
The Native versus the Non Native teacher

Page history last edited by sue annan 6 years, 7 months ago
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User Name Universal Time Stamp Text
HeleneCombe 2018-05-30T07:42:01 Most of the time I don’t have the time to join #eltchat but considering the subject, I’ll manage ! https://t.co/oE9lmbLFhj
CsillaBenn 2018-05-30T12:17:42 Today at 8pm Paris time we'll chat about Native and Non-Native Speaker Teachers https://t.co/iLZInUqT7r  #DU18chat #ELTchat #NNST
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T17:33:51 Native and non-native teachers in about 30 mins #ELTchat - What does each side bring to the ELT classroom?  What ca… https://t.co/d5iKOvXdOx
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T17:53:32 Check out our call for tonight's topic on the #ELTchat blog here https://t.co/bJvhKZUJcJ We have revisited the to… https://t.co/2qpx5JwvUC
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T17:55:48 Are you ready @CsillaBenn and friends? #ELTchat Try to send a high on the #ELTchat timeline pls
CsillaBenn 2018-05-30T17:57:09 Hello from Grenoble #DUELTchat #ELTchat
CsillaBenn 2018-05-30T17:59:59 #DU18chat teachers, please sign in if you are here #ELTchat
Slhotel1 2018-05-30T18:01:53 #ELTchat Hello Csilla. I'm Sabine LHOTELLIER
SueAnnan 2018-05-30T18:02:30 evening #ELTchat
CsillaBenn 2018-05-30T18:02:56 Hi #ELTchat and #DU18chat
SueAnnan 2018-05-30T18:03:44 Hi Csilla and friends #ELTchat
aBeeOnThePeony 2018-05-30T18:04:20 #ELTchat #DU18chat Hello Csilla, Marie-Hélène THIERY tweeting from Chambéry
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T18:04:45 @Slhotel1 @SueAnnan @aBeeOnThePeony Welcome to #ELTchat  all the way from Athens anyone else logging in?
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T18:05:21 @grebaux @CsillaBenn @ELTchat Hello and welcome!! Do remember to typr #ELTchat on every tweet so you are visible on our chat timeline
Pascalune12 2018-05-30T18:05:33 #DU18chat #ELTchat Hello this is Pascale.
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T18:05:39 DIna hi #ELTchat https://t.co/RCpZnASLIj
grebaux 2018-05-30T18:06:18 @CsillaBenn Hi Csilla!   Thanks for organizing this #DU18chat #ELTchat
CsillaBenn 2018-05-30T18:06:20 #ELTchat #DU18chat teachers from France, pls use the #ELTchat hashtag for your messages as well
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T18:06:29 @Pascalune12 Hi Pascale - a warm welcome! #eltchat remember to type the hashtag on every tweet - just copy and keep in ur clipboard
381Clarita 2018-05-30T18:06:42 #ELTchat hello, Claire from Grenoble
Pascalune12 2018-05-30T18:06:59 @381Clarita Hello! I am on #ELTChat and I wait and see what the discussion is about...
Sidgard73 2018-05-30T18:07:02 #ELTchat hello everybody
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T18:07:08 @381Clarita #eltchat welcomes u Clarita
SueAnnan 2018-05-30T18:07:17 wow. Nice to see so many visitors to #ELTchat from La Belle France
CsillaBenn 2018-05-30T18:08:02 #ELTchat #DU18chat can we start talking about tonight's topic @Marisa_C
RacchioMaria 2018-05-30T18:08:22 #DU18Chat #ELTChat
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T18:08:58 @CsillaBenn Certainly - let's get this show on the road! #eltchat
SueAnnan 2018-05-30T18:10:27 I work in a school which has no problems with non-native speakers being employed. However, I just realised that all… https://t.co/lTWgvWUskb
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T18:10:30 The topic tonight has been one of high interest recently and a lot has been written about it. #eltchat  I thought i… https://t.co/Dg5PoRugyM
CsillaBenn 2018-05-30T18:10:53 #DU18chat #eltchat What difference can you see between native and non-native teachers?
Pascalune12 2018-05-30T18:11:16 #ELTChat #DU18chat Good evening everybody!
SueAnnan 2018-05-30T18:11:18 @Marisa_C Lots of good discussion has certainly made a difference #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2018-05-30T18:12:36 @CsillaBenn non-native teachers often have a greater understanding of grammar and can use their experience to help their learners #ELTchat
CsillaBenn 2018-05-30T18:13:28 #DU18chat #eltchat there is a big difference between state schools and private language schools, at least in France.
SueAnnan 2018-05-30T18:14:27 @CsillaBenn Do private language schools prefer native speakers? Is is cheaper to hire them? #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T18:14:32 @SueAnnan @CsillaBenn Each one of you partiicipating is either native or non-native. What good things do you contri… https://t.co/QFnkubZAXe
ELTC_TD 2018-05-30T18:15:07 A big advantage is that NNS teachers all have experience learning a foreign language  @SueAnnan #eltchat
SueAnnan 2018-05-30T18:15:23 @Marisa_C @CsillaBenn I contribute empathy, and I share what I know #ELTchat
RacchioMaria 2018-05-30T18:15:35 State schools favour French teachers, the private sector prefers native speakers #DU18Chat #ELTChat
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T18:15:56 Thanks #eltchat - a great contribution https://t.co/MQ5t83Hmji
SueAnnan 2018-05-30T18:16:07 @RacchioMaria Is it because they can get away with paying less? #ELTchat
Pascalune12 2018-05-30T18:16:31 #ELTchat #DU18chat Is is it not a form of snobbism to be in search of Native Teachers only?
grebaux 2018-05-30T18:16:34 #DU18chat #ELTchat Should we really focus on nativeness  when most of the people who speak English are non native speakers today?
ELTC_TD 2018-05-30T18:17:31 Doesn't it depend on your students' needs too?  @grebaux #eltchat
SueAnnan 2018-05-30T18:17:32 @Pascalune12 Of course it is. And it should be a matter of employing the best people for the job, regardless #ELTchat
381Clarita 2018-05-30T18:18:05 #ELTchat I have the feeling we don't get many chances to have a job in the private sector as a NNS. But to be fair,… https://t.co/6xn2simk3H
Pascalune12 2018-05-30T18:18:33 #ELTchat #DU18chat I agree Maria. I think it is unfortunately the case with the Chamber of Commerce (private sector… https://t.co/7athFQrWNx
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T18:18:41 Good point - the demand for NS only comes from the Ss as well #eltchat not just the schools https://t.co/SqiKO45xSx
koomska 2018-05-30T18:18:47 #ELTchat when I worked in Poland we had tandem teaching so each class had 2 teachers. NS & NNS. Students appreciated having both
CsillaBenn 2018-05-30T18:19:03 #ELTchat could you also add the hashtag #DU18chat to your tweets? This is our group's hashtag
grebaux 2018-05-30T18:19:49 @CsillaBenn #DU18chat #eltchat Well, state schools hire French teachers whereas private language schools hire native speakers!
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T18:20:19 I have worked in schools with the same system - not sure if it's the combination or the fact the Ss had more hours… https://t.co/TGIADERJMM
ELTC_TD 2018-05-30T18:20:43 Did you ever ask what they got from the two types? @koomska #eltchat
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T18:20:52 #ELTchat (hashtag!) https://t.co/ANdNILbGIQ
CsillaBenn 2018-05-30T18:21:18 @Slhotel1 @Marisa_C @ELTchat Hi! Nice to have you here. #DU18chat #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T18:21:51 Asking the Ss before a course and after a course are two different things - I think schools only ask before… https://t.co/vkk8kmoGGG
SueAnnan 2018-05-30T18:22:08 Speaking as a native trainer, I do not feel any better equipped to train than Marisa, who isn't a native . In fact… https://t.co/pKUTLy1m4S
aBeeOnThePeony 2018-05-30T18:22:12 #ELTchat #DU18chatCo-teaching is very interesting
Pascalune12 2018-05-30T18:23:08 #ELTchat #DU18chat Is the Native Non Native Debate as important all over the world as it is in France?
GioLic1976 2018-05-30T18:23:13 Hi there #ELTchat. Traveling but following.
koomska 2018-05-30T18:23:14 @Marisa_C #ELTchat I think students could see benefits of different strengths if teachers worked well together.
CsillaBenn 2018-05-30T18:23:49 #ELTchat #DU18chat I think each school should have both as they bring different skills and approaches to learning the language
SueAnnan 2018-05-30T18:23:55 @Pascalune12 unfortunately, yes in many places #ELTchat  #DU18chat
Sidgard73 2018-05-30T18:23:58 #DU18Chat #ELTchat Language is innate for a native speaker. To me, It has its pros & cons. For instance, if you nee… https://t.co/TQzUkG0TIb
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T18:24:06 @SueAnnan I think @SueAnnan (and thanks for the compliment BTW) has more good functional intuitions than me - but I… https://t.co/bB4khQIC8k
CsillaBenn 2018-05-30T18:24:57 @grebaux How do you think this could be changed? #ELTchat #DU18chat
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T18:25:03 @koomska We could be helping each other more #eltchat
SueAnnan 2018-05-30T18:25:28 @Marisa_C In which case, the idea of the shared resource is a good one. Perhaps we should be working together more as standard #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T18:26:25 @CsillaBenn @grebaux Well, participating in forums such as this, connecting with Ts worldwide is a great way to sta… https://t.co/f3tir1iNiJ
SueAnnan 2018-05-30T18:26:49 WE do occasionally have students who turn up their nose at getting a non native teacher, but they are few and far between #eltchat #DU18chat
GioLic1976 2018-05-30T18:26:49 @SueAnnan In fact, I'm not sure how we would define native-speakerism and how we could focus on what these supposed… https://t.co/0yJ5T115Ws
CsillaBenn 2018-05-30T18:26:53 @Pascalune12 Yes, it is. Spain is very similar to France but even in countries like hawaï it is an issue #ELTchat #DU18chat
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T18:27:11 @SueAnnan Yes, agree fully - why we are here as well - spreading the word about communicating and learning from each other #ELTChat
381Clarita 2018-05-30T18:28:02 #ELTchat why are we so convinced a native teacher is a better teacher??.. where does that come from ?
Sidgard73 2018-05-30T18:28:11 #ELTchat I can speak French very good because I'm French right ? But am I going to be a good teacher of French ? I… https://t.co/L88STLF2Fe
RacchioMaria 2018-05-30T18:28:18 I’ve found a lot of clients want a native speaker but that doesn’t necessarily mean they are a good teacher.  And u… https://t.co/EccLLRtu9c
koomska 2018-05-30T18:28:24 @SueAnnan @Marisa_C I agree. Learning from other teachers and accepting we all have things to offer. #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T18:28:41 @GioLic1976 @SueAnnan Perhaps we could try to pinpoint what it is that DOS's and  Ss seem to want NS 's more? #ELTChat
SueAnnan 2018-05-30T18:29:52 @Marisa_C @GioLic1976 In China, it is a marketing tool for schools to have a NS. But they have to have the right lo… https://t.co/A4FHWavip7
grebaux 2018-05-30T18:30:20 #DU18chat #eltchat  I have been lucky enough to be hired by a private language school and the Chamber of Commerce b… https://t.co/ZZf82Qp0i8
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T18:30:29 My personal feeling is that there is still a lot of xenomania out there https://t.co/g7w73HueDW  imposed by TV and… https://t.co/fva3x01W3g
aBeeOnThePeony 2018-05-30T18:30:49 #DU18chat #ELTchatFrench state schools have NN teachers but they welcome native language assistants (or they should be)
Pascalune12 2018-05-30T18:31:40 @koomska @Marisa_C #ELTchat #DU18chat I guess it is the interest of having different people, with different approac… https://t.co/opiFyKBxA7
koomska 2018-05-30T18:32:21 @SueAnnan @Marisa_C @GioLic1976 Oh yes when I was in China, selection was often based on how teacher looked in phot… https://t.co/1nmYJNBzXJ
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T18:32:24 Accent is one thing that people falsely  believe is best transmitted by NS only #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2018-05-30T18:32:50 We have a group of students from France this week, with their teachers. They are all elementary, after years of Eng… https://t.co/oaaQ0Y8dm8
SueAnnan 2018-05-30T18:33:59 @Marisa_C wot? Actually I had a listening exercise with a NS from the Black Country today. MY students got one word… https://t.co/N6UmwEDOqz
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T18:34:10 @SueAnnan I was just going to say that! The level of English to enter the teaching profession is very low in some c… https://t.co/dkkhwRGs7D
CsillaBenn 2018-05-30T18:34:18 @AnaCarpentier59 @SueAnnan #ELTchat #DU18chat very often native speakers are said to be less good at teaching gramm… https://t.co/Dwvd34kbMA
AstierStephanie 2018-05-30T18:34:24 #DU18Chat #ELTChat When native English speakers are paired with NN teachers, students have the best of both worlds.
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T18:35:35 @CsillaBenn @AnaCarpentier59 @SueAnnan In monolingual classes the NNS is better able to predict some of the learner… https://t.co/Wav3cEsRWL
SueAnnan 2018-05-30T18:35:39 @CsillaBenn @AnaCarpentier59 Non natives are good at finding strategies to help #ELTChat #DU18chat
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T18:37:03 @ELTC_TD When you are native it's called linguistic imperialism or superiority over the natives in the grass skirts… https://t.co/y2gWIJuqTL
SueAnnan 2018-05-30T18:37:54 @CsillaBenn @AnaCarpentier59 Unfortunately , this is a generalisation which can do more harm than good. I have had… https://t.co/LMtE3GLxyD
CsillaBenn 2018-05-30T18:37:54 #ELTchat #DU18chat some schools divide the course between native and non-native teachers and they teach different t… https://t.co/qW14ypS9gP
GioLic1976 2018-05-30T18:37:55 @Marisa_C Identity certainly has a big role. Clearly a greater one than a teacher's place of birth. It would be int… https://t.co/5Qof6lM22p
SueAnnan 2018-05-30T18:38:43 @CsillaBenn JUdging by this week, I would say that approach could be justified #ELTchat #DU18chat
ELTC_TD 2018-05-30T18:39:00 No I was thinking more along the lines of NS teachers who doesn't  match the idea students have of what a NS teacher is like.  #eltchat
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T18:39:22 The NNS local teacher can be more sensitive to what might create cultural-  clashes or offend Ss' values and belief… https://t.co/VvpZZLhbu3
Pascalune12 2018-05-30T18:39:43 #ELTchat #DU18chat I guess it is harder for Native Teachers to understand certain students difficulties (pronunciat… https://t.co/mOr5LNFX8D
RacchioMaria 2018-05-30T18:40:00 Non natives are better at understanding and advising on the French education system, because we don’t just teach En… https://t.co/7d2DXk28BB
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T18:40:41 I used to work with someone who thought that ANYONE from the UK was a representative of sth superior. Not true!! #ELTchat
koomska 2018-05-30T18:40:44 @CsillaBenn I think it depends on the teachers and generalisations can be dangerous. #ELTchat #DU18chat
SueAnnan 2018-05-30T18:40:47 @Pascalune12 That's why we have books like Learner English to help #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2018-05-30T18:41:10 @Marisa_C I am :-) #ELTChat
CsillaBenn 2018-05-30T18:41:16 @SueAnnan I've heard natives complain about this. They considered the communication class "less serious" #ELTchat #DU18chat
grebaux 2018-05-30T18:41:58 #DU18chat #ELTchat  NNESTs are usually better at grammar and they're conscious of the differences between the nativ… https://t.co/wErTx0WU4C
SueAnnan 2018-05-30T18:42:01 @CsillaBenn But then they can't communicate? Is that better? #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T18:42:02 @SueAnnan te he he i can see your halo all the way from Athens!!!! #ELTChat
CsillaBenn 2018-05-30T18:42:21 @koomska Yes, you are right. What we need is good teachers! #ELTchat #DU18chat
ELTC_TD 2018-05-30T18:42:25 By NNS do we all mean NNS who are the same nationality as the learners? #eltchat @SueAnnan @Marisa_C
koomska 2018-05-30T18:43:41 @ELTC_TD Good point. Some students and school managers have expectations of what their NS teacher will be like. Whe… https://t.co/byJqi4pJXC
SueAnnan 2018-05-30T18:43:47 @ELTC_TD @Marisa_C Good question. I don't think that always applies #ELTchat We have a Hungarian teacher. A lovely… https://t.co/dS2nMKJe0Y
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T18:43:56 This is true in some ways and not others - NNS are often well versed in morphological rules and able to explain mor… https://t.co/LZf1XUKqnU
ELTC_TD 2018-05-30T18:44:38 Do the same things you have mentioned apply if Chinese students learn English with a teacher who is neither Chinese nor English? #eltchat
CsillaBenn 2018-05-30T18:45:15 #ELTchat #DU18chat At some places, they also give different level classes/groups to NS and NNS teachers. Again it's… https://t.co/pGYiD8XSSb
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T18:46:00 @ELTC_TD I don't know enough about what Chinese Ss want but I have a great trainee (Greek) who went to China and be… https://t.co/RaJ91TzylE
whatiselt 2018-05-30T18:46:01 @SueAnnan @CsillaBenn @AnaCarpentier59 #eltchat
SueAnnan 2018-05-30T18:46:32 @CsillaBenn Interesting. I think the best teachers should be with the low level students, it's far easier to work at higher levels #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T18:47:19 All I am saying is that a good teacher given the opportunity, will do a great job whether NS or NNS #eltchat - but… https://t.co/utFC7FGkIv
AstierStephanie 2018-05-30T18:47:20 #eltchat #DU18chat Teachers should be judged on their skills (class management, teaching..) and not on their nationality
RacchioMaria 2018-05-30T18:47:25 I think the main difficulty for NESTs is discipline in schools, although this is not an issue in companies #DU18Chat #ELTChat
grebaux 2018-05-30T18:47:48 #DU18chat #ELTchat Obviously NESTs have a better accent.  Being a native speaker does not necessarily mean that the… https://t.co/73DdbqgBGt
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T18:47:59 AND their language skills and knowledge #ELTchat https://t.co/5XqF7qOX1J
SueAnnan 2018-05-30T18:48:03 I think we can agree that good teachers are what students should be asking for. Really their nationality ought not… https://t.co/Be8cnQCfgH
Pascalune12 2018-05-30T18:48:42 @CsillaBenn #ELTchat #DU18chat I think what should really matter is the tools used and the quality of teaching. It… https://t.co/XftCxdMEdW
koomska 2018-05-30T18:49:28 @SueAnnan @CsillaBenn #ELTchat I’ve argued this on many an occasion. Was once told putting a DELTA qualified T with… https://t.co/ARjxlFYFpv
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T18:49:40 @Pascalune12 @CsillaBenn Agree! I would hate to work like this and be made to feel like I am  not enough! #eltchat
CsillaBenn 2018-05-30T18:49:41 @Pascalune12 Yes, I agree, but it happens. #ELTchat #DU18chat
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T18:50:29 @koomska @SueAnnan @CsillaBenn SO right! #eltchat - same happens here - least experienced untrained ppl asked to te… https://t.co/YKGiVQcWqo
SueAnnan 2018-05-30T18:51:29 @Marisa_C @koomska @CsillaBenn Yes. It is a bizarre policy. I expect the DOS thinks they don't have enough language to complain #ELTChat
ELTC_TD 2018-05-30T18:52:17 Might students (beginners) have a preference not necessarily for NS but just teachers who can understand their L1? #eltchat
whatiselt 2018-05-30T18:52:53 @Marisa_C I agree with @Marisa_C. Language awareness  and command shouldn't be overlooked. It's important for all t… https://t.co/eadPCM7OqG
CsillaBenn 2018-05-30T18:52:56 @Marisa_C @koomska @SueAnnan #ELTchat #DU18chat damages T's self-confidence which impacts students' self confidence
SueAnnan 2018-05-30T18:52:58 @ELTC_TD Not necessarily. And in a mixed group class, that could be tricky #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T18:53:34 I think YL's are comforted when the T can say sth in their L1 occasionally but they are at the best age to acquire… https://t.co/gn8jyf7yX2
koomska 2018-05-30T18:54:09 @ELTC_TD Think understanding them as learners is more important. #ELTchat #DU18chat
Pascalune12 2018-05-30T18:54:25 @CsillaBenn #ELTchat #DU18chat Is this why teenagers are usually get Non Native Teachers? I think regardless of the… https://t.co/HYgUK4rzxR
SueAnnan 2018-05-30T18:54:44 @koomska @ELTC_TD and having empathy and patience as they are learning #ELTChat
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T18:55:26 @Pascalune12 @CsillaBenn Agree - an enthusiastic AND knowledgeable teacher is the ideal combination #ELTChat
CsillaBenn 2018-05-30T18:55:42 @Pascalune12 yYou are so right! Motivated teachers can motivate students #ELTchat #DU18chat
ELTC_TD 2018-05-30T18:55:45 @koomska Yes I agree. Just thinking maybe how I'd feel as a learner of a foreign language.  #eltchat
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T18:56:36 Some years ago I did some research on who Ss considered an ideal teacher. NS vs NNS NEVER came up as a characterist… https://t.co/RCqlWGVjs0
SueAnnan 2018-05-30T18:56:40 @ELTC_TD @koomska You might learn faster if you learn gently in the L2 #ELTchat
josephpiechura 2018-05-30T18:57:47 @Marisa_C @CsillaBenn @AnaCarpentier59 @SueAnnan Assuming they share the L1 of the learners. This is the problem wi… https://t.co/AygwF7uVzh
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T18:58:19 Adult Ss mentioned 'competent language users_ that's all Here is the post https://t.co/cjtIlICPht #ELTChat
whatiselt 2018-05-30T18:58:39 @grebaux I see your point, @grebaux, but there is linguistic prejudice even among regional accents and English vari… https://t.co/nas1hu3d2q
SueAnnan 2018-05-30T18:58:46 In the dying moments of the chat, I'd like to ask if anyone would like to write a summary of the convo. I'll send y… https://t.co/PdJW6SDOwO
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T19:00:22 This was a rich and lively #ELTchat - perhaps your trainees would like to collaborate and write up the summaru @CsillaBenn ?
whatiselt 2018-05-30T19:00:40 @josephpiechura @Marisa_C @CsillaBenn @AnaCarpentier59 @SueAnnan Maybe we should strike out the word "better" and m… https://t.co/NW9FwBLWBt
CsillaBenn 2018-05-30T19:00:45 @SueAnnan a collaborative summary can be written by #DU18chat participants #ELTchat here https://t.co/mU7c2voowQ
Pascalune12 2018-05-30T19:01:16 @381Clarita #ELTchat #DU18chat Did you get that discussion with Scottish people teaching French? Did they feel discriminated as well?
whatiselt 2018-05-30T19:01:24 @Marisa_C That is refreshing! ❤ #eltchat
grebaux 2018-05-30T19:01:26 #DU18chat #ELTchat  How can we deal with discrimination?
CsillaBenn 2018-05-30T19:01:39 #DU18chat participants can write up a collaborative summary here https://t.co/mU7c2voowQ #ELTchat https://t.co/P29iWuCPCf
SueAnnan 2018-05-30T19:02:27 @CsillaBenn That would be great. I'll send you the transcript tomorrow evening. #ELTChat #DU18chat
koomska 2018-05-30T19:02:37 Great conversation see you next week! #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T19:02:37 What a perfect answer!!! #ELTChat Thank you all #DU18chat  ppl for joining us today, We hope to see you again soon… https://t.co/lbJouTHnXx
ELTC_TD 2018-05-30T19:02:57 Thanks for chatting everyone. Have a good evening. #eltchat
CsillaBenn 2018-05-30T19:02:58 @Marisa_C Yes, it's more a political question that schools use for marketing purposes #ELTchat #DU18chat
josephpiechura 2018-05-30T19:03:19 @Marisa_C Socially appropriate according to whose definition though? If your students are mainly speaking to other… https://t.co/deZZFLoBeH
ELTC_TD 2018-05-30T19:03:38 @Marisa_C do you do a poll for the topic each week? I can't seem to find it ever....... #eltchat
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T19:03:47 @whatiselt Also true of all of our adult classes #ELTChat
SueAnnan 2018-05-30T19:04:05 Thanks #DU18chat  for joining with your thought provoking questions and answers. Look forward to you joining in again. #ELTchat
RacchioMaria 2018-05-30T19:04:43 Thanks everyone #DU18Chat #ELTChat
SueAnnan 2018-05-30T19:04:44 goodnight everyone #ELTChat
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T19:04:47 @ELTC_TD Not every week - I was #ELTchat DJ for May - did a couple of polls but don't always have enough suggestion… https://t.co/Ve9yemwjK0
CsillaBenn 2018-05-30T19:05:14 @Marisa_C The guidelines would be great! Thank you again! #ELTchat #DU18chat
josephpiechura 2018-05-30T19:05:16 @Pascalune12 @CsillaBenn I'd honestly guess that a lot of this might be down to classroom discipline. It can be har… https://t.co/L2HIccamPz
grebaux 2018-05-30T19:05:30 @Marisa_C @CsillaBenn @Pascalune12 #DU18chat  #ELTchat Absolutely! Being a good teacher requires more than knowledg… https://t.co/eYE6kPQgKK
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T19:05:59 You have a lovely group of trainees @Csilla and you should be commended for getting them out on Twitter!!! #ELTchat… https://t.co/XVNZFgT2Rc
ELTC_TD 2018-05-30T19:06:11 I was thinking about intercultural harmony as a topic. Or have you done that? @Marisa_C #eltchat
whatiselt 2018-05-30T19:06:39 @josephpiechura @Marisa_C Excellent point! Being NS or NNS doesn't really mean an advantage or disadvantage in term… https://t.co/YvvBcwozt3
muranava 2018-05-30T19:06:55 @Marisa_C the questions asked in such research directs respondents questions; e.g. in two Fr surveys "I'd rather ha… https://t.co/c5wlQgyFmw
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T19:07:01 @ELTC_TD can;t remember off the top of my head but if you search the summary page (CTRL F) you can see if #ELTchat
CsillaBenn 2018-05-30T19:07:57 @Marisa_C @csilla Yes, they are wonderful trainees and they like challenges. This was first-time twitter session fo… https://t.co/3B7iEXntqM
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T19:08:05 @muranava I didn't ask that question - perhaps it's the question that suggests the answer. #ELtchat
Sidgard73 2018-05-30T19:08:23 #ELTchat #DU18chat Good night everybody then ?
Pascalune12 2018-05-30T19:08:34 @CsillaBenn @Marisa_C #ELTchat #DU18chat Then we are just another market product. Sad...
josephpiechura 2018-05-30T19:08:46 @SueAnnan @Marisa_C @koomska @CsillaBenn Or are less likely to ask difficult questions that a beginner teacher migh… https://t.co/u1Os5Egtez
Sidgard73 2018-05-30T19:09:21 #ELTchat #DU18chat Thank you everybody for this little chat :)
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T19:09:58 For the next 20 hours or so #ELTchat goes on #slowburn mode and anyone who would like to contribute ideas or contin… https://t.co/Okwn8S77Z3
grebaux 2018-05-30T19:10:58 @Marisa_C #DU18chat  #ELTChat That's interesting! Are there many NSs in your country?
CsillaBenn 2018-05-30T19:11:13 @Pascalune12 @Marisa_C Until we prove that teaching is not question of passport but depends on qualification, knowl… https://t.co/AFJmvqvSnb
Pascalune12 2018-05-30T19:11:13 @SueAnnan @CsillaBenn #ELTchat #DU18chat So we will be able to read the tweets altogether thanks to the transcript?… https://t.co/Wsz6JFvkMF
josephpiechura 2018-05-30T19:11:33 @Marisa_C I asked my students this week to come up with ideas for their ideal course (times, length, etc) to be del… https://t.co/p65fgK4bx2
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T19:11:54 For example, do you think that for very advanced levels  a NS has an advantage over a NNS? If not, what preconditio… https://t.co/0SgWefEsTN
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T19:13:28 @grebaux Quite a few NS Ts here but the majority is NNS - getting more difficult for rogue untrained NS to find wor… https://t.co/i2C7im65Mh
CsillaBenn 2018-05-30T19:13:57 @Pascalune12 @SueAnnan #DU18chat if you liked this chat, #ELTchat has one every Wednesday evening at the same hour.… https://t.co/fS6LthtCgt
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T19:16:17 Good night all and see you next week!!! Same time same screen near you ! Just type #ELTchat and we will magically appear :-D
Pascalune12 2018-05-30T19:16:18 @josephpiechura @CsillaBenn #ELTchat #DU18chat To tell the truth, I feel like speaking their native language doesn'… https://t.co/AhmKq6es4m
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T19:17:03 @Pascalune12 @josephpiechura @CsillaBenn Te he he... so true!!!  #ELTChat
CsillaBenn 2018-05-30T19:18:08 @Pascalune12 @josephpiechura The same can be said about adults on company courses. #ELTchat #DU18chat
josephpiechura 2018-05-30T19:18:45 @Marisa_C Admittedly your research was probably more in depth than my 15 minutes at the beginning of class. #ELTchat
CsillaBenn 2018-05-30T19:20:42 @Marisa_C what is your deadline for the summary of this #ELTchat ?
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T19:21:04 @CsillaBenn Two weeks ok? #eltchat
Marisa_C 2018-05-30T19:22:50 @josephpiechura My research was only interim intended to yield categories to then do in a more organised fashion. T… https://t.co/JjRiNotTQh
josephpiechura 2018-05-30T19:25:41 @Marisa_C Still more than my 14. #ELTchat
largoadios 2018-05-30T19:28:12 #ELTchat where I work, native teachers usually teach higher levels. B1(+). Shouldn’t NTs be able to teach EFL even… https://t.co/3HXW8gQ3rZ
CsillaBenn 2018-05-30T19:32:43 @SueAnnan Thanks @Sue for accepting us. It was a great initiation to the Twitter PLN world. Hopefully they will joi… https://t.co/IHeOm3JtAl
CsillaBenn 2018-05-30T19:33:44 @SueAnnan We will send you a summary by 12 June. It will be written collaboratively by my trainees. #ELTchat
muranava 2018-05-30T19:46:21 @josephpiechura @Pascalune12 @CsillaBenn beyond the humour, this point hints at the plurilingual-pluricultural (in… https://t.co/N17m3Znv01
Marisa_C 2018-05-31T06:14:00 @CsillaBenn @SueAnnan Please share this writers' guidelines page link amongst your trainees. This will help them wr… https://t.co/6tCjzPirty
tesolmatthew 2018-05-31T14:21:55 @ELTC_TD @SueAnnan Specifically the foreign language they are teaching (plenty of NS English teachers have studied/… https://t.co/InCWkUk0R3
tesolmatthew 2018-05-31T14:23:20 @Pascalune12 I think "snobbism" is a pretty good word for something present in a lot of this - and its source can v… https://t.co/5NjDwmX6Ug
tesolmatthew 2018-05-31T14:25:07 @grebaux Many people would ask / are asking this Q nowadays...and I think it's good. Also, we should expect *slow*… https://t.co/maLWsRYg7s
tesolmatthew 2018-05-31T14:28:36 @CsillaBenn I agree #ELTchat Ideally we both distinguish & don't distinguish between NS + NNS simultaneously, for c… https://t.co/YHkBkI6477
tesolmatthew 2018-05-31T14:31:20 @SueAnnan @Marisa_C @GioLic1976 Similar here in Thailand, where superficial characteristics outweigh other things.… https://t.co/3d8tfDFa9h
tesolmatthew 2018-05-31T14:32:52 @Marisa_C @ELTC_TD oh boy, I hope not too many trainers #ELTchat
tesolmatthew 2018-05-31T14:34:37 @ELTC_TD @SueAnnan @Marisa_C I think that's a whole other layer that deserves being looked at itself! #ELTchat I th… https://t.co/6EmYHat3UC
tesolmatthew 2018-05-31T14:36:58 @Marisa_C Good point - in making this kind of cut n' dry distinction re: NS knowledge/awareness of "grammar" etc. w… https://t.co/KDAHiYYyh8
tesolmatthew 2018-05-31T14:37:30 @SueAnnan @CsillaBenn Agreed - the lowest levels are often the most challenging of all #ELTchat
tesolmatthew 2018-05-31T16:00:22 Relevant to this week’s #ELTchat, which is still in extended slow-burn mode...☝️ https://t.co/TSSLlxzJz1
Marisa_C 2018-05-31T16:10:04 @josephpiechura If the Ss opt to disassociate their L2 learning from any NS variety, then this might have some vali… https://t.co/mcCzBLVwV2


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