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Assessing Writing

Page history last edited by sue annan 7 years, 7 months ago
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ELTchat 2017-03-01T18:52:18 @TeresaBestwick suggests... yes more please - #eltchat - what do u think about this one https://t.co/F6GQJ8kGwu
naomishema 2017-03-01T18:59:53 Assesing writing works for me too! #ELTchat
TeresaBestwick 2017-03-01T19:00:13 @Marisa_C @naomishema I'd be interested in one on assessing writing :) #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2017-03-01T19:01:57 assessing writing- not necessarily in large classes? #ELTchat
MoreMsJackson 2017-03-01T19:02:15 @ELTchat New to #ELTchat so I don't know what's been discussed before, how about very small classes of 2-5? Eg. Where do you monitor from?
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:02:46 @SueAnnan yes i like that idea large classes can be mentioned at some point i guess? #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2017-03-01T19:03:30 okay. Let's kick off. What kind of writing do your sts do? #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:03:33 @MoreMsJackson me from Athens Greece - @SueAnnan fro the YOUKAY :-) #ELTchat
TeresaBestwick 2017-03-01T19:04:22 In Spain :) Learners mainly doing exam prep writing PET/FCE and ISE II for me this year #ELTchat
Tesol21 2017-03-01T19:04:23 writing for and agains essays, stories, #eltchat
Tesol21 2017-03-01T19:04:43 letters- formal and informal #eltchat
SueAnnan 2017-03-01T19:05:00 @TeresaBestwick do you use rubrics for marking exam writing? #ELTchat
naomishema 2017-03-01T19:05:43 We have to assess writing with a rubric: content, mechanics, vocabulary and language. Strong Ss write 120 words for finals. #ELTchat
TeresaBestwick 2017-03-01T19:05:55 @SueAnnan Yes, we've adapted Cambridge/Trinity rubrics for self-assessment then teacher comes in and double-checks #ELTchat
naomishema 2017-03-01T19:06:48 How do students self check? They don't know if they've used vocabulary items incorrectly, for example. Could you explain? #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2017-03-01T19:07:12 @naomishema I was just going to ask that #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:07:30 Can anyone report on the new online website cambridge are promoting for assessing and supporting writign #ELTchat
Tesol21 2017-03-01T19:07:32 Have you received any training in  marking PET/FCE papers? #eltchat
SueAnnan 2017-03-01T19:08:49 @Marisa_C is it for teachers or students? #ELTchat
TeresaBestwick 2017-03-01T19:09:02 @naomishema We get them to check if the lexis is good for level e.g. give 5 examples of B2 vocabulary https://t.co/CwKSoz2KQz #ELTchat 1/2
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:09:18 Writing for exams or any type of writing u do in class - if u do it in class that is. Do you? or set it as HW? #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2017-03-01T19:09:21 remember to use the hashtag #ELTchat https://t.co/bopx6KNoUT
Yehya_edu 2017-03-01T19:09:23 @SueAnnan @naomishema that can be done through students' team work as an activity#ELTchat
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:09:53 @SueAnnan for students #eltchat will look - some ppl have good things to say tho haven't tested it myself
SueAnnan 2017-03-01T19:09:59 @Yehya_edu @naomishema It would depend on the level and ability of the students though #ELTchat
TeresaBestwick 2017-03-01T19:10:14 @Marisa_C Not tried it yet...#ELTchat
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:11:17 It's called 'Write & Improve" & claims to give Ss feedback in seconds - link: https://t.co/wbiOJNnnDx #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:11:42 May suit large classes - less marking for teachers #ELTchat https://t.co/ZU9N2dWUis
MoreMsJackson 2017-03-01T19:11:52 @Marisa_C Rarely do writing in class. We do all the setup, Ss make an outline and write it at home. Any class writing is in pairs. #eltchat
WriteandImprove 2017-03-01T19:11:55 @Marisa_C #ELTchat that's https://t.co/h3MP3bXn7f We'd love to have your thoughts!
SueAnnan 2017-03-01T19:12:01 could be useful for exam students to try out #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:12:49 @WriteandImprove Hi just shared this on #ELTchat - will share and let you know - cheers
Yehya_edu 2017-03-01T19:12:52 @SueAnnan @naomishema even for beginners it would help them to evaluate or self-correct I guess #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2017-03-01T19:13:37 @Yehya_edu @naomishema I'm not sure. My students wouldn't be able to recognise their own, or each others' mistakes at the moment #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:13:49 @MoreMsJackson Some writing & peer-marking in class highly desirable at training stage - e.g. when learning a new genre #eltchat later as HW
naomishema 2017-03-01T19:13:50 This link that was just shared - why does it want to connect my twitter account? #ELTchat
HaydabAhmed 2017-03-01T19:13:56 @naomishema how about integrating technology into the class i.e MALL to check spelling or grammar of their writing? #ELTchat
Yehya_edu 2017-03-01T19:14:54 @SueAnnan @naomishema the good idea, I think, the teacher then will comment and give them feedback about what they already done #ELTchat
TeresaBestwick 2017-03-01T19:15:16 Sorry, can't get whole page in an image. This is a self-assessment for ISE II #ELTchat https://t.co/3ej74BvEXG
Tesol21 2017-03-01T19:15:40 @SueAnnan I agree, I wouldn't ask my students to mark each others writing #eltchat
WriteandImprove 2017-03-01T19:15:48 @Marisa_C #ELTchat designed exclusively for EFL learners for self-study and in class. Spots common learner errors and gives automatic fdback
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:16:08 I like the idea of self-checking checklists #ELTchat https://t.co/7nv65Vm6u6
MoreMsJackson 2017-03-01T19:16:09 @Marisa_C Yes, this is often part of the practice before an assessed writing done at home. Hadn't realised that's what I do, thanks #eltchat
naomishema 2017-03-01T19:16:12 My Ss have poor language skills in L1, they sometimes recognize rule based errors like "a" before singular noun but never vocab #ELTchat
Yehya_edu 2017-03-01T19:16:18 @Tesol21 personally no, have you Pam? #ELTchat
HaydabAhmed 2017-03-01T19:16:25 @SueAnnan @naomishema how about integrating technology into the class i.e MALL to check spelling or grammar of their writing? #ELTchat
TeresaBestwick 2017-03-01T19:17:34 @naomishema Yep, I think it's tricky to self-correct errors, even if you know what your common mistakes are #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2017-03-01T19:17:59 My trainees r about to start analysing written stuff from profilees. After work on error corrctn and causes of written howlers #ELTChat
Tesol21 2017-03-01T19:17:59 @Yehya_edu I mark my students' writing myslef #eltchat
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:18:01 I like that idea - also use other online tools such as online dictionaries, concordancers, maybe even grammar check… https://t.co/cPH4qaLIAZ
Tesol21 2017-03-01T19:18:44 @HaydabAhmed Do you mean using online dictionaries?  #eltchat
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:18:56 @WriteandImprove do u have any research data you can share on learner comments? #ELTchat
TeresaBestwick 2017-03-01T19:19:07 I think a benefit of self-assessment is it raises awareness of what examiners are looking for #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2017-03-01T19:19:27 @Marisa_C Not all students have access to tech #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:19:29 those too - see my tweet #ELTchat https://t.co/WlUrJNAu8i
Tesol21 2017-03-01T19:19:42 @ HaydabAhmed Using technology to check spelling sounds like a good idea #eltchat
Yehya_edu 2017-03-01T19:19:54 @Tesol21 How about let your students do self-checking then you mark or give them a feedback?#ELTchat
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:20:02 True - but some do and more and more will in future #ELTchat https://t.co/gsKCHYXCST
naomishema 2017-03-01T19:20:32 individual score cards 2 keep track & see if repeating mistakes less. Like third person verb "s" - how many forgotten each time? #eltchat
Tesol21 2017-03-01T19:20:34 True, we first need to make sure we have that possibility to use tech in the classroom #eltchat
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:20:52 good idea #eltchat - hold mark back till THEY assign one - and they are always very very strict :-D #ELTchat https://t.co/uVxIRCihLE
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:21:02 RT @Tesol21: True, we first need to make sure we have that possibility to use tech in the classroom #eltchat
Tesol21 2017-03-01T19:21:11 I think self-checking will confuse students #eltchat
Yehya_edu 2017-03-01T19:21:29 @SueAnnan @naomishema in this case @HaydabAhmed their ability will rely on technology! Agree? #ELTchat
naomishema 2017-03-01T19:21:58 Maybe just sometimes? As a different take on things? #ELTchat https://t.co/UfvNf0Ecnj
MoreMsJackson 2017-03-01T19:22:50 Peer checking: How do you do it? I train Ss to give 2 comments to FB on each peers' work. 1 positive comment & 1 "thing to improve" #eltchat
fionaljp 2017-03-01T19:22:59 Self/peer checking good to encourage autonomy #ELTchat
naomishema 2017-03-01T19:23:00 The danger with using technology isn't, IMHO that they go on social media but rather Google translate for entire pages!!! #ELTchat
HaydabAhmed 2017-03-01T19:23:22 @Marisa_C It's useful with Ss. But the Q. is if we integrate Tech. to self-chek their writing, how can we avoid Ss distraction? #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:23:58 @MoreMsJackson @fionaljp @HaydabAhmed I think autonomy needs some training b4 u let ss loose #eltchat but an important goal
Tesol21 2017-03-01T19:24:04 If you have many studnets in the class you wont be able to monitor all of them #eltchat
TeresaBestwick 2017-03-01T19:24:06 I blogged recently on assessing writing...feel free to add more pros/cons and comments :) https://t.co/EGkPFTj6Jp #ELTchat
Tesol21 2017-03-01T19:24:20 and check if they are not google translating #eltchat
Yehya_edu 2017-03-01T19:24:37 @Marisa_C yes.. and then they would be able to know the criteria and their mistakes at the same time!#ELTchat
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:24:46 @HaydabAhmed Also not ALL lessons need same - some with T check some with peer check - this means writing a mini syllabus #ELTchat
Tesol21 2017-03-01T19:25:01 maybe we should stick to traditional dictionaries rather than online ones #eltchat
HaydabAhmed 2017-03-01T19:25:37 @Tesol21 yes and there're loads if sofware for grammer chekcing as well #eltchat
Hajar0KSA 2017-03-01T19:26:31 @fionaljp I agree with you but should we explain criterias of marking to them?#ELTchat
MoreMsJackson 2017-03-01T19:26:34 @Marisa_C @fionaljp @HaydabAhmed Yes, I've a ppt to guide Ss through, eg. content FB first & model comments - eg."Nice use of adjs" #eltchat
Yehya_edu 2017-03-01T19:26:56 @Tesol21 this will be solve by divine them into group... #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:27:19 @Hajar0KSA @fionaljp good point - i would say 'YES" and train with examples how criteria shd be used #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:28:07 @WriteandImprove great - thanks! #eltchat
Tesol21 2017-03-01T19:28:10 @Hajar0KSA I think it would be useful if they knew your marking criteria #eltchat
fionaljp 2017-03-01T19:28:25 @Hajar0KSA It’s a necessity - they need to know what they are being assessed on #ELTchat
naomishema 2017-03-01T19:28:55 It's important 2 make Ss aware of the pros and cons of online dictionaries. They r a part of life today. #ELTchat https://t.co/PziL6LhVFA
Tesol21 2017-03-01T19:29:01 @Hajar0KSA knowing marking criteria= improving your writing #eltchat
SueAnnan 2017-03-01T19:29:46 Some kind of checklist would be useful, so that sts can check off their writing alone #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:30:15 @WriteandImprove great - see you there - will recognise you from? - a T-shirt perhaps?  :-D #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:30:45 RT @fionaljp: @Hajar0KSA It’s a necessity - they need to know what they are being assessed on #ELTchat
EmadAbdelhamid4 2017-03-01T19:30:51 @naomishema #eltchat I agree but there could be more danger on social media than google translate for YLs
HaydabAhmed 2017-03-01T19:31:03 @Marisa_C Sure T role is undeniable but with younger Ss it'd be more effective to expose them to self-check their writing via Tech #eltchat
jonjoTESOL 2017-03-01T19:31:28 @naomishema I encourage online dictionaries, even in class. They are a quick & efficent way for Ss to carry on with their learning #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:31:50 @naomishema rats Naomi not a clue why i can't see ur tweets on tweetdeck - drives me nuts!!! #ELTchat
TeresaBestwick 2017-03-01T19:31:54 RT @Tesol21: @Hajar0KSA knowing marking criteria= improving your writing #eltchat
Yehya_edu 2017-03-01T19:32:04 During the writing process, students need to focus on writing skills instead of thinking how to assess writing of their peers!  #eltchat
MoreMsJackson 2017-03-01T19:32:08 @naomishema Yes, train them to use the dictionaries wisely instead of outright dissuading. Again it's back to learner training. #eltchat
jonjoTESOL 2017-03-01T19:32:46 @EmadAbdelhamid4 #ELTchat valid point about the affordances offered by both technologies! what are your exps with Google translate w/ Ss?
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:32:56 @HaydabAhmed #ELTchat - I think YLs a different kettle of fish - completely!!! May be a different chat #eltchat
EmadAbdelhamid4 2017-03-01T19:33:36 @SueAnnan #eltchat  Gd practice! We also need to teach them how to correct their peers and give them feedback
Tesol21 2017-03-01T19:33:48 so how can we protect Sts from all online dangers? #eltchat
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:33:54 @jonjoTESOL @EmadAbdelhamid4 don't use it other than needing a quick instruction translated, say, in Farsi #ELTchat
jonjoTESOL 2017-03-01T19:34:33 @Tesol21 #eltchat delete the internet
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:34:47 @WriteandImprove i was just talking abt that - running courses in Athens tho - unlikely! :-( #ELTchat
Tesol21 2017-03-01T19:34:57 What if they correct their peers' writing incorreclty #eltchat
Tesol21 2017-03-01T19:35:14 by correcting things that shouldn't be corrected #eltchat
SueAnnan 2017-03-01T19:35:31 @Tesol21 yes. That would be my worry #ELTchat
jonjoTESOL 2017-03-01T19:35:33 @Yehya_edu #ELTchat why not both? :D
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:35:56 @Tesol21 Again that's a different topic altogether #eltchat - E-Safety now a regular part of the curriculum in UK schools
naomishema 2017-03-01T19:36:17 I ask again about this "write & improve" link. I can't see what it does as it wants full access to twitter account! #ELTchat
MoreMsJackson 2017-03-01T19:36:22 @Tesol21 Encourage content feedback before getting into language FB. The latter is more sensitive and more complicated. #eltchat
Hajar0KSA 2017-03-01T19:36:30 @Yehya_edu absolutely because some students may accept feedback from the teacher not from their colleagues #ELTchat
Tesol21 2017-03-01T19:37:12 I think our aim should be to help sts learn how to write rather than how to peer-correct #eltchat
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:37:21 Agree - awareness raising of criteria, surely improves OWN writing #ELTchat https://t.co/XxBxsyRhHZ
EmadAbdelhamid4 2017-03-01T19:37:22 @jonjoTESOL #eltchat Google translate is gd 4 translating words and phrases but I doubt it would be accurate with long sentences & its gist
jonjoTESOL 2017-03-01T19:37:43 @SueAnnan @EmadAbdelhamid4 A tried and tested method that works - simple and effective! #ELTchat
naomishema 2017-03-01T19:38:21 Exactly what we need 2 show the Ss so they will grasp that fact! #ELTchat https://t.co/3P4I29x1kO
SueAnnan 2017-03-01T19:38:43 What about new teachers? How can we help them give correction for writing? #ELTchat
MoreMsJackson 2017-03-01T19:39:06 @Hajar0KSA @Yehya_edu But why do we write? To be read. Are other Ss readers? Yes, so their content FB is valid. < What I say to Ss #eltchat
AwarenessBot 2017-03-01T19:39:35 RT @Marisa_C: Agree - awareness raising of criteria, surely improves OWN writing #ELTchat https://t.co/XxBxsyRhHZ
MoreMsJackson 2017-03-01T19:40:41 @SueAnnan Follow up question: To use a correction code or not to use a correction code? #eltchat
naomishema 2017-03-01T19:40:45 Do you have Ss hand in corrected versions? If it is  a graded task I give extra 5 points for handing in corrected version  #eltchat
lexicoloco 2017-03-01T19:41:26 @Marisa_C #ELTchat the correct link is https://t.co/EKbdyI2k5X Thank you for your interest.
HaydabAhmed 2017-03-01T19:41:27 @MoreMsJackson Excellent idea! But how can u avoid their distraction? #ELTchat Using the whiteboard might be a safer option.
Yehya_edu 2017-03-01T19:41:31 @MoreMsJackson @Hajar0KSA totally agree #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:41:39 Very nice question #eltchat https://t.co/I2kHrZE7VF
EmadAbdelhamid4 2017-03-01T19:41:46 @SueAnnan #eltchat maybe by observing more experienced Ts. They also need 2 know not every single mistake should be corrected.
jonjoTESOL 2017-03-01T19:41:52 @Tesol21 #ELTchat a good question - Ss need the confidence to disagree with other Ss assessment of their work
SueAnnan 2017-03-01T19:41:52 @MoreMsJackson it is a quick and simple way to focus eyes on mistakes #ELTchat
MoreMsJackson 2017-03-01T19:42:06 @naomishema Yes, I bump Ss grade for redrafting too #eltchat
naomishema 2017-03-01T19:43:04 There's a problem with that! Ss will say U R a BAD T & think u didn't recognize some mistakes which they later disc… https://t.co/64oL8fO4Nq
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:43:10 @MoreMsJackson @naomishema I like that idea #ELTchat not enough REwriting encouraged in classes - possibly because Ts are paid so badly?
MoreMsJackson 2017-03-01T19:43:16 @HaydabAhmed Learning training - I have a ppt I project to guide them through. Get them to tick every sentence that's clear etc #eltchat
fionaljp 2017-03-01T19:44:09 @SueAnnan Share own ideas, encourage them to ask other teachers for their ideas, encourage them to gain knowledge of exam criteria, #ELTchat
MoreMsJackson 2017-03-01T19:44:45 @SueAnnan Can be. Never heard of it until I started teaching EAP, 2+ years into my teaching. Do you think it's new T-friendly? #eltchat
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:44:51 Since we are talking about writing, may a pause the proceedings briefly, like NOWand ask for a summary writer? #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2017-03-01T19:45:19 @MoreMsJackson possibly. I have one my trainee teachers use #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2017-03-01T19:45:58 Please-someone offer to write a summary of this chat #ELTchat https://t.co/3qGgPwRXzL
MoreMsJackson 2017-03-01T19:46:02 @Marisa_C @naomishema It's easier to mark if both drafts are submitted. But yes, takes time. #ELTchat
naomishema 2017-03-01T19:46:08 Side note - don't encourage a lot of different colored highlight markings - even mildly learning disabled Ss freak out from this #ELTchat
jonjoTESOL 2017-03-01T19:46:22 @Marisa_C @MoreMsJackson @naomishema and because syllabus + time is always limited! always another english point to cover #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2017-03-01T19:46:54 @naomishema good point. Better to use a code? #ELTchat
EmadAbdelhamid4 2017-03-01T19:47:01 @Yehya_edu #eltchat I agree but some Ss learn better when they see others mistakes and by correcting it. We can learn from others mistakes.
MoreMsJackson 2017-03-01T19:47:03 @SueAnnan Would be interested to hear. As I newbie I used to hate marking writing. #eltchat
Tesol21 2017-03-01T19:48:16 @EmadAbdelhamid4  Sts might not recognise others' mistakes #eltchat
MoreMsJackson 2017-03-01T19:48:27 @EmadAbdelhamid4 @Yehya_edu How about T boards some sentences for whole class FB though? #eltchat
jonjoTESOL 2017-03-01T19:48:28 @naomishema There has to be a point where the Ts shouldnt care about what the S thinks about them! We r educators, not best mates. #ELTchat
Tesol21 2017-03-01T19:48:48 @EmadAbdelhamid4 and correct what is not wrong #eltchat
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:49:23 For a light-hearted introduction to error correction codes ('cos it can all get tooo heavy!! ) one i have used to m… https://t.co/EKyG9JkhqJ
naomishema 2017-03-01T19:49:56 @jonjoTESOL But that is the differene between correcting classwork & written work, & whether it is graded or not. #ELTchat
Yehya_edu 2017-03-01T19:50:36 Additionally, peer correction has psychological issue among students. Peer correction normally isn't welcomed  by adult! #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2017-03-01T19:50:43 @Tesol21 @EmadAbdelhamid4 My sts had fun with an exercise the other day. Had theybeen corrctng each other wd have failed miserably #ELTchat
Tesol21 2017-03-01T19:50:46 @Marisa_C  I love the codes  #eltchat
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:51:14 Then Ss can make their own codes or use a standard one #ELTchat
MoreMsJackson 2017-03-01T19:52:10 @naomishema Interesting! How many colours would you limit? Like to use 2 to differentiate content/structure FB from grammar/vocab #eltchat
SueAnnan 2017-03-01T19:52:27 Noone has yet volunteered to write the summary :-( #ELTchat
Tesol21 2017-03-01T19:52:36 @Yehya_edu and younger learners are not advanced enough to do peer correction #eltchat
Yehya_edu 2017-03-01T19:52:57 @EmadAbdelhamid4 as long as they know the mistake they don't need to learn anything from it! #ELTchat
EmadAbdelhamid4 2017-03-01T19:52:59 @Tesol21 #ELTchat this could happen, that's why teachers are there in the classroom to monitor, take notes and give feedback
naomishema 2017-03-01T19:53:02 @Marisa_C Awesome code!! Great humor!! #ELTchat
Tesol21 2017-03-01T19:53:11 peer correction might possibly work with advanced leanres only  #eltchat
Tesol21 2017-03-01T19:53:46 but content feedback/correction might work with all learners #eltchat
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:54:06 @Tesol21 @Yehya_edu may be THEY can use colours (YL's)  but like this Blue=BIIIIIG mistake red= BIGGISG green=who cares? #ELTchat
naomishema 2017-03-01T19:54:21 @MoreMsJackson 2 colors tops but shape could B more helpful. Underlining vs circling, all in one color that is different from text. #ELTchat
Tesol21 2017-03-01T19:54:27 @EmadAbdelhamid4  if you have a class of 25 students monitoring isn't easy #eltchat
Yehya_edu 2017-03-01T19:54:27 @Tesol21 yes, then it's teachers' decision if their students are able to check and evaluate! #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:54:49 @naomishema you like my new one? Blue=Biiiiig Mistake!!! Green= Who cares? #ELTchat
fionaljp 2017-03-01T19:55:24 Changing focus but have encouraged EAP learners to join :https://t.co/pQyESop8u3✓&q=english+academic+writing&commit=Search+courses #ELTchat
MoreMsJackson 2017-03-01T19:55:42 @naomishema Shape is a good one. At the moment I mostly teach YL and correct in their fave colours. #eltchat
Tesol21 2017-03-01T19:55:52 Would you correct students' writing using a RED pen? #eltchat
naomishema 2017-03-01T19:55:53 @Marisa_C @Tesol21 @Yehya_edu Love that, then r encouraged not worry about every mistake. Easy to remember! #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:55:58 Summary writer pls? This has been a very useful #eltchat though we decided on the topic at the last minute! Thank you!
SueAnnan 2017-03-01T19:56:09 @fionaljp I like future learn courses They are well put together #ELTchat
naomishema 2017-03-01T19:56:43 I use purple or green for corrections #ELTchat https://t.co/qMzbWNjK7d
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:57:08 @MoreMsJackson @Tesol21 I like the idea of their fave colours may be with glitter? #ELTchat
HaydabAhmed 2017-03-01T19:57:22 @Yehya_edu True but u should encourge it with different tools Ss would like (i.e using Twitter to correct & give positive comment) #ELTchat
MoreMsJackson 2017-03-01T19:57:24 @Tesol21 I prefer green. For YLs I use their fave colour. #eltchat
jonjoTESOL 2017-03-01T19:58:19 @Tesol21 @EmadAbdelhamid4 it happens everyday in British public schools teaching english and literacy #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:58:28 TWO minutes to go summary writer or I won't speak to you again #eltchat :-D
Tesol21 2017-03-01T19:59:24 @MoreMsJackson  Do you think that using red makes sts stressed?  #eltchat
SueAnnan 2017-03-01T19:59:25 #ELTChat is about to move over into slowburn mode. You can continue adding content for the next 24 hours. #ELTchat
naomishema 2017-03-01T19:59:36 I've got a huge pile of excellent excuses, beautifully written, LOL! Sorry, seriously can't do the summary. Apologies! #ELTchat
MoreMsJackson 2017-03-01T19:59:36 @Marisa_C @Tesol21 Nice idea for primary. My lower secondary love green and blue (I use light blue). Not scientific though! #eltchat
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T19:59:45 @SueAnnan I think I have lost us everyone with my last remark #ELTchat
Yehya_edu 2017-03-01T19:59:54 @EmadAbdelhamid4 @Tesol21 also young students will learn from each other #ELTchat
Yehya_edu 2017-03-01T20:00:54 This would help #ELTchat @HaydabAhmed
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T20:00:55 Going into #Eltchatslowburn now thank you all for joining us - offer to write a summary and we will celebrate you #eltchat keep talking :-)
Tesol21 2017-03-01T20:01:33 @Yehya_edu should we start a new topic? It's slowburn now #eltchat
SueAnnan 2017-03-01T20:01:58 Thanks for sharing your time to chat tonight. SEe you next week #ELTchat
naomishema 2017-03-01T20:02:21 Great chatting with you all - good night! #ELTchat
EmadAbdelhamid4 2017-03-01T20:02:34 @SueAnnan @Tesol21 #eltchat Gd point! The feedback then could be done by you in the following class or by writing common errors on the board
HaydabAhmed 2017-03-01T20:04:28 @Yehya_edu @SueAnnan @naomishema  Not really. Using Tech. is an effective way to get them exposed to Self-checking. #ELTchat
TeresaBestwick 2017-03-01T20:06:41 RT @Marisa_C: @MoreMsJackson @Tesol21 I like the idea of their fave colours may be with glitter? #ELTchat
Tesol21 2017-03-01T20:07:14 @HaydabAhmed using technology is good but overusing it might not be the best idea #eltchat
fionaljp 2017-03-01T20:08:52 @Marisa_C LOL! What does straight up to us mean? #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T20:09:46 @fionaljp like.... send to me via email? What people do when they haven't got a blod :-D #Eltchat straight up yeah
MoreMsJackson 2017-03-01T20:09:55 @Tesol21 Not sure. My YLs probably see a lot of red at school. Does it hurt to mix it up? #eltchat
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T20:11:36 So true-no tech for the sake of tech - it should serve a real pedagogic reason and be a principled choice rather th… https://t.co/ZnNABkkEFl
fionaljp 2017-03-01T20:12:28 @Marisa_C Aha, #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T20:14:16 Time to go excellent folks - see u all next week. Thanks ever so much for another stimulating #ELTchat Keep talking @tesolmatthew here soon
EmadAbdelhamid4 2017-03-01T20:15:19 @naomishema #ELTCHAT Thanks, Night
fionaljp 2017-03-01T20:17:13 @Marisa_C Night #ELTchat Thanks
HaydabAhmed 2017-03-01T20:21:46 @Tesol21 V. true this is why we should be critical in integarting any technological tools with regards to Ss needs & context #ELTchat
EmadAbdelhamid4 2017-03-01T20:25:50 @Tesol21 and they might do #eltchat
Tesol21 2017-03-01T20:27:28 @HaydabAhmed It would be good if teachers were made aware of how technologies should be used and of any tech-related dangers #eltchat
EmadAbdelhamid4 2017-03-01T20:27:40 @Marisa_C @jonjoTESOL and hopefully works fine #eltchat
Tesol21 2017-03-01T20:31:51 @HaydabAhmed It would be good if teachers were made aware of how technologies should be used and of any tech-related dangers #eltchat
tesolmatthew 2017-03-01T20:44:05 @Marisa_C yeah! So I've been crazy busy - what's our topic this week?  #ELTchat
HaydabAhmed 2017-03-01T20:53:55 @Tesol21 yes but I don't think it's a huge obstacle as teachers can educate or aware themselves. #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T21:25:28 @tesolmatthew Hey Matthew - we looked at assessing writing and ways of T and peer assesment were very much in focus. #eltchat you're on!!!
Marisa_C 2017-03-01T21:27:00 @TomasYambi We talked about it and you can add your thoughts and comments or questions in the #slowburn #eltchat part
tesolmatthew 2017-03-01T21:30:37 @Marisa_C sounds good  I'll review the convo & maaaaybe have a few follow up Qs and thoughts to continue the thread in sloooowburn #ELTchat
HaydabAhmed 2017-03-01T23:28:49 Very useful indeed! #ELTchat https://t.co/KjMQiYAKBc
SophiaMav 2017-03-01T23:55:47 RT @HaydabAhmed: Very useful indeed! #ELTchat https://t.co/KjMQiYAKBc
tesolmatthew 2017-03-02T02:33:31 @Tesol21 I tend to use green or purple! #ELTchat Do ppl avoid red too? Just seems so....obvious...
tesolmatthew 2017-03-02T02:34:11 @Tesol21 @MoreMsJackson I think there may well be a negative association with red corrections #ELTchat
MoreMsJackson 2017-03-02T06:38:24 @tesolmatthew @Tesol21 Just cos it's often used to mark, or red's used for STOP etc? Would using green long term become a -ve too? #ELTchat
tesolmatthew 2017-03-02T06:41:18 @MoreMsJackson @Tesol21 perhaps, so just keep shifting colors so it doesn't calcify into associative negativity #ELTchat
MoreMsJackson 2017-03-02T06:44:13 @tesolmatthew @Tesol21 I do that with primary Ss, just in case. Love my multicoloured fineliners! Sometimes think I shd read up tho #eltchat
kamilaofprague 2017-03-02T07:13:40 @MoreMsJackson @tesolmatthew @Tesol21 A speech therapist I know says anything but RED. Says makes you rememember mistake. #eltchat
Tesol21 2017-03-02T12:23:44 @MoreMsJackson @tesolmatthew Don't you think that by banning red ink, studnets become unable to handle any negativity ?  #eltchat
Tesol21 2017-03-02T12:29:20 @MoreMsJackson @tesolmatthew From my experience, using red pens is still more popular than shifting colours.  #eltchat


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