm Shaunwilden: RT @rliberni: @DebCapras I agree autonomous learning puts the learner right in the centre & allows them to draw in what they need #eltchat
12:53 pm suzanegmota: @englishraven @matthewbennett That´s avery good point, I don´t think so #ELTchat
12:53 pm theteacherjames: @du_siemens But do your students speak to each other on FB in Eng or Portuguese? And what about after the course has finished? #eltchat
12:53 pm rliberni: RT @Marisa_C: @SimonGreenall So I guess we need to wait until social media acquires some "face" with curriculum authorities - publishers etc #ELTChat
12:53 pm englishraven: @SimonGreenall @Marisa_C Look how long it took corpus-based language to gain face... :-) #ELTChat
12:53 pm TeacherLola: @englishraven @matthewbennett Why to "study" all day, when you can "practice" all day #EFL #ELTChat
12:53 pm SimonGreenall: @Marisa_C Yes, although publishers will go where there's a market. If ministries are run by oldstyle academics, then change is slow #ELTChat
12:53 pm juanalejandro82: #ELTchat sometimes it is us who learn from Ss when talking about "digital skills"... I guess... they are lynxes
12:53 pm StevenHerder: RT @esolcourses: @SimonGreenall unfortunately social media sites are blocked for many Ts & IMO, this needs to be challenged #ELTChat AGREED
12:53 pm matthewbennett: @englishraven Do they want 'study' anywhere? Nope. Or at least probably not. So we make it fun, amusing and above all EASY to try. #eltchat
12:53 pm TeacherLola: RT @Marisa_C: @SimonGreenall So I guess we need to wait until social media acquires some "face" with curriculum authories - publishers etc #ELTChat
12:53 pm esolcourses: @StevenHerder :-) agree up to a point, though IME, a lot depends on the context you are teaching in/org. you work for #eltchat
12:54 pm bcnpaul1: RT @Marisa_C: @SimonGreenall So I guess we need to wait until social media acquires some "face" with curriculum authorities - publishers etc #ELTChat
12:54 pm yitzha_sarwono: @Shaunwilden @Marisa_C @riberni @englishraven :great #eltchat as always,but I have to go now! see you guys next week!
12:54 pm Marisa_C: @SimonGreenall good point #ELTChat
12:54 pm rliberni: RT @StevenHerder: RT @esolcourses: @SimonGreenall unfortunately social media sites are blocked for many Ts & IMO, this needs to be challenged #ELTChat AGREED
12:54 pm Marisa_C: @yitzha_sarwono thanks for joining and see you soon:-) #eltchat
12:54 pm englishraven: @matthewbennett @matthewbennett I think this has a lot to do with reasons for learning English. #ELTChat
12:54 pm keithbarrs: #ELTchat When I asked japanese student why she always wrote on FB in english she said it just seemed natural, everyone else was doing it
12:55 pm rliberni: @yitzha_sarwono thanks for a gr9 chat c u nxt time #eltchat
12:55 pm TeacherLola: @Marisa_C @simongreenall I try to "sell" the knowledge of what I need them to practice on FB. This help them to practice #eltchat
12:55 pm matthewbennett: RT @Aaronsgrant: @matthewbennett agree. my students in kuwait would die a slow agonizing death without their blackberries #eltchat
12:55 pm englishraven: RT @keithbarrs: #ELTchat When I asked japanese student why she always wrote on FB in english she said it just seemed natural, everyone else was doing it
12:55 pm DebCapras: agree RT @matthewbennett: @englishraven So we make it fun, amusing and above all EASY to try. #eltchat
12:55 pm TeacherLola: RT @SimonGreenall: @Marisa_C Yes, although publishers will go where there's a market. If ministries are run by oldstyle academics, then change is slow #ELTChat
12:56 pm theteacherjames: @du_siemens #eltchat I didn't say would should they do, but what do they do! :-)
12:56 pm DebCapras: That's what we likeRT @teachermedeiros: #ELTChat After encouranging my Ss on MSN, FB and Twitter, their language skills have improved a lot!
12:56 pm StevenHerder: @esolcourses #eltchat Yes, you're right. I've been in Elem, JSHS and Uni - all private.
12:56 pm du_siemens: The more our students are exposed to English, the better their English tends to get, right? #ELTChat
12:56 pm TeacherLola: ?@matthewbennett: RT @Aaronsgrant: my students in kuwait would die a slow agonizing death without their blackberries #eltchat/ Colombia 2!
12:56 pm Shaunwilden: RT @teachermedeiros: #ELTChat After encouranging my Ss on MSN, FB and Twitter, their language skills have improved a lot! - cool :-)
12:56 pm matthewbennett: I mean, you have to think how an iPhone/Android app works and why you think one's GREAT. Then try and do that for your teaching. #eltchat
12:56 pm DebCapras: A no-brainer really RT @du_siemens: The more our students are exposed to English, the better their English tends to get, right? #ELTChat
12:56 pm gknightbkk: Social media will/has become business media. It's got nothing to do with Ministries of Education - or shouldn't #eltchat
12:57 pm Shaunwilden: RT @DebCapras: A no-brainer really RT @du_siemens: The more our students are exposed to English, the better their English tends to get, right? #ELTChat
12:57 pm englishraven: RT @gknightbkk: Social media will/has become business media. It's got nothing to do with Ministries of Education - or shouldn't #eltchat
12:57 pm StevenHerder: RT @keithbarrs: #ELTchat When I asked japanese student why she always wrote on FB in english she said it just seemed natural, everyone else was doing it
12:57 pm DebCapras: @gknightbkk Agree. Students are deciding what they need to learn themselves in many cases #eltchat
12:57 pm esolcourses: RT @rliberni: @DebCapras I agree autonomous learning puts the learner right in the centre & allows them to draw in what they need #eltchat
12:57 pm marett: RT @BrunoELT: Top 50 #mLearning (#Mobile #Learning) Resources http://slidesha.re/aaRMZ2 #mobilelearning #ELTchat
12:57 pm Marisa_C: @pmackichan I love the teacher as bully to use twitter :-D #ELTchat Reminds me of myself and my trainees :trainees :-D "What? no Twitter account yet?" #ELTchat
12:57 pm juanalejandro82: #ELTchat I guess there's only one bad thing about digital skills. Ss forget grammar by learning how to use less characters
12:57 pm teachermedeiros: By posting in English instead of Portuguese on FB and Twitter, as well, my Ss have improved a lot their language skills! #ELTChat
12:57 pm englishraven: Gotta go, folks. Thanks for another thought-provoking #ELTChat !
12:57 pm rliberni: RT @DebCapras: A no-brainer really RT @du_siemens: The more our students are exposed to English, the better their English tends to get, right? #ELTChat
12:58 pm matthewbennett: I mean, you'd definitely be talking about 'micro-learning' on an iPhone, but you get a whole new world of UI, video, photos and? #eltchat
12:58 pm du_siemens: RT @teachermedeiros: By posting in English instead of Portuguese on FB and Twitter, as well, my Ss have improved a lot their language skills! #ELTChat
12:58 pm esolcourses: RT @englishraven: Gotta go, folks. Thanks for another thought-provoking #ELTChat !
12:58 pm Marisa_C: @pmackichan interestingly only those who want will join so ...#ELTchat
12:58 pm StevenHerder: @matthewbennett #eltchat As would I without my iPhone
12:58 pm du_siemens: @englishraven See you soon. #ELTChat
12:58 pm SimonGreenall: @englishraven Bye! #ELTChat
12:58 pm Marisa_C: @englishraven Cheers Jason and thanks for great moderation! :-) #ELTChat
12:58 pm TeacherLola: RT @teachermedeiros: By posting in English instead of Portuguese on FB and Twitter, as well, my Ss have improved a lot their language skills! #ELTChat
12:58 pm matthewbennett: ?most importantly, perhaps, it's so EASY to comment, participate and share. Sounds like good news for learning to me. #eltchat
12:58 pm ddeubel: RT @StevenHerder: @SimonGreenall #eltchat The better I teach, the more I'm allowed to decide what goes on in my classroom
12:58 pm theteacherjames: @du_siemens Sorry, when they use FB with each other do they use Portuguese or English? #eltchat
12:59 pm rliberni: Tech allows us to expose students to English every day whether they're in the class or not and it's fun & easy to do #eltchat
12:59 pm ShellTerrell: RT @rliberni: Tech allows us to expose students to English every day whether they're in the class or not and it's fun & easy to do #eltchat
12:59 pm TeacherLola: @englishraven Thank you! #ELTChat
12:59 pm gknightbkk: RT @matthewbennett: ?most importantly, perhaps, it's so EASY to comment, participate and share. Sounds like good news for learning to me. #eltchat
12:59 pm du_siemens: @theteacherjames Well, some of my students are already using English as I've motivated them to... #ELTChat
12:59 pm arezac: RT @pauljinks: Social media offer students the authentic meaningful interactions we strain to achieve in class. #ELTchat.
12:59 pm du_siemens: RT @rliberni: Tech allows us to expose students to English every day whether they're in the class or not and it's fun & easy to do #eltchat
12:59 pm DebCapras: @matthewbennett Sometimes too easy to share - don't absorb /learn anything from the content - just RT and forget? #eltchat
1:00 pm rliberni: @du_siemens :0) #eltchat
1:00 pm keithbarrs: RT @rliberni: Tech allows us to expose students to English every day whether they're in the class or not and it's fun & easy to do #eltchat
1:00 pm TeacherLola: I wonder, How do you deal with texting in native language in class? #ELTChat
1:00 pm yearinthelifeof: @EclipsingX Hello world!: Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, t... http://bit.ly/fkG5o9 #ELT #ELTchat #ESL
1:00 pm esolcourses: A round of thanks to today's #ELTchat moderators @rliberni @Shaunwilden @englishraven @Marisa_C :-)
1:00 pm du_siemens: I'd like to say something for the moderators: one hour is not enough. LOL. #ELTChat
1:01 pm theteacherjames: @du_siemens It takes encouragement, doesn't it? #eltchat
1:01 pm StevenHerder: Thanks everyone #ELTchat
1:01 pm Marisa_C: Well good #ELTchatters, thank you all for joining this conversation today and giving me such a great buzz!! Lots to think about! #ELTchat
1:01 pm werner216: RT @matthewbennett: I mean, you have to think how an iPhone/Android app works and why you think one's GREAT. Then try and do that for your teaching. #eltchat
1:01 pm du_siemens: @theteacherjames Yep, but if u don't encourage ur ss to speak English in class, they won't. Right? The same happens to tech. #ELTChat
1:01 pm TeacherLola: ?@du_siemens: I'd like to say something for the moderators: one hour is not enough. LOL. #ELTChat?/ Agree
1:01 pm Shaunwilden: RT @du_siemens: I'd like to say something for the moderators: 1hr hour is not enough. LOL. #ELTChat :-) enough to what appetites :-)
1:01 pm Marisa_C: @esolcourses Thanks for your fab contributions, Sue #ELTchat
1:01 pm matthewbennett: As great example of iPhone possibilities: watch first 2?3 min of what Vaynerchuk has done with his new project http://bit.ly/f47Ud0 #eltchat
1:01 pm DebCapras: @Marisa_C Thanks back to you too. #ELTchatters #ELTchat
1:02 pm babelannet: RT @rliberni: Tech allows us to expose students to English every day whether they're in the class or not and it's fun & easy to do #eltchat
1:02 pm teachernz: @sarahksantos #eltchat buy a USB 3g dongle ... prepaid plan ... instant internet (if you have coverage) #lurking
1:02 pm TeacherLola: RT @Marisa_C: Well good #ELTchatters, thank you all for joining this conversation today and giving me such a great buzz!! Lots to think about! #ELTchat
1:02 pm rliberni: OK I have to go to GapCHat now! Gr8 chat thnx to tech gurus @Marisa_C @ShellTerrell @englishraven @Shaunwilden for moderating! #eltchat
1:03 pm Marisa_C: @rliberni you are naughty #eltchat I ain't no tech guru :-D
1:03 pm TeacherLola: #ELTChat makes me ponder about my teaching. Thank you!
1:03 pm TutorMe_Online: @du_siemens @marisa_C @esolcourses @rliberni @englishraven @BrunoELT @ShellTerrell thanks for wonderful and inspiring #eltchat
1:03 pm rliberni: @SimonGreenall that would be fantastic! Gr8 chat today #eltchat
1:03 pm matthewbennett: @DebCapras Maybe, but at least you're getting them participating and paying attention to SOMETHING. #eltchat
1:04 pm rliberni: @Marisa_C OK so just guru then Lol :-) #eltchat
1:04 pm du_siemens: @suzanegmota It's because it was your first time. You'll soon get used to it. #ELTChat
1:04 pm Marisa_C: Thanks to these great moderators: @rliberni @ShellTerrell @englishraven @Shaunwilden #eltchat
1:05 pm matthewbennett: What if, for example, someone did a simple 'word a day' iPhone app with: listen to pronunciation, speak and record your effort? #eltchat
1:05 pm du_siemens: Thank you guys for another enlightening #ELTChat. I might try to use tech more often with my students and I'll let you know how it went.
1:06 pm Marisa_C: @Aaronsgrant Hi Aaron! Have you been following the chat? Do remember to use the #ELTchat hashtag bcz I didn't see any of yr tweets :-)
1:06 pm matthewbennett: ?photo of word or concept and some kind of 'guess the translation' thingy + look at + comment on your friends' words? #eltchat
1:06 pm ShellTerrell: Thanks to these great moderators: @rliberni @Marisa_C @englishraven @Shaunwilden #eltchat
1:07 pm Marisa_C: RT @Aaronsgrant: @Marisa_C yea, i'm just taking it all in...#ELTchat > great!
1:07 pm matthewbennett: .@Aaronsgrant Does it do sharing, comment on your friends' words, photos, pronunciation, etc, etc? or is it just 'the word' :-) ? #eltchat
1:08 pm Marisa_C: Transcript anyone? #ELTchat
1:09 pm yitzha_sarwono: RT @du_siemens: I'd like to say something for the moderators: one hour is not enough. LOL. #ELTChat
1:09 pm adricarv: RT @rliberni : Tech allows us to expose students to English every day whether they're in the class or not and it's fun & easy to do #eltchat
1:09 pm ShellTerrell: @du_siemens We have another #ELTChat at 9pm GMT you know :-)
1:10 pm CassyLL: RT @rliberni: Tech allows us to expose students to English every day whether they're in the class or not and it's fun & easy to do #eltchat
1:10 pm du_siemens: @ShellTerrell I do, but I'll be teaching. #ELTChat
1:11 pm theteacherjames: @du_siemens #eltchat Absolutely!
1:11 pm Dista11: RT @nutrich: How do you write a 'critical' tweet but remain friendly? We use ; ) emoticons. Part of discourse? #eltchat
1:12 pm larisa1113: RT @rliberni: Tech allows us to expose students to English every day whether they're in the class or not and it's fun & easy to do #eltchat
1:12 pm Dista11: RT @TutorMe_Online: #eltchat do people think there is a risk to language learners from 'digital speak' ie text message abbreviations etc?
1:12 pm rliberni: RT @ShellTerrell: @du_siemens We have another #ELTChat at 9pm GMT you know :-)
1:14 pm Shaunwilden: Can you help #eltchat ? http://bit.ly/i2gRbm
1:14 pm larisa1113: RT @esolcourses: @rliberni there are a number of sites where you can send txts for free, such as CardBoardFish, 4 example http://www.cbfsms.com/ #eltchat
1:14 pm juanalejandro82: English teachers sharing information and experiences RT @josh_d7: @juanalejandro82 man que es eso de #eltchat disculpa mi ignorancia
1:16 pm Marisa_C: RT @Shaunwilden: Can you help #eltchat ? http://bit.ly/i2gRbm #ELTchat needs YOU! > Great post Shaun!
1:18 pm TeacherLola: RT @Marisa_C: RT @Shaunwilden: Can you help #eltchat ? http://bit.ly/i2gRbm #ELTchat needs YOU! > Great post Shaun!
1:19 pm larisa1113: RT @web20education: Teachers join free #vwbpe VIRTUAL WORLDS ? BEST PRACTICES IN EDUCATION 4TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE http://t.co/O1ZX9vJ #edchat #eltchat #efl #elt
1:20 pm TeacherLola: RT @Shaunwilden: Can you help #eltchat ? http://bit.ly/i2gRbm
1:20 pm eslguide: RT @Shaunwilden: Can you help #eltchat ? http://bit.ly/i2gRbm
1:21 pm interactivecup: RT @marisa_c: RT @Shaunwilden: Can you help #eltchat ? http://bit.ly/i2gRbm #ELTchat needs YOU! > Great post Shaun!
1:22 pm cerirhiannon: RT @Shaunwilden: Can you help #eltchat ? http://bit.ly/i2gRbm
1:24 pm du_siemens: RT @Shaunwilden: Can you help #eltchat ? http://bit.ly/i2gRbm
1:36 pm abfromz: RT @cerirhiannon: RT @Shaunwilden: Can you help #eltchat ? http://bit.ly/i2gRbm
1:40 pm CELT_Athens: ELTChat needs you?. http://bit.ly/hNLjwc #ELTchat
1:42 pm kinktent: #ELTChat makes me ponder about my teaching. Thank you! http://bit.ly/h71eKN
1:53 pm RitaOates: RT @ShellTerrell: How many of us survey our students to see which technologies, social media sites, & tools they already use for us to integrate? #ELTChat
1:56 pm gregsweetnam: RT @Marisa_C: I think twitter updates and facebook conversations should feature in new coursebooks #ELTchat
1:57 pm katblue14: RT @BrunoELT: Digital Integration Promotes Communication, Collaboration, and Creation Skills. The very skills kids will need for their world. #ELTchat
2:00 pm rliberni: RT @CELT_Athens: ELTChat needs you?. http://bit.ly/hNLjwc #ELTchat
2:05 pm danrmitvn: Looking 4 a site for Ss 2 record audio clips & embed them on a website. Voxopop-esque but embeddable (with ability 2 reply) #eltchat #edtech
2:06 pm patysavage: RT @cybraryman1: My Tech Integration for English Language Learners page: http://tinyurl.com/4eflbvc #ELTChat
2:10 pm fionamau: RT @du_siemens: RT @Shaunwilden: Can you help #eltchat ? http://bit.ly/i2gRbm


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