
How can we overcome teacher burnout

Page history last edited by Shaun 14 years, 1 month ago

Transcript from December 22 - 3 p.m. GMT

All times are GMT

3:00 pm DahlD: RT @eshwaranv: #eltchat begins in 2 mins... Topic: How can we overcome teacher burnout? Be there!
3:00 pm ShellTerrell: My tweets for the next hour dedicated to #eltchat plz offer suggestions to avoid teacher burnout
3:00 pm Marisa_C: For the next hour my tweets will be dedicated to the question of "Teacher Burnout - how can we overcome it" on #ELTchat Please join in!
3:00 pm sabridv: RT @cerirhiannon: my tweets for the next 30 mins will be dedicated to #ELTchat How can we overcome teacher burnout (sorry, can't stay for the whole hour)
3:00 pm janetbianchini: How can we overcome teacher burnout? Topic today on #eltchat My tweets will be on this topic for next hour :)
3:00 pm rliberni: @Marisa_C: #ELTchat 1st topic today - How can we overcome teacher burnout? Get your ideas & links together #ELTchatters! #eltchat
3:01 pm sandymillin: I'm going to spend the next hour joining my first ever #ELTchat - How can we overcome teacher burnout?
3:01 pm eshwaranv: Suggestion No. 0: Log on to Twitter and build your PLN. #eltchat
3:01 pm Marisa_C: Let\s begin! Welcome to #ELTchat - if you are new to the chat, please ask your moderators @riberni@ShellTerrelland @Marisa_C
3:01 pm janetbianchini: @lunas994 Hi Natasa! Welcome to #ELTchat Lovely to see you here! Glad you could make it :)
3:01 pm livesofteachers: @Marisa_C: "Teacher Burnout - how can we overcome it" #ELTchat > by tweeting less! ; P
3:01 pm cerirhiannon: @sandymillin welcome :) and have fun #eltchat
3:01 pm Marisa_C: RT @eshwaranv: Suggestion No. 0: Log on to Twitter and build your PLN. #eltchat
3:01 pm eshwaranv: Hello all on #eltchat
3:01 pm cybraryman1: To keep you motivated establish a good PLN. My PLN Stars: http://bit.ly/iaeHjZ #eltchat
3:02 pm Marisa_C: RT @livesofteachers: @Marisa_C: "Teacher Burnout - how can we overcome it" #ELTchat > by tweeting less! ; P > Awww Darren :-D
3:02 pm ShellTerrell: One way to overcome burnout is to find ways to have fun with lessons! #eltchat
3:02 pm vladkaslniecko: RT @Marisa_C: For the next hour my tweets will be dedicated to the question of "Teacher Burnout - how can we overcome it" on #ELTchat Please join in!
3:02 pm DahlD: RT @ShellTerrell: One way to overcome burnout is to find ways to have fun with lessons! #eltchat
3:02 pm ToddAHoffman: RT @sandymillin: I'm going to spend the next hour joining my first ever #ELTchat - How can we overcome teacher burnout?
3:02 pm cerirhiannon: when u'r in the middle of burnout it's really hard to find time to do anything extra - even tho that's what helps in the end #eltchat
3:02 pm Marisa_C: RT @ShellTerrell: One way to overcome burnout is to find ways to have fun with lessons! #eltchat
3:02 pm eshwaranv: MUST SEE page for educators! RT @cybraryman1: To keep you motivated establish a good PLN. My PLN Stars: http://bit.ly/iaeHjZ #eltchat
3:02 pm rliberni: RT @Marisa_C: Let\s begin! Welcome to #ELTchat - if you are new pls ask ur moderators @riberni@ShellTerrell& @Marisa_C #eltchat
3:02 pm janetbianchini: Twitter has opened up a new universe - keeps me motivated! When motivation burns out - you are stuck! #ELTchat
3:03 pm eshwaranv: RT @ShellTerrell: One way to overcome burnout is to find ways to have fun with lessons! #eltchat
3:03 pm ShellTerrell: Officially having my first #eltchat at an airport and completely burnt out on traveling
3:03 pm livesofteachers: #ELTchat By doing something else totally unrelated to teaching
3:03 pm ToddAHoffman: RT @cerirhiannon: when u'r in the middle of burnout it's really hard to find time to do anything extra - even tho that's what helps in the end #eltchat
3:03 pm Marisa_C: @ShellTerrell suggestion implies that some CHANGE in your teaching will help you get out of that mindset #ELTchat
3:03 pm cerirhiannon: RT @livesofteachers: #ELTchat By doing something else totally unrelated to teaching > agree, by making time for yourself
3:03 pm ShellTerrell: RT @janetbianchini: Twitter has opened up a new universe - keeps me motivated! When motivation burns out - you are stuck! #ELTchat
3:03 pm janetbianchini: RT @ShellTerrell One way to overcome burnout is to find ways to have fun with lessons! #eltchat - definitely helps
3:03 pm eshwaranv: Lessons shouldn't be looked upon as big books with black and white print. #eltchat
3:03 pm vladkaslniecko: @ShellTerrell yes enjoy teaching and preparing lessons #eltchat
3:03 pm ShellTerrell: RT @cerirhiannon: when u'r in the middle of burnout it's really hard to find time to do anything extra - even tho that's what helps in the end #eltchat
3:04 pm rliberni: I agree with Janet I think burnout is a result of bad stress & being here with v positive ppl helps #eltchat
3:04 pm DahlD: RT @rliberni: I agree with Janet I think burnout is a result of bad stress & being here with v positive ppl helps #eltchat
3:04 pm ToddAHoffman: RT @rliberni: I agree with Janet I think burnout is a result of bad stress & being here with v positive ppl helps #eltchat
3:04 pm janetbianchini: RT @cybraryman1 To keep you motivated establish a good PLN. My PLN Stars: http://bit.ly/iaeHjZ#eltchat
3:04 pm cerirhiannon: usually there's a cycle or routine that needs to be broken - often praise/empathy/interest from peers can be a first step #eltchat
3:04 pm livesofteachers: #ELTchat also, by stepping back and considering if we are planning too much, giving too much homework, and teaching too HARD
3:04 pm bigjakelittle: RT @ShellTerrell: One way to overcome burnout is to find ways to have fun with lessons! #eltchat
3:04 pm sabridv: @livesofteachers #ELTchat which ends up being related to teaching. I always end up bringing all my extra activities to the classroom.
3:04 pm eshwaranv: @sandymillin Yes! I attended a talk where the presenter was speaking about 21st century ed. She said twitter is waste of time! OMG! #eltchat
3:05 pm lmsahistory: For me collaborating with a colleague is what helps burnout. Along with taking time for myself (even when there is too much to do) #eltchat
3:05 pm vladkaslniecko: and trying to find some new hobby is good...after work....separate work and personal life cos teaching is often 24/7 #eltchat
3:05 pm janetbianchini: @ShellTerrell Hope you get to your destination, Shelly without too much stress #ELTchat
3:05 pm ShellTerrell: Many people forget the importance of play in their lives. It's important we find ways to have fun! #eltchat
3:05 pm cerirhiannon: RT @livesofteachers: #ELTchat also, step back , consider if we are planning 2 much, giving 2much homework, and teaching 2HARD> less is more
3:05 pm vladkaslniecko: RT @ShellTerrell: Many people forget the importance of play in their lives. It's important we find ways to have fun! #eltchat
3:05 pm rliberni: RT @cerirhiannon: usually there's a cycle or routine that needs 2 b broken - oft praise/empathy/interest from peers can b 1st step #eltchat
3:05 pm DahlD: RT @ShellTerrell: Many people forget the importance of play in their lives. It's important we find ways to have fun! #eltchat
3:05 pm sandymillin: @Marisa_C @ShellTerrell but fear of change is a huge issue #eltchat
3:06 pm ShellTerrell: Agree! RT @Marisa_C: suggestion implies that some CHANGE in your teaching will help you get out of that mindset #ELTchat
3:06 pm ToddAHoffman: #eltchat Celebrating success is important early and often to help avoid burnout.
3:06 pm sandymillin: @Marisa_C @eshwaranv #eltchat Great idea but have loads of colleagues scared of #edtech, and even more scared of Twitter!
3:06 pm rliberni: RT @vladkaslniecko: and trying to find some new hobby is good...after work....sep work & personal life teaching is oft 24/7 #eltchat
3:06 pm ShellTerrell: RT @vladkaslniecko: yes exacty...enjoy teaching and preparing lessons #eltchat
3:06 pm janetbianchini: Getting into a rut is a vicious circle that must be broken to overcome burnout #ELTchat
3:06 pm eshwaranv: Teachers must not stop with just planning, but must step it up and design their lessons. #eltchat
3:06 pm DahlD: I agree that having fun in your lessons makes a big difference! #eltchat
3:06 pm rliberni: RT @sandymillin: @Marisa_C @ShellTerrell but fear of change is a huge issue #eltchat
3:06 pm rliberni: RT @janetbianchini: Getting into a rut is a vicious circle that must be broken to overcome burnout #ELTchat#eltchat
3:07 pm cerirhiannon: top feeling guilty abt not doing enough #eltchat - learn 2do less in some fields and don't feel guilty about it >invest the time in sth new
3:07 pm janetbianchini: If you surround yourslf with positive-thinking peers, it's a step in the right direction #ELTchat
3:07 pm sandymillin: @ShellTerrell @vladkaslniecko #eltchat RELAX! That's what I tell everyone - think being stressed in and out of classroom burns you out fast
3:07 pm cybraryman1: My Crafts and Hobby pages: http://bit.ly/1ccbvF #eltchat
3:07 pm yohimar: We should try to find ways to relax in order to be more productive at work #ELTchat
3:07 pm vladkaslniecko: @ShellTerrell it's funny how much it gives you when you try to make your lessons interesting..i always learn so much #eltchat
3:07 pm rliberni: burnout often comes from pressures imposed should we speak out? #eltchat
3:07 pm eshwaranv: Step 1: Rearrange your classroom. #eltchat
3:07 pm DahlD: Very important! RT @janetbianchini: If you surround yourslf with positive-thinking peers, it's a step in the right direction #ELTchat
3:07 pm rliberni: RT @cybraryman1: My Crafts and Hobby pages: http://bit.ly/1ccbvF #eltchat
3:08 pm cerirhiannon: RT @DahlD: Very important! RT @janetbianchini: If you surround yourslf with positive-thinking peers, it's a step in the right direction #ELTchat
3:08 pm eshwaranv: RT @DahlD: Very important! RT @janetbianchini: If you surround yourslf with positive-thinking peers, it's a step in the right direction #ELTchat
3:08 pm rliberni: RT @eshwaranv: Step 1: Rearrange your classroom. Gr8 idea! #eltchat
3:08 pm Marisa_C: RT @DahlD: V important! RT @janetbianchini: Surround yourslf with positive-thinking peers, it's a step in the right direction #ELTchat
3:08 pm ELTchat: RT @DahlD: V important! RT @janetbianchini: Surround yourslf with positive-thinking peers, it's a step in the right direction #ELTchat
3:08 pm ShellTerrell: RT @sandymillin: but fear of change is a huge issue. #eltchat
3:08 pm sandymillin: #eltchat learn 2do less in some fields and don't feel guilty about it >invest the time in sth new < agree
3:08 pm paterson_t: #eltchat Avoid burnout by having a good staff bud to just chill w now n then over, say a bevy. Support and connections keep us going.
3:08 pm livesofteachers: #ELTchat Less time spent giving tests and homework - it creates more marking for you and doesn't necessarily help the students learn
3:08 pm sabridv: @cerirhiannon top feeling guilty abt not doing enough #eltchat learn 2do less in some fields an don't feel guilty about it<Cannot agree more
3:08 pm ShellTerrell: RT @Plans4College: Plan a guest speaker for times when you typically are suffering from burnout. #eltchat
3:08 pm vladkaslniecko: RT @DahlD: Very important! RT @janetbianchini: If you surround yourslf with positive-thinking peers, it's a step in the right direction #ELTchat
3:09 pm rliberni: RT @ShellTerrell: RT @Plans4College: Plan a guest speaker for times when you typically are suffering from burnout. #eltchat
3:09 pm sandymillin: @Marisa_C @DahlD @janetbianchini #eltchat OK, but what if you can't move schools? Sorry to be devil's advocate!
3:09 pm Marisa_C: RT @paterson_t: #eltchat Avoid burnout by having a good staff bud to just chill w now n then over, say a bevy. - YES!
3:09 pm eshwaranv: Step 2: Redecorate your classroom. #eltchat
3:09 pm flourishingkids: Stress/burn-out in teaching can arise when we place unrealistic expectations on ourselves. We must examine thinking. #eltchat
3:09 pm cerirhiannon: although it's hard 2 c it at the time,taking on new challenges can b a great way out of the rut -bt smtms need external motivation #eltchat
3:09 pm livesofteachers: @janetbianchini: Surround yourslf with positive-thinking peers, it's a step in the right direction #ELTchat > Great point!
3:09 pm ShellTerrell: RT @bigjakelittle: When I hit a "bump" and can't get it right, doing something creative and fun always does the trick! #eltchat
3:09 pm yohimar: by making it easier to ur sts, u make it easier 4 u too #ELTchat
3:09 pm eshwaranv: Step 3: Redesign your lessons. #eltchat
3:09 pm harrisonmike: @livesofteachers Agree here, Darren. Some students just don't have time for homework either #eltchat
3:09 pm DahlD: Twitter PLN. :) @DahlD @janetbianchini #eltchat OK, but what if you can't move schools? Sorry to be devil's advocate!
3:09 pm sabridv: #ELTchat Another sugg stop complaining. Try to find a solution or learn to live with it!
3:09 pm rliberni: RT @eshwaranv: Step 2: Redecorate your classroom. #eltchat
3:09 pm janetbianchini: RT @cybraryman1 My Crafts and Hobby pages: http://bit.ly/1ccbvF #eltchat Thanks for this. Have already bookmarked it for later!
3:10 pm rliberni: @eshwaranv I like your DIY burnout kit! What's step 3!! :-) #eltchat
3:10 pm Mollybmom: RT @DahlD: Very important! RT @janetbianchini: If you surround yourslf with positive-thinking peers, it's a step in the right direction #ELTchat
3:10 pm flourishingkids: @paterson_t SO true! Connections and support are critical. Sometimes we just need validation. #eltchat
3:10 pm DahlD: I lean heavily on my Twitter PLN. #eltchat
3:10 pm cerirhiannon: break the mould #eltchat
3:10 pm eshwaranv: @rliberni Step 3: Redesign your lessons. #eltchat
3:10 pm rliberni: Get a mentor to help you through it #eltchat
3:10 pm harrisonmike: Me too =) RT @rliberni: @eshwaranv I like your DIY burnout kit! What's step 3!! :-) #eltchat
3:10 pm vladkaslniecko: @Marisa_C @DahlD @janetbianchini positive thinking and supporting people !!! #eltchat
3:10 pm sabridv: @livesofteachers #ELTchat Less time spent giving tests and homework < we should plan it carefully and conscientiuously
3:11 pm ShellTerrell: @vladkaslniecko me too! I love to laugh during lessons! #eltchat
3:11 pm DahlD: RT @vladkaslniecko: @Marisa_C @DahlD @janetbianchini positive thinking and supporting people !!! #eltchat
3:11 pm sandymillin: #eltchat New challenges and being creative seems like a good idea. How about a list for inspiration? Where to go when you feel burnt out...
3:11 pm rliberni: RT @eshwaranv: @rliberni Step 3: Redesign your lessons. #eltchat
3:11 pm Mollybmom: I would b lost without them... Has changed everything! RT @DahlD: I lean heavily on my Twitter PLN. #eltchat
3:11 pm vladkaslniecko: @harrisonmike @livesofteachers well, it depends on the type of homework :) but usually it's true #eltchat
3:11 pm rliberni: RT @sandymillin: #eltchat New challenges and being creative seems like a good idea. How about a list for inspiration? Where to go when you feel burnt out...
3:11 pm eshwaranv: When you feel a burn out again, repeat steps 1-3. #eltchat
3:12 pm livesofteachers: @sabridv #ELTchat yes, too many tests are done for no apparent reason - pointless and counterproductive
3:12 pm yohimar: Agree! RT @vladkaslniecko @Marisa_C @DahlD @janetbianchini positive thinking and supporting people !!! #eltchat
3:12 pm janetbianchini: @lunas993 Natatasa -where are you? U need 2 keep adding the hashtag #eltchat to keep up with the conversation. It's going very fast today!
3:12 pm esolcourses: RT @cerirhiannon: break the mould #eltchat
3:12 pm rliberni: RT @livesofteachers: @sabridv #ELTchat yes, too many tests are done for no apparent reason - pointless and counterproductive #eltchat
3:12 pm ShellTerrell: Yes! Change the environment!RT @vqsteve: I moved to Alaska...that stops burnout ...believe me..I'm back now #eltchat
3:12 pm eshwaranv: @livesofteachers Ah... Meaningful assessment... Lack of it causes teacher and student burn out! #eltchat
3:12 pm harrisonmike: Share it with others. Share other things with others. Blog. Facebook. Etc. Teachers don't have to face anything alone #eltchat
3:12 pm rliberni: RT @eshwaranv: When you feel a burn out again, repeat steps 1-3. Great! #eltchat
3:12 pm eshwaranv: RT @harrisonmike: Share it with others. Share other things with others. Blog. Facebook. Etc. Teachers don't have to face anything alone #eltchat
3:12 pm cybraryman1: "Don't give up. Don't ever give up!" My Motivational Sayings page: http://bit.ly/b5sWxZ #eltchat
3:12 pm DahlD: 50 inspirational quotes for teachers: http://hubpages.com/hub/50_Inspirational_Quotes_for_Teachers#eltchat
3:12 pm ShellTerrell: Love this! RT @esolcourses: RT @cerirhiannon: break the mould #eltchat
3:12 pm vladkaslniecko: RT @harrisonmike: Share it with others. Share other things with others. Blog. Facebook. Etc. Teachers don't have to face anything alone #eltchat
3:13 pm eshwaranv: The key to everything! RT @cybraryman1: "Don't give up. Don't ever give up!" My Motivational Sayings page: http://bit.ly/b5sWxZ #eltchat
3:13 pm gret: RT @flourishingkids: Stress/burn-out in teaching can arise when we place unrealistic expectations on ourselves. We must examine thinking. #eltchat
3:13 pm flourishingkids: Include humor and fascination in your daily routines; 1 student each week has job to bring in funny or fascinating pic/story #eltchat
3:13 pm rliberni: @eshwaranv it's a gr8 idea - a change is a good as a rest... #eltchat
3:13 pm DahlD: RT @eshwaranv: The key to everything! RT @cybraryman1: "Don't give up. Don't ever give up!" My Motivational Sayings page: http://bit.ly/b5sWxZ #eltchat
3:13 pm vladkaslniecko: Have to leave you now...will read your great ideas later...thanks :) #eltchat
3:13 pm janetbianchini: RT @rliberni Get a mentor to help you through it #eltchat -Yes a mentor is crucial to listen to you and support you if possible!
3:13 pm gret: RT @ShellTerrell: RT @bigjakelittle: When I hit a "bump" and can't get it right, doing something creative and fun always does the trick! #eltchat
3:13 pm DahlD: A great book is "The Laughing Classroom" #eltchat
3:13 pm rliberni: @eshwaranv it's like when your class gets jaded you jump up & down or tell funny jokes etc..! #eltchat
3:13 pm eshwaranv: @rliberni I learned that from my mom. Whenever she gets upset, she takes the liberty of rearranging my room. :-) #eltchat
3:14 pm cerirhiannon: as colleagues we should watch out 4 the symptoms in others &try to be there to lend a shoulder/ear, crack a joke, pat a back ... #eltchat
3:14 pm tucksoon: RT @cybraryman1: To keep you motivated establish a good PLN. My PLN Stars: http://bit.ly/iaeHjZ#eltchat
3:14 pm harrisonmike: Try not to take marking or lesson prep home with you - it never gets done. BUT don't worry 2 much about it getting done either #eltchat
3:14 pm DahlD: RT @cerirhiannon: as colleagues we should watch out 4 the symptoms in others &try to be there to lend a shoulder/ear, crack a joke, pat a back ... #eltchat
3:14 pm SMSprincipal: Don't rule out a change of jobs or career, I know that worked for me after 10 years teaching the same thing, seek new challenges #eltchat
3:14 pm janetbianchini: RT @harrisonmike Share it with others.Share other things with others.Blog. Facebook. teachers don't have to face anything alone #eltchat
3:14 pm sabridv: @flourishingkids 1 student each week has job to bring in funny or fascinating pic/story #eltchat < great idea!
3:14 pm rliberni: RT @flourishingkids: Include humor and fascination in your daily routines; 1 student each week has job to bring in funny or fascinating pic/story #eltchat
3:14 pm cerirhiannon: RT @harrisonmike: Try not to take marking or lesson prep home with you -BUT don't worry 2 much about it getting done either #eltchat> agree
3:14 pm paterson_t: @flourishingkids Validation is important - thus twitter. I think ut helps as well, with constant reflection and growth. #eltchat
3:14 pm Marisa_C: RT @janetbianchini: RT @harrisonmike Share it with others.Share other things with others.Blog. Facebook. #eltchat
3:14 pm livesofteachers: #ELTchat I keep coming back to 'space' though... I love to teach, but taking a day off - no marking, planning, tweeting, blogging....
3:15 pm rliberni: RT @harrisonmike: Try not to take marking or lesson prep home with you - it never gets done. BUT don't worry 2 much about it getting done either #eltchat
3:15 pm vladkaslniecko: ok, one more idea...make your classroom a pleasant place to be - friendly (for you and for your students) #eltchat
3:15 pm Marisa_C: #ELTchat Your PLN is here to support you!
3:15 pm rliberni: RT @cerirhiannon: RT @harrisonmike: Try not to take marking or lesson prep home with you -BUT don't worry 2 much about it getting done either #eltchat> agree
3:15 pm cerirhiannon: crave out time 2do planning/marking at place of work if at all poss, establish compartments & limits, try 2 keep work in its place #eltchat
3:15 pm harrisonmike: RT @Marisa_C: #ELTchat Your PLN is here to support you!
3:15 pm cerirhiannon: RT @vladkaslniecko: ok, one more idea...make your classroom a pleasant place to be - friendly (for you and for your students) #eltchat >gr8
3:15 pm eshwaranv: Lesson plans are important but don't get too obsessed with it. Maintain a dynamic environment. #eltchat
3:16 pm flourishingkids: Put "fun" things and self-care like exercise on your to-do list to ensure balance! So easy to let teaching consume us. #eltchat
3:16 pm rliberni: @eshwaranv great idea your Mum had! #eltchat
3:16 pm vladkaslniecko: @harrisonmike i almost always prepare my lessons at home :( but i can't help it...i like it :) #eltchat
3:16 pm Marisa_C: #ELTchat Challenge yourself by learning sth new! Preferrably a foreign language! (tonight's topic)
3:16 pm rliberni: RT @Marisa_C: #ELTchat Your PLN is here to support you! #eltchat
3:16 pm gret: @janetbianchini @rliberni couldn't agree more! A mentor helps a lot! Also being a mentor, working with new teachers is motivating! #ELTChat
3:16 pm rliberni: RT @eshwaranv: Lesson plans are important but don't get too obsessed with it. Maintain a dynamic environment. #eltchat
3:16 pm sabridv: RT @eshwaranv: Lesson plans are important but don't get too obsessed with it. Maintain a dynamic environment. #eltchat
3:16 pm cerirhiannon: RT @eshwaranv: Lesson plans are important but don't get too obsessed with it #eltchat > remember, less is more
3:16 pm eshwaranv: I do that! RT @Marisa_C: #ELTchat Challenge yourself by learning sth new! Preferrably a foreign language! (tonight's topic)
3:16 pm livesofteachers: #ELTchat Save Time ? Make the Students Do It http://bit.ly/dSETpI
3:16 pm rliberni: RT @Marisa_C: #ELTchat Challenge yourself by learning sth new! Preferrably a foreign language! (tonight's topic) #eltchat
3:16 pm DahlD: RT @livesofteachers: #ELTchat Save Time ? Make the Students Do It http://bit.ly/dSETpI
3:16 pm cerirhiannon: RT @rliberni: RT @Marisa_C: #ELTchat Challenge yourself by learning sth new! Preferrably a foreign language! (tonight's topic) #eltchat
3:16 pm harrisonmike: @vladkaslniecko A lot of my lesson plan blogging is done at home =) I never take marking home anymore #eltchat
3:16 pm Marisa_C: #ELTchat great idea: Become a Mentor! This helps the mentor as much as the mentee!
3:16 pm rliberni: RT @livesofteachers: #ELTchat Save Time ? Make the Students Do It http://bit.ly/dSETpI #eltchat
3:17 pm flourishingkids: @sabridv Thanks, the job is called " classroom climate engineer" and the kids count the weeks til its their turn! #eltchat
3:17 pm cerirhiannon: RT @rliberni: RT @Marisa_C: #ELTchat Challenge yourself by TEACHING sth new! #eltchat
3:17 pm sabridv: @vladkaslniecko @harrisonmike i almost always prepare my lessons at home #eltchat < me too but if we like it, it doesn't cause us stress
3:17 pm ShellTerrell: I find it important to surround myself with positive ppl & avoid those who are always negative #eltchat
3:17 pm rliberni: RT @Marisa_C: #ELTchat great idea: Become a Mentor! This helps the mentor as much as the mentee! v true! #eltchat
3:17 pm Marisa_C: RT @rliberni: RT @livesofteachers: #ELTchat Save Time ? Make the Students Do Ithttp://bit.ly/dSETpI #eltchat > Always a gd idea
3:17 pm rliberni: RT @ShellTerrell: I find it important to surround myself with positive ppl & avoid those who are always negative #eltchat
3:17 pm harrisonmike: RT @Marisa_C: RT @rliberni: RT @livesofteachers: #ELTchat Save Time ? Make the Students Do Ithttp://bit.ly/dSETpI #eltchat > Always a gd idea
3:17 pm eshwaranv: Try project based learning. This will keep the teacher and the students on their toes! Never a dull moment. #eltchat
3:17 pm Marisa_C: RT @ShellTerrell: I find it important to surround myself with positive ppl & avoid those who are always negative #eltchat
3:17 pm sandymillin: @harrisonmike i almost always prepare my lessons at home :( but i can't help it...i like it :) #eltchat<me too
3:17 pm ShellTerrell: RT @Marisa_C: RT @rliberni: RT @livesofteachers: #ELTchat Save Time ? Make the Students Do Ithttp://bit.ly/dSETpI #eltchat > Always a gd idea
3:17 pm DahlD: YES! RT @ShellTerrell: I find it important to surround myself with positive ppl & avoid those who are always negative #eltchat
3:17 pm karenszymusiak: RT @ShellTerrell: I find it important to surround myself with positive ppl & avoid those who are always negative #eltchat
3:18 pm Marisa_C: @ShellTerrell Yes! Avoid grumpy people! #eltchat
3:18 pm flourishingkids: Yes! me too! RT @shellterrell: I find it important to surround myself with positive ppl & avoid those who are always negative #eltchat
3:18 pm janetbianchini: @lunas994 hope you can follow the topic - it's fast flowing. Can you send me a message to say you are here? Remmember to add #ELTchat
3:18 pm DahlD: Me too. RT @sandymillin: @harrisonmike i almost always prepare my lessons at home :( but i can't help it...i like it :) #eltchat <me too
3:18 pm azmichelle: RT @Marisa_C: @ShellTerrell Yes! Avoid grumpy people! #eltchat
3:18 pm gret: RT @ShellTerrell: I find it important to surround myself with positive ppl & avoid those who are always negative #eltchat
3:18 pm cerirhiannon: experiment with new stuff with 1of yr classes - the Hawthorne effect works for Ts too - keep it small & manageable but enjoy it #eltchat
3:18 pm vladkaslniecko: @harrisonmike yes, i agree with marking! that shouldn't be taken home...it's not very pleasant (and positive) :P #eltchat
3:18 pm DahlD: RT @azmichelle: RT @Marisa_C: @ShellTerrell Yes! Avoid grumpy people! #eltchat
3:18 pm eshwaranv: @Marisa_C Even better. Make the grumpy ones avoid you! #eltchat
3:18 pm bricks_tw: RT @ShellTerrell: Many people forget the importance of play in their lives. It's important we find ways to have fun! #eltchat
3:19 pm cerirhiannon: RT @azmichelle: RT @Marisa_C: @ShellTerrell Yes! Avoid grumpy people! #eltchat > nice one! plus don't be a grumpy person if u can help it
3:19 pm livesofteachers: #ELTchat bit obvious, but fresh air and exercise can't hurt!
3:19 pm rliberni: @Marisa_C yes, a new course or a foray into a new area can always regenerate even if scary! #eltchat
3:19 pm Marisa_C: #ELTchat Engage in some class research - trialling new methods & techniques that you never tried before
3:19 pm DahlD: RT @livesofteachers: #ELTchat bit obvious, but fresh air and exercise can't hurt!
3:19 pm sandymillin: Go to conferences, try presenting if you haven't already #eltchat
3:19 pm cerirhiannon: RT @eshwaranv: @Marisa_C Even better. Make the grumpy ones avoid you! #eltchat > love it!
3:19 pm ShellTerrell: @Marisa_C and those that call me sunshine ;-) by the way hope you're having a great day sunshine! #eltchat
3:19 pm rliberni: RT @DahlD: RT @azmichelle: RT @Marisa_C: @ShellTerrell Yes! Avoid grumpy people! #eltchat
3:19 pm LauraAustinNow: RT @ShellTerrell: I find it important to surround myself with positive ppl & avoid those who are always negative #eltchat
3:19 pm rliberni: RT @ShellTerrell: @Marisa_C and those that call me sunshine ;-) by the way hope you're having a great day sunshine! #eltchat
3:20 pm Marisa_C: @ShellTerrell Am fine moonbeam!!!! :-D #eltchat
3:20 pm flourishingkids: Sometimes the solutions are obvious, often neglect these. RT @livesofteachers: #ELTchat bit obvious, but fresh air and exercise can't hurt!
3:20 pm rliberni: RT @Marisa_C: @ShellTerrell Am fine moonbeam!!!! :-D Lol! #eltchat
3:20 pm cybraryman1: Please join us on the Twitter Exercise Motivation Team #temt http://bit.ly/95bRRg #eltchat
3:20 pm cgoodey: #ELTchat What if the grumpy people are those experiencing burnout and needing support?
3:20 pm ShellTerrell: Gr8 idea! RT @sandymillin: Go to conferences, try presenting if you haven't already #eltchat
3:21 pm cerirhiannon: learn sth new, do sth new outside class, do sth new inside class, make new contacts, get involved in projcts -choose 1 that suits u #eltchat
3:21 pm rliberni: RT @cgoodey: #ELTchat What if the grumpy people are those experiencing burnout and needing support? gd pt! c below! #eltchat
3:21 pm rliberni: RT @ShellTerrell: Gr8 idea! RT @sandymillin: Go to conferences, try presenting if you haven't already #eltchat
3:21 pm DahlD: RT @cgoodey: #ELTchat What if the grumpy people are those experiencing burnout and needing support?
3:21 pm janetbianchini: RT @sandymillin Go to conferences, try presenting if you haven't already #eltchat - an excellent motivational spur!
3:21 pm Marisa_C: @cgoodey Well that doesn't negate the argument - they should find a cheerful person not a grumpy twin soul! #ELTchat
3:21 pm rliberni: RT @cybraryman1: Please join us on the Twitter Exercise Motivation Team #temthttp://bit.ly/95bRRg #eltchat
3:21 pm ShellTerrell: Gr8 tip! RT @Marisa_C: #ELTchat Engage in some class research - trialling new methods & techniques that you never tried before
3:21 pm eshwaranv: @cgoodey They can be identified easily. If you find one ask them to sign up with twitter. #eltchat
3:21 pm cerirhiannon: RT @ShellTerrell: Gr8 tip! RT @Marisa_C: #ELTchat Engage in some class research - trialling new methods & techniques that you never tried before
3:21 pm sandymillin: @cgoodey #eltchat don't just assume they're g~. Speak 2 them, offer support, shoulder to cry on. If always g~ and unwilling 2 change, avoid!
3:21 pm paterson_t: @flourishingkids #eltchat I just realized, put social outings on your list that are w nonteachers. That helps balance too. Escape for a bit.
3:21 pm ShellTerrell: Agree! RT @rliberni: @Marisa_C yes, a new course or a foray into a new area can always regenerate even if scary! #eltchat
3:22 pm cerirhiannon: RT @paterson_t: @flourishingkids #eltchat I just realized, put social outings on your list that are w nonteachers. That helps balance too. Escape for a bit.
3:22 pm eshwaranv: RT @cybraryman1: Please join us on the Twitter Exercise Motivation Team #temthttp://bit.ly/95bRRg #eltchat
3:22 pm cerirhiannon: RT @ShellTerrell: Agree! RT @rliberni: @Marisa_C yes, a new course or a foray into a new area can always regenerate even if scary! #eltchat
3:22 pm eshwaranv: RT @ShellTerrell: Gr8 tip! RT @Marisa_C: #ELTchat Engage in some class research - trialling new methods & techniques that you never tried before
3:22 pm ShellTerrell: Very important! RT @livesofteachers: #ELTchat bit obvious, but fresh air and exercise can't hurt!
3:22 pm rliberni: RT @paterson_t: @flourishingkids #eltchat I just realized, put social outings on your list that are w nonteachers. That helps balance too. Escape for a bit.
3:22 pm janetbianchini: RT @cybraryman1 Now's the time to start thinking about ways 2 keep u motivated. My New Year Resolutions page: http://bit.ly/eGgUBH #eltchat
3:22 pm LauraAustinNow: Once you've presented - it's something you'll always have up your sleeve. Great idea! #eltchat
3:22 pm cerirhiannon: RT @ShellTerrell: Very important! RT @livesofteachers: #ELTchat bit obvious, but fresh air and exercise can't hurt! > vital and easy2forget
3:22 pm livesofteachers: RT @sandymillin: Go to conferences, try presenting if you haven't already #eltchat > yes, conferences always invigorate me!
3:23 pm sandymillin: RT @paterson_t: @flourishingkids #eltchat I just realized, put social outings on your list that are w nonteachers. That helps balance too. Escape for a bit.
3:23 pm rliberni: RT @ShellTerrell: Very important! RT @livesofteachers: #ELTchat bit obvious, but fresh air and exercise can't hurt! #eltchat
3:23 pm ShellTerrell: Luv pbl! RT @eshwaranv: Try project based learning. This will keep the teacher and the students on their toes! Never a dull moment. #eltchat
3:23 pm eshwaranv: RT @rliberni: RT @ShellTerrell: Very important! RT @livesofteachers: #ELTchat bit obvious, but fresh air and exercise can't hurt! #eltchat
3:23 pm cerirhiannon: RT @livesofteachers: RT @sandymillin: Go to conferences, try presenting ... #eltchat > yes, conferences always invigorate me! > me too
3:23 pm flourishingkids: @paterson_t YES! if you have friends who aren't teachers ;-) So many of mine are teachers. Good point! #eltchat
3:23 pm rliberni: Sometimes just tear up the lesson plan & have some fun - clears away the cobwebs!! #eltchat
3:23 pm Marisa_C: RT @cerirhiannon: @sandymillin: Go to conferences, try presenting ... #eltchat > yes, conferences always invigorate me! > me too
3:23 pm eshwaranv: RT @rliberni: Sometimes just tear up the lesson plan & have some fun - clears away the cobwebs!! #eltchat
3:24 pm DahlD: I'm going to present at #edcampplano in May. RT @LauraAustinNow: Once you've presented - it's something you'll always have... #eltchat
3:24 pm janetbianchini: Yes, presenting live or online is quite scary but it's a chance to do sth different and very challenging. It's working for me! #ELTchat
3:24 pm rliberni: @flourishingkids I think that is a problem WITH teachers they tend to travel in packs! #eltchat
3:24 pm DahlD: I love it! RT @rliberni: Sometimes just tear up the lesson plan & have some fun - clears away the cobwebs!! #eltchat
3:24 pm ShellTerrell: Treat yourself! You deserve it! #eltchat
3:24 pm Marisa_C: #ELTchat GO to conferences! Socialize and network f-2-f not just online - We love our tweet ups!!!
3:24 pm cerirhiannon: and once yr out of the rut use yr PLN to help u stop slipping back in #eltchat
3:24 pm eshwaranv: Happens very often with me > RT @ShellTerrell: Treat yourself! You deserve it! #eltchat
3:25 pm DahlD: RT @cerirhiannon: and once yr out of the rut use yr PLN to help u stop slipping back in #eltchat
3:25 pm rliberni: RT @cerirhiannon: and once yr out of the rut use yr PLN to help u stop slipping back in #eltchat
3:25 pm eshwaranv: RT @cerirhiannon: and once yr out of the rut use yr PLN to help u stop slipping back in #eltchat
3:25 pm Marisa_C: #ELTchat Stop feeling guilty when not teaching marking planning doing PD! It's not a sin to play! PLAY more!
3:25 pm ShellTerrell: @rliberni and I will see you very soon sunshine! #eltchat
3:25 pm cerirhiannon: RT @Marisa_C: #ELTchat Stop feeling guilty when not teaching marking planning doing PD! It's not a sin to play! PLAY more!
3:25 pm janetbianchini: Tessa Woodward's live plenary at Harrogate online was amazing - my summaryhttp://tinyurl.com/y954dg7 - which phase are you in?? #ELTchat
3:25 pm sabridv: #eltchat Have to leave. Going to have lunch with my family. Thank you for a nice chat as usual. Read you later
3:25 pm livesofteachers: RT @janetbianchini: presenting is quite scary but.... #ELTchat (Teachers shouldn't be nervous about presenting!)
3:25 pm cerirhiannon: RT @Marisa_C: #ELTchat Stop feeling guilty when not teaching etc > u are so much more productive after a little time away
3:26 pm rliberni: @ShellTerrell you sure will & we have lots of fun things planned!! #eltchat
3:26 pm flourishingkids: Yes, it seems that we sometimes forget to do this! RT @shellterrell: Treat yourself! You deserve it! #eltchat
3:26 pm rliberni: RT @janetbianchini: Tessa Woodward's live plenary at Harrogate online was amazing - my summaryhttp://tinyurl.com/y954dg7 - which phase are you in?? #ELTchat
3:26 pm LauraAustinNow: @DahlD - excellent! where is #edcamplano ? #eltchat
3:27 pm rliberni: RT @cerirhiannon: RT @Marisa_C: #ELTchat Stop feeling guilty when not teaching etc > u are so much more productive after a little time away
3:27 pm esolcourses: hmmm... are we talking about burnout here or being in a rut? not sure myself http://bit.ly/i7YeD6#eltchat
3:27 pm cerirhiannon: new, fresh, fun - at work and at play - all good stuff #eltchat
3:27 pm DahlD: @LauraAustinNow #eltchat It is in Plano, Texas... near Dallas.
3:27 pm livesofteachers: @janetbianchini I named my blog after that book! #eltchat ..and I loved the plenary, online ; D my summary is here http://bit.ly/ajhOuG
3:27 pm ShellTerrell: Loved when I got together with other teachers to workout at least once a wk together! #eltchat
3:27 pm sandymillin: And if you really do burn out, move out. Don't get stuck in a rut because you feel you have to. Try a new career. #eltchat
3:28 pm DahlD: #eltchat I'm nervous because I can talk in front of 2nd graders all day... adults are different! I'm sure it will be fine though.
3:28 pm yohimar: Try to be involved in activities that makes u a better professional and apply that knowledge 2 ur subject area #ELTchat
3:28 pm sandymillin: @paterson_t @flourishingkids could also take your SS outside the classroom = many birds, one stone; fresh air, change of scenery... #eltchat
3:28 pm cgoodey: #ELTchat If possible, work your way to teaching positions you find most fulfilling & satisfying, which suit your ideals & personality.
3:28 pm ShellTerrell: @eshwaranv lol! How do you do this? #eltchat
3:28 pm DahlD: Important! RT @Yohimar: Try to be involved in activities that makes u a better professional and apply that knowledge 2 ur subject.. #ELTchat
3:28 pm rliberni: @cerirhiannon @Marisa_C v true I had 8 mths w/out teaching &I began 2 feel like a fraud! But it gave me perspective & got me here! #eltchat
3:28 pm rliberni: RT @livesofteachers: RT @janetbianchini: presenting is quite scary but.... #ELTchat (Teachers shouldn't be nervous about presenting!)
3:28 pm sandymillin: @janetbianchini @livesofteachers feel the fear and do it anyway! #eltchat
3:29 pm cgoodey: RT @sandymillin: @cgoodey #eltchat don't just assume they're g~. Speak 2 them, offer support, shoulder to cry on. If always g~ and unwilling 2 change, avoid!
3:29 pm flourishingkids: Take yourself on an "artist" date as Julia Cameron says here. Helps revive! http://ow.ly/3taYw#eltchat
3:29 pm Marisa_C: RT @cgoodey: #ELTchat If possible, work your way to teaching positions you find most fulfilling & satisfying, uit your ideals & personality.
3:29 pm rliberni: @sabridv have a lovely lunch and Merry Christmas! #eltchat
3:29 pm eshwaranv: @ShellTerrell Music, gadgets, food and travel. #eltchat
3:29 pm ShellTerrell: @flourishingkids very true! We tend to be so giving to others we sometimes forget to leave some for ourselves #eltchat
3:29 pm DahlD: RT @Marisa_C: RT @cgoodey: #ELTchat If possible, work your way to teaching positions you find most fulfilling & satisfying, uit your ideals & personality.
3:30 pm janetbianchini: @livesofteachers Thanks! Will read it after #eltchat - her session was brilliant and very thought-provoking!
3:30 pm BlessTheTeacher: RT @DahlD: 50 inspirational quotes for teachers:http://hubpages.com/hub/50_Inspirational_Quotes_for_Teachers #eltchat
3:30 pm ShellTerrell: RT @DahlD: Important! RT @Yohimar: Try to be involved in activities that makes u a better professional and apply that knowledge 2 ur subject.. #ELTchat
3:30 pm rliberni: @cerirhiannon at first you feel v exposed but it really does help to consolidate everything and ppl rarely have this opp! #eltchat
3:30 pm Marisa_C: RT @sandymillin: And if you really do burn out, move out. Don't get stuck in a rut because you feel you have to. Try a new career. #eltchat
3:30 pm ShellTerrell: RT @cgoodey: #ELTchat If possible, work your way to teaching positions you find most fulfilling & satisfying, which suit your ideals & personality.
3:30 pm ShellTerrell: @cgoodey great advice! #eltchat
3:31 pm Marisa_C: @sandymillin Or... Take a break from teaching - do work for a publisher or do something different! #eltchat
3:31 pm sandymillin: RT @cgoodey: #ELTchat be in teaching positions u find fulfilling & satisfying,suit ur ideals & personality. <agree, don't manage if unhappy
3:31 pm rliberni: RT @Marisa_C: @sandymillin Or... Take a break from teaching - do work for a publisher or do something different! #eltchat
3:32 pm janetbianchini: @sandymillin I love that quote! It's a great motto to have in the background for when fear could take hold. It works every time! #eltchat
3:32 pm cerirhiannon: @esolcourses's rlly valid pt ab burnout vs rut -Ts suffering burnout need2 recharge batteries &regain control over thr working life #eltchat
3:32 pm sandymillin: @sandymillin Or... Take a break from teaching - do work for a publisher or do something different! #eltchat < agree!
3:32 pm paterson_t: RT @flourishingkids: Take yourself on an "artist" date http://ow.ly/3taYw #eltchat Prfct! I sketch, paint, or make messes,call it meditation
3:33 pm eshwaranv: @Marisa_C I'm a little lucky there. I teach and design. #eltchat
3:33 pm Marisa_C: @ELT_Insights He he... can I send some over to you? OR come myself ? #ELTchat
3:33 pm ShellTerrell: What are ways that our institutions can deal with teacher burnout? #eltchat
3:34 pm yohimar: too true RT @sandymillin And if u really do burn out, move out. Don't get stuck in a rut becuz u feel u have to. Try a new career. #eltchat
3:34 pm eshwaranv: RT @ShellTerrell: What are ways that our institutions can deal with teacher burnout? #eltchat
3:34 pm ShellTerrell: RT @sandymillin: @sandymillin Or... Take a break from teaching - do work for a publisher or do something different! #eltchat < agree!
3:34 pm cerirhiannon: RT @ShellTerrell: What are ways that our institutions can deal with teacher burnout? #eltchat > appraisals, open door policies, empathy
3:34 pm unklar: @ShellTerrell give teaching back to the teachers #eltchat
3:34 pm SMSprincipal: @ShellTerrell We plan stress reduction workshops as part of our faculty meetings for all staff #eltchat
3:34 pm rliberni: RT @eshwaranv: RT @ShellTerrell: What are ways that our institutions can deal with teacher burnout? #eltchat
3:34 pm DahlD: RT @SMSprincipal: @ShellTerrell We plan stress reduction workshops as part of our faculty meetings for all staff #eltchat
3:34 pm cerirhiannon: RT @rliberni: RT @eshwaranv: RT @ShellTerrell: What are ways that our institutions can deal with teacher burnout? #eltchat >totally
3:34 pm pharesr: @ShellTerrell Never stop learning.. Attend conferences, form a plln.. do not be afraid of change! #eltchat
3:34 pm rliberni: RT @SMSprincipal: @ShellTerrell We plan stress reduction workshops as part of our faculty meetings for all staff #eltchat
3:34 pm Marisa_C: RT @pharesr: @ShellTerrell Never stop learning.. Attend conferences, form a plln.. do not be afraid of change! #eltchat
3:35 pm DahlD: Teachers love positive feedback as much as students. #eltchat
3:35 pm Marisa_C: RT @rliberni: RT @SMSprincipal: @ShellTerrell We plan stress reduction workshops as part of our faculty meetings for all staff #eltchat
3:35 pm Marisa_C: RT @DahlD: Teachers love positive feedback as much as students. #eltchat > AGree fully Avoid Grumpy leadership!
3:35 pm sandymillin: @ShellTerrell Institutions and burnout <- recognising it when it happens, spotting warning signs #eltchat
3:35 pm eshwaranv: Everyone wants feedback! RT @DahlD: Teachers love positive feedback as much as students. #eltchat
3:35 pm cybraryman1: My Humor in the Classroom page: http://bit.ly/8XpyFk #eltchat
3:35 pm cerirhiannon: RT @Marisa_C: RT @DahlD: Teachers love positive feedback as much as students. #eltchat > AGree fully Avoid Grumpy leadership!
3:35 pm rliberni: @ShellTerrell I really think people should talk about it & the instits should give the opp for tchrs to voice concerns #eltchat
3:35 pm livesofteachers: Last one from me - get a good night's sleep! It's past midnight in Japan... enjoyed my first #eltchatthough. Nighty night ; D
3:36 pm Marisa_C: @livesofteachers Sleep well syonara #eltchat
3:36 pm eshwaranv: @livesofteachers Great to have you on #eltchat. I'll be following you soon from India.
3:36 pm harrisonmike: @ShellTerrell Involve teachers in enrolment procedure. don't assume Ts can take on any st and class with little notice #eltchat
3:36 pm rliberni: @livesofteachers good night enjoy your christmas break - relax!! #eltchat
3:36 pm DahlD: Yes, in a productive way, not a complain-fest. @ShellTerrell I really think people should talk about it & the instits should give.. #eltchat
3:36 pm janetbianchini: Organize workshops to discuss issues to help teachers and have some fun together at academic meetings #ELTchat At Lake School it was fab!!
3:37 pm rliberni: RT @cybraryman1: My Humor in the Classroom page: http://bit.ly/8XpyFk #eltchat
3:37 pm Marisa_C: RT @rliberni: RT @cybraryman1: My Humor in the Classroom page: http://bit.ly/8XpyFk #eltchat
3:37 pm sandymillin: @ShellTerrell #eltchat Institutions and burnout <- tell teachers about it BEFORE it happens. Give them opportunities, training, fun!
3:37 pm eshwaranv: RT @cybraryman1: My Humor in the Classroom page: http://bit.ly/8XpyFk #eltchat
3:37 pm DahlD: RT @sandymillin: @ShellTerrell #eltchat Institutions and burnout <- tell teachers about it BEFORE it happens. Give them opportunities, training, fun!
3:37 pm eshwaranv: RT @sandymillin: @ShellTerrell #eltchat Institutions and burnout <- tell teachers about it BEFORE it happens. Give them opportunities, training, fun!
3:37 pm janetbianchini: @livesofteachers NIce chatting to you #eltchat
3:37 pm rliberni: @harrisonmike who does enrolment if not teachers? #eltchat
3:37 pm cerirhiannon: give constant positive feedback ona global level 2 teaching staff - make them feel valued - show u appreciate everybody's hard work #eltchat
3:38 pm ShellTerrell: @DahlD good point that it's productive or becomes a complaint fest #eltchat
3:38 pm Gapfillers: @ShellTerrell look at the causes rather than "solutions" #eltchat
3:38 pm rliberni: RT @Gapfillers: @ShellTerrell look at the causes rather than "solutions" #eltchat
3:38 pm cybraryman1: RT @janetbianchini: Organize workshops to discuss issues to help teachers & have some fun together at meetings #ELTchat
3:39 pm rliberni: RT @cerirhiannon: give constant positive feedback ona global level 2 teaching staff - make them feel valued - show u appreciate everybody's hard work #eltchat
3:39 pm cerirhiannon: management should balance praise with opportunities to grow - or to cut back on hours when necessary #eltchat
3:39 pm ShellTerrell: @harrisonmike great point! Once I was given 3 new classes with no curriculum with 2 wks notice #eltchat vry stressful
3:39 pm esolcourses: @cerirhiannon agree, Ceri - though I think that regaining control over working life (+ workloads in particular) isn't always easy #eltchat
3:39 pm janetbianchini: We used to have fun training sessions- each teacher presenting sth new for 5 min-slot - great for morale and wonderful atmosphere #eltchat
3:39 pm ShellTerrell: Important! RT @Gapfillers: look at the causes rather than "solutions" #eltchat
3:39 pm cybraryman1: Administrators should provide more support & help for teachers to combat the stress #eltchat
3:40 pm eshwaranv: RT @cybraryman1: Administrators should provide more support & help for teachers to combat the stress #eltchat
3:40 pm rliberni: @harrisonmike ah when I worked in FE all the tchrs did enrolment togther which was good #eltchat
3:40 pm wvanhouten: RT @cybraryman1: My Humor in the Classroom page: http://bit.ly/8XpyFk #eltchat
3:40 pm flourishingkids: teacher led goals and PD self selection can help promote teacher well-being; thats whats great about Twitter connections #eltchat
3:40 pm cerirhiannon: RT @ShellTerrell: Important! RT @Gapfillers: look at the causes rather than "solutions" #eltchat
3:40 pm ShellTerrell: RT @thart74: Provide time off for PD but T's also don't like being out of their classroom so much. Need Embedded PD, co-teaching #eltchat
3:41 pm janetbianchini: I say used to but I still join in Academic meetings in Oxford from Abruzzo via Skype!! I'm v lucky to have contact with the school #eltchat
3:41 pm DahlD: Great point! RT @flourishingkids: teacher led goals and PD self selection can help... thats whats great about Twitter connections #eltchat
3:41 pm rliberni: @cybraryman1 I think sometimes the opposite can also be true admins who r 2 domineering - no room to create #eltchat
3:42 pm cybraryman1: @janetbianchini That is similar to a Smackdown: http://bit.ly/f29Lpx #eltchat
3:42 pm eshwaranv: Admins can plan activities for the teachers. #eltchat
3:42 pm ShellTerrell: @unklar in what specific ways?#eltchat
3:42 pm mrscienceteach: RT @ShellTerrell: RT @thart74: Provide time off for PD but T's also don't like being out of their classroom so much. Need Embedded PD, co-teaching #eltchat
3:42 pm rliberni: @harrisonmike I suppose FE is more 'democratic' actually I usually test stds too but try and collab w the tchr #eltchat
3:43 pm DahlD: How do we help a colleague experiencing burnout? #eltchat
3:43 pm rliberni: RT @cybraryman1: @janetbianchini That is similar to a Smackdown: http://bit.ly/f29Lpx #eltchat
3:43 pm cybraryman1: RT @DahlD: How do we help a colleague experiencing burnout? #eltchat
3:43 pm cerirhiannon: gotta go but finding it really difficult 2tear myelf away :( need to iron a star costume &then off 2Xmas show thx for the convo! #eltchat
3:43 pm esolcourses: RT @DahlD: How do we help a colleague experiencing burnout? #eltchat
3:43 pm ShellTerrell: @SMSprincipal great idea! What activities do you do in these workshops #eltchat
3:44 pm ShellTerrell: RT @esolcourses: RT @DahlD: How do we help a colleague experiencing burnout? #eltchat
3:44 pm eshwaranv: @esolcourses @DahlD Share new ideas and plan new activities. #eltchat
3:45 pm ShellTerrell: RT @eshwaranv: @esolcourses @DahlD Share new ideas and plan new activities. #eltchat
3:45 pm rliberni: @cerirhiannon Bye Ceri have a great Christmas ! #eltchat
3:45 pm SMSprincipal: We have done some yoga strategies to reduce stress overall, mindfulness, etc. It's kind of new for us this year :) @ShellTerrell: #eltchat
3:45 pm cybraryman1: RT @eshwaranv: @esolcourses @DahlD Share new ideas and plan new activities. #eltchat Talk to them, cheer them up, support them...
3:45 pm ShellTerrell: RT @DahlD: Great point! RT @flourishingkids: teacher led goals and PD self selection can help... thats whats great about Twitter connections #eltchat
3:45 pm MahomedyHussein: RT @ShellTerrell: What are ways that our institutions can deal with teacher burnout? #eltchat
3:45 pm ShellTerrell: RT @cybraryman1: Administrators should provide more support & help for teachers to combat the stress #eltchat
3:45 pm ShellTerrell: RT @janetbianchini: We used to have fun training sessions- each teacher presenting sth new for 5 min-slot - great for morale and wonderful atmosphere #eltchat
3:45 pm LauraAustinNow: If a colleague has burnout, why not do a class swap? Sometimes a change is as good as a rest. #eltchat
3:46 pm eshwaranv: @cerirhiannon Thanks for the convo! Enjoy the holidays! #eltchat
3:46 pm ShellTerrell: @janetbianchini great idea! #eltchat
3:46 pm SMSprincipal: Also, forgot to mention social gatherings, we do a staff happy hour this time of year and and end of year BBQ @ShellTerrell #eltchat
3:46 pm janetbianchini: @cybraryman1 #eltchat http://bit.ly/f29Lpx Smackdown - I'd never hear of this term before! Yes it does sound similar - it's a great thing!
3:46 pm rliberni: RT @cybraryman1: RT @eshwaranv: @esolcourses @DahlD Share new ideas and plan new activities. #eltchat Talk to them, cheer them up, support them...
3:46 pm sandymillin: #eltchat Don't know if anyone has done this. How about teacher exchanges? A week / month in a diff. school / environment
3:46 pm DahlD: Great idea! RT @LauraAustinNow: If a colleague has burnout, why not do a class swap? Sometimes a change is as good as a rest. #eltchat
3:46 pm rliberni: RT @SMSprincipal: Also, forgot to mention social gatherings, we do a staff happy hour this time of year and and end of year BBQ @ShellTerrell #eltchat
3:46 pm cybraryman1: Yes I have Yoga in school links on my Yoga page: http://bit.ly/7tUYkb #eltchat
3:46 pm rliberni: RT @cybraryman1: Yes I have Yoga in school links on my Yoga page: http://bit.ly/7tUYkb #eltchat
3:46 pm cybraryman1: RT @sandymillin: #eltchat Don't know if anyone has done this. How about teacher exchanges? A week / month in a diff. school / environment
3:46 pm esolcourses: Think teachers need to learn to say no to unreasonable/unmageable workloads - not easy I know, but a big cause of burnout IMO #eltchat
3:47 pm eshwaranv: Yoga is excellent! RT @cybraryman1: Yes I have Yoga in school links on my Yoga page:http://bit.ly/7tUYkb#eltchat
3:47 pm ShellTerrell: I find inspiration when attending certain conferences #eltchat
3:47 pm DahlD: RT @esolcourses: Think teachers need to learn to say no to unreasonable/unmageable workloads - not easy I know, but a big cause of burnout IMO #eltchat
3:47 pm unklar: @ShellTerrell good question. Maybe I'm already burned out? Hope it's not too late for me. #eltchat
3:47 pm esolcourses: RT @ShellTerrell: I find inspiration when attending certain conferences #eltchat ] same here
3:47 pm yohimar: Dont know how, I often feel like that! =S RT @DahlD How do we help a colleague experiencing burnout? #eltchat
3:47 pm Marisa_C: RT @esolcourses: Think teachers need to learn to say no to unreasonable/unmageable workloads - #eltchat
3:47 pm sandymillin: @ShellTerrell I find inspiration when attending certain conferences #eltchat <- me too!
3:48 pm Marisa_C: RT @ShellTerrell: I find inspiration when attending certain conferences #eltchat
3:48 pm DahlD: Nice! RT @jagill: @DahlD mandatory rest, hot beverage, and make for them a highlight reel of their accomplishments.... #eltchat
3:48 pm evelinpj1: @ShellTerrell Hi, there! What's the topic of #eltchat? i wanna participate today!
3:48 pm CliveSir: When to do the yoga? 1hr lunch break not enough #eltchat
3:48 pm rliberni: Here's a little cure for teacher burnout! A little fun wk/shop. http://bit.ly/diBN5Z #eltchat
3:48 pm matthew_arend: RT @DahlD: I'm going to present at #edcampplano in May. RT @LauraAustinNow: Once you've presented - it's something you'll always have... #eltchat
3:48 pm janetbianchini: @ShellTerrell #eltchat Yes, I find attending conferences online or f2f are tremendously invigorating and provide a general boost
3:49 pm ShellTerrell: @unklar I think it's important point! Some schools don't allow teachers too much say in the curriculum #eltchat
3:49 pm rliberni: RT @janetbianchini: @ShellTerrell #eltchat Yes, I find attending conferences online or f2f are tremendously invigorating and provide a general boost
3:50 pm rliberni: @ShellTerrell and with so much online now - it's not difficult or expensive! #eltchat
3:50 pm vpiercy: RT @DahlD: Great point! RT @flourishingkids: teacher led goals and PD self selection can help... thats whats great about Twitter connections #eltchat
3:50 pm sandymillin: #eltchat Idea for our upcoming conference #IHBrno - how to avoid burnout!
3:50 pm lunas994: Had guests, missed most of the chat #eltchat
3:50 pm gret: RT @ShellTerrell: I find inspiration when attending certain conferences #eltchat
3:51 pm yohimar: Yeah! that´s the main reason of BO RT @esolcourses: Think teachers need to learn to say no to unreasonable/unmageable workloads - #eltchat
3:51 pm eshwaranv: Mornings and weekends. RT @CliveSir: When to do the yoga? 1hr lunch break not enough #eltchat
3:51 pm Plans4College: RT @ShellTerrell: What are ways that our institutions can deal with teacher burnout? #eltchat
3:51 pm janetbianchini: @lunas994 Hi Natasa please do join in for few minutes even! #ELTchat
3:52 pm unklar: @ShellTerrell brother teaches in a district where daily lesson plans are dictated; we are not there (yet) #eltchat
3:52 pm LauraAustinNow: ?@gret: I find inspiration when attending certain conferences #eltchat?> me too. New year, time to schedule some in!
3:52 pm DahlD: I am motivated by the dedication of teachers from all over the world who I meet on Twitter. #eltchat
3:52 pm MahomedyHussein: RT @ShellTerrell: Loved when I got together with other teachers to workout at least once a wk together! #eltchat
3:52 pm web20education: Myfav.es is a free, elegant, & customizable start page for your favorite web browser , #iPad, or #iPhonehttp://myfav.es #edtech20 #eltchat
3:52 pm eshwaranv: RT @DahlD: I am motivated by the dedication of teachers from all over the world who I meet on Twitter. #eltchat
3:52 pm rliberni: RT @DahlD: I am motivated by the dedication of teachers from all over the world who I meet on Twitter. Me too! #eltchat
3:53 pm lunas994: RT @ShellTerrell: @flourishingkids very true! We tend to be so giving to others we sometimes forget to leave some for ourselves #eltchat
3:53 pm Marisa_C: RT @DahlD: I am motivated by the dedication of teachers from all over the world who I meet on Twitter. #eltchat
3:53 pm esolcourses: @ALiCe__M depends on your situation, I suppose... solidarity is probably the key to it (i.e. solidarity, unions) #ELTChat
3:53 pm janetbianchini: @ShellTerrell Hold regular meetings to discuss how a teacher is feeling about their job - preempt burnout before it hits,might work #ELTchat
3:53 pm Marisa_C: #ELTchat is a GReeeeat remedy against teacher burnout!!!!! Pls RT !!!
3:53 pm rliberni: RT @Marisa_C: #ELTchat is a GReeeeat remedy against teacher burnout!!!!! Pls RT !!!
3:53 pm sandymillin: RT @DahlD: I am motivated by the dedication of teachers from all over the world who I meet on Twitter. #eltchat< me too
3:53 pm eshwaranv: RT @Marisa_C: #ELTchat is a GReeeeat remedy against teacher burnout!!!!! Pls RT !!!
3:54 pm sandymillin: RT @Marisa_C: #ELTchat is a GReeeeat remedy against teacher burnout!!!!! Pls RT !!!
3:54 pm DahlD: RT @Marisa_C: #ELTchat is a GReeeeat remedy against teacher burnout!!!!! Pls RT !!!
3:54 pm janetbianchini: RT @DahlD I am motivated by the dedication of teachers from all over the world who I meet on Twitter. #eltchat I agree!!
3:54 pm Marisa_C: #ELTchat I know blogging has been mentioned but blogging about a hobby you have is also great - e.g. start a poetry blog
3:55 pm lunas994: RT @eshwaranv: Everyone wants feedback! RT @DahlD: Teachers love positive feedback as much as students. #eltchat
3:55 pm yohimar: Yeah, makes me feel I am not alone =) RT @Marisa_C #ELTchat is a GReeeeat remedy against teacher burnout!!!!! Pls RT !!!
3:55 pm DahlD: I agree! RT @Marisa_C: #ELTchat I know blogging has been mentioned but blogging about a hobby you have is also great -
3:55 pm hoprea: RT @Marisa_C: #ELTchat I know blogging has been mentioned but blogging about a hobby you have is also great - e.g. start a poetry blog
3:55 pm eshwaranv: Like it RT @Marisa_C: #ELTchat I know blogging has been mentioned but blogging about a hobby you have is also great-e.g. start a poetry blog
3:55 pm lunas994: RT @Marisa_C: RT @pharesr: @ShellTerrell Never stop learning.. Attend conferences, form a plln.. do not be afraid of change! #eltchat
3:55 pm harrisonmike: #eltchat I like taking photographs now and then to de-stress
3:56 pm Raquel_EFL: RT @esolcourses: Think teachers need to learn to say no to unreasonable/unmageable workloads - not easy I know, but a big cause of burnout IMO #eltchat
3:56 pm ShellTerrell: @evelinpj1 it's avoiding teacher burn out #eltchat
3:56 pm DahlD: RT @StressFreeKids: Feeling Down? Call a Friend! #eltchat
3:56 pm rliberni: RT @Marisa_C:I know blogging has been mentioned but blogging about a hobby you have is also great - e.g. start a poetry blog #eltchat
3:56 pm Marisa_C: #ELTchat do some physical exercise - we spend too long in front of a screen; let the creative jjuices circulate :-) even if by moving!
3:56 pm rliberni: RT @harrisonmike: #eltchat I like taking photographs now and then to de-stress
3:56 pm ShellTerrell: Yes! RT @janetbianchini: #eltchat Yes, I find attending conferences online or f2f are tremendously invigorating and provide a general boost
3:56 pm lunas994: Blogging. You get to explain to yourself how you feel and what you believe in. Being a part of an online blogging community helps #eltchat
3:56 pm esolcourses: @paterson_t still not sure being in a rut necessarily needs to burnout, though.. think workplace culture has more to do with it #ELTchat
3:56 pm DahlD: RT @lunas994: Blogging. You get to explain to yourself how you feel and what you believe in. Being a part of an online blogging community helps #eltchat
3:56 pm eshwaranv: @Marisa_C I'm a lousy poet... Who cares! :-) #eltchat
3:56 pm ShellTerrell: @janetbianchini love online conferences #eltchat
3:57 pm sandymillin: RT @Marisa_C: #ELTchat I know blogging has been mentioned but blogging about a hobby you have is also great < & talk f2f about hobbies too!
3:57 pm eshwaranv: Me too > RT @ShellTerrell: @janetbianchini love online conferences #eltchat
3:57 pm rliberni: RT @esolcourses: @paterson_t still not sure being in a rut necessarily needs to burnout, though.. think workplace culture has more to do with it #ELTchat
3:57 pm ShellTerrell: Great point! RT @rliberni: and with so much online now - it's not difficult or expensive! #eltchat
3:57 pm Marisa_C: @eshwaranv may be photography or football or local news and politics? Whatever fires you up! #eltchat
3:57 pm janetbianchini: Having pets (including chickens) is a great way to switch off and de-stress #ELTchat - my menagerie certainly make me smile every day, lol
3:58 pm ShellTerrell: @unklar that's awful! I personally think scripted curriculums evil #eltchat
3:58 pm cgoodey: RT @esolcourses: Think teachers need to learn to say no to unreasonable/unmageable workloads - not easy I know, but a big cause of burnout IMO #eltchat
3:58 pm lunas994: What causes my burnout are unmotivated students. I don't get them often, but when I do, I find it very hard to go to work #eltchat
3:58 pm unklar: @esolcourses I agree with workplace culture (and would add district culture) being key to burnout, especially for "old" teachers #ELTchat
3:58 pm lunas994: RT @janetbianchini: @ShellTerrell #eltchat Yes, I find attending conferences online or f2f are tremendously invigorating and provide a general boost
3:58 pm Marisa_C: RT @janetbianchini: Having pets is a great way to switch off and de-stress #ELTchat - my menagerie certainly make me smile every day, lol
3:58 pm lunas994: RT @ShellTerrell: @unklar I think it's important point! Some schools don't allow teachers too much say in the curriculum #eltchat
3:58 pm hoprea: I couldn't agree more about the physical exercises! It's important to make room for them in our busy schedules. #ELTChat
3:59 pm DahlD: RT @hoprea: I couldn't agree more about the physical exercises! It's important to make room for them in our busy schedules. #ELTChat
3:59 pm Marisa_C: #ELTchat Find mor opportunities to laugh! Watch funny videos or something - laughter is a fantastic remedy for everything
3:59 pm lunas994: RT @esolcourses: Think teachers need to learn to say no to unreasonable/unmageable workloads - not easy I know, but a big cause of burnout IMO #eltchat
3:59 pm esolcourses: @ALiCe__M alternative I suppose is to go freelance... at least until we're all teaching online in a few years or so ;-) #eltchat
3:59 pm paterson_t: @esolcourses Yes, yes... workplace culture has a big impact. Takes the umph out of the 'job' or makes it into a "job." #eltchat I agree
3:59 pm eshwaranv: RT @hoprea: I couldn't agree more about the physical exercises! It's important to make room for them in our busy schedules. #ELTChat
3:59 pm CliveSir: Cycle to work #eltchat
3:59 pm DahlD: RT @esolcourses: @ALiCe__M alternative I suppose is to go freelance... at least until we're all teaching online in a few years or so ;-) #eltchat
3:59 pm janetbianchini: @lunas994 I agree, when it happens, demotivated students can be a very stressful workload and burden for the teacher #ELTchat
4:00 pm EvridikiDakos: RT @Marisa_C: RT @DahlD: I am motivated by the dedication of teachers from all over the world who I meet on Twitter. #eltchat
4:00 pm rliberni: Gr8 chat today, no burnout here! Thanks to @shellterrell and @marisa_c for grrrt moderation as ever! #eltchat
4:00 pm sandymillin: @janetbianchini and if you move around a lot? ;) #eltchat
4:00 pm yohimar: Go to the Gym! Eat candies, have a daily walk! =) #ELTchat
4:00 pm DahlD: Yes! RT @rliberni: Gr8 chat today, no burnout here! Thanks to @shellterrell and @marisa_c for grrrt moderation as ever! #eltchat
4:00 pm hoprea: In my case, arriving on time for #eltchat would also help! :)
4:00 pm paterson_t: @Marisa_C Yes, laughter and its a workout. It is sad when we notice we are laughing more, that means we haven't laughed in a while #eltchat
4:01 pm DahlD: LOL RT @hoprea: In my case, arriving on time for #eltchat would also help! :)
4:01 pm eshwaranv: @hoprea I never miss my morning jog. Supercharged by the beautiful sunrise and the smell of sea! #eltchat
4:01 pm sandymillin: Thanks for my first ever #eltchat Enjoyed it and will hopefully be back for tonight's! What's the topic?
4:01 pm Marisa_C: @paterson_t I know.... should be the norm not the exception - so it's a sign I guess... #eltchat
4:01 pm DahlD: Yes, my first ever #eltchat also. Thank you~
4:01 pm eshwaranv: @sandymillin Thanks for sharing your views on #eltchat. Great convo!
4:02 pm Marisa_C: @sandymillin Great to have you here today @paterson_t @DahlD Hope you join again #eltchat
4:02 pm rliberni: @Marisa_C are we taking a break during Christmas holidays #eltchat
4:02 pm pammcarr: RT @ShellTerrell: RT @thart74: Provide time off for PD but T's also don't like being out of their classroom so much. Need Embedded PD, co-teaching #eltchat
4:02 pm lunas994: Walking is great #eltchat
4:02 pm cgoodey: RT @pmackichan: Listening to industrial music at high volume can also help lift away stress - well it works for me :-) #ELTchat
4:02 pm Marisa_C: @rliberni Taking a break next week - it's up on the website :-D #eltchat
4:03 pm janetbianchini: @sandymillin Not sure what you mean re moving around a lot :) #ELTchat
4:03 pm rliberni: RT @Marisa_C: @rliberni Taking a break next week - it's up on the website :-D #eltchat
4:03 pm cgoodey: @pmackichan High volume music works for me too when stressed!! #ELTchat
4:03 pm ShellTerrell: Thanks everyone for a great #eltchat to give me a break from the travel burnout


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