
Teaching English through songs: activities, resources and benefits of using songs for teaching

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Transcript for #ELTchat on Wednesday January 12 at 21:00 GMT

8:50 pm Marisa_C: 10 minutes to #ELTchat . Fasten seat belts please
8:50 pm iVenus: @Marisa_C sorry, re your tweet on #ELTchat about songs "Using music in world language performance assessment"
8:51 pm Marisa_C: @iVenus tell the world when #ELTchat begins please? :-)
8:51 pm lydbury: RT @Marisa_C: 10 minutes to #ELTchat . Fasten seat belts please
8:53 pm SueannaN: @Marisa_C Hi there. Still MUtitasking? #ELTchat
8:55 pm cioccas: RT @Marisa_C: Teaching English through songs: activities, resources and benefits of using songs for teaching. #ELTchat at 9 p.m. GMT
8:56 pm SueannaN: @cioccas NIce to see you here #ELTchat
8:57 pm cioccas: @SueAnnan HThanks Sue, my first time, mostly just lurking I think #ELTchat
8:58 pm billpellowe: RT @cioccas: RT @Marisa_C: Teaching English through songs: activities, resources and benefits of using songs for teaching. #ELTchat at 9 p.m. GMT
8:59 pm SueannaN: @cioccas Join in if U have something 2 say. Everyone is supportive. ive a #eltchat column on tweetdeck so that I cn follow. It's fast.
8:59 pm billpellowe: I just got up for work, so I'll only be here a few minutes. #eltchat
8:59 pm cioccas: @SueAnnan Thanks, I just found TweetDeck yesterday, so doing the same, but still very new to Twitter #ELTchat
8:59 pm TyKendall: Time to get lyrical at #ELTchat
9:00 pm JoeMcVeigh: @Marisa_C Can't open your shortened link for background reading on songs for #ELTchat. Can you repost with longer version?
9:01 pm BethCagnol: RT @TyKendall: Time to get lyrical at #ELTchat
9:01 pm SueannaN: For the next hour my tweets will be restricted to #ELTchat
9:01 pm Marisa_C: @JoeMcVeigh will try sorry #ELTchat
9:02 pm cioccas: For the next hour my tweets will be restricted to #ELTchat
9:02 pm Marisa_C: For the next hour my tweets will bededicated to #ELTchat we are talking about SOngs in the EFL class - Please join us
9:02 pm Marisa_C: RT @TyKendall: Time to get lyrical at #ELTchat he he Yes!
9:02 pm esolcourses: RT @Marisa_C: For the next hour my tweets will bededicated to #ELTchat we are talking about SOngs in the EFL class - Please join us
9:03 pm billpellowe: Student presentations: 4-5 lines of lyrics, with translation, then short YouTube clip, then 100+ words on why they like the song. #eltchat
9:03 pm sandymillin: For the next hour my tweets will be dedicated to #eltchat
9:03 pm Marisa_C: @JoeMcVeigh #ELTchat Here is the link, Joe http://ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/elt/article/view/341/305
9:04 pm TyKendall: Can i ask why teachers like or dislike using songs in the classroom? #ELTchat
9:04 pm Marisa_C: RT @billpellowe: Student presentations: 4-5 lines of lyrics, with translation, then YouTube clip, then 100+ words on why likesong. #eltchat
9:04 pm Marisa_C: RT @TyKendall: Can i ask why teachers like or dislike using songs in the classroom? #ELTchat > go on do his HW :-)
9:05 pm sandymillin: #eltchat SS enjoy using songs as they're a connection to real English
9:05 pm hoprea: Songs can be very effective to work on supra-segmental features of the language. #ELTChat
9:05 pm Marisa_C: RT @sandymillin: #eltchat SS enjoy using songs as they're a connection to real English
9:05 pm sandymillin: #eltchat But my SS this year don't enjoy singing - have had some that do though
9:05 pm LauraAustinNow: Following #ELTchat at the moment...
9:05 pm iVenus: Here is an interesting article, based on ACTFL modes of communication, 4 performance assessments [word doc] http://bit.ly/fSawpN #ELTchat
9:05 pm Marisa_C: Enjoy using songs cos I love songs and Ss do too #ELTchat
9:05 pm esolcourses: RT @Marisa_C: Enjoy using songs cos I love songs and Ss do too #ELTchat
9:06 pm theboysoddsocks: RT @Marisa_C: For the next hour my tweets will bededicated to #ELTchat we are talking about SOngs in the EFL class - Please join us
9:06 pm Marisa_C: @iVenus #ELTchat Gist of article? No time to read now - anything interesting to report?
9:06 pm TyKendall: @Marisa_C do my HW....if only! :-) although if anyone is interested, 100 euros or the next best bid! #ELTchat
9:06 pm esolcourses: RT @sandymillin: #eltchat SS enjoy using songs as they're a connection to real English
9:06 pm harrisonmike: Songs (and poems) a great way to look at words that share the same sounds #eltchat Shakira Fool one good example
9:06 pm cioccas: For some Ss they can hear their pronunciation problems disappear while singing, gives them hope they'll get there in the end. #ELTchat
9:07 pm hoprea: RT @sandymillin: #eltchat But my SS this year don't enjoy singing - have had some that do though <- That seems to happen quite often.
9:07 pm theboysoddsocks: RT @esolcourses: RT @sandymillin: #eltchat SS enjoy using songs as they're a connection to real English
9:07 pm Marisa_C: @weens11 please remember to use the #ELTchat hashtag
9:07 pm sandymillin: RT @cioccas: For some Ss they can hear their pronunciation problems disappear while singing, gives them hope they'll get there in the end. #ELTchat
9:07 pm fionamau: #eltchat can't join in but really want to :(
9:07 pm cioccas: Agree! RT @Marisa_C: Enjoy using songs cos I love songs and Ss do too #ELTchat
9:07 pm janetbianchini: Hi everyone! Great to join you. For the next hour my tweets will be dedicated to #eltchat
9:07 pm JoeMcVeigh: Songs and music get students attention. They stop and listen and focus better with the music added to the words. #ELTchat
9:07 pm hoprea: RT @harrisonmike: Songs (and poems) a great way to look at words that share the same sounds #eltchatShakira Fool one good example
9:07 pm Shaunwilden: Evening all #eltchat
9:07 pm esolcourses: RT @hoprea RT @harrisonmike Songs (and poems) a great way to look at words that share the same sounds #eltchat Shakira Fool one good example
9:07 pm derekspalla: One challenge is finding or creating songs...the process is time consuming for both. #ELTchat
9:08 pm sandymillin: #eltchat Do you use songs with videos or just audio?
9:08 pm TyKendall: personally i have found that songs are a great way to access slang and to move beyond the sometimes colourless textbook language #ELTchat
9:08 pm iVenus: I love list of performance assessment ideas presented in "reprise". New options to "fill-in-blank" (i.e., traditional assessments ) #eltchat
9:08 pm steve__kirk: Songs provide multiple routes to lang retention: rhythm, melody, metre. It all helps SS hang onto the lang. #eltchat
9:08 pm billpellowe: We believe that slow songs can help students learn intonation, elision etc., but does it really? #eltchat
9:08 pm iVenus: The fact that we can watch videos as well as listen to songs really enhances student experience. #ELTchat
9:08 pm Marisa_C: RT @shaznosel: @Marisa_C @TyKendall song enable bottom-up/top-down processing simultaneously..that's got be something! #ELTchat
9:08 pm cioccas: @sandymillin With video if possible and if it enhances understanding #ELTchat
9:08 pm gret: @TyKendall I agree! I love using songs in my classes. #ELTChat
9:08 pm hoprea: @sandymillin I find that even though it makes songs more interesting, video can also be very distracting. #ELTChat
9:09 pm Marisa_C: @Marisa_C Hello Shaz mou! Remember tha hashtag! :-) #ELTchat
9:09 pm harrisonmike: Love the juxtaposition of music and words in @Harmerj and Steve Bingham's http://youtu.be/UHeLQPtUjFM#eltchat
9:09 pm Shaunwilden: RT @sandymillin: #eltchat Do you use songs with videos or just audio? <These days I tend to use videos from youtube more to exploit
9:09 pm esolcourses: RT @Marisa_C: RT @shaznosel @Marisa_C @TyKendall song enable bottom-up/top-down processing simultaneously..that's got be something! #ELTchat
9:09 pm derekspalla: I personally try to "sing" all of the songs myself...my students get a kick out of it even when I do it badly :) #ELTchat
9:09 pm esolcourses: RT @harrisonmike: Love the juxtaposition of music and words in @Harmerj and Steve Bingham'shttp://youtu.be/UHeLQPtUjFM #eltchat
9:09 pm SueannaN: It depends wht U do w/ songs in the classroom. Just b/c its music doesn't mean that it will suit everyone ( teens esp) #ELTchat
9:09 pm Marisa_C: RT @EleniPat: @Marisa_C @sandymillin Hello everyone! I like working on songs. My students feel relaxed and participate more #ELTchat
9:09 pm LauraAustinNow: RT @JoeMcVeigh: Songs and music get students attention. They stop and listen and focus better with the music added to the words. #ELTchat
9:09 pm Marisa_C: @EleniPat Please remember to use the #ELTchat hashtag!
9:09 pm iVenus: I've also found karaoke versions of songs on YouTube and have an occasional sing off w/ students! #ELTchat
9:09 pm sandymillin: #eltchat I often have background music to put SS at ease when doing song tasks. And if I sing along (which I do) they laugh and relax :)
9:09 pm JoeMcVeigh: RTI agree with @hoprea: @sandymillin I find that even though it makes songs more interesting, video can also be very distracting. #ELTChat
9:10 pm esolcourses: RT @SueAnnan It depends wht U do w/ songs in the classroom. Just b/c its music doesn't mean that it will suit everyone ( teens esp) #ELTchat
9:10 pm harrisonmike: Music videos are great for mixing up the words and visuals of a song #eltchat My take here:http://bit.ly/fwOhdn
9:10 pm billpellowe: RT @steve__kirk: Songs provide multiple routes to lang retention: rhythm, melody, metre. It all helps SS hang onto the lang. #eltchat
9:10 pm BethCagnol: @billpellowe I find slower songs can confuse students due to their elongated vowels. #ELTCHAT
9:10 pm sandymillin: #eltchat Sorry fluency tasks not 'song tasks' :)
9:10 pm SueannaN: Chants are good for pronunciation exercises #ELTCHAT
9:10 pm janetbianchini: Ss love singing songs - great pron practice / vocab extension / vocab themes /and it's great fun! #ELTchat
9:10 pm harrisonmike: RT @esolcourses: RT @SueAnnan It depends wht U do w/ songs in the classroom. Just b/c its music doesn't mean that it will suit everyone ( teens esp) #ELTchat
9:10 pm Marisa_C: If you are new to #ELTchat please remember to add the #ELTchat hashtag to your tweet so all chatters can see it in the search
9:10 pm Shaunwilden: @sandymillin I used to do that but found sts would rather not have it, do you ask them first? #ELTchat
9:10 pm BethCagnol: One of my FAVE songs to use is "Anything you can do I can do better" for the comparative. #ELTCHAT
9:10 pm gret: @SueAnnan I usually do get to know you activities and ask my students for their favorite bands, singers... especially with teens. #ELTChat
9:11 pm Marisa_C: RT @SueAnnan: Chants are good for pronunciation exercises #ELTchat (hashtags pls)
9:11 pm grahamstanley: Happy New Year everyone #ELTchat
9:11 pm SueannaN: @Marisa_C I redid with hashtag #ELTchat
9:11 pm harrisonmike: Agree, music not 4 everyone. @Harmerj told me he saw a T turn on background music for speaking activity w/out asking sts. Not good. #eltchat
9:11 pm sandymillin: @Shaunwilden #eltchat Depends on if class is quiet. I sometimes turn it off once they start speaking - depends on if silence stops talking
9:11 pm cioccas: @MagicalGx If you want to see what a live Twitter chat is all about, then do a search for #ELTchat - now!
9:11 pm esolcourses: @hoprea @JoeMcVeigh agree video can be distracting, but OTOH, sometimes you can utilise the visuals to teach a language point. #ELTchat
9:11 pm monicamalpas77: #ELTchat sometimes it's hard to choose a popular song cause Ss like different kinds of music and the lyrics might have impolite words
9:11 pm gret: @derekspalla I do that a lot too! My students used to sing in front of the class last year too. Some even wrote their own songs #ELTChat
9:12 pm BethCagnol: @iVenus How old are your students? #ELTCHAT
9:12 pm billpellowe: I've found that Japanese students really don't get the idea of rhyme in songs unless it is explicitly taught to them. #eltchat
9:12 pm derekspalla: @smaragdav Haha....but our kids love us :) #ELTchat
9:12 pm SueannaN: RT @monicamalpas77: #ELTchat sometimes it's hard 2 choose a popular song cause Ss lk difft kinds of music & the lyrics might have taboowords
9:12 pm Marisa_C: RT @Chaoukiboss: It doesn't matter whether Ts like songs or not. Songs can achieve the goals only when learners like them.> True #ELTchat
9:12 pm iVenus: College freshmen (18) RT @bethcagnol: @iVenus How old are your students? #ELTCHAT
9:12 pm marekandrews: good w new group 2 get ss to write down songs they like+4 you as teacher 2 make sure everyone's song is dealt with in some way #eltchat
9:12 pm Shaunwilden: @monicamalpas77 does that mean you alter the lyrics or censor songs? #ELTchat
9:12 pm LauraAustinNow: RT @cioccas: @MagicalGx If you want to see what a live Twitter chat is all about, then do a search for #ELTchat - now!
9:12 pm sandymillin: #eltchat So if @Harmerj says I shouldn't, then had better ask more. Some SS gave feedback that they like background music = more relaxed
9:12 pm Marisa_C: RT @bethcagnol: One of my FAVE songs to use is "Anything you can do I can do better" for the comparative. #ELTCHAT
9:13 pm BethCagnol: @grahamstanley Happy New Year Graham! #ELTCHAT
9:13 pm sandymillin: RT @marekandrews: good w new group 2 get ss to write down songs they like+4 you as teacher 2 make sure everyone's song is dealt with in some way #eltchat
9:13 pm TyKendall: i like how Mark Andrews used Katy Perry's firework to tackle a taboo subjecthttp://markandrews.edublogs.org/ #ELTchat
9:13 pm Marisa_C: RT @shaznosel: @Marisa_C sorry to say but teenagers find chants boring..too much like poetry..songs are for the teens #ELTchat
9:13 pm cioccas: Agree, choice of song sometimes v. difficult, esp in classes with ages 18-80 and form 15-20 different cultural backgrounds! #ELTchat
9:13 pm sandymillin: RT @TyKendall: i like how Mark Andrews used Katy Perry's firework to tackle a taboo subjecthttp://bit.ly/guvOOk #ELTchat <me 2
9:13 pm derekspalla: @gret Having students write a song is a great idea too.! I will be trying that., especially with my older ones. #ELTchat
9:13 pm harrisonmike: That was cool! RT @TyKendall: i like how Mark Andrews used Katy Perry's firework to tackle a taboo subjecthttp://bit.ly/5IosV6 #ELTchat
9:13 pm grahamstanley: My favourite modals (for prediction) song is 'The ballad of Billy Jo' - there's a version by Sinead O'Connor #ELTchat
9:13 pm billpellowe: 1 of my students' graduation thesis is on rap (rhyme & content analysis, etc). He uses urbandictionary.com to understand lyrics #eltchat
9:13 pm Shaunwilden: @harrisonmike I dont think i would censor them but i rarely teach kids #ELTchat
9:14 pm Marisa_C: Songs are great but often teachers like diff ones diff generation - e,g, glazed eyes over Beatles songs in some classes #ELTchat
9:14 pm hoprea: What about songs with taboo or swear words? Would you use them in class? For instance, teens asking for hit songs with such words. #ELTChat
9:14 pm smaragdav: songs help boost ss with learning difficulties self confidence. you dont need to spell or read once u learn the song #Eltchat
9:14 pm BethCagnol: @harrisonmike I actually had a student who was music-phobic! Hated it! Couldn't stand it. Really made classes...interesting. #ELTCHAT
9:14 pm TyKendall: we can still get learners to generate language even if they don't like the song they can talk about their dislikes #ELTchat
9:14 pm monicamalpas77: @Shaunwilden #ELTchat I often ask for suggestions,bands, singers,etc and then I choose the song
9:14 pm sandymillin: #eltchat One teacher prepared activities for Lady Gaga - Telephone, then watched video last minute and found it wasn't suitable
9:14 pm esolcourses: RT @hoprea: What about songs with taboo or swear words? Would you use them in class? For instance, teens asking for hit songs with such words. #ELTChat
9:14 pm sandymillin: RT @smaragdav: songs help boost ss with learning difficulties self confidence. you dont need to spell or read once u learn the song #Eltchat
9:15 pm cioccas: @hoprea: What about songs with taboo or swear words? Use them to teach those words and discuss why taboo. #ELTChat
9:15 pm harrisonmike: @hoprea I find, even tho I teach adults, I wouldn't use a song w/loads of swearwords. Some of my learners r not that mature really #eltchat
9:15 pm marekandrews: @TyKendall yeah it's good to milk a song for all the cultural connections u can+take it to unusual places #eltchat
9:15 pm Marisa_C: RT @monicamalpas77: @Shaunwilden #ELTchat I often ask for suggestions,bands, singers,etc and then I choose the song
9:15 pm grahamstanley: Using an IWB means that I can also now prepare a song in 5 minutes to use with my young learners #ELTchat
9:15 pm JenniWellsted: @hoprea find the radio edit #ELTChat
9:15 pm janetbianchini: #ELTchat Love doing Eternal Flame by the Bangles with Elems -great pres cont + miming actions +body vocab practice http://tinyurl.com/yrw937
9:15 pm derekspalla: @hoprea Usually you can find "clean" versions of student songs that have offensive lyrics or themes. #ELTchat
9:15 pm gret: @Marisa_C I love using songs to encourage discussions in my literature classes. For ex Animal Farm w/ Revolution by The Beatles #ELTChat
9:15 pm harrisonmike: @grahamstanley If the internet connection and network are all good, eh? ;o) #eltchat
9:15 pm cioccas: @grahamstanley: IWB great for using songs in class! #ELTchat
9:15 pm sandymillin: RT @JenniWellsted: @hoprea find the radio edit #ELTChat
9:16 pm BethCagnol: @Marisa_C @shaznosel Teens do find some songs boring unless they're tied 2 their fave shows (e.g. theme from How I Met Ur Mother) #ELTCHAT
9:16 pm Marisa_C: If you need any help please ask me or @esolcourses who is helping me moderate tonight's chat #ELTchat
9:16 pm grahamstanley: Using http://www.spotify.com or Youtube for the music and lyrics copied and pasted on IWB #ELTchat
9:16 pm hoprea: @cioccas That's one way to deal with them, for sure! :) #ELTChat
9:16 pm TyKendall: i think appropriacy is always an issue when dealing with authentic material, songs are no different, teachers have to use judgement #ELTchat
9:16 pm Marisa_C: RT @gret: @Marisa_C I love using songs to encourage discussions in my lit classes. For ex Animal Farm w/ Revolution by The Beatles #ELTChat
9:16 pm SueannaN: RT @TyKendall: i think appropriacy is always an issue when dealing with authentic material, songs are no different, teachers have to use judgement #ELTchat
9:16 pm sandymillin: #eltchat Depends on version on local radio too e.g. Lily Allen songs bleeped in UK but not in Cz.
9:16 pm hoprea: @harrisonmike Oh, that certainly is a problem that has to be taken into account. :) #ELTChat
9:16 pm esolcourses: RT @Marisa_C: If you need any help please ask me or @esolcourses who is helping me moderate tonight's chat #ELTchat
9:16 pm Marisa_C: RT @grahamstanley: Using an IWB means that I can also now prepare a song in 5 minutes to use with my young learners #ELTchat
9:16 pm monicamalpas77: @sandymillin #ELTchat it's really important to watch the videos before playing them but you can just use other pics instead while listening
9:16 pm cioccas: @hoprea Need to when they're living in an English-speaking country and hearing that language every day! #ELTchat
9:16 pm BethCagnol: @JoeMcVeigh Yes I CAN CAN CAN! (love that song :-) #ELTCHAT
9:17 pm farflungstar: RT @harrisonmike: Songs (and poems) a great way to look at words that share the same sounds #eltchatShakira Fool one good example
9:17 pm Marisa_C: RT @grahamstanley: Using http://www.spotify.com or Youtube for the music and lyrics copied and pasted on IWB #ELTchat
9:17 pm smaragdav: Eurovision time is my ss fav. Rather than them mumbling anything ,we learn the real lyrics #eltchat
9:17 pm lydbury: Just to say I am here but regret this is a bit outside my ken - we don't do this! #eltchat
9:17 pm esolcourses: RT @monicamalpas77: @Shaunwilden #ELTchat I often ask for suggestions,bands, singers,etc and then I choose the song ] great idea!
9:17 pm hoprea: @JenniWellsted @derekspalla Even so, students are likely to already know the song and will sing it using the dirty words... #ELTChat
9:17 pm JoeMcVeigh: #ELTchat Thanks to @gret, @janetbianchini, @bethcagnol for specific song suggestions and how you use them. Very helpful. Other ideas?
9:17 pm grahamstanley: It's great to be able to use a song that my YLs are into that day, rather than wait until next class #ELTchat
9:17 pm sandymillin: RT @lydbury: Just to say I am here but regret this is a bit outside my ken - we don't do this! #eltchat <so then, why not?
9:17 pm gret: @derekspalla Yes, it's great! Some shared the songs on their blogs! Others shared the videos on the blogs and then sang in class. #ELTChat
9:17 pm Marisa_C: RT @hoprea: @JenniWellsted @derekspalla Even so, students likely to already know the song and will sing it using the dirty words... #ELTChat
9:18 pm billpellowe: Songs can prompt discussion *about* the song. Play a clip, students talk (Have you ever heard this, Do you like this, etc) #eltchat
9:18 pm marekandrews: love using two versions of songs+getting ss to compare them like 2 versions of candle in the windhttp://tinyurl.com/6g3athf #eltchat
9:18 pm lydbury: @sandymillin In a one week course with business people needing to prepare presentations? #eltchat
9:18 pm esolcourses: RT @TyKendall: we can still get learners to generate language even if they don't like the song they can talk about their dislikes #ELTchat
9:18 pm Marisa_C: RT @gret: @derekspalla Yes, it's great! Some shared the songs on their blogs! Others shared the videos on the blogs and then sang. #ELTChat
9:18 pm derekspalla: @hoprea Not after they learn the "new" version you teach them. It will get stuck in their head I promise :) #ELTchat
9:18 pm hoprea: I guess the very first thing is defining why you're playing a song in class. Is it just for fun or is there a clear learning goal? #ELTChat
9:18 pm grahamstanley: I've also taken my PlayStation to class and used SingStar (karaoke) - great fun with teenagers #ELTchat
9:18 pm lydbury: @grahamstanley Agree #ELTchat
9:18 pm Marisa_C: I like to get Ss to write additional verses #ELTchat
9:18 pm BethCagnol: @lydbury Aw, come on' Duncan. Business English and music are a perfect fit! ;-) #ELTCHAT
9:19 pm lydbury: @bethcagnol Hmm #ELTCHAT
9:19 pm sandymillin: RT @lydbury: @sandymillin In a one week course with business people needing to prepare presentations? #eltchat <fair enough :)
9:19 pm cioccas: RT @Marisa_C: I like to get Ss to write additional verses Grate idea! #ELTchat
9:19 pm derekspalla: @hoprea I would say, always have a clear learning goal, especially with older students. #ELTchat
9:19 pm lydbury: @sandymillin :-) #eltchat
9:19 pm lydbury: @derekspalla Yes #ELTchat
9:19 pm Marisa_C: Good article listing uses here http://bit.ly/eXj0Sb #ELTchat save for later
9:19 pm hoprea: Play song once, ask students to write down as many words as they can, pair them up, and ask them to create a new song w/ the words. #ELTChat
9:19 pm smaragdav: RT @Marisa_C: I like to get Ss to write additional verses #ELTchat
9:20 pm Shaunwilden: An Idea I got from @cheimi10 was 2 use screen capture 2 take pics from a song video, they can then be used 4 ordering/ prediction..#ELTchat
9:20 pm gret: We even had a Skype call with @flourishingkids' class in California. We sang for them and they sang for us! It was amazing! #ELTChat
9:20 pm sandymillin: RT @Shaunwilden: from @cheimi10: use screen capture to take pics from song video, can be used for ordering/ prediction etc #eltchat
9:20 pm iVenus: The usual pre- ; while- and post- listening/viewing phases are something I use often. Covers mood, vocabulary and application #ELTchat
9:20 pm sandymillin: RT @hoprea: Play song once, ask students to write down as many words as they can, pair them up, and ask them to create a new song w/ the words. #ELTChat
9:20 pm harrisonmike: If there are different visuals to a music video, or advert using a song, it can be interesting to consider the differences #eltchat
9:20 pm Marisa_C: For beginners get them to write new verse for "don't know much" song - good fun #ELTchat (got Ts to do that too...::-D)
9:20 pm janetbianchini: #eltchat I also get students to make up their own lyrics to the tune of a song - that can be quite fun!
9:20 pm BethCagnol: Any of your students think they are "bad" in English because they don't understand the lyrics of songs in English? #ELTCHAT
9:21 pm sandymillin: RT @harrisonmike: If there are different visuals to a music video, or advert using a song, it can be interesting to consider the differences #eltchat
9:21 pm Marisa_C: RT @Shaunwilden: Idea from @cheimi10 use screen capture 2 take pics from a song video, then be used 4 ordering/ prediction..#ELTchat
9:21 pm grahamstanley: Gret idea! RT @janetbianchini: #eltchat I also get students to make up their own lyrics to the tune of a song - that can be quite fun!
9:21 pm hoprea: @derekspalla And sometimes fun and relaxation can be the goal. :) #ELTChat
9:21 pm BethCagnol: RT @Marisa_C: For beginners get them to write new verse for "don't know much" song - good fun #ELTchat(got Ts to do that too...::-D)
9:21 pm monicamalpas77: @hoprea #ELTchat I use songs with teenagers to motivate them too.They know there'll be a song and just can't wait.It also depends on yourSs,
9:21 pm Shaunwilden: @bethcagnol Nevermind sts these days I dont understand the lyrics of many songs :-) #ELTchat
9:21 pm sandymillin: RT @Shaunwilden: @bethcagnol Nevermind sts these days I dont understand the lyrics of many songs :-) #ELTchat
9:21 pm lydbury: @Shaunwilden Awwwwwwwwwwwh #ELTchat
9:22 pm gret: @Marisa_C I love using Hello Goodbye by The Beatles with beginners. I often ask them to write an extra verse. #ELTChat
9:22 pm Marisa_C: @bethcagnol No but they want to know the meaning so #ELTCHAT
9:22 pm esolcourses: @hoprea @JoeMcVeigh a lesson where I used a song video to help teach vocabulary & grammar (likes and dislikes) http://bit.ly/gHR7VE #ELTChat
9:22 pm shaznosel: RT @Marisa_C: Good article listing uses here http://bit.ly/eXj0Sb #ELTchat save for later
9:22 pm Marisa_C: RT @gret: @Marisa_C I love using Hello Goodbye by The Beatles with beginners. I often ask them to write an extra verse. #ELTChat
9:22 pm miladakrajewska: RT @Shaunwilden: An Idea from @cheimi10 :use screen capture 2 take pics from a song video-can then be used 4 ordering/ prediction..#ELTchat
9:22 pm esolcourses: RT @gret: @Marisa_C I love using Hello Goodbye by The Beatles with beginners. I often ask them to write an extra verse. #ELTChat
9:22 pm grahamstanley: @Marisa_C Another idea with music videos is for them to play the song and ask them to design a concept for the video #ELTchat
9:22 pm gret: @cioccas That sounds wonderful! It must have been a great experience! #ELTChat
9:22 pm Marisa_C: RT@JoeMcVeigh a lesson where I used a song video to help teach vocabulary & grammar (likes and dislikes)http://bit.ly/gHR7VE #ELTChat
9:22 pm sandymillin: #eltchat My 121 Proficiency SS loves Take That / Robbie Williams - we discuss lyrics every time new song comes out. Lots of cultural input
9:23 pm Marisa_C: RT @grahamstanley: @Marisa_C Another idea with music videos is to play the song and ask them to design a concept for the video #ELTchat
9:23 pm TyKendall: @Shaunwilden @bethcagnol this in itself can be an activity indecipherable lyrics reassures ss even NS have sum problems with lyrics #ELTchat
9:23 pm smaragdav: Get YL to mime song , teens to act out a scene of what they think happened. Improvising this is fun #eltchat
9:23 pm sandymillin: RT @TyKendall: @Shaunwilden @bethcagnol this in itself can be an activity indecipherable lyrics reassures ss even NS have sum problems with lyrics #ELTchat
9:23 pm Marisa_C: @grahamstanley great idea graham - also a nice idea is to have them listen and design own video clip #ELTchat
9:23 pm JoeMcVeigh: Useful teacher resource book: Music and Song by Tim Murphey. (OUP) http://bit.ly/fx7iWl or (Amazon-US)http://amzn.to/gf9ALI #ELTchat
9:23 pm Marisa_C: RT @shaznosel: @Marisa_C I agree..the end scenario! As most song writers aren't capable of this but ss are.. #ELTchat
9:23 pm BethCagnol: @Shaunwilden I've just been amazed how the French tend to use that as a benchmark for their level in English. #ELTCHAT
9:24 pm Shaunwilden: Remembered I had a blog post on using pencil full of lead (the vid is superb for an EFL class)http://bit.ly/eguINC #ELTchat
9:24 pm hoprea: I really like using songs to work on pronunciation. Activities as this one: http://bit.ly/fNeeEa #ELTChat
9:24 pm monicamalpas77: RT @Marisa_C: For beginners get them to write new verse for "don't know much" song - good fun #ELTchat(got Ts to do that too...::-D)
9:24 pm iVenus: @Marisa_C @grahamstanley or a video storyboard #ELTchat
9:24 pm BethCagnol: @Shaunwilden "I don't understand the lyrics, therefore my English must be bad." Crazy! #ELTCHAT
9:24 pm smaragdav: Our YL made a video clip of Singing in the Rain last year .. was GREAT fun #eltchat
9:24 pm Marisa_C: Hashtags please have pity on a poor moderator my little fingers are tired #ELTchat
9:24 pm Marisa_C: RT @iVenus: @Marisa_C @grahamstanley or a video storyboard #ELTchat > great idea yes
9:24 pm BethCagnol: RT @TyKendall: @Shaunwilden @bethcagnol this in itself can be an activity indecipherable lyrics reassures ss even NS have sum problems with lyrics #ELTchat
9:25 pm Marisa_C: RT @smaragdav: Our YL made a video clip of Singing in the Rain last year .. was GREAT fun #eltchat > Excellent where can we see it?
9:25 pm hoprea: A nice suggestion is getting Weird Al's versions and comparing with originals. The videos are also a good idea. #ELTChat
9:25 pm sandymillin: RT @hoprea: A nice suggestion is getting Weird Al's versions and comparing with originals. The videos are also a good idea. #ELTChat
9:25 pm cioccas: @hoprea: I really like using songs to work on pronunciation. Yes, and sometimes they lose their 'accent' when singing! #ELTChat
9:25 pm esolcourses: If you are taking part in tonight's #ELTchat, please remember to use the hashtag. Thanks :-)
9:25 pm SueannaN: http://bit.ly/ad7OoO Musical lessons prepared for the English teacher #ELTchat
9:25 pm sandymillin: #eltchat Do you find teachers bring out more songs at Christmas? Some of my colleagues do
9:25 pm JoeMcVeigh: @smaragdav What is a YL? #ELTchat
9:25 pm janetbianchini: To practise a grmmar point eg present perf cont this song by Foreigner is great http://tinyurl.com/ldu5xwDo A/B close gap activity #ELTchat
9:25 pm Marisa_C: @JoeMcVeigh Young Learner #ELTchat
9:25 pm esolcourses: RT @SueAnnanhttp://bit.ly/ad7OoO Musical lessons prepared for the English teacher #ELTchat
9:25 pm marekandrews: playing a song as ss come into room at beginning of a class+doing nothing w it can have a gr8 impact on general mood #eltchat
9:25 pm ELTchat: @JoeMcVeigh Young Learner #ELTchat
9:25 pm sandymillin: #eltchat SS can practice at home too www.lyricstraining.com
9:26 pm fredgarnett: #ELTChat I have analysed the Beatles Learning Styles & Creativity in 6 posts on my blog A Beatles YouTube Album. Enjoy; http://bit.ly/9qM0lC
9:26 pm BethCagnol: It's also fun to show students websites that list "misheard" lyrics by native speakers. Funny stuff! #ELTCHAT
9:26 pm sandymillin: RT @marekandrews: playing a song as ss come into room at beginning of a class+doing nothing w it can have a gr8 impact on general mood #eltchat
9:26 pm SueannaN: RT @BethCagnol: It's also fun to show students websites that list "misheard" lyrics by native speakers. Funny stuff! #ELTCHAT
9:26 pm hoprea: RT @bethcagnol: It's also fun to show students websites that list "misheard" lyrics by native speakers. Funny stuff! #ELTCHAT
9:26 pm Shaunwilden: @bethcagnol Yes it's crazy. I guess they don't actually know all the french lyrics to french songs but never make that connection #ELTchat
9:26 pm TrudyTakacs: RT @grahamstanley: I've also taken my PlayStation to class and used SingStar (karaoke) - great fun with teenagers #ELTchat
9:26 pm EveWeb: LIVE now "Webinar for English Teachers: Teaching Vocabulary" on VenTESOL: http://bit.ly/hTeHKT Vicky mentions the use of songs #ELTChat
9:26 pm Marisa_C: Who remembers the link for lyris is it lyris.com? #ELTchat
9:26 pm nickkiley: #ELTChat Anyone ever encountered strong student resistance to songs in class?
9:27 pm sandymillin: RT @BethCagnol: It's also fun to show students websites that list "misheard" lyrics by native speakers. Funny stuff! #ELTCHAT
9:27 pm iVenus: Asking students to participate in song selection too for ownership & deeper engagement! Give them 5 & have them vote on top 3! #ELTchat
9:27 pm esolcourses: Some online song quizzes on my website, (Gap fills, multiple choice,etc) sorted by level: http://bit.ly/aSVLhi#ELTChat
9:27 pm derekspalla: RT @iVenus: Asking students to participate in song selection too for ownership & deeper engagement! Give them 5 & have them vote on top 3! #ELTchat
9:27 pm Shaunwilden: RT @nickkiley: #ELTChat Anyone ever encountered strong student resistance to songs in class? Yes when I tried to be trendy with my teens
9:27 pm smaragdav: @nickkiley Theres always a shy one who refuses to sing #Eltchat
9:27 pm EveWeb: lyrics.com #ELTChat
9:27 pm Marisa_C: @nickkiley No resistance but smtms felt reluctant to make a class of impoverished refugees start singing #ELTChat
9:27 pm sandymillin: RT @nickkiley: #ELTChat Anyone ever encountered strong student resistance to songs in class? <No, my SS like it for variety
9:27 pm JoeMcVeigh: Anyone had success with songs from musicals? #ELTchat
9:27 pm derekspalla: @smaragdav Great idea! #ELTchat
9:27 pm cioccas: @nickkiley Yes, some of our more serious students don't think it's 'real' learning #ELTchat
9:28 pm europeaantje: The Archive of Misheard Lyrics http://www.kissthisguy.com/ #eltchat
9:28 pm SueannaN: Do a kind of Jukebox Jury with a handful of songs. Students have to vote for their favourite #ELTCHAT good TBL task
9:28 pm Marisa_C: RT @europeaantje: The Archive of Misheard Lyrics http://bit.ly/9qrW2w #eltchat > that's great fun and very useful for Ss too
9:28 pm nickkiley: @smaragdav Any strategies for the shy one? #ELTChat
9:28 pm TyKendall: @Shaunwilden @nickkiley out of interest what songs were you using to be trendy? #ELTchat
9:28 pm nickkiley: @Shaunwilden #ELTChat I've told you before about trying to be trendy, Shaun...
9:28 pm sandymillin: RT @nickkiley: @smaragdav Any strategies for the shy one? #ELTChat < ask them to choose the song?
9:29 pm BethCagnol: "The algebra has a devil for a sidekick eeeee...." > "Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me..." #ELTCHAThttp://www.kissthisguy.com/
9:29 pm nickkiley: RT @Marisa_C: @nickkiley No resistance but smtms felt reluctant to make a class of impoverished refugees start singing #ELTChat > :-)
9:29 pm Marisa_C: We often use karaoke style with our ss they love it! #ELTchat
9:29 pm smaragdav: http://j.mp/L5DvG is a great site.Make a quiz on lyri cs. Ss answer as they watch the video clip #eltchat
9:29 pm cioccas: RT @nickkiley: RT @Marisa_C: @nickkiley No resistance but smtms felt reluctant to make a class of impoverished refugees start singing #ELTChat > :-)
9:29 pm BethCagnol: Archive of misheard lyrics: http://www.kissthisguy.com/ #ELTCHAT
9:29 pm lydbury: RT @Marisa_C: We often use karaoke style with our ss they love it! #ELTchat <Ah - our village pub does the same
9:30 pm Marisa_C: @lydbury guess we act like a village pub then :-) #ELTchat
9:30 pm iVenus: Yup, like Lady Gaga's bad romance? http://youtu.be/n3HjE9mWi pQ @Marisa_C: We often use karaoke style with our ss they love it! #ELTchat
9:30 pm marekandrews: @nickkiley good to get ss to decide on a song together and then work with it and then discuss how useful it was for whatever #eltchat
9:30 pm esolcourses: RT @Marisa_C: RT @europeaantje: The Archive of Misheard Lyrics http://bit.ly/9qrW2w #eltchat > that's great fun and very useful for Ss too
9:30 pm nickkiley: RT @cioccas: @nickkiley Yes, some of our more serious students don't think it's 'real' learning #ELTchat> Do you then drop it?
9:30 pm smaragdav: @nickkiley I try to enourage by smiling to them while Im singing.. but never pressure them #Eltchat
9:30 pm shaznosel: RT @Marisa_C: We often use karaoke style with our ss they love it! #ELTchat
9:30 pm SueannaN: English central always includes a song for pronunciation work #ELTCHAT
9:30 pm Marisa_C: RT @SueAnnan: English central always includes a song for pronunciation work #ELTCHAT
9:30 pm JoeMcVeigh: RT @europeaantje: The Archive of Misheard Lyrics http://bit.ly/9qrW2w #eltchat And check out "mondegreens" http://bit.ly/cwlZcH
9:30 pm Shaunwilden: @TyKendall @nickkiley a few years ago, I had a class of mainly teen boys, they listened to rap etc so thought it would b a gd idea #ELTChat
9:30 pm janetbianchini: Tune into English.com is a fab free resource to use with ss!! http://www.tuneintoenglish.com/ #eltchat - they always love Karaoke songs!
9:30 pm steve__kirk: Instrumental music can be a gr8 way to frame a guided visualisation. How else do you use music without words? #eltchat
9:31 pm Marisa_C: Songs are great for pronunciation practice especially sound linking and reduction #ELTchat
9:31 pm janetbianchini: RT @esolcourses Some online song quizzes on my website, (Gap fills, multiple choice,etc) sorted by level:http://bit.ly/aSVLhi #ELTChat
9:31 pm cioccas: @nickkiley No, show them how singing leads to learning - how we use it for grammar, etc. V.hard with lower levels of course! #ELTchat
9:31 pm iVenus: Sorry, bad link to Bad Romance. Here's the right one! http://youtu.be/n3HjE9mWipQ #ELTchat
9:31 pm europeaantje: http://www.lyricstraining.com/ choose song, choose level, fill gaps. music will stop #eltchat
9:31 pm Marisa_C: RT @steve__kirk: Instrumental music can be a gr8 way to frame a guided visualisation. How else do you use music without words? #eltchat
9:31 pm monicamalpas77: @nickkiley #ELTchat when Ss don't want to sing,I replay the beginning of the song as many times as necessary til I see 'everyone' issinging.
9:31 pm lolonagi: @Marisa_C yay I came on time to #Eltchat
9:31 pm Marisa_C: @steve__kirk Suggestopedia type or adaptations thereof necessitate soft background music (at 60 megacycles :-) #eltchat
9:32 pm sandymillin: #eltchat Ask SS to draw while listening, then talk about what they drew
9:32 pm esolcourses: Flocabulary - Hip Hop in The Classroom: Great for teens :-) http://bit.ly/2j9fIY #ELTChat
9:32 pm harrisonmike: Mad World with multiple visuals: http://youtu.be/4N3N1MlvVc4 http://youtu.be/2PUFJmsCZLEhttp://youtu.be/ccWrbGEFgI8 #eltchat #musicvideos
9:32 pm Marisa_C: RT @esolcourses: Flocabulary - Hip Hop in The Classroom: Great for teens :-) http://bit.ly/2j9fIY #ELTChat
9:32 pm hoprea: RT @sandymillin: #eltchat Ask SS to draw while listening, then talk about what they drew <- also a nice one! :)
9:32 pm derekspalla: @sandymillin Yes...I do that too. #ELTchat
9:32 pm BethCagnol: @Marisa_C Gonna have 2 turn in early tonight, guys. Nutty rest of the week. Bonne nuit and look forward to reading the transcript. #ELTCHAT
9:32 pm steve__kirk: Was just tweeting exactly the same point!! Great minds... #eltchat
9:32 pm SueannaN: I use mix of music from the countries of my students. They have 2 explain similarities & differences in the sentiments of the songs #ELTCHAT
9:32 pm TyKendall: @Shaunwilden @nickkiley i think teens pop culture is so hard to keep up with but usually i avoid rap simply because of the speed #ELTchat
9:32 pm Marisa_C: @lolonagi Hello and welcome! talking about songs! #Eltchat
9:32 pm smaragdav: RT @Marisa_C: RT @esolcourses: Flocabulary - Hip Hop in The Classroom: Great for teens :-)http://bit.ly/2j9fIY #ELTChat
9:32 pm europeaantje: online karaoke http://www.karaokeplay.com/ #eltchat
9:33 pm cioccas: @esolcourses Have used some Australian hip hop, to encourage writing about 'issues'. - but the listening is sometimes v.difficult! #ELTchat
9:33 pm nickkiley: RT @sandymillin: #eltchat Ask SS to draw while listening, then talk about what they drew> Nice idea
9:33 pm monicamalpas77: @nickkiley #ELTchat It won't take long,believe me.They start laughing but then start singing ...That's worked for me.
9:33 pm Marisa_C: @bethcagnol bonne nut ma chere bisou! #ELTCHAT
9:33 pm smaragdav: RT @nickkiley: RT @sandymillin: #eltchat Ask SS to draw while listening, then talk about what they drew> Nice idea
9:33 pm Marisa_C: RT @harrisonmike: Mad World with multiple visuals: http://youtu.be/4N3N1MlvVc4http://youtu.be/2PUFJmsCZLE #eltchat #musicvideos
9:33 pm Marisa_C: one more http://youtu.be/ccWrbGEFgI8 #ELTchat
9:34 pm JoeMcVeigh: What do you think are the QUALITIES of a good song to use in the classroom? What do you consider when choosing songs? #ELTchat
9:34 pm nickkiley: @monicamalpas77 #ELTChat One reason I ask, is I hate being asked to sing, even happy b'day... :-)
9:34 pm harrisonmike: @JoeMcVeigh Speed is a big one, though you can slow down to a fine degree with VLC media player #eltchat
9:34 pm Marisa_C: @Chaoukiboss # this is a hashtag and if you put it in front of eltchat like so #eltchat it shows up in your search
9:34 pm cioccas: RT @nickkiley: @monicamalpas77 #ELTChat One reason I ask, is I hate being asked to sing, even happy b'day... :-) <Me too!
9:34 pm marekandrews: @SueAnnan on similarities and differences comparing national anthems can be very revealing+engaging #eltchat
9:35 pm sueleather: @JoeMcVeigh Students have to like the song I think..#ELTChat
9:35 pm SueannaN: Bob Dylan and Billy BRagg are great for stimulating discussions about issues #ELTCHAT
9:35 pm esolcourses: I do a weekend news quiz on our blog, on Flocabulary's the "Week in Rap" - good for for higher level s's #ELTChat
9:35 pm TEFL: I was thinking yesterday it would be fun to have a DJ for MyEC #ELTChat
9:35 pm grahamstanley: @nickkiley yes, you have to make sure the learners are OK with it and not make it compulsory #ELTchat
9:35 pm smaragdav: @JoeMcVeigh Must consider age , taste in music and purpose - even if its just for fun #Eltchat
9:35 pm SueannaN: @marekandrews Great idea #eltchat
9:35 pm Shaunwilden: @SueAnnan Oh yes some good lessons built around the 'busy girl buys beauty' :-) #ELTChat I
9:35 pm harrisonmike: @lolonagi Noooo, Elvis all the way! #eltchat
9:36 pm esolcourses: @cioccas yes, rap only really works with higher level learners, I think. #ELTChat
9:36 pm sandymillin: #eltchat Didn't know anything about the Beatles until I started teaching English :) Now I know a lot!
9:36 pm grahamstanley: @JoeMcVeigh with songs, it's good to use ones learners choose a lot of the time #ELTchat
9:36 pm ESHalvorsen: @lydbury #eltchat i just used 'taxman' by the beatles in a BE lesson. Taught the comparative and griped about taxes. Perfect!
9:36 pm SueannaN: @Shaunwilden LOL #ELTChat
9:36 pm vickysaumell: I let them choose a song about any global issue...we sing along and discuss #ELTchat
9:36 pm nickkiley: RT @lolonagi: what about Beatles #eltchat Managed to do a great lesson on articles with Penny Lane on my Dip :-)
9:36 pm esolcourses: RT @ESHalvorsen @lydbury #eltchat i just used 'taxman' by the beatles in a BE lesson. Taught the comparative & griped about taxes. Perfect!
9:36 pm cioccas: @esolcourses Definitely only higher levels - our younger refugees from Africa seem to take to hip hop though #ELTchat
9:37 pm sandymillin: #eltchat Summer school SS obsessed with Micheal Jackson last year,so we playd his songs all the time. Did few activities but mostly b/ground
9:37 pm sueleather: @vickysaumell Letting students choose the song is great. #eltchat
9:37 pm BethCagnol: @Marisa_C Beaux rĆŖves, chĆ©rie. #ELTCHAT
9:37 pm lolonagi: @nickkiley can u give me the song u used #eltchat
9:37 pm Marisa_C: nice link here http://bit.ly/i5BTXu #ELTchat why use songs and some ready activs for various levels
9:37 pm esolcourses: @nickkiley have used Penny Lane as well - She's leaving home is another good one #eltchat
9:37 pm cioccas: RT @sandymillin: #eltchat Didn't know anything about the Beatles until I started teaching English :) Now I know a lot! < :-)
9:37 pm miladakrajewska: Gr8 new lesson plan on Lessonstream.org based on a song: http://bit.ly/eSDlIe #eltchat
9:37 pm SueannaN: @bethcagnol Bonne Nuit Chere Beth #ELTCHAT
9:37 pm vickysaumell: @sueleather #eltchat When sts choose they feel empowered
9:37 pm monicamalpas77: @nickkiley #ELTchat =D the good thing is that singing with friends/classmates is better than singin alone.I guess that's why my Ss sing too
9:37 pm harrisonmike: @lolonagi 'In the ghetto' would be an Elvis number I would pic #eltchat
9:37 pm Marisa_C: @bethcagnol aaah tu es un ange! beaux reves aussi #ELTCHAT
9:37 pm esolcourses: RT @Marisa_C: nice link here http://bit.ly/i5BTXu #ELTchat why use songs and some ready activs for various levels
9:37 pm marekandrews: @grahamstanley @JoeMcVeigh and to get ss to research the singers/bands+do projects+presentations on them #eltchat
9:37 pm hoprea: Maybe you could ask your students to try to recreate this video: http://youtu.be/PKji7M4Wpec #ELTChat
9:38 pm Marisa_C: RT @hoprea: Maybe you could ask your students to try to recreate this video: http://youtu.be/PKji7M4Wpec#ELTChat
9:38 pm sueleather: @monicamalpas77 @vickysaumell Exactly. They can even gap teh songs themsleves. #eltchat
9:38 pm harrisonmike: RT @Marisa_C: RT @hoprea: Maybe you could ask your students to try to recreate this video:http://youtu.be/PKji7M4Wpec #ELTChat
9:38 pm nickkiley: @lolonagi Penny Lane - lots of different uses of articles, and narrative that lots can relate to #ELTChat
9:38 pm janetbianchini: Write key words on bits of coloured paper - hand out to ss - they have to stand up when they hear their word - usually great fun! #eltchat
9:38 pm esolcourses: RT @marekandrews: @grahamstanley @JoeMcVeigh get ss to research the singers/bands+do projects+presentations on them #eltchat
9:38 pm grahamstanley: @marekandrews yes, another great idea #ELTchat
9:38 pm web20education: Pockets is visual voicemail for twitter #edtech20 #eltchat #edchat #elearning http://pocketsapp.com/http://fb.me/QnSBADOg
9:38 pm Marisa_C: Singing together promotes group bonding #ELTchat
9:38 pm nickkiley: @monicamalpas77 #ELTChat True - I sing my head off at football matches ;-)
9:38 pm esolcourses: RT @Marisa_C: Singing together promotes group bonding #ELTchat
9:39 pm SueannaN: RT @marekandrews: @grahamstanley @JoeMcVeigh and to get ss to research the singers/bands+do projects+presentations on them #eltchat
9:39 pm TyKendall: @shaznosel @Shaunwilden @nickki rap also concerns me because there is commonly misogynistic and homophobic undertones #ELTchat
9:39 pm Marisa_C: and it doesn't matter if some ss are just moving their lips #Eltchat - you do that too smtms don't you
9:39 pm hoprea: RT @Marisa_C: Singing together promotes group bonding #ELTchat <- Agree!
9:39 pm nickkiley: @harrisonmike #ELTChat Ooh, In the Ghetto - yes, there's got to be a good lesson in there
9:39 pm sandymillin: RT @hoprea: RT @Marisa_C: Singing together promotes group bonding #ELTchat <- Agree!
9:39 pm grahamstanley: @monicamalpas77 I think singing is great fun too - but I'm not sure people listening to me sing think the same :-) #ELTchat
9:40 pm JoeMcVeigh: RT @vickysaumell: Funny songs like "If I had a million dollars" by BArenaked Ladies are great! #ELTchat
9:40 pm vickysaumell: Funny songs like "If I had a million dollars" by Barenaked Ladies are great! #ELTchat
9:40 pm cioccas: RT @TyKendall Agree, need to choose rap or hip hop songs v.carefully #ELTchat
9:40 pm SueannaN: @janetbianchini I get them 2 move 1 chair 2 the left. They all end up sitting on top of each other. gr8 when class R all familiar #eltchat
9:40 pm Shaunwilden: @TyKendall yes true but its also a good way to bring these topics into the classroom #ELTchat
9:40 pm steve__kirk: Looking at songs as poetry: Form, metaphor, emotion. Working extensively with lyrics post-listening can be v. powerful #eltchat
9:40 pm esolcourses: @TyKendall @shaznosel @Shaunwilden @nicki a lot of songs contain inappropriate lyrics - teacher's need to select carefully #ELTchat
9:40 pm Marisa_C: @grahamstanley #ELTchat I think a teeacher who sings like a professional can be frightening off ss - #ELTchat doesn't matter if not good
9:41 pm sandymillin: RT @Marisa_C: @grahamstanley #ELTchat I think a teeacher who sings like a professional can be frightening off ss - #ELTchat doesn't matter if not good
9:41 pm grahamstanley: A great 2nd conditional song is 'When I win the lottery' by Camper Van Beethoven #ELTchat
9:41 pm Marisa_C: RT @steve__kirk: Looking at songs as poetry: Form, metaphor, emotion. Working with lyrics post-listening can be v. powerful #eltchat - yes
9:41 pm esolcourses: RT @grahamstanley: A great 2nd conditional song is 'When I win the lottery' by Camper Van Beethoven #ELTchat
9:41 pm iVenus: Span prof @eRomanMe puts up a playlist on YouTube for students. So, if they like a song, then they can listen to more beyond class #ELTchat
9:41 pm sandymillin: RT @iVenus: Span prof @eRomanMe puts up a playlist on YouTube for students. So, if they like a song, then they can listen to more beyond class #ELTchat
9:41 pm nickkiley: #ELTChat Anyone ever done football songs in class (just out of (sad) interest)? WOuld also need to be careful....
9:42 pm grahamstanley: @Marisa_C I agree, but sometimes I sing with my YLs and they look at me oddly trying to work out the tune I'm trying to sing #ELTchat
9:42 pm vickysaumell: Black Eyes PeasĀ“Where is the Love is a song they love... I challenge them 2 sing it along from beginning to end for a good "grade" #ELTchat
9:42 pm esolcourses: Lucy in The Sky With Diamonds is good for teaching prepositions http://bit.ly/fbb4W0 #ELTChat
9:42 pm cioccas: @esolcourses Lots of bonding at end-of-term karaoke sessions & when they realise I'm a very bad singer makes them all feel better! #ELTchat
9:42 pm marekandrews: @esolcourses with appropriate groups discussing "inappropriate" lyrics might be very productive #eltchat
9:42 pm monicamalpas77: @grahamstanley #ELTchat Ss always find it funny when I sing with them (I sing badly!) but as I don't get embarrassed,they follow me =D
9:42 pm Marisa_C: @grahamstanley no but done pub song "SHow me the way to go home" to introduce Language Varieties #ELTchat
9:42 pm sandymillin: RT @marekandrews: @esolcourses with appropriate groups discussing "inappropriate" lyrics might be very productive #eltchat
9:42 pm cioccas: RT @monicamalpas77: @grahamstanley #ELTchat Ss always find it funny when I sing with them (I sing badly!) but as I don't get embarrassed,they follow me =D
9:42 pm iVenus: @grahamstanley How about "If I had a million dollars", Canada's Barenaked ladies, for conditional...a personal fav :) #ELTchat
9:43 pm harrisonmike: @grahamstanley Got to gauge age suitability too - I once tried '1,2,3,4,5 Once I caught a fish alive' w/10 yr olds. Not so good! #eltchat
9:43 pm Shaunwilden: @nickkiley A mate of mine made a whole short course on football for one of the WCs, inc terrace chants #ELTchat
9:43 pm esolcourses: RT @marekandrews: @esolcourses with appropriate groups discussing "inappropriate" lyrics might be very productive #eltchat ] yes, agree
9:43 pm SueannaN: Chumbawumba's 'Add' me is great for teens. You can have a seriously good discussion about internet safety afterwards #ELTCHAT
9:43 pm Marisa_C: @grahamstanley te he he #ELTchat
9:43 pm TyKendall: I have found that Glee! is quite popular amongst the kids these days there's surely a use or 2 for it somewhere #ELTchat
9:43 pm vickysaumell: Wheenver I taught poetry and figures of speech, I started with a song...more accessible for teens #ELTchat
9:43 pm web20education: Free course Learning & Knowledge Analytics 2011 #LAK11 . Join free #edtech20 #edchat #ntchat #eltchat#elearning... http://fb.me/NJn5jn3M
9:43 pm Shaunwilden: RT @marekandrews: @grahamstanley @JoeMcVeigh and to get ss to research the singers/bands+do projects+presentations on them #eltchat
9:43 pm Marisa_C: @grahamstanley oh graham that made me laugh so much #ELTchat
9:43 pm JoeMcVeigh: Lyrics race: teams memorize one line of written song & race across classroom/hall to recorder who writes down. At end all listen. #ELTchat
9:43 pm sandymillin: RT @TyKendall: I have found that Glee! is quite popular amongst the kids these days there's surely a use or 2 for it somewhere #ELTchat
9:43 pm grahamstanley: @Marisa_C Fortuntately, http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org has lots of great sing-along-songs for kids #ELTchat
9:43 pm Marisa_C: RT @esolcourses: Lucy in The Sky With Diamonds is good for teaching prepositions http://bit.ly/fbb4W0#ELTChat
9:43 pm CELT_Athens: RT @esolcourses: Lucy in The Sky With Diamonds is good for teaching prepositions http://bit.ly/fbb4W0#ELTChat
9:43 pm Marisa_C: RT @grahamstanley: @Marisa_C Fortuntately, http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org has lots of great sing-along-songs for kids #ELTchat
9:43 pm nickkiley: RT @Shaunwilden: @nickkiley A mate of mine made a whole short course on football for one of the WCs, inc terrace chants #ELTchat :-) Gr8
9:44 pm esolcourses: @marekandrews think it depends on the context you are teaching in, the age group, and whether lyrics may cause offence to some s's #ELTChat
9:44 pm janetbianchini: Brill post by @evab2001 on how to use same song but in a different language http://tinyurl.com/66seehb#ELTchat
9:44 pm grahamstanley: @Marisa_C and it means I can mime to the words :-) #ELTchat
9:44 pm iVenus: YES! RT @TyKendall: I have found that Glee! is quite popular amongst the kids these days there's surely a use or 2 for it somewhere #ELTchat
9:44 pm hoprea: Ask students to compare this video http://youtu.be/QL_IhdCNRWo w either the movie or this other videohttp://youtu.be/gkvpuOebd88 #ELTChat
9:44 pm cioccas: @esolcourses: @marekandrews Sometimes need to discuss "inappropriate" lyrics when they hear it outside on the streets! #eltchat
9:44 pm harrisonmike: Can be interesting to think about using and comparing cover versions w/originals #eltchat
9:44 pm rliberni: RT @hoprea: Ask students to compare this video http://youtu.be/QL_IhdCNRWo w either the movie or this other video http://youtu.be/gkvpuOebd88 #ELTChat
9:44 pm esolcourses: RT @janetbianchini: Brill post by @evab2001 on how to use same song but in a different languagehttp://tinyurl.com/66seehb #ELTchat
9:44 pm grahamstanley: @iVenus Thanks for the tip - I'll definitely seek that one out #ELTchat
9:44 pm SueannaN: RT @harrisonmike: Can be interesting to think about using and comparing cover versions w/originals #eltchat
9:44 pm rliberni: RT @esolcourses: RT @janetbianchini: Brill post by @evab2001 on how to use same song but in a different language http://tinyurl.com/66seehb #ELTchat
9:44 pm shaznosel: RT @hoprea: RT @Marisa_C: Singing together promotes group bonding #ELTchat <- Agree!
9:45 pm sandymillin: #eltchat Inspired by @lclandfield - use www.overstream.net - Ask SS to subtitle song. Then compare each other's versions
9:45 pm esolcourses: RT @sandymillin: #eltchat Inspired by @lclandfield - use www.overstream.net - Ask SS to subtitle song. Then compare each other's versions
9:45 pm rliberni: RT @sandymillin: #eltchat Inspired by @lclandfield - use www.overstream.net - Ask SS to subtitle song. Then compare each other's versions
9:45 pm SueannaN: RT @sandymillin: #eltchat Inspired by @lclandfield - use www.overstream.net - Ask SS to subtitle song. Then compare each other's versions
9:45 pm nickkiley: #ELTChat Bedtime for me. Thanks everyone. Maybe I'll sing in the shower and try to notice some interesting language patterns (sigh...)
9:45 pm Marisa_C: RT @janetbianchini: Brill post by @evab2001 on how to use same song but in a different languagehttp://tinyurl.com/66seehb #ELTchat
9:45 pm gret: RT @esolcourses: RT @janetbianchini: Brill post by @evab2001 on how to use same song but in a different language http://tinyurl.com/66seehb #ELTchat
9:45 pm grahamstanley: @harrisonmike yes, age is important when choosing songs - especially with teenagers as tastes vary so much #ELTchat
9:45 pm cioccas: Lots of great links and tips to follow-up on later - thanks everyone! #ELTchat
9:45 pm marekandrews: @esolcourses sure and that always comes down to the sensitivity of the teacher #eltchat
9:45 pm iVenus: gr8! RT @sandymillin: #eltchat Inspired by @lclandfield -use www.overstream.net - Ask SS to subtitle song.Then compare each other's versions
9:45 pm SueannaN: RT @marekandrews: @esolcourses sure and that always comes down to the sensitivity of the teacher #eltchat
9:45 pm rliberni: RT @grahamstanley: @harrisonmike yes, age is important when choosing songs - especially with teenagers as tastes vary so much #ELTchat
9:45 pm vickysaumell: @TyKendall #ELTchat Yes! Glee is a favourite now... so using their songs is great. Take a bow by Rihanna good for showbiz vocabulary
9:46 pm nickkiley: RT @sandymillin: #eltchat Inspired by @lclandfield - use www.overstream.net - Ask SS to subtitle song. Oh yes, great!
9:46 pm Marisa_C: RT @sandymillin: #eltchat Inspired by @lclandfield -use www.overstream.net - Ask SS to subtitle song.Then compare each other's versions
9:46 pm rliberni: I love songs so much you can do with them! #eltchat
9:46 pm TEFL: Please share songs that are useful for learning English in the MyEC video gallery:http://my.englishclub.com/video #ELTChat
9:46 pm sandymillin: RT @rliberni: I love songs so much you can do with them! #eltchat
9:46 pm fionamau: RT @rliberni: I love songs so much you can do with them! #eltchat
9:46 pm esolcourses: RT @TEFL: Please share songs that are useful for learning English in the MyEC video gallery:http://my.englishclub.com/video #ELTChat
9:46 pm hooperchris: If ppl not familiar with it esoluk.co.uk has great bank of songs, videos and activities #eltchat
9:46 pm harrisonmike: These French, but you'll get the idea: La mauvaise rĆ©putation http://youtu.be/L4QndnetBE8 &http://youtu.be/A1IAnGfMoKE #eltchat
9:46 pm Marisa_C: RT @TEFL: Please share songs that are useful for learning English in the MyEC video gallery:http://my.englishclub.com/video #ELTChat
9:46 pm grahamstanley: Does anyone have any 'story songs' to suggest (i.e. songs with stories in them) - they are usually great to use in class #ELTchat
9:46 pm gret: RT @grahamstanley: Does anyone have any 'story songs' to suggest (i.e. songs with stories in them) - they are usually great to use in class #ELTchat
9:46 pm Marisa_C: @TEFL will do ! #ELTChat
9:47 pm TyKendall: @vickysaumell i also like how they do quite a few mash-ups..the umbrella/singing in the rain one was good #ELTchat
9:47 pm esolcourses: RT @hooperchris: If ppl not familiar with it esoluk.co.uk has great bank of songs, videos and activities #eltchat
9:47 pm smaragdav: RT @hooperchris: If ppl not familiar with it esoluk.co.uk has great bank of songs, videos and activities #eltchat
9:47 pm sandymillin: #eltchat 'Spanish Train' or 'Patricia the Stripper' by Chris de Burgh are good story songs - haven't tried using them, but might
9:47 pm rliberni: RT @esolcourses: RT @hooperchris: If ppl not familiar with it esoluk.co.uk has great bank of songs, videos and activities #eltchat
9:47 pm rliberni: RT @TyKendall: @vickysaumell i also like how they do quite a few mash-ups..the umbrella/singing in the rain one was good #ELTchat
9:47 pm hoprea: This video is also great for starting a discussion as the end of it is quite surprising. http://youtu.be/-VMFdpdDYYA #ELTChat
9:47 pm Marisa_C: @grahamstanley story songs are great - i use She's leaving Home - can send u a lesson plan if u like (and hard to find narratives) #ELTchat
9:47 pm SueannaN: @grahamstanley again try the album 'The Boy Bands Have Won' some great story songs. Also Folk songs #ELTchat
9:47 pm rliberni: RT @hoprea: This video is also great for starting a discussion as the end of it is quite surprising.http://youtu.be/-VMFdpdDYYA #ELTChat
9:47 pm cioccas: @grahamstanley Australian singer/songwriter Paul Kelly has lots of great story-songs, but may be 'too Australian' for anywhere else #ELTchat
9:48 pm rliberni: RT @Marisa_C: @grahamstanley story songs are great - i use She's leaving Home - can send u a lesson plan if u like (and hard to find narratives) #ELTchat
9:48 pm Shaunwilden: RT @sandymillin: #eltchat www.overstream.net - Ask SS to subtitle song.Then compare versions : < make literal videos http://bit.ly/goF9yP
9:48 pm rliberni: @Marisa_C that's a good one! #eltchat
9:48 pm TEFL: @Marisa_C Thanks! Just add a quick note in the description box about the grammar point if there is one. #ELTChat
9:48 pm grahamstanley: Thanks! @cioccas @cintiandrade @SueAnnan @sandymillin @Marisa_C - all very welcome ideas #ELTchat
9:48 pm fionamau: RT @grahamstanley: story songs? Young Hearts (give lyrics, ask them to devise video clip THEN play it - music big contrast to words #eltchat
9:48 pm vickysaumell: Lyrics training great for autonomous work on the songs they like http://bit.ly/9kQwqg #ELTchat
9:48 pm europeaantje: @grahamstanley paul kelly - very Ozhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_ndC07C2qw&feature=related#ELTchat
9:48 pm harrisonmike: @grahamstanley Daniel Powter? His videos do anyway http://youtu.be/vEY_mg2y-rghttp://youtu.be/gH476CxJxfg #eltchat #stories
9:48 pm rliberni: RT @vickysaumell: Lyrics training great for autonomous work on the songs they like http://bit.ly/9kQwqg#ELTchat
9:49 pm rliberni: What about karaoke - anybody do this? (for fun) #eltchat
9:49 pm grahamstanley: @minhaaj very cool! Thanks for the Spotify tip #ELTchat
9:49 pm europeaantje: @cioccas just saw ur response to @grahamstanley :-))) #ELTchat
9:49 pm Marisa_C: Loads of ideas on using songs running by me here is another great resource http://bit.ly/g9QPlU #ELTchat
9:49 pm marekandrews: also good 2 look at different versions of same song+get ss to listen out 4 diffs in voice+instruments as w hallelujah #eltchat
9:49 pm sandymillin: @Shaunwilden #eltchat Forgot about literal songs - they're so funny!
9:49 pm eRomanMe: @iVenus And this semeter, I will put up playlists with my students' favorite songs in SPAN #ELTchat
9:49 pm fionamau: #eltchat Why why why..... Delilah. Now there's a story, Graham ;-)
9:49 pm rliberni: RT @Marisa_C: Loads of ideas on using songs running by me here is another great resourcehttp://bit.ly/g9QPlU #ELTchat
9:49 pm harrisonmike: @grahamstanley I like Sterephonics - 'I stopped to fill my car up' too #eltchat #stories
9:50 pm TEFL: At my kids' school, music is used for exercise. D.P.A Daily Physical Activity. Kids and teachers dance to hip hop every day. #ELTChat
9:50 pm JoeMcVeigh: @grahamstanley re: story songs: "The Cruel War" Peter Paul & Mary, "Spanish is the Loving Tongue" Michael Martin Murphey #ELTchat
9:50 pm cioccas: @europeaantje Yes, and I saw yours - great minds! #ELTchat
9:50 pm TyKendall: @rliberni i couldn't carry a tune to save my life #ELTchat
9:50 pm vickysaumell: @TyKendall #ELTchat Yes! Loved it too
9:50 pm grahamstanley: Spotify is also great for displaying songlists based on music genre or even the year a student was born (predict the songs) #ELTchat
9:50 pm TyKendall: #ELTchat ..anything by Dido is safe i would say
9:50 pm cioccas: @rliberni: What about karaoke - anybody do this? (for fun) - YES, esp. end-of-term #eltchat
9:50 pm rliberni: Get stds to make up new endings or make up their own versions of songs #eltchat
9:50 pm esolcourses: RT @rliberni: What about karaoke - anybody do this? (for fun) #eltchat ] Sometimes - can be good for drilling & pronunciation as well
9:51 pm Marisa_C: RT @rliberni: What about karaoke - anybody do this? (for fun) #eltchat > I do!
9:51 pm harrisonmike: RT @hooperchris: Getting s to consider songs + singers re equal & diversity v good 4 + citizenship [&] positive role models #eltchat
9:51 pm vickysaumell: @TEFL #ELTChat Will add a few myself later
9:51 pm europeaantje: RT @cioccas: @rliberni: What about karaoke - anybody do this? (for fun) - YES, esp. end-of-term #eltchat | sing star here. sts love it
9:51 pm harrisonmike: RT @europeaantje: RT @cioccas: @rliberni: What about karaoke - anybody do this? (for fun) - YES, esp. end-of-term #eltchat | sing star here. sts love it
9:51 pm grahamstanley: @rliberni that's a nice idea with a story song - stop half way through the song and get sts to predict ending #ELTchat
9:51 pm Marisa_C: RT @grahamstanley: @rliberni that's a nice idea with a story song - stop half way through the song and get sts to predict ending #ELTchat
9:51 pm fceblog: #eltchat "The chat that never sleeps" or "Chat around the clock". Great resources/ideas being shared! Keep it up.
9:51 pm SueannaN: Give students half the rhyme and get them to make up the other half- Can be hilarious (careful with teens) #ELTCHAT
9:51 pm harrisonmike: @europeaantje Haha, great! We need Rockband as a Foreign Language classes! #eltchat
9:52 pm esolcourses: RT @harrisonmike: @europeaantje Haha, great! We need Rockband as a Foreign Language classes! #eltchat:-)))
9:52 pm smaragdav: got to go . thnx for the ideas #Eltchat
9:52 pm sandymillin: #eltchat @fionamau Know lot of people hate Chris de Burgh but he tells good stories!
9:52 pm JoeMcVeigh: Scrambled lyrics: give students lyrics but put lines out of order. Students reorder, then listen. #ELTchat
9:52 pm nickkiley: @grahamstanley #ELTChat Always thought there might be a (long) lesson in Dylan's Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts
9:52 pm europeaantje: RT @harrisonmike: @europeaantje Haha, great! We need Rockband as a Foreign Language classes! #eltchat| LOL @DaveDodgson made 2 vids
9:52 pm esolcourses: RT @JoeMcVeigh: Scrambled lyrics: give students lyrics but put lines out of order. Students reorder, then listen. #ELTchat
9:53 pm marekandrews: once taught "girlfriend in a coma" 2 teach "i could've" pronunciation+girl started crying who's best friend had been in coma+died #eltchat
9:53 pm vickysaumell: Alanis Morisette Hand in my pocket and You Learn are great for opposites and actions, respectively & Ironic is a personal favourite #ELTchat
9:53 pm iVenus: RT @eRomanMe: @iVenus And this semeter, I will put up playlists with my students' favorite songs in SPAN #ELTchat
9:53 pm TEFL: @harrisonmike Did you share this lesson of yours already (indecipherable lyrics)? http://tinyurl.com/34v9zr2#ELTChat
9:53 pm harrisonmike: I got CAE students to punctuate In The Ghetto and Bang Bang My Baby Shot Me Down #eltchat
9:53 pm janetbianchini: RT @JoeMcVeigh Scrambled lyrics: give students lyrics but put lines out of order. Students reorder, then listen. #ELTchat - great idea!
9:53 pm Marisa_C: RT @harrisonmike: I got CAE students to punctuate In The Ghetto and Bang Bang My Baby Shot Me Down #eltchat
9:53 pm sueleather: @nickkiley That'd be a very long lesson:) #eltchat
9:53 pm sandymillin: #eltchat Get SS to make a playlist at listen.grooveshark.com then ask them to walk around class & find out who else's they would listen 2
9:54 pm Marisa_C: RT @JoeMcVeigh Scrambled lyrics: give students lyrics but put lines out of order. Students reorder, then listen. #ELTchat - great idea!
9:54 pm SueannaN: RT @sandymillin: #eltchat Get SS to make a playlist at listen.grooveshark.com then ask them to walk around class & find out who else's they would listen 2
9:54 pm esolcourses: RT @harrisonmike: I got CAE students to punctuate In The Ghetto and Bang Bang My Baby Shot Me Down #eltchat
9:54 pm fionamau: RT @rliberni: Get stds 2 make up own versions of songs #eltchat>> thnx 2 @cgoodey my sons r STILL versioning 'Oh ye cannae push yer granny'.
9:54 pm marekandrews: always important not to forget the power of songs to move people in all directions+anticipate consequences #eltchat
9:54 pm harrisonmike: @Marisa_C Didn't say they were songs at first either #eltchat
9:54 pm Marisa_C: RT @marekandrews: always important not to forget the power of songs to move people in all directions+anticipate consequences #eltchat
9:54 pm esolcourses: RT @marekandrews: always important not to forget the power of songs to move people in all directions+anticipate consequences #eltchat
9:54 pm SueannaN: RT @Marisa_C: RT @marekandrews: always important not to forget the power of songs to move people in all directions+anticipate consequences #eltchat
9:55 pm rliberni: @Marisa_C couldn't persuade last wk's tchrs to do karaoke sadly - but we did do a play (can't fine link) #eltchat
9:55 pm TEFL: @harrisonmike @grahamstanley I love Stereophonics. Never thought to teach with their music. #ELTChat
9:55 pm fionamau: RT @sandymillin: #eltchat @fionamau Know lot of people hate Chris de Burgh but he tells good stories!>> very true. and brilliant live.
9:56 pm rliberni: @grahamstanley yes I've had children do their own songs to fam tunes works really well with rap #eltchat
9:56 pm Marisa_C: @rliberni a pity... send link pls if recorded #eltchat
9:56 pm TyKendall: #ELTchat gotta mention Conjunction Junction not designed for foreign learners but still works www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3QDGslpL5U
9:56 pm cioccas: SOmeone mentioned musicals earlier - one of our Ts has done the whole of 'Sound of Music' and 'Mary Poppins' over a semester! #ELTchat
9:56 pm marekandrews: songs are so much more than pedagogical events for learning English but they are fantastic for getting classrooms to work better #eltchat
9:56 pm ddeubel: wow lots of ideas #eltchat
9:56 pm SueannaN: When teaching kids, best not try to be too up to date. #ELTCHAT
9:56 pm hoprea: Play bits of songs / soundtracks and ask students to write adjectives they think of on the board - no repetition allowed. #ELTChat
9:56 pm Shaunwilden: RT @marekandrews: songs are so much more than pedagogical events for learning English but they are fantastic for getting classrooms to work better #eltchat
9:56 pm rliberni: @Marisa_C will keep hunting (on YOutube somewhere I haven't uploaded as yet but Cecilia did #eltchat
9:56 pm esolcourses: RT @marekandrews: songs are so much more than pedagogical events for learning English but they are fantastic for getting classrooms to work better #eltchat
9:56 pm TEFL: Great ideas. Could really use a DJ for MyEC. If you know any teachers or advanced learners who might want to volunteer let me know. #ELTChat
9:57 pm ddeubel: I won't even begin. I have too many ways to teach with songs! #eltchat
9:57 pm gret: @rliberni @Marisa_C there're lots of karaoke videos on youtube! w/ just a computer and a mic, you can have a great singing lesson! #ELTChat
9:57 pm Marisa_C: @chickensaltash has writtern a couple of great posts on how he MAKES songs with his kids usinng a web 2.0 app #ELTchat
9:57 pm fionamau: RT @vickysaumell: Alanis Morisette Hand in my pocket, You Learn are great Ironic is a personal favourite #ELTchat >> great minds. Love em.
9:57 pm sandymillin: #eltchat PLay a soundtrack and ask SS to guess the kind of film - good for slightly out-of-date so not too easy
9:57 pm vickysaumell: #ELTchat I like doing grammar revision through song titles
9:57 pm esolcourses: RT @Marisa_C: @chickensaltash has writtern a couple of great posts on how he MAKES songs with his kids usinng a web 2.0 app #ELTchat
9:57 pm janetbianchini: Do a wordle to predict the song theme- ss make up their own song based on wordle then compare with real song to see who is accurate #eltchat
9:57 pm MisterMikeLCC: http://karaokeparty.com is a great interactive online karaoke venue - very useful interface with ratings et al. #ELTchat @cioccas @rliberni
9:57 pm lydbury: Must go now - thaks to all for all #eltchat
9:57 pm SueannaN: MY adult students like James Blunt :-( #ELTCHAT
9:57 pm Marisa_C: @ddeubel just share the link to the ning page David where you hide all these great karaokes I won't tell anyont :-) #eltchat
9:57 pm cioccas: RT @janetbianchini: Do a wordle to predict the song theme- ss make up their own song based on wordle then compare with real song to see who is accurate #eltchat
9:57 pm lolonagi: But we reallly need like a list of songs and topics that each one of us use them for #eltchat
9:57 pm hoprea: RT @sandymillin: #eltchat PLay a soundtrack and ask SS to guess the kind of film - good for slightly out-of-date so not too easy
9:57 pm esolcourses: RT @vickysaumell: #ELTchat I like doing grammar revision through song titles ] Same here
9:57 pm nickkiley: RT @sueleather: @nickkiley That'd be a very long lesson:) #eltchat - I suspect you'd never see the Ss again ;-)
9:58 pm SueannaN: RT @janetbianchini: Do a wordle to predict the song theme- ss make up their own song based on wordle then compare with real song to see who is accurate #eltchat
9:58 pm JoeMcVeigh: Songs/videos as writing prompts. S' listen/watch, then retell or answer questions. e.g. Michael BublƩ vid Just haven't met you yet #ELTchat
9:58 pm vickysaumell: Tubeoke ia also great www.tubeoke.com #ELTchat
9:58 pm rliberni: RT @vickysaumell: Tubeoke ia also great www.tubeoke.com #ELTchat
9:58 pm lolonagi: @esolcourses could you give us some titles #eltchat?
9:58 pm sandymillin: @lolonagi #eltchat Hopefully a list of songs / activities will be in the summary!
9:58 pm Marisa_C: @lydbury cheers! thanks for joining! #eltchat
9:58 pm Marisa_C: RT @vickysaumell: Tubeoke ia also great www.tubeoke.com #ELTchat
9:59 pm vickysaumell: RT @lolonagi: @esolcourses could you give us some titles #eltchat? IĀ“ll collect my list and send it later
9:59 pm grahamstanley: @fionamau 'Ironic' - a great video to accompany this song for Adv lrnrs is http://youtu.be/nT1TVSTkAXg - Ed Byrne (comedian) #ELTchat
9:59 pm hoprea: Thank you all for this nice #ELTChat. @Marisa_C , go rest those tired fingers of yours! :) Thanks for all you've done! :)
9:59 pm fionamau: RT @harrisonmike: #eltchat I use In the ghetto http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrTfYItDDwA 2 demo importance of working on yr pronunciation
9:59 pm chucksandy: Mark Andrews's fantastic post on teaching "Baby You're a Firework" http://bit.ly/gRFrNO :anti-bullying & more. #eltchat
9:59 pm harrisonmike: @TEFL You might like this video http://youtu.be/YHMkhQf0Xhc Stereophonics I stopped to fill my car up. Great storytelling #eltchat
9:59 pm Marisa_C: @hoprea hey! great coversation toniight wasnt' it #ELTChat
10:00 pm ddeubel: @Marisa_C I have to creat a "music" page! This is my #1 activityhttp://ddeubel.edublogs.org/2010/11/27/the-1-song-activity/ #eltchat
10:00 pm TyKendall: Thanks everybody! See y'all next Wednesday! #ELTchat
10:00 pm SueannaN: @lolonagi wait for the transcript #eltchat
10:00 pm Marisa_C: RT @harrisonmike: @TEFL You might like this video http://youtu.be/YHMkhQf0Xhc stopped to fill my car up. Great storytelling #eltchat
10:00 pm harrisonmike: @fionamau Ahaha, I had a Spanish student put me on to that after the lesson! #eltchat
10:00 pm derekspalla: Need your input for research project. Take my survey on Effective #ESL Instructional Models:http://bit.ly/h2pnzH Takes 10 mins. #ELTchat
10:00 pm sandymillin: Have about 25 links from tonight's #eltchat - that'll keep me busy for a while :) Thanks for a great chat - lods of ideas!
10:00 pm cioccas: RT @Marisa_C: @hoprea hey! great coversation toniight wasnt' it < Yes, thanks everyone! #ELTChat
10:00 pm Marisa_C: RT @ddeubel: @Marisa_C I have to creat a "music" page! This is my #1 activity http://bit.ly/eOibGN #eltchat
10:00 pm Shaunwilden: RT @vickysaumell: Tubeoke ia also great www.tubeoke.com #ELTchat Thanks for the link, didnt know this site
10:00 pm theboysoddsocks: RT @marekandrews: songs are so much more than pedagogical events for learning English but they are fantastic for getting classrooms to work better #eltchat
10:00 pm marekandrews: have got so much out of using these activities with "baby you're a firework" http://tinyurl.com/68v3cw4#eltchat
10:01 pm esolcourses: @lolonagi @vickysaumell You are not alone, Michael Jackson is one I like http://bit.ly/eAXF2G will make a list as well & post later #ELTCHat
10:01 pm fionamau: #eltchat Has anyone mentioned eliciting a class story from a song or piece of music (eg Duo de las flores by Delibes)?
10:01 pm harrisonmike: RT @TEFL: Great ideas. Could really use a DJ for MyEC. If you know any teachers or advanced learners who might want to volunteer let me know. #ELTChat
10:01 pm gret: Loved tonight's #ELTChat! Lots of great ideas! Thanks everyone!
10:01 pm rliberni: RT @marekandrews: have got so much out of using these activities with "baby you're a firework"http://tinyurl.com/68v3cw4 #eltchat
10:01 pm vickysaumell: RT @Shaunwilden: RT @vickysaumell: Tubeoke ia also great www.tubeoke.com #ELTchat Thanks for the link, didnt know this site-> YouĀ“re welcome
10:01 pm Marisa_C: @ddeubel wish you would you have so many karaoke songs in there! #ELTchat
10:01 pm theboysoddsocks: RT @esolcourses: RT @vickysaumell: #ELTchat I like doing grammar revision through song titles ] Same here
10:01 pm rliberni: RT @Marisa_C: RT @harrisonmike: @TEFL You might like this video http://youtu.be/YHMkhQf0Xhcstopped to fill my car up. Great storytelling #eltchat
10:01 pm ddeubel: but get Ss making karaoke files (they learn while doing/sharing).http://ddeubel.edublogs.org/2010/05/12/karaoke-to-teach-english/ #eltchat
10:01 pm TEFL: Amazing topic tonight. #ELTChat Can't wait for the archives.
10:02 pm Marisa_C: Well good folks, this has been a wonderful exchange of ideas, tips, links and I have learnt tons for all of you! #ELTchat
10:02 pm JenniWellsted: http://youtu.be/W3x4HvXTyGQ love this song and vid. Thanks for all the ideas #eltchat
10:02 pm vickysaumell: RT @shaznosel: @esolcourses @vickysaumell Try jealous Guy - John Lennon for Past Cont and relationships.. #ELTchat
10:02 pm lolonagi: @Marisa_C oh did it come to an end?#eltchat
10:02 pm Shaunwilden: RT @Marisa_C: Well good folks, this has been a wonderful exchange of ideas, tips, links and I have learnt tons for all of you! #ELTchat
10:02 pm Marisa_C: Thank you for taking part in this discussion tonight and welcome new members to our chat - hope you join us again next week #ELTchat
10:02 pm grahamstanley: A great warmer for a song is to stick the lyrics in Wordle or http://worditout.com/ and ask lrnrs to guess song from word cloud #ELTchat
10:02 pm europeaantje: bye #eltchat Gonna check out my faves column now: full of activity ideas, websites & songs. Thanks!
10:02 pm fionamau: RT @SueAnnan: MY adult students like James Blunt :-( #ELTCHAT >< someone must......
10:03 pm europeaantje: RT @grahamstanley: A great warmer for a song is to stick the lyrics in Wordle or http://worditout.com/ and ask lrnrs to guess song from word cloud #ELTchat
10:03 pm ddeubel: @Marisa_C Thx Marisa. here is one last link to my YL songs... http://vimeo.com/album/32370 #eltchat
10:03 pm Marisa_C: @Shaunwilden you doing summary for this one too or shall i ask sb else? #ELTchat
10:03 pm Marisa_C: RT @ddeubel: @Marisa_C Thx Marisa. here is one last link to my YL songs... http://bit.ly/fP9Vcr #eltchat
10:03 pm cioccas: Thanks everyone, lots of great ideas and terrific fun! Only thing missing was live karaoke :0 #eltchat
10:03 pm chucksandy: RT @marekandrews: have got so much out of using these activities with "baby you're a firework"http://tinyurl.com/68v3cw4 #eltchat
10:03 pm SueannaN: thx, as always, 4 an actn packed #ELTchat. Have loads 2 mull ovr now thx 2 everyone esp Moderators- fantastic job ladies@fionamau #ELTCHAT
10:03 pm esolcourses: seeing @ddeubel on here reminded me - 'United Breaks Guitars' is another great storytelling song as well :-)http://bit.ly/a8LDpx #ELTChat
10:03 pm marekandrews: and a song from me to end up with, thanks to all, really enjoyed it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tE8KBWgUZxw #eltchat
10:03 pm sandymillin: RT @SueannaN: thx, as always, 4 an actn packed #ELTchat. Have loads 2 mull ovr now thx 2 everyone esp Moderators- fantastic job ladies@fionamau #ELTCHAT
10:03 pm fionamau: RT @sandymillin: @lolonagi #eltchat Hopefully a list of songs / activities will be in the summary!>> I'm willing to compile songs&activities
10:03 pm SueannaN: @fionamau Yes. I suppose :-(( #ELTCHAT
10:04 pm grahamstanley: @fionamau They like James Blunt? you should show them this : http://youtu.be/EsN2v0UEaPs #ELTchat
10:04 pm esolcourses: RT @vickysaumell: RT @shaznosel: @esolcourses @vickysaumell Try jealous Guy - John Lennon for Past Cont and relationships.. #ELTchat
10:04 pm janetbianchini: Thanks everyone for a wonderful and very practical #eltchat - really enjoyed learning and sharing all these fab resources -great topic!!
10:04 pm lolonagi: thanks so much for #eltchat amazing people and superb mods
10:04 pm sandymillin: RT @lolonagi: thanks so much for #eltchat amazing people and superb mods
10:04 pm europeaantje: @marekandrews leave the door open! #eltchat
10:04 pm harrisonmike: Agreed! RT @lolonagi: thanks so much for #eltchat amazing people and superb mods
10:04 pm nickkiley: RT @lolonagi: thanks so much for #eltchat amazing people and superb mods> Can't argue with that
10:04 pm fionamau: #eltchat If people want to DM me, I'll send an email and compile songs & activities for someone's blog (my own isn't ELT...) - no probs.
10:05 pm sandymillin: RT @fionamau: RT @sandymillin: #eltchat I'm willing to compile songs&activities > tell @Marisa_C (you could do summary?)
10:05 pm cioccas: RT @harrisonmike: Agreed! RT @lolonagi: thanks so much for #eltchat amazing people and superb mods
10:05 pm vickysaumell: #ELTchat CanĀ“t wait for the summary!
10:05 pm grahamstanley: Thanks to @Marisa_C for moderating and thanks for all the great ideas everyone! #ELTchat
10:05 pm Marisa_C: Is anyone up for writing a nice spiffy summary of this #ELTchat? You put it up on your blog and we copy it too on eltchat.com?
10:05 pm SueannaN: @Marisa_C try Fionamau #ELTchat
10:05 pm MisterMikeLCC: eg of student generated music made by #ESOL students @leedscc & @futureartsuk voice re:immigration & identity http://bit.ly/gFM0Qp #ELTchat
10:05 pm vickysaumell: RT @grahamstanley: Thanks to @Marisa_C for moderating and thanks for all the great ideas everyone! #ELTchat Thumbs up for Marisa!
10:05 pm esolcourses: @Marisa_C My pleasure, Marisa, & thanks to you & @rliberni for moderating, and everyone else for such gr8 suggestions!!! #ELTChat
10:06 pm lolonagi: @Marisa_C but how can we go over these tweets and do a summary? I can do if u told me how? #eltchat
10:06 pm cioccas: RT @MisterMikeLCC: eg of student generated music made by #ESOL students @leedscc & @futureartsukvoice re:immigration & identity http://bit.ly/gFM0Qp #ELTchat
10:06 pm esolcourses: RT @MisterMikeLCC: eg of student generated music made by #ESOL students @leedscc & @futureartsukvoice re:immigration & identity http://bit.ly/gFM0Qp #ELTchat
10:06 pm vickysaumell: @lolonagi #eltchat Do a #ELTchat hashtag search on twitter to see all the tweets
10:06 pm Marisa_C: @lolonagi the transcript on this chat will be posted on www.eltchat.com soon so you can read everything we said #eltchat
10:07 pm fionamau: RT http://youtu.be/QrTfYItDDwA 2 demo importance of working on yr pronunciation (link didn't shrink. weird) #eltchat
10:07 pm fionamau: RT @chucksandy: Mark Andrews's fantastic post on teaching "Baby You're a Firework" http://bit.ly/gRFrNO:anti-bullying & more. #eltchat
10:07 pm lolonagi: OK, I can compile the songs list #eltchat do u need it as google doc document?
10:07 pm theboysoddsocks: RT @esolcourses: RT @vickysaumell: RT @shaznosel: @esolcourses @vickysaumell Try jealous Guy - John Lennon for Past Cont and relationships.. #ELTchat
10:08 pm Marisa_C: @vickysaumell Thank you so much dear Vicky! #ELTchat
10:08 pm rliberni: @Marisa_C found the play link here you go http://youtu.be/e0iaHT8Ww-M some familiar faces? #eltchat
10:08 pm vickysaumell: RT @lolonagi: OK, I can compile the songs list #eltchat do u need it as google doc document? That would be great as we could all add to it!
10:08 pm SueannaN: @Chaoukiboss Nice to see you on here. We're missing Mbarek tonight #ELTchat
10:08 pm esolcourses: RT @fionamau: RT http://youtu.be/QrTfYItDDwA 2 demo importance of working on yr pronunciation #eltchat
10:09 pm vickysaumell: #ELTchat Love to you all. Great fun today!
10:10 pm MisterMikeLCC: @listenandwrite Songs with video also at http://esoluk.co.uk/music Click the 'i' to dowload lyrics and activities #ELTchat hope not too late
10:10 pm fionamau: RT @grahamstanley: @fionamau They like James Blunt? u should show them this :http://youtu.be/EsN2v0UEaPs #ELTchat My emo sts loved the guy!
10:10 pm fionamau: RT @nickkiley: RT @lolonagi: thanks so much for #eltchat amazing people and superb mods> Can't argue with that
10:10 pm rliberni: Many thanks to @esolcourses for gr8 moderating this evening and apologies for my lateness .Way to go @Marisa_C & @esolcourses ! #eltchat
10:10 pm janetbianchini: Thanks everyone!! Look forward to the transcript and summary #ELTChat! lotsof great ideas to use in classes
10:11 pm esolcourses: RT @janetbianchini: Thanks everyone!! Look forward to the transcript and summary #ELTChat! lotsof great ideas to use in classes
10:11 pm esolcourses: RT @marekandrews: have got so much out of using these activities with "baby you're a firework"http://tinyurl.com/68v3cw4 #eltchat
10:12 pm esolcourses: @rliberni my pleasure, Berni & thanks to you, too :-) #ELTChat
10:14 pm janetbianchini: Thanks to great moderators @esolcourses @rliberni @Marisa_C for tonight's #ELTChat
10:14 pm sandymillin: RT @janetbianchini: Thanks to great moderators @esolcourses @rliberni @Marisa_C for tonight's #ELTChat
10:14 pm fullonlearning: RT @janetbianchini: Do a wordle to predict the song theme- ss make up their own song based on wordle then compare with real song to see who is accurate #eltchat
10:14 pm Shaunwilden: Right, time for a post #ELTChat whisky, thanks all, really enjoyed both chats today.
10:15 pm marekandrews: @esolcourses @Marisa_C thanks for that tonight, was really good fun! #eltchat
10:16 pm WarwickLanguage: RT @grahamstanley: A great warmer for a song is to stick the lyrics in Wordle or http://worditout.com/ and ask lrnrs to guess song from word cloud #ELTchat
10:16 pm esolcourses: @marekandrews @Marisa_C yes, excellent session! Head swimming with great ideas, but must tear myself away & get some work done! #ELTChat
10:17 pm esolcourses: RT @grahamstanley: A great warmer for a song is to stick the lyrics in Wordle or http://worditout.com/ and ask lrnrs to guess song from word cloud #ELTchat
10:20 pm esolcourses: RT @TheConsultantsE: Mind Mapping for Writers Pt 3 by Hobie Swan http://bit.ly/hRZv42 via @barbsaka@evab2001 #eltchat
10:21 pm Marisa_C: @rliberni good to have you on board any time berni #eltchat
10:21 pm janetbianchini: Bookmark "Learn English with Songs" by @esolcourses - fab song resourcesand lessons for multi levels #ELTChat http://tinyurl.com/33h3yh8
10:23 pm grahamstanley: #ELTchat afterthought was prompted to look for video for 'Billy Jo' http://youtu.be/CZt5Q-u4crc - comments full of gr8 discussion material
10:24 pm Marisa_C: @grahamstanley great song that one thx for remindng me #ELTchat
10:26 pm evab2001: @Marisa_C @esolcourses @janetbianchini and thanks 4 the mentions dear friends while I was away preparing exams and vocab handouts #eltchat
10:27 pm evab2001: RT @grahamstanley: A great warmer for a song is to stick the lyrics in Wordle or http://worditout.com/ and ask lrnrs to guess song from word cloud #ELTchat
10:29 pm Marisa_C: @marekandrews good to have you on board too Mark! #eltchat
10:29 pm Marisa_C: @janetbianchini Thanks Janet! Great to have you and thanks for sharing ideas ! #ELTChat
10:31 pm mynea_gr: Marisa_C: RT @vickysaumell: Tubeoke ia also great www.tubeoke.com #ELTchat http://bit.ly/f8LVri#eidhseis
10:32 pm agrei8: RT @grahamstanley: A great warmer for a song is to stick the lyrics in Wordle or http://worditout.com/ and ask lrnrs to guess song from word cloud #ELTchat
10:33 pm Marisa_C: Good night everyone and thanks for joining in - transcript will be up soon - my last tweet before bed! #ELTchat
10:33 pm ELTtech: #ELTchat Lyrics Training http://bit.ly/dPDQ4B There's karaoke version Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced levels.
10:34 pm lydbury: Hugs :-) @Marisa_C #eltchat
10:34 pm lydbury: RT @Marisa_C: Good night everyone and thanks for joining in - transcript will be up soon - my last tweet before bed! #ELTchat
10:34 pm iatefl_besig: RT @Marisa_C: Good night everyone and thanks for joining in - transcript will be up soon - my last tweet before bed! #ELTchat


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