
How do we help teachers become more comfortable with teaching pronunciation

Page history last edited by sue annan 8 years, 4 months ago
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T17:24:55 Both here and on the blog /piːpl wɒntə 'tɔːkəbəʊtprəˌnʌns'ɪeɪʃən/  and how to make Ts more comfortable teaching it… https://t.co/QB0Mw6RlzK
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T17:49:05 In 10 minues #ELTchat - Pronunciation and how to make Ts more comfortable teaching it - Join us - no phonemic script - was a joke
teachingright 2016-10-12T17:49:23 RT @ELTchat: In 10 minues #ELTchat - Pronunciation and how to make Ts more comfortable teaching it - Join us - no phonemic script - was a j…
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T17:53:58 Just a few minutes to go before #ELTchat Come and join us https://t.co/zLppOHfBmc
AdeleRaemer 2016-10-12T17:57:21 Hey! I've missed you guys! Was there a break for a while? Kept looing for you #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T17:59:13 @AdeleRaemer Hello Adele - we had a longish summer break as all  mods working full time on summer courses :-) #ELTchat
fionaljp 2016-10-12T17:59:50 Hello #ELTchat
AdeleRaemer 2016-10-12T17:59:56 @Marisa_C GLad to see we're back! Will try to keep up tonight! #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:01:01 Hello everyone and welcome to an #ELTchat on how to get more comfortable teaching pronunciation https://t.co/s9ovzlmAOl
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T18:01:33 Evening all :-) #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:01:34 @fionaljp @GlenysHanson @SueAnnan @AdeleRaemer @kalinagoenglish welcome all #eltchat
Smlamptey 2016-10-12T18:03:13 @Marisa_C This is my first Twitter chat. Looking forward to it! #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T18:03:34 I need some practical ideas to interest my colleagues. They shy away from anything pron. #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:03:41 So what frightens people abt teaching pronunciation?- phonemic script? - own accent?- fear of not being able to consistent? #ELTchat
MConca16 2016-10-12T18:04:02 #ELTchat Hello everyone.Hope you're great
fionaljp 2016-10-12T18:04:04 @Smlamptey @Marisa_C Hi Sheila #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:04:20 @Smlamptey hi Sheila and welcome - you'll be fine - let me know if you need help #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T18:04:20 @Marisa_C probably a bit of all of them TBH #ELTchat
AdeleRaemer 2016-10-12T18:04:31 My students are shy about talking as it is, I am concerned it will put them off - I'm happy that they open their mouths in EFL #ELTchat
MConca16 2016-10-12T18:04:46 @Marisa_C all of them  #eltchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:05:30 @SueAnnan Most of my trainees (Delta) shy away from such assignments as well - like primary pupils with a new alphabet :-) #ELTchat
fionaljp 2016-10-12T18:05:40 The foreign language lesson on CELTA is useful to highlight the need for pronunciation #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T18:05:41 I found some fun ideas on Hancock Mcdonald's website for teaching French and Spanish students but... #ELTchat
rapple18 2016-10-12T18:05:55 Hello! Hope to be keeping an eye but unable to participate 100%. Sorry. But wld hate to miss entirely ! #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:06:30 @fionaljp very true but doesn't focus on how to teach it - many CELTA courses not really hot on pron tho #ELTchat https://t.co/al4h6FHM6U
TeresaBestwick 2016-10-12T18:06:56 #eltchat Evening everyone!  Personally, I love pron - think colleagues' concerns can be around not seeming like you know
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:07:26 @rapple18 Hey Rachel! Welcome! Long time no see! :-) #eltchat
rapple18 2016-10-12T18:07:28 Difficulties - for NNS & NS - being able to hear & model consistently  #ELTchat
MConca16 2016-10-12T18:07:46 @Marisa_C @fionaljp #ELTchat  that's why Deltees are still unsure how to teach it!
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T18:07:47 Okay: own accent not usually a problem in my area. But phonemic script gives them the screaming ...... #ELTchat
fionaljp 2016-10-12T18:08:03 @Marisa_C True but puts trainees in position where they are aware of need for it #ELTchat
AdeleRaemer 2016-10-12T18:08:11 On FB for EFL in Israel we just had discussion abt s'one who was told to pron the "l" in calm. Had a whole thread abt pron #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:08:14 I used to moan at uni (Reading) for the innumerable hours on phonetics, accoustic phonetics, phonology & pedagogid phonetics #eltchat
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T18:08:40 @Marisa_C That's where Trinity differs. Dip trainees are cool with Pron stuff. #ELTchat
angelos_bollas 2016-10-12T18:08:57 Am in a building with no wifi/3G coverage.. trying to get connected #eltchat - hope to make it
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T18:09:24 @angelos_bollas Mwah. See you maybe #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:09:29 @SueAnnan Is there an obligatory assignment? #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T18:09:51 @Marisa_C Yes. and a live interview with the examiner #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:10:51 @SueAnnan not on the delta - they can choose it as a system assignment but not obligatory - thought TESTED in final written exam #eltchat
fionaljp 2016-10-12T18:11:04 @Marisa_C Don’t understand how CELTA course can not be hot on pron #ELTchat
AdeleRaemer 2016-10-12T18:11:07 How is speaking assessed in your schools? Here we have oral matriculation but emphasis only on  understandable pronunciation. #ELTchat
rapple18 2016-10-12T18:11:24 Lets face it, many coursebokks fight shy and relegate pron work - if you're lucky! - to the TB!  Even then its a struggle to keep #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T18:11:51 @Marisa_C It's module 3, I think. Trinity are BIG on pron, even at Cert Level #ELTchat
rapple18 2016-10-12T18:12:05 @fionaljp @Marisa_C varies hugely, me thinks... depends on centre, and on trainers #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:12:09 @fionaljp I can't either Fiona - a very important part of every assessment actually even on the CELTA #ELTchat
AdeleRaemer 2016-10-12T18:12:13 @SueAnnan @Marisa_C Where are examiners from? Co-teachers? #ELTchat
MConca16 2016-10-12T18:12:43 @SueAnnan @Marisa_C #ELTchat so a cousre on Pron or extra training will help?
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T18:12:45 @AdeleRaemer @Marisa_C external examiners from the Exam board #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T18:13:13 @TeresaBestwick @Marisa_C Yes. It's my favourite bit to teach #ELTchat
AdeleRaemer 2016-10-12T18:13:29 @SueAnnan @Marisa_C In Israel EVERY student must be tested. It's a logistic nightmare. Teachers travel to other schools #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:13:58 But let's begin on HOW -  repetition for pron   standard - but some Ts not confident - i suggest using recordings from dictionary #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:14:50 @MConca16 @SueAnnan I used to offer such a course but got disappointed - no one wanted to do it :-) #eltchat
fionaljp 2016-10-12T18:15:44 @Marisa_C Step by step approach #ELTchat
rapple18 2016-10-12T18:16:02 (How) Little and often. And deciding whats easiest, eg sentence or word stress, individ soubdsy, or intonation (v tough f many) #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:16:23 The other thing that needs doing is to teach rhythm and tonic stress - without these no sound linking possible #eltchat raps great fr ths
TeresaBestwick 2016-10-12T18:16:36 #ELTchat Encouraging teachers to use one colour for pron (mine is green) - look at board at the end of a lesson to see how much *green used
GlenysHanson 2016-10-12T18:16:45 @TeresaBestwick Being a NS does give confidence but NNST shd realise the their Ss would be delighted to pron Eng as well as they do #ELTchat
AdeleRaemer 2016-10-12T18:16:59 Do any of you use WhatsApp to check pronunciation? #ELTchat
MConca16 2016-10-12T18:17:08 @Marisa_C @SueAnnan #ELTchat  Shame.It's so hard to learn phonemic script in a short time e.g. during CELTA or DELTA
fionaljp 2016-10-12T18:17:30 @AdeleRaemer How? #ELTchat
Nadyoula 2016-10-12T18:17:44 @TeresaBestwick that's a lovely idea  #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T18:17:55 @Marisa_C had probs this week with Age v edge, bitch and beach, and a few that sounded rude too #ELTchat Abslutely have to fix at that point
AdeleRaemer 2016-10-12T18:18:24 @fionaljp I have my Ss read a passage to me. They can practice as much as they want. Shows me reading ability & pron #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:18:31 @rapple18 intonation truly difficult-I get Ss to repeat boring drills with expression - put up mood faces & tthey secretly choose 1 #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T18:18:48 @MConca16 @Marisa_C  I have a website set up to learn all that pre-Cert. #ELTchat
AdeleRaemer 2016-10-12T18:19:07 In fact, I think in Israel we do not actually teach pronunciation per se #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:19:39 Here is a link to a vast collection of mood faces https://t.co/W6ooVWukkE #ELTchat (say your lines passionately...etc) #ELTchat
MConca16 2016-10-12T18:19:49 @SueAnnan @Marisa_C Lovely.Pls share it #ELTchat
GemmaELT 2016-10-12T18:20:14 @Marisa_C @fionaljp #eltchat when I did mine pre-course task had pron.Never done it b4,not much done on crs.Assumed knowledge 1/
TeresaBestwick 2016-10-12T18:20:17 @Marisa_C @rapple18 Great idea! #ELTchat
fionaljp 2016-10-12T18:20:23 Don’t you think it’s better to integrate? #ELTchat
AdeleRaemer 2016-10-12T18:20:32 @Marisa_C @rapple18 When I do theater games Ss have to repeat with different emotions. That's as close a s I get to teaching Pron #ELTchat
TeresaBestwick 2016-10-12T18:20:49 Ooops, keep forgetting to type #ELTchat on my tweets...didn't have to think about it with nurph!
AdeleRaemer 2016-10-12T18:21:16 @fionaljp Please explain #ELTchat
TeresaBestwick 2016-10-12T18:21:35 Oooh, that sounds like a great idea #ELTchat https://t.co/kpnbSEeri2
rapple18 2016-10-12T18:21:43 @TeresaBestwick @AdeleRaemer @fionaljp so using whatsapp recording feature? #ELTchat
fionaljp 2016-10-12T18:22:05 @AdeleRaemer Do you mean it’s embedded within lessons? #ELTchat
GlenysHanson 2016-10-12T18:22:07 @AdeleRaemer I didn't either but I required whatever Ss said to be as correct as poss: pron + rhythm + intonation #ELTchat
GemmaELT 2016-10-12T18:22:15 @Marisa_C @fionaljp #eltchat 2/ a few'd never done it (like me). It's been hard making up for it.Did lots more on #Delta. 2/
AdeleRaemer 2016-10-12T18:22:25 @rapple18 @TeresaBestwick @fionaljp  Yes They practice and then when they're at their best, record and send privately #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T18:22:47 one of my students sent me something she recorded which was unintelligible. I rerecorded it and sent it back #ELTchat
AdeleRaemer 2016-10-12T18:23:21 @SueAnnan Then I guess she really needed the pron practice ;-) #ELTchat
MConca16 2016-10-12T18:23:22 #ELTchat Do you teach Phonemic charts to your Ss when you start at A1Level?
fionaljp 2016-10-12T18:23:39 @AdeleRaemer within the lesson as appropriate rather than in isolation #ELTchat
TeresaBestwick 2016-10-12T18:23:47 @AdeleRaemer @rapple18 @fionaljp Aaaah, that's cool - plus they get lots of practice rehearsing! #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:24:05 @AdeleRaemer @SueAnnan no i think Sue is describing a great way of giving feedback and modelling :-) #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T18:24:14 @MConca16 Yes. I do, but only the sounds they need as and when  #ELTchat
GemmaELT 2016-10-12T18:24:17 @Marisa_C @fionaljp #eltchat Sue @eltnotebook has whole sections on it but,as I said,it was hard.Can't do in class what I'm not comfy w/ 3/
AdeleRaemer 2016-10-12T18:24:23 @MConca16 Not in Israel. As it is, they have to learn a different alphabet. Ss would take a contract out on me #ELTchat ;-)
rapple18 2016-10-12T18:24:48 I like2focus on stressed words, then weak ones - by default - then look at linking. Sts can often work this out if done stages 1/2 #ELTchat
TeresaBestwick 2016-10-12T18:25:06 @MConca16 I'd say best time to start #ELTchat (though coming from exp with Roman script -  if learners are learning alphabet it's too much?)
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:25:11 F/Cs where the phonemic script of a word after meaning shown is shown FIRST before the English spelling (on flipside) #ELTchat
MConca16 2016-10-12T18:25:33 @SueAnnan #ELTchat like difficult sounds in vocab taught at their level?
rapple18 2016-10-12T18:25:41 2/2 Based in a coursebook listening extract (1-2 lines only) yr model is on the CD #ELTchat
GlenysHanson 2016-10-12T18:25:44 @MConca16 I didn't use the Phonemic chart Marisa showed us, I used Silent Way charts. principle very similar. #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T18:25:46 I think the schwa matters for both speaking and listening. I use lego to show where stress is weak #ELTchat
TeresaBestwick 2016-10-12T18:25:57 RT @SueAnnan: I think the schwa matters for both speaking and listening. I use lego to show where stress is weak #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:26:16 I believe Ss wish for a better pron a LOT more that Ts lead us to believe just because not comfortable teaching pron #eltchat
AdeleRaemer 2016-10-12T18:26:23 @SueAnnan Schwa is easy in Israel. Did you know it comes from Hebrew? #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T18:26:29 @MConca16 Yes. absolutely #ELTChat
MConca16 2016-10-12T18:26:33 @TeresaBestwick #ELTchat absolutely. I had this with Japanese kids quite a lot.
mariacolussa 2016-10-12T18:27:05 Hi #eltchat! I´m lurking a bit,w/A1s I often teach the different vowel sounds w/egs not requiring production, but highlighting diffs @ first
rapple18 2016-10-12T18:27:09 Hear hear. That's usually covered by 5-10 symbols max :) #ELTchat https://t.co/wKFQbkSf9n
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T18:27:10 @Marisa_C  Oh I am 100% with you on that #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:27:28 if you are teaching YL's that is the IDEAL age for them to get a great accent - pity if they dont #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:27:54 @mariacolussa welcome Maria :-) #ELTchat
GlenysHanson 2016-10-12T18:27:55 @Marisa_C Agree. Pron charts are reassuring for both Ts & Ss. #ELTchat
AdeleRaemer 2016-10-12T18:28:07 @Marisa_C But aren't they embarrassed? #ELTchat Some of my kids try hard, then others make fun of them. "Putting on airs"
rapple18 2016-10-12T18:28:15 Cuiz rods not yet reached Jersey ?! ;) #ELTchat https://t.co/ZWB6bzQ6YS
GemmaELT 2016-10-12T18:28:24 @Marisa_C @SueAnnan #eltchat I did LSA1 on #connectedspeech  & pleased I did. Challenging but opened up a whole  new world
TeresaBestwick 2016-10-12T18:28:41 #ELTchat With YLs I used phonemic script to write secret messages for them to decode
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T18:28:43 I'm doing a CPD session on Monday to encourage the scaredy cats in my school #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:28:47 The interactive phonemic charts like Macmillan's make it easier for Ts too (and for Ss) #eltchat
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T18:29:28 @rapple18 lego more tactile methinks #ELTchat
TeresaBestwick 2016-10-12T18:29:30 Pron geeks can download https://t.co/0VqokwMRDn and have WhatsApp message in IPA #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:29:33 I think with online electronic dictionaries the Ss may NOT need to learn phonemic srcipt #ELTchat but Ts should
MConca16 2016-10-12T18:29:35 @SueAnnan #ELTchat I wish I could join :)
AdeleRaemer 2016-10-12T18:29:47 OK - I'm cutting out here - keep up the great work! Hope to b back next week. Thanks for the food 4 thought! #ELTchat
GlenysHanson 2016-10-12T18:30:24 @MConca16 I very rarely modeled. I didn't find it necessary. Ss worked out sounds for themselves with charts as support. #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:30:29 @SueAnnan @rapple18 we use cuisinaire rods for long short syllables - wait a minute I might have a short trainee video #eltchat (Silent Way)
rapple18 2016-10-12T18:30:48 @SueAnnan LOVE lego :) #ELTchat
mariacolussa 2016-10-12T18:30:51 Wow! Thanks for sharing! #eltchat this sounds like a great idea! Lots of potential! https://t.co/9CXZX4QESN
Nadyoula 2016-10-12T18:30:58 @TeresaBestwick have tried that before but with their names instead turned into a mingling activity . adults & YLs enjoyed that. #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T18:31:37 @rapple18 did you see our #ELTChat on using Lego?
MConca16 2016-10-12T18:31:40 @GlenysHanson #ELTchat Enchanting.It's great
fionaljp 2016-10-12T18:31:40 @AdeleRaemer …maybe I misunderstood ! #ELTchat
rapple18 2016-10-12T18:31:56 @TeresaBestwick @GooglePlay oooh that's me sorted for the rest of the evening - thx! #ELTchat
GemmaELT 2016-10-12T18:32:17 #ELTchatHello everyone.  Just butted in and started replying to comments without actually knowing what's going on
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:32:23 @GemmaELT for me (as a tutor) I think it's one of the easiest areas for an LSA :-) #eltchat
rapple18 2016-10-12T18:32:55 NO! I'll go to the summaries.  Thx!! #ELTchat https://t.co/GtW8h4rOSR
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T18:32:59 What alternatives are there to using Phonemic script? Hand movements? #ELTchat
tesolmatthew 2016-10-12T18:33:01 RT @Marisa_C: I believe Ss wish for a better pron a LOT more that Ts lead us to believe just because not comfortable teaching pron #eltchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:33:43 @AdeleRaemer teens yes but before age of 12 PRIME age for acquiring - still great plasticity in vocal organs #ELTchat
GlenysHanson 2016-10-12T18:34:24 @mariacolussa I'm not very good at IPA so I cheat and use https://t.co/VAp09kqYIg #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:34:34 @SueAnnan recordings on the web? (of words_ American central for whole talks and connected speech #ELTchat
TeresaBestwick 2016-10-12T18:34:58 @SueAnnan I've seen learners who write the nearest equivalent in their own pron...doesn't completely satisfy me though #ELTchat
mariacolussa 2016-10-12T18:35:19 @SueAnnan #eltchat I ask ss to make up their own symbols, ones they understand n remember once they go back home
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:35:22 Learn the phonemic sript here https://t.co/7wjNZNOUVu #eltchat
tesolmatthew 2016-10-12T18:35:50 @SueAnnan @MConca16 @Marisa_C #ELTchat is that sharable or private for your lucky pre-Cert folks?:)
rapple18 2016-10-12T18:35:58 Lots, - by demo etc. Is there an Adrian Underhill vid anywhere - ? masses there. I'll try to find later for slo-bur… https://t.co/S8vVmMqQG5
fionaljp 2016-10-12T18:35:59 @TeresaBestwick Looking forward to trying this! #ELTchat Thanks
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:37:03 And of course loads of great pron games MAINLY for ear training and discrimination practice at CUP https://t.co/ZOEvzXJMcp #eltchat Love it
GlenysHanson 2016-10-12T18:37:14 @SueAnnan I used hand movements, but lots of other techniques. Some described here: https://t.co/5BdHzCEc10 #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T18:37:26 @Marisa_C  will take a look later #ELTchat
mariacolussa 2016-10-12T18:37:30 @GlenysHanson I´d certainly give this a try! Thank you! I didn´t know abt it, will use it for the "Secret Code" activity suggested #eltchat
MConca16 2016-10-12T18:37:36 @rapple18 #ELTchat Mr Underhill suggests teaching how we make sounds.I've been trying that e.g. position etc
TeresaBestwick 2016-10-12T18:37:38 Online translators can be good for individual words, but often miss out on features of connected speech #ELTchat
rapple18 2016-10-12T18:38:06 https://t.co/jobnpIQS6l 5' of Adrian. And lots more on youtube. Miming, showing etc #eltchat https://t.co/3kclsJR6Nd
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T18:38:17 I suppose IATEFL Pronsig will have some ideas too #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:38:21 @SueAnnan @tesolmatthew have one too but in a private wiki so closed - sorry #ELTchat
TeresaBestwick 2016-10-12T18:38:47 @Marisa_C Absolutely!  I always send Cert trainees there to practise #ELTchat
Smlamptey 2016-10-12T18:39:02 @Marisa_C My students love when we do tongue twister activities, especially when they make their own #ELTchat
GemmaELT 2016-10-12T18:39:06 @Marisa_C #eltchat as a tutor...Of course!  but that's cheating
Nadyoula 2016-10-12T18:40:04 clapping and humming the words also help with word stress.  #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:40:33 @GemmaELT no, I meant for my trainees! #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T18:40:33 @Nadyoula and also chants and songs #ELTchat
TeresaBestwick 2016-10-12T18:40:56 RT @Nadyoula: clapping and humming the words also help with word stress.  #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:41:02 @Smlamptey love the idea of them making their own #ELTchat
cecilianobreelt 2016-10-12T18:42:07 @Marisa_C As NNEST I'd say it may be our own accent  #ELTchat
fionaljp 2016-10-12T18:42:34 This is a nice resource:  https://t.co/gZGkrZUERL #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T18:42:45 @cecilianobreelt @Marisa_C but just think how beneficial it is for the Ls to hear how well you do #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:43:13 @cecilianobreelt i have a NNEST trainee who is so adept with the online dictionaries it's awesome :-) #ELTchat
GemmaELT 2016-10-12T18:43:15 @Marisa_C #eltchat aaahhhh! Ops! Thought you meant in terms of marking etc. It *was* easier and more than I imagine.The idea was daunting :(
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T18:44:29 some great ideas to look through and try out #ELTchat
GlenysHanson 2016-10-12T18:44:32 @rapple18 Lots of Adrian Underhill's videos on YouTube. Example: https://t.co/bkZYGNR2S3 #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:44:37 @MConca16 Nonsense with an English accent is great fun and my young ss loved it- e.gGreek place names with an English pronunciation #eltchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:45:44 @GlenysHanson @rapple18 true - lots of great recordings there thanks for reminder #eltchat
Nadyoula 2016-10-12T18:45:50 What's your approach to teaching pron? proactive or reactive?  #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:46:51 for older Ss esp BE ad EAP, we use https://t.co/VEOjcHkbOB - they watch then record own voice, get grade, repeat, fix, love it #ELTchat
TeresaBestwick 2016-10-12T18:47:08 @Nadyoula I'd say more reactive than proactive...excellent question!  Given me something to think about! #ELTchat
GemmaELT 2016-10-12T18:47:25 RT @Marisa_C: @cecilianobreelt i have a NNEST trainee who is so adept with the online dictionaries it's awesome :-) #ELTchat
cecilianobreelt 2016-10-12T18:47:32 @Marisa_C  I use them all the time as well! My favourite is Collins and I like to double check tricky isolated words with forvo. #ELTchat
GemmaELT 2016-10-12T18:47:43 RT @GlenysHanson: @rapple18 Lots of Adrian Underhill's videos on YouTube. Example: https://t.co/bkZYGNR2S3 #ELTchat
TeresaBestwick 2016-10-12T18:47:45 Time to disconnect (and refill my wine glass!)  Have a lovely evening everyone :) #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T18:47:58 @Nadyoula In my case, mostly reactive. I only work on probs, and have mixed nationality classes so difficult to find similar probs  #ELTChat
MConca16 2016-10-12T18:48:09 @Nadyoula #ELTchat I'm still a drilling fan.Reactive isn't it?
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:48:23 @Nadyoula both proactive if preparing and scaffolding - reactive in error correction & feedback (great question btw) #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:48:54 @MConca16 @Nadyoula pro... #ELTchat
cecilianobreelt 2016-10-12T18:49:00 @SueAnnan @Marisa_C I don't shy away, I have the guts to do it( + lots of prep)lol ! But I'd say most NNEST don't feel that way #ELTchat
fionaljp 2016-10-12T18:49:16 @TeresaBestwick Bye #ELTchat and thanks again :-)
GlenysHanson 2016-10-12T18:49:26 @Marisa_C @rapple18 Also on Adrian's site: https://t.co/wwx0ouN4JA #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:49:47 @cecilianobreelt i would agree - am good on that myself but lots of vocal coach training under my belt #eltchat
GemmaELT 2016-10-12T18:50:12 @Nadyoula #eltchat Probably reactive but it does depend on class: nationalities and/or levels
Nadyoula 2016-10-12T18:50:25 @MConca16 oh me too! #ELTchat
GemmaELT 2016-10-12T18:50:46 RT @fionaljp: This is a nice resource:  https://t.co/gZGkrZUERL #ELTchat
GemmaELT 2016-10-12T18:50:55 RT @rapple18: https://t.co/jobnpIQS6l 5' of Adrian. And lots more on youtube. Miming, showing etc #eltchat https://t.co/3kclsJR6Nd
mariacolussa 2016-10-12T18:50:55 @cecilianobreelt @SueAnnan @Marisa_C I often share my own struggles while learning English sounds myself. I start w/that n move on! #eltchat
fionaljp 2016-10-12T18:51:08 @BritishSideTT @Marisa_C Yes, and I think that is it - it is about getting started... #ELTchat
GemmaELT 2016-10-12T18:51:11 RT @GlenysHanson: @SueAnnan I used hand movements, but lots of other techniques. Some described here: https://t.co/5BdHzCEc10 #ELTchat
Nadyoula 2016-10-12T18:51:12 @SueAnnan good point there. Very difficult  to predict problems with multinational learners. #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T18:51:22 @mariacolussa @cecilianobreelt @Marisa_C Great idea #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:51:25 Should be - that's what we have as well - and of course active commenting after TPs on this feature #ELTchat https://t.co/nJyBvcAGU4
Smlamptey 2016-10-12T18:51:27 @Marisa_C Programs like Voki https://t.co/0PCSiQPsti allows shy Ss to speak through avatars & hear their pronunciation. Fun for Ss #ELTchat
GlenysHanson 2016-10-12T18:51:51 @Nadyoula I reacted to what Ss said and got them to develop criteria for correcting themselves. #ELTchat
cecilianobreelt 2016-10-12T18:52:14 @Marisa_C Even NE teachers should have lots of prep, right? :) It's not sth that should be taken for granted by them( or anyone). #ELTchat
MConca16 2016-10-12T18:52:23 #ELTchat @fionaljp integrating Pron stages in each lesson or have a Pron focussed lesson.What do you think?
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T18:52:41 @cecilianobreelt @Marisa_C True. In fact that's what prompted this chat #ELTchat
Nadyoula 2016-10-12T18:53:03 @GlenysHanson that's great! Do you find it works better with higher levels? #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T18:53:21 @MConca16 @fionaljp both #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:53:23 https://t.co/poJEG1tzjY great -allows shy kids to write and hear text at first - https://t.co/MMUeK66bWT for what @SueAnnan cont. #ELTchat
cecilianobreelt 2016-10-12T18:53:25 @SueAnnan @Marisa_C Oh, I see. Sorry, I missed the beginning of the chat! #ELTchat
MConca16 2016-10-12T18:53:35 @Smlamptey @Marisa_C #ELTchat never tried.Great idea!
tesolmatthew 2016-10-12T18:53:49 @Marisa_C @SueAnnan #ELTchat understandable - not everything can be open source and shared willy-nilly! :)
fionaljp 2016-10-12T18:54:01 @MConca16 I think integrating pron in stages in each lesson (apart from CELTA input sessions) #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:54:26 Student records, may be other ss too then t records correct version for all to hear #eltchat (Communily lang learning is like this) #eltchat
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T18:54:35 @fionaljp @MConca16 I think mainly as and when needed #ELTChat
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T18:55:35 With 5 mins to go- who would like to write a summary of this #ELTChat?
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:56:06 #eltchatters - we have done other chats on this topic but somehow summaries lost - will look! #eltchat Any of you for a summary pls?
GemmaELT 2016-10-12T18:56:20 RT @Marisa_C: Student records, may be other ss too then t records correct version for all to hear #eltchat (Communily lang learning is like…
fionaljp 2016-10-12T18:56:26 @BritishSideTT @Marisa_C I don’t think you have to teach the chart - just introduce step by step #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:56:35 @SueAnnan great minds and all that! #ELTchat
Nadyoula 2016-10-12T18:57:05 @fionaljp @MConca16 I don't integrate in every lesson. A little bit of both? I think mini lessons r great fun and break routine. #eltchat
GlenysHanson 2016-10-12T18:57:09 @Nadyoula All levels. Vocab & grammar can be more advanced but often pron is not. #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:57:25 Just another announcement - we have invited @tesolmatthew to join our #eltchat moderator teach - congratulations Mathee!!!! Yay!!!!
fionaljp 2016-10-12T18:57:55 @Nadyoula @MConca16  I didn’t mean necessarily in every lesson - just as and when #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T18:58:20 Summary writer please? #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T18:59:05 @fionaljp on the celta a requirement and some IPA on the board expected #eltchat just so ppl don't think it's not done
GemmaELT 2016-10-12T18:59:34 @SueAnnan @Marisa_C #eltchat Some of us (read ME)still grande one to send in
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T18:59:35 Don't forget that the chat will continue on slow burn for the next 24 hours if you wish to add something later #ELTchat
fionaljp 2016-10-12T19:00:09 @Marisa_C getting confused now in which context we are talking about! #ELTchat
GemmaELT 2016-10-12T19:00:15 @SueAnnan @Marisa_C #eltchat  *have (apologies, just realised phone's set on IT)
sandymillin 2016-10-12T19:00:26 Oops. Forgot the #eltchat time change! Going to be hard to make it this year, but will try when I can :s
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T19:00:43 @GemmaELT @SueAnnan hmmmmm hmmm we shall have to invent a very painful punishment for your tardiness!!!! grrr #eltchat
cecilianobreelt 2016-10-12T19:00:45 @Marisa_C Today I taught -ed endings in connected speech using @luizotavioELT 's great blog post… https://t.co/ct5oFWW61H
GulistanKul 2016-10-12T19:00:54 @Marisa_C Definitely my own accent #ELTchat
GemmaELT 2016-10-12T19:01:07 @Marisa_C @SueAnnan #eltchat
GlenysHanson 2016-10-12T19:01:17 @Marisa_C Congrats @tesolmatthew  #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T19:02:07 @GulistanKul have you tried using online dictionaly recordings? (or from CD) #ELTchat
Nadyoula 2016-10-12T19:02:25 @cecilianobreelt @Marisa_C @luizotavioELT OMG the -ed endings drive Ss crazy. #ELTchat thx!
cecilianobreelt 2016-10-12T19:02:42 @Marisa_C @luizotavioELT Thank you! End of chat? #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T19:02:51 @Nadyoula @cecilianobreelt @Marisa_C @luizotavioELT  They are easy :-) #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T19:03:38 Och well, Must be my turn to do a summary #ELTchat
cecilianobreelt 2016-10-12T19:03:52 @Nadyoula @Marisa_C @luizotavioELT That blog post is SO useful AND fun. My private student loved it. Highly recommended! #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T19:04:19 So -summary writer please? #eltchat this chat may continue in slow motion (slowburn) till tomorrow if more ppl have ideas -summary? #eltchat
SueAnnan 2016-10-12T19:04:37 Thank you everyone for taking part. Some great thoughts to work on. See you all next week- remember the slow burn #ELTChat
GemmaELT 2016-10-12T19:05:10 RT @SueAnnan: Thank you everyone for taking part. Some great thoughts to work on. See you all next week- remember the slow burn #ELTChat
GemmaELT 2016-10-12T19:05:15 RT @Marisa_C: So -summary writer please? #eltchat this chat may continue in slow motion (slowburn) till tomorrow if more ppl have ideas -su…
fionaljp 2016-10-12T19:05:32 @SueAnnan Thanks Sue and thanks all.  #ELTchat
MConca16 2016-10-12T19:05:36 #ELTchat Thanks everyone.Nice chat as usual.
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T19:05:57 Great ideas - `i think this summary will be awesome! #ELTchat
GemmaELT 2016-10-12T19:07:26 #ELTchatGoodnight. Pleased I made tonight
GlenysHanson 2016-10-12T19:07:43 @cecilianobreelt @Marisa_C @luizotavioELT An online exercise on  -ed verbs  https://t.co/L40NjVM03m Also a few other pron exos #ELTchat
Marisa_C 2016-10-12T19:09:55 thank you all for sharing some great resources #ELTchat - will start a public padlet @tesolmatthew can be share with all


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