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teacherphili |
2019-03-06T12:11:08 |
Another relevant #ELTchat topic for me at the moment. Poor attendance by adult learners - how to handle, what to do… |
Marisa_C |
2019-03-06T18:28:59 |
Do you have attendance issues with your adult classes? #ELTchat will be talking about this tonight - @fionaljp is o… |
fionaljp |
2019-03-06T19:04:39 |
@jonjoTESOL Hello Jonjo #ELTchat Good evening! |
Marisa_C |
2019-03-06T19:05:42 |
@jonjoTESOL @fionaljp Hi Jonjo and Fiona - will remain in the background as I am pushed with a writing deadline :-)… |
fionaljp |
2019-03-06T19:06:13 |
@Michael37093679 Ok, but let’s maintain focus - the #ELTchat topic tonight is about adult attendance issues |
fionaljp |
2019-03-06T19:08:04 |
Any others joining us tonight? #ELTchat |
Marisa_C |
2019-03-06T19:10:01 |
We have mostly refugee classes at my school #ELTchat - paying students usually try not to miss out on their classes… |
PhilipMErasmus |
2019-03-06T19:11:18 |
Good evening everyone! #ELTchat |
fionaljp |
2019-03-06T19:11:53 |
@Michael37093679 No worries. See my previous tweet: using tech appropriately to enhance learning can certainly help… |
fionaljp |
2019-03-06T19:12:46 |
@PhilipMErasmus Good evening Philip. Nice to see you #eltchat |
PhilipMErasmus |
2019-03-06T19:12:49 |
@Marisa_C #ELTchat And also often a problem with corporate English online classes paid for by the company. Not so m… |
Marisa_C |
2019-03-06T19:12:57 |
@PhilipMErasmus Welcome @PhilipMErasmus - do u have issues with absenteeism? #Eltchat |
Marisa_C |
2019-03-06T19:14:18 |
@PhilipMErasmus Hmm yes i see - not all motivated to join classes at the end of a long day!!! Which is why I often… |
PhilipMErasmus |
2019-03-06T19:14:39 |
@fionaljp Lovely to be here, but a bit embarrased as I still owe #ELTchat a summary on the first session of the year... |
Marisa_C |
2019-03-06T19:15:09 |
@PhilipMErasmus @fionaljp Yikes I don't know how you dare show ur face around these parts then!!! #eltchat |
fionaljp |
2019-03-06T19:15:31 |
@Marisa_C @PhilipMErasmus Needs analysis vital to provide on relevant topics and focus #eltchat |
PhilipMErasmus |
2019-03-06T19:17:19 |
@Marisa_C @fionaljp I can always do the summary now instead of chatting on #ELTchat... |
MoreMsJackson |
2019-03-06T19:18:42 |
Sometimes life just gets in the way though. What do you do to help your students catch up from missed lessons? #ELTchat |
fionaljp |
2019-03-06T19:20:18 |
@MoreMsJackson How about encouraging students to create social media groups? #eltchat |
adi_rajan |
2019-03-06T19:20:52 |
@PhilipMErasmus @Marisa_C My problem with corporate courses has always been punctuality, not attendance. #Eltchat |
PhilipMErasmus |
2019-03-06T19:22:09 |
@adi_rajan @Marisa_C Yes, a common or f2f?#ELTchat |
ClareBurke_ELT |
2019-03-06T19:22:15 |
@MoreMsJackson My first slide of a lesson is the last slide of the previous lesson. Sentence stems to promote refle… |
fionaljp |
2019-03-06T19:22:43 |
@adi_rajan @PhilipMErasmus @Marisa_C Personally, I am quite tolerant re punctuality if plausible reasons - of cours… |
adi_rajan |
2019-03-06T19:23:40 |
@PhilipMErasmus @Marisa_C Both. Online is really annoying though #ELTchat |
jonjoTESOL |
2019-03-06T19:24:20 |
@fionaljp @PhilipMErasmus @Marisa_C I find though that as time goes on, excuses/genuine reasons for not attending i… |
Marisa_C |
2019-03-06T19:25:17 |
@ClareBurke_ELT @MoreMsJackson nice idea to get them to peer teach so to speak #eltchat |
MoreMsJackson |
2019-03-06T19:25:20 |
@jonjoTESOL @Marisa_C Yes, the more flexible school policies are, the worse the attendance usually! #ELTchat |
adi_rajan |
2019-03-06T19:25:34 |
@ClareBurke_ELT @MoreMsJackson Most of my courses have a Wiki or an Edmodo group and there’s usually something up t… |
fionaljp |
2019-03-06T19:25:41 |
@jonjoTESOL @Marisa_C @MoreMsJackson also mentioned this - suggested encouraging sts to create social media groups… |
PhilipMErasmus |
2019-03-06T19:25:44 |
And where do we draw the line? Where does our responsibility end and theirs start? #ELTchat |
jonjoTESOL |
2019-03-06T19:26:37 |
@adi_rajan @PhilipMErasmus @Marisa_C A good point. Here in the middle east, 6pm doesn't mean 6pm always. However, I… |
Marisa_C |
2019-03-06T19:26:59 |
Mine too #eltchat the edmodo or schoology platforms are also good for assignment work |
MoreMsJackson |
2019-03-06T19:27:44 |
@jonjoTESOL @fionaljp Students could just make mini groups with just their 'friends' from the class #ELTchat |
jonjoTESOL |
2019-03-06T19:28:15 |
@MoreMsJackson @Marisa_C Difficult for schools that try to appeal to the person as both a student and customer. 'Go… |
PhilipMErasmus |
2019-03-06T19:28:45 |
@jonjoTESOL @adi_rajan @Marisa_C That must really mess with your planning when you cannot always now what time a class will start! #ELTchat |
Ven_VVE |
2019-03-06T19:29:09 |
Thinking of you guys #ELTchat @rapple18 & me doing CPD in Zagreb. #moodle |
MoreMsJackson |
2019-03-06T19:29:12 |
@fionaljp @jonjoTESOL All it takes is one bad egg. We had an adult post inappropriate stuff on edmodo once. #ELTchat |
jonjoTESOL |
2019-03-06T19:29:18 |
@fionaljp @MoreMsJackson Yes. It might be a cultural thing here in the middle east where they have a different pers… |
jonjoTESOL |
2019-03-06T19:30:13 |
@MoreMsJackson @fionaljp I'm sure/hope they do - and I would privately encourage this if the need arose :-) #eltchat |
Marisa_C |
2019-03-06T19:30:27 |
Hya! Long time no see ! #eltchat have fun! |
MoreMsJackson |
2019-03-06T19:30:40 |
@jonjoTESOL This sounds all too familiar #ELTchat |
jonjoTESOL |
2019-03-06T19:30:42 |
@Ven_VVE @rapple18 How much "CPD" have you drank so far tonight? #eltchat :-) |
Marisa_C |
2019-03-06T19:31:28 |
I think may be a Whatsapp chat group with lesson updates or sth similar might be better #eltchat |
fionaljp |
2019-03-06T19:31:36 |
@MoreMsJackson @jonjoTESOL I see. What a pity. #ELTchat Edmodo can be filtered /moderated though |
jonjoTESOL |
2019-03-06T19:31:41 |
@PhilipMErasmus @adi_rajan @Marisa_C I start at the correct time, if the S comes late, they have to catch up themse… |
Marisa_C |
2019-03-06T19:32:49 |
@jonjoTESOL @PhilipMErasmus @adi_rajan no u re right - starting on time is the best way - why shd ppl who came on t… |
jonjoTESOL |
2019-03-06T19:33:00 |
@fionaljp @MoreMsJackson I've never moderated a class group before but I imagine it can be a nightmare. Too little… |
MoreMsJackson |
2019-03-06T19:33:21 |
@adi_rajan @fionaljp @jonjoTESOL I think the more intensive the course, the more useful a group chat can be. Specul… |
fionaljp |
2019-03-06T19:33:46 |
@jonjoTESOL @MoreMsJackson I see. #ELTchat Obviously important to respect policy and cultural issues |
Marisa_C |
2019-03-06T19:34:10 |
@ClareBurke_ELT @adi_rajan @MoreMsJackson and? I use it with YL course trainees cos it has a younger feel - with bi… |
jonjoTESOL |
2019-03-06T19:34:12 |
@adi_rajan @fionaljp @MoreMsJackson Would anybody here consider giving extra light homework over WhatsApp/social me… |
MoreMsJackson |
2019-03-06T19:34:44 |
@fionaljp @jonjoTESOL Yes, it was caught quite soon luckily. Moderating is necessary. #ELTchat |
ClareBurke_ELT |
2019-03-06T19:34:52 |
@Marisa_C @MoreMsJackson Yes, establishes a routine, learner responsibility and expectations too. #ELTchat |
PhilipMErasmus |
2019-03-06T19:35:32 |
@adi_rajan @fionaljp @jonjoTESOL @MoreMsJackson #ELTchat Even the active involvement in such social media groups fo… |
MoreMsJackson |
2019-03-06T19:35:40 |
@jonjoTESOL @adi_rajan @fionaljp What do you mean by "extra light homework"? Links to things? #ELTchat |
fionaljp |
2019-03-06T19:35:46 |
@jonjoTESOL @adi_rajan @MoreMsJackson No. I encourage learners to use social media platforms but distance myself as a teacher #ELTchat |
Marisa_C |
2019-03-06T19:35:51 |
@jonjoTESOL @adi_rajan @fionaljp @MoreMsJackson Try giving them collaborative HW or some research task for which th… |
Shujaat_English |
2019-03-06T19:36:11 |
I establish certain attendance routines Ss sign in in an attendance sheetm,which I remove after an agreed time #ELTchat |
MoreMsJackson |
2019-03-06T19:37:17 |
@jonjoTESOL @ClareBurke_ELT @adi_rajan Yes, keeping things in one place is generally best #ELTchat |
jonjoTESOL |
2019-03-06T19:37:20 |
Getting back to adult attendance - what strategies have you used that might have improved attendance? The only one… |
adi_rajan |
2019-03-06T19:38:09 |
@Marisa_C @ClareBurke_ELT @MoreMsJackson I haven’t ever used schoology. I’ll check it out #ELTchat |
fionaljp |
2019-03-06T19:38:11 |
@Shujaat_English Difficult with adult learners though. I really think the focus need to be more on class content to… |
jonjoTESOL |
2019-03-06T19:39:38 |
@MoreMsJackson @adi_rajan @fionaljp You've called my bluff - I don't really know :-) Perhaps they can respond to a… |
fionaljp |
2019-03-06T19:39:40 |
@adi_rajan @jonjoTESOL @MoreMsJackson Nice! Gaining respect is a great way to encourage attendance #ELTchat |
Marisa_C |
2019-03-06T19:40:05 |
@fionaljp @Shujaat_English Agree - perhaps poll a number of topics and choose one suggested by each student #eltchat repeat process |
PhilipMErasmus |
2019-03-06T19:40:40 |
@fionaljp @Shujaat_English I think this is v much a cultural issue and depends on the cultural background of the class #ELTchat |
jonjoTESOL |
2019-03-06T19:41:44 |
@fionaljp @adi_rajan @MoreMsJackson By 'distance' are you still in the groups/convos? I remember on day 1 of my MA,… |
Marisa_C |
2019-03-06T19:43:01 |
@ClareBurke_ELT @adi_rajan @MoreMsJackson schoology similar probs #eltchat |
sandymillin |
2019-03-06T19:43:10 |
@MoreMsJackson We phone our students once they've missed three classes to tell them what they've missed and find ou… |
jonjoTESOL |
2019-03-06T19:43:36 |
@Shujaat_English I guess for me, if they arrive late, I still let them attend, but they can't be expected to be giv… |
adi_rajan |
2019-03-06T19:44:15 |
@jonjoTESOL I’ve used extrinsic rewards (punctuality/attendance raffles), points in Classdojo (yes for adults too!)… |
fionaljp |
2019-03-06T19:44:21 |
@adi_rajan @jonjoTESOL @MoreMsJackson Read interesting article today about the value of social media groups for te… |
Marisa_C |
2019-03-06T19:46:01 |
1/ More engagement could be generated by allowing 3 minutes at end of lesson to write a note to the teacher about t… |
PhilipMErasmus |
2019-03-06T19:46:04 |
@Marisa_C @ClareBurke_ELT @adi_rajan @MoreMsJackson #ELTchat One issue with using social media is that many adults… |
jonjoTESOL |
2019-03-06T19:46:36 |
@adi_rajan I suppose an obvious answer to get some Ss to attend more is to maintain that the school is a positive,… |
fionaljp |
2019-03-06T19:47:23 |
@PhilipMErasmus @Shujaat_English Interesting. Yes, cultural factors will have a great influence as to what works i… |
sandymillin |
2019-03-06T19:47:30 |
@jonjoTESOL The highest quality classes we can manage! CPD for our teachers and clear evidence of quality control.… |
Marisa_C |
2019-03-06T19:50:37 |
Must go - I have a really bad cold and can't stop sneezing sorry to abandon you @fionaljp but you are doing great! #ELTchat |
Selfienglish |
2019-03-06T19:51:08 |
I think this photo sums it up nicely :) #WednesdayWisdom #LearnEnglish #English #ELTchat #selfienglish #Wisdom |
fionaljp |
2019-03-06T19:51:23 |
Some schools/institutions have specific attendance management policies of course #eltchat |
PhilipMErasmus |
2019-03-06T19:52:32 |
It is also a matter of creating a community of learners, as opposed to just a 'class' where students look forward to being. #ELTchat |
Marisa_C |
2019-03-06T19:53:00 |
@sandymillin @fionaljp thanks @sandymillin good to see you here am trying to improve the blog but have been defeate… |
Marisa_C |
2019-03-06T19:53:35 |
Goodnight all #eltchat |
PhilipMErasmus |
2019-03-06T19:54:18 |
@Marisa_C @sandymillin @fionaljp #ELTchat All I can offer is a wish for good health! |
fionaljp |
2019-03-06T19:54:24 |
@Marisa_C Night Marisa #ELTchat |
jonjoTESOL |
2019-03-06T19:55:00 |
I'm interested to hear how some schools handle the balance between 'good customer service' and 'good teaching pract… |
fionaljp |
2019-03-06T19:55:21 |
@PhilipMErasmus Yes, creating a learning community - excellent. Need to cultivate this #ELTchat |
fionaljp |
2019-03-06T19:57:51 |
@jonjoTESOL Flipped classroom? Creating a class blog? Buddy system? - clear ways for learners to take responsibilit… |
jonjoTESOL |
2019-03-06T19:58:20 |
@fionaljp @PhilipMErasmus love the word 'cultivate' instead of 'create' here, has an imagine of creating a communit… |
sandymillin |
2019-03-06T19:58:32 |
@jonjoTESOL I think that's about creating a whole school culture - students understand what they're paying for. And… |
fionaljp |
2019-03-06T20:00:03 |
Coming up to 8 o’clock and we’re moving into slow burn time. Do we have a volunteer #ELTchat summary writer tonight? - please! |
savvy_be |
2019-03-06T20:00:41 |
(Who's) (Whose) (right) (write)? English can be confusing. How can you be sure to use the right word -- always?… |
PhilipMErasmus |
2019-03-06T20:03:34 |
@fionaljp @jonjoTESOL #ELTchat Occassional changes could be made if everyone agreed, but if a st could not make it,… |
ClareBurke_ELT |
2019-03-06T20:04:02 |
@jonjoTESOL @adi_rajan @fionaljp @MoreMsJackson 2/2 the students then can go on Edmodo or padlet and document what… |
fionaljp |
2019-03-06T20:04:10 |
Great #ELTchat tonight - hope it continues in slow burn. Thanks all & good night. #eltchat |
ClareBurke_ELT |
2019-03-06T20:04:27 |
@jonjoTESOL @adi_rajan @fionaljp @MoreMsJackson #ELTchat |
adi_rajan |
2019-03-06T20:05:04 |
@fionaljp Thanks Fiona! #ELTchat |
fionaljp |
2019-03-06T20:05:54 |
@adi_rajan Nice to see you Adi. #ELTchat Bye for now. Good night |
ThisIsMattStott |
2019-03-06T20:15:06 |
RT @adi_rajan: @jonjoTESOL I’ve used extrinsic rewards (punctuality/attendance raffles), points in Classdojo (yes for adults too!), automat… |
adi_rajan |
2019-03-06T20:21:42 |
@fionaljp Yes it’s great to make it for #ELtchat after yonks. But I think after daylight savings kicks in, it might… |
ge_lblog |
2019-03-06T20:28:27 |
RT @sandymillin: @jonjoTESOL The highest quality classes we can manage! CPD for our teachers and clear evidence of quality control. Life wi… |
ThisIsMattStott |
2019-03-06T20:46:54 |
In Australia almost all students in language schools and UECs are on student visas, so there is the "stick" factor… |
teacherphili |
2019-03-06T22:08:24 |
Sorry I missed #ELTchat - it looked like a lively one. I had a new class tonight with 4 learners - think they will… |
fionaljp |
2019-03-07T00:17:26 |
@jonjoTESOL @adi_rajan @MoreMsJackson No, not in social media groups - encourage them but without me. Believe in pr… |
ITLegge |
2019-03-07T06:16:41 |
@jonjoTESOL #eltchat one of the reasons I heard for falling numbers in adult courses across EU was lack of flexibil… |
ITLegge |
2019-03-07T06:20:13 |
@jonjoTESOL #eltchat one large org has added flexibility in some schools by allowing booking in for a lesson from r… |
ITLegge |
2019-03-07T06:23:16 |
@sandymillin @MoreMsJackson #eltchat my old school did this because some ss felt that if they missed one or two at… |
Reuvchaine |
2019-03-07T08:19:46 |
I realized that Reading, researching about #ELT , planing every lesson; they were things that used to make me happy… |
teacherphili |
2019-03-07T11:14:26 |
In one of my current roles I need to complete a course monitoring sheet. Attendance can be poor and learners need… |
teacherphili |
2019-03-07T11:17:10 |
What I try to do is create a comfortable learning environment where the students (all refugees or migrant workers)… |
teacherphili |
2019-03-07T11:26:50 |
I think motivation is key here. A lot of my refugee learners want to find work or drive in the UK (two specific le… |
teacherphili |
2019-03-07T11:28:03 |
Having said that 'life' gets in the way, I do my best to accommodate their external commitments but fostering auton… |
ClareBurke_ELT |
2019-03-07T07:42:20 |
@ITLegge @jonjoTESOL Adding to that, there are cases of Ss asking what happens if they are sick or sth comes up and… |
ThisIsMattStott |
2019-03-06T21:02:29 |
@MoreMsJackson #ELTchat If there were handouts I usually make sure they get them. Other students are also pretty go… |
MoreMsJackson |
2019-03-06T20:05:44 |
Love it #ELTchat |
PhilipMErasmus |
2019-03-06T20:00:55 |
@jonjoTESOL #ELTchat A school I used to work at had a simple policy. Ss pay for X number of hours and the class tim… |
jonjoTESOL |
2019-03-06T19:55:47 |
@Marisa_C Good night and get better soon!! Probably overworked #eltchat |
fionaljp |
2019-03-06T19:53:27 |
@Marisa_C Oh dear! Take care and get well soon wishes Marisa. #ELTchat and thanks! |
Marisa_C |
2019-03-06T19:48:31 |
2/ Have experimented with sharing objectives - objectives training - without being tiresome of course #eltchat and… |
Marisa_C |
2019-03-06T19:45:24 |
Have two more ideas to suggest and then have to go #ELTchat |
ClareBurke_ELT |
2019-03-06T19:42:12 |
@adi_rajan @Marisa_C @MoreMsJackson I like edmodo, but some Ss aren’t keen. They don’t like that every time they mo… |
Marisa_C |
2019-03-06T19:39:16 |
@adi_rajan @ClareBurke_ELT @MoreMsJackson looks more adult - and is free - of course some schools have their own pl… |
jonjoTESOL |
2019-03-06T19:35:51 |
@ClareBurke_ELT @adi_rajan @MoreMsJackson Our school/franchise already has an online platform which all lessons and… |
adi_rajan |
2019-03-06T19:34:47 |
@jonjoTESOL @fionaljp @MoreMsJackson But culture can be leveraged to get people to come regularly and on time for c… |
ClareBurke_ELT |
2019-03-06T19:33:08 |
@adi_rajan @MoreMsJackson Do your students like Edmodo? I use it with a university class I teach. #ELTchat |
adi_rajan |
2019-03-06T19:30:45 |
@fionaljp @jonjoTESOL @MoreMsJackson I finds social media groups generally quite moribund unless I’m personally inv… |
fionaljp |
2019-03-06T19:29:17 |
@MoreMsJackson @jonjoTESOL Of course, that is what I meant #ELTchat - st/st social media groups |
fionaljp |
2019-03-06T19:27:07 |
@jonjoTESOL @MoreMsJackson in adult classes? #ELTchat |
jonjoTESOL |
2019-03-06T19:25:30 |
@fionaljp @MoreMsJackson We've been actively discouraged from doing this from management. It can/has created both p… |
jonjoTESOL |
2019-03-06T19:22:41 |
@Marisa_C I wish that was the case for me. My school has rolling classes that you can rebook if you miss. The flexi… |
fionaljp |
2019-03-06T19:17:55 |
@PhilipMErasmus @Marisa_C Noooo! Later… #eltchat |
fionaljp |
2019-03-06T19:14:14 |
@PhilipMErasmus @Marisa_C Yes, paying for lessons can definitely be a motivating factor! #ELTchat |
Marisa_C |
2019-03-06T19:10:56 |
They are keen but will miss a class if they find an odd job #eltchat or smtms they can't afford the fare! |
jonjoTESOL |
2019-03-06T19:03:18 |
@fionaljp Oh wow I thought it was just me!! #eltchat |
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