
Can chat rooms and social media offer a benefit to learners

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November 10, 2010
9:00 pm allofek12: RT @olafelch: Let's go! Do chat rooms & other social media opportunities provide a benefit for learners? #ELTchat
9:00 pm ShellTerrell: RT @olafelch: Let's go! Do chat rooms & other social media opportunities provide a benefit for learners? #ELTchat
9:00 pm teacher_prix: In a cab... Pls RT so I can follow #ELTChat from my mobile! Thx! =)
9:00 pm Marisa_C: RT @olafelch: Let's go! Do chat rooms & other social media opportunities provide a benefit for learners? #ELTchat
9:00 pm tarabenwell: @olafelch Yes! #ELTChat
9:01 pm ShellTerrell: Welcome to #ELTchat your moderators are @olafelch @Marisa_C @rliberni & me! Please feel free to ask for help!
9:01 pm tarabenwell: RT @teacher_prix: In a cab... Pls RT so I can follow #ELTChat from my mobile! Thx! =)
9:01 pm olafelch: @tarabenwell OK, now for the long answer... ;o) #ELTChat
9:01 pm ShellTerrell: @teacher_prix Wow! Such dedication #ELTChat
9:01 pm EveWeb: Of course, as teachers, we share our experiences and that benefits our students at the end. #eltchat
9:01 pm kalinagoenglish: Me to @EveWeb >> followers, the next 1/2 hour of my tweets will be dedicated to #ELTchat >> apologies if I fill your streams!
9:01 pm ShellTerrell: Language is social! Students need to use what they learn or they'll lose it! #ELTChat
9:01 pm vickyloras: RT @ShellTerrell Welcome to #ELTchat your moderators are @olafelch @Marisa_C @rliberni & me! Please feel free to ask for help!
9:02 pm Marisa_C: For the next hour of my tweets will be dedicated to #ELTchat welcome to all in this edition discussing chatrooms for learners
9:02 pm olafelch: @EveWeb That's very true, but does social media add anything extra? #ELTchat
9:02 pm kalinagoenglish: In answer @olafelch they provide the same benefits as pen or paper, they just enable students to be able to practice writing #ELTchat
9:02 pm ShellTerrell: RT @kalinagoenglish: Me to @EveWeb >> followers, the next 1/2 hour of my tweets will be dedicated to #ELTchat >> apologies if I fill your streams!
9:02 pm Marisa_C: RT @ShellTerrell: Language is social! Students need to use what they learn or they'll lose it! #ELTChat
9:02 pm ShellTerrell: RT @kalinagoenglish: In answer @olafelch they provide the same benefits as pen or paper, they just enable students to be able to practice writing #ELTchat
9:02 pm Parentella: RT @ShellTerrell: Join us in 10 minutes for #ELTChat Topic: Do chat rooms and other social media opportunities benefit learners?
9:02 pm EveWeb: Through social networks, we provide many opportunities for SS to learn and share ideas #eltchat
9:03 pm teacher_prix: I guess shy, introspective Ss benefit a lot from these social media tools! #ELTChat
9:03 pm ShellTerrell: RT @EveWeb: Of course, as teachers, we share our experiences and that benefits our students at the end. #eltchat
9:03 pm tarabenwell: @olafelch There are 42 chatters in the MyEC Chat room right now. I just put this question out to them. #ELTChat
9:03 pm kalinagoenglish: In many cases, they provide global students to talk to other global students and in some cases can be used just teacher-to-student #ELTchat
9:03 pm ShellTerrell: RT @kalinagoenglish: In many cases, they provide global students to talk to other global students and in some cases can be used just teacher-to-student #ELTchat
9:03 pm ShellTerrell: RT @tarabenwell: @olafelch There are 42 chatters in the MyEC Chat room right now. I just put this question out to them. #ELTChat
9:03 pm Marisa_C: @tarabenwell Hello and welcome to the English learners' chatroom Queen #ELTChat > Tara we hope u will share your experiences
9:03 pm ShellTerrell: Agree! RT @teacher_prix: I guess shy, introspective Ss benefit a lot from these social media tools! #ELTChat
9:03 pm olafelch: @kalinagoenglish "just" writing? #ELTchat
9:03 pm WisdomOfWe: @ShellTerrell Do you do #ELTChat every Wed?
9:03 pm SueannaN: they provide an authentic reason to use the language #ELTchat
9:04 pm Marisa_C: RT @tarabenwell: @olafelch There are 42 chatters in the MyEC Chat room right now. I just put this question out to them. #ELTChat
9:04 pm tarabenwell: Right now they are talking about "how to be humourous". #ELTchat
9:04 pm ShellTerrell: Are social sites great for every age group? #eltchat
9:04 pm kalinagoenglish: But the most important benefit imho is the permanence and organization of information, better than paper notebooks #ELTchat
9:04 pm olafelch: @tarabenwell Great! Pass the feedback along! #ELTChat
9:04 pm Marisa_C: RT @SueAnnan: they provide an authentic reason to use the language #ELTchat
9:04 pm ShellTerrell: RT @kalinagoenglish: But the most important benefit imho is the permanence and organization of information, better than paper notebooks #ELTchat
9:04 pm ShellTerrell: RT @Marisa_C: RT @SueAnnan: they provide an authentic reason to use the language #ELTchat
9:04 pm Mbarek: Hi every1 #ELTchat
9:04 pm harrisonmike: @Marisa_C @ShellTerrell I agree! Use it or lose it, indeed! #eltchat
9:04 pm tarabenwell: Mr. Night says "Yes, Off course, chatting is helping very much" #ELTChat
9:04 pm Marisa_C: @tarabenwell lol fantastic #ELTchat
9:05 pm ShellTerrell: @WisdomOfWe Yes we do and we have a podcast http://eltchat.com/ #ELTChat
9:05 pm teacher_prix: @ShellTerrell LOL! Its one of the best days in the week! Im sometimes quiet, but love following! #ELTChat
9:05 pm EveWeb: Many shy SS have the opportunity to express themselves in a different way #EltChat
9:05 pm Marisa_C: RT @EveWeb: Many shy SS have the opportunity to express themselves in a different way #EltChat
9:05 pm MsAxthelm: RT @SueannaN: they provide an authentic reason to use the language #ELTchat
9:05 pm MsAxthelm: RT @ShellTerrell: Are social sites great for every age group? #eltchat
9:05 pm tarabenwell: Dreamer Girls says: "david has gave me 2 word right now-forth and lagging" #ELTChat
9:05 pm SueannaN: @Mbarek Hi Mbarek. Great you could be here for #ELTchat
9:05 pm ShellTerrell: Chatting helps them think on the go because they have to respond quickly or the other person may lose interest #ELTChat
9:06 pm Shaunwilden: Enjoy #ELTchat am following sort of but the footballl's on
9:06 pm Mbarek: @SueAnnan Hi Sue , great seeing u #ELTchat
9:06 pm kalinagoenglish: @olafelch :-))) well writing is a myriad of functions! #ELTchat
9:06 pm tarabenwell: They are currently complaining that there is a lack of topics #ELTChat
9:06 pm ShellTerrell: If you IM with your students how do you do error correction and feedback? #ELTCHat
9:06 pm olafelch: RT @EveWeb: Many shy SS have the opportunity to express themselves in a different way #EltChat(Good point)
9:06 pm ShellTerrell: RT @tarabenwell: They are currently complaining that there is a lack of topics #ELTChat
9:06 pm Collaborize: We are found online discussion forum's have increased participate with shy students & all others, outside & inside the classroom #EltChat
9:06 pm kalinagoenglish: RT @sueannan: they provide an authentic reason to use the language #ELTchat >> exactly! And it can be lots of fun!
9:07 pm Marisa_C: @tarabenwell how is chat organised there? DO they se their own topics? #ELTChat
9:07 pm EveWeb: I think social media/networks help develop not only language skills, but critical thinking and social relations #ELTchat
9:07 pm Mbarek: @SueAnnan what am I supposed to do ? just tag my tweets ? #ELTchat
9:07 pm ShellTerrell: @Shaunwilden Guess we can forgive that LOL #ELTchat
9:07 pm olafelch: @kalinagoenglish I would say it can stimulate, writing reading, comprehension and in some circumstances speaking and listening too. #ELTchat
9:08 pm pearsonls: RT @shellterrell: Are social sites great for every age group? #eltchat
9:08 pm tarabenwell: Some MyEC bloggers used the chatroom to share links to their Writing Challenge posts this month #ELTChat part of their marketing plan
9:08 pm ShellTerrell: @deangroom Do you mean for language learners or in general? #ELTChat
9:08 pm harrisonmike: Obviously you have to be a careful moderator #eltchat chatrooms are unpredictable beastes
9:08 pm ShellTerrell: RT @harrisonmike: Obviously you have to be a careful moderator #eltchat chatrooms are unpredictable beastes
9:08 pm vickyloras: Def!RT @EveWeb I think social media/networks help develop not only language skills, but critical thinking and social relations #ELTchat
9:08 pm MsAxthelm: My students are interested in getting feedback from others for our wiki - but w/o social media, how do we "advertise"? #eltchat
9:08 pm ShellTerrell: RT @tarabenwell: Some MyEC bloggers used the chatroom to share links to their Writing Challenge posts this month #ELTChat part of their marketing plan
9:08 pm EveWeb: We can also learn about their views and thoughts. Sometimes, we don't have the chance of doing so in crowded classroom #ELTChat
9:08 pm Mbarek: When you think of traditional ELT approaches, are they all totally bad? What are good things you can draw from each of them? #ELTchat
9:08 pm ShellTerrell: RT @MsAxthelm: My students are interested in getting feedback from others for our wiki - but w/o social media, how do we "advertise"? #eltchat
9:08 pm ShellTerrell: RT @EveWeb: We can also learn about their views and thoughts. Sometimes, we don't have the chance of doing so in crowded classroom #ELTChat
9:08 pm monicamalpas77: @Marisa_C @tarabenwell and what age are your students? #ELTChat Mine are adults-they normally complain they don't have time because of work
9:09 pm olafelch: RT @harrisonmike: Obviously you have to be a careful moderator #eltchat chatrooms are unpredictable beastes
9:09 pm MsAxthelm: RT @vickyloras: Def!RT @EveWeb I think social media/networks help develop not only language skills, but critical thinking and social relations #ELTchat
9:09 pm tarabenwell: @Marisa_C Yes. There are regulars and there is one volunteer moderator who does her best, plus a few other non-official mods. #ELTChat
9:09 pm shaznosel: RT @Marisa_C: @tarabenwell how is chat organised there? DO they se their own topics? #ELTChat
9:09 pm edinaenglish: RT @vickyloras: Def!RT @EveWeb I think social media/networks help develop not only language skills, but critical thinking and social relations #ELTchat
9:09 pm vickyloras: They think and write - they read and get ideas from others #ELTChat
9:09 pm ShellTerrell: RT @vickyloras: They think and write - they read and get ideas from others #ELTChat
9:09 pm rliberni: sorry a bit late! #eltchat
9:09 pm tarabenwell: @monicamalpas77 @Marisa_C MyEC is a Ning 18+ #ELTChat
9:09 pm Marisa_C: @tarabenwell I've often thought of going in to offer free mod for half an hour but never sure if needed #ELTChat
9:09 pm MsAxthelm: @Mbarek Nothing like a face to face conversation about an exciting topic to drive language learning #eltchat
9:09 pm teacher_prix: RT @ShellTerrell: Are social sites great for every age group? #eltchat Some moderation from the T may be needed the younger they are!
9:10 pm tarabenwell: We also have the 1997 chat room. 2 options http://www.englishclub.com/esl-chat/index.htm #ELTChat
9:10 pm kalinagoenglish: RT @vickyloras @EveWeb I think social media help develop not only language skills, but critical thinking and social relations #ELTchat
9:10 pm olafelch: @vickyloras Getting ideas from others is a nice benefit - good point.# #ELTChat
9:10 pm Marisa_C: @tarabenwell I do a lot of volunteer teaching so want to send my Ss there for extra practices #ELTChat
9:10 pm teacher_prix: RT @Marisa_C: RT @EveWeb: Many shy SS have the opportunity to express themselves in a different way #EltChat So true!
9:11 pm tarabenwell: @Marisa_C Always needed! #ELTchat
9:11 pm olafelch: RT @vickyloras @EveWeb I think social media help develop not only language skills, but critical thinking and social relations #ELTchat
9:11 pm rliberni: I had a chat session with some of my stds today we discussed Jane Austin & Charlotte Bronte!! I think that's useful stuff! #eltchat
9:11 pm Mbarek: sure but f2f is not easy to organize .Better go virtual ! #ELTchat
9:11 pm Marisa_C: @tarabenwell Well it's a great ning anyway - so I 'll give it a go #ELTchat
9:11 pm vickyloras: @olafelch yes,they can even learn new expressions from othe Ss. #ELTChat
9:12 pm EveWeb: I think we must be very kind when finding SS errors or mistakes online. We might do so privately. #ELTChat
9:12 pm tarabenwell: @Marisa_C Please do! There are occasional bullies, but they do get reported. #ELTChat
9:12 pm rliberni: RT @olafelch: @vickyloras Getting ideas from others is a nice benefit - good point.# #ELTChat#eltchat
9:12 pm Marisa_C: RT @rliberni: had a chat session with sm of my stds today discussed Jane Austin & Charlotte Bronte!! I think that's useful stuff! #eltchat
9:12 pm ShellTerrell: @deangroom depends on the interaction level. If its mostly a one sided conversation then its not very social in my opinion #ELTChat
9:12 pm tarabenwell: RT @teacher_prix: RT @Marisa_C: RT @EveWeb: Many shy SS have the opportunity to express themselves in a different way #EltChat So true!
9:12 pm ShellTerrell: RT @EveWeb: I think we must be very kind when finding SS errors or mistakes online. We might do so privately. #ELTChat
9:12 pm wwjimd: RT @ShellTerrell: Agree! RT @teacher_prix: I guess shy, introspective Ss benefit a lot from these social media tools! #ELTChat
9:12 pm tarabenwell: @rliberni Awesome example! #ELTChat
9:12 pm rliberni: Also chat sesion can be gr8 for ppl who are studying by themselves #eltchat
9:12 pm kalinagoenglish: @marisa_c Do! One of the nice things about MyEC is that the students are super, super keen to learn! #ELTchat it's a fun place!
9:12 pm MsAxthelm: @Mbarek the social media option is also good! #eltchat
9:12 pm EveWeb: We can also model w/ our good practice or just create nettiquettes or rules to follow #ELTChat
9:13 pm ShellTerrell: RT @Mbarek: sure but f2f is not easy to organize .Better go virtual ! #ELTchat
9:13 pm Marisa_C: @rliberni I like the idea of focussed topical chats, exactly what we are doing here for prof develpmnt - no diff with Ss #eltchat
9:13 pm teacher_prix: @ home! Turning on the pc in 5! #ELTChat Reflecting before writing... Really helpful!
9:13 pm rliberni: RT @EveWeb: We can also model w/ our good practice or just create nettiquettes or rules to follow #ELTChat #eltchat
9:13 pm olafelch: @rliberni I'd find the chat more valuable than the subject! ;o) #ELTchat
9:13 pm ShellTerrell: However we must remember online communication a bit different than in person so how do we teach our learners this? #ELTChat
9:13 pm tarabenwell: "We are people from all over the world, we came from different cultures, different ways of thinking.. " from the MyEC chat room #ELTChat
9:13 pm SueannaN: RT @Marisa_C: @rliberni I lk the idea of focussed topical chats, exactly wht we R doing hre 4 prof develpmnt - no diff w/ Ss #eltchat
9:13 pm Mbarek: @MsAxthelm today i tried youtubesocial ; fabulous tool #eltchat
9:13 pm ShellTerrell: RT @tarabenwell: "We are people from all over the world, we came from different cultures, different ways of thinking.. " from the MyEC chat room #ELTChat
9:14 pm Marisa_C: RT @ShellTerrell: online communication a bit different than in person so how do we teach our learners this? #ELTChat
9:14 pm rliberni: RT @kalinagoenglish: @marisa_c Do! One of the nice things about MyEC is the stds are super, super keen to learn! it's a fun place! #eltchat
9:14 pm tarabenwell: "off course, this place is the perfect way to discover each others and connect our views in some way." from MyEC chatroom part 2 #ELTchat
9:14 pm kalinagoenglish: It depends on the mistakes + learners: my BE students want feedback privately but some MyEC students say correct me! correct me! #ELTchat
9:14 pm rliberni: RT @Marisa_C: RT @ShellTerrell: online communication a bit different than in person so how do we teach our learners this? #ELTChat #eltchat
9:14 pm olafelch: @ShellTerrell Not sure if it's something you can teach - more a case of learning by experience? #ELTChat
9:14 pm Marisa_C: @ShellTerrell I think we must teach BOTH now; online commun an alternative way growing more important daily #ELTChat
9:14 pm EveWeb: I think chats are great for tutoring. I use chats with my university students, and especially when I am a mentor. #ELTChat
9:15 pm profhutch: @ShellTerrell As an idea from another in #edchat, invite parents and friends to participate in online work. #ELTChat
9:15 pm rliberni: @Marisa_C I think all the social nwetwork stuff is so new thst we can go with the flow to an extent - follow the stds lead #eltchat
9:15 pm Marisa_C: RT @EveWeb: I think chats are great for tutoring. I use chats with my university students, and especially when I am a mentor. #ELTChat
9:15 pm WisdomOfWe: Thks. Who's in charge of the site? Would love to talk more RT @ShellTerrell: @WisdomOfWe Yes & we have podcast http://eltchat.com/ #ELTChat
9:15 pm ShellTerrell: @deangroom Yes the method but also the way its organized & led. Leaders have to try & inspire others 2 participate which is tough #eltchat
9:15 pm rliberni: @SueannaN I have a topic each week but often we end up with something else #eltchat
9:15 pm kalinagoenglish: @shellterrell that's an interesting point! I'm working on telephone phrases with some students and they're using "textspeak" #ELTchat
9:15 pm Marisa_C: RT @rliberni: all the social nwetwork stuff is so new thst we can go with the flow to an extent - follow the stds lead #eltchat
9:15 pm EveWeb: RT @ShellTerrell: However we must remember online communication a bit different than in person so how do we teach our learners this? #ELTChat
9:16 pm MsAxthelm: @Mbarek I will have to take a look. #eltchat
9:16 pm tarabenwell: "besides it helps you talks spontanously" from Zahra -MyEC chat room now #ELTChat
9:16 pm Marisa_C: @kalinagoenglish sms talk u mean? #ELTchat
9:16 pm rliberni: @ShellTerrell you have to be patoent and keep going & eventually ppl will mosey along #eltchat
9:16 pm ShellTerrell: RT @kalinagoenglish: @shellterrell that's an interesting point! I'm working on telephone phrases with some students and they're using "textspeak" #ELTchat
9:16 pm MsAxthelm: RT @ShellTerrell: However we must remember online communication a bit different than in person so how do we teach our learners this? #ELTChat
9:16 pm SueannaN: RT @rliberni: @SueannaN I have a topic each week but often we end up with something else #eltchat> I understand
9:16 pm Marisa_C: RT @tarabenwell: "besides it helps you talks spontanously" from Zahra -MyEC chat room now #ELTChat
9:16 pm ShellTerrell: RT @rliberni: @ShellTerrell you have to be patoent and keep going & eventually ppl will mosey along #eltchat
9:16 pm Mbarek: chat is a powerful means of communication 4 Teachers & Students #ELTchat
9:16 pm Marisa_C: RT @Mbarek: chat is a powerful means of communication 4 Teachers & Students #ELTchat
9:16 pm kalinagoenglish: RT @marisa_c: @ShellTerrell I think we must teach BOTH now; online commun an alternative way growing more important daily #ELTChat
9:16 pm rliberni: RT @Mbarek: chat is a powerful means of communication 4 Teachers & Students #ELTchat#eltchat
9:17 pm rliberni: RT @Marisa_C: RT @Mbarek: chat is a powerful means of communication 4 Teachers & Students #ELTchat #eltchat
9:17 pm SueannaN: RT @Mbarek: chat is a powerful means of communication 4 Teachers & Students #ELTchat
9:17 pm ShellTerrell: RT @angiebuys: This is interesting because IMing purposefully allows for "mistakes" in the name of brevity and speed. #eltchat
9:17 pm tarabenwell: When they don't like the topic they go off privately and chat one-one #ELTChat Some move on to Skype
9:17 pm kalinagoenglish: I think that this is an chat/ forums are areas we really have to work on in our classes - many BE students have to use these tools #ELTChat
9:17 pm vickyloras: RT @rliberni RT @Mbarek: chat is a powerful means of communication 4 Teachers & Students #ELTchat
9:17 pm Marisa_C: What are some other possible chat rooms our learners can go to? Can u suggest some links? #ELTchat
9:17 pm MsAxthelm: RT @rliberni: @Marisa_C I think all the social nwetwork stuff is so new thst we can go with the flow to an extent - follow the stds lead #eltchat
9:17 pm rliberni: I have to say I look forward to my chats with stds u never know who will come or how they will react #eltchat
9:17 pm EveWeb: We need 2 follow a protocol when chatting. It has to be reminded before the session, if not, you'll have a mess at the end. #ELTChat
9:18 pm SueannaN: RT @rliberni: I have to say I look forward to my chats with stds u never know who will come or how they will react #eltchat
9:18 pm ShellTerrell: @angiebuys Yes, I make mistakes when IMing in German & don't always catch them all but now when other person cant understand #eltchat
9:18 pm kalinagoenglish: RT @marisa_c: RT @tarabenwell: "besides it helps you talks spontanously" from Zahra -MyEC chat room now #ELTChat
9:18 pm ShellTerrell: RT @EveWeb: We need 2 follow a protocol when chatting. It has to be reminded before the session, if not, you'll have a mess at the end. #ELTChat
9:18 pm Mbarek: chat tools are rather easier to use with beginners #ELTchat
9:18 pm Marisa_C: RT @EveWeb: We need 2 follow a protocol when chatting. Remid before the session, if not, you'll have a mess at the end. #ELTChat
9:18 pm ShellTerrell: RT @Marisa_C: What are some other possible chat rooms our learners can go to? Can u suggest some links? #ELTchat
9:18 pm MsAxthelm: @rliberni @Marisa_C Agree - perhaps this gives students more ownership? Depending on student, of course... #eltchat
9:18 pm vickyloras: I use the chat box on Skype w/my kiddos and teens from Greece and I can see their progress,they are doing super stuff! #ELTChat
9:18 pm Mbarek: RT @Marisa_C: RT @EveWeb: We need 2 follow a protocol when chatting. Remid before the session, if not, you'll have a mess at the end. #ELTChat
9:18 pm olafelch: @rliberni though is it more about building a good teacher student relationship and less about learning the language? #eltchat
9:18 pm rliberni: RT @kalinagoenglish: I think that this chat/ forums are areas we really have to wk on in classes - many BE stds need these tools #eltchat
9:19 pm kalinagoenglish: @marisa_c ya - I mean they mix up their Sirs and Ma'am with wanna and gr8s :-) #ELTchat
9:19 pm MsAxthelm: RT @kalinagoenglish: @shellterrell that's an interesting point! I'm working on telephone phrases with some students and they're using "textspeak" #ELTchat
9:19 pm ShellTerrell: Students can chat via most language learning sites- Busuu, iTalki, Myngle?, Edufire, etc #ELTChat
9:19 pm Marisa_C: @kalinagoenglish Newspeak online #ELTchat
9:19 pm vickyloras: RT @kalinagoenglish I think this is an chat/forums areas we really have2work on in our classes - many BE ss have2use these tools #ELTChat
9:19 pm rliberni: @olafelch I think ur right I try to take more of a moderator role BUT it does bulid confidence which is v imp #eltchat
9:19 pm Marisa_C: RT @ShellTerrell: Students can chat via most language learning sites- Busuu, iTalki, Myngle?, Edufire, etc #ELTChat
9:20 pm EveWeb: It has happened to me in group chats that the Internet connection speed interferes in our communication. There's a delay in answers #ELTChat
9:20 pm Mbarek: I used yahoo messenger , it allows chat with several contacts #ELTchat
9:20 pm rliberni: RT @ShellTerrell: Students can chat via most language learning sites- Busuu, iTalki, Myngle?, Edufire, & Gapfillers! #eltchat
9:20 pm angiebuys: @ShellTerrell I think that's the beauty of IMing- you can more readily understand, even w mistakes because of context #eltchat
9:20 pm kalinagoenglish: 2 continue Bloomberg offer webinars - webinars and online training are not just in edu :-)) this is becoming major part of life #ELTchat
9:20 pm tarabenwell: @Marisa_C FB is good for chatting too. #ELTChat
9:21 pm ShellTerrell: Yes! And they can chat on Gapfillers @Gapfillers #eltchat
9:21 pm ShellTerrell: RT @angiebuys: I think that's the beauty of IMing- you can more readily understand, even w mistakes because of context #eltchat
9:21 pm kalinagoenglish: and my IT students are on googlewave and messenger with their global colleagues/ clients #ELTchat. Many students on Facebook
9:21 pm Mbarek: RT @angiebuys: @ShellTerrell I think that's the beauty of IMing- you can more readily understand, even w mistakes because of context #eltchat
9:21 pm rliberni: I really did notice today that 1 std started v hesitantly & her English seemed quite low level but by the end there was a gr8 diff #eltchat
9:21 pm vickihollett: @EveWeb You mentioned students should follow a protocols when chatting. Can you give an example? #ELTchat
9:21 pm ShellTerrell: The only problem I find with chats is that some students will go on forever LOL! #ELtchat
9:21 pm olafelch: David Crystal - Texts and Tweets: myths and realities http://youtu.be/Boj8VYzDAy8 Interesting views #ELTchat
9:21 pm rliberni: @ShellTerrell Lol!! :-)) #eltchat
9:21 pm Marisa_C: @tarabenwell Facebook is good but not as immediate as this or ur chatroom #ELTChat
9:21 pm rliberni: RT @vickihollett: @EveWeb You mentioned students should follow a protocols when chatting. Can you give an example? #ELTchat #eltchat
9:21 pm Marisa_C: RT @olafelch: David Crystal - Texts and Tweets: myths and realities http://youtu.be/Boj8VYzDAy8Interesting views #ELTchat
9:22 pm rliberni: RT @ShellTerrell: The only problem I find with chats is that some students will go on forever LOL! #ELtchat #eltchat
9:22 pm tarabenwell: "before I was so shy..and can type faster now" from the MyEC chatroom now #ELTChat
9:22 pm ShellTerrell: You can chat through Skype! Does anyone remember url to list of language learners to Skype with in English? #ELTChat
9:22 pm rliberni: RT @Marisa_C: RT @olafelch: David Crystal - Texts and Tweets: myths and realitieshttp://youtu.be/Boj8VYzDAy8 Interesting views #eltchat
9:22 pm ShellTerrell: RT @rliberni: RT @Marisa_C: RT @olafelch: David Crystal - Texts and Tweets: myths and realitieshttp://youtu.be/Boj8VYzDAy8 Interesting views #eltchat
9:22 pm Marisa_C: @tarabenwell I was just thinking Tara it must do wonders for their keyboard skills - added benefit #ELTChat
9:22 pm vickyloras: RT @Marisa_C RT @olafelch: David Crystal - Texts and Tweets: myths and realitieshttp://youtu.be/Boj8VYzDAy8 Interesting views #ELTchat
9:23 pm ShellTerrell: RT @Marisa_C: @tarabenwell I was just thinking Tara it must do wonders for their keyboard skills - added benefit #ELTChat
9:23 pm kalinagoenglish: All Nings (for those of us still on them :-))) LOL offer chat function and through apps, video chat #ELTchat
9:23 pm olafelch: @rliberni I'd really like to come up with some mechanism to use it to focus on the language. #eltchat
9:23 pm EveWeb: Yes, most social media. I never thought I could chat on Twitter too :-0 Great!!! RT: @Marisa_C FB is good for chatting too. #ELTChat
9:23 pm ShellTerrell: RT @kalinagoenglish: All Nings (for those of us still on them :-))) LOL offer chat function and through apps, video chat #ELTchat
9:23 pm Marisa_C: RT @kalinagoenglish: All Nings (for those of us still on them :-))) LOL offer chat function and through apps, video chat #ELTchat
9:23 pm ShellTerrell: Is it better to have student led topics or to do a free for all? #ELTchat
9:23 pm tarabenwell: @Marisa_C I chat with ELLs daily on EC's FB page #ELTChat 14000 membershttp://englishclub.com/facebook
9:23 pm cybraryman1: @Tina_Barr Wednesday Chats: #ELTchat #ntchat #ptchat #web20chat #DistEd # smchat #yalitchat : http://bit.ly/9bCqR3
9:23 pm rliberni: RT @ShellTerrell: You can chat through Skype! Does anyone remember url to list of language learners to Skype with in English? #eltchat
9:24 pm vickyloras: @tarabenwell Thanks for all the updates Tara!Nice to see the Ss' opinions #ELTChat
9:24 pm Marisa_C: @tarabenwell was thinking more of my following on FB - no chatters there...:-) #ELTChat
9:24 pm Mbarek: with skype , you can chat with facebook contacts #ELTchat
9:24 pm rliberni: My GapChat transcripts http://bit.ly/c7sLNq early days but interesting #eltchat
9:24 pm Marisa_C: @tarabenwell You are right, of course #ELTChat
9:24 pm kalinagoenglish: But personally, more than chat - I think discussion forums are much more exciting because ss can add photos/docs/other media #ELTchat
9:25 pm ShellTerrell: List of Skype speakers to practice English http://bit.ly/dxSyuJ #eltchat
9:25 pm olafelch: What about other social media? Facebook? MySpace? Do they offer wider possibilities? #ELTchat
9:25 pm vbenevolofranca: RT @EveWeb: It's happened to me in group chats- Internet connection speed interferes in our communication. There's a delay> agree #ELTChat
9:25 pm annehodg: RT @rliberni: My GapChat transcripts http://bit.ly/c7sLNq early days but interesting #eltchat
9:25 pm ShellTerrell: RT @rliberni: My GapChat transcripts http://bit.ly/c7sLNq early days but interesting #eltchat
9:25 pm teacher_prix: I'm back! What have I missed? #ELTChat
9:25 pm ShellTerrell: RT @olafelch: What about other social media? Facebook? MySpace? Do they offer wider possibilities? #ELTchat
9:25 pm kalinagoenglish: RT @vickyloras: @tarabenwell Thanks for all the updates Tara!Nice to see the Ss' opinions #ELTChat >> agreed!
9:25 pm rliberni: @olafelch it's difficult to control but I publish transcripts so could evaluate these (later as we're just beginning) #eltchat
9:25 pm ShellTerrell: RT @kalinagoenglish: But personally, more than chat - I think discussion forums are much more exciting because ss can add photos/docs/other media #ELTchat
9:25 pm olafelch: RT @kalinagoenglish: I think discussion forums are much more exciting because ss can add photos/docs/other media #ELTchat
9:25 pm tarabenwell: From MyEC chat room. Skoon says "Hi all, I'm full of beans now" Cute! #ELTChat
9:25 pm Mbarek: RT @ShellTerrell: List of Skype speakers to practice English http://bit.ly/dxSyuJ #eltchat
9:26 pm rliberni: @olafelch I'm looking to do these soon #eltchat
9:26 pm rliberni: RT @Mbarek: RT @ShellTerrell: List of Skype speakers to practice English http://bit.ly/dxSyuJ#eltchat
9:26 pm tarabenwell: They're begging for voice chat on MyEC. #ELTChat
9:26 pm olafelch: @teacher_prix Shedloads!!! ;o) #ELTChat
9:26 pm EveWeb: Protocol sample: Say hello and good-bye, respect their turns, use ? for questions, (...) for comments, answer questions asap, etc #ELTChat
9:27 pm SueannaN: Can you use them for learning or are they testament to the learning the students have already done? #ELTchat
9:27 pm annehodg: RT @ShellTerrell: List of Skype speakers to practice English http://bit.ly/dxSyuJ #eltchat
9:27 pm tarabenwell: RT @kalinagoenglish: But personally, more than chat - I think discussion forums are much more exciting because ss can add photos/docs/other media #ELTchat
9:27 pm Mbarek: @olafelch with forum SS get enough time to cwrite their messages #ELTchat
9:27 pm annehodg: RT @olafelch: RT @kalinagoenglish: I think discussion forums are much more exciting because ss can add photos/docs/other media #ELTchat
9:27 pm kalinagoenglish: + they have more time to answer critically, voice opinions #ELTChat (discussion forums) same as us, really..twitter vs yahoogrp vs blogs
9:27 pm Marisa_C: RT @EveWeb: Protocol sample: Say hello & good-bye, respect turns, use ? for questions, (...) for comments, answer questions asap, #ELTChat
9:27 pm rliberni: RT @EveWeb: Protocol sample: Say hello and good-bye, respect their turns, use ? for questions, (..) for comments, answer ??s asap, #eltchat
9:28 pm vickihollett: @EveWeb Great chat protocol guidelines. Thank you! #eltchat
9:28 pm rliberni: RT @Mbarek: @olafelch with forum SS get enough time to cwrite their messages #ELTchat#eltchat
9:28 pm tarabenwell: Skoon uses the chat to share his "daily word": #ELTChathttp://my.englishclub.com/group/fivenewwordsdaily?
9:29 pm rliberni: RT @tarabenwell: Skoon uses the chat to share his "daily word": #ELTChathttp://my.englishclub.com/group/fivenewwordsdaily? #eltchat
9:29 pm EveWeb: You're welcome Vicky! :-) RT @vickihollett: @EveWeb Great chat protocol guidelines. Thank you! #eltchat
9:29 pm ShellTerrell: RT @kalinagoenglish: + they have more time to answer critically, voice opinions #ELTChat(discussion forums) same as us, really..twitter vs yahoogrp vs blogs
9:29 pm ShellTerrell: RT @rliberni: RT @tarabenwell: Skoon uses the chat to share his "daily word": #ELTChathttp://my.englishclub.com/group/fivenewwordsdaily? #eltchat
9:29 pm annehodg: RT @tarabenwell: Skoon uses the chat to share his "daily word": #ELTChathttp://my.englishclub.com/group/fivenewwordsdaily?
9:29 pm tarabenwell: Chat Abbreviations: http://www.englishclub.com/esl-chat/abbreviations.htm #ELTChat
9:29 pm Marisa_C: RT @tarabenwell: Chat Abbreviations: http://www.englishclub.com/esl-chat/abbreviations.htm #ELTChat
9:30 pm tarabenwell: Chat room etiquette: http://www.englishclub.com/esl-chat/etiquette.htm #ELTChat
9:30 pm ShellTerrell: I think having a Facebook group for practicing English would be great! I saw one recently that was organized fantastically! #ELTChat
9:30 pm kalinagoenglish: @eveweb super list :-) #ELTchat
9:30 pm rliberni: RPPL need to feel comfortable, to take their time and only contribute when they r ready #eltchat
9:30 pm EveWeb: Thank you! RT @Marisa_C: RT @tarabenwell: Chat Abbreviations: http://bit.ly/9GyCDe #ELTChat
9:30 pm annehodg: RT @tarabenwell: Chat Abbreviations: http://www.englishclub.com/esl-chat/abbreviations.htm #ELTChat
9:30 pm ShellTerrell: RT @tarabenwell: Chat room etiquette: http://www.englishclub.com/esl-chat/etiquette.htm #ELTChat
9:30 pm rliberni: RT @tarabenwell: Chat room etiquette: http://www.englishclub.com/esl-chat/etiquette.htm #ELTChat #eltchat
9:30 pm Mbarek: @rliberni #eltchat U right , englishclub got 2 chatrooms for beginners , my students liked it very much
9:30 pm rliberni: RT @Marisa_C: RT @tarabenwell: Chat Abbreviations: http://www.englishclub.com/esl-chat/abbreviations.htm #ELTChat #eltchat
9:30 pm ShellTerrell: RT @tarabenwell: Chat Abbreviations: http://www.englishclub.com/esl-chat/abbreviations.htm #ELTChat
9:30 pm teacher_prix: How do you encourage ur Ss to use SM? #ELTChat
9:31 pm ShellTerrell: Great question! RT @teacher_prix: How do you encourage ur Ss to use SM? #ELTChat
9:31 pm EveWeb: Thanks @kalinagoenglish #ELTchat
9:31 pm kalinagoenglish: RT @shellterrell: RT @tarabenwell: Chat Abbreviations: http://www.englishclub.com/esl-chat/abbreviations.htm #ELTChat
9:31 pm EveWeb: RT @teacher_prix: How do you encourage ur Ss to use SM? #ELTChat
9:31 pm olafelch: @rliberni @Mbarek #ELTchat I agree. Forums and other asynchronous methods my offer more benefit to the learner. #ELTchat
9:31 pm kalinagoenglish: RT @rliberni: RT @tarabenwell: Chat room etiquette: http://www.englishclub.com/esl-chat/etiquette.htm #ELTChat #eltchat
9:31 pm rliberni: @Mbarek my students r in the main older & less accustomed but keen to try #eltchat
9:31 pm ShellTerrell: I've recently began using Edmodo with students! It's really fantastic as a forum http://bit.ly/dxSyuJ#eltchat
9:31 pm olafelch: RT @rliberni: RT @Marisa_C: RT @tarabenwell: Chat Abbreviations:http://www.englishclub.com/esl-chat/abbreviations.htm #ELTChat #eltchat
9:31 pm vickihollett: If I'm visiting a site w. chat (like a ning), I'd hesitate to invite someone to chat. They might be busy. Do chats need scheduling? #eltchat
9:31 pm tarabenwell: @ShellTerrell Check out ours. It's going so well! http://englishclub.com/facebook #ELTChat
9:31 pm Mbarek: @ShellTerrell I don't , not all my SS got mobile phones #ELTChat
9:32 pm ShellTerrell: RT @vickihollett: If I'm visiting a site w. chat (like a ning), I'd hesitate to invite someone to chat. They might be busy. Do chats need scheduling? #eltchat
9:32 pm Collaborize: @ShellTerrell @teacher_prix Teaching Students how to use social media (& best practices) is the best way to encourage them to use #ELTChat
9:32 pm kalinagoenglish: @vickihollett I think so too, when moderated but I think when the learners do it (on MyEC for example) they do so spontaneously #ELTchat
9:33 pm TonyEdTechTip: Incentives more notes and access for help on tests,points for communicating RT @teacher_prix: How do you encourage ur Ss to use SM? #ELTChat
9:33 pm ShellTerrell: @Mbarek How about an online forum venue for them to chat through the computer? #ELTChat
9:33 pm Mbarek: @rliberni there r thanked voluntary teachers who r there to give a hand to new comers #eltchat
9:33 pm tarabenwell: I just found out they have a poetry night in the chat room. Learning something new myself #ELTChat
9:33 pm EveWeb: Edmodo is wonderful for young learners or private groups. RT @ShellTerrell: I..began using Edmodo ...fantastic http://bit.ly/dxSyuJ #eltchat
9:33 pm ShellTerrell: RT @tarabenwell: I just found out they have a poetry night in the chat room. Learning something new myself #ELTChat
9:33 pm rliberni: @olafelch synchronous diff when u work but I have a comments box with transcript so they can add ideas (not many I live in hope!) #eltchat
9:33 pm ShellTerrell: @tarabenwell Wow! your students sound like they're having a lot of fun! #ELTChat
9:34 pm teacher_prix: I like to share experiences I've had, and ask to hear from them... SM is quite new here in Brz... #ELTChat
9:34 pm rliberni: RT @tarabenwell: I just found out they have a poetry night in the chat room. Learning something new myself #ELTChat #eltchat
9:34 pm ShellTerrell: RT @teacher_prix: I like to share experiences I've had, and ask to hear from them... SM is quite new here in Brz... #ELTChat
9:34 pm annehodg: RT @tarabenwell: I just found out they have a poetry night in the chat room. Learning something new myself #ELTChat
9:34 pm EveWeb: That sounds exciting! RT @tarabenwell: I just found out they have a poetry night in the chat room. Learning something new myself #ELTChat
9:34 pm Marisa_C: @tarabenwell @rliberni @EveWeb So, what skills needed by a T to facilitate chatroom conversations? #eltchat
9:34 pm ShellTerrell: My students super weary to try social media. I did a private group for a semester & only 2 students of 20 participated #ELTChat
9:34 pm Mbarek: @EveWeb I tried last year with webheads , sounds great #eltchat
9:34 pm tarabenwell: "all in all ,ignoring those few moments which were annoying ,chatting was beneficial to me" From the MyEC Chat room #ELTChat
9:35 pm rliberni: @Mbarek yes, it is important to have some support for newbies #eltchat
9:35 pm Marisa_C: @ShellTerrell Mine two - I did a twiducate room for them and saw only very occasional visits... #ELTChat
9:35 pm annehodg: RT @ShellTerrell: My students super weary to try social media. I did a private group for a semester & only 2 students of 20 participated #ELTChat
9:36 pm kalinagoenglish: Very bummed I have to go, only a few hours to finish work b4 bed. Deadline. but this a great #ELTchat, lkg forward to reading up later :-(((
9:36 pm tarabenwell: Why Use Chat Rooms: http://edition.tefl.net/articles/english-club/chat-rooms/ #ELTChat
9:36 pm ShellTerrell: @Marisa_C I did a site called My Family which allowed photos, etc. sort of like ning but they just said they're too busy #ELTChat
9:36 pm ShellTerrell: RT @tarabenwell: Why Use Chat Rooms: http://edition.tefl.net/articles/english-club/chat-rooms/ #ELTChat
9:36 pm rliberni: @Marisa_C set parameters, encourage, ask ??s, fill in silences, empathise I think the usual things tchrs do - be fam with th set up #eltchat
9:36 pm Mbarek: @rliberni sure , my SS used to go there by themselves , teachers there motivated them #eltchat
9:36 pm EveWeb: Tolerance, organization, set the protocol, find a chat assistant , among others @rliberni : skills needed to facilitate chats #eltchat
9:36 pm vickyloras: Even simpe e-mails help, not as effective or immediate as chatting but are also great help for practice #ELTChat
9:37 pm ShellTerrell: RT @vickyloras: Even simpe e-mails help, not as effective or immediate as chatting but are also great help for practice #ELTChat
9:37 pm hideotakamini: RT @ShellTerrell: Students can chat via most language learning sites- Busuu, iTalki, Myngle?, Edufire, etc #ELTChat
9:37 pm annehodg: My stdts use social media privately, but discuss it being a waste of time. Use it to learn English a problem? Low on the totem pole #eltchat
9:37 pm tarabenwell: @kalinagoenglish By karenne! Thanks for all you do at MyEC! #ELTChat
9:37 pm ShellTerrell: @vickyloras My students always respond to my emails. They love them #ELTChat
9:37 pm SueannaN: RT @SueAnnan: @ShellTerrell I've had a similar experience #ELTchat
9:37 pm ShellTerrell: RT @annehodg: My stdts use social media privately, but discuss it being a waste of time. Use it to learn English a problem? Low on the totem pole #eltchat
9:37 pm tarabenwell: @ShellTerrell Really? I'm quite surprised! #ELTChat
9:37 pm olafelch: Has anyone tried iPadio? Look like a useful combination of blogging and speaking. Could be good for learners. http://bit.ly/1aBJ3s #ELTchat
9:37 pm Mbarek: has any1 tried youtubesocial , u watch a video & u chat ? #eltchat
9:37 pm Marisa_C: RT @rliberni: @Marisa_C set parameters, encourage, ask ??s, fill in silences, empathise-usual things tchrs do - be fam withset up #eltchat
9:37 pm ShellTerrell: RT @olafelch: Has anyone tried iPadio? Look like a useful combination of blogging and speaking. Could be good for learners. http://bit.ly/1aBJ3s #ELTchat
9:38 pm rliberni: @Mbarek I find I need to give mine lots of reminders it's only 1ce a wk at present - I want to get them to organise their own #eltchat
9:38 pm Marisa_C: RT @Mbarek: has any1 tried youtubesocial , u watch a video & u chat ? #eltchat
9:39 pm rliberni: RT @Marisa_C: RT @Mbarek: has any1 tried youtubesocial , u watch a video & u chat ? #eltchat
9:39 pm Marisa_C: RT @tarabenwell: Why Use Chat Rooms: http://edition.tefl.net/articles/english-club/chat-rooms/ #ELTChat
9:39 pm Mbarek: @rliberni sure ! chat protocols r very important in the beginning , after that , they have enough skills to go by themselves #eltchat
9:39 pm LonnieWSimmons: @olafelch #ELTchat 142million on FB, think of all the parents&students that can/want 2 access what you post there (put student work on mine)
9:39 pm vickyloras: RT @Mbarek has any1 tried youtubesocial , u watch a video & u chat ? #eltchat >>Sounds great!will check it out.
9:40 pm olafelch: RT @tarabenwell: Why Use Chat Rooms: http://edition.tefl.net/articles/english-club/chat-rooms/ #ELTChat
9:40 pm ShellTerrell: Arggggh Tweetdeck #ELTChat
9:40 pm ShellTerrell: @tarabenwell I had one this year who actually wouldn't accept any emails either. Never had that in 4yrs teaching adults here #ELTChat
9:40 pm EveWeb: Dear friends, I have to leave, sorry. I promise to share the protocol I use with my students for chats and videoconferences asap #ELTchat
9:40 pm ShellTerrell: RT @LonnieWSimmons: @olafelch #ELTchat 142million on FB, think of all the parents&students that can/want 2 access what you post there (put student work on mine)
9:40 pm olafelch: RT @annehodg: My stdts use social media privately, but discuss it being a waste of time. Use it to learn English a problem? #eltchat
9:40 pm rliberni: RT @olafelch: RT @tarabenwell: Why Use Chat Rooms: http://edition.tefl.net/articles/english-club/chat-rooms/ #ELTChat #eltchat
9:40 pm vbenevolofranca: @ShellTerrell @Marisa_C Students have mixed feelings on SM use - few actively engage, which is fine.Not all need to like it. #ELTChat
9:41 pm Mbarek: @olafelch yes great tool , u get a remote control and u may pass it to any participant #ELTChat
9:41 pm rliberni: @ShellTerrell yes!!! me too! back on Tweetgrid #eltchat
9:41 pm Marisa_C: @Mbarek how do you access you tube chat? #eltchat
9:41 pm ShellTerrell: @vbenevolofranca @Marisa_C They don't but it would really help them get extra practice since they only speak English in my class #ELTChat
9:41 pm olafelch: @LonnieWSimmons I agree about the access, but I'm totally convinced that it adds value to the learning process. #ELTchat
9:41 pm tarabenwell: Example game they like to play: "we get the last letter in a piece and write a new one " from MyEC chat room now #ELTChat
9:42 pm rliberni: @annehodg my stds are mostly learning alone & for them it's a boon to see that there are others out there too #eltchat
9:42 pm Mbarek: @Marisa_C by URL , u can invite your FB contact or send the link by mail #eltchat
9:42 pm ShellTerrell: @rliberni @Dave_Ferguson It's been crazy all day. Hope it gets better because I tried other browsers & they just werent as good #eltchat
9:42 pm ShellTerrell: RT @rliberni: @annehodg my stds are mostly learning alone & for them it's a boon to see that there are others out there too #eltchat
9:42 pm rliberni: @Mbarek If they set up theri own chats I would really feel chuffed & that's one of my goals #eltchat
9:42 pm annehodg: RT @tarabenwell: Example game they like to play: "we get the last letter in a piece and write a new one " from MyEC chat room now #ELTChat
9:42 pm teacher_prix: RT @Marisa_C: RT @Mbarek: has any1 tried youtubesocial , u watch a video & u chat ? #eltchatDoes VoiceThread count? http://bit.ly/d4k6mL
9:42 pm ShellTerrell: RT @tarabenwell: Example game they like to play: "we get the last letter in a piece and write a new one " from MyEC chat room now #ELTChat
9:42 pm olafelch: RT @betchaboy: Yes, I like iPadio a lot. example post http://bit.ly/bqTz7o and it crossposts into my blog. Very easy to use. #ELTchat
9:43 pm rliberni: @ShellTerrell yes tweetgrid is a bit behind #eltchat
9:43 pm Mbarek: http://bit.ly/9FThTX youtubesocial #eltchat
9:43 pm SueannaN: RT @Mbarekhttp://bit.ly/9FThTX youtubesocial #eltchat
9:44 pm olafelch: @miriamtanti I think you can separate the two, but it still comes down to a question of value. #ELTchat
9:44 pm Mbarek: @rliberni u r right ,that's LLL life long learning :) #eltchat
9:44 pm Marisa_C: RT @Mbarekhttp://bit.ly/9FThTX youtubesocial #eltchat
9:44 pm rliberni: RT @olafelch: RT @betchaboy: Yes, I like iPadio a lot. example post http://bit.ly/bqTz7o and it crossposts into my blog. #eltchat
9:44 pm ShellTerrell: RT @Marisa_C: RT @Mbarekhttp://bit.ly/9FThTX youtubesocial #eltchat
9:44 pm tarabenwell: Why Should I Chat? (blog by moderator-comments by learners)http://my.englishclub.com/profiles/blogs/why-should-i-chat-the-native #ELTChat
9:44 pm Shaunwilden: RT @Mbarekhttp://bit.ly/9FThTX youtubesocial #eltchat - I was playing on that today with some teachers looks really useful
9:44 pm wwjimd: RT @tarabenwell: Chat Abbreviations: http://www.englishclub.com/esl-chat/abbreviations.htm #ELTChat
9:45 pm rliberni: @Mbarek then we'd be redundant but successful!! Lol! #eltchat
9:45 pm vickyloras: RT @Mbarek http://bit.ly/9FThTX youtubesocial #eltchat >>Thank you for this tip!
9:45 pm olafelch: @Shaunwilden Hi Shaun. The whisky's going down well! ;o) #eltchat
9:45 pm Mbarek: @Shaunwilden I like very much , looks like old clipsync but no more available #eltchat
9:46 pm tarabenwell: From MyEC Chat room just now "Guys, I posted a blog...please check it out when you have time...gotta run...sorry and thanks!" #ELTChat
9:46 pm rliberni: RT @tarabenwell: Why Should I Chat? (blog by moderator-comments by learners)http://my.englishclub.com/profiles/blogs/why-should-i-chat-the-native #ELTChat
9:46 pm RobertaWedge: @vickyloras The very lack of immediacy of emails has its own up-side. It is asynchronous, so students get time to reflect. #ELTChat
9:46 pm SueannaN: I keep losing my tweets. Sorry if I don't appear to be taking part #ELTchat
9:46 pm vbenevolofranca: @ShellTerrell @Marisa_C #ELTChat Agree 100% But SM touches on issues of privacy & exposure which can psychologically be daunting for some.
9:46 pm teacher_prix: RT @Marisa_C: RT @Mbarekhttp://bit.ly/9FThTX youtubesocial #eltchat
9:46 pm annehodg: RT @tarabenwell: Why Should I Chat? (blog by moderator-comments by learners)http://my.englishclub.com/profiles/blogs/why-should-i-chat-the-native #ELTChat
9:47 pm olafelch: @SueAnnan It's OK, I think several people are suffering from a stuttering feed. #ELTchat
9:47 pm rliberni: @SueAnnan see you! Things are a bit crazy tonight! #eltchat
9:47 pm Mbarek: @rliberni met the 5Cs lol #eltchat
9:47 pm Marisa_C: @SueAnnan No worries twitter &/or tweetdeck acting up for everyone #ELTchat
9:47 pm Mbarek: RT @tarabenwell: From MyEC Chat room just now "Guys, I posted a blog...please check it out when you have time...gotta run...sorry and thanks!" #ELTChat
9:47 pm SueannaN: RT @Mbarek: @rliberni met the 5Cs lol #eltchat ???
9:48 pm KrisSchaeffer: RT @Collaborize: We are found online discussion forum's have increased participate with shy students & all others, outside & inside the classroom #EltChat
9:48 pm Shaunwilden: @Mbarek #eltchat we were thinking it would be good to show vieos and ask listening questions etc while it plays
9:48 pm Mbarek: @SueAnnan hard to catch up with everything , take it easy #ELTchat
9:48 pm annehodg: RT @teacher_prix: RT @Marisa_C: RT @Mbarekhttp://bit.ly/9FThTX youtubesocial #eltchat
9:48 pm teacher_prix: Re Privacy & Exposure: And how to deal with that with underage Ss, for ex? #ELTChat
9:49 pm SueannaN: RT @Mbarek: @SueAnnan hard to catch up with everything , take it easy #ELTchat LOL
9:49 pm Mbarek: @Shaunwilden yes that's among the many potentials ,really promising #eltchat
9:49 pm rliberni: @Mbarek Lol or :-(( a dichotomy!! #eltchat
9:49 pm teacher_prix: 5Cs??? Got lost... #ELTChat
9:50 pm ShellTerrell: RT @vbenevolofranca: #ELTChat Agree 100% But SM touches on issues of privacy & exposure which can psychologically be daunting for some.
9:50 pm tarabenwell: @teacher_prix Very few on MyEC use their actual names in chat room. #ELTChat
9:50 pm Marisa_C: RT @tarabenwell: @teacher_prix Very few on MyEC use their actual names in chat room. #ELTChat
9:50 pm rliberni: @teacher_prix could organise a closed or restricted environment & still have the chat #eltchat
9:50 pm Mbarek: @rliberni just away to catch up with a little :-) #eltchat
9:50 pm ShellTerrell: Is social media part of your curriculum or is it extra? Mine I treat as extra for more help outside class but optional #ELtchat
9:50 pm annehodg: RT @tarabenwell: @teacher_prix Very few on MyEC use their actual names in chat room. #ELTChat
9:51 pm ShellTerrell: RT @tarabenwell: @teacher_prix Very few on MyEC use their actual names in chat room. #ELTChat
9:51 pm vickyloras: @RobertaWedge Fantastic point!And gives them time to take in what other people have written them. #ELTChat
9:51 pm CELT_Athens: RT @ShellTerrell: Is social media part of your curriculum or is it extra? #ELtchat
9:51 pm Marisa_C: RT @ShellTerrell: Is social media part of your curriculum or is it extra? #ELtchat
9:51 pm olafelch: What about videoconferencing in Skype? Or meeting rooms like dimdim? Do they offer possibilities? #ELTchat
9:51 pm tarabenwell: "learners like to have a native or fluent speaker to accompany then in chatting ...sb who can be a good guide for others" just now #ELTChat
9:51 pm Marisa_C: RT @olafelch: What about videoconferencing in Skype? Or meeting rooms like dimdim? Do they offer possibilities? #ELTchat
9:52 pm rliberni: @teacher_prix actually I have a school on Gapfillers who have a private network ,a controlled environment, but can do own chats #eltchat
9:52 pm ShellTerrell: RT @tarabenwell: "learners like to have a native or fluent speaker to accompany then in chatting ...sb who can be a good guide for others" just now #ELTChat
9:52 pm poochiesan24: 25 Important Twitter Guides and Apps For Teachers via @edudemic #edtech20 #etchat #safedchat#edchat #ELTchat #ed http://t.co/142xMae
9:52 pm Marisa_C: @olafelch I don't know of any public vodeoconferencing rooms like MyEC #ELTchat
9:52 pm jennmelb: @olafelch @ShellTerrell Australian Ed tech and teacher @betchaboy trialled iPadio here.http://bit.ly/brrJwt #eltchat
9:52 pm olafelch: @Marisa_C @ShellTerrell Of course, there's the problem in many secondary schools that social media is banned. #ELtchat
9:52 pm rliberni: RT @Marisa_C: RT @olafelch: What about videoconferencing in Skype? Or meeting rooms like dimdim? Do they offer possibilities? #ELTchat
9:52 pm RobertaWedge: @vickyloras That is the virtue of asynchronous channels of communication, e.g. old-fashioned penpals. Now: email, voicemail, etc. #ELTChat
9:52 pm ShellTerrell: RT @jennmelb: Australian Ed tech and teacher @betchaboy trialled iPadio here. http://bit.ly/brrJwt#eltchat
9:53 pm Mbarek: @tarabenwell virtual classrooms and videoconferencing environment are smarter and offer + chances to upload materials etc #ELTChat
9:53 pm tarabenwell: "I made a schedual for being in chat for one hour or two a day" MyEC learner Lots of complaints about times when there is no topic #ELTchat
9:53 pm rliberni: @RobertaWedge I think it's important to offer both sync & async possibilities #eltchat
9:54 pm annehodg: RT @tarabenwell: "learners like to have a native or fluent speaker to accompany then in chatting ...sb who can be a good guide for others" just now #ELTChat
9:54 pm teacher_prix: RT @ShellTerrell: Is SM part of your curriculum? - We been presenting papers on SM in congresses It will soon b part of CV! #ELtchat
9:54 pm ShellTerrell: Gr8 pt! RT @annehodg: We've got classes w SM add-ons; and then we've got self-regulating online groups like MyEC. Big difference #eltchat
9:54 pm olafelch: RT @RobertaWedge: @vickyloras That is the virtue of asynchronous comm channels, old-fashioned penpals. Now: email, voicemail, etc. #ELTChat
9:54 pm Marisa_C: @olafelch Apart from Second Life of course - the biggest most open chatroom of all #eltchat
9:54 pm olafelch: RT @rliberni: @RobertaWedge I think it's important to offer both sync & async possibilities #eltchat
9:54 pm annehodg: RT @tarabenwell: "I made a schedual for being in chat for one hour or two a day" MyEC learner Lots of complaints about times when there is no topic #ELTchat
9:54 pm vickyloras: RT @RobertaWedge That is the virtue of asynchronous channels of communication, e.g.old-fashioned penpals.Now:email, voicemail, etc. #ELTChat
9:54 pm rliberni: @tarabenwell I always post a topic but often if it's only 1 or 2 we digress #eltchat
9:55 pm tarabenwell: @Mbarek The chat room is just one tiny part of MyEC. Also has blogs, video, photo gallery, status updates, groups, forums #ELTChat
9:55 pm hoprea: Oh my, and I thought #ELTChat was going to start in 5 minutes... always check twice, Henrick! Always check twice!!
9:55 pm ShellTerrell: RT @olafelch: @Marisa_C @ShellTerrell Of course, there's the problem in many secondary schools that social media is banned. #ELtchat
9:55 pm RobertaWedge: @vickyloras Yes, both sync and async, because working life demands both of us. What is this chat but quasi-sync? #ELTChat
9:55 pm rliberni: RT @hoprea: Oh my, and I thought #ELTChat was going to start in 5 minutes... always check twice, Henrick! Always check twice!! #eltchat
9:55 pm tarabenwell: @rliberni They say they want topics, but then they rarely stick to them. My experience anyway. #ELTChat
9:55 pm ShellTerrell: RT @tarabenwell: @rliberni They say they want topics, but then they rarely stick to them. My experience anyway. #ELTChat
9:55 pm olafelch: @Marisa_C My IT manager would have a stark staring blue fit if I dared to suggest using Second Life in the school! #eltchat
9:56 pm teacher_prix: @hoprea Daylight saving time... Tsc... Tsc... =) #ELTChat
9:56 pm Mbarek: @Marisa_C palbee is a free videoconferencing room #ELTchat
9:56 pm ShellTerrell: @olafelch @Marisa_C Second Life has so many possibilities! Wish more would try it #eltchat
9:56 pm RobertaWedge: @olafelch Sorry, that should have been a reply to you! Both modes are important; many channels for both. #eltchat
9:56 pm teacher_prix: @rliberni It sounds interesting! What's the site for Gapfillers? #ELTChat
9:56 pm ShellTerrell: @TheEngTeacher Yay! you joined in #ELTChat even if it was briefly! :-)
9:56 pm annehodg: @Marisa_C My contacts here in Germany don't do SL, think it's silly. But Twitter, they get. #eltchat
9:58 pm olafelch: @tarabenwell I've given up worrying about them sticking to the subject, just as long as their practicing. #ELTChat
9:58 pm RobertaWedge: @rliberni Or indeed, a reply to you. Hard to keep up with the tech etiquette at this hour of the evening, in a bar (hic!). Sorry. #eltchat
9:58 pm Marisa_C: RT @ShellTerrell: @olafelch @Marisa_C Second Life has so many possibilities! Wish more would try it #eltchat
9:58 pm tarabenwell: I just reminded our chatters to use the discussion topics from The Monthly News:http://www.englishclub.com/listening/news.htm #ELTChat
9:58 pm teacher_prix: @tarabenwell Up tp what extent should we encourage youngsters to use a 'fake name'? Where is our role as educators here...? Tricky! #ELTChat
9:58 pm rliberni: @teacher_prix http://www.gapfillers.co.uk #eltchat
9:59 pm Marisa_C: @teacher_prix E-safety is quite important - best to use nicknames #ELTChat
9:59 pm tarabenwell: Talking Point is another resource for topics #ELTChat http://www.englishclub.com/esl-forums/viewforum.php?f=179
9:59 pm rliberni: @RobertaWedge lucky you!! Lol #eltchat
9:59 pm ShellTerrell: RT @Marisa_C: @teacher_prix E-safety is quite important - best to use nicknames #ELTChat
10:00 pm ShellTerrell: RT @teacher_prix: @tarabenwell Up tp what extent should we encourage youngsters to use a 'fake name'? Where is our role as educators here...? Tricky! #ELTChat
10:00 pm Marisa_C: @TheEngTeacher #ELTChat I noticed too :-) welcome Miss,
10:00 pm rliberni: @tarabenwell trie but it gives a sense of some organisation at least, I think #eltchat
10:00 pm ShellTerrell: @TheEngTeacher I feel like a bot these days with amount of sleep I'm getting LOL #ELTChat
10:00 pm rliberni: RT @tarabenwell: Talking Point is another resource for topics #ELTChathttp://www.englishclub.com/esl-forums/viewforum.php?f=179 #eltchat
10:00 pm olafelch: @annehodg My experience re SL is similar (though many aren't convinced about Twitter either!) #ELTchat
10:00 pm GeorgeTrujillo: RT @tarabenwell: Why Use Chat Rooms: http://edition.tefl.net/articles/english-club/chat-rooms/ #ELTChat
10:00 pm tarabenwell: They are now discussing question #1 from the news story 1: reducing hour can make peopel work more" #ELTChat
10:00 pm RobertaWedge: RT @vbenevolofranca: @ShellTerrell @Marisa_C #ELTChat ...SM touches on issues of privacy & exposure which can psychologically be daunting...
10:00 pm Marisa_C: @ShellTerrell You feel like one I probably look like on #ELTChat
10:00 pm SueannaN: OMGoodness. I can't believe it's that time again. Thanks to everyone for a fascinating #ELTchat as always. Many thanks to all moderators
10:00 pm rliberni: RT @ShellTerrell: RT @Marisa_C: @teacher_prix E-safety is quite important - best to use nicknames #ELTChat #eltchat
10:00 pm teacher_prix: RT @Marisa_C: @teacher_prix E-safety is quite important - best to use nicknames #ELTChat - Agreed! Bt shd b carefully discussed w/ Ss.
10:01 pm teacher_prix: RT @rliberni: @teacher_prix http://www.gapfillers.co.uk #eltchat
10:01 pm esoldaveglasgow: FB=friends Twitter=CPD I choose not to ngage with studnts on either. Emails, Blogs, VLE and Wikis for them. Works for me. #eltchat
10:01 pm ShellTerrell: @Marisa_C It goes to say I look like one as well :-) #ELTChat #eltchat
10:01 pm Mbarek: interactive forums are interesting as well ,eg #iearn forums #eltchat SS meet peers from different countries +teachers
10:01 pm olafelch: One killer benefite of social media is, of course, that learners who use it simple get more practice. #ELTchat
10:01 pm tarabenwell: @teacher_prix Not sure. The learners I deal with are all adults. I'm "Tara Benwell" in the chat, so how can I advise differently? #ELTChat
10:02 pm rliberni: @teacher_prix :0) #eltchat
10:02 pm vbenevolofranca: @Marisa_C @teacher_prix #ELTChat And when dealing with younger learners like use of avatars rather than photos.
10:02 pm rliberni: RT @olafelch: One killer benefite of social media is, of course, that learners who use it simple get more practice. #ELTchat #eltchat
10:02 pm ShellTerrell: Exactly! RT @olafelch: One killer benefit of social media is, of course, that learners who use it simply get more practice. #ELTchat
10:02 pm Mbarek: they work on projects and teachers are their facilitators #eltchat
10:02 pm ShellTerrell: Thanks for another great #ELTChat and for the wonderful moderators @rliberni @Marisa_C@olafelch
10:03 pm Marisa_C: RT @vbenevolofranca: @Marisa_C @teacher_prix #ELTChat And when dealing with younger learners like use of avatars rather than photos.
10:03 pm tarabenwell: RT @olafelch: One killer benefite of social media is, of course, that learners who use it simple get more practice. #ELTchat
10:03 pm mnjorgensen: RT @olafelch: One killer benefite of social media is, of course, that learners who use it simple get more practice. #ELTchat
10:03 pm Mbarek: RT @ShellTerrell: Thanks for another great #ELTChat and for the wonderful moderators @rliberni@Marisa_C @olafelch
10:03 pm rliberni: RT @vbenevolofranca: @Marisa_C @teacher_prix #ELTChat And when dealing with younger learners like use of avatars rather than photos.
10:03 pm cybraryman1: My Social Media page: http://bit.ly/auYtFt #eltchat
10:03 pm vickihollett: RT @ShellTerrell: Thanks for another great #ELTChat and for the wonderful moderators @rliberni@Marisa_C @olafelch Thanks folks!
10:04 pm rliberni: RT @ShellTerrell: Thanks for another great #ELTChat and for the wonderful moderators @shellterrell @Marisa_C @olafelch #eltchat
10:04 pm rliberni: RT @cybraryman1: My Social Media page: http://bit.ly/auYtFt #eltchat
10:04 pm Marisa_C: @tarabenwell Thanks to Tara as well - I love the way she engages those learners in MyEC #ELTChat
10:04 pm tarabenwell: That was great all! Tough keeping up between twitter and MyEC Chat room! #ELTChat Thanks to all MYEC ELLS for helping answer Qs!
10:04 pm rliberni: @cybraryman1 hope it wasn't another 3-hour drive!! #eltchat
10:05 pm annehodg: RT @ShellTerrell: Thanks for another great #ELTChat and for the wonderful moderators @rliberni@Marisa_C @olafelch
10:05 pm rliberni: RT @Marisa_C: @tarabenwell Thanks to Tara as well - I love the way she engages those learners in MyEC hear hear! #eltchat
10:05 pm olafelch: We've had nearly a hundred listeners to the #ELTchat Podcast today. Thanks to eveyone who's supporting it! http://bit.ly/dkt0lc
10:05 pm teacher_prix: RT @vbenevolofranca: @Marisa_C #ELTChat And when dealing with younger learners like use of avatars rather than photos. -> Gr8 idea! =)
10:05 pm annehodg: RT @Marisa_C: @tarabenwell Thanks to Tara as well - I love the way she engages those learners in MyEC #ELTChat
10:05 pm Shaunwilden: RT @olafelch: We've had nearly a hundred listeners to the #ELTchat Podcast today. Thanks to eveyone who's supporting it! http://bit.ly/dkt0lc
10:05 pm vbenevolofranca: @ShellTerrell @rliberni @Marisa_C @olafelch #ELTChat Yes, thanks to all. My connection failed couple of times, so tweets were inconsistent!
10:06 pm teacher_prix: Is it over? #ELTChat Bo-hoo... =/

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