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Lego as a classroom tool

Page history last edited by sue annan 8 years, 10 months ago
Column1 Column2 Column3
ELTchat 2015-11-04T11:07:48 How can we use Lego in the classroom when teaching adult learners English? -  Join our next #ELTchat discussion in less than an hour
kamilaofprague 2015-11-04T11:20:27 @ELTchat Sorry, I'm in class won't make it. Too bad as I actually use lego with adults. Have fun:-) #eltchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T11:28:38 RT @ELTchat: How can we use Lego in the classroom when teaching adult learners English? -  Join our next #ELTchat discussion in less than a…
Shaunwilden 2015-11-04T11:33:13 RT @ELTchat: How can we use Lego in the classroom when teaching adult learners English? -  Join our next #ELTchat discussion in less than a…
TwitLiveEvents 2015-11-04T11:45:07 November 04, 2015 at 07:00AM Twitter Chat - #eltchat #TwitterChat Visit https://t.co/52cTeoQ3Zw for more events.
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T11:59:25 Lego #eltchat in 5 mins!! @GlobalEnglish4u @joannacre @Osamaelbeyaly @rmoyano5 @sandymillin @tarabenwell @bealer81 @mctalk @GlenysHanson
angelos_bollas 2015-11-04T12:02:03 @kamilaofprague Perhaps you could send us some of your insights later, or blog about it.. #eltchat
angelos_bollas 2015-11-04T12:03:20 Hello #ELTchat - We're talking Lego today!Who has tried it in class?
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:05:11 Hi there! First time I've heard of this being used in ELT so looking fwd to reading and being inspired #eltchat
joannacre 2015-11-04T12:05:56 RT @HadaLitim: Lego #eltchat in 5 mins!! @GlobalEnglish4u @joannacre @Osamaelbeyaly @rmoyano5 @sandymillin @tarabenwell @bealer81 @mctalk @…
ambartosik 2015-11-04T12:06:13 Hello #eltchat Anna joining the Lego chat from Ontario, Canada
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:06:14 No need to worry about remember our #eltchat hashtag; use this link https://t.co/BCVzYI2ikY #ELTchat
angelos_bollas 2015-11-04T12:06:39 You can use https://t.co/hPMtG9dkdX for your convenience#eltchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:06:50 @ambartosik Hi Anna! #eltchat
ambartosik 2015-11-04T12:07:07 I have used Lego in class on the first day as an ice breaker with adult ELLs #eltchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:07:18 @joannacre @GlobalEnglish4u @Osamaelbeyaly @rmoyano5 Awww..enjoy your lesson and catch up with the summary later tc )) #eltchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:07:44 Who proposed the topic?  #ELTchat
ambartosik 2015-11-04T12:08:56 @HadaLitim Me :) #eltchat
textivate 2015-11-04T12:08:58 "Bonfire night" - Check out these activities on textivate!: https://t.co/GonrIsXMe3 #textivate #tesol #tefl #eltchat
Shaunwilden 2015-11-04T12:09:10 @HadaLitim Struggling with work load, hope you two can manage without me, if not just holler #eltchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:09:19 So has anyone ever used Lego to teach adults in ELT  #ELTchat
GlenysHanson 2015-11-04T12:09:32 I've never used Lego but I did use Cuisenaire Rods. Is there a big difference? #ELTchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:09:56 @Shaunwilden Hola! I will indeed be hollering...in an constructive way ;) #ELTchat
idc74 2015-11-04T12:10:15 RT @theteacherjames: Really looking forward to this @iTDipro course with Philip Kerr. Find out more here: https://t.co/UOR8TqqMXj #eltchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:10:22 @GlenysHanson I wondered the same thing.  #ELTchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:10:36 @GlenysHanson How do you use the rods Glenys? #ELTchat
angelos_bollas 2015-11-04T12:10:36 @kendraELT is here with us!!! #ELTchat - met her #DigELT2015
ambartosik 2015-11-04T12:10:39 @GlenysHanson I think you can use Lego like rods, but not vice versa #eltchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:10:58 @kendraELT Yes Kendra #ELTchat
GlenysHanson 2015-11-04T12:11:43 @ambartosik What can you do (for language learning) with Lego that you can't do with rods? #ELTchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:11:50 I find cuisinaire rods very useful with pron and sentences #ELTchat
ambartosik 2015-11-04T12:12:03 I asked ss to build something representing them/their interests with random pieces of LEGO, then introduce themselves via creation #eltchat
ambartosik 2015-11-04T12:12:26 @kendraELT yes #eltchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:12:33 @ambartosik That sounds interesting! can you expand pls? #ELTchat
Ashowski 2015-11-04T12:12:38 @HadaLitim Lego bricks as a substitute? #ELTchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:12:52 @Ashowski to rods? #ELTchat
Ashowski 2015-11-04T12:13:07 @HadaLitim yes :-) #eltchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:13:39 So @GlenysHanson 's question was a good one, what can you do with lego that u cant do with rods? #ELTchat
Ashowski 2015-11-04T12:13:49 @GlenysHanson will perform the same function I'm sure #eltchat
ambartosik 2015-11-04T12:14:04 @GlenysHanson I'll show you in a second as the end to my story #eltchat
ambartosik 2015-11-04T12:14:05 This student talked about the barriers between him and fluent speakers of English. #eltchat https://t.co/LJqL5WtCrL
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:14:25 @Ashowski @GlenysHanson I thought the person who proposed the topic would introduce us to new techniques perhaps #ELTchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:14:48 @ambartosik Excellent!  #ELTchat
GlenysHanson 2015-11-04T12:14:51 @HadaLitim @angelos_bollas @kendraELT I used rods for story telling, initiating conversations, making "grammar" visible @kendraELT  #ELTchat
ambartosik 2015-11-04T12:14:58 @HadaLitim yes :) 140 characters are very limiting today #eltchat
Ashowski 2015-11-04T12:15:08 @HadaLitim @GlenysHanson who proposed it? #eltchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:15:12 @GlenysHanson @angelos_bollas @kendraELT Telling stories....pls do tell #ELTchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:15:37 @Ashowski @GlenysHanson not sure #ELTchat
GlenysHanson 2015-11-04T12:15:40 @Ashowski @HadaLitim No, not me tho' I voted for it. #ELTchat
Ashowski 2015-11-04T12:15:49 RT @ambartosik: This student talked about the barriers between him and fluent speakers of English. #eltchat https://t.co/LJqL5WtCrL
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:15:58 @ambartosik yes, perhpas a future blog post (hint hint)) #ELTchat
Ashowski 2015-11-04T12:16:38 @GlenysHanson @HadaLitim @angelos_bollas @kendraELT I did my #delta #EP on Cuisenaire rods and story telling/creativity #eltchat
ambartosik 2015-11-04T12:16:40 As he talked @ how he would learn English, he removed the barriers so he could cross over to other side #eltchat https://t.co/GGN5aakbBL
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:16:54 I have a box full of years of Lego that I'd love to use in the classroom #ELTchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:17:14 @Ashowski @GlenysHanson @angelos_bollas @kendraELT interesting. Any blog posts? #ELTchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:17:24 RT @ambartosik: As he talked @ how he would learn English, he removed the barriers so he could cross over to other side #eltchat https://t.…
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:17:29 RT @ambartosik: This student talked about the barriers between him and fluent speakers of English. #eltchat https://t.co/LJqL5WtCrL
GlenysHanson 2015-11-04T12:17:29 Here's a list including several articles on using Cuisenaire rods:https://t.co/vOMuPPqlHG #ELTchat
ambartosik 2015-11-04T12:17:36 @HadaLitim @Ashowski @GlenysHanson I suggested the topic #eltchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:17:39 RT @GlenysHanson: Here's a list including several articles on using Cuisenaire rods:https://t.co/vOMuPPqlHG #ELTchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:17:47 @GlenysHanson Thanks Glenys! #ELTchat
Ashowski 2015-11-04T12:18:12 With YL learners you could get them to build lexical items with Lego bricks as a way of testing understanding #eltchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:18:21 @ambartosik @Ashowski @GlenysHanson Thanks for suggesting...always exciting to hear of a 'new' tool #ELTchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:18:29 RT @Ashowski: With YL learners you could get them to build lexical items with Lego bricks as a way of testing understanding #eltchat
ambartosik 2015-11-04T12:19:08 You should just leave the Lego on tables with no comment & see what happens @HadaLitim  #eltchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:19:23 @Ashowski Or stories on a road with pieces representing parts of speech #ELTchat
kendraELT 2015-11-04T12:19:34 found an interesting article in Teaching Village 5 ways to use them in ESL https://t.co/Nln9k6YpK6 #ELTchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:19:39 @ambartosik with adults? #ELTchat
GlenysHanson 2015-11-04T12:19:40 And more here: https://t.co/xgCgBaZzoA All on my blog. #ELTchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:19:45 RT @kendraELT: found an interesting article in Teaching Village 5 ways to use them in ESL https://t.co/Nln9k6YpK6 #ELTchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:19:58 @kendraELT thanks Kendra! #ELTchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:20:02 RT @GlenysHanson: And more here: https://t.co/xgCgBaZzoA All on my blog. #ELTchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:20:17 @GlenysHanson Wow!! Loads of goodies to read later..)) #ELTchat
getgreatenglish 2015-11-04T12:20:52 RT @GlenysHanson: Here's a list including several articles on using Cuisenaire rods:https://t.co/vOMuPPqlHG #ELTchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:21:01 I don't know if adults would engage in building a structure but perhaps building a 3D text ??? #ELTchat
ambartosik 2015-11-04T12:21:03 There is this great blog from 5 years ago  by Emma Herrod https://t.co/0fDsdXEiDF #eltchat
theteacherjames 2015-11-04T12:21:13 Hi folks, sorry I'm late. #eltchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:21:18 RT @ambartosik: There is this great blog from 5 years ago  by Emma Herrod https://t.co/0fDsdXEiDF #eltchat
Ashowski 2015-11-04T12:21:28 RT @HadaLitim: I don't know if adults would engage in building a structure but perhaps building a 3D text ??? #ELTchat
Ashowski 2015-11-04T12:21:35 RT @ambartosik: There is this great blog from 5 years ago  by Emma Herrod https://t.co/0fDsdXEiDF #eltchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:21:40 @theteacherjames Hiya #ELTchat
GlenysHanson 2015-11-04T12:21:42 @ambartosik @HadaLitim I found students very inventive with rods. I think with Lego it would be just the same. #ELTchat
EstherIELTS 2015-11-04T12:21:50 RT textivate "Bonfire night" - Check out these activities on textivate!: https://t.co/BbDatH2vcY #textivate #tesol #tefl #eltchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:22:03 @GlenysHanson @ambartosik I think they could work well in training sessions #ELTchat
ambartosik 2015-11-04T12:22:14 @HadaLitim Absolutely. I've only used with adults. Would be great to hear ss tell stories as they keep their hands busy #eltchat
Ashowski 2015-11-04T12:22:15 RT @GlenysHanson: Here's a list including several articles on using Cuisenaire rods:https://t.co/vOMuPPqlHG #ELTchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:22:34 @GlenysHanson @ambartosik Do you think it might depend on the Ss. Familiar or not with legos? Age?  #ELTchat
ambartosik 2015-11-04T12:23:20 @HadaLitim @GlenysHanson the activity I mentioned was with adults & all willing to try on 1st day w/new teacher #eltchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:23:47 @ambartosik @GlenysHanson interesting. Where was it? #ELTchat
GlenysHanson 2015-11-04T12:23:53 @ambartosik @HadaLitim Me too, mainly adults. I often controlled the pace by stopping students moving rods without permission. #ELTchat
ambartosik 2015-11-04T12:24:09 @HadaLitim @GlenysHanson oh, absolutely. I think you could say a lot via Lego that you might not say directly to someone #eltchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:24:53 @ambartosik @GlenysHanson Ambar you've got me very interested now...I can't wait to read a future post on this #ELTchat
GlenysHanson 2015-11-04T12:25:21 @ambartosik @HadaLitim I worked mainly with French adults, but also Polish, Vietnamese and Chinese. #ELTchat
ambartosik 2015-11-04T12:25:23 @HadaLitim @GlenysHanson EAP college reading/writing class #eltchat I got the idea from my k-12 colleagues
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:26:15 @GlenysHanson @ambartosik I wonder if culture could be a factor here #eltchat
ambartosik 2015-11-04T12:26:51 @HadaLitim This week, I promise. Using example in my presentation next week on transformative learning, reflection & storytelling #eltchat
GlenysHanson 2015-11-04T12:26:52 @HadaLitim @ambartosik My students were almost never familiar with rods but some had used them for maths at school. #ELTchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:27:40 @GlenysHanson @ambartosik Yes same here with rods. I wondered about Lego and culture. #ELTchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:27:53 @ambartosik Brilliant!  #ELTchat
GlenysHanson 2015-11-04T12:28:20 @HadaLitim @ambartosik I think Lego & rods are both pretty culture neutral. No religion mentions them AFAIK. #ELTchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:28:50 @kendraELT Being used to the game or not. Legos aren't everyone's game as a toy. Kids who grew up wth thm usually enjoy thm more. #ELTchat
ambartosik 2015-11-04T12:29:21 @kendraELT I know I can't help myself when I see some Lego #eltchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:30:10 @GlenysHanson @ambartosik wasn't thinking of any culture or religion. I recently wrote on the culture appropriateness of the CA #ELTchat
ambartosik 2015-11-04T12:30:41 Not for ESL/ELL, but...https://t.co/BhpcqNRRAp  #eltchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:31:10 @kendraELT Not sure... #ELTchat
tatiana_efl 2015-11-04T12:31:33 RT @eltplanning: Here are 5 activities from my teaching toolkit: http://t.co/jy1zcrD9PZ Care to share your favourite 5 activities? #elt #el…
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:31:49 @ambartosik I love those..the more advanced ones with engines etc!  #ELTchat
ambartosik 2015-11-04T12:31:51 Do you think it matters if someone didn't use them as a child? I am more interested in developing creativity in expressing oneself #eltchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:33:04 @ambartosik No I 'dont' think' anything really. I'm just asking. I've never used them to teach so asking the esxperts #ELTchat
ambartosik 2015-11-04T12:33:05 With low levels, you could ask ss to describe bricks while practicing prepositions of location #eltchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:33:36 @ambartosik But I can definitely see the potential in them #ELTchat
ambartosik 2015-11-04T12:34:00 In more adv classes, one student describes to the other how to build structure without showing the page of instructions #eltchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:34:23 RT @ambartosik: In more adv classes, one student describes to the other how to build structure without showing the page of instructions #el…
ambartosik 2015-11-04T12:35:35 You could practice comparison/contrast if everyone is asked to build same structure. Could be written or oral #eltchat
kendraELT 2015-11-04T12:36:07 @ambartosik great ideas  #ELTchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:36:09 Interesting and lots of reading to do on this now.  #ELTchat
ambartosik 2015-11-04T12:36:10 @HadaLitim too bad I don't live close by :) #eltchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:36:30 @ambartosik TOTALLY!!!! I would so be over in a shot )) #ELTchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:36:52 RT @ambartosik: @HadaLitim too bad I don't live close by :) #eltchat
angelos_bollas 2015-11-04T12:37:01 One SS can give directions and the rest could do the construction as instructed #eltchat
Ven_VVE 2015-11-04T12:37:12 Hi #eltchat! Apologies, can't join but see topic's Lego - we used Lego 2 make e-artefacts in #amoresproject. Example https://t.co/0E66ILZEuN
angelos_bollas 2015-11-04T12:37:38 Here's an example of classroom use #eltchat  https://t.co/02suNOLHZ0
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:37:42 @Ven_VVE Thanks for dropping by and sharing #ELTchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:37:51 RT @Ven_VVE: Hi #eltchat! Apologies, can't join but see topic's Lego - we used Lego 2 make e-artefacts in #amoresproject. Example https://t…
ambartosik 2015-11-04T12:38:00 One s used the Lego to explain the political turmoil in her country. So powerful. All of us were moved. Normally v quiet student #eltchat
angelos_bollas 2015-11-04T12:38:29 @ambartosik Wow! Sounds really interesting #eltchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:38:46 I wonder if it might not be a good tool to use for assessment. SOunds like there's so much potential #ELTchat
GlenysHanson 2015-11-04T12:38:57 @HadaLitim Also videos. Some I recommend here: https://t.co/cqQ7yPovpg Next best thing to see it live. #ELTchat
ambartosik 2015-11-04T12:39:00 @angelos_bollas yes, and they could practice asking for clarification. Great idea #eltchat
angelos_bollas 2015-11-04T12:39:03 Do you think you could use it with all levels/ages/contexts? #ELTchat What about BE?
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:39:11 RT @GlenysHanson: @HadaLitim Also videos. Some I recommend here: https://t.co/cqQ7yPovpg Next best thing to see it live. #ELTchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:39:42 @angelos_bollas We mentioned this earlier and it was across all #ELTchat
angelos_bollas 2015-11-04T12:39:55 @ambartosik I had never used them. Last year, though, I started collecting them! #eltchat
ambartosik 2015-11-04T12:40:18 @HadaLitim "The only limit is your imagination" #eltchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:40:33 My son's Lego collection is one of the few toys we didn't give away.  #ELTchat
ambartosik 2015-11-04T12:40:55 @angelos_bollas Are you hooked? #eltchat
SueAnnan 2015-11-04T12:41:06 Hi everyone #eltchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:41:31 @SueAnnan Hi Sue! #eltchat
GlenysHanson 2015-11-04T12:41:58 @angelos_bollas I've used rods with all ages/levels/contexts. No reason Lego couldn't be too. #ELTchat
angelos_bollas 2015-11-04T12:42:06 @ambartosik Totally! More of a playmobil guy though #eltchat
SueAnnan 2015-11-04T12:42:19 I've just used Lego to show how the schwa works #eltchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:42:27 I've got to dash but so glad we did this as this has opened a completely new door in my teaching! Cheers and bye guys #ELTchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:42:32 RT @SueAnnan: I've just used Lego to show how the schwa works #eltchat
angelos_bollas 2015-11-04T12:42:35 @GlenysHanson I would love to use it in a BE context! Such fun #eltchat
ambartosik 2015-11-04T12:42:47 Hello, Sue @SueAnnan #eltchat
angelos_bollas 2015-11-04T12:42:50 Tell us more! :-) #eltchat  https://t.co/wa9eW7cmY1
GlenysHanson 2015-11-04T12:42:57 @angelos_bollas What's BE? #ELTchat
angelos_bollas 2015-11-04T12:43:22 @GlenysHanson Business English - Sorry #ELTchat
ambartosik 2015-11-04T12:43:43 @angelos_bollas I will be rummaging through the playroom today ;) There is some down there, I know it #eltchat
GlenysHanson 2015-11-04T12:43:49 @SueAnnan How did you work on the schwa with lego? #ELTchat
ambartosik 2015-11-04T12:44:07 @angelos_bollas @SueAnnan Yes, please #eltchat
angelos_bollas 2015-11-04T12:44:25 @kendraELT and they are re-useable! Which we need in our classrooms! #eltchat
GlenysHanson 2015-11-04T12:44:59 @angelos_bollas I used rods a lot with buisness clients. Again, I'm sure Lego would be just as effective. #ELTchat
ambartosik 2015-11-04T12:45:04 There is also this possibility if you don't have any Lego  https://t.co/M3IwJ1DaZC Might get younger learners hooked #eltchat
angelos_bollas 2015-11-04T12:45:52 @kendraELT How so? #eltchat
angelos_bollas 2015-11-04T12:46:02 RT @kendraELT: found an interesting article in Teaching Village 5 ways to use them in ESL https://t.co/Nln9k6YpK6 #ELTchat
SueAnnan 2015-11-04T12:46:43 I use six bricks, two deep. French Lang. Rest au rant. We then remove a brick from the middle and add it to the first. REST etc. #eltchat
ambartosik 2015-11-04T12:46:51 @angelos_bollas @kendraELT I missed this earlier. How was Jenga used? #eltchat
GlenysHanson 2015-11-04T12:48:24 @SueAnnan Thanks! Makes it very clear. #ELTchat
ambartosik 2015-11-04T12:48:49 @SueAnnan So simple, but effective! Giving a visual representation #eltchat
ambartosik 2015-11-04T12:49:46 @kendraELT Ha, ha, ha. Have a solid support for your paper. Love it. #eltchat
angelos_bollas 2015-11-04T12:49:46 Could diff figures represent diff sounds? So, SS create words by placing figures in correct order? #eltchat
angelos_bollas 2015-11-04T12:50:15 My EAP students would love it #eltchat  https://t.co/v71fjiiIFr
ambartosik 2015-11-04T12:51:56 @angelos_bollas @kendraELT Great. Now must look for Playmobil AND Jenga in the playroom #eltchat #whoscleaningtheplayroomtoday
angelos_bollas 2015-11-04T12:52:25 @ambartosik @kendraELT hahahahaha! The more, the merrier! #eltchat
ambartosik 2015-11-04T12:53:45 Must run. Morning rush here to get kids to school. Happy Lego building to everyone #eltchat
angelos_bollas 2015-11-04T12:55:54 5 min left - Anyone wants to write the summary of the chat?#eltchat
SueAnnan 2015-11-04T12:56:33 @ambartosik it works really well #eltchat
HadaLitim 2015-11-04T12:57:12 RT @SueAnnan: I use six bricks, two deep. French Lang. Rest au rant. We then remove a brick from the middle and add it to the first. REST e…
angelos_bollas 2015-11-04T12:57:20 @ambartosik @kendraELT @GlenysHanson @Ven_VVE Call for a volunteer to write the #ELTchat summary :)
angelos_bollas 2015-11-04T12:58:00 @kendraELT I would definitely help you! :-) #eltchat
SueAnnan 2015-11-04T12:58:08 I'll write the summary this week. #eltchat
GlenysHanson 2015-11-04T12:58:29 OK. I'll do it - but it's my first time... #ELTchat
angelos_bollas 2015-11-04T12:58:57 3 people want to write the summary for this week's #ELTchat! What a success! :-)
kendraELT 2015-11-04T12:59:23 @SueAnnan sounds confident, I will let her have it this time. @angelos_bollas  #ELTchat
GlenysHanson 2015-11-04T12:59:24 Maybe it's better if you do it,Sue, I'm too Cuisenaire rods influenced. #ELTchat
kendraELT 2015-11-04T12:59:51 @GlenysHanson haha  #ELTchat
angelos_bollas 2015-11-04T13:00:28 @kendraELT and @GlenysHanson thank you so much for offering - you can help us with a following chat! You're both wonderful! :-) #eltchat
angelos_bollas 2015-11-04T13:01:00 @SueAnnan I guess you'll send the transcript to....you! :-P Thank you! #eltchat
GlenysHanson 2015-11-04T13:01:22 @kendraELT @angelos_bollas I agree! #ELTchat
GlenysHanson 2015-11-04T13:03:00 @ELTchat @ELTchat Still on BST??? #ELTchat
ELTchat 2015-11-04T13:03:28 Thank you for a great chat, people! :-) Don't forget, next #ELTchat is on Wed 11/11 at 21.00 GMT
GlenysHanson 2015-11-04T13:04:09 @ELTchat Thank! GMT is clearer. I easily get confused. #ELTchat
angelos_bollas 2015-11-04T13:04:13 21.00 GMT next Wed - See you all there! :-D #ELTchat https://t.co/Ty0MsDZIUL
GlenysHanson 2015-11-04T13:06:27 Thanks & bye! #ELTchat
naomishema 2015-11-04T13:11:43 @HadaLitim  Thanks 4 rt and comment on: Aches & Pains in Using the Friendliest EdTech – Quizlet  https://t.co/nmlCVaN84W #eltchat #efl #esl
mark_arthur 2015-11-04T13:54:31 RT @GlenysHanson: Here's a list including several articles on using Cuisenaire rods:https://t.co/vOMuPPqlHG #ELTchat
fanny_passeport 2015-11-04T14:00:44 RT @GlenysHanson: I've never used Lego but I did use Cuisenaire Rods. Is there a big difference? #ELTchat
kamilaofprague 2015-11-04T14:35:11 RT @ambartosik: This student talked about the barriers between him and fluent speakers of English. #eltchat https://t.co/LJqL5WtCrL
kamilaofprague 2015-11-04T14:56:10 Thank you for offering! Wish I had a blog.  Some very basic ideas: Ss,  love Lego, bakugans etc in clas #eltchat  https://t.co/lFe9KlyHUZ
kamilaofprague 2015-11-04T14:58:51 Use Lego, naturally, for prepositions, colours. True false stcs like @GlenysHanson has among her interactive exercises - thanks! #eltchat
kamilaofprague 2015-11-04T15:00:59 Instructions. One group builds a structure, gets the other group to build the same one with same blocks. Reverse. #eltchat
kamilaofprague 2015-11-04T15:03:11 Ss build vehicle;then car crash it. Take role of 'site technicians'. Write letter to manager explaining what happened 1/2 #eltchat
kamilaofprague 2015-11-04T15:04:36 2/2 what parts they need delivered, what the cost will be. This one was fun. That's all I got, thanks for your ideas! #eltchat
studiomentals 2015-11-04T15:14:30 I don't like gadgets in my class. I prefer intellectual stimuli instead. #eltchat #lego
Marisa_C 2015-11-04T15:23:17 #ELTchat am so sorry I missed this one - very much looking forward to the transcript and summary


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