
How much should intercultural competence play a role in teaching

Page history last edited by Shaun 14 years, 1 month ago


Transcript from September 15, 2010 to September 15, 2010

All times are GMT

8:00 pm rkiker: @ShellTerrell I like the word competence, b/c I know many with little intercultural experience but a lot of competence. Well said! #ELTChat
8:00 pm janetbianchini: RT @ij64 Congratulations to organisers and participants in #eltchat A resounding success! Transcript here http://bit.ly/cu4vYD
8:01 pm olafelch: Do ELT teachers need to take account of intercultural competence in their teaching? #eltchat
8:01 pm ShellTerrell: Welcome to #ELTChat the 2nd edition of today! If you need any help plz feel free to ask!
8:01 pm ShellTerrell: RT @olafelch: Do ELT teachers need to take account of intercultural competence in their teaching? #eltchat
8:02 pm olafelch: @rkiker It's a good point - the competence needs to be in the right area. #ELTChat
8:02 pm ShellTerrell: How do your students show intercultural competence & how do you define this in your classes? #ELTChat
8:03 pm ShellTerrell: RT @rkiker: I like the word competence, b/c I know many with little intercultural experience but a lot of competence. Well said! #ELTChat
8:04 pm willycard: #ELTchat Hi all! I still find it a bit hard to keep up with # discussion, but will try!
8:04 pm Marisa_C: RT @rkiker: I like the word competence, b/c I know many with little intercultural experience but a lot of competence.#ELTChat
8:05 pm Marisa_C: @willycard Keep trying Willy! #ELTchat #
8:05 pm ShellTerrell: I think @rkiker brings up a good point about students having very little intercultural experience, how do we improve this? #ELTchat
8:05 pm olafelch: @ShellTerrell It's very hard in some schools because the kids have very little to go on in the way of role models. #ELTChat
8:05 pm janetbianchini: Hi all! Competence in being able to assess a situation in a sensitive manner is essential for a teacher. #ELTchat
8:05 pm olafelch: @willycard Just hang in there! ;o) #ELTchat #
8:06 pm rkiker: @willycard Good for you man, stick with it #ELTchat
8:06 pm ShellTerrell: I think since we are dealing with different cultures worldwide students definitely have perceived stereotypes? #ELTChat
8:06 pm gret: @ShellTerrell By expanding our classroom walls... Connecting with classes around the world could be an option #eltchat
8:06 pm Marisa_C: @ShellTerrell @rkiker Could we define what we mean by intercultural competence? #ELTChat
8:06 pm rliberni: For the next hour my tweets will be dedicated to #eltchat
8:07 pm ShellTerrell: Definite option! RT @gret: By expanding our classroom walls... Connecting with classes around the world could be an option #eltchat
8:07 pm evab2001: Hi there #ELTchat, I'll try 2 chat
8:07 pm rliberni: RT @Marisa_C: @ShellTerrell @rkiker Could we define what we mean by intercultural competence? #ELTChat #eltchat
8:07 pm olafelch: @janetbianchini I agree but how can that be integrated into language teaching? #ELTchat
8:07 pm rliberni: sorry bit late! #eltchat
8:07 pm melgarrish: @olafelch in a multicultural country like NZ with its' bilateral obligations an awareness IC is important 4 class dynamics #eltchat
8:07 pm ShellTerrell: Does anyone find the level of English makes it difficult for their students to collaborate? #Eltchat I teach YL & this has been 1 factor
8:08 pm olafelch: @evab2001 Good to see you. #ELTchat
8:08 pm janetbianchini: RT @gret: @ShellTerrell By expanding our classroom walls... Connecting with classes around the world could be an option #eltchat
8:08 pm evab2001: RT @ShellTerrell: RT @olafelch: Do ELT teachers need to take account of intercultural competence in their teaching? #eltchat
8:08 pm sevans59: #ELTChat Should we say intercompetence for short?
8:08 pm rliberni: Do we have a working definition? #eltchat
8:09 pm evab2001: @ShellTerrell @gret I agree with that #eltchat
8:09 pm SueannaN: #ELTchat evening everyone . Very interesting topic
8:09 pm ColinTGraham: intercultural competence sounds very European to me... CEFR can-do statements etc. #eltchat
8:09 pm mattledding: #eltchat wikpedia - Intercultural competence is the ability of successful communication with people of other cultures.
8:09 pm rkiker: @ShellTerrell It is tough, for k-12 students getting out into different communities, moving out of the building is key to #edreform #ELTchat
8:09 pm evab2001: RT @ShellTerrell: Definite option! RT @gret: By expanding our classroom walls... Connecting with classes around the world could be an option #eltchat
8:09 pm olafelch: @melgarrish Does that have an effect on the language used? Do you need different language for different cultures? #eltchat
8:09 pm ShellTerrell: RT @melgarrish: in a multicultural country like NZ with its' bilateral obligations an awareness IC is important 4 class dynamics #eltchat
8:09 pm annehodg: being able to put yourself in another's shoes and seeing the world from that other person's point of view = key 2 intercult comp #ELTchat
8:10 pm ShellTerrell: RT @rkiker: It is tough, for k-12 students getting out into different communities, moving out of the building is key to #edreform #ELTchat
8:10 pm ShellTerrell: Good point! RT @sevans59: #ELTChat Should we say intercompetence for short?
8:10 pm olafelch: @sevans59 For the sake of Twitter mabe we should use IC? #ELTChat
8:10 pm evab2001: all the projects we do online, the collaborations, class discussions will help 2 understand each other2s culture #eltchat
8:10 pm janetbianchini: @olafelch By connecting with classrooms from around the world as @gret mentioned - leads to more awareness of different cultures #eltchat
8:10 pm ShellTerrell: @ColinTGraham What do you prefer? ;-) #ELTChat
8:11 pm olafelch: RT @annehodg: being able to put yourself in another's shoes and seeing the world from that other person's point of view = key 2 IC #ELTchat
8:11 pm rliberni: RT @ColinTGraham: intercultural competence sounds very European to me... CEFR can-do statements etc. #eltchat
8:11 pm rliberni: RT @annehodg: being able to put yourself in another's shoes and seeing the world from that other person's point of view = key 2 intercult comp #ELTchat
8:11 pm ShellTerrell: @rkiker @gret I'm not sure why this isn't part of the curriculum especially considering the importance of global collaboration #ELTChat
8:11 pm rliberni: RT @evab2001: all the projects we do online, the collaborations, class discussions will help 2 understand each other2s culture #eltchat
8:11 pm ShellTerrell: RT @evab2001: all the projects we do online, the collaborations, class discussions will help 2 understand each other2s culture #eltchat
8:12 pm ColinTGraham: I think there is a difference between ESL and EFL, eg teaching English in a 'mono'culture such as Japan vs. English in the UK #ELTchat
8:12 pm olafelch: @annehodg As a language teacher, how should that affect what I teach? #ELTchat
8:12 pm ShellTerrell: RT @annehodg: being able to put yourself in another's shoes and seeing the world fr that person's pt of view = key 2 intercult comp #ELTchat
8:12 pm rliberni: RT @harrisonmike: @ShellTerrell @rkiker #ELTchat totally agree, get out of the classroom whenever and wherever possible. #eltchat
8:12 pm ShellTerrell: For those of you who connect your students online, how do you find classes fr other countries to connect with? #ELTChat
8:13 pm ShellTerrell: RT @harrisonmike: #ELTchat totally agree, get out of the classroom whenever and wherever possible. Provide opportunities for real exp
8:13 pm rliberni: @olafelch I think we need to consider materials choice and look to being more global #eltchat
8:13 pm janetbianchini: RT @evab2001: all the projects we do online, the collaborations, class discussions will help 2 understand each other2s culture #eltchat
8:13 pm olafelch: @gret @janetbianchini How about Class linkups through Skype? Would that help? What can we learn? #eltchat
8:13 pm ShellTerrell: RT @ColinTGraham: I think there is a difference btwn ESL & EFL, eg teaching Eng in a 'mono'culture such as Japan vs. Eng in the UK #ELTchat
8:14 pm Marisa_C: Cultural awareness implies knowledge of values, beliefs, behaviours, literature, art, relationships, traditionsas well as language #ELTchat
8:14 pm cybraryman1: MyMulticultural Celebration page: http://bit.ly/aMiL1h #ELTchat
8:14 pm rliberni: My group online is totally international and I know very few of them I have to be very sensitive in the materials I develop #eltchat
8:14 pm ColinTGraham: @ShellTerrell I think I'd go for ... hmm cultural awareness of where/how English is being used for communication #ELTChat
8:14 pm ShellTerrell: @ColinTGraham I think there is definitely a different dynamic bcuz in 1 scenario they have to learn IC skills to assimilate #ELTChat
8:14 pm rliberni: RT @cybraryman1: MyMulticultural Celebration page: http://bit.ly/aMiL1h #ELTchat #eltchat
8:14 pm ShellTerrell: RT @cybraryman1: MyMulticultural Celebration page: http://bit.ly/aMiL1h #ELTchat
8:14 pm olafelch: @rliberni I agree with you, although @seanbanville made a good point about the advantage of locally focused materials. #eltchat
8:15 pm Marisa_C: Can cultural awareness be made a part of every piece of material we teach? #ELTchat
8:15 pm Britsmiles: RT @Marisa_C: Cultural awareness implies knowledge of values, beliefs, behaviours, literature, art, relationships, traditionsas well as language #ELTchat
8:15 pm ShellTerrell: RT @rliberni: My group online is totally international & I know vry few of them I have 2b sensitive in the materials I develop #eltchat
8:15 pm rliberni: Sensitivity, openness, awareness, empathy? #eltchat
8:15 pm rkiker: @ShellTerrell It is those real experiences outside the walls that broaden and prepare students for success in this world #ELTchat
8:15 pm ShellTerrell: RT @Marisa_C: Cultural awareness implies knowldg of vals, beliefs, behaviours, lit, art, relationships, traditions as well as lang #ELTchat
8:16 pm harrisonmike: Should it? Every part?? RT @Marisa_C: Can cultural awareness be made a part of every piece of material we teach? #ELTchat
8:16 pm olafelch: @Marisa_C Probably not every part, but far more than it is up to now. #ELTchat
8:16 pm Marisa_C: There is a great range of activities which can raise this awareness but teachers have to have it first! #ELTchat
8:16 pm evab2001: RT @ShellTerrell: RT @rliberni: My group online is totally international & I know vry few of them I have 2b sensitive in the materials I develop #eltchat
8:16 pm janetbianchini: @olafelch ClassSkype links are an excellent idea for raising students' awareness of different cultures - v. meaningful interaction #eltchat
8:16 pm ShellTerrell: RT @Marisa_C: Can cultural awareness be made a part of every piece of material we teach? #ELTchat
8:16 pm ctltuition: RT @harrisonmike: Should it? Every part?? RT @Marisa_C: Can cultural awareness be made a part of every piece of material we teach? #ELTchat
8:16 pm annehodg: @Marisa_C Yes, but knowledge sometimes gets in the way of learning. Approach: Promote emotional learning, not just analytical #ELTchat
8:17 pm rliberni: RT @Marisa_C: There is a great range of activities which can raise this awareness but teachers have to have it first! #ELTchat #eltchat
8:17 pm ShellTerrell: Gr8 resource to find schls to connect w/ worldwide! RT @jbrogley: www.epals.com #ELTChat
8:17 pm ColinTGraham: @ShellTerrell I have seen a Jp man and Kor woman using 'rude' English but communicating effectively... corporate culture at work! #ELTChat
8:17 pm japglish: very much agree with Banville abt local materials and not publishers' "generic global beings" - of little interest to Ss IMHO #eltchat
8:17 pm willycard: RT @ShellTerrell: For those of you who connect your students online, how do you find classes fr other countries to connect with? #ELTChat
8:17 pm evab2001: RT @janetbianchini: @olafelch ClassSkype links are an excellent idea for raising students' awareness of different cultures - v. meaningful interaction #eltchat
8:18 pm Marisa_C: @annehodg Emotional is good Anne. Perhaps by knowing more about each other's culture learners collaborate better #ELTchat
8:18 pm ShellTerrell: RT @rkiker: It is those real experiences outside the walls that broaden and prepare students for success in this world #ELTchat
8:18 pm rliberni: @janetbianchini I agree the more we connect outside of our own experience and that of our students the better! #eltchat
8:18 pm olafelch: RT @rliberni: Sensitivity, openness, awareness, empathy? #eltchat (It's 1 thing to model it, but another to instill that in teens!) #ELTchat
8:18 pm ShellTerrell: RT @ColinTGraham: I've seen a Jp man & Kor woman using 'rude' English but communicating effectively... corporate culture at work! #ELTChat
8:18 pm SueannaN: RT @Marisa_C: Can cultural awareness be made a part of every piece of material we teach? #ELTchat> I think it is something to aim for
8:18 pm NoelineL: Gr 10 SS in China found the teen culture in Draper's Tears of a Tiger no-way!: teens driving cars!, probs tween parents and kids! #ELTchat
8:18 pm olafelch: @rliberni Balance is the key word! #eltchat
8:18 pm harrisonmike: Citizenship is becoming a requirement 4 learners in UK Further Education studying basic skills (native & non-native speakers alike) #ELTchat
8:19 pm rliberni: RT @ShellTerrell: RT @rkiker: It is those real experiences outside the walls that broaden and prep stdts for success in this world #eltchat
8:19 pm ShellTerrell: @ColinTGraham There's definitely a sense of different acceptable ways of communicating in various countries stdts never learn about #ELTChat
8:19 pm Marisa_C: @rliberni I agree re choice of materials. Many are very culturally "narrow" and anglo-centric (or US-centric) #eltchat
8:19 pm japglish: But, whilst local materials might develop IC on the part of teachers, r we helping students? R Ss REALLY interested in IC topics #eltchat
8:19 pm evab2001: @rkiker I agree with that all these skyping , emailing econferencing things r so real and it will broaden the sts' horizons #eltchat
8:19 pm rliberni: @olafelch yep stds are interested in UK.USA etc.. but love it when things are personal to them too! #eltchat
8:20 pm SueannaN: RT @rliberni: RT @ShellTerrell: RT @rkiker: It is those real experiences outside the walls that broaden and prep stdts for success in this world #eltchat
8:20 pm ShellTerrell: @ColinTGraham I fear that when they grow up they immediately think other person rude bcuz they never interacted w/ culture #ELTChat
8:20 pm evab2001: RT @olafelch @rliberni Balance is the key word! #eltchat
8:20 pm Marisa_C: RT @olafelch: RT @rliberni: Sensitivity, openness, awareness, empathy? 1 thing to model it, but another to instill that in teens!) #ELTchat
8:20 pm NoelineL: Teaching abroad is an amazing way to develop respect for cultural differences. #ELTchat
8:21 pm olafelch: @harrisonmike But in the ELT context we are trying to bring this "citizenship" feeling to learners. #ELTchat
8:21 pm rliberni: @Marisa_C they are also age-centric! #eltchat
8:22 pm ShellTerrell: RT @NoelineL: Teaching abroad is an amazing way to develop respect for cultural differences. #ELTchat
8:22 pm Marisa_C: RT @NoelineL: Teaching abroad is an amazing way to develop respect for cultural differences. #ELTchat hear hear!
8:22 pm harrisonmike: @olafelch I think it's a good idea. We are world citizens, we should know about other cultures. Anything else is just ignorance #ELTchat
8:22 pm SueannaN: My students like to have their culture taken into account, which means regularly adapting and supplementing material #ELTChat
8:22 pm ColinTGraham: Especially if you make the effort to learn local lang too! RT @NoelineL: Teaching abroad is an amazing way to develop respect.... #ELTchat
8:22 pm ShellTerrell: RT @NoelineL: Gr 10 SS in China found teen cult in Draper's Tears of a Tiger no-way!: teens driving cars! probs btwn parents & kids #ELTchat
8:23 pm gret: @olafelch @janetbianchini I think Skyping is a great resource. I'm having my sts presenting for Canadian sts about Children's Day. #eltchat
8:23 pm rliberni: We're dealing with 'global citizens' more and more and we need to work out what that means ELT #eltchat
8:23 pm rkiker: I like this point a lot RT @olafelch: @harrisonmike In the ELT context we are trying to bring this "citizenship" feeling 2 learners #ELTchat
8:23 pm ColinTGraham: Would agree - curious, but more...? RT @japglish: Am not conivnce that average... Japanese teen WANTS their horizons broadened. #eltchat
8:23 pm ShellTerrell: RT @rliberni: We're dealing with 'global citizens' more and more and we need to work out what that means ELT #eltchat
8:24 pm gret: So true! RT @rliberni: We're dealing with 'global citizens' more and more and we need to work out what that means ELT #eltchat
8:24 pm rliberni: means for ELT - oops! #eltchat
8:24 pm ShellTerrell: How many of educators have intercultural competence? How many connect? If they don't won't they be reluctant to get their Ss to? #ELTChat
8:24 pm Marisa_C: RT @japglish: My teaching in Japan & Emirates taught me just how little interest there is in global events. Shd teachers force it? #eltchat
8:24 pm evab2001: RT @rliberni We're dealing with 'global citizens' more and more and we need to work out what that means ELT #eltchat
8:25 pm olafelch: @ColinTGraham Very True, but that can be misunderstanding. @vickihollett blogs about this a lot.http://www.vickihollett.com/ #ELTChat
8:25 pm Marisa_C: RT @SueannaN: My students like to have their culture taken into account, which means regularly adapting and supplementing material #ELTChat
8:25 pm ColinTGraham: Helping Ss explain their culture in English was something that Japanese Ss used to respond well to. #ELTchat
8:25 pm evab2001: RT @ShellTerrell: How many of educators have intercultural competence? How many connect? If they don't won't they be reluctant to get their Ss to? #ELTChat
8:25 pm japglish: IMO most successful lesson are often those where teachers eith A) localise materials B) "view from abroad" of local culture #eltchat
8:25 pm ShellTerrell: RT @ColinTGraham: Helping Ss explain their culture in English was something that Japanese Ss used to respond well to. #ELTchat
8:25 pm Marisa_C: RT @olafelch: Very True, but that can be misunderstanding. @vickihollett blogs about this a lot.http://www.vickihollett.com/ #ELTChat
8:26 pm Britsmiles: RT @NoelineL: Teaching abroad is an amazing way to develop respect for cultural differences. #ELTchat Agreed,
8:26 pm ColinTGraham: @olafelch Yes, I read Vicki's blog, until you actually interact with different people or the same people in different situations... #ELTChat
8:26 pm ShellTerrell: When teaching various cultures there were some fights that broke out due to history of countries. How do we deal with these issues? #ELTChat
8:26 pm rliberni: @Marisa_C maybe force is too strong but I certainly think we shouldn't capitulate #eltchat
8:26 pm rliberni: RT @Britsmiles: RT @NoelineL: Teaching abroad is an amazing way to develop respect for cultural differences. #ELTchat Agreed, #eltchat
8:27 pm Marisa_C: The Q we have had to face is whose culture do you impose on materials: TL community or the learners? Big argument here #ELTchat
8:27 pm janetbianchini: I'm 46 tweets behind!! Oops, I'm not used to this. Must type faster!! #ELTChat Fascinating subject.
8:27 pm olafelch: @evab2001 @rliberni Is it our job as language teachers to teach global citizenship through ELT? #ELTchat
8:27 pm japglish: Whether or not STUDENTS can develop IC, teachers without it r a disaster for ELT #eltchat
8:28 pm ColinTGraham: I always worry about the danger of stereotyping or cultural expertise or what we even mean by culture, when we get into this! #ELTchat
8:28 pm ShellTerrell: Agree RT @japglish: Whether or not STUDENTS can develop IC, teachers without it r a disaster for ELT #eltchat
8:28 pm rliberni: @ShellTerrell I once took a French student to an exhibition of the battle of Waterloo (not thinking!) he was quiet but polite! #eltchat
8:28 pm olafelch: RT @japglish: Whether or not STUDENTS can develop IC, teachers without it r a disaster for ELT #eltchat (Tweet of the day!!!)
8:28 pm NoelineL: ShellT: SS in other countries: thru NCTE e-chat, and Talkies e-chat: cause of age of SS: sec SS, messages sent thru the teachers #eltchat
8:28 pm ShellTerrell: @japglish Definitely IC should be a requiremt of the ELT profession! #ELTChat
8:28 pm japglish: and the students knew it #eltchat
8:29 pm gret: @ShellTerrell @japglish I agree too. We live in a global world. IC should be a requirement! #eltchat
8:29 pm ShellTerrell: @NoelineL Great to see you here! :-) #ELTChat
8:29 pm rliberni: @culyas hello!! Good to see you! #eltchat
8:29 pm luclip: RT @rliberni: RT @Britsmiles: RT @NoelineL: Teaching abroad is an amazing way to develop respect for cultural differences. #ELTchat Agreed, #eltchat
8:30 pm olafelch: RT @ColinTGraham: I always worry about the danger of stereotyping or cultural expertise when we get into this! #ELTchat
8:30 pm Marisa_C: @japglish This is a typical expat mentality - agree that totally inappropriate in an educator #eltchat
8:30 pm rliberni: @olafelch probably beyind our remit but it is part & parcel & we can demonstrate it? #eltchat
8:31 pm ShellTerrell: @rliberni I separated the teens but difficult to get them to talk when 1 says "Your people imprisoned my grandfather" #ELTChat
8:31 pm Marisa_C: @SueAnnan ...OTHER THAN LANGUAGE #ELTchat
8:31 pm ColinTGraham: @japglish There were often questions raised about the professionalism of ELT teachers in Japan... You speak it, so you can teach... #ELTchat
8:31 pm janetbianchini: RT @ShellTerrell @japglish Definitely IC should be a requirement of the ELT profession! #ELTChat - should it be written down in a contract?
8:31 pm japglish: I agree about danger of stereotyping BUT there are taboo and non taboo aspects of ALL cultures which r often very subtle #eltchat
8:31 pm SueannaN: RT @olafelch: RT @japglish: Whether or not STUDENTS can develop IC, teachers without it r a disaster for ELT #eltchat (Tweet of the day!!!)
8:32 pm ColinTGraham: Having returned to UK after 11 years away, I wonder if I could pass the British Citizenship Test for people who want to naturalize! #ELTchat
8:32 pm olafelch: @Marisa_C Though I find that sometimes playing the bigoted expat is useful in business English lessons. ;o) #eltchat
8:32 pm rliberni: @ShellTerrell yes a difficult one - what to do when stds refuse to sit/work with each other? #eltchat
8:33 pm ctltuition: RT @annehodg: being able to put yourself in another's shoes and seeing the world from that other person's point of view = key 2 intercult comp #ELTchat
8:33 pm evab2001: @abfromz's http://tinyurl.com/yc6u9h7
greetings from the world project #eltchat
8:33 pm SueannaN: RT @Marisa_C: @SueAnnan ...OTHER THAN LANGUAGE #ELTchat I agree with that 100%
8:34 pm ShellTerrell: RT @Marisa_C: @melgarrish It does depend on where they wish to function - agree; but respect to Ss' culture is also on the cards #ELTChat
8:34 pm Marisa_C: @olafelch Handy for roleplays huh??? :-D #eltchat
8:34 pm harrisonmike: @rliberni I remember a summer school that had real trouble between groups of sts of different nationality #eltchat
8:34 pm ShellTerrell: RT @NoelineL: IC support 4 tchrs: http://bit.ly/dzJbEC pub by MoE, Ontario; useful booklet #ELTChat
8:34 pm ShellTerrell: RT @evab2001: @abfromz's http://tinyurl.com/yc6u9h7 greetings from the world project #eltchat
8:34 pm ColinTGraham: Worth a look: Young Sietar - Young Society for Intercultural Education,Training and Research: Homehttp://bit.ly/dq4Lp6 #ELTchat
8:35 pm evab2001: @langwitches http://langwitches.org/blog/2009/01/03/around-the-world-with-80-schools/ #eltchat
8:35 pm olafelch: @Marisa_C Very! #eltchat
8:35 pm japglish: RT @ColinTGraham: Having returned to UK after 11 years away, I wonder if I could pass the British Citizenship Test <-same here, LOL #eltchat
8:35 pm janetbianchini: @evab2001 http://tinyurl.com/yg5jxxx Celebrate me and You project @alexgfrancisco #eltchat - great example of what can be achieved!
8:35 pm ShellTerrell: RT @japglish: I agree about danger of stereotyping BUT there are taboo/ non taboo aspects of ALL cultures which r often very subtle #eltchat
8:35 pm gret: RT @evab2001: @langwitches http://langwitches.org/blog/2009/01/03/around-the-world-with-80-schools/ #eltchat
8:35 pm rliberni: @SueannaN how did u handle it? #eltchat
8:35 pm NoelineL: @ShellTerrell IC support 4 tchrs: http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/document/manyroots/manyroots.pdfpub by MoE, Ontario; useful booklet #eltchat
8:35 pm Marisa_C: So we come full circle - Looks like we all agree that WE need to KNOW and be ready to share, factor it and plan for it #ELTChat
8:36 pm rliberni: @harrisonmike these are problems that I'm not sure we're always equipped to deal with #eltchat
8:36 pm culyas: RT @Marisa_C: So we come full circle - Looks like we all agree that WE need to KNOW and be ready to share, factor it and plan for it #ELTChat
8:36 pm SueannaN: RT @rliberni: @SueannaN how did u handle it? #eltchat> with great diplomacy :-)
8:36 pm ShellTerrell: @rliberni We created a club, took them on various cultural fieldtrips, easy 2 do in my city then, & they eventually got along #ELTChat
8:36 pm japglish: R coursebooks partly to blame? Never taking on the trickier aspects of IC for students, keeping it safe and anodyne? #eltchat
8:37 pm rliberni: RT @Marisa_C: So we come full ccle - Looks like w/ all agree WE need to KNOW and be ready to share, factor it and plan for it #eltchat
8:37 pm evab2001: RT @ShellTerrell: RT @evab2001: @abfromz's http://tinyurl.com/yc6u9h7 greetings from the world project #eltchat
8:37 pm melgarrish: keep forgetting the power of the hashtag #eltchat
8:37 pm ShellTerrell: @rliberni That's why I think it's important built in curriculum bcz intercultural communication takes time & experience to learn #ELTChat
8:37 pm olafelch: @Marisa_C Although some suggest that in the next couple of decades ELT will shrink and IC will take its place. #ELTChat
8:37 pm janetbianchini: RT @Marisa_C So we come full circle -Looks like we all agree that WE need to KNOW and be ready to share, factor it and plan for it #ELTChat
8:37 pm rliberni: @ShellTerrell it's often about patience and understanding - two useful attributes! #eltchat
8:37 pm ShellTerrell: RT @japglish: R coursebooks partly to blame? Never taking on the trickier aspects of IC for students, keeping it safe and anodyne? #eltchat
8:38 pm melgarrish: RT @japglish: R coursebooks partly to blame? Never taking on the trickier aspects of IC for students, keeping it safe and anodyne? #eltchat
8:38 pm japglish: Don't Saudi men need to know about attitudes to gender abroad? Don't Japanese students need to understand Saudis? #eltchat
8:38 pm ColinTGraham: @Marisa_C Or at least look at ways to deal with misunderstandings or miscommunication... is this not the crux of the matter? #ELTChat
8:38 pm rliberni: RT @evab2001: RT @ShellTerrell: RT @evab2001: @abfromz's http://tinyurl.com/yc6u9h7 greetings from the world project #eltchat
8:38 pm olafelch: RT @japglish: R coursebooks partly to blame? Never taking on the trickier aspects of IC for students, keeping it safe and anodyne? #eltchat
8:38 pm japglish: Can't remember those topics ever being brought up in the obligatory "Festivals of the World" unit #eltchat
8:39 pm rliberni: @melgarrish good point maybe coursebooks could be more cutting edge (in the REAL sense of the word!) #eltchat
8:39 pm Marisa_C: And what abt multicultural classrooms? Isn't there a need for Ts to plan sharing of cultural insights for better collaboration? #ELTchat
8:39 pm rliberni: RT @japglish: Don't Saudi men need to know about attitudes to gender abroad? Don't Japanese students need to understand Saudis? #eltchat
8:39 pm olafelch: @japglish I agree completely. #eltchat
8:39 pm Marisa_C: RT @japglish: Don't Saudi men need to know about attitudes to gender abroad? Don't Japanese students need to understand Saudis? #eltchat YES
8:40 pm ShellTerrell: @japglish I heard (maybe a rumor) coursebks try to cater to many countries so that's why lil IC in them bcuz then smaller market #ELTChat
8:40 pm ShellTerrell: RT @Marisa_C: And what abt multicultural classrms? Isn't there a need 4 Ts to plan sharing of cultural insights for better collab? #ELTchat
8:40 pm cybraryman1: How to be be culturally responsive sites on my Culture page: http://bit.ly/7zu3zV #ELTchat
8:40 pm rliberni: I had a job in Halifax where, as female teachers, we had to pass an inspection by the Imam from the mosque!! #eltchat
8:40 pm Marisa_C: @olafelch Sociolinguists would have us believe so... #ELTChat
8:40 pm ShellTerrell: RT @cybraryman1: How to be be culturally responsive sites on my Culture page: http://bit.ly/7zu3zV#ELTchat
8:41 pm rliberni: RT @ShellTerrell: RT @cybraryman1: How to be be culturally responsive sites on my Culture page:http://bit.ly/7zu3zV #ELTchat #eltchat
8:41 pm Marisa_C: RT @japglish I heard (maybe a rumor) coursebks try to cater to many countries so that's why lil IC in them bcuz then smaller market #ELTChat
8:41 pm ColinTGraham: @japglish And American feminists need to understand that Japanese feminists have their own approaches towards empowerment and... #eltchat
8:41 pm olafelch: @Marisa_C In a multicultural classroom you have an advantage. It's much harder in a monocultural class. #ELTchat
8:42 pm rliberni: RT @olafelch: @Marisa_C In a multicultural classroom you have an advantage. It's much harder in a monocultural class. #ELTchat #eltchat
8:42 pm ShellTerrell: Does age or developmt matter for introducing IC competence? #ELTChat
8:42 pm japglish: . @ShellTerrell spot on - so wdn't publishing better business if it became less global and more local? Smaller runs, higher volume #eltchat
8:42 pm Marisa_C: @japglish Many publishers now produce more localized versions of materials for specific markets #eltchat
8:42 pm rliberni: RT @ShellTerrell: Does age or developmt matter for introducing IC competence? #ELTChat #eltchat
8:42 pm japglish: the "long tail" effect of the internet finally brought to global ELT #eltchat
8:43 pm rkiker: RT @ShellTerrell: RT @cybraryman1: How to be be culturally responsive sites on my Culture page:http://bit.ly/7zu3zV #ELTchat
8:43 pm rliberni: RT @japglish: the "long tail" effect of the internet finally brought to global ELT #eltchat
8:43 pm olafelch: @Marisa_C As long as the companies keep paying me! ;o) #ELTChat
8:43 pm rliberni: @japglish a gap in the market for someone out there! #eltchat
8:43 pm SueannaN: RT @ShellTerrell: Does age or developmt matter for introducing IC competence? #ELTChat > I don't think so. Shouldn't it be a given?
8:43 pm ColinTGraham: @ShellTerrell Yes. I had to teach cultural differences to a group of 9yo Japanese children - very little English language skills #ELTChat
8:43 pm Marisa_C: RT @ShellTerrell: Does age or developmt matter for introducing IC competence? #ELTChat | Smtms easier to teach tolerance to children
8:44 pm ShellTerrell: @japglish Guess you gotta get the publishers to consider that ;-) #ELTChat
8:44 pm japglish: @ColinTGraham absolutely, wd. love to see IC research done on groups of native speaking teachers and their REAL attitudes #eltchat
8:44 pm melgarrish: RT @olafelch: @Marisa_C In a multicultural classroom you have an advantage. It's much harder in a monocultural class > agree. #ELTchat
8:44 pm olafelch: Going Dutch in Beijing - an invaluable book for fleshing out your lessons. http://amzn.to/9CnYlt#ELTchat
8:44 pm LadyElenaUK: RT @harrisonmike: Citizenship is becoming a requirement 4 learners in UK Further Education studying basic skills (native & non-native speakers alike) #ELTchat
8:45 pm rliberni: @SueannaN I think you are right it needs to be part of training #eltchat
8:45 pm japglish: I had idea for publishers to database all exercises and create "mix and match" books for language needs, phps reflecting cult too #eltchat
8:45 pm rliberni: @evab2001 thanks Eva lovely to see you here 'til nxt time!! #eltchat
8:45 pm OceanEyes729: @ShellTerrell coursebooks take mid ground 2reach most aud but leave out spec cases/exceptions-coursebooks r written by dom culture #eltchat
8:45 pm rliberni: RT @olafelch: Going Dutch in Beijing - an invaluable book for fleshing out your lessons.http://amzn.to/9CnYlt #ELTchat #eltchat
8:46 pm Marisa_C: RT @japglish: @ColinTGraham absolutely, wd. love to see IC research on groups of native speaking teachers and their REAL attitudes #eltchat
8:46 pm ShellTerrell: @evab2001 thanks for staying up late to join us! Say hi to kiddie & hubby for me #ELTchat
8:46 pm japglish: RT @melgarrish: RT @olafelch: @Marisa_C In a multicultural classroom you have an advantage. much harder monocultural class > agree. #ELTchat
8:46 pm willycard: How's IC approached in other subjects? Anything to learn from them to add in ELT? #ELTchat
8:46 pm rliberni: @abfromz my pleasure! #eltchat
8:46 pm ShellTerrell: RT @OceanEyes729: @ShellTerrell coursebooks take mid ground 2reach most aud but leave out spec cases/exceptions-coursebooks r written by dom culture #eltchat
8:46 pm Marisa_C: @japglish @ColinTGraham are you implying a colonial attitude or an indifferent one? #ELTChat
8:46 pm gret: @evab2001 Thank you Eva! Good night! #eltchat
8:47 pm janetbianchini: Culture Quest World Tour via @cybraryman1 -looks like the kind of interesting mats to inspire kids to learn about other cultures #eltchat
8:47 pm ShellTerrell: RT @willycard: How's IC approached in other subjects? Anything to learn from them to add in ELT? #ELTchat
8:47 pm ColinTGraham: I hope Citizenship courses in schools develop towards being citizens of the world and not just "how to be the perfect [country]ian" #ELTchat
8:47 pm rliberni: RT @Marisa_C: @japglish @ColinTGraham are you implying a colonial attitude or an indifferent one? #ELTChat #eltchat
8:47 pm ShellTerrell: RT @japglish: RT @melgarrish: RT @olafelch: @Marisa_C In a multicultural classroom you have an advantage. much harder monocultural class > agree. #ELTchat
8:47 pm japglish: RT @OceanEyes729: coursebooks take mid ground 2reach most aud bt leave out spec cases/exceptions-coursebooks written by dom culture #eltchat
8:47 pm ShellTerrell: RT @japglish: I had idea for publishers to database all exercises and create "mix and match" books for language needs, phps reflecting cult too #eltchat
8:48 pm Marisa_C: Some good links being shared. Make sure you access the transcript later #ELTChat
8:48 pm rliberni: @ColinTGraham I suspect they'll look inwards! #eltchat
8:48 pm japglish: I think the power relations of Ss and Ts PLUS dom/non dom cultures can b a pwerful mix for many teachers - have seen horrors #eltchat
8:49 pm olafelch: @japglish The exercise database is being discussed by some. #eltchat
8:49 pm ColinTGraham: @Marisa_C I'm referring to an incident where a group of US women came to Japan & 'instructed' the Jpnese "how to" w/ no IC at all! #ELTChat
8:49 pm cybraryman1: I feel it is important to write your own course material that reflects your students' cultures #ELTchat
8:49 pm rliberni: RT @cybraryman1: I feel it is important to write your own course material that reflects your students' cultures #ELTchat #eltchat
8:50 pm ShellTerrell: @ColinTGraham I'm teaching 5 yr olds how to interact w various cultures. Lil Eng #eltchat
8:50 pm ColinTGraham: @Marisa_C Re: colonialism - the British Council has excellent teaching resources, but how many read the BC mission statement? #ELTChat
8:50 pm SueannaN: RT @cybraryman1: I feel it is important to write your own course material that reflects your students' cultures #ELTchat
8:50 pm cbcurtisTTL: RT @cybraryman1: I feel it is important to write your own course material that reflects your students' cultures #ELTchat
8:50 pm Marisa_C: @ColinTGraham This is called 'educating the natives in the grass skirts" :-D #ELTchat
8:50 pm ShellTerrell: Gr8 idea! RT @cybraryman1: I feel it is important to write your own course material that reflects your students' cultures #ELTchat
8:50 pm japglish: I wonder if the answers is for guidelines on interviewing, more rigorous and openly shared. Not convinced train. is answer #eltchat
8:50 pm rliberni: @SueannaN have you tried with them? #eltchat
8:51 pm janetbianchini: RT @cybraryman1 I feel it is important to write your own course material that reflects your students' cultures #ELTchat - yes, great idea
8:51 pm ShellTerrell: @cybraryman1 or at least adapt & edit materials #ELTchat
8:51 pm japglish: Actually, I think the BC interview procedures on IC are exemplary BUT it is a colonial org. #eltchat
8:51 pm rliberni: @melgarrish thanks - some good stuff coming out here! cu nxt time #eltchat
8:51 pm Marisa_C: @ColinTGraham Very few I think - as few as those who have read "Linguistic Imperialism" By Philipson #ELTchat
8:51 pm rliberni: RT @ShellTerrell: @cybraryman1 or at least adapt & edit materials #ELTchat #eltchat
8:51 pm gret: @ShellTerrell That's awesome! I Kids should learn how to interact with other cultures! The younger they start the better. #eltchat
8:51 pm ColinTGraham: Too bad if you don't know they are cannibals! ;-P RT @Marisa_C: This is called 'educating the natives in the grass skirts" :-D #ELTchat
8:52 pm rliberni: RT @japglish: Actually, I think the BC interview procedures on IC are exemplary BUT it is a colonial org. #eltchat
8:52 pm ShellTerrell: @melgarrish thank you so much for participating #ELTchat
8:52 pm rliberni: RT @gret: @ShellTerrell That's awesome! I Kids should learn how to interact with other cultures! The younger they start the better. #eltchat
8:52 pm ColinTGraham: Or get Ss to write it! RT @cybraryman1: I feel it is important to write your own course material that reflects your Ss' cultures #ELTchat
8:52 pm japglish: RT @cybraryman1 I feel it is important to write your own course material that reflects your students' cultures #ELTchat - SPOT ON!
8:53 pm ShellTerrell: @gret I agree! Helps prevent stereotypes from developing #ELTchat
8:53 pm olafelch: @janetbianchini Reflecting the students' cultures is one thing, but aren't we trying to open the sts minds to other cultures? #ELTchat
8:53 pm rliberni: @gret this is true I had a mxd kindergarten grp they embraced everything - it was wonderful! #eltchat
8:53 pm ColinTGraham: The course in question had been 'mis-sold', *sigh* RT @ShellTerrell: I'm teaching 5 yr olds how to interact w various cultures... #eltchat
8:53 pm ShellTerrell: RT @ColinTGraham: Or get Ss to write it! RT @cybraryman1: I feel it is important to write your own course material that reflects your Ss' cultures #ELTchat
8:54 pm japglish: Unfotunately, the BC keeps much of its expertise in HR internal, not open and transparent. A loss for everybody #eltchat #opensourceelt
8:54 pm ShellTerrell: @ColinTGraham great idea! Then they can share w other cultures & teach stds about their culture #ELTchat
8:54 pm rliberni: @SueannaN gr8! How do they find the island? #eltchat
8:55 pm olafelch: @japglish Hasn't just about every major language got one? Goethe Institut... Academie Francais? #eltchat
8:55 pm ColinTGraham: Web 2.0 offers so many opportunities for real interactions between people, rather than textbook ones, that is our IC resource! #ELTchat
8:55 pm japglish: RT @rliberni: @gret this is true I had a mxd kindergarten grp they embraced everything - it was wonderful! #eltchat age key factor??
8:55 pm ShellTerrell: @NoelineL enjoy your dinner! Thanks for joining us! #ELTchat
8:55 pm willycard: @ShellTerrell @cybraryman1 re: writ / edit materials. very few teachers have what it takes to do it well, + time is an issue #ELTchat
8:56 pm rliberni: RT @olafelch: @janetbianchini Reflecting the stdts' cultures is 1 thing but aren't we trying 2open the sts minds 2 other cultures? #eltchat
8:56 pm ShellTerrell: Good pt! RT @willycard: re: writ / edit materials. very few teachers have what it takes to do it well, + time is an issue #ELTchat
8:56 pm Marisa_C: Culture is also implicit in the way we use language. For example, English is a more tentative language than Greek - less assertion #ELTchat
8:56 pm mattledding: Think context is king. Multi-cult class gives multi-cult context. Dual culture (you/us/them) gives compare/contrast. #ELTChat
8:57 pm rliberni: RT @willycard: @ShellTerrell @cybraryman1 re: writ / edit mats. v few tchrs have what it takes to do it well, + time is an issue #eltchat
8:57 pm europeaantje: catching you guys at the tail again. Logged into TweetGrid #eltchat
8:57 pm janetbianchini: @olafelch Yes that is very important - ss should be given ample opportunities to communicate with other sts from around the world #eltchat
8:57 pm japglish: Example of age prob. Grp of French teens very into "Skins", racy UK TV for teens. Gr8 materials but the school wd. have killed me #eltchat
8:58 pm Marisa_C: RT @mattledding: Cntext is king. Multi-cult class gives multi-cult context. Dual culture (you/us/them) gives compare/contrast #ELTChat
8:58 pm europeaantje: aha! #eltchat
8:58 pm ColinTGraham: @olafelch The question then becomes how sure are we about the other cultures we introduce? Where do we get our knowledge from? #ELTchat
8:58 pm japglish: RT @mattledding: Think context king. Multi-cult class gives multi-cult context. Dual culture (you/us/them) gives compare/contrast. #ELTChat
8:58 pm ij64: Stereotyping is normal! It is the way our brains understand the world, we are wired to stereotype! #eltchat
8:58 pm mattledding: @Marisa_C English is between Japanese and Med cultures for tentativeness. A multi-cult class could make a neat Kline. #ELTChat
8:59 pm ShellTerrell: RT @janetbianchini: Yes ss should be given ample opportunities to communicate with other sts from around the world #eltchat
8:59 pm rliberni: @Marisa_C this is true it is culturally grounded how do we deal with overtly 'English' things are they relevant? #eltchat
8:59 pm ShellTerrell: RT @mattledding: Think context is king. Multi-cult class gives multi-cult context. Dual culture (you/us/them) gives compare/contrast. #ELTChat
8:59 pm ShellTerrell: RT @Marisa_C: Culture is also implicit in the way we use language. For example, English is a more tentative language than Greek - less assertion #ELTchat
8:59 pm olafelch: @ColinTGraham could we aim for a culturally neutral position? #ELTchat
8:59 pm rliberni: RT @ij64: Stereotyping is normal! It is the way our brains understand the world, we are wired to stereotype! #eltchat
9:00 pm willycard: RT @ColinTGraham: @olafelch The question then becomes how sure are we about the other cultures we introduce? Where do we get our knowledge from? #ELTchat
9:00 pm rliberni: @olafelch wouldn't that be rather decaffeinated? #eltchat
9:00 pm ShellTerrell: RT @ColinTGraham: @olafelch The question then becomes how sure are we about the other cultures we introduce? Where do we get our knowledge from? #ELTchat
9:01 pm Marisa_C: RT @ij64: Stereotyping is normal! It is the way our brains understand the world, we are wired to stereotype! #eltchat
9:01 pm rliberni: RT @japglish: Orgnaisational politics also implies "safety first", even in the UK #eltchat
9:01 pm japglish: Can think of many UK DOSs frowning on a discussion between Japanese women and Saudis about gender #eltchat
9:01 pm japglish: RT @olafelch: @ColinTGraham could we aim for a culturally neutral position? #ELTchat is there such a thing?
9:02 pm ColinTGraham: @olafelch Culturally neutral unless our students see us otherwise. Assumption in Japan, Caucasian=American or maybe English-speaker #ELTchat
9:02 pm rliberni: @SueannaN trainees #eltchat
9:02 pm ShellTerrell: @ColinTGraham that's a good ? Which is why I have Ss research & communicate w others fr the country! Best way 2 learn #ELTchat
9:02 pm ColinTGraham: Then again, what is culture? ;-P #ELTchat
9:02 pm cybraryman1: @willycard I see your point. When I started teaching I saw the need to modify what I was teaching & wrote curriculum from then on #ELTchat
9:03 pm olafelch: @rliberni Yes, and I'm not sure I'm in favour of it, but I find the idea very interesting. #eltchat
9:03 pm rliberni: @japglish certainly an important factor #eltchat
9:03 pm rliberni: RT @ColinTGraham: Then again, what is culture? ;-P - back where we started! #eltchat
9:04 pm europeaantje: the TweetGrid Soliloquy continued: just tried Marisa_C ´s link previously Facebooked. Still no tweetlife in that one. #eltchat
9:04 pm rliberni: @janetbianchini I agree I feel there is already a danger from the US of this #eltchat
9:04 pm japglish: Are we back where we began? Let students talk to sudents through Skype, chat etc. Let THEM mediate difference #eltchat
9:05 pm ShellTerrell: RT @japglish: Are we back where we began? Let students talk to sudents through Skype, chat etc. Let THEM mediate difference #eltchat
9:05 pm mattledding: @ColinTGraham think best to be socratic about getting cult. info. The ss can talk about their own cult best. #ELTChat
9:05 pm rliberni: @europeaantje did you try [login] on tweetgrid? #eltchat
9:05 pm olafelch: @japglish I've taken part in discussions about it. the idea is not to change to meet needs, but to find the grand solution. #ELTchat
9:06 pm ShellTerrell: @japglish I think it's a step ESP since many outside our network haven't tried it #ELTchat
9:06 pm rliberni: RT @japglish: Are we back where we began? Let students talk to sudents through Skype, chat etc. Let THEM mediate difference #eltchat
9:06 pm rliberni: RT @mattledding: @ColinTGraham think best to be socratic about getting cult. info. The ss can talk about their own cult best. #eltchat
9:06 pm gret: RT @ShellTerrell: RT @japglish: Are we back where we began? Let students talk to sts through Skype.etc Let THEM mediate difference #eltchat
9:07 pm ColinTGraham: @mattledding Yes, I agree, I was being rhetorical! Important to recognize that no-one is an expert on culture. #ELTChat
9:07 pm Marisa_C: @rliberni Can argut this both ways - my stance is "They need to know and they can decide for themselves: #eltchat
9:07 pm rliberni: RT @olafelch: @japglish I've taken part in discussions about it. idea is not 2 change 2 meet needs, but 2 find the grand solution. #eltchat
9:07 pm janetbianchini: It's been a great chat topic. Thanks everyone. Really enjoyed it! #ELTchat
9:07 pm olafelch: Thanks for a great chat everyone. I'll get the transcript up as soon as possible. #ELTchat

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