
Lowering the Affective Filter

Page history last edited by sue annan 6 years, 1 month ago
User Name Universal Time Stamp Text
Marisa_C 2019-01-16T09:53:30 #ELTchat this p.m. join us to talk about how to lower that famous affective filter suggested by suggested by… https://t.co/gmTEF8VJKE
Marisa_C 2019-01-16T18:58:37 There are many presentations on SLA and the affective filter hypothesis - here is just one example of a slide prese… https://t.co/3IBCXp1GyS
Marisa_C 2019-01-16T18:59:22 Here is @skrashen 's website where everything is freely downloadable #eltchat - kudos to Dr Krashen https://t.co/acmdXHxLCi
Marisa_C 2019-01-16T19:02:32 I'm getting a llittle anxious here - anyone joining me? Who's going to lower my affective filter pls? #eltchat
fionaljp 2019-01-16T19:06:21 @PhilipMErasmus @Marisa_C Hello #ELTchat
PhilipMErasmus 2019-01-16T19:06:44 @Marisa_C Many would advocate the use of humour creating a relaxed environment condusive to learning. Not my forte.… https://t.co/y6oQ9NZXFz
Marisa_C 2019-01-16T19:09:26 Perhaps we could begin by defining the block and what causes it?  Fear of making mistakes? (aphasia lathophobic acc… https://t.co/PXwZCpZ01e
HelenJaneGrady 2019-01-16T19:09:35 @PhilipMErasmus @Marisa_C I’ve tried humour and get it wrong so often. Doesn’t “travel” #eltchat ps on bus home so… https://t.co/Ju6nf5IctU
Marisa_C 2019-01-16T19:10:47 True - and not all Ts are good with 'off the cuff' funny banter As you say also the point ca be very easily missed… https://t.co/Q5LAKsPfPK
Marisa_C 2019-01-16T19:11:52 @HelenJaneGrady @PhilipMErasmus @fionaljp Hi everyone then and welcome - #eltchat
fionaljp 2019-01-16T19:12:13 @PhilipMErasmus I believe humour can help, yes. Also believe in the importance of creating an environment conducive to learning. #ELTchat
HelenJaneGrady 2019-01-16T19:13:50 Praise, praise,  praise every small advancement?  #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2019-01-16T19:13:59 Low anxiety, sefl confidence and risk taking have often been named as traits of good language learners ~#eltchat
Marisa_C 2019-01-16T19:16:06 @HelenJaneGrady Some people might say 'don't overdo praise' it becomes meaningless when it's doled out just because… https://t.co/F5VP0gMklv
MoreMsJackson 2019-01-16T19:16:17 @Marisa_C May be jumping ahead, but it's worth considering specific things can raise the affective filter because o… https://t.co/liDp1jQph7
Marisa_C 2019-01-16T19:17:34 @MoreMsJackson True - it may be task specific - so 'know thy learners well' find out what freaks them out and gets… https://t.co/Jf6L0n8kMP
HelenJaneGrady 2019-01-16T19:20:10 @PhilipMErasmus @Marisa_C Naming the thing done well #Eltchat
fionaljp 2019-01-16T19:20:16 @MoreMsJackson @Marisa_C Doing a needs analysis and getting to know learners can begin to address such issues and h… https://t.co/xPTQpNx23G
Marisa_C 2019-01-16T19:20:26 Indeed!  Parent delight at any attempt of a child to talk should be an inspiration to some of us who get perhaps a… https://t.co/YNMkAnlcaf
Marisa_C 2019-01-16T19:22:27 I think negative attitudes to error, and bad experiences of being corrected a bit aggressively... also create fear #eltchat
MoreMsJackson 2019-01-16T19:22:57 @PhilipMErasmus @Marisa_C Yes, rapport is important #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2019-01-16T19:23:27 @PhilipMErasmus @MoreMsJackson Hey Philip just remembered - thanks for suggesting the topic #eltchat
Marisa_C 2019-01-16T19:24:42 There may be invisible to the T factors- peer pressure - bullying smtms - parent oressure or too high expectations… https://t.co/K7nFEoHv1X
MoreMsJackson 2019-01-16T19:24:54 @fionaljp @Marisa_C Yes, Needs Analysis can help you identify these potential areas and so get thinking of ways to… https://t.co/c07UmhZ7Sp
Marisa_C 2019-01-16T19:26:22 @PhilipMErasmus @MoreMsJackson I agree - Ss' emotional well being largely ignored in standard methodology texts #eltchat
Marisa_C 2019-01-16T19:27:29 RT @MoreMsJackson: @fionaljp @Marisa_C Yes, Needs Analysis can help you identify these potential areas and so get thinking of ways to lower…
SueAnnan 2019-01-16T19:28:06 Sorry Peeps have just finished teaching  #ELTchat
PhilipMErasmus 2019-01-16T19:28:50 It is often hard to know when the affective filter is down. When I see or sense total responsiveness, then I am satisfied. #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2019-01-16T19:29:09 I think bonding the class at the start is important #ELTchat
fionaljp 2019-01-16T19:29:42 @Marisa_C @PhilipMErasmus @MoreMsJackson I think emotional well being is central to an environment conducive to learning #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2019-01-16T19:30:45 @SueAnnan Hey @SueAnnan good to see you #eltchat - so let's think of some ideas, some 'to do's' for reducing this l… https://t.co/7zO8o1QPc5
SueAnnan 2019-01-16T19:31:29 RT @Marisa_C: @SueAnnan Hey @SueAnnan good to see you #eltchat - so let's think of some ideas, some 'to do's' for reducing this level of an…
Marisa_C 2019-01-16T19:32:02 So bonding activities early on on the course - what about explaining our attitude to errors to the Ss #eltchat https://t.co/eHhJDov6Xn
SueAnnan 2019-01-16T19:32:31 @Marisa_C I like the word YET. I can’t do this YET, sounds better than complete failure #eltchat
Marisa_C 2019-01-16T19:33:03 RT @SueAnnan: @Marisa_C I like the word YET. I can’t do this YET, sounds better than complete failure #eltchat
SueAnnan 2019-01-16T19:33:18 @Marisa_C If the students don’t have errors, we don’t have jobs. #eltchat
HelenJaneGrady 2019-01-16T19:33:57 @SueAnnan Sounds interesting. Some teaching in slightly chaotic environment where not always the same students #ELTchat
HelenJaneGrady 2019-01-16T19:34:28 @SueAnnan So ideas welcome #Eltchat
MoreMsJackson 2019-01-16T19:34:38 @Marisa_C @SueAnnan Well humour doesn't have to be teacher-generated, particularly for YLs. Eg. with tweens, referr… https://t.co/rvI0mvxLAH
Marisa_C 2019-01-16T19:35:30 @PhilipMErasmus @SueAnnan True - start of the year is not just the first lesson - but a consistent plan to keep ret… https://t.co/haAXvDIv2v
PhilipMErasmus 2019-01-16T19:35:39 How about a quick 5 min free writing exercise where ss just wrute how they are feeling and then throwing away the w… https://t.co/qbPn2fsACy
MoreMsJackson 2019-01-16T19:35:59 @Marisa_C Yes, getting to knows yous and discussions about learning and attitudes are both super helpful at the sta… https://t.co/i4CgAaHhL4
HelenJaneGrady 2019-01-16T19:37:24 @SueAnnan @Marisa_C Was advised this week to end class with what we have achieved rather than concentrate on object… https://t.co/GFMu9lp2gD
fionaljp 2019-01-16T19:37:28 @Marisa_C @SueAnnan Building confidence, encouraging learners to take risks, discussing how learning happens #ELTchat
PhilipMErasmus 2019-01-16T19:37:51 In the long term, I try to build a genuine relationship wirh ss, including teens and tweens. #ELTchat
MoreMsJackson 2019-01-16T19:38:40 @fionaljp @Marisa_C @SueAnnan And positive feedback for taking those risks #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2019-01-16T19:38:57 @HelenJaneGrady @SueAnnan Share success stories then rather than what we plan to do today - nice idea #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2019-01-16T19:39:05 Students get to know quickly if you have a genuine interest in them or are just paying lip service to the idea. #ELTchat
fionaljp 2019-01-16T19:40:43 @MoreMsJackson @Marisa_C @SueAnnan Yes, confidence building #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2019-01-16T19:40:53 #eltchat https://t.co/4zo38oXePF
SueAnnan 2019-01-16T19:44:08 Students come with so much baggage that we need to know about in order to do our best for them  #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2019-01-16T19:45:34 I was just thinking about metacognitive strats training so that Ss become more aware of themselves as learners #ELTchat
fionaljp 2019-01-16T19:46:17 @SueAnnan Yes, interesting to think about relation between teacher motivation and student motivation #ELTchat
MoreMsJackson 2019-01-16T19:47:47 RT @SueAnnan: Students come with so much baggage that we need to know about in order to do our best for them  #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2019-01-16T19:47:51 @Marisa_C Learner training has value in the eyes of the BC, when lesson planning #eltchat
PhilipMErasmus 2019-01-16T19:48:34 @Marisa_C #ELTchat I once did a self-evaluation survey with advanced teens at the start and end if the course. Made a huge difference.
PhilipMErasmus 2019-01-16T19:50:08 Just noticed that I did not use the hashtag in half my posts and they are awol :/ #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2019-01-16T19:50:25 @PhilipMErasmus So perhaps you're saying reducing the distance between teacher and learner and laying ourselves ope… https://t.co/TswXx9VW8b
SueAnnan 2019-01-16T19:51:32 @PhilipMErasmus @Marisa_C I started recording my students at the beginning and end of courses. Was interesting for… https://t.co/Wehs3pyKF6
UrsulaRoussou 2019-01-16T19:51:39 Trying to get my Ss the feeling that being their Tt doesn't mean I'm a miss know it all person,showing empathy and… https://t.co/pSTVWXxOD3
Marisa_C 2019-01-16T19:52:47 @SueAnnan @PhilipMErasmus Recordings and tutorials may be a good way to mark progress - #eltchat
PhilipMErasmus 2019-01-16T19:52:53 @Marisa_C #ELTchat I'd prefer to call it 'creating awareness of learning and understanding themselves as a learner… https://t.co/Sy973UeoDq
Marisa_C 2019-01-16T19:53:48 @UrsulaRoussou Welcome! great point - know all teachers generally generate a lot of anxiety in their learners #ELTchat
PhilipMErasmus 2019-01-16T19:54:47 @SueAnnan @Marisa_C Often the case that ss have no idea whether or not they have made progress. It is for us to help them realise. #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2019-01-16T19:55:09 We may have a very western sense of what and how much distance to allow though - we need to be aware of other cultural expectations #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2019-01-16T19:55:43 @Marisa_C @UrsulaRoussou Yes. I watched one today haranguing his students when they just couldn’t ‘get’ something :-(.  #eltchat
Marisa_C 2019-01-16T19:57:09 @PhilipMErasmus @SueAnnan We are nearing the end of this #ELTchat - would Philip be interested in writing up a shor… https://t.co/K2FvisTYlO
fionaljp 2019-01-16T19:57:22 @Marisa_C @SueAnnan @PhilipMErasmus Encouraging learners to keep a learning journal to promote reflective practice #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2019-01-16T19:58:08 @fionaljp @Marisa_C @PhilipMErasmus And teachers. ....... Not a bad idea #eltchat
fionaljp 2019-01-16T19:59:53 Excellent #ELTchat - practise what you preach! https://t.co/QjdENU2JXB
SueAnnan 2019-01-16T20:00:17 I’ll get the transcript to you tomorrow , if you would like to write a summary of this chat  #ELTchat
PhilipMErasmus 2019-01-16T20:00:23 #ELTchat https://t.co/ai1Lb5PLFK
Marisa_C 2019-01-16T20:00:45 @PhilipMErasmus An important point: showing warmth, empathy, tolerance, patience does not mean losing authority suc… https://t.co/u9DNRHxRG1
PhilipMErasmus 2019-01-16T20:01:21 @Marisa_C @SueAnnan How can I say no to that? :-) With pleasure!#ELTchat
SueAnnan 2019-01-16T20:02:00 @fionaljp Planning on trying out a reflective journal for me #eltchat
SueAnnan 2019-01-16T20:02:19 @PhilipMErasmus @Marisa_C Mwah #eltchat
Marisa_C 2019-01-16T20:02:39 @PhilipMErasmus @SueAnnan Perfect!!!! #eltchat - transcript tomorrow p.m. in case more ppl have time to think and s… https://t.co/8YM7CdG8yU
SproulBreana 2019-01-16T20:03:20 @MoreMsJackson @Marisa_C @SueAnnan #ELTchat  i think a frank class discussion at the beginning of the course is nic… https://t.co/IaCY1T0EqR
Marisa_C 2019-01-16T20:03:54 @UrsulaRoussou Great to see you here!!! Reminds me of wanderings in second life as well - you are a great risk taker :-) #ELTchat
MoreMsJackson 2019-01-16T20:04:23 @PhilipMErasmus @fionaljp @Marisa_C @SueAnnan Can be useful to relate to past successful learning - not just langua… https://t.co/2u7cis7hDS
fionaljp 2019-01-16T20:04:32 @SueAnnan Me too! #ELTchat
PhilipMErasmus 2019-01-16T20:05:04 Thanks for going with my topic. It is v dear to me. Great ideas and a good chance for more reflection. BFN everyone! #ELTchat
SproulBreana 2019-01-16T20:06:14 @MoreMsJackson @Marisa_C @SueAnnan big fan of jill hadfield's 'classroom dynamics' - lots of great ideas for helpin… https://t.co/Un2kf1MPhl
PhilipMErasmus 2019-01-16T20:06:50 @MoreMsJackson @fionaljp @Marisa_C @SueAnnan Such an individual thing, isn't it? #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2019-01-16T20:07:03 @PhilipMErasmus Great to see you all dear #ELTchat friends and thanks for the topics and summary Philip - keep talk… https://t.co/ZHL0ng0AuN
PhilipMErasmus 2019-01-16T20:08:44 @SproulBreana @MoreMsJackson @Marisa_C @SueAnnan Will need to get my hands on that book! Sounds great. #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2019-01-16T20:09:34 #ELTchat :-) https://t.co/Gh0ZBXCmIG
Marisa_C 2019-01-16T20:12:05 I meant on my desert island list of ELT books that I would need to teach anyone :-) #ELTchat https://t.co/Hryt4vPPSl
UrsulaRoussou 2019-01-16T20:21:06 @Marisa_C would love to repeat that,didn't know if it was still going on!want to catch up with you #ELTchat
fionaljp 2019-01-16T20:54:58 Found this article on Motivation in ELT by Steven McDonough - Key Concepts in ELT - an interesting read and great f… https://t.co/lwkE85z83n
RichardBadger2 2019-01-16T21:35:42 RT @Marisa_C: Low anxiety, sefl confidence and risk taking have often been named as traits of good language learners ~#eltchat


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