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Writing your first Conference Proposal

Page history last edited by sue annan 6 years, 10 months ago
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angelos_bollas 2017-11-01T19:00:46 Who is around for #ELTchat ?Today we discuss Conference speaker proposals. Join us now :-D https://t.co/KfHAVjpZEy
fionaljp 2017-11-01T19:01:23 @angelos_bollas Hi Angelos #ELTchat
angelos_bollas 2017-11-01T19:01:49 @fionaljp Hello Fiona :)Are you in Italy? #ELTchat
fionaljp 2017-11-01T19:02:23 @angelos_bollas No, in London but going to Barcelona tomorrow! #ELTchat
angelos_bollas 2017-11-01T19:02:55 @fionaljp What a life! #ELTchat
angelos_bollas 2017-11-01T19:03:25 What about the rest? Where in the world are you now people of #ELTchat
fionaljp 2017-11-01T19:03:56 @angelos_bollas Sigh….#ELTchat :-)
teacherphili 2017-11-01T19:04:49 @angelos_bollas @fionaljp I'm at home in Norfolk, UK. #ELTchat
angelos_bollas 2017-11-01T19:05:13 @teacherphili @fionaljp Hello Phil :) Welcome #ELTchat
fionaljp 2017-11-01T19:05:22 @angelos_bollas Indeed! #ELTchat Interested in topic but know nothing!
fionaljp 2017-11-01T19:06:01 @teacherphili @angelos_bollas Hi Phil #ELTchat
angelos_bollas 2017-11-01T19:06:06 @fionaljp You? You are a regular conference attendee, aren't you? #ELTchat
teacherphili 2017-11-01T19:06:21 Are we talking solely about proposals to #IATEFL annual conference?  #ELTchat
angelos_bollas 2017-11-01T19:06:39 @teacherphili No, Conference proposals in general #ELTchat
angelos_bollas 2017-11-01T19:07:12 We are talking conference proposals in general but #IATEFL people are welcome to join us :) #ELTchat https://t.co/uNKueKMa9E
fionaljp 2017-11-01T19:08:04 @angelos_bollas No, I wish! Only ever been to two Pre-conferences, for the day each time #ELTchat - very good, loved both.
angelos_bollas 2017-11-01T19:08:27 Many people, especially new(er) colleagues are a bit daunted by the proposal-writing process #ELTchat Any experiences to share?
angelos_bollas 2017-11-01T19:08:45 @fionaljp Plus the conference in Dublin the other year ;) #ELTchat
fionaljp 2017-11-01T19:09:45 @angelos_bollas That was one and the other was Glasgow - oh, and Manchester!!! #ELTchat
teacherphili 2017-11-01T19:09:55 @angelos_bollas Ah! Well I have limited experience of speaking at Conference but I am waiting to hear on my first p… https://t.co/ngt6wQD3tQ
angelos_bollas 2017-11-01T19:12:44 It is this month, isn't it? #ELTchat https://t.co/g1sKIoJnLt
fionaljp 2017-11-01T19:12:54 @angelos_bollas Submitted my first proposal recently - quite difficult to follow the brief and stay within the word limit #ELTchat
angelos_bollas 2017-11-01T19:13:11 What are the things you take into account before writing a conference proposal, then? #ELTchat https://t.co/g1sKIoJnLt
teacherphili 2017-11-01T19:13:45 @angelos_bollas Can't remember exact date but yes think it is.  #bitesnails #ELTchat
angelos_bollas 2017-11-01T19:13:52 @fionaljp What was particularly difficult with following the brief? Many people say that, actually. #ELTchat
Kryftina 2017-11-01T19:14:01 @angelos_bollas Hey #ELTchat! On a bus at the centre of Athens - 'stuck' is the word I think
angelos_bollas 2017-11-01T19:14:28 @Kryftina Welcome Christina :) #ELTchat
Kryftina 2017-11-01T19:15:55 @angelos_bollas Nice to join again - should be doing that more often #ELTchat
teacherphili 2017-11-01T19:16:39 Did my proposal over summer. Lots of rewrites on abstract & summary. Getting an experienced mentor was a key factor b4 submitting #ELTchat
angelos_bollas 2017-11-01T19:16:52 Here's a webinar on how to write an effective proposal (for IATEFL) https://t.co/PZkTgOmdhs #ELTchat
angelos_bollas 2017-11-01T19:17:19 @teacherphili What were the areas that you needed help with? #ELTchat
fionaljp 2017-11-01T19:17:20 @angelos_bollas Mangaging to say what you want to say in a concise way and including all points in brief #ELTchat in e.g.100words
angelos_bollas 2017-11-01T19:18:22 I find very difficult to say 1. What the topic is about and 2. What will the attendees do/get in 100 words. #ELTchat https://t.co/y6hxLVjMER
Marisa_C 2017-11-01T19:18:39 Hi everyone!  I have tons of accepted abstracts and proposals in my hard drive  #eltchat may i should upload somewhere
Kryftina 2017-11-01T19:19:28 @angelos_bollas My facts & relev. data + Audience first #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2017-11-01T19:19:54 but no recipe #eltchat  Was checking the web just now - tons of pages with advice nothing concrete or useful tome
fionaljp 2017-11-01T19:20:37 @angelos_bollas Yes, but I can see a necessary step #ELTchat Probably not a lot about process is easy!
fionaljp 2017-11-01T19:21:13 @Kryftina @angelos_bollas Hello #ELTchat
angelos_bollas 2017-11-01T19:22:16 No recipe and each conference is different and looks for different 'styles' #ELTchat  This also difficult https://t.co/xOuO8x3LM4
teacherphili 2017-11-01T19:23:34 @angelos_bollas Making sure that proposal was relevant, appealing and would be informative. #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2017-11-01T19:25:36 I think for the abstract, a good idea is to go through a past conference book and see which ones  drew you in &why #eltchat this is personal
angelos_bollas 2017-11-01T19:25:55 True - Especially in the States - very different mindset #ELTchat https://t.co/gwBePmfUxP
angelos_bollas 2017-11-01T19:26:35 That's a good point - And most of those are available online these days #ELTchat https://t.co/uHAqCSKU65
Marisa_C 2017-11-01T19:27:34 Then for the main summary describe the broad sections or parts of your talk & open or  close with how u think it benefits audience #ELTchat
Kryftina 2017-11-01T19:27:40 @angelos_bollas Yes - good thing though, we need experience in different mindsets #ELTchat
angelos_bollas 2017-11-01T19:27:43 When reading/selecting abstracts, I am a bit hesitant with people who write things like "I will share my experience..." etc. #ELTchat
angelos_bollas 2017-11-01T19:28:37 I also try to include different patterns of interaction in summary section. Some confs don't like lecture-mode talk… https://t.co/ZPzjcJ6WAC
Marisa_C 2017-11-01T19:29:56 Most of us don't present research which has a different layout and direction - so think of it like a lesson plan :-) #ELTchat
teacherphili 2017-11-01T19:30:56 @angelos_bollas Yes, all very well presenting your own practice or research but what are the so-called take-aways for the audience. #eltchat
angelos_bollas 2017-11-01T19:31:27 @Marisa_C You mean for the summary? A plan-like summary shows we've thought through what we are talking about - jus… https://t.co/UGw0eJzJTZ
angelos_bollas 2017-11-01T19:31:55 @teacherphili Very true! That's my concern, as well. #ELTchat
Kryftina 2017-11-01T19:32:24 @angelos_bollas There might be sth there about ownership - to me 3rd person comes more naturally, but could be wrong #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2017-11-01T19:32:47 @angelos_bollas yes  for the summary #eltchat
angelos_bollas 2017-11-01T19:34:11 @Kryftina things like "this talk aims..." etc. ? #ELTchat
angelos_bollas 2017-11-01T19:36:18 What could conference organisers do to help us with this process? #ELTchat
Kryftina 2017-11-01T19:37:02 @teacherphili @angelos_bollas Presentation format plays a part, doesn't it? When attending a talk, I expect at leas… https://t.co/v0fHoaBEYd
angelos_bollas 2017-11-01T19:37:45 @Kryftina @teacherphili Is this something you would write in the abstract though? Not enough words for all the info :-/ #ELTchat
angelos_bollas 2017-11-01T19:38:09 @teacherphili talked about a mentorship scheme - other ideas? #ELTchat https://t.co/qQixjw3mty
Kryftina 2017-11-01T19:38:22 @angelos_bollas Yes, of that sort - too impersonal perhaps, depending on where I'm applying #ELTchat
angelos_bollas 2017-11-01T19:38:57 @Kryftina Could you explain 'depends on where I am applying' a bit please? #ELTchat
Kryftina 2017-11-01T19:39:48 @angelos_bollas @teacherphili I'd certainly try to. V difficult, I totally agree. #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2017-11-01T19:39:59 Conferences organisers do not print summaries, just abstracts - too costly.BUT w/ electronic publications, now poss… https://t.co/YzY1zTPEiB
Kryftina 2017-11-01T19:41:55 @angelos_bollas If it's local or for a conf I've applied before - we get accustomed to expectations #ELTchat
angelos_bollas 2017-11-01T19:42:21 Who is your intended audience when writing a proposal? The proposals committee or the conference attendees? #ELTchat
angelos_bollas 2017-11-01T19:45:42 When I first started writing proposals, I had the committee in mind but now I think of the audience more #ELTchat Y… https://t.co/MX7393unuc
Marisa_C 2017-11-01T19:46:53 The abstract is for both - in the programme - the summary is for the committee #eltchat - #ELTchat - my IDEAS are a… https://t.co/MXZ42cFIdO
Kryftina 2017-11-01T19:47:12 @angelos_bollas Both. Sth that w/ make goals clear & so I won't have to write dif versions. #ELTchat
angelos_bollas 2017-11-01T19:49:07 Are there any tips for first-timers? #ELTchat
Kryftina 2017-11-01T19:49:43 @angelos_bollas When I'm reviewing, I look for the same. #ELTchat
teacherphili 2017-11-01T19:53:04 @angelos_bollas Find an experienced conference speaker as mentor. I've been lucky to get both a mentor on proposal… https://t.co/11pbheKNWf
angelos_bollas 2017-11-01T19:53:50 This is indeed very helpful. #ELTchat I find 'How to' webinars to be very helpful, as well. #ELTchat https://t.co/q5enZP3JA0
angelos_bollas 2017-11-01T19:56:51 It is about time we end this #ELTchat but we will be on slowburn mode for the next 24hours. Looking forward to contributions
angelos_bollas 2017-11-01T19:57:15 If there is anyone here willing to write a summary, please send me a tweet ;) #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2017-11-01T19:57:28 I always try to use clear section headings in my summaries - summary readers are ppl like u and me - make it easier for them #eltchat
fionaljp 2017-11-01T19:57:43 @angelos_bollas #ELTchat Just Googled and this looks useful: https://t.co/aUD0EDAZFs
Marisa_C 2017-11-01T19:59:29 by @JoeMcVeigh :-)  I like the one abt not writing online - have lost a couple of summaries that way #eltchat https://t.co/0TbYgLduI1
angelos_bollas 2017-11-01T20:00:37 @Marisa_C @JoeMcVeigh Haha - Same here. Also, I don't have a record which is a pity. #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2017-11-01T20:00:50 @JoeMcVeigh do add any extra words of wisdom abt good conf proposals in #ELTchat #slowburn more if u  have any :-)
Kryftina 2017-11-01T20:05:54 @angelos_bollas Good timing - bye for now #ELTchat
jibran11 2017-11-01T21:42:52 as a recent #celta grad .. can anyone please help me fix my cv? theres plenty in it and I would like to know what to remove from it #ELTchat
bcteal 2017-11-01T22:02:36 We just had a webinar on conference proposals and sessions which was given by @MarrWalsh and @tanyaploquin… https://t.co/FpUDa8HeIe
tesolmatthew 2017-11-01T23:57:19 @angelos_bollas Good Q. I’d say it’s both...and in some way I guess the later nested in the former? #ELTchat
tesolmatthew 2017-11-01T23:57:40 @mitchell_jamesd @teacherphili @angelos_bollas Yeah - what @teacherphili said! #ELTchat
ITLegge 2017-11-02T07:52:05 @Marisa_C Would be great - even an official post-conference blog with all the summaries. Also better for inclusive… https://t.co/ATa7XPeVCW
Kryftina 2017-11-02T09:33:51 @teacherphili @angelos_bollas Been thinking how great that sounds...how easily can you find a conf mentor? Did you… https://t.co/mVpAvEm0tW
angelos_bollas 2017-11-02T10:39:52 @bcteal @MarrWalsh @tanyaploquin Thanks for sharing. :) #ELTchat
angelos_bollas 2017-11-02T10:40:51 @tesolmatthew Sure, I just think it might affect the way one writes the proposal #ELTchat
angelos_bollas 2017-11-02T10:42:22 @ITLegge @Marisa_C I guess people would have to give their permission for their summaries to be shared but this wou… https://t.co/cNUZS9IMm4
angelos_bollas 2017-11-02T10:43:04 @Kryftina @teacherphili IATEFL gives you the opportunity to ask for one. When you submit a proposal you  tick a box… https://t.co/LXMX5jdfsB
Kryftina 2017-11-02T10:54:09 @angelos_bollas @teacherphili A good example for conf organisers to follow. I know of a few mentor networks, but no… https://t.co/Q4Z5so0VDr
seburnt 2017-11-02T13:26:37 @angelos_bollas @tesolmatthew For the abstract: conference committee; for the summary that goes in the programme: t… https://t.co/fN1byeYIYj
seburnt 2017-11-02T13:38:48 @angelos_bollas @ITLegge @Marisa_C Isn't submitting as a proposal permission enough? The abstract (I always confuse… https://t.co/jOUNbp30T4


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